DnD Weapons Guide: How To Choose the Right Weapon for Your Style? - Explore DnD (2024)

In , weapons are how many characters prove themselves to be powerful warriors, slay enemies and protect allies. Your weapon might be the delivery system for your magic or the way that you fight back the undead and protect civilization. Regardless, the weapon you choose is a key part of your character and informs your style of play. Here is our thorough DnD Weapons Guide:

Weapons in D&D

There are many weapons in D&D, classified in multiple ways in order to distinguish who can wield which weapons. In order to wield any weapon effectively, you must be proficient with it. This means that you have trained and learned how to use it. Proficiencies are largely determined by your character’s class but can also be determined by other factors such as your race, feats you’ve taken, or training you undertake on your adventures.

If you are not proficient with a weapon, you do not add your proficiency bonus to attacks you make with it. Any plebeian can pick up a sword and wildly swing it around. They might even do some damage. But they won’t be as consistently effective as a trained warrior in battle.

Simple and Martial Weapons

Weapons are first categorized as either simple or martial weapons. Simple weapons are those that are quite simple to use and don’t require much training to be effective with. Simple weapons include clubs, daggers, and light crossbows.

These weapons don’t typically deal as much damage as martial weapons. Artificers, barbarians, bards, clerics, fighters, monks, paladins, rangers, rogues, and warlocks start with proficiency with simple weapons.

Martial weapons are those that require more technical training and specialization to wield effectively. These include longswords, longbows, rapiers, and greataxes. A martial weapon will be more effective in battle and deal more damage with the largest damage dice reaching d12s.

It makes sense that only trained martial classes such as barbarians, some clerics, fighters, paladins, and rangers start with proficiency with martial weapons. While these classes gain proficiency with all martial weapons, some classes, like bards, gain proficiency with only a few martial weapons.

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Weapon Properties

In addition to their categorization, weapons have specific properties that inform how they need to or could be used. The properties that a weapon could have are the following:

  • Ammunition. These weapons require some form of ammunition in order to work. You can’t just wield a bow, you need arrows. When you finish a combat encounter, you can walk around and recover half of your expended ammunition, assuming you can get to where you were firing.
  • Finesse. You can use either Strength or Dexterity to wield these weapons as you attack.
  • Heavy. These weapons are too much for Small creatures and they attack with disadvantage while wielding one. Most DMs will ignore this though and let you play that halfling barbarian if you want.
  • Light. These weapons don’t weigh much and can be used for Two-Weapon Fighting.
  • Loading. These weapons take time to reload and can only be fired once for any action or reaction. Even if you’re a fighter with four attacks, you can still only shoot this once.
  • Range. Weapons with a range include bows and throwable weapons. These weapons have a normal range and a long range written like this: (normal range/long range). The normal range is how far away a target can be to attack normally. If a target is between the normal and long range, you attack with a disadvantage. If a target is beyond the long range, you cannot target it.
  • Reach. This property adds an additional 5 feet to the range of your melee weapon. Long polearms are able to hit enemies 10 feet away instead of 5.
  • Thrown. These weapons can be thrown within a certain range (see above) using the same ability score for the attack.
  • Two-Handed. These weapons require two hands. Heavy melee weapons require the strength of both arms while a bow and arrow require both hands to hold and shoot.
  • Versatile. These weapons can be wielded with one hand but deal extra damage when wielded with two hands to make a melee attack.

D&D Weapons Breakdown

Let’s break down each of the weapons in the game, how powerful they are, and what they might be good for. Each category of weapon is presented in order from smallest to largest damage die to help compare the differences at each level.

Simple Melee Weapons


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A blunt object that you can clock someone over the head with. It costs one silver piece and weighs 2 pounds. A club deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and can be used for Two-Weapon Fighting.


A small blade that you can easily conceal on your person. It costs 2 gold pieces and weighs one pound. A dagger deals 1d4 piercing damage and have finesse, light, and thrown properties with a range of 20/60. A rogue might opt to wield daggers over a rapier for their clandestine nature.


A sickle is a farming tool that has made it into many games as a weapon. It features a short, wooden handle and a curved blade. It costs 1 gold piece, weighs 2 pounds, deals 1d4 slashing damage, and has light property. There are many better options than this weapon.


