Eternal Companion - MistressofInsanity19 - The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Birth and Holy Assignment Chapter Text Chapter 2: Awakening Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Heading Out Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: The Sealed Grounds and the Old Woman Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Tiny Birds and a Goron Archaeologist Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Meeting Kikwis and Eating Cupcakes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Facing the Demon Lord Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Family and Lullabies Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Joining the Mogma Gang Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: You Were Late Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Unexpected Insubordination... and Encouragements Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: To Lanayru Desert and Archaeological Discovery! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: To the Gate of Time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: A Moment of Rest Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: It Was Set Loose Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: The Builders, the Robot and the Light Tower Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Isle of Songs Leads to Trials Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Watching Silently Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: The Hermit's Secret to Everybody Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: The Water Dragon's Challenge Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The Ancient Cistern Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Calls for Concern Before Nayru's Silent Realm Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Reassurances Under the Desert Stars Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Beauty of the Seas Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: A Skipper's Retreat and a Pirate's Stronghold Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Duty and Pride of a Robot Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The Trial of Din Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: New Area with an Old Friend Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: The Escort Mission Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Mogma Hide and Seek in the Fire Sanctuary Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Dance with the Demon Lord Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: The Imprisoned vs. the Groosenator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Plans of the Goddess Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: A New Resolve Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Disturbing News Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Battle in the Sky Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: He Can Fly! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: One Last Test Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Separated in Eldin Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: An Unexpected Problem Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: Song of the Hero and Trial of the Goddess Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: Obtaining the Triforce Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: Victory Interrupted Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 45: Race Against Time Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: Final Battle: Demise the Demon King Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: Goodbye... and Thank You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: Bonus Chapter: Monster of Skyloft Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49: Stolen Work Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 50: Resolved! Summary: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Birth and Holy Assignment

Chapter Text

My first cognizant memory is that of the goddess Hylia, smiling gently at me as She held my sword in Her hands.

“Hello little one,” She said, Her smile growing even wider as I drew near, “it is so nice to finally meet you. My name is Hylia.”

“Hylia, the Goddess who guards the Triforce, a source of power handed down by the Golden Goddesses able to grant any wish stated by whosoever obtains it.”

The Goddess’ eyes widened for a moment and then She laughed gently as a hand came to rest upon my head.

“Well, it seems you’re further along than I had anticipated,” She said as Her hand drifted left to right and back again atop my head, “only just born and you already know so much about me and the Triforce.”

“That is why I was created, is it not?” I asked, my head tilting to the right, “have I made some kind of mistake, Your Grace?”

“Just surprised me is all,” was Her reply as she stood, her wings of white and purple feathers settling comfortably at her sides as her golden hair cascaded down her back, “it is a good surprise though. You are our first attempt at an enchanted weapon, so we were a bit worried.”


“The Gorons and I, they made your blade, while I worked on the magic and, well, you, essentially.”

“’Gorons’ cannot be found in my databanks, Your Grace,” I said, my head tilting to the side once again, “but in light of the information you have given me, I believe it would not be incorrect to name you as my creator.”

Her head tilted this time as her delicate brows furrowed and a hand came to rest upon her cheek, “hm, well, I suppose you have a point, but hmmm….”

“LADY HYLIA!” a loud voice suddenly boomed, causing my auditory functions to malfunction for a short period of time, “HOW IS IT, DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE THE SPIRIT THINGY FOR THE SWORD?”

Her Grace’s face smoothed into another smile, though I was uncertain as to why, as she placed my sword in my sheathe and then, for some reason, took my right wing in her hand.

“We can talk about this more after you meet everyone,” she said as she began leading me towards the voice. “There’s so much for you to learn, to see, so many people for you to meet… though, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for him just a bit longer….”

I was about to ask who him was, but my attention was soon completely absorbed by the giant rock creature, which I quickly learned was one of the ‘Gorons’ mentioned previously.

Time passed quickly and soon the moment came for me to enter my slumber underneath the Goddess Statue, where I was to wait for my Master, the boy chosen by Lady Hylia to wield me.

“Are you scared?” Hylia asked as she stood before the pedestal, my sword in her hand, “you’re going to be asleep for quite some time.”

“I do not have the capability to understand the concept of fear, Your Grace,” I replied, “nor any other emotion that you have previously mentioned.”

“You truly feel nothing at all?”

“My purpose is to obey the command of you, the goddess, and lead the chosen hero on his quest. It is my primary function as a servant to Your Grace. Would not emotion be a hindrance for the task ahead of me? I am meant to be a weapon, the weapon to defeat your adversary, Demise, after all.”

“That is true…” Hylia agreed, though her face was twisted with what I now knew to be a sign of unhappiness and doubt.

“There is no need to worry, Your Grace,” I continued, “with the knowledge you have gifted me, there is a 90% chance that I will be able to lead the Hero in successfully accomplishing his destiny.”

Still, that expression lingered on Lady Hylia’s face, but then she sighed and, now with a small smile, brought her hand to my head and rubbed gently.

“I know the two of you will succeed, my darling Fi, sleep well,” she said.

She then took my blade into her hands and brought it down swiftly into the pedestal.

As my consciousness began to fade, I perceived one last whisper of the Goddess Hylia.

Perhaps Link will succeed in teaching you what I could not….

Chapter 2: Awakening


Fi awakens at the moment the boy who is destined to wield her is born... then awakens again when the wheels of fate begin to turn...


Hey, look, I'm finally working on this story!
To the six people who bookmarked it, thank you, sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It is the sound of a newly born babe’s cries that stirs me from my long slumber.

I know, instantly, that these cries belong to the one who shall wield me, that my master has finally been born into the world… that the destined time shall soon come.

I drift silently from my blade, my presence unseen by all as I travel through the bustling settlement that has formed on this island of the sky.

His cries lead me to a medical establishment, where a young woman with blond hair lays on a bed, being helped into a sitting position by a man with brown hair.

A babe is placed into her arms and she and her mate (“no, Fi, husband,” Hylia’s voice laughs from my memories) gaze down upon it.

I hover a bit higher in the air, so that I, too, can have a clear view of this child who shall wield my blade.

The barest wisp of blond hair lays atop his head, big blue eyes blinking up at us all, before coming to rest… on me.

The baby blinks uncomprehendingly, but then smiles and emits a laugh, his little arms wiggling from within his blanket.

The adults around him laugh as well, cooing and speaking nonsensically at him.

I, on the other hand, turn away, heading back to where my sword lays, as there is no longer any need for my presence.

Still, the figure of that small baby stays within my mind and there is a strange stirring within my chest, right up to the point I return to my slumber, to await the time of destiny.

The next time I awaken is when the first inklings of malevolent magic ripples through the air.

Knowing that this is the first sign of the seal Hylia placed upon Her Enemy is beginning to weaken, I leave my sword and immediately go to the boy who will be my master.

I find him in his bed, tossing and turning as he groans, his face contorted.

This prompts me to call to my magic, using it to draw my consciousness into the dream, no, the vision he is currently experiencing.

The scenery I find is that of a forest that dwells on the Surface below, the boy standing within the trees, peering around curiously, albeit cautiously.

He startles as the ground shakes, then screams as he is thrown backwards by the hole that erupts from the earth.

He rolls and tumbles, though he moves his body as one properly trained in the art of fighting, quickly climbing back onto his feet.

Whatever training he has received, however, seems to have failed to teach him how to deal with the monstrosity that emerges from the crack that has appeared.

The boy screams as an enormous creature of black scales and wickedly sharp fangs appears, curling into himself protectively as the beast roars, sharp branches and rocks scratching at his skin.

Perhaps responding to his screams, the beast then turns its attention towards him, those sharp teeth descending, that gaping maw intent on swallowing him whole….

I am wrenched out of his dream as the boy jolts into wakefulness, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his head whips from side to side, heart still racing from what occurred within his dream.

A message from Her Grace? I wondered, but quickly dismissed the hypothesis.

Most likely, due to his nature as the Goddess’ chosen hero, he was one who was sensitive to the changes of the land, thus leading to that nightmare.

It is unlikely that I will be able to prevent such things, especially since he has not truly claimed his position as my master, I deduced quickly as the boy stumbled from his bed, throwing on his clothes haphazardly, but that does not mean I cannot use them for my own purpose.

As the boy leapt from a wooden platform and whistled, bringing a crimson Loftwing to him and the two flew off into the clouds, I began to form my strategy.

The boy appeared in a swirl of green lights, his face still one of slumber before his eyes slowly opened.

He blinked, then peered around in confusion at the darkness that still surrounded him, wondering what he was doing awake while night still reigned.

He startled as a large and eerily familiar roar echoed through the area, a monster with black scales, sharp teeth, and an incredibly, uncomfortably large mouth appeared before him.

This was followed immediately by a purple light, its brightness causing the boy to cover his eyes as he peered up at it warily.

The beast writhed in agony as a female voice called to him.

“Rise Link… t he time has come for you to awaken… y ou are fated to have a hand in a great destiny, and it will soon find you…

“The time has come for you to awaken… Link…”

The female voice and light disappeared as the beast roared once again, causing the boy to flinch, his arms coming up instinctively to protect himself as his eyes squeezed shut.

They then slowly opened as the roar became warped and replaced by a different… far more familiar cry.

Link’s gaze swiveled back and forth in search of the source…

…only to come face to face with a blue Loftwing who cried out again as Link screamed in surprise.

That was… unexpected, I mused as my future master fell from his bed, the blue Loftwing that was bonded to the future spirit maiden peering at him curiously from his place on the floor before spitting a letter into his face and leaving as abruptly as it had appeared.

Normally it would be the maiden herself who would storm into the room, dragging Link from the bed, shoving clothes into his arms, and hurrying him to dress before dragging him away to begin the day.

Well… except for the days when the nightmares had awakened him first, my master instead opting to sneak down to the Loftwing nest where he would snuggle with his bird until he’d calmed down and sneak back into his room just as it was time for their classes to begin.

The fact that the dreams are increasing in number… can only mean that the time of destiny will be upon us soon, I deduced as my future master placed the letter he’d been reading upon his desk and began to dress.

Once that was done, he was racing out of his room and I drifted back to my sword, intent on honing my senses and determining just how much time we had left….

As it turned out, it was only a few hours after that the enemy made its move.

The sudden surge of demonic energy wrenched me out of my meditative state, my senses on high alert as I left my blade.

Activating my dowsing abilities allowed me to see that my master and the spirit maiden had been caught within a tornado of malevolent magic, the honorable Zelda soon falling downwards, beyond my scope.

My future master, showing the courage that marked him as Hylia’s Chosen, tried to follow, but was thrown back, his consciousness fading.

I quickly left my blade, following my dowsing magic, until I joined the crowd that was gathering around Link and his Loftwing, who fluttering around the fallen boy anxiously.

The bird grew calm once an elderly man identified as Headmaster Gaepora and a few others identified as instructors appeared and began to inspect Link.

I used that moment to draw closer, scanning Link and quickly finding that he’d sustained no severe injuries.

The instructors came to the same conclusion soon after and then one of the instructors gathered Link into his arms, Headmaster Gaepora following after him as the other began issuing orders to search for the spirit maiden.

It was only once Link had been safely transferred into his bed that I finally reached out, using my magic to enter his subconscious once more….

He was… falling….

He was… falling in darkness….


That voice… that woman’s voice… was calling to him again… the purple light appearing above him, just as it always did.

“I am waiting for you,” the woman said, a form suddenly appearing within the light.

A blue woman with a purple and blue dress with a large diamond in the center of her chest. The sleeves were extended and fluttering like wings, and she wore green and black stockings with sharp heels adorning her feet.

“I am waiting for you,” she continued, “the time has come for you to awaken. You are vital to a mission of great importance. Link…”

Link frowned in confusion; his groggy mind unable to process what the strange woman was saying.

Then suddenly, it was no longer the strange woman floating above him, it was Zelda, gazing at him worriedly… sadly?

T he black surrounding them became gray and Zelda was suddenly below him instead of above, memories of the tornado and everything that had happened coming back to him as he reached desperately for her hand.

Her hands were extending towards him, her screams echoing around him as the monster from his nightmares appeared below, its jaws opening wide….

Once my master was awake, I withdrew from the room as the headmaster began to speak, informing him of what had occurred moments before. I knew it would be best to wait until the headmaster had departed his room for me to call for Link, in order to lead him to my sword and tell him of his destiny.

Everything would all begin then… once he claimed my blade and officially became my master….


Hopefully the ending isn't too awkward but it felt like this chapter was going to become a monster if I didn't stop here XD
...also really hope it won't take almost a year, again, to post the next one... (*gazes worriedly at laptop*)

Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins


Fi leads Link to the Goddess Sword and the bond between a boy and his sword begins!


Huh, lookee here, I managed to get another chapter out today! Poor Link, this is where the info-dumping begins....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It is only once the headmaster has left that I call out to Link, who rushes out of his room only seconds after.

His eyes widen with recognition once he spots me, and he does not hesitate to follow me as I begin to lead him to where my blade rests.

He only hesitates when the entrance to the sword chamber appears, his gaze full of wonder and confusion as he enters… before it comes to rest on my sword.

I had already returned to my blade, causing it to glow with the magic gifted by Goddess Hylia.

Link’s gaze became more wary as he slowly approached, his body tensing as I emerged from the blade once more.

“The one chosen by my creator. I have been waiting for you. You will play a role in a great destiny,” I greeted him.

His expression became more confused at my words, so I continued.

“According to your social customs, I should provide you with my personal designation. Fi is the name I was given.”

“You’re… the voice in my dreams,” he murmured.

“Correct,” I affirmed, giving him a short nod, before continuing my explanation, “I was created for a single purpose, long before the recorded memory of your people. I must aid you in fulfilling the great destiny that is your burden to carry. Come, Link. You must take up this sword. As the one chosen by my creator, it is your destiny.”

“Whoa, wait, stop!” Link cried, holding his arms up, his palms pointed towards me, “you-, this is happening way too fast! What… what do you mean, ‘great destiny’?”

“The strange dreams troubling your sleep. My sudden appearance. Uncertainty surrounding the fate of one you hold dear. Under the circ*mstances, it is only logical that you would exhibit some apprehension.”

Link’s face darkened, his gaze becoming more suspicious, as predicted, so I continued.

“To minimize your uncertainty, allow me to share some information. My projections indicate that this information has a high probability of altering your current emotional state. The one you seek, honorable Zelda, is still alive.”

“Wha-, really?!” Link cried, his expression lightening considerably as he smiled, just as predicted.

“And this spirit maiden… the one you call Zelda… is another chosen one fated to be part of the same great mission. Therefore, should you wish to meet with your friend, I highly recommend you take up this sword before you set out to search for her.

“Does this information invigorate you? Are you ready to accept this sword?”

“…you’re sure it’s alright for me to take it?” he asked, his expression dropping into uncertainty.

“You are the one chosen by my creator,” I repeated, “thus, you are the only one who can remove it from the pedestal.”

He still looked uncertain, but then his gaze hardened as he moved forward.

“It seems further persuasive measures will not be required,” I said as I moved out of his way, “in the name of my creator, draw the sword and raise it skyward.”

He nodded as he stepped forward, his hands coming to rest on the handle of my blade, causing the magic to pulse as he began to pull.

He emitted a light grunt as my sword came free of the stone and then he was lifting it skyward, the blade gleaming as the magic of the goddess was called forth.

That magic also coursed through my body, binding my soul to the boy who had finally come to claim my sword.

“Recognition complete, Master…” I reported, the boy in question aiming a questioning gaze at me as I did.

“Link… My master.”

The strange stirring in my chest, the phenomenon that had occurred when I first laid eyes upon Master Link, has returned, causing me to wonder if there is a slight malfunction occurring.

My and Master Link’s attention are diverted at the sudden call from the headmaster, who appears to have followed us.

“I’ve had my suspicions, but until now I wasn’t sure,” he says as he gazes at Master Link with wide eyes, “yet here we are in the Chamber of the Sword, the very place where it was foretold the youth of legend would one day appear.”

“Youth of legend?” Master Link repeats back, blinking at the headmaster.

“It is said that this place was left to our people by the goddess herself,” the elder man continues. “The very knowledge of this room’s existence is a secret passed down to a select few each generation, along with a handful of words…”

The headmaster moves closer as Master Link lowers my blade, holding it carefully in his hands as the elder begins to recite the words in question.

“When the light of the goddess’s sword shines bright, the great apocalypse will wake from its long slumber. Do not fear, for it is then that a youth, guided by my hand, shall reveal himself in a place most sacred.”

The headmaster pauses as he stands before Link, gaze fixed upon my blade, before he continues anew.

“It started days ago. The sword that I’ve kept secret all these years… It began to give off a faint, otherworldly light. At first I was sure I was seeing things, here alone with the sword. There was simply no other explanation. I never dreamed the prophecy of legend would come to pass in my lifetime.”

His gaze then became fixed on me as he continued to speak, “the words I have sworn to keep secret are coming true before my very eyes. The youth will be guided by one born of the blade- one who is also youthful in likeness yet wise with knowledge immeasurable.”

“Ah yes, the oral tradition, one of the least reliable methods of information retention and transmission.”

The headmaster emitted a strange noise and Link’s face twisted into another expression, as I continued.

“It appears that critical sections of the passage have been lost over the generations.”

The two males exchanged a look as I descended to the ground and recited the proper words of the goddess.

“The youth who draws forth the guiding sword shall be known as the goddess’s chosen hero, and it is he who possesses an unbreakable spirit. He shall be burdened with the task of abolishing the shadow of apocalypse from the land. Such is his destiny. With the spirit of the blade at his side, he shall soar over the clouds and plummet below…

“…And united with the spirit maiden, shall bring forth a piercing light that resurrects the land.”

Master Link gasped, recognition sparking at my words, my gaze now focusing on him as I continued.

“Master, you must embark on a great journey beneath the clouds to the vast realm of the surface. It is only through this journey that you can fulfill the mission set before you by my creator, the goddess. It is also the only method available for you to reunite with the spirit maiden, honorable Zelda.”

“This is no easy task, Link,” the headmaster declared as his arms waved, “the world below is a forsaken place, and to reach it you must pierce the cloud barrier below. In living memory, no has ever done this.”

A memory awoke at his words, leading me to gather my magic at the tip of my wings, calling forth the Emerald Tablet left in my care.

“This tablet will illuminate a path through the clouds to the land below,” I explained as the tablet floated into Master Link’s hands, “take it, and place it within the altar behind me.”

Master Link and the headmaster both startled as the tablet fell into his arms, their gazes returning to me as I continued my instructions.

“Master, the first thing you must do is hit the crest sitting in this room with a Skyward Strike.”

“Skyward Strike?” Master Link repeated, his head tilting.

“It is a blast formed of pure energy that charges within your blade when you lift it skyward,” I replied. “Once you have charged your blade, face the crest and swing your sword to send out a powerful Skyward Strike.”

The two men exchanged a glance and then Master Link was handing the Emerald Tablet to the headmaster before moving into position, raising the blade high into the sky where it soon became filled with energy.

He then swung that energy towards the crest, which in turn became filled with the energy before it drained into the pillar below, which then rose into view.

“Remarkable,” the headmaster breathed once the altar appeared, “to think that crest hid something like this….”

Master Link made no reply, simply taking back the Emerald Tablet and placing it into the altar, as instructed.

This then led to the release of the ancient magic, the green pillar forming and breaking through the cloud barrier.

Of course, only I was privy to that information, as the two men stared curiously at the stone tablet.

“Master Link, it is done,” I notified him, once again causing their gazes to turn my way.

“Until now, a cloud barrier created by the goddess has separated the world you know from the one below. The tablet you placed in the altar has opened a small rift in the barrier. You can use it to travel through the clouds to the realm below. I have recognized you as my master, and so it is my duty to follow you wherever you may go. I reside within your sword and will accompany you in your travels.”

“All right,” Master Link nodded, before smiling at me, “I’ll be glad for your help, Fi.”

“Should you require my assistance you need only call my name, I shall answer any questions you may have as best I can,” I said, before returning to my blade.

“…alright… guess I’d better get going then,” Link said, once nothing further came from the sword.

“Link, listen a moment,” Headmaster Gaepora cut in, stopping Link from moving forward. “The nature of the great apocalypse mentioned in the old texts is a complete mystery to me. But whatever it turns out to be, it seems that both you and Zelda have big roles to play in the destiny of this land.

“Just think,” he continued, his voice becoming a bit unsteady as tears misted his eyes, “if what this Fi says is true, Zelda is alive! Alive and no doubt coming to terms with whatever it is the goddess has in store for her. Should you heed the call of destiny….”

His voice trailed off as his expression became more troubled, “I… I don’t know what dangers you may have to face, Link. Especially down there… But if you’ve decided to brave the unknown, please… please find my daughter… and bring her back to me.”

The headmaster’s face crumbled as tears finally fell from his eyes, his head bowing as his voice cracked.

Link gently placed his hand on the older man’s shoulder, giving him what he hoped was a confident smile as he replied, “don’t worry… I will bring Zelda home headmaster!”

Those words brought a smile to Gaepora’s face, the determination and courage shining in those blue eyes lifting his spirits further as he wiped his tears away, clearing his throat as he regained his composure as ‘headmaster’.

“Dawn is drawing near. It has been a long night for the both of us, hasn’t it? You have a great journey before you, Link, and those clothes… They don’t look up to the task.”

Link blinked in surprise before peering down at the clothes in question, his usual Skyloftian tunic and trousers seeming fine to him.

Gaepora smiled mischievously as he added, “the uniform you were to receive for winning the race should be ready by now. A sturdy uniform like that will prove much more suitable for a long journey. You’d better change before you go.”

Link’s expression shifted into one of surprise, then delight, then serious for only a brief moment before settling on one of annoyance as the Headmaster laughed, the older man’s arm slipping around the younger’s good-naturedly as he led him out of the chamber.


Link and Fi are about to head out! Hm... these Link pov's were not planned at all... hope they weren't too weird?
We'll see if any more pop up... and if Fi actually let's him get some dialogue in (I respect the mute Link trope, but it's not one I'm confident in writing)

Chapter 4: Heading Out


Link is given his new knight uniform alongside additional supplies and encouragement from his fellow students and instructors before finally taking his first step in finding Zelda.


"Happy Birthday to me,
Laptop's almost burning my knees,
Comments and kudos ple~ase,
Happy Birthday to me"

...Yep, I still suck at lyrics... XP

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“That green uniform is what our knights will be wearing this year. To be honest, I’ve had my doubts about the color. But oddly enough, seeing you wear this uniform, I can’t imagine a more fitting color for you. It’s as though you were born to wear it.”

I exit my blade at those words, gazing at the uniform in question to assess its suitability for myself.

“After inspecting this new uniform, I concur that it is indeed suitable for the journey ahead,” I replied once my analysis was complete.

“Good to have your approval as well,” Master Link replied with the smile, “what about the color? Do you think it suits me?”

I assessed my master once more at his question, puzzled by his latest question, “I have already stated that the uniform is suitable for your travels. As for the color, there is a 25% chance that it may be suitable in the usage of camouflage. However, due to the fact that I do not have enough knowledge as to which area of the Surface we shall be heading to, I cannot determine whether it will truly be of assistance.”

“Um, I was actually asking if you liked it, Fi,” was Master Link’s reply with a crooked smile.

“…apologies, Master Link, I do not believe I understand your query. If it is in regards to my preferences of color, I would have to say that I possess none.”

“So… you like all colors?”

“I neither like nor dislike any color.”

“…but you like the uniform?”

“As stated previously, it is suitable for the journey ahead.”

“All right,” Master Link replied with a nod, “we’ll just say it… meets your approval.”

“My approval is not necessary,” I said.

This, for some reason, led to Master Link’s mouth turning downward as his brows furrowed, “of course it matters. We’re going to be travelling together and you’ve probably got more knowledge of what we’ll run into once we head out, so if you think I’m missing anything, you should say so.”

My head tilted to the side at his statement, his sudden agitation a mystery to me, but I replied to his instruction, nonetheless.

“As there is no guarantee that we will land in an area where food can be procured easily, I would suggest that you pack anything that may be kept on your person for long periods of time, as well as a few medical supplies, such as potions.”

“I have already asked Henya to pack you a weeks’ worth of provisions,” Headmaster Gaepora cut in, “and check in with Instructors Owlan and Eagus for some potions from the medical bay, as well as a wooden shield.”

“Understood,” Link nodded, his expression becoming serious once again.

“Be sure to take care on your journey,” Headmaster Gaepora continued as his right hand came to rest on Master Link’s shoulder, “I will return to my quarters and see if I can glean more useful information from the ancient texts. You are always welcome to stop by if you have questions.”

“Thank you,” Master Link replied with a nod and smile, “I’ll be sure to do that.”

Headmaster Gaepora smiled as well, then suddenly pulled Master Link towards him, wrapping his arms around my master.

“You and Zelda shall be in my prayers. May the goddess watch over and guide you both.”

My master said nothing to those words, though his own arms wrapped around the headmaster, before the two of them separated, Master Link bidding farewell as the headmaster headed out the door.

“Why did the headmaster wrap his arms around you like that, master?” I asked, puzzled by what I had just seen.

“What, the hug?” Master Link asked, blinking up at me with equal confusion, “he’s always done that. He’s basically become a second father to me, since my parents died, and I moved into the academy permanently.”

“So, this ‘hug’ is something fathers do?”

“Hugs are what everyone does with the people they’re close to,” Link replied, “hasn’t anyone ever hugged you before?”

I cast my memory back as far as I could, the image of Hylia rubbing my head coming to mind… as well as a very large being and something very big and hard hitting my back.

“I… may have experienced something similar… but I do not believe I enjoyed it,” I replied.

“Okay, so you’re not a hugger,” Master Link hummed with a nod, before directing a smile very similar to Lady Hylia’s at me, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

I did not believe that was truly a fact that needed to be noted, but a knock at the door interrupted us.

“Link, are you there? I have the pack that Henya and the headmaster asked me to get you!” a voice called from behind the door.

“Just a second, Fledge!” Master Link called as I returned to my blade.

There was the sound of footsteps and the creak of a door being opened, followed by a small gasp from the male Master Link had called ‘Fledge’.

“That green uniform looks so… adventurous! You sure look like a knight now.”

“Thanks, Fledge,” Master Link replied.

“The headmaster said you’re heading out to look for Zelda. You’re really something else. I could never imagine myself doing what you’re about to do.”

“Don’t say that, I think you could do it… have a bit more faith in yourself, Fledge.”

There was a moment of silence, then the rustling of cloth, as Fledge began speaking again.

“Ah, sorry, I shouldn’t be wasting your time like this! Here’s the bag with your provisions and a bedroll! A-and Instructor Owlan and Eagus were looking for you! They’re waiting right outside the academy!”

“Okay, I’ll go check in with them right now, then,” Master Link replied, beginning to head off.

He came to a stop as Fledge’s voice called out from behind.

“Link! I just know you’ll find Zelda for us!”

“You can count on me!” Master Link replied, before we were moving once again.

After another creak of a door opening and closing there were calls from two more male voices, far older than the Fledge being, but not as old as the headmaster.

“We heard the news, Link! Zelda’s fallen through the clouds and you’re going to look for her. Is that right?”

“It is,” Master Link replied.

“Poor girl, that had to be quite the traumatic experience, being sucked down by a tornado like that,” a second, slightly higher voice hummed.

“Still, now that the headmaster has revealed that there is indeed land beneath the clouds… there is hope that Zelda and her Loftwing managed to land safely and have found a safe place to recover from their fall. Even so, I made sure to pack both medicinal herbs and potions for you and Zelda as well as some mushroom spores for her bird.”

“Thank you, Instructor Owlan,” Master Link said, his body dipping into a bow before my sword was jostled from the movements of him removing the pack from his back.

“And I’ve got your new shield, right here!” the other voice boomed, bringing memories of Gorons to mind once again, “though I gotta admit… seeing that mystical sword of yours for the first time… this shield doesn’t seem quite up to par.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Master Link laughed, my sword being jostled once again as the shield was strapped into place.

“Hm, well, I guess so, especially since you’re probably raring to go after Zelda already,” the loud voice replied with a tone of dissatisfaction, “you at least remember how to do the shield bash maneuver, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And the spin attack?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And the fatal blow?”

“By the Goddess Eagus, haven’t you bragged about how he’s one of your best students?” the voice of Instructor Owlan cut in with a sigh, “he will be fine, stop acting like such a mother Loftwing.”

“Well, excuse me for wanting to be sure he’s well-prepared! Can’t you see that sword on his back! I might not know all the details of what’s going on here… But that sword he’s carrying isn’t from Skyloft. It’s an ancient artifact that can only be carried by the chosen one. And since he’s the one carrying it—”

“Keep your voice down, you fool!” Instructor Owlan cut in once again, his voice nearly a hiss, “we don’t need any further panic spreading through Skyloft.”

“Is everyone still shaken up by what happened to Zelda?” Master Link inquired.

“Indeed, and the appearance of that column of green light certainly hasn’t helped matters.”

“Column of green light?” Master Link repeated in confusion.

“The column of green light marks the opening in the cloud barrier, created by the stone tablet,” I replied.

My blade was then violently jostled as surprise and alarm surged through Master Link, the Instructors emitting calls of similar emotions.

“Please calm yourself, Master Link. I am speaking to you through the telepathic link that was established between us after you claimed the Goddess Sword.”

“…a bit of a warning would have been nice Fi,” Master Link grumbled.

“Apologies, Master Link,” I replied, “I shall try to be more forthcoming with such information in the future. Additionally, you are able to communicate with me via your thoughts, thus it is unnecessary for you to speak aloud.”

“Link… are you alright?” Instructor Eagus asked.

“Er… um, the sword, or, um, the spirit of the sword….”

“Oh, yes, the headmaster had mentioned that as well,” Instructor Owlan hummed, “truly fascinating, what did it say to you?”

“She was… um, we were all talking about the green light?”

“Oh, right. It happened late last night, a beam of light appeared from the Goddess statue and shot into the sky. It then descended into the sea of clouds and transformed into the green column that can be seen south of here.”

“You didn’t tell me the tablet would create a giant green pillar of light,” Master Link projected through our link.

“Apologies, I did not think it was relevant at that time,” I replied in turn.

“Can you at least tell me about these kinds of things earlier from now on?”

“Understood, Master Link.”

“…and, per the headmaster’s instructions, we’ve had the other knights keeping the rest of Skyloft away from the pillar,” Instructor Eagus proclaimed.

“Oh, uh, that’s good,” Master Link stammered, “um, but I can still go there, right?”

“Yes, that was also decreed by the headmaster,” Instructor Owlan replied, “and the patrolling knights have been informed. You alone will have access to the pillar.”

“Then I’ll head there now,” Master Link declared.

“We will be sure to inform the headmaster,” Instructor Owlan said, “take good care of yourself, and best of luck in you search for Zelda.”

“Good luck, Link! If you ever feel the need for a bit more practice, my doors are always open!” Instructor Eagus called after us, his voice growing distant as Master Link continued on.

“Fi… do you know what we’ll find when we reach the pillar?”

“Signs indicate that it has created an opening in the cloud barrier to the land below,” I replied, “as to what may lay beyond that, I cannot say until we descend.”

“…alright, then,” Master Link declared aloud, “let’s go find Zelda!”

And with that, Master Link began to run, his footsteps pounding on stone, then wood, and then we were in the air, the wind blowing all around us as Master Link emitted a piercing whistle.

His Loftwing called back and then Master Link was grabbing hold of his bird, settling comfortably onto the bird's back before giving directions to the Loftwing.

“Well, that really is nice and visible,” Master Link remarked, leading me to exit my blade.

“Master Link… Observe. The green pillar before you is a column of light. It marks the point at which you can descend to the surface.”

“Will we be able to see it once we reach the Surface?” Master Link asked, his gaze switching from the pillar to myself.

“I do not have enough information to accurately answer your question,” I replied, “however, as I possess an ability to map out any terrain I access, there is an 80% probability that I will be able to lead you back to this location. As to how we will return….”

“We’ll figure that out when we get there,” Master Link supplied as he directed his bird to come to a halt directly above the portal.

His bird called out, the tone different from before, which prompted Master Link to press his forehead against the bird’s own head.

“I’ll be back with Zelda and Aoi,” he murmured against the bird’s feathers, “so wait for me, okay?”

The Loftwing screeched, its feathers becoming ruffled, even more so when Master Link then jumped from its back.

“It’s okay!” Master Link called back as his bird screamed, “don’t follow me, I’m okay! I’ll be back!”

“Master Link, I would advise you turn your body and attention downwards in order to avoid an unpleasant landing,” I said, once the Loftwing’s cries had been lost to the wind and our field of vision had been completely absorbed by the clouds.

Master Link gave a small nod and turned, his gaze focused and determined as we finally broke through the clouds.


Giving NPCs a bit more character is so fun... and hey, look, we're finally heading to the Surface!

Which means we'll get way more Fi and Link time!

...hope my Fi is managing to stay in character... (and FYI, the mini flashback was one of the Gorons giving a Goron-patented friendly slap on the back... and we all know how those go XD)

...can a small travelling pack really hold a weeks worth of food? (the oddities of trying to bring sense to the "Adventure Pouch" XD)

Chapter 5: The Sealed Grounds and the Old Woman


Link and Fi land on the Surface at last, Link experiences nightmares while still awake, give a magical whack to the leaking spigot of a seal, and meet an old woman that gives them a bit more information.


Oh lookee here, we've gotten to the part of the game where we get even more game mechanics... now, how to adapt them into story mode...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The world became narrowed into a cylinder of clouds, nothing but white every which way you turned.

But then, little by little, greenery could be spotted below as we approached the end of the cloud layer, and the surface came into view.

My sensors came alive the second we fell past the last of the clouds, information revealed to me of the land that lay below us.

Master Link deployed the Sailcloth he’d received after winning a Skyloft ritual called the ‘Wing Ceremony’, and floated gently down onto a paved area, a small gate separating it from the area beyond.

“Master Link, we’ve arrived,” I said, bringing his curious gaze my way, “this is the fabled surface that has long been part of Skyloft legend. By my calculations, you are currently positioned in a location known as the Sealed Grounds.”

“Sealed Grounds?” Master Link repeated, brow furrowing in confusion as he took in our surroundings once again, “why is it called that… are we somewhere that’s off limits?”

“Apologies Master Link, I am afraid I do not possess enough information to answer your query. However, as I can detect a large presence of malicious intent nearby, I would advise you to proceed with caution.”

Master Link nodded and I returned to my blade as we set off.

There was a brief moment of weightlessness as Master Link jumped down from where we’d first landed.

He proceeded a few steps forward… then stopped as evil energy pulsed through the area.

“What was that?” he murmured growing wary… before cautiously stepping forward once again.

“…Fi… what’s that thing, sticking out of the ground?” he asked.

I cast my sensors outward, intent on answering his query… when he suddenly gasped in alarm and demonic energy swirled around us.

One second, he’d been standing in that place Fi had called the Sealed Grounds, staring down at a spiral that led down to an odd spike at the bottom.

Then, next thing he knew, an evil wind had blown upwards and the eerie, yet peaceful landscape had been replaced by an area of red and black.

Where the strange thing sticking out of the ground had been, there was now a hole of swirling shadows that seemed to grow… until a familiar head of black spikes and giant mouth full of fangs appeared from within.

Link groaned as a spike of pain shot through his skull, an evil voice whispering and swirling around him.

He released a yell of surprise and panic as the beast surged upward, right in front of him, its mouth opening wide as it rushed towards him, heart in his throat as his hand scrambling for his blade—

“Master Link?”

“Master Link, your current heart rate and breathing seem to have become elevated,” I declared, “is something the matter?”

“I-I, th-there was,” Master Link began to stammer, his hand tight on the handle of my sword, “y-you didn’t see the monster?!”

“To which monster are you referring?” I asked, casting my senses once again, “I can detect a number of small plant monsters, as well as a much greater force being emitted from the bottom of the spiral. Also…”

I exited my blade, Master Link following behind me as I came to a halt before a set of doors.

They bore a large eye with a tear drop and chains reaching outward, the magic very similar to Lady Hylia’s and stirring a memory at the back of my mind.

But the memory did not surface, so I merely reported what I could to Master Link, “reporting master. While these doors appear to have been opened recently, they are now sealed shut by a powerful unidentified force.”

“So we can’t go in?” Master Link asked, frowning at the doors, a puzzled expression on his face.

“Affirmative,” I replied, “should you wish to enter this temple, you will have to find an alternative route.”

“…and what about that… ‘thing’ in the spiral?” was Master Link’s next question, his heart rate quickening once again, “do you know what that is?”

“The energy being emitted from that area is interfering with my sensors. Should you wish for more information, we will need to draw closer to the item in question.”

“…Guess we’re going down there, then,” Master Link replied, his grip tightening on my sword once again as we began our descent.

Master Link grew far more wary as we neared the center of the spiral, and my sensors were on high alert as a foul energy leaked from the ground.

Master Link slowly withdrew my blade and was braced for an attack… when a voice began to speak.

“…Young one…”

“Who’s there?!” Master Link cried, swiveling his body with sword and shield at the ready.

“Child of destiny descended from the sky… Raise the sword of the goddess skyward… Take aim at the evil aura and unleash its power…”

“Are they… are they telling me to send a Skyward Strike at it?” Master Link asked.

“There is a 90% chance that you are correct,” I answered, “in addition, I can now detect an exceedingly evil aura under this location. My analysis indicates that this spike is suppressing whatever evil is hidden below.”

“Alright, then,” Master Link breathed as he moved into position, the sacred energy pouring into my blade before being released towards the mass of evil energy.

The spike quickly absorbed the energy of the Skyward Strike, which in turn quickly suppressed the evil aura from below.

“Master Link,” I said as I exited my blade, “I’m sensing a change in the area that was triggered by your Skyward Strike. I have also detected an aura that correlates closely to your Sailcloth. I surmise this aura belongs to Zelda.”

“Really?!” Master Link cried, a large smile now on his face as I nodded, “do you know where it’s coming from?”

“I can lead you in the direction of the aura in question through a process known as dowsing.”


“Dowsing is when I detect the presence of the aura of something you wish to search for. The nearer we are to an object emitting the aura in question, the stronger the response will be. Should I happen to be within the sword at that time, I shall inform you through a slight vibration, sound, and light. The closer you are to the direction of the object emitting the aura, the stronger the response shall manifest.”

“That sounds handy,” Master Link mused, gazing at the sword, then me, as he grinned, “you would’ve been really helpful whenever Groose would hide my stuff or I lost something, back on Skyloft.”

“Perhaps, but it was not time for you to become my master, then,” I replied as I activated the dowsing, turning in a slow circle, before coming to a halt facing the direction of the strongest reading of the spirit maiden’s aura.

“Reporting, master, my dowsing indicates that the strongest accumulation of Her Grace, Zelda’s aura resides at the highest point of the Spiral.”

“Which means a long climb back up,” Master Link sighed… until his eyes alight upon the nearest air current, which had appeared after the evil aura had been suppressed, “or….”

“Or?” I repeated, but Master Link was already in motion, running towards the air current, the Sailcloth in his hands.

I suppose this does shorten the amount of time, I deduced as Master Link cried out in delight.

A few more rides on the air currents later and we were back standing before the sealed doors.

“So, you’re saying Zelda is behind these doors?” Master Link asked excitedly.

“I am saying that the spirit maiden’s aura is of the highest concentration here,” I corrected him, “as to whether she yet remains, that can only be determined once we go through the doors ourselves.”

“Okay, so, do I just… knock? Or….”

Master Link’s voice trailed off as the seal upon the doors suddenly vanished, the doors themselves opening soon after.

“…or maybe they’re expecting us,” Master Link concluded, his heart rate speeding up as he headed inside.

His steps were cautious, and his hand hovered just above my blade as the interior was revealed.

A building that had obviously been erected quite some time ago, it had since fallen into disarray, nature already beginning to reclaim it as vines and moss decorated the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Directly in front of us lay a set of stone steps leading up to an area that was illuminated by a bright ray of sunlight shining down from a large hole in the roof.

“Master Link, I am detecting the presence of a human just ahead of us,” I reported as he headed further towards where the individual resided.

“I see them,” Master Link answered, his body still on alert as he headed up the steps.

There, seated directly in the sunlight, was a very old human wearing a pointed, bright red cloak, a long braid of hair tied into the shape of a pendulum which continuously swung from left to right.

“Ah… the traveler descended from the clouds above. I welcome you, child of fate,” the Old One stated, bowing her head low.

“O-oh, um, h-hello!” Master Link stammered, “er, sorry for… barging in like this….”

“You cannot really call it barging in if you were first invited,” the Old One chuckled, “do you not recognize my voice? It was I who instructed you on dealing with the evil aura earlier.”

“You are?”

“Indeed,” I informed Master Link, “her voice is a match to the one heard previously. There is a 90% chance this Old One possesses a great deal of magic, allowing her to project her voice, as well as create the barrier that barred our entrance previously.”

“Forgive me for interrupting your conversation,” the Old One began, “but might I ask what your name is… or should I simply address you as the Goddess’ Chosen?”

“Oh, I-I’m sorry! M-my name is Link!” Master Link stammered as he bowed deeply, “and yours, ma’am?”

“My name?” the Old One chuckled, “ah, my name is of no importance. You may simply call me Old One… or Grannie, whichever you would prefer.”

“Are…you certain?” Master Link asked, but the old woman simply waved her hand dismissively before directing her attention to my sword.

“…I sense you have already gained control over the sacred power that fills your sword when pointed skyward. The Skyward Strike is yours to command. It is proof that you are fit to bear the blade you carry, the Goddess Sword.

“I have sat here for many years waiting for you to arrive. All so that I could fulfill my purpose as your guide.”

“My guide?” Master Link repeated.

The old woman’s gaze drifted upward as she began to explain.

“You stand under the roof of the Sealed Temple, a place built by the goddess an eternity ago. Your arrival here was predestined many, many years ago.”

“You know the prophecy?”

“Indeed… and perhaps more,” the Old One hummed, “the spirit maiden you seek arrived here shortly before you, descending to this land in a shower of light. There’s no doubting it. The gears of fate have begun to turn.

“Yet all is not as it should be,” the Old One continued, now frowning worriedly, “the spirit maiden was not meant to reach this land in the manner she did. I feel an evil power working in the shadows. It moves to warp the destiny of which you two are a part.”

“Is Zelda here?” Master Link asked, his tone urgent, “if there really is some evil power at work and it caused the tornado that brought Zelda down here….”

“You are concerned for the spirit maiden and seek her whereabouts,” the Old One nodded sympathetically, “that is understandable, but for now you must focus on moving forward. That girl has her own purpose she must pursue, as do you.”

“But she’s alright, at least?” Master Link asked, his tone a bit more desperate, “she wasn’t hurt at all?”

“No, her bird took the brunt of any damage they might have sustained,” the Old One replied, her gaze turning towards a path that led further into the temple, “we helped as much as we could, using what we had down here… but he will still need time to recover.”

Link breathed a sigh of relief, before his expression hardened with determination, “you said Zelda has a purpose. Do you know which way she went?”

“She set out for Faron Woods, to discover her destiny,” the Old One replied, “and you must follow as quickly as you can.”

“All right,” Master Link declared, “but before that….”

He began to rummage around in his pack, pulling out the mushroom spores Instructor Owlan had packed.

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you give these to Zelda’s Loftwing?” he asked as he passed the bottle to the Old One.

“It’s no trouble at all,” she replied with a smile, “the spirit maiden was quite worried about her Loftwing, rest assured I shall do all I can to aid in his recovery.”

“Thank you,” Master Link nodded with a smile of his own, “now… is there any chance you can tell me which direction Zelda headed?”

The Old One hummed, her magic gathering, the waving pendulum of hair sparkling as a chime rang out.

This caused the door to our right to light up, a lock disappearing, before the Old One spoke once again.

“Go now. Leave through the door before you and head into Faron Woods. This should lead you to the spirit maiden… to the one you call Zelda. I wish you safe travel.”

“Thank you again,” Master Link said with a respectful nod, before turning and heading out for the exit.

“Here we go, Fi,” he whispered as he opened the door and we stepped into the world beyond.


...come to think of it, what DID happen to Zelda's Loftwing? Did he go all the way down with Zelda and just... hang out with Grannie Impa in the Sealed Grounds? Or did he manage to escape the tornado and just... hung out in Skyloft until his end game fly-by with Link's Loftwing? =/

Chapter 6: Tiny Birds and a Goron Archaeologist


Link and Fi take their first steps away from the Sealed Temple where Link's attention is quickly stolen by a flock of tiny birds and a Goron in distress


And here we go with trying to adapt an NPC who really likes to chat! (No hate, love Gorko, he's a sweetie X3)

Also, in the spirit of story sharing, for anyone still looking for good SS fics, but looking for more of a Canon divergence, check out "Surface Too Soon" by Attllhak (whose Link reactions to tiny birds I might've copied, sorry!). Very fun read, definitely recommend!"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

We had only just exited and climbed the steps leading away from the temple when Master Link came to a halt and emitted a small gasp.

“Fi… what are those?” he breathed softly.

Sensing no danger from either our surroundings nor his tone I exited my blade and directed my attention towards where Master Link’s gaze was focused.

“Are those… are those tiny birds?” he whispered as he crouched down, staring at the little creatures with a big smile on his face.

There was a strange buzz coming from our bond and his own body was nearly vibrating as he stared at the birds, who mostly flitted about on the ground, pecking for food… though some eyed us warily.

“Indeed, they are, Master Link,” I replied to his query, the birds startling and flying away as I did so, “they are called Chirris, small birds which can be found here on the Surface, most notably within Faron Woods. They come in three varieties: yellow, orange, and the rare blue.”

Master Link’s mouth turned down as he watched the retreating figures of the Chirris, opening as if to speak, then snapping shut as shrill calls suddenly erupted up ahead and a much deeper voice bellowed.

“Out of the way! Scram!”

Master Link was already running, my blade in his hand as he jumped towards the group of individuals gathered before us.

“Somebody! Help!” the voice cried out, only just audible over the screeching of the red creatures that surrounded the individual.

“Hey! Leave him alone!” Master Link cried, immediately drawing the attention of the screeching our way.

“Er, Fi, what are these things?” Master Link asked, even as he blocked the swing of one adversary and rolled out of the way of a second.

“We are currently facing creatures known as Red Bokoblins,” I answered once I had scanned the creatures in question. “These monsters have plagued the land since ancient times. They each play different roles, and their weaponry varies. They prefer to act in groups. None of them are intelligent by any definition of the word. Curiously, they seem to have a mysterious obsession with fashionable undergarments.”

“Was that last part really necessary to know?” Master Link asked as he disarmed and kicked away another Bokoblin, before placing himself protectively before the source of the voice calling for assistance.

“Apologies, Master Link, I will try to keep my observations attuned to the situation at hand.”

“No, Fi, that was a joke,” Master Link said as he blocked another swing from a Bokoblin to our right, “there was nothing wrong with your observation but uh… ideas on how to drive these things off?”

“As they are similar to the Keese and Chuchus of Skyloft, the only thing you can do is eradicate the creatures until they retreat… though it is unlikely they will choose to do so….”

There was a slight hesitance from Master Link after I relayed that fact but when one of the Bokoblins managed to break through and swipe at the creature he was trying to protect, Master Link struck out without any lingering hesitation.

With a cry of challenge Master Link spun around, my blade whistling as it cut through our adversaries, who in turn exploded into evil purple mist as they were cut down.

“Whew! Thanks for jumping in there to rescue me, bud!” the voice of the creature we’d saved sighed once it was evident the danger had passed.

The creature was revealed to be a Goron, the big rock creature coming to stand before us, rubbing the side of his abdomen, as he continued to talk.

“Just who were those red pests? I did not expect to run into a pack of them in this peaceful forest.”

“Have they not been around here before?” Master Link asked, his thoughts beginning to form a question directed at me but were quickly brought back to the Goron as he began to speak.

“Admittedly, I’ve only been in this forest for a few days now, but I definitely haven’t run into anything like them before today.

“Come to think of it, same goes for you,” the Goron continued as his gaze fell upon Master Link properly. “This is the second time I’ve bumped into one of your kind today. I tell you, all sorts of weird things are going on lately….”

“Wait, I’m the second?” Master Link cut in, his tone eager, “you’ve met another human? Was it a girl? With long blond hair, wearing a pink dress?”

“Hmmm, I think the dress was white, not pink,” the Goron replied, his arms now crossed over his chest, “but that person definitely had long blond hair, no mistaking that.”

“Can you tell me which way she went?”

“Sure, I can,” the Goron nodded, “and, since I owe you big for taking care of those guys, let me tell you something else that’s mighty fascinating.”

“Oh, um, that’s not really necessary,” Master Link began to say, but the Goron was already moving and talking.

“Hey, bud! I am Gorko the Goron. I am researching the ancient history of these woods here. According to the ancient texts, there is some kind of place up above called the Isle of the Goddess. Far up in the sky!”

Master Link’s body stiffened at that last sentence, though the Goron, Gorko, took no notice as he came to stand by a moss-covered statue and continued his speech.

“Apparently, statues like this bird statue here serve as landmarks to those traveling up to the sky or down from this Isle of the Goddess place.”

“Really?!” Master Link cried, trotting forward, and gazing at the statue earnestly now, causing Gorko to laugh, my sensors spasming at the act.

A spark of the Goddess’ magic quickly drew my attention away from this ‘Gorko’, my focus narrowing as the spark provided additional information alongside the Goron.

“The one I found in my home territory, Eldin Volcano, had text that indicated that a similar statue, this one here in fact, if my translation is correct, is the key to awakening the magic that dwells within all the others that are scattered around the land.

“The whole thing sounds crazy, I know,” Gorko continued, his voice taking on an unidentifiable tone, before his cheerful excitement returned, “but I for one believe it to be true! Otherwise, why would all these statues be here all over the place?”

“So, there’s more than this and the one near where you live?” Master Link asked.

“Well… supposedly,” Gorko replied, his voice less certain, before the cheerfulness returned once again, “with how vast this world is, there’s sure to be more, I just know it!”

“I’m sure there are,” Master Link agreed, “but uh… do you know how these bird statues work?”

Gorko was silent for a moment, a hand rubbing at the small beard on his chin as he hummed.

“Well, no… I’m afraid I haven’t figured that out, yet. It is a real head-scratcher, bud. …Makes you want to know more, though, does it not?”

“Yeah, sure,” Master Link replied to my surprise.

“Master, there is no need to linger here with this Goron any longer,” I quickly interjected, “if you have any questions I can answer them just as well, and it would be best to quickly examine this statue, then resume our search for the spirit maiden….”

“I know Fi,” he replied, “but it can’t hurt to hear what a local has to say as well, especially since he seems to know so much about the legend of the goddess, too. Plus… I think he’s a little lonely?”

“I am uncertain how it is you came to that last conclusion, Master Link,” I began to say, but the Goron had begun to speak.

“Well, it sounds like I have a fellow connoisseur of ancient cultures here! All right, bud, you had better brace yourself, because I am about to blow your mind.”

“Can’t wait!” Master Link replied with a cheery voice.

“So get this,” Gorko began, his tone brimming with excitement, “from what I’ve gathered after reading the ancient texts, there are people actually living on this sky island, and they get around by flying on the backs of huge birds that way bigger than birds down here!”

“Right, good so far,” Master Link hummed inwardly, nodding along to the Goron’s words.

“Up there everyone reveres the goddess, and the residents of all the islands in the sky live in a perfect society, totally free of conflict or unhappiness!”

“That was… partly true….”

“Not only that, but from what I can tell, their civilization is way, way more advanced than ours down here.”

“Are we?” Master Link asked, attention shifting my way.

“As we have not made contact with anyone other than Gorko and the old woman from the Sealed Temple, I am unable to ascertain the validity of this statement….”

The Goron was becoming far more excited now, his arms gesturing wildly.

“But it does not even stop there, bud! This Isle of the Goddess has even more stuff to marvel at! The place was crafted by the goddess herself, so it figures it is filled with wonders we do not have here.”

“I dunno, I thought those tiny birds were pretty wonderful,” Master Link hummed, though I chose not to remark on that statement.

“The buildings are all made of gold!”

“Er, no, no they’re not…”

“An endless spring of mystical water feeds a river through the place….”

“I believe that part, at least, is correct,” I chimed in.

“One sip of that stuff, and you live forever!”

“There is a 90% chance that is incorrect, however.”

“Yeah, no, that’s definitely incorrect,” Master Link affirmed.

“The trees are heavy with plump fruit that cures all disease!”

“That would’ve been handy.”

“The fields are crowded with pumpkins that never rot!”

“We do have pumpkins, but they definitely rot….”

“Magic wildflowers bloom everywhere!”

“Um… the heart flowers might have some magic in them….”

“There is an 80% chance you are incorrect in that assumption….”

“And the weather. Oh, the weather, bud!” Gorko cried, his body now bouncing and dancing. “Not too hot, not too cold. No chance of sweaty heat in this garden paradise! That is the Isle of the Goddess….”

“Hmm, no, we definitely get our hot and cold days… and we work up plenty of sweat in Instructor Eagus’ class….”

“I believe that adds in factors that do not apply to what Gorko is speaking of,” I interjected.

“Fair point,” Master Link agreed.

“Amazing, right? WRONG! IT IS BEYOND AMAZING!”

Master Link flinched and my auditory functions crackled and fizzed at the sudden bellow.

“W-wow, you uh… you’re really passionate about this stuff, huh?” Master Link stuttered, his voice barely audible over the static caused by the lingering auditory malfunctions.

“Oh… sorry bud,” the Goron apologized, his big body suddenly wilting, “I uh… I might be a little… a little obsessed with that place.”

“It’s okay, one of my instructors gets like that when he’s talking about plants,” Master Link chuckled, “is there anything else?”

“Afraid not, bud,” the Goron replied, “that’s about as far as I’ve gotten. I’m hoping to find out a bit more through these bird statues, but as you can see, this one here’s going to need a good bit of cleaning before I can decipher any of the writing on it….”

“Cleaning will not be necessary, Master Link,” I quickly cut in, “there are definite signs of the goddess’ magic dwelling within this statue. It should awaken when it senses the presence of the hero, you need only step a bit closer.”

“Um, is it okay if I take a closer look?” Master Link asked.

“Sure, go ahead,” Gorko replied with a big smile, “even with all this moss covering it this statue’s still quite the beauty! One can only imagine how much better it’ll be once—”

Gorko’s sentence came to an abrupt halt as the statue lit up, responding as I’d suspected it would, to Master Link’s presence.

In mere seconds the moss and signs of age were cleared from the statue, purple, orange, and yellow light pulsing from it as it returned to its former state.

“WHOA!” Gorko cried, scrambling my auditory sensors once more. “What in the world just happened? Did you use some kind of magic? The statue reacted the moment you got near it, bud. How crazy is that?”

“Uh,” was all Master Link managed to say, before the Goron was pulling out a notepad and nearly plastering himself atop the statue, his own words drowning out Master Link’s.

“I have to examine this statue further, bud. Who knows what I might find out! Don’t worry, next time I bump into you, I will give you the latest info!”

“Um, okay,” Master Link replied, taking a tentative step away from the Goron, “are you… sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be just fine, bud!” the Goron replied without looking our way, “don’t you worry! Those red creeps took me by surprise last time, but I’ll show ‘em what a Goron’s made of if they show up again! No, no, you head on after that friend of yours, she headed right up that path, not too long ago….”


Gorko paid us no further mind and it was only once we’d made it a few steps away that Master Link asked me a question.

“So, what exactly happened back there, Fi?”

“Your presence awakened the magic that resided within that statue,” I replied, “and now that it has awakened, you will be able to return to the sky as you wish, by standing before it, or any other similar statue you find upon the surface. The magic will summon an updraft that you can ride with your Sailcloth back above the clouds.”

“So that’s how we’ll get back,” Master Link said aloud, smiling, “I have to admit, a part of me was kind of worried about that. But it’s good to know that Zelda and I really do have a way to return to Skyloft.”