A small throwable axe. These cost 5 gold pieces, so you might not want to keep throwing them places you won’t be able to retrieve them. A handaxe weighs 2 pounds, has a light and thrown properties with a range of 20/60, and deals 1d6 slashing damage.


A javelin is a spear designed to be thrown much further than normal. They only cost 5 silver pieces, making them a more economical option to throw than handaxes, weigh 2 pounds, have the thrown property with a longer range of 30/12, and deal 1d6 piercing damage. However, they lack the light property, so you cannot throw one with an offhand on the same turn.

Light Hammer

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A light hammer is the size of a typical household claw hammer. They are very similar to daggers in their properties. However, they deal bludgeoning damage instead of piercing and lack the finesse property, limiting them to a Strength build.


No, this is not pepper spray. A mace is typically a large metal club with a heavy metal end to cave in the skulls of your enemy. They cost 5 gold pieces, weigh 4 pounds, and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Maces are associated with clerics in pop culture but you are under no obligation to wield one as a cleric.


A quarterstaff is a long, wooden stick about 6 feet long and just over 1 inch thick. It costs 2 silver pieces, weighs 4 pounds, and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. It also has versatile properties and deals 1d8 damage when wielded with two hands. This is a great weapon for monks who can then follow it up with a couple of punches.


A spear is a classic weapon and mechanically fits between a javelin and a quarterstaff. It costs 1 gold piece, weighs 3 pounds, and deals 1d6 piercing damage. It has the thrown property with a shorter range than the javelin at 20/60. It also has the versatile property, dealing 1d8 damage when wielded with both hands. However, you cannot throw a spear with two hands to deal 1d8 damage as the versatile property only works in melee.


A slightly larger blunt object. A greatclub costs 2 silver pieces, weighs 10 pounds, and requires two hands. It deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, making it the deadliest simple melee weapon. It also strangely lacks the heavy property despite weighing more than most other heavy weapons.

Simple Ranged Weapons


This is the only instance of the finesse property taking a Dexterity-based weapon and letting you use Strength. A dart is a small sharp spike that can be thrown at enemies. They are the cheapest weapon in the game, costing 5 copper pieces each, weigh 1/4 pound each, deal 1d4 piercing damage, and have the finesse and thrown properties with a range of 20/60. This is a cheaper ranged option for monks who can’t get into melee this turn and you can reskin them to look like throwing stars to stay on theme.


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David took down Goliath with one, now you too can fulfill your urge to hurl pebbles at your enemies. It costs 1 silver piece, requires ammunition, and deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. It has a slightly better range than darts with 30/120 and somehow weighs absolutely nothing.


A lighter bow and arrow option, this costs 25 gold pieces, weighs 2 pounds, and deals 1d6 damage. Short bows have ammunition and two-handed properties with a range of 80/320.

Light Crossbow

Despite being smaller and having a shorter range than its heavy counterpart, a light crossbow can still fire a crossbow bolt with a range of 80/320. This costs 25 gold pieces, weighs 5 pounds, deals 1d8 piercing damage, and has the ammunition, range, loading, and two-handed properties.

Martial Melee Weapons


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Whips definitely belong in the martial category. An untrained person can easily take their own eye out. Unfortunately, a whip only deals 1dd4 slashing damage. It costs 2 gold pieces, weighs 3 pounds, and has finesse and reach properties. Remember that this is not a lasso you’re using to restrain someone, but a whip you’re cracking to make someone bleed.


A scimitar is a short sword with a curved blade. This makes it look a little fancier and costs a whole lot more. A scimitar costs 25 gold pieces, weighs 3 pounds, and deals 1d6 slashing damage. It has finesse and light properties, making it a great option for Dexterity-based builds and Two-Weapon Fighting.


A shortsword is a blade about 20 inches long and, just like the scimitar, is a great option for Two-Weapon Fighting. In fact, the shortsword is mechanically identical to the scimitar. However, it costs significantly less, at 10 gold pieces, and weighs only 2 pounds.


The 2is a sea-theme spear. In this case, the trident is mechanically identical to a spear (see above). It differs by costing 4 more gold pieces and weighing 1 pound more. It’s a shame that there aren’t any other features.


The classic axe option, a battleaxe costs 10 gold pieces, weighs 4 pounds, and deals 1d8 slashing damage. It has the versatile property, dealing 1d10 damage when wielded with two hands.