“There was always a 90% chance that such a way would exist, as travelling here on the surface on your own two feet would mean achieving your goal would take a great deal more time than returning and seeking the aid of your Loftwing.”

“Hm, yeah, my Loftwing’s pretty fast,” Master Link replied with a smile, which then quickly dropped as he added, “I hope he’s not worrying too much….”

“I would suggest putting such thoughts in the back of your mind until after we have caught up with the spirit maiden, your Zelda,” I chimed as I cast my dowsing outward. “As Gorko stated, I do indeed sense the aura of the spirit maiden further down the path we are travelling.”

“Okay, let’s get going then!” Master Link declared, before breaking into a run.


Poor Fi, seems like she's quickly developing a dislike of Gorons, even if she doesn't believe she's capable of such a thing (at least Gorko is one of the quieter ones)
Oh well, at least Gorons aren't something she and Link will be running into again soon...
*Shudders at the sound of maniacal laughter and an ominous snap*
...oh, right... THAT guy's going to be showing up soon....

Chapter 7: Meeting Kikwis and Eating Cupcakes


Following Zelda's aura, Link and Fi happen upon a lost Kikwi and end up escorting him back home. After that, Link has lunch and Fi learns about taste buds....


Now, I don't really mind the Kikwi hide-and-seek game... the only thing that bothered me was that we just... left them where they were... we didn't even get a short clip seeing them all with Elder Bucha... Idk, it was just... weird...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Information once again flows into my mind the instant Master Link crosses through an old, vine covered archway.

He comes to a halt at my call, and I exit my blade to relay the new information I have gained.

“Master, you have entered Faron Woods. The plentiful water in this region sustains a large diversity of flora, including the massive tree that stands before us.”

“Massive is right,” Master Link says with a breathy voice, “I’ve never seen a plant as big as that before….”

“It is logical that the lush plant life and water resources have attracted animal species to the region.”

“Like the tiny birds?!” Master Link cried.

“Looking at the probabilities, it is extremely likely that Zelda is somewhere in the area. I recommend we continue to use the dowsing ability to locate her.”

“…Fi, are you annoyed because I was talking to Gorko before?”

“I am incapable of feeling annoyed, Master Link,” I replied as I returned to the sword, “the dousing indicates that Zelda headed down the path before us. I recommend that we do the same immediately.”

“Got it,” Master Link replied as he set off.

We had made good progress and there was a promising spike in dowsing readings ahead, indicating that her grace, Zelda, was getting closer and closer.

We were only a few feet away when the screams of Bokoblins reached our ears and Master Link gripped my sword in preparation.

There were only two this time, standing right next to where my sensors were indicating her grace to be, but I had no time to mention such a fact before the beasts were upon us.

They were quickly dispatched with little difficulty, and then Master Link was calling upon me in confusion.

“Uh, Fi… what kind of… plant?... is this?”

Once again, I was given no time to answer as the creature in question began to stir, a white face suddenly poking up from the ground and peering cautiously to the right, then the left.

“Huh…? It’s gone quiet,” the creature remarked softly.

Master Link then jumped in surprise when the small bush that had been sitting before us suddenly curled up into a ball that matched the color of the creature’s body.

The creature, in turn, then jumped onto its feet, peering around once more… before stiffening and shrieking in fear as it spotted Master Link.

“Kwee-koo! Now there’s a green one! I didn’t even know they came in green! Don’t hurt me, koo-weep!”

“Wh-what?! No, I’m not going to—” Master Link began to protest, but the creature only emitted another panicked scream before running off.

“What in the world?” Master Link murmured, gazing after the creature in bewilderment.

“Master Link, I picked up a highly interesting reading from the creature you just encountered,” I informed him as I exited the sword.

“A reading? You mean from that ability you were using to track Zelda?” he asked.

“Correct,” I replied with a nod, “however, the probability of that life-form being Zelda is 5%, so I must conclude that it is, in fact, not Zelda but a peaceful forest creature known as a Kikwi.”

“Er, I already knew the little guy wasn’t Zelda,” Master Link replied as his face contorted into an odd expression. “And, what’s a Kikwi?”

“Kikwis are highly intelligent beings, capable of speech. Yes, upon further observation… clearly not Zelda.”

“…you’re teasing me, aren’t you Fi?”

“I am incapable of doing such a thing, Master Link,” I replied, before turning to face the way the Kikwi had run off to. “It is unclear why such a creature would elicit a dowsing response attuned to Zelda. You should follow and investigate this phenomenon.”

“Alright, let’s go after the little guy, then,” Master Link said with a nod, breaking into a jog as I returned to my sword.

It didn’t take long for us to catch up to the Kikwi, it’s small legs and apparently low stamina keeping it from covering a great distance.

This did not, however, deter the creature from continuously running and hiding from us, screaming and scurrying off whenever we uncovered its hiding places.

Finally, Master Link managed to corner it next to a tree, the Kikwi screaming and trembling as it stared at Master Link in fright.

“It spotted me again! Kweeee!” it cried, before falling to the ground face first, it’s tail sprouting into a vibrant green bush immediately after.

“Don’t be scared,” Master Link murmured in much the same fashion he’d spoken to his Loftwing previously, “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise, it’s okay.”

“…Huh?” the Kikwi said as it peered up at Master Link cautiously, “you don’t want to… eat me?”

“No, I don’t want to eat you,” Master Link reassured it, slowly bending down on one knee as he did so, “I just wanted to ask you something.”

“…come to think of it, you did fight off all those red monsters, kwee,” the Kikwi mumbled.

It’s bush then furled back into the round tail and it jumped back onto its feet before beginning to speak.

“Kee-paleep! I’m Machi. I’m a Kikwi. You seem OK, even though you’re scary. Thanks for helping me!”

“I’m glad I could help,” Master Link replied with a soft chuckle, his head tilting as the Kikwi suddenly leaned forward and studied him curiously, “is something wrong?”

“That’s weird, kee-koo,” Machi hummed. “A little while ago I ran into another funny animal like you, but that one was a girl.”

“Zelda?!” Master Link cried hopefully, “you saw Zelda?!”

“What’s a Zelda?” Machi asked, his head tilting. “I don’t know who this girl was, koo-kwee, but she was in a bunch of trouble when I saw her. A pack of those mean red guys were after her, kwee, but she escaped with the Kikwi elder.”

“Master, we have obtained new information on Zelda’s current status,” I declared as I exited my blade.

This, for some reason, caused the Kikwi to scream and drop to the ground once again, it’s bush appearing and trembling immediately after.

“…This information indicates that she was assailed by monsters but somehow evaded capture. However, I infer that she is still in significant danger.

“On another note,” I added, peering down at Machi, who peeked up at me cautiously, before burying his face back into the ground, “my analysis suggests that this Kikwi most likely produces a false-positive dowsing reaction due to previous direct contact with Zelda.”

“Oh, so that’s why it led us to this little guy,” Master Link hummed with a nod of understanding.

“Using this hypothesis,” I continued, “I theorize there is an 85% chance that the Kikwi elder will also generate a dowsing reaction for the same reason. I propose you continue dowsing to search for Zelda.”

“…or we could ask Machi to help us find the elder he was talking about,” Master Link proposed, kneeling down even farther so he could look the Kikwi in the eyes, “if that’s okay? I’m really worried about my friend, so… do you think you could help us?”

“Hmmm, I don’t know,” Machi replied with a shaking voice, “your floaty friend there looks really scary….”

“Scary?” I repeated, uncertain as to why such a word was being applied to me, “Master Link, am I scary?”

“I think you just surprised him by appearing so suddenly,” Master Link replied with an odd smile, which became far gentler as he turned back to Machi, “but Fi is a really nice person, and she’s my friend, just like Zelda. Wouldn’t you like to go find your elder and your own friends?”

“Yes… that would be nice,” Machi sniffled, “and it’s usually very safe with the elder….”

“Then let’s head that way, okay?” Master Link asked, offering his hand to Machi as we set off for the elder.

"This is where the elder can usually be found,” Machi declared after a short hike, “it will be quite difficult to find him, though. He’s a true master at camouflage.”

“Is… that right?” Master Link asked, his gaze fixed upon what is obviously a very large Kikwi, lying face down in the middle of the clearing, it’s tail not even deployed into its bush-like state.

“Oh yes,” Machi replied with a vigorous nod, “but don’t worry! He should come out if I call him.”

“…do you think he’s being serious?” Master Link asked as Machi moved closer to the larger Kikwi.

“I do not detect any traces of deceit in his tone,” I replied as Machi then swerved in the opposite direction of the larger Kikwi, “thus, I believe there is a 90% chance that he truly does not realize the presence of this larger Kikwi, who, purely due to his massive size, I would assume would be the elder he speaks of.”

“Elder? Everyone? I’m back!” Machi calls, gaze still swiveling around, completely ignoring the large brown and white figure that sits right next to him.

He then flinches, shrieks, and drops face-first to the ground, deploying his bush, as the larger Kikwi calls out to him.

“Ah, Machi, you’ve managed to return to us,” a very low voice proclaims as the large Kikwi rises to its feet.

“Kweeeee-heee,” the large Kikwi hums, easily towering over Master Link as he turns our way. “And what have we here? Are you the one who brought Machi back to us? Many thanks for your help, young man.”

“I’m glad I could help,” Master Link replied with a small nod, “are you the elder Machi was talking about?”

“Indeed, I am, kew kew,” the elder replied with a nod of its own, “I am Bucha, the Kikwi elder."

More Kikwis were beginning to pop out of their hiding places as the elder spoke, cautious gazes fixed on Master Link as they drew a bit closer.

Master Link spared them a quick glance but made sure to keep his body relaxed and non-threatening as he began his query.

“Machi mentioned that Zelda, a friend of mine, was with you not too long ago?”

“Zelda…?” Elder Bucha repeated, his black mask furrowing in contemplation. “Ah, the girl creature with the blonde hair. She looked like one of your kind. Yes, she was with me, kweee.”

The elder’s face tilted upward, and his gaze became distant as he continued his tale.

“That young girl said she had to travel to the temple deep within these woods, kweee… Oho! I tried to warn her about how dangerous it was there, but the clever little thing vaulted off my belly and ran off on her own just the same.”

“Sounds like Zelda,” Master Link chuckled wryly, “can you tell me where to find this temple?”

“You should find it by following the path in that direction,” the elder replied, his nose indicating the proper direction, “but be sure to take great care if you follow her, kwee. That area is crawling with monsters.”

“I’ll be careful,” Master Link replied with a nod, “thank you for your help.”

“Hold on a moment, young man!” the elder called as Master Link was turning away, “as a reward for helping Machi return to us, I will give you a precious Kikwi heirloom. Let me just fetch it for you right now, kweee. Pardon me a moment…”

“Oh, you really don’t have to-YEOW!” Master Link began to protest, before having to dive out of the way as the elder reared back, then came hurtling towards us.

The ground shook just the slightest bit as Elder Bucha hit the ground, his small tail unfurling soon after to reveal the Kikwi heirloom that had apparently been hidden inside.

“Go on, climb atop my back, and claim your reward!” Elder Bucha’s muffled voice called out from below.

“Well… if you insist,” Master Link said, another odd expression on his face, before he began climbing, quickly grabbing the ‘treasure’, and jumping back down.

“…a slingshot?” Master Link stated with a baffled tone.

“Indeed!” Elder Bucha declared as he swung back up onto his feet, “it is a truly fearsome weapon handed down by our ancestors. If you load it with the Deku Seeds you can find around the forest, the hard seeds will stun your enemies, kwee! It should also be quite useful in finding a path into the Deep Woods where that temple is!”

“Oh, u-um, that sounds… quite impressive indeed!” Master Link stammered, “uh… th-thank you?”

“Think nothing of it!” the elder cried proudly, “now go find that girl! I’ll be rooting for you. Kwee heh heh.”

Master Link bowed and thanked the elder once more, then bid the rest of the Kikwis farewell before heading for the Deep Woods.

When we reached the area indicated by the Kikwi Elder, Master Link came to a stop and peered around us in confusion.

“Why is this in the woods?” he mumbled as he wandered around the small structure of stone. “And… I don’t mean to be insulting but… this seems a bit advanced for the Kikwis to have built….”

“There is always a chance that they were far more advanced in previous generations,” I replied as I exited my blade and peered around the area myself. “There is also the possibility they received aid from, or were neighbors to, another race who possessed the skill needed for such construction.”

I came to a halt at the sight of a strange symbol carved into the pavement, a distinct feeling of having seen the image somewhere before niggling at me.

The sudden pull of my dowsing ability in response to her grace, Zelda’s, aura drew my attention away from the strange sigil, Master Link quickly joining me at my call.

“So, Zelda’s down that way?” he asked, gazing towards the arch that lay atop a small cliff wall.

“Affirmative,” I replied, “the dowsing reading clearly indicates that she lays down that path. There is a 90% chance the Kikwi’s heirloom can unfurl the vine that lays above and to your left, which will then allow you to swing to the temple.”

“Bit hard to believe it’s already coming in handy,” Master Link chuckled as he readied the slingshot.

“You do not seem very impressed by the Kikwi heirloom,” I remarked as Master Link hit the vine and grabbed hold of it once it unfurled.

“I don’t mean to insult the little guys, but we’ve got plenty of these things back on Skyloft,” Master Link replied, albeit with a fond smile, “they’re popular toys for kids. I even made a couple myself for me and Zelda when we were little.

“Although, we didn’t have these Deku seed things back on Skyloft,” he continued as he tested the vine and readied himself to swing, “probably a good thing, who knows what Groose would’ve done with them….”

A sudden surge of malicious, demonic energy stole my attention from Master Link’s words, my sensors surging into high alert as I tried to pinpoint the direction of the possible danger.

There was the soft sound of what I assumed to be a snap and then… and then there was nothing, the energy disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

“Fi?” Master Link called from the archway, having apparently already made his ascent, “something wrong?”

“…no, Master Link,” I replied as I joined him once again, “it is nothing for you to be concerned about.”

He stared at me with curious eyes, but I merely urged him onward, leading him in the direction of her grace, Zelda’s aura… while also remaining wary of the mysterious energy….

“I have confirmed the plant life of this area matches that of Faron Woods,” I announced after absorbing the information of the new area. “We have reached the area locally referred to as the Deep Woods. We should quickly continue toward the temple in search of Zelda.”

“Sounds good,” Master Link replied with a nod, readying himself to move forward once again… when a strange growl suddenly sounded.

“Master, there appears to be a strange animal nearby,” I reported, quickly scanning the area once more for adversaries, “however, I regret to inform you that I cannot seem to pinpoint the creature that made that strange sound—”

“That creature was my stomach, Fi,” Master Link cut in, his face tinted red for some reason, as his hand came to rest on his abdomen, “I, uh… I guess I’m hungry….”

“…after a quick scan of your vitals I find I must concur with your assessment,” I declared, “in the interest of most efficiency, I would suggest a quick rest and refueling before we enter further into unknown territory.”

“If that’s you saying it’s time for a lunch break, I’m not going to argue with you,” Master Link chuckled as he began to rummage through his supplies, “ah, here it is!”

Master Link was then withdrawing a square bundle wrapped in a red cloth, his grin growing wider as the food was revealed.

“Good old Henya, she always packs the best lunches,” he declares as he takes out a white triangle with various plants and other food items placed between two slices of bread.

“Would you like some?” he asks around a mouthful of the foods, offering me another white triangle.

“I do not require sustenance such as this,” I informed Master Link, “in addition, both my structural integrity and spiritual energy are at a full 100% functionality.”

“Your… what?”

“The structural integrity of the Goddess Sword as well as the energy gifted by the Goddess Hylia,” I replied, “both are functioning perfectly. As long as the Goddess Sword remains undamaged and my spiritual energy fully charged, I require no additional sustenance.”

“So, you… don’t need to eat?” Master Link asked.

“That is correct, Master Link,” I replied with a nod, “you need not worry and eat as you wish.”

“Oh… okay….” Master Link said nothing further as he took another bite of the white triangle, his gaze wandering aimlessly as he did so.

Halfway through the second triangle he pulled out a bottle and drank deeply from it, before digging into a small fruit, the crunch quite loud amidst the usual sounds of the forest.

It’s only once he’s digging inside the parcel again and his eyes alight with a strange shine, his mouth splitting into a large smile, that he speaks again.

“No way! Oh, Fi, you’ve got to try one of these!”

He then pulls out two orange, sponge-like things, a fluffy white substance covering the top, with an additional powdery looking substance on top of that.

“I have already stated that I have no need for additional sustenance—”

“But these are Henya’s special pumpkin cupcakes!” Master Link protests with almost as much zealous energy as Gorko had used when describing his legendary ‘Skyloft’. “You don’t understand, she hardly ever makes these things, and I am telling you, they are the best thing you will ever taste!”

“If they are so special, why would she pack them for you to take with you on our mission?” I asked, peering at the concoction with curiosity.

“Well, she usually brings them out for the Wing Ceremony,” Master Link begins to explain, his expression becoming fond… then sad as he adds, “she… she probably… thought Zelda and I might also like them… might’ve hoped they’d make us feel better about… what happened….”

“…would it not be better to save the second cupcake for Zelda, then?” I asked, finding that I’d preferred Master Link’s previous expression to his current one, “since your Henya was sure to have packed it with Her Grace in mind….”

Master Link remained silent, that expression still on his face, before he suddenly took the cupcake in both hands and split it in two, offering me one of the halves.

“Yeah, I should save one for Zelda… but I can still share half of mine with you,” he said, another strange smile now on his face, “so… wouldn’t you at least like to try a bite?”

Sensing there was more to this offer than simply wanting to have me try this ‘pumpkin cupcake’, I accepted the offered treat and brought it to my lips.

Emulating Master Link, I opened my mouth and bit into the soft confection.

I am then bombarded with new and unexpected information as ‘sweetness’ floods my mouth, new sensors I was unaware existed awakening as I chew, then swallow.

“How is it?” Master Link asks, in between bites of his own half.

“It is… I do not know,” I confess as I try to decipher this new information, “I… it is activating senses I did not know I possessed.”

“Um, pretty sure that’s your taste buds,” Master Link chuckled, “so, do you like it?”

“…I… do not believe I… dislike it,” I answered uncertainly, after taking another bite, in order to answer Master Link’s question.

“That’s a good start,” Master Link laughed, popping the last of his portion into his mouth, “we’ll have to see if there’s anything else you like, after we find Zelda.”

“I do not believe we need to replicate such an experiment,” I protested as Master Link began to clean up. “Nor do I believe ingesting such material when there is no functional reason to do so would be beneficial—”

“A snack every once in a while can’t hurt,” Master Link cut in with another laugh, “plus, how else are we going to find out what you like?”

“Such a thing is not necessary—”

“Maybe not,” he argued, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder, that smile that reminded me of Hylia curling his lips, “but the things you like are what make life worth living. Plus… I’d like to get to know you more, Fi.”

The strange stirring in my chest appeared once again but I forced it back down, diving into the sword as I activated my dowsing ability again.

“Your vital signs suggest that you are at peak physical condition, I suggest we resume our search for the spirit maiden immediately.”

“Yes Fi,” Master Link chuckled, quickly cleaning up the remains of his lunch, before heading further into the woods.


And... I legitimately have no idea where this lunch and cupcake scene came from... maybe a distant memory of stumbling upon Fi fanart with cupcakes? Is that a thing?
*Checks Google Images*
...It IS a thing! *squees at cuteness*
*Flinches as a certain someone clears their throat* "Wasn't I supposed to appear in this chapter?" got too long... *runs away as angered howl fills the room*

Chapter 8: Facing the Demon Lord


Fi and Link make their way through the temple in pursuit of Zelda. But when a certain figure appears, will Fi be able to protect her new master?


Woo, new chapter for lunchtime-ish reading! But dang did this thing get long...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Master Link, I have detected Zelda’s aura emanating from within this structure,” I declared, bringing Master Link to a halt.

“So, this is the temple, then?” Master Link asked, peering up at the building before us.

“Correct,” I replied, information coming to me as I, too, looked upon the temple, “the proper name of this structure is Skyview Temple. As stated previously, I have detected Zelda’s aura deep inside the temple. However, I have also detected the presence of numerous monsters.”

“Any chance you know why Zelda would need to enter this ‘Skyview Temple’?” Master Link asked as he made his way towards the large doors that marked the entrance.

“I am afraid the only information I can give you on such a thing would be similar to that relayed by the Old Woman in the Sealed Temple,” I replied, “that it is part of her destiny and yours.”

“Well, let’s hope destiny feels like letting me catch up with Zelda,” Master Link muttered, his eyes narrowing and expression hardening as he took his first step into the darkened interior.

“Master, I have bad news. The auras of many creatures reverberate throughout this temple. As a result, isolating Zelda’s aura has become incredibly difficult and tracking her through dowsing will be near impossible.”

“So, we’ll have to look for her the old-fashioned way,” Master Link sighed, his face tinted by the luminescent plants which appeared to flourish here, “I don’t suppose you have a map for this place, do you?”

“As a matter of fact, a map of the temple was indeed absorbed into my sensors the moment we set foot within its walls,” I answered promptly. “And though I may not be able to pinpoint Zelda’s exact location, I can guide you down the most efficient path and give advance warning of any traps or monsters that may lay directly ahead.”

“…so, you’re certain there are a lot of monsters in here?” Master Link asked, his expression becoming troubled.

“I have already stated as such Master Link,” I replied, “have I done anything to make you question my abilities?”

“No, it’s just,” Master Link began, his hands fiddling with his gloves, “Zelda’s never really been fond of fighting and, even though she learned the basics of self-defense, the fact that she’s in a place like this alone….”

“Is that not all the more reason to set forth immediately?” I asked, moving forward and indicating the path ahead, “as I said, I will guide you down the most efficient and quickest path available. Thus, it would be best to set out immediately, to increase our possibility of catching up with Zelda and preventing any harm from befalling her.”

“…yeah, you’re right,” Master Link replied with a nod and a small smile, “lead the way, Fi!”

As expected, the path through the temple proved to lead to a number of encounters of lesser monsters.

Master Link’s dealings with these monsters was quick and efficient, and we were making excellent progress.

We had just entered a certain room, following the faint trace of Zelda’s aura, when a malevolent aura suddenly blocked it out entirely.

“Master Link, a strong enemy approaches!”

My warning and his training allowed Master Link to react instantly, my sword coming up to block the attack.

“Fi?” Master Link murmured softly, after managing to create some distance between us and the new adversary.

“Target lock: Stalfos. This skeleton soldier is born of the dead. In its previous life, it was an ordinary knight, but undeath has improved it’s combat abilities,” I informed him, carefully analyzing the creature of bone and steel before us.

“So, you’re the little mite our lord told us about,” the Stalfos cackled, its bones clattering together, “I’m surprised something as scrawny as you managed to make it this far….”

It twirled the swords in its hands leisurely as it spoke, grinning with malicious glee as it moved towards us, cackling once again as Master Link continued to maintain his distance.

“Come now, aren’t you a warrior?” it asked, moving its swords in a taunting manner, “it’s been far too long since these blades of mine have tasted blood… try to put on a bit of a show for us!”

The Stalfos lunged, its blades slashing forward, but Master Link easily rolled away from the attack, my own blade slicing along its hip when an opening was presented.

A careful dance ensued, my sensors cataloging the creature’s moments and habits, on alert for any weaknesses that could be exploited.

“Master Link, I believe it will be possible to overpower this enemy with a well-timed shield bash during the creature’s attack,” I advised amidst a safe lull in the battle.

“Got it,” Master Link replied, maneuvering his body so that his shield was just the slightest bit forward and lifted, his muscles bracing for the expected impact.

The blades swung forward, and Master Link deployed his shield, the wood bashing into the swords and repelling them, leaving the skeletal body wide open.

Master Link instantly struck at the opening, my sword crashing into the bones and shattering them easily, the Stalfos itself shrieking in surprise and pain as it crashed to the ground.

“Cursed child!” its spirit howled as the body crumpled into purple smoke, “do not think this is over! Our lord will vanquish you easily!”

“Our lord?” Master Link repeated, curiosity and unease beginning to form before a golden glow caught his attention.

I could sense a bit of the Goddess’ magic as a chest appeared, Master Link growing less guarded as I relayed this information.

“So, what? That Stalfos thing was guarding it?” Master Link asked, as he crouched before the chest.

“Unlikely,” I replied, hovering next to Master Link as he began to open the receptacle, “I believe the chest itself was hidden, only revealing itself once the evil energy dissipated from within the room.”

Master Link hummed a reply, his attention captured by the contents of the receptacle, which revealed itself to be the Beetle, an insect-like item whose profile and wings indicated it could fly.

“After launching it, you can remotely pilot the device. The sharp structure on the front of the device can sever threads and deliver a blow to smaller objects. This could also be beneficial when scouting out a new location,” I informed Master Link, once I had scanned the item for information.

“But don’t I have you for that?” Master Link asked with an unidentified tone and an odd smile.

“It will still be useful, especially in situations such as this, where my sensors are dampened due to a multitude of monsters,” I replied, to which Master Link nodded his understanding.

I then cast magic upon his pack, adding special properties that would allow items such as the Beetle to fit within, while negating any additional weight, and then we were setting out once again after Zelda.

I still felt a bit of unease emanating from Master Link, which I suppose was understandable, the mention of a lord from the Stalfos confirming a possibility of danger for the spirit maiden, separate from the lesser monsters we were encountering.

This line of thinking inevitably brought forth the memory of the malicious energy I had felt just before entering the Deep Woods.

But, not wishing to increase Master Link’s worry for the spirit maiden, I chose to keep such an observation to myself as we resumed our search.

Zelda’s aura eventually leads us to a large set of double doors, inlaid with gold and the images of vines surrounding a golden bird.

They open easily and Master Link walks calmly into the adjoining room… only to come to an abrupt stop as a blinding golden light erupts, causing him to bring up a hand to shield his eyes.

“Fi, what’s going on, what is that?!”

“It is a large mass of holy energy being discharged,” I replied, “be on your guard Master Link… a powerful, demonic presence lies before us….”

This remark was aimed at the individual standing just a few feet ahead, a tall figure of white, wearing a bloodred cape and golden sash.

His hand held a blade, his body still mostly facing the door that, at a 90% probability, he had just attacked, thus causing the previous wave of holy energy.

His body braced, evil energy gathering as he raised his sword… then dissipating as he came to a stop, sword hanging above his head before dematerializing into black diamonds, drifting on the wind.

“Look who it is…” the figure hummed before turning to face us, a veil of white hair covering half of his face, dark eyes with purple eye shadow narrowing in cruel humor as white lips curled into a malicious smile.

“I thought that tornado I stirred up would have tossed and torn you apart, yet here you are. Not in pieces.”

“He’s the one who created that tornado?!” Master Link’s body stiffened in anger and realization, his heart rate accelerating rapidly.

“Not that your life or death has any consequence,” the figure continued flippantly as his gaze returned to the doors before him. “It’s just the girl that matters now, and I can sense her here… just beyond this door. Yes, we plucked Her Majesty from her perch in the clouds, and now she’s ours.”

Master Link’s emotions became far more complicated now, jangling against our bond, the odds of him acting erroneously increasing.

“Stay calm Master Link,” I quickly cautioned, “this is not a being to be engaged lightly.”

“Oh, but listen to me. I’m being positively uncivil. Allow me to introduce myself,” the figure continued, his hair waving gently as he tossed his head.

“I am the Demon Lord who presides over this land you look down upon, this world you call the surface. You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I’m not fussy.”

“So, he’s the lord that Stalfos was talking about?” Master Link wondered as he drew my blade from my sheathe.

“Did you really just draw your sword? Foolish boy,” Lord Ghirahim chuckled, before finally turning to face us.

His arms came up, crossed in front of his body, then extended out to his sides dramatically.

“By all rights the girl should have fallen into our hands already,” Lord Ghirahim declared, Master Link’s teeth grinding together and his body trembling as he fought to contain his anger.

Lord Ghirahim’s head tilted to the side, his smile turning into a mocking smirk, before his head dipped forward, his hands coming up and his fingers writhing in agitation.

“She was nearly ours when that loathsome servant of the goddess snatched her away. Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside?”

The golden light that had been illuminating the room suddenly dimmed, turning an ominous green as anger and malicious energy began to pour forth from the Demon Lord.

“Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!” he bellowed, waving his arms viciously to accentuate his words before hugging himself tightly, the room quaking as his body blurred, then disappeared in a flash of diamond shaped magic.

Master Link began to swivel left to right, trying to find our potential adversary as the demon lord’s voice echoed throughout the room.

“This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed,” he declared, his voice now calm, which merely caused Master Link’s heart rate to rise as he took a defensive stance.

“Fi, where—?” Master Link began to ask, before a low chuckle sounded and Master Link stiffened, his breathing nearly halting completely as the Demon Lord draped himself atop Master Link, lips almost pressed against his ear.

“Still… it hardly seems fair, being of my position, to take all of my anger out on you,” he whispered into Master Link’s ear, my master’s breathing becoming quick and uneven as his body began to shake.

This caused a strange sensation to stir within my chest, scenarios of how I would rend this ‘lord’s’ flesh, despite the fact I could no longer fight of my own accord, forming within my mind….

“This is why… I shall promise up front not to murder you…”

Master Link gasped as the Demon Lord grabbed his arm, bringing their bodies even closer together as he continued to whisper into my master’s ear.

“No, I’ll just beat you within an inch of your life!” Ghirahim declared, a long tongue darting out of his mouth and writhing in a disgusting fashion immediately after.

This proved incentive enough for Master Link to break free of the Demon Lord’s grasp, quickly assuming a defensive stance, his heart beating wildly as he gasped for air.

“Master Link, calm yourself!” I cautioned as Ghirahim began to laugh, his arms flying out in a grand gesture as his cape dematerialized, “you must regain control of your breathing, do not allow your opponent’s abnormal antics to distract you!”

Master Link gave no reply, though he did begin trying to do as I advised, even as he backed away from the slowly advancing Ghirahim.

“Come now boy! How am I supposed to vent my anger and frustration if you run away from me?”

“There is a 90% chance he is taunting you, do not allow his words to cloud your judgment,” I cautioned, pleased when Master Link’s breathing finally began to even out.

“I… don’t suppose you know how to beat this creep, do you?” Master Link asked, as he continued to maintain the current distance from Ghirahim.

“Unfortunately, I am unable to provide confirmed information on this man other than what he has declared. However, I sense a powerful and evil aura, and I estimate his level of ability as highly adept. It is highly probable he has yet to reveal his true power. In addition, speech analysis indicates absolute confidence in his own abilities.”

“I say, didn’t anyone ever teach you how rude it is to ignore someone?” Ghirahim called, “look, I’ll even give you a handicap, I won’t use anything but my right hand to fight against you!”

True to his word, Ghirahim tucked his left hand behind his back, his right hand extending, even waving, in invitation.

There was, however, a subtle red glow coating his fingers, the demonic energy clearly evident.

“Proceed with caution, Master Link,” I advised him.

Master Link responded in the affirmative, then proceeded to strike out, my blade whistling through the air.

It was then immediately caught between the demon lord’s fingers and, with a startled cry from Master Link, wrenched out of my master’s hands.

“Hah, quite the sword you have here. But so long as you telegraph your attacks like the novice you are, you’ll never land a blow,” Ghirahim proclaimed mockingly as he twirled my sword around until he had a firm grip on my hilt.

“Unhand me!” I demanded, focusing my spiritual energy into the hilt, the demonic flesh burning at a far lower rate than anticipated, proving this being was indeed of high caliber.

“Oh? Seems your little sword spirit isn’t very fond of me,” Ghirahim hummed in amusem*nt, “how sad, you would think she’d be glad to be out of the hands of a young welp like you!”

My spiritual energy had dwindled to 70%, but I persisted in channeling it into my hilt, the smell of burning just beginning to build.

But the demon lord paid it no mind as he swung me at Master Link who dodged desperately, his shield gripped tightly as he worked to create distance once again.

“What’s the matter, boy? Don’t you want your sword back?” Ghirahim laughed openly as he slashed my blade through the air, continuing his pursuit of my master, “well, fine, since both of you are such poor sports, I shall return it!”

With that, Ghirahim flung my sword straight at Master Link, my magic, and his own quick reflexes the only reason he managed to avoid getting hit.

Unfortunately, I then found myself lodged within one of the pillars of the room, directly behind Master Link.

He turned, readying himself to come after me, then crying out in pain as Ghirahim delivered a sharp kick to his exposed body.

Tut, tut, child, did your instructors not teach you to keep your eyes upon your opponent?” Ghirahim cackled as he stalked after Master Link, who clutched at his chest as he coughed. “Well lucky for you, I’m quite willing to teach you a few things, if you beg nicely enough.”

Master Link groaned and coughed once more, curling in on himself as Ghirahim drew ever closer to him.

I strained to read Master Link’s vital signs, but I was too far away, my magic still unable to free my blade from the wall, leaving me helpless to do anything but watch as Ghirahim readied himself to kick my master once again.

The second he came to stand above him, Master Link’s arms came up, the slingshot held firmly in his hands, a Deku nut shooting and exploding right between the demon lord’s eyes.

Ghirahim howled, his hands coming up to cover his injured eyes, Master quickly rolling away and scrambling to his feet before heading my way.

He’d only just managed to wrench me free of the wall when Ghirahim appeared to his right, striking out, the blow just barely deflected by Master Link’s shield.

“That wasn’t very nice, sky child!” the demon lord snarled as his right hand began to glow again.

“Master, you must watch for Ghirahim’s ability to grasp your sword with that hand. It is highly probable that he observes the angle you hold your sword at and prepares his defense accordingly. I recommend attacking from the direction opposite his hand!”

I delivered this information as quickly as I could, Master Link reacting swiftly and my blade singing as a number of attacks were delivered in the recommended direction.

“Well, it seems you at least have the ability to learn quickly,” Ghirahim hummed, a smile creeping back on his face as he licked his lips, “but how will you deal with this?”

A snap of his fingers and the sword he’d held previously appeared in his hand, another snap causing a row of blades to appear, hovering in the air.

Master Link quickly deflected them with his shield, though he stumbled, emitting a small groan as he did so.

A quick analysis revealed significant damage to his ribs as well an increased difficulty in his breathing.

Another row of blades was sent flying towards us, Master Link deflecting them with the sword this time, only for him to cry out in pain as Ghirahim himself rushed towards us, his blade slashing against Master Link’s chest.

Thankfully, his chainmail and clothing took the brunt of the attack, but blood was still drawn, the demon lord humming happily as he lapped at the red liquid that coated his blade.

“My, what delectable blood you have,” Ghirahim sighed, his smile becoming even more twisted as bloodlust completely filled the room, “you’ll let me sample even more of it, won’t you?”

“Master, you have sustained a substantial amount of damage. Should this fight drag on for much longer, your odds of winning are at 10%,” I cautioned.

“I’m open to suggestions, Fi,” was Master Link’s reply as he deflected the small daggers Ghirahim threw at him once more.

“Wait for Ghirahim to swing his blade and deflect it with a shield bash,” I instructed as the demon lord crouched for another rushing attack, “then quickly follow up with an attack to his midsection while he is off-balance.”

Master Link made no reply, but did maneuver his shield forward, bracing his body as Ghirahim surged towards us.

A loud clang reverberated through the room as Master Link’s shield collided against the blade, wood splintering, but holding as Master Link pressed forward.

Ghirahim stumbled and Master Link pounced, raining blow after blow upon our foe, until the demon lord stumbled backward, wiping away the line of purple blood that dripped from his mouth.

“Well… You put up more of a fight that I would have thought possible out of such a soft boy,” Ghirahim declared as he straightened.

“But don’t clap for yourself quite yet,” he added as he pointed his blade at my own. “That sword of yours is the only reason you still live.”

Master Link grimaced, his grip upon my blade tightening even as the rest of his body trembled from adrenaline, fatigue, loss of blood, and the mass of emotions that still surged against our bond.

Ghirahim’s gaze shifted towards the door behind him, his one visible eye narrowing, “I fear I spent far too long teasing and toying with you. The girl’s presence has all but faded from this place, which means there’s no reason to linger here.”

The demon lord directed another eerie smile towards Master Link, inclining his head, “Good-bye, sky child. Run and play this time. Get in my way again, though, and you’re dead.”

Master Link flinched at those words and that odd sensation from earlier stirred within my chest again, my blade shining as I gathered what remained of my spiritual energy.

But Ghirahim merely scoffed, his blade swirling through the air, a wave of black magic left in its wake, before the demon lord disappeared in a flurry of diamonds.

Master Link almost immediately collapsed after that, his breathing ragged, my blade ramming into the ground as his legs collapsed.

I quickly exited my blade, performing a more complete scan upon Master Link to identify his injuries.

“Master Link, the laceration to your chest is non-lethal, thanks to the intervention of your armor, however you have sustained numerous other lacerations to other parts of your body as well as a cracked rib. I highly suggest you ingest whatever healing potions you may possess.”

Master Link nodded, fumbling at his pack, nearly dropping a bottle sporting red liquid.

I quickly grabbed hold of it, aiding Master Link in gripping it tightly as he began to drink.

Color began to return to his cheeks, and it wasn’t long before he was struggling to climb back to his feet.

“I would not advise moving at this time—" I began to say, but Master Link cut me off.

“I need to check on Zelda!” he cried.

“As Ghirahim previously stated, Zelda’s aura has already—”

“But we don’t know for sure, do we?!” he continued to protest, a desperate gleam in his eye.

I hesitated, uncertain how best to proceed, knowing that to further upset Master Link would likely result in further agitation and an increased likelihood of loss of consciousness.

I finally submitted to his will, returning to my blade as he hobbled towards the door.

Going through it reveals a stone path, columns made of the same material with golden, winged torches secured to them, towering to either side of us.

Waterfalls cascade down all around us, suppling fresh water to the spring, which shimmers with sacred energy.

Master Link’s expression lightens with awe as he peers at the scenery around us, a soft smile appearing when he spots a flock of Chirris hopping about on the stepping stones before us and the Blessed Butterflies that flit by the trees that stand within the spring.

It becomes a tad more respectful as his gaze falls upon the statue of the Goddess that stands at the end of the path, then drops as he realizes that there truly is no sign of Zelda here.

“Master Link, please wait here while I procure further aid in healing your wounds,” I request as my sensors detect the aura of a certain creature, leading me to exit my blade once again.

“Huh? Oh, you don’t have to—”

“Damage to the ribs, whether it be a crack or a break, can also lead to damage to, and a disease of the lungs,” I informed him, “these would both result in needing prolonged periods of rest, which would result in delaying our pursuit of the spirit maiden, your Zelda.”

Master Link fell silent, then dutifully followed my instructions in sitting down properly, so as not to aggravate his injuries.

Once he was settled, I headed in the direction my dowsing indicated my targets dwelled, calling upon my magic as I drew near.

They tried to scatter and flee, but my magic was already enveloping them, enclosing them into a bubble of air and water, their small bodies rebounding harmlessly when they made contact.

“I have uncovered your hiding spot and captured you accordingly,” I informed the tiny, winged creatures, who laughed as they bounced against the walls of their container. “Therefore, in accordance with your own laws, I am allowed to request your aid in healing my master.”

They chimed their agreement, then in concern as I returned to Master Link and they witnessed my master’s injuries.

“What do you have there, Fi?” he asked curiously as I came to a halt before him, the magical container for the creatures glowing pink with their auras.

“These creatures are called Fairies, Master Link,” I replied as I opened the magical container, allowing the Fairies to slip out and flutter around him. “These playful sprites possess incredibly powerful healing magic. With their aid, your ribs should be repaired easily.”

“Really?” Master Link asked, staring at the Fairies with wonder, before giggling as one landed upon his nose, “hey! That tickles!”

The fairies chimed and tinkled before finally setting to work, one circling around Master Link’s chest while the others trailed over the rest of his body.

His cuts quickly closed, and his breathing became far less labored, Master Link releasing a deep sigh of relief once the Fairies had finished their work.

“Thank you!” Master Link called after the Fairies as they took off before a look of concern replaces his smile and he stares at me in worry.

“Wait, shouldn’t we have them look at you too, Fi?” he asks, to my surprise, “it looked like there was smoke coming from your blade when Ghirahim was holding it, and it got lodged into that wall. Come to think of it, doesn’t it hurt when I hit the sword against stuff—"

“There is no need to worry Master Link,” I replied, “I am incapable of feeling pain and the only way I may be able to sustain damage would be if my blade were to crack or break entirely.

“However, on the note of injuries, I must ask for your pardon master. Due to my inexperience and inability to gather information quickly enough, you sustained serious damage.”

“I’m just as much to blame for that,” Master Link sighed, his knees coming up to his chest and his arms hugging them loosely, “you saw what happened back there, that guy, Ghirahim, was wiping the floor with me. Groose and Zelda were right, I slacked off way too much and almost got Zelda captured by that creep.”

“While I cannot make any accurate observations on your ‘slacking off’ due to lack of information, the chances of you handling Ghirahim any better than you did would be a mere 10%,” I stated, causing Master Link’s drooping gaze to lift towards me.

“In addition,” I continued, “considering that your society has lived in peace for generations, your ability to adapt and the fact that you did not freeze in the presence of a being such as Ghirahim shows great promise in any future development.”

“…thanks Fi,” Master Link murmured, a smile finally returning to his face.

“I merely state facts Master Link,” I replied, that strange stirring, similar to when I first saw him as a babe, rising in my chest.

I ignored it, turning to face the water, “observe, Master Link. We now stand within Skyview Spring. It is a special place, protected by the power of the goddess. They say the water here can purify the body of whoever comes into contact with it.”

“So… it could’ve healed me instead of the fairies?”

“Incorrect, Master Link,” I replied, “purifying a body is very different from healing it of physical wounds. Though it is due to the purifying properties of the spring that the fairies were drawn here.

“Now then,” I continued, gesturing at the crest that floated just beneath the statue of Goddess Hylia, “you must strike the seal before us with a Skyward Strike. This will show us the way forward.”

“Okay,” Master Link nodded, climbing carefully to his feet, and drawing the sword as he came to stand before the seal.

The sword was raised, the sacred energy gathered, and then a Skyward Strike was sent forth, the seal spinning and glowing as it absorbed the energy.

“Master, I have a message written in the language of the gods of old,” I announced as I came to stand just above the water next to the seal. “Allow me to translate for you.”

I bowed, then began to dance as the message came to me. “From the edge of time I guide you, the one chosen to carry out the goddess’s mission.”

Master Link turned as I skated by him, following my trail through the water as I continued.

“The spirit maiden who descended from the clouds must travel to two sacred places to purify her body. You stand in one of these places: Skyview Spring. The other is known as the Earth Spring.”

I circled around the statue of the Goddess, returning before the seal, and spinning, the sacred magic swirling around me as I did so.

“This second spring is hidden away deep within the scorched earth of Eldin. The spirit maiden, ever mindful of the heavy task entrusted to her, has set out for this second sacred place…”

The magic then rose to the statue of the goddess, summoning forth another stone tablet, which flew to Master Link as I came to stand at his side.

He grunted as the magic levitating the stone tablet dissipated, quickly setting it down at his feet, before turning back to me.

I opened my mouth to speak once more, but Master Link cut me off, a big smile on his face as he began to clap his hands.

“That was incredible Fi! Your dancing was so amazing and beautiful!”

“…I was merely translating the message left for you, Master Link,” I replied, my head tilting at the unexpected reaction. “And, as I just translated, it would appear that Zelda purified herself in the waters of this spring. I calculate a 97% chance that she has already set out for Eldin, where another great spring exists. However, it is not clear what method of travel Zelda used to move from here to her next destination.”

“We probably wouldn’t be able to use the same method and catch up with her, would we?” Master Link asked with a sigh.

“We would not,” I replied, Master Link emitting another sigh as I continued. “My analysis suggests you should take the Ruby Tablet to the altar in Skyloft. Doing so will likely open a new column of light on the surface, allowing you to descend to another area and continue your search for Zelda. Let’s return to the sky once more before continuing our search. The bird statue outside can take us back up.”

“Okay, let’s go,” Master Link declared, beginning to head towards the exit… only to stumble and fall to one knee.

I quickly performed another scan of Master Link’s vitals, mindful of any injuries that may have been too serious for the fairies to heal, running through possible alternatives… only to find them unnecessary.

“Master, it would appear that, due to your adrenaline rush finally coming to an end and your previous loss of blood, your body is experiencing a severe case of fatigue,” I stated as Master Link struggled to rise once more. “In light of that, I would suggest making a stop at the Academy, where you may recuperate.”

“No, it’s fine,” Master Link replied, waving a shaking hand in my direction as he stumbled back into a standing position. “I-I’m fine. I just… just need to catch my breath and… and we can head to the next pillar.”

“My readings indicate an 80% chance of loss of consciousness should you attempt any other actions without giving yourself time to recuperate,” I stated, hovering closer on the chance Master Link might be in need of support.

“I’ll grab one of those fruits we’ve seen on the trees in the forest before we head up,” Master Link declared as he stumbled against me, “don’t worry so much, Fi, I’m fine….”

“There is a 90% chance your blood loss is affecting your judgement,” I stated as we continued our slow exit from the temple.


Read somewhere that blood loss can make it seem like a person is drunk... that certainly won't make for any dangerous Loftwing flying, right? ...right? ...Meh, it's a bird with its own mind, it should be fine....

Side Note: Fi's actual description of Fairies: My analysis indicates a 90% chance that this is a Fairy. I calculate a 10% chance that this is a rare or previously undiscovered insect. If my analysis is correct and this is a Fairy, you can make use of the glittering dust that covers its wings to heal your wounds.

...Yeah, that's not gonna insult the fairy at all... XD -_-' Oh, Fi...

Chapter 9: Family and Lullabies


Link loses consciousness soon after returning to the Sky and Fi witnesses how her master's instructors and fellow students react to the injuries he's sustained and the uncertainties and worries that follow.

When Link later awakens from a nightmare, what will the spirit of the sword do in order to aid him?


Listening recommendation: Preferred version of "Ballad of the Goddess"... though I mostly listened to a Nightcore version on Youtube...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was only an approximate three seconds after Master Link’s Loftwing had responded to his call and Master Link had settled himself securely upon the bird that loss of consciousness occurred.

One moment he had been trying to comfort his Loftwing, assuring his bonded partner that his current physical state was ‘fine’, the next he had slumped forward, his body hanging limply from his Loftwing’s back.

The bird had screeched in alarm, and I exited my blade, in the event the animal panicked and dislodged our master.

But the bird proved to be of sound judgement, immediately shifting its body so that Master Link remained in a steady position.

The Loftwing’s gaze shifted my way, and a low hiss was directed at me, but then it focused on the direction of the island of Skyloft and carefully made its way towards the large landmass.

I assumed it would head for the Goddess Statue as Master Link had planned, but instead the bird veered towards the Knight Academy.

It then proceeded to land directly in front of the Academy, screeching and calling, until the humans within came to investigate.

I quickly withdrew into my blade, alarmed voices surrounding us, until the familiar voices of Instructor Owlan and Headmaster Gaepora rang out.

The Loftwing's body lowered and then arms were wrapping gently around our master, the instructor’s voice much softer and gentler than before as he murmured reassurances to Master Link.

He seemed to grow agitated at my master’s lack of response and then, after we had traveled away from the other voices, my sword was being removed from Master Link’s back.

This, for some reason, caused a memory of Ghirahim taking me away from Master Link to surface, and I found myself lashing out in response.

There was a cry of pain before my blade hit the ground and I regained my reasoning, uncertain why I’d responded in such a manner, when the likelihood of us encountering the Demon Lord or any kind of danger in this setting was less than 5%.

The murmuring of voices surrounded me once more (though lesser in number and volume), then the voice of the headmaster began to speak, his aura hovering over me uncertainly.

“Now, I don’t know why you burned Instructor Owlan like that, Miss Spirit of the Sword,” he was saying, “but I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t do it to me, as I’m going to pick you up now. We can’t leave you in the middle of the infirmary floor, you see….”

I hesitated a moment, then emerged from my blade, bowing respectfully to the headmaster once I had.

“My apologies,” I said, straightening then bowing once more towards the younger male with longer white hair, who still held his injured hand, “I should not have lashed out while you were only trying to provide aid, I… I am uncertain why I did that….”

“Given the state Link is in I suppose it is no surprise,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed, his brows coming together and his face contorting with worry as he gazed at Master Link, who had been placed upon a bed.

Closer inspection revealed a room of white, numerous instruments and ingredients of the medicinal variety placed strategically within.

“I don’t suppose you could tell us what happened?” the man I assumed to be Instructor Owlan asked as he grabbed a bottle sitting within a cabinet and applied its contents to his hand, before turning back to Master Link.

“Amidst our search for the spirit maiden, Zelda, we encountered a being who identified himself as ‘Lord Ghirahim’,” I began to report, moving closer to Master Link.

“This individual, who claimed to preside over the surface, proved to be highly skilled in fighting. Master Link was able to outwit and defend against this individual’s assault, but sustained major injuries—”

“How major?” Instructor Owlan demanded, interrupting my explanation, his gaze focused on Master Link’s torso, where a newly healed scar lay. “Given the state of his armor, it’s obvious that this scar is the result of a deep cut of quite a sharp sword. And I’m guessing there was more than that?”

“There was damage to his ribs as well as numerous lacerations, the most serious of which produced the damage you can see to his tunic and undergarments here,” I replied, gesturing to the damaged front of Master Link’s tunic.

“Due to finding and receiving aid from Fairies who dwelled within the sacred spring; however, Master Link does not require any additional first aid,” I concluded, confusion soon following as Instructor Owlan’s face darkened with suspicion.

“I believe I shall be the judge of that,” he said, before directing his gaze towards the headmaster, “so, if the two of you would?”

“It is my duty to remain by my master’s side—” I began to inform the men as the headmaster began to move away, my sword and Master Link’s damaged shield in his hands.

But then the man rested on of those hands on my shoulder, a new expression now on his face as he said, “now, my dear, I’m certain your ‘Fairies’ did a splendid job, but Instructor Owlan would just like to make sure, so let’s give him some space, hm?”

“I assure you Master Link only requires rest and sustenance in order to aid in replenishing the blood lost during the confrontation with Ghirahim—”

“Alright, alright, the instructors and I will see that that’s done,” the headmaster cut in, his head nodding slowly, though this did not stop him from leaving the room with my sword still in his hand, leaving me no choice but to follow.

“And there was no sign of my daughter?” the headmaster asked, once I had fully reported the events that had occurred upon the surface.

“There was only the slightest traces of her presence,” I repeated, “it is highly probable that she used the confrontation between my master and Ghirahim as a chance to escape from within Skyview spring and head to the next spring.”

“Which resides within this ‘Eldin’ region you spoke of?” the headmaster queried, “that’s where this new tablet will take you and Link, once he inserts it into that pedestal, creating another column in the cloud barrier?”

“Correct,” I nodded, placing the tablet into storage once it was returned to me. “It would be best to leave as soon as Master Link has recovered, and his armor mended. He will also require a new shield, preferably a nonflammable one, as the information provided from the message left within Skyview Spring suggested Eldin was a place of scorched earth—”

A knocking at the door interrupted me and I quickly returned to my blade as the person causing the knocking entered rather abruptly.

“I hadn’t called for you to enter just yet, Pipit,” the headmaster said, though there was only the slightest note of reprimand within his tone.

“Ah, m-my apologies, headmaster!” a male’s voice cried, “I-I, i-it’s just, I only just managed to calm Link’s Loftwing down and… and clean the blood off his feathers….”

“Was he injured?”

“The Loftwing? No,” Pipit replied, “no, just freaking out since, apparently, his rider was bleeding.”

“Link was already taken to the infirmary, where Owlan is examining and treating him,” the headmaster stated. “Luckily, from what I’ve heard so far, Link had already received medical treatment, so he should be fine—”

“Headmaster, with all due respect,” Pipit cut in, the agitation in his voice quickly growing more aggressive, “given the state Link returned to Skyloft in, don’t you think you should reconsider your decision?”

“And which decision might that be?”

“The decision for Link to be the one to investigate that strange light that appeared!” Pipit cried, the sound of something hitting the desk before us ringing through the room.

“I know Link is one of the best swordsmen the academy has seen in years and of course he’d be the most motivated to find Zelda,” this Pipit continued, in a somewhat steadier tone, “but he is still a fresh graduate into the senior class. And with the way he was injured—”

“Do you believe you would do better, Pipit?” the headmaster cut in this time, his tone quiet but filled with a subtle warning.

“No, of course not,” Pipit sighed, “I’ve long lost count of how many times I’ve lost to that kid in class.

“But still,” he continued, his voice becoming unsteady, “he’s still a kid. And this was the second time his bird has carried him back here, hurt, and unconscious, in less than twenty-four hours!

“I’m not saying he should be removed from this mission, but… at the very least, please allow we seniors to accompany him!”

“…I shall think about it,” the headmaster sighed, the chair he was sitting in creaking as he shifted position. “For now, I think it best that we all wait for Instructor Owlan to finish his assessment and for Link himself to awaken once more.”

There was no audible reply from Pipit, but soon footsteps were moving away from us and then the door was opening and closing.

“…well, spirit of the Goddess Sword,” the headmaster called after a moment of silence, “what is your opinion on what that young man requested. Would it be best to send a group of Link’s fellow knights to accompany the two of you?”

“As the factor of time must be accounted for,” I began to answer as I exited my blade to look the headmaster in the eyes, “the chances of success, when adding in an additional number of travelers, in the endeavor of catching up with Zelda, will decrease by a high rate.

“If we add in the additional difficulties of the added troop’s ability to quickly adapt to new surroundings, as well as any new, possibly aggressive fauna alongside the likelihood of encountering the individual known as Ghirahim or his associates… the chances of completing the mission given by the Goddess would be less than 5%.”

The headmaster’s reply to this information is a heavy sigh, his hands rubbing his face as he leans back into his chair.

“…Pipit is right, though,” the man whispers wearily, “Link is far too young… they’re both too young… and even if they are already healed, those wounds….”

“It will not happen again.”

The headmaster’s gaze returns to me, surprise in his eyes and for a moment I can only stare back at him in silence.

Why did I make such a statement? There was no guarantee that such an event would not occur again, especially since there was a 95% chance that we would encounter Ghirahim once more, since he was also after the spirit maiden.

And yet… and yet I… I am determined to make this statement a reality. I want to ensure such a thing does not happen again.

“I will be with Master Link,” I continued, “and I will ensure that he will fulfill his destiny, efficiently, and that he will not sustain such wounds again.”

“…well, I shall be counting on you then,” the headmaster replied, a small smile lifting the edges of his moustache. “Now then… what are your suggestions for supplies, going forward?”

It is a few hours after nightfall that Master Link stirs from his previously comatose state.

Instead of slowly regaining consciousness, however, it seems Master Link becomes entangled in a nightmare, his face twisting with distress as his body begins to toss and turn.

I exit my blade and am just beginning to tap into our mental bond when he jerks into a sitting position, choking on a scream as he scrambles for the sword.

“Master,” I call, both aloud and through our bond, bringing his clouded gaze my way, “it would appear you have experienced a nightmare. Rest assured that any previous danger has now passed, and we reside in a safe area.”

Master Link blinked uncomprehendingly at me, before turning his gaze to the room, eyes becoming increasingly clearer, though still a bit confused as they took in the sights.

“We currently reside within the Academy’s ‘infirmary’ Master Link,” I informed him. “Due to you losing consciousness soon after climbing aboard your Loftwing, the bird decided to bring you to the school. From there the instructors brought you to this space in order to assess your wounds for themselves.”

When it had been made clear that Master Link’s wounds had, indeed, been completely healed, he had then been transferred to one of the beds in the infirmary, his damaged armor switched out for clean clothes and curtains drawn around him to provide privacy.

“How,” Master Link began to inquire, before grimacing and rubbing his throat.

“There is a 50% chance of dehydration, therefore I suggest you partake in a drink from the water left to you by the instructors."