A flail is a wooden shaft with a spiked ball and chain attached to its end. Similar to the battleaxe, it also costs 10 gold pieces and deals 1d8 damage (bludgeoning) but weighs half as much clocking in at 2 pounds. It also lacks versatile properties. If you’re only planning on attacking one-handed, choosing this weapon over the others is mostly based on preference.


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A longsword’s blade reaches about 40 inches in length, double that of a shortsword. It costs 15 gold pieces, weighs 3 pounds, and deals 1d8 slashing damage. Just like the battleaxe, it has the versatile property, dealing 1d10 damage when attacking with two hands. Choosing this over a battleaxe is mostly based on preference.


A morningstar is a bludgeoning weapon with a large, spiked metal ball on the end. While a flail has a chain in between, a morningstar is fastened directly to the end of the shaft. It costs 15 gold pieces, weighs 4 pounds, and deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. With no other properties, this is a heavier, costlier choice over the flail but comes down to preference.


The rapier is a sharp, thin sword designed to pierce foes rather than cut through them. Since a rapier has the highest damage die for a finesse weapon, it is a very popular choice for many classes like bards, rogues, rangers, and other Dexterity-based builds. A rapier costs 25 gold pieces, weighs 2 pounds, deals 1d8 piercing damage, and has the finesse property.


Imagine someone digging the point of a sharp pick into the side of a mountain to climb it. Now imagine that the mountainside is a creature’s head. That’s a warpick. This weapon contends with the flail and morningstar, costing 5 gold pieces, weighing 2 pounds, and dealing 1d8 piercing damage.


An upgrade from the light hammer, this weapon typically has a long shaft as its handle, with a heavy, iron head on its end. This weapon contends with the other versatile options: the battleaxe and longsword. It costs 15 gold pieces, weighs 2 pounds, and deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The versatile property makes it deal 1d10 when attacking with two hands.

Double-Bladed Scimitar (ERLW)

In Eberron: Rising From the Last War, this exotic weapon was added to the setting. This scimitar has a wooden handle in its center and a curved scimitar blade on either end. It is a rare and ancient weapon created by the Valenar elves and costs 100 gold pieces, weighs 6 pounds, and deals 2d4 slashing damage.

It has the two-handed property and its own special ability: after attacking with it on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attack with the other end. This attack deals 1d4 slashing damage.

Since the weapon was created for the Eberron setting, check with your DM if you can wield one.


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The first of the polearm options, a glaive is a long spear with a single-edge blade on its end. The glaive costs 20 gold pieces, weighs 6 pounds, deals 1d10 damage, and has heavy, reaches, and two-handed properties.


If a glaive is the body of a spear and the head of a sword, a halberd is the body of a spear with the head of an axe. It has identical properties as the glaive.


The third polearm option. A pike has the body of a spear and its head is another whole spear. This option has the same mechanical benefits as the other two, but costs much less than the others, at only 5 gold pieces, and weighs significantly more. It clocks in at 18 pounds, making it the heaviest melee weapon and equal first with the heavy crossbow. Since the cost doesn’t matter when using starting equipment, you can safely pick one of the other two polearms


This weapon is designed to be used while on the amount but it isn’t necessary. It costs 10 gold pieces, weighs 6 pounds, and deals 1d12 piercing damage. It has the reach property and its own special properties. If you’re not on the amount, it requires two hands to use and you have a disadvantage on attacks against someone within 5 feet of you, meaning that you must be two spaces away from an enemy on the battle mat when attacking them.


No, sorry, this isn’t a double-ended lightsaber, this is the godfather of all bludgeoning weapons. A maul is a heavy, two-handed hammer that deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If you were asking yourself if there was a Greathammer option, this is it. A maul costs 10 gold pieces and weighs 10 pounds.


The godfather of all swords, a greatsword has a blade up to 70 inches long and can be as wide as a hand. A greatsword is the most expensive melee weapon, costing 50 gold pieces, weighing 6 pounds, and dealing 2d6 slashing damage. It has heavy and two-handed properties.


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Contending with the greatsword is the godfather of all axes, the greataxe. A greataxe costs 30 gold pieces, weighs slightly more than the greatsword at 7 pounds and deals 1d12 slashing damage. It has heavy and two-handed properties.