“…I’m surprised nobody’s here,” Master Link remarked, after taking a few sips of the proffered water and opening the curtains.

“There have been a number of concerned individuals that have visited this room whilst you slumbered, a few of whom left pots of flowers. Your Instructor Owlan and the Housemother Henya, were both looking after you previously, but they have both left now, though I believe Henya mentioned coming back after checking on a strange noise… and she muttered something about a creature called ‘Remlits?’”

“Good time to head out, then,” Master Link declared as he moved to swing his legs out of the bed.

“As it is not even halfway past the hours of the night period, I believe it would be best for you to remain within bed and allow your body more rest,” I stated, quickly moving to support Master Link when his body swayed, nearly leading to collapse.

“After that last nightmare, resting’s the last thing on my mind,” Master Link huffed, once again trying to rise, “look, I’m not going to do something stupid like try to smuggle my Loftwing out of the stables and head after Zelda… mostly because I’m pretty sure he’d just push me into his nest and sit on me until morning….”

“Your tone of voice suggests this is an event that has happened previously?”

“It happened a lot these past few weeks,” he sighed, before directing a suspicious glance my way, “come to think of it, wasn’t it your voice I kept hearing in those dreams?”

“Indeed,” I replied with a nod, “as those dreams were indications of the destined time approaching, I used them to establish contact with you. The goal was to lead you to my blade… though, as the old woman stated, such an event happened much sooner and in an unexpected manner.”

“…Fi, if you’re the one in charge of these nightmares, couldn’t you have… I don’t know, made them much less freaky? And what’s the point of keeping them up now?”

“While I did indeed use them to my advantage, they were not of my own creation,” I stated. “Hence, I was unable to affect what appeared within the dreams nor when they might occur.”

Master Link sighed heavily, his hands rubbing at his face, much as the headmaster's had done previously, before he flopped back down on the bed.

“Well then, Fi, I don’t suppose you could sing me a lullaby that would keep those nasty dreams away, would you?” he asked, an odd tone to his voice as he did so.

“A… lullaby?” I repeated.

“Yeah, a lullaby, you know,” Master Link said, one hand coming up to wave lazily in the air, “a nice, quiet little tune you sing to help someone sleep.”

“Fi dear… can you sing me a lullaby?”

“I do not know any lullabies, Your Grace, Lady Hylia.”

“Then the Ballad… can you sing me the ballad of my hero?”

“…very well then, Master Link. I shall sing for you,” I replied.

This led Master Link’s arms to fall away from his face, his eyes blinking up at me with surprise and confusion.

“Uh, I… wasn’t actually serious, Fi,” he stutters, “I-, do you even know any lullabies?”

“I do not but… of the songs within my memory, I believe the Ballad of the Goddess is the most suitable for easing tension and inviting slumber,” I stated. “However, if you would prefer I not sing, I can try an alternative—”

“No, no!” Master Link cries, sitting up and bringing his knees up to his chest, his arms circling around them as he stares up at me with shining eyes, “please, I’d love to hear you sing, Fi!”

“Very well, then,” I nodded, before settling myself and beginning to sing as requested.

“En dashe bu,

Nobe shundu,

Tie shutwu,

Kewenu swa lei."

“En dashe bu,

Nobe shundu,

Tie shutwu,

Kewenu swa lei….”

A new kind of smile drifts onto Master Link’s face as I sing, his head nodding along to the tune as his eyes close.

Three additional recitations of the song leads to his head nodding more in the manner of weariness and by the fourth I have to extend one of my wings to keep him from tumbling off the bed.

It is as I maneuver him to lay back upon the bed properly that an additional memory comes to mind.

“Fi, make sure to remember this song.”

“Of course, I shall store it within my memory banks. It is an integral part of the mission, after all.”

“It’s not just a part of the mission, Fi… it’s a promise… a comfort and a reassurance… one that I hope both you, and he, will find solace in, when it is needed.”

A smile still remains upon Master Link’s lips, and I find my wing sliding atop his head, mimicking the actions of Her Grace, Hylia… though I know not why.

“…you are the guide to the hero and the weapon who will defeat the enemies of the Goddess Hylia… emotions are a hindrance and a distraction… Master Link is a human and can be excused, but you must remain rational and unperturbed… you do not possess emotions!”

And yet… had not Lady Hylia seemed confused by my lack of such things? Could it be she had truly wished I possess emotions? But… why? What was the use in that?

The sound of the door opening tears my mind away from such thoughts and I return to my blade, the voice of Henya murmuring quietly and the sounds of sheets rustling following soon after.

There is the sound of a chair creaking and then the old woman begins to hum an unknown tune, comforting and sweet, and I become lost in old memories of Lady Hylia singing in the sunlight… and Master Link, smiling and laughing as we chase after Kikwis and small birds.


Aw, Fi is becoming confused and questioning her belief in not having emotions be clear, Hylia never said she didn't have any and was quite confused on why Fi made such a statement (but she accepted it, mostly, because she loves Fi and didn't want to push/upset her baby sword spirit)

If anyone has thoughts or opinions on this matter, or the fic in general, I'd love to hear them!

Chapter 10: Joining the Mogma Gang


Link and Fi arrive at Eldin Volcano and almost immediately get roped into some treasure hunting by a couple of locals.


So, the Mogmas pretty much just... completely hijacked this chapter... which was not at all planned.
*Mrowls in surprise as Mogmas scoop author up and run off*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Master Link reawakens in the late morning, which seems to surprise his fellow Academy residents.

The housemother, Henya, insists he partake in ‘breakfast’ and there is much chattering and jostling when we move into the area known as the ‘cafeteria’.

Many questions are directed Master Link’s way, most of which he deflects or ignores, except for those that come from the Fledge, Karane and Pipit individuals.

These individuals, however, are the most agitated and are the ones who press him for information the most.

“What do you mean you can’t tell us or take us with you?!” the Karane individual cries when the four of them retreat to a quieter area. “Look, I know you and Zelda are childhood friends, but I am her roommate and a senior and you’re telling me I can’t help?!”

“I’m with Karane on this one Link,” Pipit chimes in, “especially after the way you came back. Even if you managed to find some incredible healing creatures, you were still severely injured, the state of your armor is a testament to that. Who knows what could happen if you meet that Ghirahim guy again?”

“Or worse, what if he actually manages to find Zelda before you do?” Karane cries again, “it’s better if we go with you, that way we’d be able to cover more ground and back each other up if we run into trouble.”

“Look, I know you guys are worried,” Master Link sighed, “and I appreciate the offer, I do. But that guy, he’s after Zelda specifically, and I have to find her before he does. Yes, having you with me might mean more ground covered in looking for her, but with the major differences between how things are here and how they are below… I’m sorry but, I’m afraid you’d just slow me down.”

“B-but Link, w-what if you get hurt again, or worse?” the Fledge individual inquired this time.

“I won’t, I’ll be careful.”

“But what if—”

“Link, there you are!” the voice of Instructor Horwell cut in this time, “I’ve got that new metal shield the headmaster requested for you!”

“Thank you, instructor,” Master Link replied, my blade becoming jostled as the new shield was strapped to Master Link’s back.

“As for the rest of you, morning classes will be starting soon, so you’d best be on your way.”

“But Instructor, this is ridiculous!” Karane argued, “we can’t just let Link go by himself again, what if he runs into serious trouble this time? What if he’s not able to get back here for help?! What if—”

“Karane,” Instructor Horwell cut in, his voice calm and authoritative, “you mustn’t allow you emotions to get the best of you.

“While assigning a team may afford more security and fighting force,” the instructor continued, “it could also lead to a decrease in stealth and speed. And, from what I’ve heard from the headmaster, that is what Link needs most right now….”

There was a moment of silence, which was finally broken by Master Link’s soft voice.

“Maybe you guys could help me pack?” he suggested, “I think the next place is going to be somewhere really hot, so if you could help me find ways to stay cool….”

“Maybe you should pack a lot of ice?” Fledge suggested, the voices of Karane and Pipit soon adding their own suggestions as Master Link began walking once again.

Eventually Master Link managed to extricate himself from his fellow students and then we were standing within the Statue of the Goddess.

Master Link quickly set the Ruby tablet within the altar, turning to me once it was in place.

“Master, I have confirmed the location of a second opening in the cloud barrier,” I inform him once the magic has been cast and the new opening created. “It is located in the skies to the northeast. This opening will allow you to access a new area on the surface. I suggest you fly there as soon as you are ready.”

“Then let’s go,” Master Link declared as we headed for the nearest flight deck.

With a sharp whistle to summon his Loftwing, Master Link and I arrived quickly at the newest opening in the cloud barrier.

Separating from his bird this time proved more difficult, as the Loftwing fussed and screeched when Master Link moved to dismount.

“You can’t come with me,” Master Link told him, when the Loftwing had moved as if to descend through the opening himself, “it’s too dangerous. I’ll be careful, I promise.”

The bird seemed unconvinced and hissed quite loudly towards where I hovered next to the two of them.

“Hey, no hissing!” Master Link scolded, “and it’s not Fi’s fault! Look, I need to look for Zelda, she’s in trouble, so I have to go down!”

The bird squawked and made a variety of sounds, causing Master Link’s face to contort before he sighed and pressed his forehead against his bird’s.

“I know, I know,” he murmured as he rubbed his hands against ruffled feathers. “You’re worried and want to help too… maybe… maybe you can keep an eye on the green opening? Aoi is still recovering in that area and I’m sure he’d be glad to see you when he makes it back up here….”

The bird emitted a few more noises of discontent, but eventually settled enough that Master Link was able to jump free, angling his body towards the new opening.

There was one last cry from the Crimson Loftwing and then all was silent except for the wind.

“Master, this is Eldin Volcano,” I informed Master Link once we had landed. “It is an active volcano rich with the power of the earth.”

“Okay,” Master Link replied, “but uh… what exactly is a volcano?”

“It is that mountain that lies before us,” I began to explain as I gestured at the structure with my wing. “Volcanoes can also be classified as hills and are typically conical in shape. They possess a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth’s core.”


“Lava is hot molten, or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure, or solid rock resulting from cooling of this substance,” I explained.

“…so, don’t touch it?”

“Touching would result in severe burns and loss of limbs or life should you be fully submerged.”

“So, yeah, no touching,” Master Link replied with an uneasy laugh, “man, Zelda sure is picking some… interesting places to visit down here.”

“As she is following the destiny laid out by the goddess, I believe it would be more accurate to state that it is Hylia who is determining our destinations,” I corrected Master Link.

“Right, right,” he sighed as a hand swiped across his brow, “anything else I need to know about this place?”

“Approximately 65% of the region is covered by lava. It is inhabited by a large number of creatures that thrive in the extreme heat and direct flame. Please exercise caution with flammable materials such as wood and fabric.”

“…Fi, I’m not going to burst into flame the second I start moving around here, am I?” Master Link inquired uneasily.

“I shall monitor the state of your clothing and internal temperature and designate a path that shall keep you a suitable distance from the lava to prevent it from setting you aflame,” I informed Master Link.

“However,” I added, “in the event you are to catch on fire, I highly recommend you extinguish the flames by quickly performing a move such as a forward roll.”

“Yes, I’m aware of the ‘stop, drop, and roll’ routine,” Master Link replied.

“I am unfamiliar with that term,” I stated as my head tilted to the side.

“It’s something we were taught as kids,” Master Link explained, “had a whole song and everything. Want me to teach you?”

“Perhaps at a later time, Master Link,” I said as I activated my dowsing ability, “I can sense Zelda ahead of us. It would be best to head out immediately, if we are to catch up with her.”

Master Link agreed eagerly, and I returned to my blade as he set off.

We had only progressed a few feet when the ground before Master Link suddenly dropped away and two as-of-yet unseen creatures appeared to block our path.

“Hey! Hey! HEY! Y-you mess with our turf and you’re gonna… pay?” one of the creatures declared gruffly before his voice petered out in confusion.

“Whoa!” the second of the creatures cried, “you’re not… Yo, Ledd, I don’t think this is one of those red creeps."

“Y-y-yeah, I think you’re right Cobal… No reason to scare the hair off us, though!” the first creature, Ledd, exclaimed, glaring angrily at Master Link.

“Uh, I’m… sorry?” Master Link apologized uncertainly.

“Nah, we’re sorry ‘bout that too, pal,” Ledd replied with a wave. “These monsters showing up and messing with our turf has got me on edge.”

“Did they show up recently?” Master Link inquired.

“Yeah, but don’t you worry. They show up here, and I’m gonna knock the red clean out of ‘em! That’s what I’m doing here. Yeah, me, Ledd.”

“Yeah, whatever, Mr. Too Scared to Dig in the Dark,” the second creature identified as Cobal, muttered.

“I heard that ya’ jerk!” Ledd exclaimed as he delivered a blow to Cobal’s head.

His anger quickly disappeared as he turned back to Master Link, “anyway, if you’re looking for treasure, you should stay clear of those red guys.”

“Well, I’m not looking for treasure,” Master Link replied, “I’m looking for a friend of mine.”

“Huh, really?” Ledd replied, his large ears twitching. “Oh, so, that must have been your pal that passed by earlier, sprinting by without so much as a glance in our direction.”

“Sprinting by?” Master Link repeated, unease building against our bond.

“Well, it was sorta a blur of movement, so I didn’t get a real good look, but I knew it wasn’t one of those red creeps. If that’s the friend you’re looking for, then they went straight up this path.”

“That… doesn’t exactly sound like Zelda,” Master Link confided to me.

“Given the information you have relayed to me, I must concur with your statement,” I replied. “However, my dowsing indicates that she resides in the same area these Mogmas claim this figure headed.”

“Oh, so that’s what these guys are,” Master Link hummed as he eyed the Mogmas.

“Apologies for the late information, Master. These beings are members of a highly civilized mole race called the Mogma. Their primary habitat is underground. All Mogmas have a deep and abiding love of treasure.”

“Hey! The heck are you staring at us like that for?” Ledd cried, growing agitated, “y-you want a fight or somethin’?”

“Calm down blockhead,” Cobal said as he delivered his own blow to Ledd’s head. “He’s obviously not from around these parts… I’m guessing this is the first time you’ve seen a Mogma?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Master Link confirmed, “sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

“If you’re really sorry, then how about doing us a favor?” Cobal asked with an odd smile. “For your information, us Mogmas have claimed this territory to search around for riches. We’re what you’d call treasure hunters.”

“I already said I’m not here to look for treasure.”

“Right, right, you’re looking for your friend,” Cobal said, nodding, “we heard ya, and I’m thinking we could help each other out here. From that fancy sword and shield on your back, I’m guessing you’re a fighter, right?”

“Something like that, yeah.”

“Well, like my buddy said, these red fellas that showed up recently, they’ve been messing with our digs,” Cobal continued. “See, we were hired by this Goron guy to look for historical artifacts in the area.”

“Goron guy? Do you mean Gorko?” Master Link inquired.

“Yeah, that might’a been his name,” Cobal replied with a nod, “he was especially interested in anything that could be found in the temple around here.

“Thing is, we haven’t made much progress thanks to the red weirdos that showed up not too long ago. They’ve been making a real mess, terrorizing our gang and causing our tunnels to collapse.”

“Let me guess, this is where I come in?” Master Link asked.

“Correct-o-mundo!” Cobal cried, pointing at Master Link for some reason. “You take care of the creeps, we help you find your friend, and then we split whatever treasure we find along the way, twenty-eighty.”

“I do not believe those odds are in your favor, Master Link,” I cautioned.

“It’s not like I need the treasure anyway, Fi,” Master Link countered, “besides, if it means getting to Zelda faster, then I may as well accept their help.”

“Deal,” he said aloud, “just help me get to the temple.”

“Music to our ears!” Cobal laughed.

He then disappeared into his hole before reappearing with a bag, which he then handed to Master Link.

“Here, these will probably come in handy, where we’re going.”

“What are these?” Master Link asked as he peered inside the bag, “flowers?”

“Yeah,” Cobal nodded, “bomb flowers. They grow real abundantly in these parts. Toss ‘em at an enemy or an obstacle in your way and BOOM! Nothing but dust.”

“You can find more of them on our way to the temple, but be careful,” Ledd added, “there’s a special technique to pickin’ these things. Without it, the flowers will light up the second you pick ‘em and then you’d better be tossin’ ‘em right away!”

“Okay, I’ll be careful,” Master Link replied as he secured the bomb bag, “now, lead the way!”

The Mogmas led us through an intricate network of mines, monsters and additional Mogmas found along the way.

Master Link was quick to deal with the monsters, while the Mogmas revealed additional information.

This is how we received additional information of the unknown individual.

Described as a ‘funny-dressed character’ in a black ‘getup’, they seemed to possess incredible agility and speed.

“They just came charging through here. Dressed all in black!” a new Mogma, named Zanc, told us when we ran into him.

“And you see that up ahead?” he added, an arm gesturing towards a precipice before us. “That’s what we call a drop-dead end, but this character danced right over it.”

“Seriously Zanc?!” Ledd cried, “you aren’t pullin’ our leg now, are you? No way someone can just ‘jump’ right over that!”

“I don’t blame ya’ for doubtin’,” Zanc nodded understandably, “I saw it with my own two eyes, and I still can’t believe it. I tell ya’ my jaw hit the dirt.”

“I, uh… I don’t suppose you can do something like that?” Cobal asked Master Link. “And, uh… manage to take us with you?”

“I dunno if I’d advise that, fellas,” Zanc hummed. “The mountains ahead are crawling with those red troublemakers. I got a feeling that shady so-and-so is gonna zip right on by ‘em, but you lot….”

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at the chasm ahead, before Cobal addressed Master Link again.

“Well, this is your friend, right Link? Don’t you have the same abilities as they do or something?”

“I don’t think this person in black is the friend I’m looking for,” Master Link replied, his worry building anew. “For one thing, she’s never been very fond of wearing black and, as amazing as she is, dancing through the air was not a skill she possessed.”

“Wait,” Ledd cut in, an odd expression now twisting his face, “you never mentioned your friend was a girl.”

“What does that matter?” Master Link asked.

“Oh-ho! I see,” Cobal chuckled in an odd fashion, “so you’re looking for your girlfriend….”

“Wha-?! No! I-it’s, it’s not like that at all!”

“Y’know, the louder you deny it, the more likely it seems to be true,” Ledd snickered.

“It’s not!” Master Link cried, “we are friends! Sh-she, she’s my best friend! I-I—”

“Master, your heart rate and blood pressure are rising rapidly,” I interjected, “is this related to a medical problem? Should we seek aid?”

“This is not a medical problem, I’m fine, Fi,” Master Link muttered.

“Eh? What’s that you say?”

“I said that Zelda is my best friend and not my girlfriend!”

“Okay, okay, ease up on the kid you two,” Zanc cut it, “wouldn’t be good if our new guard’s head were to explode from embarrassment.”

“Is that a possibility, Master Link?”

“You know what, I’m going to go take a look around, see if I can’t find a switch or something to bring the bridge down!” Master Link declared, moving towards the chasm.

Only to find the need for his search disappear as a bridge suddenly began to extend.

“You, the goddess’ chosen hero…”

Master Link startled as an unknown woman’s voice called to us, a figure in black appearing atop the gate on the opposite side of the chasm.

“Zelda is ahead… Hurry.”

“Wait, wha—” Master Link stuttered, but the woman had already jumped out of sight.

“That’s them! The figure in black!” Zanc exclaimed, pointing to where the figure had been.

“And, hey, didn’t you say the friend you were looking for was named Zelda?” Cobal asked.

“Whoa! Don’t tell me that person’s trying to steal Zelda from our man Link, are they?!” Ledd gasped.

“We can’t let that happen! Alright boys, full steam ahead!”

“Wait, Zelda and I aren’t—" Master Link began to protest, but the Mogmas were already pushing us forward.

“Yo, Ledd! This is the place ain’t it? The place that Goron wanted us find?” Cobal cried, once we found ourselves standing before a set of red doors sporting white dragons.

“I think you’re right, Cobal!” Ledd nodded in agreement. “And seein’ how fancy these doors look, I bet they got something really valuable stashed in there. I can practically smell the riches from here!”

“It would appear these Mogma are no longer concerned with finding Zelda,” I informed Master Link.

“Whoa, wait, what are we sayin’?!” Ledd suddenly cried, “the riches can wait, we gotta help Link rescue his girl first!”

“She’s not my girl!” Master Link cried in turn, though the Mogma’s paid him no mind.

“Man, finding the key for this door’s gonna be a real time consumer,” Ledd groaned.

“Why would we look for a key when we can just dig our way in?” Cobal asked.

“What? Um….”

“Just sayin’,” Cobal stated, crossing and waving one of his arms.

“You ain’t as dumb as you look!” Ledd proclaimed, before turning to address Master Link. “Alright, we’re gonna tunnel our way through! Just stick with us and you’ll be sweeping your girl off her feet in no time!”

Master Link opened his mouth as to reply to the Mogma’s statement, but then merely sighed and jumped into the hole, following along behind the determined diggers.

“Yeesh! The heck is with this place! Did we dig to the center of the earth or somethin’?!”

“Analysis shows that we are still several feet above the center of the planet,” I stated. “However, we have certainly reached an area where lava flows freely.”

“Right, the glowy hot stuff that’ll melt you if you touch it,” was Master Link’s reply as he swiped at the sweat that had gathered upon his brow.

“Hey, doin’ okay, little guy?” Cobal queried, “we Mogmas are used to high temperatures, so if we’re hot, you’re probably bakin’.”

“I assure you; you are not being ‘baked’, Master Link. However, there is a significant increase to your internal temperature. I would advise consuming a bit of your water supply and finishing your business within this temple as quickly as possible.”

“Let’s just find Zelda and get out of here, quick,” Master Link stated as he withdrew his canteen and took a few swallows of the water within, then jogged further into the temple.

“Gyaaaahhhh!!!!” Ledd suddenly screamed, “i-i-it’s a giant monster!!!!”

“Where?!” Master Link cried; my sword immediately being drawn as he ran to catch up to the panicking Mogma.

“I do not detect any readings of a ‘giant’ monster around us,” I reported as I scanned the area.

“You dork, it’s just another one of those dragon statues,” Cobal scoffed as he hit Ledd upon the head.

“Oh,” Ledd laughed as he rubbed the spot where he’d been hit, “s-sorry ‘bout that. Guess I’m a little on edge.”

“Master, I can detect a faint trace of Zelda’s aura beyond the door that lies beneath that dragon statue.”

“Okay… but… how are we supposed to get past this… lavafall in front of us?” Master Link asked, peering intently at the dragon head which provided the lavafall in question.

“Hey, guys, look! There’s a treasure chest up there!” Ledd suddenly cried, pointing in the opposite direction.

“Whoa, you’re right!” Cobal cried in turn, “we might’ve finally found something valuable in this goddess forsaken place!”

“Hey, wait!” Master Link cried as the Mogmas scrambled for the chest in question. “Guys what if there’s a—”

Master Link’s warning was cut short as the Mogmas lifted the lid of the chest and the area around us began to rumble and shake.

“Master Link, a large mass is approaching from the statue just above the treasure chest!” I alerted Master Link as the rumbling grew louder and the mouth of the statue dropped open. “There is a 90% chance this is a—”

“TRAP!!!!” the Mogmas screamed as they and Master Link began to run from the boulder that emerged from the open mouth.


“SHUT UP AND JUMP!!!” Ledd yelled back as he and the others made a desperate leap to the side, barely avoiding the boulder as it rolled past.

The boulder was then led right into the mouth of the other dragon, blocking the lava fall and leaving the path to the door behind it clear.

“Oh, uh, heh heh… lookee there,” Ledd chuckled as he took in the scene before us, “the paths open now, uh… j-just like I planned, yeah!”

“There is a 90% chance this Mogma had no way of predicting such an outcome,” I stated. “It is far more likely that this went as Hylia planned, not him.”

“Just let him be, Fi,” Master Link sighed as he climbed to his feet and headed for the door.

Neither he nor the Mogmas seemed to notice the dragon mouth snapping shut as they went through the door in question….


Ledd: "Hey, hey, hey! You enjoyed our chapter, right?! In that case, give us some love with the kudos and leave us a shout-out in the comments!
"Next chapter you're gonna see us helpin' our man Link, kickin' some butt and rescuin' the girl of his dreams!"
Cobal: "Oh, yeah, sure, you'll be helping a bunch while you cower in the corner...."
Ledd: "Hey!"
Author: *quickly cutting in* "See you next chapter!"

Chapter 11: You Were Late


Ghirahim appears and Fi and Link must once again face danger alongside their new Mogma friends.

Later, the duo finally manage to catch up with Zelda, but when her new guardian has less than flattering words for the young hero, how will the sword spirit respond?


Author: *to the Mogmas* "Okay, you're heading for your first Boss Fight, boys, are you ready?"

Ledd: "Heck yeah! I'm gonna cream that boss!"

Cobal: "Yeah, sure, just like you creamed those red guys before."

Both: *begin to squabble*

Author: *turning to Link and Fi* " of luck..."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Mogmas emitted small cries of alarm when the door shut behind us, moving even closer to Master Link soon after.

“G-guess the only way is f-forward,” Ledd stuttered.

“That is a lot of lava,” Cobal remarked with a low whistle.

I paid them no mind, my attention focused above, running calculations and simulations that would explain why the dragon would ‘swallow’ the boulder that had been launched into its mouth.

The chances of another trap being activated by the boulder were high, increasing as the boulder in question began to roll past our heads.

The Mogmas once again sounded the alarm as the boulder rolled through what appeared to be the spine and ribs of the dragon before (or were meant to symbolize them, perhaps? I admit, artistic symbolism such as that was beyond me) above our heads… though my focus was soon stolen by my dowsing ability as a familiar aura was detected.

“Master,” I announced as I exited my blade, “I detect Zelda’s aura in the surrounding area.”

“GYAAAA, IT’S A GHOST!!!!” the Mogmas screeched, causing my auditory sensors to malfunction.

“…not a ghost, she’s Fi,” Master Link’s voice slowly filtered in, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder, “she’s a friend of mine. Don’t worry, she’s not going to hurt you.”

The Mogmas peered at me uncertainly, but I ignored them, quickly alerting Master Link of my discovery.

“Master, I detect an especially strong reaction from this chain. I calculate the probability Zelda was bound by it recently at 95%.”

“…wait… what did you just say, Fi?” Master Link asked, his voice oddly soft and trembling as he gazed at me with wide eyes, before directing his gaze down towards the chain that produced the dowsing reaction.

“I said that I detected an especially strong reaction from this chain here,” I repeated. “And that I calculate the probability Zelda was bound by it recently at 95%.”

“…they bound her?” Master Link repeated with a trembling voice, “with a metal chain? In this heat?!”

“That is the most likely conclusion, given the strong reading from the dowsing—”

“Hey, hey, can it ghost lady!” Cobal suddenly hissed at me, “geez, read the room a little, would ya?!”

“I have already scanned our surroundings for possible dangers—”

“For the love of,” Cobal groaned, “l-look, just, give our man Link a minute—”

“I don’t need a minute,” Master Link interjected, “Fi, do you know where Zelda is now?”

“I surmise Zelda was somehow able to escape and proceed along this path. I suggest we continue with all possible speed,” I replied, uncertain as to why the Mogmas were peering at Master Link oddly… or why there was an equally odd buzzing emitting from my mental bond with Master Link.

“Then let’s go, quickly!” Master Link declared as he began to run forward, the Mogmas scrambling to catch up.

We had just commenced a climb up the ramp that would lead us to Zelda when a familiar laugh echoed through the room.

“Oh, it’s you,” Ghirahim stated from his place atop the dragon head before us.

“Let me see… No, that’s not it. This is so very embarrassing, but I seem to be at a loss for your name.”

Master Link grasped my sword tightly, that odd bundle of emotions still bubbling against our bond as his body trembled.

“Not that it matters, really. To tell you the truth, I’m feeling a bit frustrated, and right now I just need someone to vent to.

“I heard,” the demon lord continued, not allowing a word in edgewise, “my underlings had finally captured the spirit maiden, so of course I rushed over here. What can I say? I was excited. Flustered, even…”

“The heck, does this guy ever shut up?” Ledd queried, resulting in a small dagger slamming into the ground dangerously close to him, causing the Mogma to flinch and cry out in alarm.

“But what did I find when I arrived?” Ghirahim queried, continuing his monologue. “That agent of the goddess…”

His voice suddenly became much quieter as malice began to fill the room, “she had once again… You see, what I’m trying to say is…”

“Get ready, you two,” Master Link quietly cautioned the Mogmas.

“Eh? Ready for what—?"


“YEOW!!!” the Mogmas cried, now cowering tightly against Master Link’s back.

“I MUST have the spirit maiden in order to resurrect my master! I MUST HAVE HER!”

“Whoa, the creep’s a total stalker,” Ledd whispered.

“Man, so Link’s gotta deal with this guy and that other guy for his girl’s attention?” Cobal whispered back, “dude’s got it rough!”

“…I got a little carried away there, didn’t I?” Ghirahim hummed, his features smoothing back into a calmer expression. “I don’t deal well with… complications to plans I’ve laid out so carefully. It’s a character flaw of mine.

“Ah, but something good can still come from this day!” Ghirahim chuckled, a menacing smirk now curling his lips. “I’ve had all this bottled-up anger smoldering inside me, and now I can release it.”

“O-oh yeah?!” Ledd called out, “w-well bring it on y-you white clad weirdo! J-just you watch! We’ll wipe the floor with ya’ and your red goons and kick you off our turf once and for all!”

“Silence, you sniveling mole!” Ghirahim snapped with a sharp glare directed at Ledd. “Can’t you see the important people are talking? Run along before I make myself a new fur coat out of your pelt!”

Ledd emitted a loud gulping sound before ducking behind Master Link once more.

“Geez, can’t you ever learn when it’s better to keep your mouth shut?” Cobal sighed quietly.

“Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” Ghirahim declared as he resumed his speech. “There’s someone special I’d like you to meet.

“Oh, don’t be shy!” he called out as Master Link’s body tensed, his grip on the sword’s hilt tightening. “I need to vent all this unhealthy anger, and your agony is such a great stress reliever.”

“Can’t you just go scream into the void or do some digging instead?!” Ledd called out.

“Why would I when this will be so much more fun?” Ghirahim laughed lightly, sneering down at our party.

“It won’t take more than a few moments with my friend before you’re charred to a satisfying crisp. And let me tell you, that will put a spring in my step!”

“You’ve definitely got a few springs loose in that noggin of yours,” Cobal muttered.

Ghirahim ignored the comment, merely raising his hand and snapping, his magic filling the dragon statue he stood upon.

As he disappeared in a flurry of black diamonds, the statue’s mouth fell open and the boulder from earlier rolled out and began heading towards.

“Crud, not again!” the Mogmas cried as they and Master Link began to run back down the ramp, rolling out of the way as the boulder crashed right by us.

There was a small explosion as it rammed into the bottom of the ramp, causing pieces of rock and dust to fly into the air.

“HA! Like some stupid boulder was gonna cause us trouble!” Ledd crowed as he and the others climbed back onto the feet.

“Please be on alert, Master,” I quickly cautioned Master Link. “There is a high concentration of Ghirahim’s magic and malicious energy. I fear there is far more than a simple boulder in store for us.”

“Guys, go find somewhere to hide!” Master Link called to the Mogma’s as he drew the sword from its scabbard and shifted into a defensive position.

“Why? There’s nothing—”

The Mogma’s statement was cut short as the dust finally settled and revealed the boulder, now bearing large cracks, standing tall and overflowing with evil magic.

“Oh, that can’t be good,” Cobal decreed.

The Mogmas then screamed in fear as legs of molten lava burst out of the cracks, writhing in the air before gathering under their rock body.

A horizontal crack appeared in the lower center of the body, revealing a set of fangs and roiling flames within as it roared, the rest of its body igniting soon after.

“Fi?!” Master Link called as the creature rushed towards us, causing he and the Mogmas to retreat.

“Target lock: Scaldera,” I quickly reported as Master Link and the others continued to run. “This fearsome monster inhabits the deepest recesses of the Earth Temple. It can be categorized as a Pyroclastic Fiend.”

“Okay, great, ideas on how to beat it?!”

“Its body is completely covered in rock, but you can see its weak point, the eye through the cracks in this outer shell.”

Master Link dove to the side as the creature swept past us, “…there, yes! I see it, Fi! So, how do you propose I hit it?!”

“If you are able to remove parts of this creature’s rocky shell, you will vastly increase your probability of success. There is a high probability that the bombs you received from Cobal, as well as the bomb flowers you can find within the area, will be beneficial in the removal of the creature’s rocky shell.”

“Got it!” Master Link cried as he re-sheathed my blade and began rummaging around in his bomb bag.

He withdrew a bomb and tossed it at Scaldera, causing the creature to teeter and then roll back down the incline.

Master Link immediately gave chase, rummaging around in the bomb bag to throw another of the explosives at our adversary.

But then monstrous jaws opened wide and large fireballs were heading our way, causing Master Link to dive for cover once more.

One fireball managed to graze his back and he cried out in pain, quickly falling to the ground, and rolling to extinguish the flames.

This gave the creature the opportunity to rush us once more, its body towering over Master Link’s prostrate form and readying itself to drop right on top of him.

“HEY, YOU GIANT BALL OF GAS!” a familiar voice suddenly yelled, “EAT THIS!!!!”

Something flew through the air and exploded as it made contact with Scaldera’s body, causing it to roll down the incline once more.

Unlike last time, however, the moment the creature landed at the bottom, a number of explosions rang out, causing the monster to cry out in pain and surprise.

“OH YEAH! HOW’D YA LIKE THE MOGMA BOMB PIT SPECIAL?!” Cobal crowed as he appeared a safe distance further down.

His gaze then turned upward, hand cupping the side of his mouth, as he added, “QUICK LINK! TAKE THIS THING DOWN!!!”

Master Link wasted no time, climbing back onto his feet and leaping down the incline, the sword readied beneath him, aimed directly at the monster’s dazed eye.

The monster shrieked in agony as my sword sank deep into its eye, then collapsed into a cloud of purple smoke, phantasmal diamonds, and ash.

“OH YEAH!” the Mogmas cried as they hit each other’s hands above their head, then again below their waists, “that’s what you get for messin’ with us!”

“Thanks for the help you two,” Master Link laughed breathlessly as he returned my sword to it’s sheathe, “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you two.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ledd laughed. “You’re one of the gang now, and we’ve always got our gang’s back!”

“Yeah, after a good bit of panicking and crying,” Cobal scoffed lightly.

“Oh, like you weren’t doing the same thing!” Ledd cried. “Uh, never mind that, what’re you still doing here? Ain’t your girl waitin’ for you on the other side of that door? Go on, man! Get your heroic rewards!”

“Right,” Master Link chuckled, “and thank you! For everything!”

After a short climb back up the incline, we finally made our way through the door, where we were immediately greeted with the sound of a harp playing.

Master Link gasped, the emotions jangling against our bond now much lighter in nature as two humanoid figures came into view.

One was taller and bore the dark clothing of the individual spotted previously, the other… was a blond figure, wearing crystalline ornaments in her hair and upon her wrists.

Her white dress billowed as she moved, her gait as graceful as it has always been, the harp she’d always played so merrily being fastened to her hip as a golden light appeared behind her.

Lady Hylia?

“Zelda!” Master Link cried happily, causing the figure to turn towards us fully.

“Link!” she cried back as Master Link began to run towards her.

She had just taken a few steps our way when the hand of her companion came up to stop her.

“You cannot go to him, Your Grace,” the woman declared firmly. “Remember what we discussed. Restrain yourself. Focus on the task at hand.”

Master Link’s steps slowed to an uncertain stop at the foot of the stairs at the unknown woman’s words, the jangling becoming less pleasant against our bond.

“Zelda?” he called, his tone hesitant and wary as his gaze shifted from the friend he’d been seeking and the strange woman that now accompanied her.

Zelda, the spirit maiden (not Lady Hylia, of course not) gazed down at Master Link sadly before nodding, a determined look crossing her face before… she turned away from us.

“I… I have to go. I’m sorry, Link,” she said, peering over her shoulder with a sad smile before turning away.

She then walked forward into the pillar of golden light, a portal made of holy energy, which glowed strongly as it activated.

The light quickly engulfed her body, which then disappeared, causing the jangling against my and Master Link’s bond to increase as well as he experienced a multitude of emotions.

“Wha-, w-wait, no!” he cried as he rushed forward, “wait! Zelda, wait I—”

His words and movement came to an abrupt halt as the unknown woman turned abruptly towards us with a very sharp and displeased expression on her face.

This caused Master Link to gasp and come to an abrupt stop, which the woman used as an opportunity to speak… or rather, chastise.

“It took you far too long to get here,” she declared. “Looking at you, I fear the goddess is mistaken in her choice of agents.”

“What?!” Master Link cried.

“If this failure is any indication,” she continued without mercy, “you have no hope of defending Her Grace from those who seek to assail her.”

“I can defend Zelda just fine!” Master Link cried angrily… though there was a great deal of doubt within his voice as well, the emotion hanging heavy between our bond.

“Do my words anger you, boy?” the woman scoffed. “Do my words sting? Let them. If I had not come when I did, your Zelda would already have fallen into the hands of the enemy.”

Master Link inhaled sharply, and his body began trembling, his hands clenching tightly as his teeth ground together.

“The truth of it is you were late. You were late, and you failed to protect her.”

Master Link’s breath stuttered at those words and an unknown, heavy emotion suddenly fell against his side of the bond.

“Master?” I called softly, “are you experiencing difficulties due to an injury?”

He didn’t answer, his head bowing low, even as the woman continued speaking.

“I sent Zelda ahead to learn more of the fate in which she is destined to play a part.

“Listen well, chosen one. If you wish to be of help to Her Grace, you must summon a shred of courage and face the trials laid out before you. Only when you’ve conquered the trials will you be of use to Zelda. No sooner.

“Am I understood?” the woman demanded, her ruby eyes boring down upon Master Link.

“…yes,” Master Link choked out, “I understand.”

The woman gazed down upon Master Link coldly before turning away, stepping into the golden portal, which vanished alongside her, leaving Master Link and I alone within the spring.

Master Link, in turn, merely stood where he was, his body shaking, teeth sinking into his lip.

“Master, should you proceed with such an action, you will damage your lip and cause it to bleed,” I informed him as I exited my blade.

He glanced at me briefly, an unknown expression on his face, but finally moved his lip away from his teeth.

Then, when he only continued to stand there, that strange cloud of heaviness only growing in weight as his body continued to shake, I called out once more.

“Master, it would be best to head for the crest. Hitting it with a Skyward Strike will reveal a new message from the Goddess and lead us towards our next goal.”

Master Link made no reply, didn’t even look at me, but did move forward, wincing from the burns he’d acquired as he jumped to the stone platform that stood before the crest.

He gazed solemnly at the Goddess Statue for a moment before drawing my blade, raising it skyward to draw the sacred energy, then sending the Skyward Strike towards the crest.

The crest spun as it was filled with the Strike’s sacred energy, then released its own magic, thus transferring the words of the goddess to me.

I then moved to hover in the water next to the crest as I announced, “Master, I have a message written in the language of the gods of old. Allow me to translate for you.”

I found myself hesitating as Master Link made no reply, but my task was clear, so I began my dance as the message came forth.

I bowed low, then jumped up into a twirl, hopping backwards, then twirling, before skating past Master Link on the water.

“From the edge of time I guide you, the one destined to carry out the goddess’s mission.”

I continued to skate, leapt, then ran forward a number of steps, before beginning to skate again, my wings flowing behind me, lifting high to aid in keeping my balance as I transitioned to my other foot, continuing to skate upon the water.

“The spirit maiden who descended from the clouds has passed through the Earth Spring and makes her way to a fated place.”

I skated around the Goddess Statue before returning to stand before her, spinning as light and magic gathered around me.

“The parched desert of Lanayru… That is where the chosen will pass through the Gate of Time into a distant world.”

The magic rose to the statue of Goddess Hylia and a tablet once again appeared and floated gently to Master Link, whose arms raised obediently to accept it.

He continued to remain silent, however, even as I came to hover beside him, my scanners activating to assess for wounds.

There were less than after his direct confrontation with Ghirahim, but the burn on his back was the most concerning, as well as the degree his body temperature had risen.

As there were no fairies present this time around, I determined it would be best to direct him back to Skyloft, where he could receive proper medical attention... and proceed with our quest.

“…Master Link," I began slowly, "it appears Zelda has cleansed herself in the waters of this fountain. Based on the information from the message I just imparted, I project she is traveling to a region known as Lanayru.

“If you transport the Amber Tablet back to the statue in Skyloft, a new column of light will appear that will allow you to travel to the Lanayru region,” I concluded.

“…let’s go then,” Master Link declared quietly, finally breaking his silence.

However… the tone of his voice and the odd cloud that still blanketed our bond… caused a blasphemous thought to form within my mind.

It would have been better to delay informing Master Link of Lanayru until after his wounds had been treated.


Okay, that's where Link really needed his Mogma wingmen (dang it boys, this was not the time to give your friend and his girl some privacy!)

Poor Link, don't you just wanna give 'im a hug after that scene?

Fi's not quite there yet, but hey! She formed her first blasphemous/mutinous thought! Progress for our sword baby!

Please leave some kind words/encouragements for our Linky boy in the comments! ...will also need analytical Fi facts to dispute Impa's claims that 'the goddess is mistaken in her choice of agents'... help, please...

Chapter 12: Unexpected Insubordination... and Encouragements


Link and Fi return to Skyloft, Impa's harsh words still ringing in the young hero's ears.
When he attempts to head for the next opening in the cloud barrier, will Fi allow him to go forward?


*After reading a number of comments from the walkthrough I follow along with* "Hmm... well, now I really do wonder if Impa was really doubting Link or trying the tough love approach... *Shrugs* "Meh, doesn't really matter, since this is a Fi-centric fic, not Impa-centric."

Let's see how Fi deals with the consequences of Impa's 'scolding', shall we?

Listening recommendations: Preferred sad/serious LoZ music, preferred version of 'Ballad of the Goddess'

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

We made our way to the nearest bird statue, activating the column of wind and thus, returning to the world above the clouds.

Master Link whistled for his Loftwing, who then called out in concern when he emitted a small hiss of pain upon settling atop the bird's back.

“It’s nothing,” Master Link responded instantly, the warmth and ease that usually filled his voice when he spoke to his bird notably absent, “just… head for Skyloft.”

The bird emitted a number of displeased noises and hissed at me once again as I materialized next to them.

Master Link paid all this no mind and, when the island of Skyloft came into view below us, immediately jumped off his Loftwing’s back.

“Master, we are a great distance from either the Statue of the Goddess or the Academy,” I informed him once he landed, adding at the involuntary wincing when returning the Sailcloth to its usual place, “and as there is a high probability of a severe burn on your back, I would suggest visiting the infirmary—”

“There’s no time for that!” Master Link snapped as he set off at a brisk walk, “we need to get to the Goddess Statue, place the new tablet and head through the new opening.”

“I am aware,” I stated, “however, given your current physical and emotional state, it would be best to take a moment—”

“We don’t have a moment, remember?!” Master Link cried, before breaking into a sprint, “hurry up or I’ll leave you behind!”

“That is not a possibility,” I began to inform him… but, as he was already a good distance away from me, I was given no choice but to automatically return to my sword.

It wasn’t until we had made it to the Goddess Statue that I left my sword once again, quickly running another scan of Master Link’s vitals as he set the Amber Tablet within the altar.

My attention was then shifted from Master Link, to following the flow of magic as the new opening in the cloud barrier was created.

“Well?” Master Link demanded, “where’s the new opening?”

“…it is… in the sky to… the southwest.”

“Then let’s go,” Master Link replied, his gait stiff but determined… yet also unsteady, “if we leave immediately, we should be able to make it before nightfall.”

“Master, I highly advise stopping at the Academy for new supplies and first aid—”

“They’ll make a fuss and slow me down!” Master Link cried as he whirled around to face me. “You heard that woman, I was too slow! I let myself get distracted and Zelda got caught! I can’t let that happen again, so we need to go now!”

“But Master, your vital signs indicate—”

“I’m fine! I’ll grab some heart flowers and rub them on my wounds while we’re flying.”

“There is a 60% percent chance—”

“I don’t care, it doesn’t matter, I’ll manage! We’re heading out no matter what you—”


We both freeze as the echoes of my cry ring throughout the interior of the statue of the goddess.

I… why had I done that? That… that was not something I should have done as Master Link’s servant; servants are not meant to raise their voices towards their masters.

“I… forgive me, Master Link, it was not my place to raise my voice at you,” I quickly apologized. “However, analysis of your vitals shows significant damage to your back and a number of lesser burns on your body.

“In addition, there are signs of slight dehydration as well as a significant rise in your core body temperature. The knowledge of deserts I recovered from the message of the Goddess from the Earth Spring states that they are arid lands with usually sparse vegetation. Such lands possess a very warm climate and receive less than 25 centimeters of sporadic rainfall annually.

“This information combined shows that, should you head for the new area immediately, your dehydration will increase exponentially. Should that happen, you will experience fatigue, dizziness, and confusion, followed by far more life-threatening symptoms.

“In addition, there will be a significant increase in the probability of experiencing heat related illnesses. The fact that we have only just returned from the scorching terrain of Eldin Volcano, the likelihood of suffering things such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke, which—”

“Okay, okay,” Master Link suddenly cut in, his voice soft and gentle, similar to the tone he would use when speaking to his Loftwing. “I get it, I hear you, Fi.”

His hand takes hold of my right wing and squeezes gently, his thumb rubbing lightly against it as he leans his head against me, “I’m sorry… I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking clearly….”

“That is all the more reason to seek medical attention,” I stated, my sensors indicating an increase in my own temperature as my metallic body absorbed the heat from Master Link. “Master, it would be best to travel directly to the Academy when you feel you are able to move safely.”

Exhaustion was beginning to build within Master Link, who opened his mouth to say something… when a familiar voice called out.

“Link? Are you in there?”

Apparently, directly after Master Link had jumped from his back, the Crimson Loftwing had headed straight for the Academy, where he had screamed and called until someone had come to check on him.

He’d then, somehow, managed to convey that Master Link was in need of aid, his actions and the sudden appearance of the new opening in the cloud barrier leading the headmaster to where Master Link and I still resided within the Statue of the Goddess.

After I reported Master Link’s condition, the headmaster had quickly aided in leading Master Link to the Academy, where first aid was administered.

All excess clothing had been removed; ointment applied to his burns alongside cooled cloths to the rest of his body. Fluids were offered and consumed until Master Link’s core temperature dropped to a safe level.

By then the sun had set and Master Link and I found ourselves alone in the infirmary.

Master Link was sipping from his latest glass of cool Stamina Potion, his skin now a much healthier color and his vitals much more stable.

“Given your current state, I believe we will be able to resume our quest as soon as tomorrow, provided you rest properly,” I announced, which brought a tired smile to Master Link’s lips.

“Will you sing for me again, Fi?” he asked with a yawn.

“If that is what you wish, then I shall comply,” I responded immediately, “I trust the Ballad of the Goddess will suffice, as I have not had the chance to learn any official ‘lullabies’?”

“Yes, that will be fine, Fi,” Master Link chuckled softly as he made himself comfortable.

“Very well, then I shall proceed with the song,” I replied with an affirmative nod.

“En dashe bu

"Nobe shundu

"Tie shutwu

"Kewenu swa lei….”


“Yes, Master Link?”

Master Link’s blue eyes waver in the moonlight, that heavy emotion from before returning.

“Do you… do you really think I can do this?” he asked, his voice wavering. “Do you… are you… are you sure I’m the one the legends speak of?”

“You are the one who drew my blade from the pedestal,” I reminded him, “it was at the moment of your birth that I first awakened, thus proving you are the one chosen by my creator, the goddess.”

“What if she was wrong?” Master Link asked, liquid (tears, Fi… they are tears) gathering in the corners of his eyes. “What if… what that woman said is right? I… I’ve always been late, even with Zelda helping me… and I did slack off and float through life, just like Groose said….”

Master Link’s voice trailed off as the tears began to slide down his cheeks and he emitted a short sob.

“What if… what if I fail again?” he asked, his voice wobbling, “what if… what if Z-Zelda gets hurt? Or worse?”

A new pressure can be felt through the bond, a similar, yet different pressure forming in my chest as Master Link presses the back of his right hand tightly against his mouth, the other swiping fruitlessly at his eyes.

“…from what I have seen of your actions so far… I do not believe the goddess was mistaken in her choice.”

My wing extends without conscious thought, wiping away the wet lines on Master Link’s cheeks, as he blinks at me in surprise.

“Regarding the assessments made by Groose and the guardian, I believe there is only a 5% accuracy. As stated in a previous discussion, you have grown up in a fairly peaceful environment. That, coupled with your young age, can often lead in a lack of drive regarding studies and other activities you do not associate with pleasure.

“However, you display a quick wit and ability to adapt, you do not hesitate to seek my aid when you face something you do not know or understand, and you do not falter when facing things others find frightening. This leads to a decrease in mistakes made and time wasted in correcting these mistakes.

“Regarding your being ‘late’ in this recent endeavor,” I continued, “firstly, it would be a mistake to compare the time we spent travelling in pursuit of Zelda to that of the servant.”

“Why, because she’s so much better than me?” Master Link grumbled.

“I do not believe the term ‘better’ should be applied. If one were to study her appearance, it would quickly become apparent that she is of an older age than you. This means that she has had additional time to learn and practice fighting skills and techniques than you, Master Link. Then there is the addition of her skills in the magical arts—”

“Magic?” Master Link cut in, “that woman can do magic? Like Ghirahim?”

“That last question is inaccurate, as Ghirahim’s magic stems from demonic energies,” I replied. “From what I was able to ascertain from the testimony of the Mogmas and what little I could glean from our brief interaction, I believe hers focuses more on physical enhancement, with perhaps additional talents as yet unseen.

“And, as someone who does not possess even an ounce of magic,” I continued, “comparing yourself to her would lead to a high number of inaccuracies, thus I would suggest such action not be employed.”

A smile comes to Master Link’s lips and there is a lightening sensation regarding his emotions, thus I elect to continue.

“Additionally, as stated by Ghirahim himself, the servant succeeded in escaping to the protected area of the spring before he could manage to catch up with her and Zelda. This would indicate that, unlike us, the servant did not have to face obstacles such as Scaldera or a direct confrontation with Ghirahim himself.

“And the fact that you managed to triumph over both these foes, regardless of your ‘slacking off’ or lack of experience… shows a 95% probability that Her Grace, Goddess Hylia… could not have found a better person to be her hero than you, Master Link,” I concluded.

There was no verbal reply from Master Link, though his hand took hold of my wing, his face then burrowing into it as he inhaled shakily.

“…thank you, Fi,” he mumbled against my wing.

“I merely state the truth, Master Link,” I replied, “now, shall I resume with the ballad?”

“Yes please….”

“…Oh youth,

“Guided by the servant

“Of the goddess…

“Unite earth and sky…

“Bring light to the land…”

We will do better Master Link… we will not be late again….


Link: *Tries to push forward with quest despite his injuries*
Fi: *Yells, then bombards Link with a flood of facts*
Link: *After translating most of the facts into normal people speech* "Oh... Fi is worried... I made my new friend worry... =C"

Reasoning for switching the lyrics to English at the end: For an additional Link pick-me-up... because as I stated in an earlier chapter, 'it's a promise, comfort and a reassurance'... basically, I like thinking Hylia/Zelda has/had complete faith in Link and Fi and wanted them to know it... double use for the Ballad!
See you next chapter!

Chapter 13: To Lanayru Desert and Archaeological Discovery!


The descent to the new area has Link and Fi coming into contact with yet another new race, time travel, and an unexpected familiar face.


Anyone else think the first group of robots are a bit on the rude side? Granted, as far as they're concerned, Link just 'appears' in the middle of their worksite, which can be dangerous because... mining....

...I was so tempted to have Fi appear and then having to deal with all the robots hitting on her XD...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the information given to me from the Earth Spring’s crest included warnings of electrical enemies, I highly advised Master Link’s shield to be replaced with a wooden one.

The shield presented had been repaired and modified by a person identified as ‘Gondo’, and both Master Link and I found it acceptable for our purposes.

After a brief period of farewells and the presentation of a newly restocked bag, we were finally able to depart for the new opening in the cloud barrier.

Master Link spent the entire trip there talking to his bird, petting his feathers, and murmuring apologies, compliments, and things I was unable to comprehend.

This did not prevent the bird from making a fuss when we finally reached the newest opening, though he did not try to follow us, to Master Link’s relief.

We then quickly turned our attention downward, Master Link landing gently upon the large statue that lay below us.

“A report, Master Link. We have arrived at Lanayru Mine.”

“It looks so… brown,” Master Link remarked as he gazed out at our surroundings. “The statues are kind of… cute, though….”

“This arid region was transformed into a desert over the course of several hundred years,” I reported, “this desertification is why it appears brown. As for the statues… I shall defer to your judgment as to whether they are ‘cute’ or not.”

“Well, that’s more of an opinion thing,” Master Link said as he jumped from the edge of the statue, deploying his Sailcloth once again just before he hit the ground. “Though… I bet Zelda thought they were cute, too.”

Master Link fell silent, his smile dropping as his emotions began to buzz again… before he suddenly slapped his hands to his cheeks and shook his head sharply.

“So, which way are we heading, Fi?”

“My projections show that Zelda must have traveled through this area,” I replied as my dowsing ability activated. “Be cautious, as I have detected the presence of multiple electrically charged monsters in the region.”

Master Link nodded before beginning to run down the path stretched before us.

After a short excursion through some small tunnels, we come upon an open area bearing long broken-down conveyer belts and minecarts sitting upon broken tracks.

A large purple gem with white markings sits in the middle of the area, the magic slumbering within it drawing me out of my blade to hover before it, Master Link following along behind me.

“What is it, Fi?” he asks, peering at me, then the stone.

“After a short analysis I believe this is a large, refined Timeshift Stone, Master Link,” I replied as I turned to face him. “There is a 90% chance that the dormant magic that resides within this stone will be able to create a sustained temporal disruption field in the surrounding area. Readings show this time state will reside within the past.”

“…so, you think it would be able to turn back the time of this place?” Master Link asked, eyeing the stone warily, “but… what would happen to us?”

“There is only a 5% chance we may be affected by the time shift,” I answered after running further analysis, “and, as it appears the door my dowsing indicates Zelda passed through has become permanently rusted shut in this time period, this may be the only option available to us in catching up with her.”

“Okay,” Master Link replied with a nod, before readying my blade and striking the stone.

This caused the magic within to activate, the stone turning a light blue as it lifted into the air, the magic then flowing into the machinery beneath the crystal, then into the land around us.

The air became filled with the sound of whirring machines, the dead land sprouting vibrant grass and flowers in designated areas throughout the enclosure.

Master Link gasped in wonder, then surprise as a small creature trundled past us.

“Wh-what the-?!” Master Link cried, turning the creature’s attention his way, “wh-what is this?”

“Zzzrt, I am an LD-301 robot,” the creature proclaimed before I had a chance to analyze it. “I am part of the LD-301 Series of artificial life-forms. We work to mine Timeshift Stones and provide maintenance.”

The robot then paused, scrutinizing Master Link, before adding, “where did you come from, dzzzzt? We’re here collecting Timeshift Stones and transporting them to the Lanayru Mining Facility. This is no place for a human, bzzt.”

“Huh? Um,” Master Link stammered, “w-well, my name is Link and uh… I’m looking for my friend—”

“As I have just stated this is no place for a human, bzzt,” the LD-301 robot cut in, a large hand connected to the body by a line of electricity waving dismissively at Master Link. “I advise you leave at once, voo-weep!”

“Oh, there’s a human?” another robot called from where it had been digging at the earth, “what is a human doing here, zrrpt?”