2d6 vs 1d12

If you’re thinking mostly about what kind of damage you can deal with each weapon, you might notice that the most powerful weapons either deal 1d12 or 2d6 damage, with each dealing a maximum of 12 damage plus modifiers.

So, which is better? The main difference is the probability curve of rolling two dice instead of one. If you roll a d12, you have an equal chance of rolling any number on the die. Rolling 2d6 makes the extremes of high or low rolls less likely, and a minimum of 2.

The average damage done by a d12 is 6.5 while 2d6 averages 7. If you have the Great Weapon Fighting fighting style, both the averages increase. A d12’s average increases to 7.33 while the average of 2d6 increases to 8.33, remaining better.

However, if you are playing a barbarian, a half-orc, or both, the math changes on critical hits. On a critical hit, you roll double the amount of damage dice. A half-Orc’s Savage Attacks and the barbarians Brutal critical gives you an additional die on a critical hit.

For these abilities, a d12 weapon rolls an additional d12 while a 2d6 weapon only deals an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit since the abilities specify you only gain one additional damage die. A greataxe would deal 3d12 damage (an average of 19.5) while a greatsword would deal 5d6 damage (an average of 17.5).

At 17th level, a half-orc barbarian with a greatsword would deal 8d6 damage (an average of 28) on a critical hit while with a greataxe they would deal 6d12 damage (an average of 39).

See also: Comprehensive Half-Orc 5e Guide.

Therefore, when choosing between 2d6 and 1d12, consider the following:

  • Do you mind your damage die varying in results more or would you prefer more consistent but middling rolls?
  • Are you playing a half-orc or barbarian? If so, do you mind dealing slightly less damage on average but deal much more on a critical hit?

Martial Ranged Weapons


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The net is a strange weapon. It costs 1 gold piece and weighs 3 pounds. It’s a ranged weapon but it has a range of 5/15. It also has its own special properties: when hit by a net, an enemy is restrained if they are Large or smaller. Succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check or dealing 5 slashing damage to the net frees you or another person from the restraints.

When attacking with a net, you can only make one attack per action, meaning that you can’t restrain an enemy with your first attack and then follow it up with another attack unless you use Action Surge. Since the initial net attack doesn’t deal any damage, you’ll need to follow it up with something worthwhile.


A blowgun is a tube usually made from wood that is used to fire small needles at enemies. It costs 10 gold pieces, weighs 1 pound, and a dart deals 1 piercing damage. It has the ammunition and loading properties as you need to put a needle inside it before firing and it has a range of 25/100. This weapon doesn’t seem like it can be used effectively but a Kensei monk can make use of one, using their martial arts die instead and capitalizing on its concealability.

Hand Crossbow

A hand crossbow is a one-handed crossbow that functions like a medieval firearm. It costs 75 gold pieces, making it the most expensive weapon in the Player’s Handbook. It weighs 3 pounds and deals 1d6 piercing damage. It has the ammunition, light, and loading properties and although you can fire it with one hand, you need two hands to reload it. It has a range of 30/120.


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The longbow is the shortbow’s older sibling and is the weapon with the longest range in the game. It costs 50 gold pieces, weighs 2 pounds, and deals 1d8 piercing damage. It has ammunition, heavy, and two-handed properties with an incredible range of 150/600. If you’re out in the open, walk off the edge of the battle mat and fire arrows from a distance.

Heavy Crossbow

The largest handheld crossbow in the game, the heavy crossbow costs 50 gold pieces, weighs 18 pounds, and deals 1d10 piercing damage. It has ammunition, heavy, loading, and two-handed properties with a range of 100/400.

DMG Weapons

In addition to the classic weapons described in the PHB, the Dungeon Master’s Guide includes options for adventures that take place in different settings or time periods such as firearms and futuristic weapons. All of the renaissance, modern, and futuristic weapons are martial ranged weapons. These weapons include additional properties.

  • Ammunition. Once fired, ammunition from a firearm is destroyed and cannot be recovered after the battle.
  • Burst Fire. These weapons can attack a single target or use ten pieces of ammunition to spray a 10-foot cube area. Every creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon’s damage.
  • Reload. These weapons have a specific amount of ammo in them. Once empty, the wielder must use an action or bonus action to reload it.