“Who authorized this human into the mining facility, vrrm?” yet another called.

“They… don’t seem very friendly,” Master Link remarked.

“It does appear you are less than welcome, Master Link,” I answered in turn.

“Hold on a moment,” the first of the robots suddenly proclaimed, “could it be… that you’re interested in a tour of the Lanayru Mining Facility, zooop?”

“Huh, oh, yes!” Master Link proclaimed hastily, “th-that’s exactly what I’m here for, a tour!”

“Master, we are in no need of a tour.”

“No, but if it means these guys won’t try to kick me out and they lead us to where Zelda is faster, then I’m willing to try this tour of theirs,” Master Link replied.

“Then you are at the wrong place, dzzt!” the first robot proclaimed, “you must first head to the administrative office whereby you will be led to the supervisor and from there you will have to fill out—”

The robot continued to list instructions and procedures, Master Link growing more and more confused and frustrated as he went on.

“Fi… it looks like we’ll be making a run for it,” Master Link suddenly declared.

No sooner had he relayed this thought to me, Master Link was off, sprinting for the mining cart and jumping in just before it slipped through the door, which immediately closed right after.

“I do not believe that was a part of the proper procedure the robot was speaking of,” I informed Master Link.

“Yes, well,” Master Link huffed lightly, “it’s not like we could do all the stuff he was asking for anyway, right? Unless that timeshift stone was able to turn back time for the whole mining facility?”

“Readings show only the area around which that particular timeshift stone resided was reverted to its past state.”

“Which would mean we would’ve needed to find another timeshift stone and hope the supervisor was next to that stone. Which would’ve meant more time spent not looking for Zelda.”

“That is correct, Master Link.”

“So, yeah, it’s better if we just go on without worrying about all that. I’ll apologize to the little guys later if it turns out to be a problem, though,” Master Link declared as the cart reached another door and we headed into the sunlight once more.

“We have arrived at Lanayru Desert,” I informed Master Link, once he had disembarked from the minecart. “The terrain in this area changed dramatically as climate forces rapidly turned it into a desert.”

“Huh, now it’s brown and yellow,” was Master Link’s observation of the scenery before us.

“The yellow is sand, Master Link,” I replied, “and I have confirmed numerous areas within of sinksand. Should you step in sinksand, you may be swallowed by the desert. Bodily danger has increased by 30%.”

“So, just like the lava,” Master Link hummed with an odd smile on his face, “don’t touch it.”

“Please rest assured Master Link, I have already scanned the area, thus committing it to memory. As long as you follow my instructions, you shall be able to traverse the desert safely.”

“As always, I’m counting on you, Fi,” Master Link chuckled as we set forth once again.

We managed to traverse through the desert with minimal difficulties, the frequent use of timeshift crystals bringing relief to Master Link as the short trips to the past meant a reprieve from the desert heat and the sinksand.

We thus made it to where Zelda’s aura was most concentrated, the aged remains of a magnificent temple standing before us.

It’s entrance, however, appeared to have collapsed… and a figure was peering at the rubble of the former entrance with a great degree of concentration and frustration.

“Gorko?” Master Link called, causing the Goron to turn his way.

“Oh! Good to see you, bud!” the Goron called as Master Link approached. “Seems like you pop up everywhere! Though I am one to talk…”

“I guess so,” Link chuckled, “though I don’t think I caught you while I was in Eldin….”

“No, but you met my associates,” Gorko replied with a laugh, “Ledd and Cobal certainly took a liking to you! And thanks to all three of you, I was able to study the famed Earth Spring….”

Master Link flinched at the mention of the spring, his mood dropping, before Gorko’s excited chatter managed to pull him back to the present.

“Anyway, bud, there is something I am dying to tell you. It is the discovery of the century!”

The Goron then flung his arms wide, gesturing at the structure before us, “this is a sacred place known as the Temple of Time.

“And you’ll never guess what I spotted, bud!” he continued, jumping from one foot, then the other in his excitement, “I could not believe my eyes when I saw a human who lives on the legendary Isle of the Goddess!”

“Really?!” Master Link cried in his own excitement, “are you sure?!”

“Absolutely!” the Goron crowed. “It wore clothes just like the ones written about in the ancient manuscripts! And it looked just like… you… bud?”

Gorko’s voice trailed off as he began to study Master Link intensely, the emotions emitting from Master Link a mixture of nervousness and amusem*nt as the Goron did so.

“By Eldin’s fiery blaze!” the Goron archaeologist finally cried, “y-you! You’re a human! One of the Goddess’ Chosen People that were sent skyward to protect you from the wrath of the Great Evil! How did I not realize this until just now?!”

“In your defense, you had been dealing with monsters harassing you and then the Bird Statue pretty much stole your attention,” Master Link laughed softly, his emotions definitely pointing towards amusem*nt and fondness now.

“By Hylia’s golden tresses I have so many questions for you, bud!” Gorko cried… before suddenly growing silent, then smacking his forehead with his open palm. “And the human from before was the friend you were lookin’ for!” he groaned, “how did I not put that together?! To think I would not be able to recognize the subjects of my research….”

“To be fair, we didn’t exactly have a chance to hang out together much,” Master Link offered, “but on that topic, you said you spotted her around here?”

“Right, right,” Gorko nodded, “it, came with another person—”

“Um, I’d prefer if you could refer to Zelda with ‘she/her’ pronouns, please?” Master Link cut in, “it’s kind of… rude… to refer to someone as ‘it’….”

“Oh, right, sorry bud,” Gorko apologized quickly, pulling out a notebook and scribbling on the paper within, “apologies. We Gorons are a primarily male race, so terms relating to ‘females’ are still relatively new….”

“Huh, that’s interesting,” Master Link remarked, before shaking his head sharply. “A-anyway, you said she came with another person?”

“Yeah, yeah!” Gorko nodded, excitement returning as he pointed towards Master Link, then the rubble before us.

“They entered the temple and I wanted to chase after them… But…”

Gorko’s voice trailed off with a heavy sigh as he stuffed his notebook back into his pack and gestured towards the rubble once more.

“But then there was an explosion all of a sudden! And the entrance… Well, you can see for yourself, bud. I do not think we are getting past this mess.”

Master Link’s emotions began to stir once more, agitation, despair and worry coming to the forefront even as the Goron sighed and crossed his arms.

“I just wish we could find out what is happening on the other side!”

“I-isn’t there another way into the temple?!” Master Link cried.

“None that I’ve found so far, bud,” Gorko replied, “not unless you think you can climb these walls or… I dunno, travel into the past or somethin’….”

Master Link grew silent, then cried out in delight as he suddenly embraced the Goron, jumping up and down as he laughed.

“That’s it! You’re a genius Gorko!” he cried, before calling to me, “Fi, are there any Timeshift Crystals around here?”

At his query, I exited my blade, moving farther away from the Goron as he, too, emitted a cry.

I then activated my dowsing ability, pointing with my wing to the nearest reading, “I sense a crystal just over that way. It may be possible to activate it using either the Beetle or the Slingshot—”

“ELDIN’S BILLOWY MOUSTACHE!!!!” a voice suddenly bellowed, disrupting my auditory and dowsing abilities with the force and volume.

“…born of the blade- one who is youthful in likeness yet wise with knowledge immeasurable!!!!!” the Goron was apparently reciting giddily once my auditory functions came back online. “Y-you, you, bud i-is it possible that you are—?!”

“Master I would advise on activating the timeshift stone immediately to determine whether it reveals a way forward. Should you have need of my assistance, I will be in the sword,” I quickly reported to Master Link before immediately retreating back into my blade.

Not a moment too soon, it would appear, as the Goron suddenly exploded, his voice causing my blade to vibrate.


“Uh, heh heh,” was Master Link’s tentative reply, “y-… yeah, I guess that’s me….”

“By the great fiery maw of Eldin Volcano!” Gorko cried, “to think that after all these years researching, I would have the honor of meeting the Goddess Hylia’s very own Chosen Hero!

“But wait, that would explain everything!” the Goron continued, the volume of his voice fading then growing in volume indicating he had begun to pace. “The sudden awakening of the magic within the bird statue merely by being introduced to your presence, the sudden appearance of those strange creatures, the changes in climate….”

“Master, I would advise we leave the Goron to his musings and proceed with our pursuit of the spirit maiden.”

“Okay, okay, Fi,” Master Link responded, back to using the tone he’d adapt whilst speaking to his Loftwing. “Now, where is this Timeshift Stone located?”

I pointed Master Link in the right direction and soon the magic was humming through the area, causing Gorko to emit a cry of wonder.

It quickly warped into a cry of alarm as the screech of Bokoblins filled the air alongside the metallic cries of one of the LD-301 Series robots.

“Vzzt, help!!!”

At the cry for assistance Master Link was moving instantly, my sword slicing through the air and cutting down the Bokoblins before they could even turn our way.

Master Link’s attention then focused on the small robot before us, kneeling and speaking kindly, “it’s okay, you’re safe now. Did they hurt you?”

“N-no, I received no physical damage, bzzt,” the robot replied as it peeked at Master Link before lowering its large hands away from its face. “That was scary, vrrrrm… Thanks for helping me, bzzt.”

“Incredible!” Gorko exclaimed, having apparently come to investigate now that the danger had passed. “To think that rock was actually a metallic lifeform of the past!”

“How rude, vzzt!” the robot chirped. “I am of the latest, state of the art model of the LD-301 Series, not a ‘metallic lifeform of the past’!”

“Oh, uh, sorry, bud,” Gorko murmured, “I didn’t mean to insult ya’.”

“Very well, I accept your apology, vzzt,” the robot nodded. “In any event, welcome to the Temple of Time. Within it is the sacred Gate of Time made by the goddess, bzzt.”

“Such a valuable artifact truly rests within the temple here?!” Gorko cried, spirits lifted anew.

“Indeed, bzzt!” the robot chirped, “and it is my job to patrol outside the temple, vrrm!

“…although,” the robot then hummed, its entire body drooping now, “I am afraid I was in quite a bit of trouble when those monsters showed up. They were incredibly intimidating and tough, and should you not have arrived when you did… oh, I am not much of a guard, am I?”

“Don’t be silly,” Master Link interjected, resting his hand atop the robot’s head, “you were doing fine, just needed a bit of backup, that’s all!”

“Yeah, definitely little guy!” Gorko chimed in, “you couldn’t help it if you were outnumbered! What’s important is to learn from the experience and do better next time!”

“Thank you, bzzrrt! I shall do that!” the robot cried, its large hands waving in apparent excitement. “By the way, could it be you are here to visit the temple? If that is what you wish, or if you want to reach the Gate of Time, you will need to pass through that door over there, bzzap.”

The robot’s large hand extended, its fingers maneuvering so that it was pointing at the ruins of the former entrance to the temple.

“Err, the entrance has been destroyed, little guy,” Gorko stated in confusion as he gestured at the ruins himself.

“What are you talking about?” the robot queried, it’s head tilting in confusion, “the entrance looks just fine to me. Are you saying those fiends from before damaged it?!”

“W-wait!” Master Link called frantically as the robot began rushing towards the ruins itself, “don’t leave the—!”

His warning came too late as the robot exited the sphere of the timeshift, it’s body instantly rusting and collapsing to the ground in a heap.

“Wh-what happened to the little guy?!” Gorko cried as he and Master Link ran to the now aged robot, “h-he turned into junk!”

“By exiting the sphere of the timeshift crystal, the robot instantly returned to the time of the present,” I informed Master Link. “And as seems to be the case for most of the robots who reside here, this resulted in this unit rusting and ceasing to function.”

“Do you think you can help me get him back into the shifted space?” Master Link questioned Gorko, once he had relayed the information I had given him to the Goron.

“Hm, I’m not the strongest of my kind, but I’m certainly willing to try,” was Gorko’s uncertain reply before reaching for the aged robot.

The two grunted and groaned but did eventually manage to return the robot into the shifted space, where the creature peered around itself in apparent confusion.

“Huh, what happened, bzzap?” it asked, peering at Master Link and Gorko in confusion. “What was I just doing?”

“Um, don’t worry about it,” Master Link quickly replied, “it’s just, uh… for various reasons, we need another way into the Temple of Time.”

“Huh? You need another way in, phoo-weep?” the robot repeated. “Well, Lanayru Mining Facility and the Temple of Time are connected underground, dzzt. I suppose you could find another way in through there….”

“Hmm, I don’t suppose you have a map we could borrow?” Master Link inquired.

“I could draw one!” Gorko offered immediately as he began rummaging around in one of his bags. “All you’d need to do is give us directions, little guy!”

“Well, I suppose that will be alright,” the robot buzzed, after a moment of contemplation. “You did help me protect the temple from those bad guys, after all, phoo-weep! Now, the first thing you want to do is….”

“So far so good, eh Link?” Gorko called as he and Master Link carefully proceeded upon the submerged path that would lead us to the alternate entrance to the Temple of Time. “Between the little guy and the spirit guide, we’ll be getting into that temple in no time!”

“Master, I still do not think it is wise to allow Gorko to traverse with us,” I protested for the third time. “While it is true his cartography skills are impeccable, I would’ve been able to guide you perfectly well myself.”

“I know Fi,” Master Link replied, his voice and emotions warm and comforting against our bond, “but he wanted to help out. And this way we can make sure he doesn’t get himself into any trouble trying to follow us or something.”

I was about to remind him that the Goron’s welfare was not a part of our duty when Gorko called out to us.

“Hey, there’s another one of the robots and a strange looking contraption!”

Master Link quickly moved to stand next to the Goron, both gazing at the ‘contraption’ together.

“Doesn’t look like it has any energy running through it,” Gorko hummed as one of his hands came up to cup his chin. “It’s probably as rusted over and broken as the poor robots, so the likelihood of fixing it ourselves….”

“It’s best to look for a timeshift stone,” Master Link declared, pulling my sword from its scabbard to dowse for the stone in question, “hopefully there’s one close by….”

“My dowsing indicates one lies beneath the pile of rubble immediately to your right, Master Link.”

“Looks like we’ll have to do some excavating,” Master Link hummed after an inspection of the rubble. “Gorko, make sure you stay over there, all right?”

“Hm?” the Goron called back, peering over his shoulder from where he still stood next to the mysterious object, “what’s that Link?”

“Cover your ears!” Master Link called as he withdrew a bomb and placed it next to the rubble.

He then quickly jogged back to Gorko, covering his own ears just before the bomb went off.

“Oh-ho! Looks like we’re in luck!” the Goron cried once the timeshift stone was revealed, “let’s activate it and see what it does!”

The stone was activated and time rewound, the robot that had rested next to the mysterious object reactivating once it had.

“You are not in my memory banks, brrt,” the robot stated once it caught sight of us.

“Uh, we’re visiting?” Master Link ventured to say, quickly adding, “we have permission! Um, we’re looking for a way into the Lanyru Mining Facility?”

“Ah, then you will have need of the generator, zztt,” the robot informed us as it trundled over to stand before the now identified generator. “I will get that running for you right awa—”

The robot’s speech came to a sudden stop as it gazed at the generator and emitted a cry of alarm.

“Th-the generator, voo-weep! It’s lost power, zrrpt!”

“What does that mean?” Master Link asked, alarm and worry growing, “it won’t open the entrance?”

“W-well, we should be able to restore power by activating the remote power nodes,” the robot replied as it peered at the generator, one large finger scratching the top of its head, “it’s strange, though. The generator was working perfectly just a moment ago, vrrm….

“In any event,” it continued, turning back to Master Link, “I’ll get those power nodes working. You two just wait right here—”

“Uh, how about we do that for you?” Master Link quickly offered, stepping in front of the robot, thus preventing its forward movement. “Since we’re the ones asking you to open the entrance, it’s only right we help get the generator working!”

“Hmm, well,” was the robot’s reply as it contemplated the offer, “that would give me a chance to run diagnostics on the generator… All right, zrrpt! I’ll tell you where the remote power nodes are and how to activate them, bzzt!”

This prompted Gorko to pull out his map and notebook, writing everything down as the robot recited the locations and instructions.

“I assume this means Gorko will continue to accompany us at this point in time?”

“Looks like it, Fi,” was Master Link’s reply to my query, ‘sympathy’ suddenly directed my way through our bond, “maybe give him a chance? He’s a knowledgeable guy and a scholar, you might find you like him….”

“Whether I like him or not is unimportant, Master Link.”

“It is important if he makes you uncomfortable, Fi.”

“I… I am unable to feel discomfort, Master Link,” I replied, uncertain what had led Master Link to make such a statement.

“Right, okay,” he replied, with an odd tone. “Still, I’ll ask him to try to be a little quieter around you, okay?”

“If that is what you wish, Master Link.”

“Um, sorry to interrupt, bud,” Gorko suddenly stated, “but, I’ve finished marking the locations of the power nodes. You ready to head out?”

“Yeah, all set,” Master Link replied with a nod, following after the Goron as we headed for the nearest power node.


And Gorko joins the party!
Don't worry Fi, he'll try to be a bit quieter for you... and the two of you might just hit it off, you both being scholarly and eager to add to you knowledge and all! Plus he'll probably be helpful in the temple area! we just need to wish him luck in the boss fight...

Link's thoughts upon robots: "Aw, they're like mini-Fis... except they seem to exhibit emotions more than she does... does that mean she's the 'newest model'? Did she not have enough time to develop emotions? Hmmm...."

Chapter 14: To the Gate of Time


Fi, Gorko and Link make their way through the Lanayru Mining Facility as they continue their quest for Zelda and the Gate of Time. But the anticipated reunion does not go as planned....


One session of late night writing and a trip to the dentist later and we have a new chapter! Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Despite my low estimations, Master Link’s prediction regarding my assessment of Gorko was of sound judgement.

Once he no longer burst into loud exclamations of excitement at periodic intervals, his inquisitive nature and intelligence proved most satisfactory.

With his aid we were able to reactivate the power nodes with relative ease, his solution in transporting the ‘handmade’ power source of Ampilus eggs both simple and ingenious.

Eventually I agreed to answer some of the questions he submitted to me, though only as much as was acquired during my time alongside Master Link.

“So, most of your memories pertaining to Lady Hylia and the Great War are gone?” was one such question, the Goron’s writing utensil tapping against his jaw as he asked.

“To be exact, I was created only after the Great War you and the legends speak of,” I replied. “Thus, I can only relay what I was told of it. As for Lady Hylia and the time I spent with her, I expect much was either lost amidst my slumber awaiting Master Link or sealed so as to avoid revealing too much to my master before he was ready.”

“Wait, so,” Master Link cut in, his expression furrowing with ‘worry’, “you mean you can’t remember things because of me?”

“That statement is only 40% accurate,” I replied, “and as I feel a sense of alarm and guilt from you, Master Link, rest assured you are not at all at fault. The memories will be fully restored when the time is right, and as they are now would not be dissimilar to how human memories of their early childhood would appear.”

“Fascinating,” Gorko hummed, scribbling in his notebook, “so, is there anything you remember of Lady Hylia herself?”

Kind blue eyes and a musical laugh, a hand rubbing my head gently, crystalline wings outspread underneath the sun as a voice sings alongside the strumming of a harp.

“…warmth,” I finally reply, “I remember warmth and song… a gentle hand patting my head or holding my wing.”

I turn to Master Link, his head tilting in curiosity as I continue, “you are very similar to her in that regard, Master Link.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Master Link stammers, his face suddenly growing red. “I doubt I should be compared to the goddess in any way, I, uh—”

“Master, your heart rate has increased, and your face has reddened considerably. I believe it would be best to find shelter from the sun as quickly as possible,” I informed him, moving one of my wings over his head so as to provide even a sliver of shade.

“Hm, seems you still have quite a bit of learning to do regarding emotional intelligence,” I believe I heard Gorko mutter as Master Link began to loudly protest that his physical state was ‘just fine’.

“Oh? That’s strange, zzt, it seems I lost power for a moment,” the robot standing before the main generator muttered.

He then flinched and cried out in surprise when he noticed our group standing next to him. “When did you all get here? Don’t tell me you’ve already activated the power nodes?!”

“We believe so,” Gorko replied for us, his large hand patting the small robot’s head far gentler than I had ever thought possible for a member of his race. “Think you could check to see if the generator will work now?”

“Right away, voo-weep!” the robot declared cheerily as it positioned itself before the generator.

There were the sounds of gears turning and a number of clicks before the ground suddenly began to shake.

“Hold on to your gears and screws, zzzrrt!” the robot called out as a large mass began to rise from the ground before us, Gorko and Master Link nearly falling as the tremors grew in strength.

But then the building rose completely, and the tremors ceased as the robot moved to stand before the newly revealed structure, a giant hand gesturing grandly in its direction.

“This is the Lanayru Mining Facility, phwing! It is where Timeshift Stones are produced!”

“Incredible,” Gorko murmured while Master Link merely blinked at it in surprise.

The robot, apparently deciding to focuse on Gorko’s seeming delight, declared, “no matter how many times I see this place, my rotors still hum with admiration, bzzt!”

“I can see why!” Gorko laughed, “look at the detail of the carvings and decorations, still in such good condition despite its age! Could it be the submersion within the sand acted as a preservative? I wonder how well the inside of the structure has fared?”

“Well, you’re welcome to go in!” the robot chirped, “I don’t know what you mean by that age remark, since it’s only been a few years since its construction, but I assure you this facility is very much state of the art. Just eh… mind where you step….”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Master Link replied with a nod, before turning to Gorko, “still want to tag along?”

“You bet, bud!” the archaeologist replied eagerly as we headed for the stairs.

“Absolutely incredible,” Gorko murmured softly once we had fully entered the Lanayru Mining Facility. “There is wear and tear to be sure, but the structure is in much better shape than I had imagined….”

“There is a 90% chance that the desertification of the area aided in the preservation of the Lanayru Mining Facility,” I chimed in, my sensors already scanning and producing a map of the area. “Be that as it may, I would suggest caution whilst we traverse the facility, in the event of corrosion or monster infestation….”

Almost as if it had been waiting for my warning, an Aracha sprung from the shadows, Gorko only just managing to avoid it by jumping backward, his attempt to curl into the Goron’s signature, protective ball hampered by the pack he wore.

Master Link quickly dealt with the pest, offering a helping hand to our fallen comrade, who rubbed his head and laughed.

“I, uh… guess that proved your point, eh, Fi?” Gorko chuckled. “Okay, we don’t have time to do much explorin’ anyway, do we? Gotta catch up with the spirit maiden and help the Chosen Hero complete his destiny!”

“Hey, what did we say about that ‘Chosen Hero’ thing?” Master Link called to Gorko with an exaggerated pout, which easily slid into a smile as the Goron laughed once more.

“Okay, okay,” Gorko said, arms going up, then going down, “now then, let’s take another look at that map the little guy helped me draw of this place….”

“So, Fi, Mr. Archaeologist… any ideas why the heck this place is so crazy?” Master Link huffed once we had finally reached a stable and relatively safe area.

“There is a 95% probability that this place was not constructed with either humans or Gorons in mind,” I replied, carefully scanning for any further signs of active Beamos. “And, since we have technically entered without proper authorization, the security system identifies us as intruders and responds accordingly.”

“Hm, I wonder if the lack of human consideration suggests that it wasn’t the humans that created the little robot guys?” Gorko contemplated, writing in his notebook as he spoke. “Or perhaps those who created them had no need for normal transportation methods? Or could it possibly be that the robots simply produce themselves with perhaps Hylia as the original creator…?”

“I am afraid that is a subject I cannot shed further light upon,” I replied when the archaeologist glanced my way.

“Well, at least we got something out of this trip so far,” Gorko remarked as he lifted the Gust Bellows, “though this does beg the question of ‘just what did they use this thing for’?”

“Analysis shows that it is a device that produces an endless gust of wind,” I informed my companions. “And though it’s use in the ancient world is unknown, I believe it will aid in clearing out the sand that has accumulated within the present, as well as provide relief from the desert heat.”

Master Link was given no chance to reply to this information, as Gorko’s exploration of the Gust Bellows led to air blowing into his face (which, I noted, lowered his temperature by about five degrees).

“Pipit would lose his mind if he ever saw this place,” Master Link remarked at one interval as he used the Gust Bellows to unearth a cart that held a Timeshift Crystal from a large pile of sand.

“Why? Does he have a natural aversion to sand in general?” Gorko inquired as he examined the writing on a nearby wall.

“More dust than sand,” Master Link replied as he activated the crystal, “his mom is… not the best at cleaning, which… might’ve led him to be more on the cleanlier side. Either way, he’d probably appreciate something like this Gust Bellow thing, especially on the days he goes back home.”

“Hmm, but wouldn’t it just… push the dust around the room?” Gorko remarked, watching the sand flowing away as Master Link continued to unleash the bellows. “Then again, I suppose if you opened the windows and doors… though there’s also the risk of blowing away your possessions or breaking them… perhaps if it was refined….”

“I would suggest delaying any modification or marketing ideas regarding the Gust Bellows for later,” I cut in. “Given that the minecart has begun to move and is about to leave us behind.”

The two males quickly gave chase, just barely managing to catch up to the cart before the floor beneath them disappeared.

“Master, a malevolent aura has just appeared,” I reported the moment my sensors picked up the presence of a new enemy in the room we had just entered. “I would advise extreme caution here on out….”

Master Link was immediately on alert, drawing my blade as he angled himself protectively beside Gorko.

“Wh-what’s up, bud?”

“Fi says there’s an enemy,” Master Link replied softly, slowly guiding Gorko towards the edge of the room, “we should try to find you somewhere safe to—”

“Master!” I called, my sensors screaming as the aura surged towards us, “it is approaching from below the sand!”

Master Link and Gorko both emitted cries of alarm as a large mass traveled beneath them, the sand exploding upward as the creature revealed itself, screaming in challenge.

“Target lock: Moldarach,” I reported as Master Link pushed Gorko behind him. “An Aracha that has survived its very lengthy larval stage is known as a ‘Thousand-Year Arachnid,' which is precisely what you see before you.”

“Great, a big boy,” Master Link groaned internally as the Moldarach stalked forward, “ideas on getting past it?”

“As over 90% of its body is shielded by a tough, chitinous armor that can deflect even the sharpest blade, defeating it will prove to be quite difficult. However, I have detected a weakness within it’s overdeveloped pincers.”

The larger of those pincers began heading towards us at that moment, the claw opening wide as if it intended to grab hold of us.

Master Link quickly struck out with my blade, slicing through the weakened center, the Moldarach screaming in pain and outrage as a large crack appeared.

Master Link then cursed as it dove back into the sand, his head whipping around wildly.

“Master, I believe the best course of action would be to use the Gust Bellows,” I quickly advised. “This will force the Moldarach out of the sand and provide you with an opportunity to strike.”

Master Link moved to withdraw the Gust Bellows as instructed, but the Moldarach proved to be far more intelligent than surmised.

The creature rose from the sand with lightning speed, snapping up Master Link and I within one of its claws, the Gust Bellows falling to the ground below as we were raised skyward.

Master Link then cried out in pain as the claw began to squeeze his body, the arm holding my sword pinned helplessly at his side.

“Master Link, you must find a way to free yourself!” I informed him as the bones within his arms and spine began to creak dangerously, risk of breakage increasing by the second.

“Ideas… on how… to do that Fi?” Master Link requested, crying out in pain as the claw continued to squeeze.

I was running calculations, the statistics not at all in our favor, when something large and round suddenly appeared, slamming into the Moldarach’s arm, sending vibrations through the creature.

This caused it to emit a shriek and involuntarily open the claw holding Master Link and I, Master Link quickly rolling to safety before the Moldarach could try to grab hold of him again.

“Eldin Volcano’s sulfurous fumes,” the sphere that had freed us groaned as it came to rest next to us, unrolling to reveal Gorko, who was rubbing his head as he grimaced. “That thing’s armor’s gotta be the hardest thing I ever hit, thought that would smash my own shell to smithereens!”

“Th-that was you?!” Master Link exclaimed, “wh-what, how-?!”

“Goron anatomy lessons can wait till later!” Gorko cried as he held up the Gust Bellows. “I’ll force the nasty bugger out, you crack it’s shell open with your sword, sound good?”