A bomb can be thrown up to 60 feet and deals 3d6 fire damage to everyone within 5 feet if they do not succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to jump out the way.


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A powder horn or a keg of gunpowder can be set on fire to deal 3d6 or 7d6 fire damage respectively to everyone within 10 feet of it who don’t succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.


Dynamite functions similarly to a bomb but deals bludgeoning damage and multiple sticks of dynamite can be strapped together to deal up to 10d6 damage. You can also set a fuse up to 6 rounds long to a stick of dynamite.


A fragmentation grenade functions like a bomb but deals 5d6 piercing damage on a failed DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to every creature within 20 feet. A smoke grenade can be thrown to create a 20-foot radius sphere of smoke, similar to the spell Fog Cloud. A grenade launcher can fire a grenade up to 120 feet.

Renaissance Weapons


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A pistol costs 250 gold pieces, weighs 3 pounds, and deals 1d10 piercing damage. It has ammunition and loading properties with a range of 30/90.


A musket costs 500 gold pieces, weighs 10 pounds, and deals 1d12 damage. A musket has the ammunition, loading, and two-handed properties with a range of 40/120.

Modern Weapons

Modern and futuristic weapons don’t have a gold price because the game assumes that a setting in which these items are available would most likely use a different currency system or leave it to the DM to determine.

Automatic Pistol

An automatic pistol weighs 3 pounds and deals 2d6 piercing damage. It has ammunition and reloads properties with a range of 50/150 and a capacity of 15 shots.


A revolver weighs 3 pounds and deals 2d8 piercing damage. It has ammunition and reloads properties with a range of 40/120 and a capacity of 6 shots.

Hunting Rifle

A hunting rifle weighs 8 pounds and deals 2d10 piercing damage. It has the ammunition, two-handed, and reloads properties with a range of 80/240 and a capacity of 5 shots.

Automatic Rifle

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An automatic rifle weighs 8 pounds and deals 2d8 piercing damage. It has ammunition, burst fire, two-handed, and reload properties with a range of 80/240 and a capacity of 30 shots.


A shotgun weighs 7 pounds and deals 2d8 piercing damage. It has the ammunition, two-handed, and reloads properties with a range of 30/90 and a capacity of 2 shots.

Futuristic Weapons

Laser Pistol

A laser pistol weighs 2 pounds and deals 3d6 radiant damage. It has ammunition and reload properties with a range of 40/120 and a capacity of 50 shots.

Antimatter Rifle

An antimatter rifle weighs 10 pounds and deals 6d8 necrotic damage. It has the ammunition, two-handed, and reload properties with a range of 120/360 and a capacity of 2 shots.

Laser Rifle

A laser rifle weighs 7 pounds and deals 3d8 radiant damage. It has the ammunition, two-handed, and reload properties with a range of 100/300 and a capacity of 30 shots.

So Can I Have A…

We’ve covered all of the weapons published in the game. However, there are more weapons that exist in the real world not covered in the game. In many cases, it’s easy enough to use the statistics of one of the existing weapons and reskin it to look how you would like.

As long as it fits the world, most DMs will be happy to accommodate you. Many DMs will also work with you to homebrew your own statistics for a weapon that you want.

Improvised Weapons

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In the heat of battle, you might pick up anything from a chair leg to a ram’s skull to defeat your enemy. In these cases, you are wielding an improvised weapon. Improvised weapons deal 1d4, and have a thrown range of 20/60. If the object that you picked up to wield resembles a real weapon, your DM might rule that you can use that weapon’s statistics.

Silvered Weapons

Some enemies, such as lycanthropes, are resistant to all weapons that aren’t coated with silver. Coating a weapon or ten pieces of ammunition with silver costs 100 gold pieces. Once coated, the silver plating lasts indefinitely.

Adamantine Weapons

If you want to play Sokka in D&D and have a meteor sword, you want an adamantine weapon. These weapons are forged from an ultrahard metal found in extraordinary mineral veins. Some creatures, like clockworks, are resistant to all weapons that aren’t made of adamantine. These weapons automatically deal critical hits against objects and cost 500 gold pieces more than their normal counterpart.

Which Weapon is Best?

The answer to this question entirely depends on your class and your style of play. In general, these are the most effective and popular weapon choices:

  • Strength-based Single Weapon: Longsword
  • Dexterity-based Single Weapon: Rapier
  • Strength-based Two-Weapon Fighting: Handaxes
  • Dexterity-based Two-Weapon Fighting: Scimitars
  • One-handed Polearm Master: Quarterstaff or Spear
  • Two-handed Polearm Master: Glaive or Halberd
  • Two-Handed Weapon: Greatsword unless you are a barbarian or a half-orc.
  • Ranged without extra attacks: Heavy Crossbow
  • Ranged with extra attacks: Longbow or Hand Crossbow w/ Crossbow Expert

Magic Weapons

In addition to the mundane weapons of the D&D world, many items have been imbued with magic. The most basic magic weapons grant bonuses to attack and damage rolls while the most powerful weapons let you kill Vecna.

  • Magic Weapons and Ammunition. These can come in the form of any weapon or ammunition. They grant either a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Uncommon Magic Weapons

  • Javelin of Lightning: ajavelin that can turn into a lightning bolt once a day.
  • Sword of Vengeance: acursed sword that forces you to attack a creature that dealt damage to you until one of you dies.
  • Trident of Fish Command: a trident that allows you to cast Dominate Beast on underwater creatures.
  • Weapon of Warning: Grants you an advantage on initiative rolls and your party cannot be surprised.

Rare Magic Weapons

  • Berserker Axe: acursed axe that gives you additional hit points and forces you to attack whoever is closest.
  • Dagger of Venom: adagger that can be magically coated in poison to deal extra damage.
  • Dragon Slayer: asword that deals additional damage to any dragon you attack with it.
  • Flame Tongue: afiery sword that lights up and deals additional fire damage.
  • Giant Slayer: a weapon that deals extra damage to giants and can even knock them over.
  • Mace of Disruption: amace that deals additional damage to fiends and undead and can outright destroy them if they have less than 25 HP.
  • Mace of Smiting: amace that deals additional damage on a critical hit and even more against constructs.
  • Sun Blade: this is a lightsaber.
  • Sword of Life Stealing: takes the hit points from your enemies and adds them to your own.
  • Sword of Wounding: damage dealt by this sword can’t be healed by magic and you can wound them so they bleed out.
  • Vicious Weapon: this deals an additional 7 damage on a critical hit.

Very Rare Weapons

Legendary Weapons

  • Defender: asword that lets you choose between boosting your chances of hitting or your enemies’ chance of hitting you.
  • Hammer of Thunderbolts: areturning weapon that can stun creatures with the power of thunder and if you have the full set, you can kill a giant outright.
  • Holy Avenger: apaladin’s sword that deals additional damage and grants magic resistance to you and yours.
  • Luck Blade: this blade gives you one reroll a day. Oh, and you can cast the most powerful spell in the game with it.
  • Sword of Answering: asword that matches your alignment and lets you attack those who attack you.
  • Vorpal Sword: this sword doesn’t lop off limbs, it lops off heads.


Question: What is the best weapon in D&D?

Answer: While this depends on your class and your fighting style, the weapon with the highest average damage is the Greatsword.

Question: What types of weapons are there in D&D?

Answer: You can wield any weapon you can imagine and work with your DM to make stats for it. Weapons are divided into simple and martial weapons. They are also divided into melee and ranged weapons.

Question: What are +1 weapons?

Answer: A +1 weapon has the same stat block as a normal version of the weapon but it gives you a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls. Moreover, most +1 weapons are magical for the purposes of damage resistance.

Question: Is Excalibur in D&D?

Answer: The sword Excalibur is not in the officially published rules for D&D. However, you’ll find many homebrew versions of the sword online.

Question: Does D&D 5e have guns?

Answer: Yes, guns can be found on page 268 of the DMG. Check with your DM if firearms exist in your adventuring world.

DnD Weapons Guide: Summary

Your weapon is a key part of the character you play in a game of D&D. There is a broad scope of weapons from tiny daggers to enormous swords. In addition, any weapon you want to wield can be adapted to fit into the game.

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Ethan Scaife

Ethan brings an extensive understanding of D&D game mechanics, storytelling, how to operate the game, and how to optimize playing! He's created many D&D game guides and will always provide the best advice, making sure to scour the source material and shares it all with us here!

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