Master Link quickly agreed and Gorko immediately activated the Gust Bellows, clearing the area around us until a flash of black armor was revealed.

Gorko quickly focused the winds there, the gusts soon forcing the Moldarach into the open, where Master Link swiftly attacked its claws, my blade easily slicing through the weakened seams of the pincers.

The Moldarach screamed in pain as the pincers snapped in two, an eye opening in the center of its head and glowing blood red.

It then roared as its large tail came up, Master Link and Gorko diving out of the way as the enormous stinger smashed into the area we’d just evacuated.

“Master Link, the eye in the center of its head is the last remaining weak point. Should you manage a direct thrust to its center, the Moldarach will be vanquished!”

“Gorko, I need to hit that eye!” Master Link cried as the Moldarach buried itself once more, the tail the only thing remaining uncovered, the sharp stinger smashing into the sand around it blindly.

“Got it!” Gorko cried, his clenched hand with his thumb pointed upward directed our way before he deployed the Gust Bellows once more.

The second the back was exposed, the tail was raised, stinger swooping in Gorko’s direction.

The Goron quickly curled into a ball, surging forward before suddenly uncurling, a bomb somehow clutched within his hand.

“Chew on this!” Gorko cried as the bomb was thrown into the exposed back, exploding the second it made contact with the monster’s shell, causing the Moldarach to scream and cease its attacks.

Master Link then surged forward at the flash of the eye opening, my sword whistling as it surged forward in a powerful thrust.

The Moldarach emitted one last scream of pain and fury, it’s tail curling above its body as its spine reared back before the creature collapsed into black and purple smoke.

Gorko was quick to collapse as well, causing Master Link to cry out in concern.

“I’m alright, bud,” the Goron groaned, “a few aches and pains but nothin’ a good soak in a hot spring won’t fix.”

“Analysis shows there was damage sustained to your shell,” I informed him as I exited my blade, “and, as with Master Link’s damage to his bones, it will require more than a ‘good soak in a hot spring’.”

“You don’t know our hot springs,” Gorko laughed, then grimaced as a hand pressed against the damaged area, “although, those hot springs are a bit far from here….”

“Sorry,” Master Link stated, ‘guilt’ and ‘worry’ pressing against our bond, “I shouldn’t have let you—”

“Now none of that,” Gorko cut in, his brow furrowing as he pointed a finger towards Master Link, “this was my own decision, so there’s no place for askin’ for forgiveness. Besides, not only does this make us even, it was only natural for me to help my bud when he was in trouble!”

This caused Master Link to emit a short laugh before kneeling and wrapping his arms around the Goron as much as was possible.

“Thank you, Gorko. I couldn’t have done this without you,” Master Link murmured.

“It was my pleasure,” Gorko chuckled, a large hand gently patting Master Link’s head, “wait ‘til the boys back at the Academy learn I fought with the Chosen Hero of the Goddess!”

He then emitted a small sound of pain, his hand resting against the damaged area once more.

“Though, uh… I think I’d rather not do it again,” he groaned, “I’m a scholar, not a fighter….”

Master Link merely laughed before helping the Goron back onto his feet.

We had almost made it up the flight of stairs that would lead us directly inside the Temple of Time when a voice that stirred warm memories within my mind drifted to us on the breeze.

“…nobe shundu,

“Tie shutwu,

Kewenu swa lei….”

Master Link’s emotions were a much lighter jangle as he rushed forward, coming to a halt as the figures of Zelda and her guardian came into view, his focus on Zelda who was facing away from us.

But then she was turning towards us, a cry of my master’s name ringing throughout the area in the same tone as the jangle of Master Link’s emotions as she began heading in our direction at the exact same time Master Link stepped forward.

Master Link had only advanced two steps before the aura of a familiar enemy appeared and the rock blockade exploded violently.

“Master Link, Ghirahim has appeared!” I cried as the demon lord’s laugh rang out, the demon himself leaping forth from the cloud of dust and landing in a crouch in the center of the path forward.

He turned to us with a smirk, emitting a sound of malicious glee as his sword slashed upward, his magic causing a wall of diamonds to erupt from the ground just before us.

“What’s all this, then?” Gorko’s voice called in the distance, though no one paid him any mind, all eyes locked upon the demon lord.

Said demon lord directed one of his usual smirks our way before inevitably turning toward the spirit maiden, immediately charging towards her.

“Impa!” Zelda cried as her guardian moved to intercept the demon, holy energy flaring and flowing around the two figures in a large sphere of blue light as it clashed with Ghirahim’s powerful strike.

Ghirahim was forced to step back, the guardian, Impa, standing tall and firm, arms extended and palms facing outward as her magic swirled into the barrier.

The demon lord then laughed, waving his sword in an embellished fashion before raining a barrage of attacks upon the guardian’s shield.

“Your Grace!” Impa called out, her voice barely audible over the pounding of sword against shield. “Quickly, to the gate!”

“Fi!” Master Link called at almost the same time, “we need to get over there!”

“Analysis shows the only route available is the walkway we stand upon, which is blocked by Ghirahim’s magic,” was my response.

Master Link was preparing to direct another question my way when Zelda’s voice suddenly called his name.

The spirit maiden, having apparently disregarded the command of her guardian, was standing directly parallel to us, her harp lifted high above her head.

“Link, here!” she called as holy magic was used to lift the harp even higher. “You’ll need this where you’re going.”

The harp was enveloped with the holy magic, a bright light pulsing before the harp shot upward, then directed into a dive, heading in our direction.

Master Link cried out in alarm and surprise, but raised his arms nonetheless, the holy energy shooting down into his open hands with a large discharge of magic, causing Master Link’s eyes to squeeze shut as his clothes blew in the wind.

“Your harp?” Master Link cried in confusion once he’d registered what had appeared in his hands. “What am I supposed to do with—”

“Go! Now!” Impa cried at that time, her voice far more strained and insistent than before, prompting Zelda to run for the gate that stood behind them.

“Fi, can I use this thing to make the barrier disappear?!” Master Link cried desperately.

“Analysis of the barrier indicates it is nearly depleted.”

“But—” Master Link began to protest, before Ghirahim emitted a howl of exertion and triumph.

There was the sound of breaking glass, then the guardian’s pained cry.

“Impa!” Zelda cried, her movements towards the gate ceasing as she turned her attention towards her fallen guardian.

“Fi, we need to get over there, now!” Master Link cried.

Calculations were run in nanoseconds, one possible solution coming to the forefront.

“Quickly execute a Skyward Strike, it may be capable of smashing through the barrier!”

Master Link wasted no time in withdrawing my blade and thrusting it skyward, the magic of the harp hastening the gathering of sacred energy, possibly enhancing it, before the energy was sent forward.

The very second an opening appeared within the barrier, Master Link was rushing through it, taking three powerful strides before launching himself at our adversary.

Pieces of the guardian’s shield were still flying through the air and Ghirahim had only just begun to emit a triumphant laugh before it was cut short by Master Link’s cry of challenge.

Sacred energy was still flowing into my blade and enough distance had been covered in enough time to give Ghirahim no choice but to dodge the attack.

Master Link was then quick to position himself between the demon lord and fallen guardian, his gaze focused upon our opponent as the white clad figure landed in the same spot he’d first launched himself from.

“…Link,” Impa murmured, bringing half of Master Link’s attention her way.

“Am I late?” Master Link inquired, a touch of amusem*nt buzzing against our bond.

“I do believe we arrived at exactly the right moment,” I informed Master Link.

“…No. You’re right on time,” Impa replied with a small laugh, before climbing to her feet and heading towards the Gate of Time.

“Link!” she called as a new spell was produced, “you must go now. Return to the old woman at the Sealed Grounds. Tell her what happened here. She will know where you must go!”

“You’re not going anywhere!” Ghirahim cried, trying to move forward once more, but retreating again as another Skyward Strike was sent his way.

“And know,” Impa continued, clearly ignoring the demon, “that we will—”

“I’ll see you again!” Zelda’s voice cried, causing Master Link to flinch and nearly turn her way. “This isn’t good-bye, Link!

“I promise!” she concluded before the portal closed and the magic left by Impa detonated, utterly destroying the Gate of Time.

Master Link continued to pay it no heed, though there was a pang throbbing through our bond, which was quickly replaced by the usual emotions of battle as Ghirahim began to speak.

“Now you’ve done it, Link,” the demon lord cried angrily.

“I blame myself. I should have reprimanded you the last time we met,” he continued as he thrust his blade at us, “but instead I was… soft.”

Master Link scoffed at that, causing Ghirahim to emit an animalistic growl.

“I’d take pleasure in punishing you,” Ghirahim announced before suddenly squatting as his arms extended, “but I have no time for recreation.

“But next time,” he stated as he straightened, twisted, then pointed his finger our way with his usual flair, “I’ll do more than just beat you senseless.

“I’ll make the affair so excruciating,” he declared as he flung his arms outward, gathering his magic, before focusing it into his blade, which was then swung around in a circle, the black aura trailing behind it, “you’ll deafen yourself with the shrill sound of your own screams.”

He then disappeared in the usual flurry of diamonds, though Master Link did not relax his guard until the area around us lightened with the rays of the setting sun, indicating Ghirahim had indeed departed.

Master Link’s body relaxed, then drooped, his emotions falling heavily upon the bond as he turned to face the broken remains of the gate of time.

“A report, Master,” I stated as I exited my blade. “I can no longer detect Zelda’s aura. The moment the gate was destroyed, Zelda’s presence disappeared from my readings. We can no longer search for her with the dowsing ability.”

“I figured as much,” Master Link sighed as he sheathed the sword. “But we’ll still be able to find her somehow, right?”

“Zelda’s companion did instruct you to meet with the ancient one in the Sealed Grounds,” I reminded Master Link. “This corresponds with the records in my memory. Thus, our most logical destination should be the Sealed Temple.”

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod, before frowning up at the sky, where the light of sun was just beginning to change colors. “That might be a problem, though….”

“HEEEEYYYY!!!” a familiar voice suddenly called, Gorko jogging towards us as he waved his arm in the air. “You two alright?”

“We’re okay,” Master Link replied, “how about you? You didn’t get caught up in all that, did you?”

“No worries, bud,” the archaeologist replied in turn, “figured I’d do more harm than good this time around if I tried to join in the fight, so I took cover near the stairs.”

“That’s good to hear,” Master Link sighed, “and at least now the entrance to the temple is clear… but the gate….”

“Hmm, better the loss of the gate than the spirit maiden falling into the hands of the enemy,” Gorko hummed solemnly, his expression falling nonetheless as he gazed at the ruins of the gate, “still, it is a blow to history….

“But anyway,” the Goron continued as he turned to face Master Link once more, “what’s the plan now, little guy? Gonna head back into the sky?”

“That may be a problem,” Master Link sighed as his gaze traveled skyward once more, “the sun’s already setting, so the Loftwings will be getting corralled back into the stable for the night, including my own.

“Which means,” he continued as he rubbed his hand against his eyes, “even if I use the bird statue, unless one of the knights of the night patrol spot and catch me, I’ll just be falling right back down here… would probably be best to just camp here for the night….”

“Then you can spend the night with me!” Gorko laughed, a fist knocking against his chest. “My campsite’s not too far from here and I’ll definitely welcome the company!”

“Really? Are you sure?” Master Link inquired.

“Sure, I’m sure, we’re buds!” Gorko declared, his large hand resting lightly atop Master Link’s head, “and buds are always ready and willing to let their buds crash at their place when they need to!”

“You sure you’re not offering just so you can grill me about Skyloft?” Master Link asked in a teasing manner.

“Well, maybe partly,” was Gorko’s reply, causing Master Link to laugh, “but, in exchange, I’ll tell you everything you want to know about Gorons and the Surface.”

“Deal,” Master Link chuckled as we began to head towards Gorko’s campsite, “my first question, how did you manage to knock me out of Moldarach’s claw?”

“Well, for starters, we Gorons are born with a pretty hard shell ourselves,” Gorko began to explain, “as hard as the stones we eat. Some legends state that we were born from Eldin Volcano itself, or at least molded from it by….”


I think the archaeologist did pretty good for his first fight... though, hopefully, we can keep him off the battlefield from now on (he can just strategize in base camp with Grannie). At least he, Link and Fi can have a nice night trading stories, naming constellations and singing lullabies.
Next chapter--
*Gets cut off as the brass instruments begin to play a certain tune*
...oh boy... who left the door open?

Chapter 15: A Moment of Rest


After a sleepover at Gorko's place, Link returns to the sky for what he believes will be a short resupply trip.
But somebody has other plans....


Author and Link: "Okay, we're gonna head straight to the Sealed Temple and the next plot point!"

Crimson Loftwing: "No"

*Dumps us in Skyloft and nests on top of Link*

Author: *blinks, studies Loftwing's expression, then curls atop its back for a nap*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The night passed in relative comfort, the fire Master Link and Gorko built keeping the desert night chill at bay as we all traded various information.

Though the Goron researcher’s mood dulled a bit when informed that much of his knowledge of Skyloft was incorrect, he’d quickly returned to his usual self, especially when Master Link had begun to describe the Loftwings.

In turn, Master Link had been enthralled by the stories of Gorko’s people, both the factual truths and the stories warped by the inefficient oral tradition.

His own mood had dulled when the topic of discussion had veered towards what the Goron had learned from his own peoples' legends of the destiny of the goddess’ chosen hero and the spirit maiden.

“Is there any chance your people left any records of this ‘shadow of apocalypse’?” he’d inquired of Gorko, to which the Goron’s head had shaken in denial.

“I’m afraid not, bud,” Gorko had sighed, setting aside the ‘rock roast’ he’d been dining on. “Most of the records around that point in time that we have managed to find so far were severely damaged and warped. As for anything we were able to decipher… well, most of it only mentions vague descriptions and very… morbid names.”

“Names of what?”

“Well, that’s another confusing part,” Gorko sighed once more, “in fact, it’s caused quite a debate amongst my colleagues back at our own Academy. Half are of the opinion that they describe a natural disaster or plague that nearly wiped your ancestors off the face of the planet, leaving the Goddess no choice but to send you all to safety, above the clouds.

“And the other half,” he continued, brow furrowing even deeper, “believe the texts describe a… a figure, a being, that just suddenly appeared to wage a war upon Hylia. To be honest, I was undecided but… after what we just saw and from what the Mogma boys told me… I think I’m inclined to believe the latter….”

“The master Ghirahim mentioned,” Master Link murmured, his own brow furrowing as worry and concern blanketed our bond once more, “the one he keeps babbling on about needing Zelda for. But… why does he need Zelda? What does she have to do with ‘resurrecting’ his master?”

“Because she is the spirit maiden?” Gorko hypothesized.

“But what does that mean, really? It can’t just be a pretty girl that dresses up in fancy clothes and recites words from the legends!” Master Link cried as his gaze turned my way. “There’s more to this than that, isn’t there?!”

“I believe the old woman who resides within the Sealed Temple will be able to provide us with the answers you seek,” I replied.

“But surely there’s something you can add?!” Master Link cried, “either more facts about Ghirahim’s master or even the gate of time—?!”

“Whoa, whoa, easy there, bud!” Gorko cut in, a large hand gently coming to rest atop Master Link’s shoulder. “You heard what Fi said before, she can only tell you what she remembers and what the goddess allows her to tell you, no point in getting upset at her….”

Master Link opened his mouth, then closed it, before closing his eyes as he sighed deeply, “you’re right Gorko. I’m sorry Fi.”

“There is no need for apology—”

“Yes, there is,” Master Link huffed, an odd mixture of ‘fondness’ and ‘exasperation’ now being emitted from his side of the bond, “it doesn’t matter if I’m your master Fi, don’t let me take my frustrations out on you.”

“If that is what you wish, Master Link, then I shall do my best to comply,” I acknowledged, which led to another sigh from Master Link before he ‘patted’ my head.

After that, the topic was transitioned to the harp Master Link had received, the two males peering curiously at the instrument as they tried to discern its holiness.

At some point Master Link began to cautiously pluck and strum the strings of the instrument, seemingly further confused as no ‘mystical phenomenon’ appeared.

“I guess it’s still just the normal harp Zelda had for the Wing Ceremony,” he remarked as he ran gentle fingers through the strings.

“Though I am unable to ascertain the ‘normalcy’ of the harp, I can detect a significant amount of spiritual energy stored within the instrument,” I informed Master Link.

“Does that mean I shouldn’t be strumming randomly on it?” Master Link asked, his fingers slowly withdrawing from the strings of the harp.

“There is only a 15% chance that the spiritual energy will activate by your ‘strumming randomly’. It is far more likely that a certain song would need to be played in order for you to access the magic….”

“Do you actually know how to play that thing, bud?” Gorko inquired as he peered at the instrument with wide eyes, “it’s so tiny and the strings look so fragile….”

“Yeah, we’d probably need a bigger harp if you wanted to try learning how to play,” Master Link chuckled softly, his fingers slowly returning to the strings. “As for myself, no, I’ve never played something like this, but I got to watch Zelda play it for the Wing Ceremony….”

Master Link then proceeded to strum every single string of the harp, his eyes closed in concentration, before the Ballad of the Goddess was being played.

“Whoa, bud!” Gorko exclaimed, hitting his hands together once Master Link had ceased playing, “you sure you never played before? Because that sounded fantastic to me!”

“I am inclined to agree Master Link, I found no flaws in your performance of the Ballad,” I confirmed.

Master Link’s face began taking on a pink hue as one of his hands rubbed the back of his head, “um, well, for some reason I’ve always been able to learn songs pretty quickly, even if I’d only just heard it in passing….”

“Could it be that you possess perfect pitch, Master Link?”

“Perfect pitch?” he repeated, his head tilting to the side.

“It is the ability to recognize the pitch of a note or produce any given note,” I explained, “in short, a sense of absolute pitch.”

“Hmm, I think Zelda might’ve mentioned something like that once,” Master Link hummed contemplatively. “But, since I was more motivated to become a knight than a musician, I don’t think we ever really checked to make sure….”

“Then you have missed out, bud!” Gorko cried, “I don’t think a gift like that should be ignored! Hey, why don’t I teach you some Goron songs, see if we can’t give that skill of yours a workout? Here, this first song goes like….”

The next few hours were spent with Gorko singing traditional and popular Goron songs, Master Link doing his best to replicate the notes upon the harp.

This continued until they both grew weary; the harp being safely tucked into Master Link’s pack before he climbed into his bedroll and Gorko found a good patch of solid earth to stretch out on.

Having no need of slumber, I instead activated my dowsing ability to keep an eye on our surroundings so as to alert Master Link and Gorko of any enemies that may intrude upon our camp as they slept.

When, at one point in the night, Master Link began to exhibit signs of distress due to the disturbance of a nightmare, I began to sing the Ballad of the Goddess, as had become commonplace for such occurrences.

I then found myself singing a number of the calmer Goron songs taught by Gorko as the night progressed, the songs soon being stored securely within my memory banks by the time the sun began to rise.

“So, what’s your plan now?” Master Link inquired of Gorko amidst their consumption of ‘breakfast’. “You came to investigate the temple and gate of time here, right?”

“That’s right,” Gorko nodded, taking a bite from one of his ‘rock rolls’ as he did. “And even though the temple sustained great damage from the magics of the guardian and demon lord, there’s still much that can be learned from what is left. Even the remains of the gate might shed some light on the ancient world or even your own quest!”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Master Link began to state, but Gorko was quick to deny him.

“I most certainly do, and not just because we’re buds now. If that demon lord’s intent is to unleash whatever it was that nearly caused the extinction of your race, that will also mean bad news for the rest of us as well.

“And even though I’d probably be more hindrance than help in any future battles,” he continued, “I hope I can at least aid you by finding any information that might give you an edge against those baddies.”

“I’d appreciate that,” Master Link replied with a smile, “you really are a good friend Gorko.”

“As are you,” Gorko responded with a smile of his own, “and from what I’ve already seen, the world is in good hands with you as the Goddess’ Chosen!”

This caused Master Link to produce his own quiet laugh before he began gathering his supplies, the sword and shield strapped securely to his back, the harp carefully positioned within the pack.

“So, exactly how long are you planning on staying here in Lanayru?” Master Link inquired of Gorko as the Goron accompanied us to the nearest bird statue.

“Not for much longer I don’t think. There was something at the Sealed Grounds I’d wanted to check out even before everything that happened here, so you should be seeing me there soon.”

“Just be sure not to get surrounded by Bokoblins again, alright?” Master Link stated in a teasing manner.

“Don’t you worry, I know how to deal with creeps like them now,” Gorko laughed, waving as the winds began to blow around us, “safe travels! And good luck, with everything!”

The Goron then quickly disappeared from sight as we were sent skyward once more.

Master Link was quick to call for his bird once we had ascended above the clouds, the Crimson Loftwing appearing almost instantly, as was expected.

What was unexpected was that he also sported a passenger… albeit an unwilling one.

“Fledge?!” Master Link cried in surprise once he’d spotted the form of his fellow classmate, clinging desperately to the side of the Loftwing’s collar, “what are you doing there?!”

“I-I… I was, p-putting your bird’s collar back on wh-when he suddenly t-took off a-and, well, I-I didn’t let go in time,” Fledge stuttered as Master Link pulled him up onto the Loftwing’s back.

“Bad timing on my part then, huh?” Master Link stated with an ‘apologetic’ laugh, “alright, hang on. Let’s get you back to Skyloft, before my Loftwing gets reported for Fledge-naping.”

“Oh, I doubt anyone would care enough to do that," Fledge stated, before perking up as he asked, "by the way, did you find Zelda?”

“I saw her at least, but thanks to a certain creep, she had to retreat, and I couldn’t follow after her,” Master Link sighed. “Don’t worry though, she was with another person who’s protecting her.”

“Oh, well that’s good,” Fledge replied, “ah, and guess what? Her bird finally made it back to the Nest! S-so, that’s gotta be a sign that you’ll be able to bring her home soon!”

“Let’s hope so,” Master Link replied, though a great deal of doubt hovered over our bond. “Anyway, I’ll drop you off at the academy, then I need to head out again—”

“B-but you just got back!” Fledge protested, “a-and it looks like you’ve gotten sunburned a-and, well, I’m sure everyone would like to know how you’re doing….”

“It would be best to restock your supplies,” I added, “your medical supplies in particular are nearly depleted.”

“Okay, fine,” Master Link finally conceded with a sigh, “I suppose I do owe the headmaster a progress report….”

With that, we were landing before the doors of the academy, the Crimson Loftwing giving Master Link a quick preening before taking off into the sky once more.

“…and that is all the information I have so far,” Master Link concluded his report of all that had occurred amidst our time in the Lanayru Desert.

“I see,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed, “it is unfortunate that you were unable to reach Zelda, but at least we can rest assured that she is in a safe place… and you’ve even managed to gain an ally who may be able to shed further light on this matter….”

Master Link’s lips lifted in a small smile at the mention of Gorko, before his expression became serious once more, “however, we still don’t have a complete guarantee that Ghirahim won’t be able to find a way to reach Zelda once more. That’s why I intend to head for Faron through the green column immediately—”

“No, you will remain here for a few days,” the headmaster declared, a hand raising to halt Master Link’s arguments, “you have been working tirelessly in your quest to find Zelda with only the minimal amount of rest and recovery time for your injuries. Now that we have confirmation of her safety, it is well past time you allowed yourself to mend properly.

“Besides,” he continued, his prolific moustache lifting on the right side, “I do believe that bird of yours will throw quite the fit if you attempt to leave so soon after returning, again. I would be willing to bet quite a few rupees that it would completely ignore your request to head for any of the lights and simply fly about the clouds with you before dumping you back on Skyloft and nesting atop you for the night….”

Master Link’s mouth opened, closed, opened, then emitted a loud sigh as his head dropped into his hand.

“So, why don’t you just skip such stressful things and allow some time to recuperate?” the headmaster suggested. “I’ll even do you one additional favor… you may have the rest of today to rest and do as you please. Then, tomorrow, your instructors and I shall aid you in catching up with the schoolwork you have missed!”

The headmaster then laughed heartily as Master Link emitted a very loud groan.

Thus began a period of recuperation for Master Link, the first day spent ‘making it up to’ his Loftwing by ‘giving scratches and treats’ and flying until the sun began to set.

The day after was spent in classrooms ‘catching up’ with his schoolwork, to which his friends were happy to offer their assistance.

It was in the sword training class with the instructor named Eagus that Master Link truly became engaged, asking for further aid and tips for better techniques and advantages.

“To be honest, with the way you’ve been fighting so far,” Instructor Eagus had confessed after the latest bout of sparring, “I don’t think there’s anything further I can teach you. In fact, you could probably lead the class yourself.”

“But I’m still not good enough!” Master Link had protested, “especially if I’m going to be facing Ghirahim again….”

“I would disagree, Master Link,” I chimed in as I exited my blade, “there has been a significant improvement in your skills, as well as your overall physical and problem-solving abilities. And though I must agree that Ghirahim will still pose a challenge, I believe it would be a far lesser challenge than when first you crossed swords….”

At the lingering uncertainty, I proposed, “if it would aid in easing your worries, Master Link, I would offer myself as a sparring partner.”

“You, Fi?” Master Link repeated, surprised, “I… I didn’t think you could fight….”

“Need I remind you I am sword spirit, Master Link,” I said, “as with any weapon, it is only natural that I am capable of engaging in battle.”

“Wait, then, shouldn’t that mean you should be able to fight alongside Link?!” Instructor Eagus suddenly cut in, his sword pointing at me accusingly, “if so, then why has Link been coming back with all those injuries?!”

“Because I am bonded to Master Link,” I replied, “due to my master claiming my blade as his own, I must remain within the blade whenever he engages in battle.”

“W-wait, how does that make sense?” Master Link cut in this time, ‘worry’ and ‘guilt’ jangling against our bond. “D-doesn’t that… doesn’t that mean I’ve trapped you—?”

“Incorrect, Master Link,” I replied, “the reason I must remain within the blade is due to the fact that I am the one who supplies the spiritual energy to the sword. If I do not reside within the sword, it is no different to those of your fellow knights, thus making it unsuitable for your needs as the Goddess’ Chosen Hero.

“Also,” I continued, “the bond allows access to far greater strengths and abilities, as well as a refinement in abilities such as my dowsing. In short, it is of far more practical and advantageous usage than simply remaining a separate warrior.”

Master Link sighed, an action that seemed to be occurring quite frequently as of late, before returning the conversation to the previous topic.

“So, you were saying something about sparring?”

“Correct,” I replied with a nod, “despite being unable to fight alongside you in battle, I can use my magic to create a space in which I can solidify my body and engage in sparring with you, Master Link.”

“Really now?” Instructor Eagus called, a hand rubbing his chin, “interesting… think you can perform this ability right now?”

“If that is what you wish, Master Link,” I stated, my gaze focused entirely on him, as the final decision lay with him.

“Yeah,” Master Link replied, a large smile now on his face as he assumed a fighting stance. Let’s see what you’ve got, Fi!”

“Very well then, Master Link,” I replied as I cast the required spell and launched my assault.

This was how the remainder of our days in the sky proceeded.

After Master Link had finished the more scholarly of his classes, the two of us would engage in combat practice.

With the information I had already gleaned from our previous fights, I was able to aid Master Link in identifying his weaknesses and overcoming them.

And though the first few sessions had ended with my victory, Master Link had not grown discouraged, only further determined… as well as ‘amused’ and ‘excited’.

“You never do get tired of swords, do you Link?” Instructor Eagus had laughed at one point, “even when you’re beaten, you’re more interested in learning whichever technique it was that brought you down then being upset over the loss! …not that you’ve ever lost to anyone of Skyloft for quite some time now….”

“Instructor Eagus, can you please stop bragging about me?” Master Link groaned, “I swear, between you and the headmaster….”

The instructor’s response to those words was to laugh loudly….

Eventually the day came when we were finally granted permission to resume our journey.

Master Link was once again supplied with food and potions and a further enhanced shield.

And though his Loftwing still emitted noises of complaint and unhappiness, it did not refuse to fly towards the green light that would lead us to Faron and the old woman who resided in the Sealed Temple.

“Just a little more,” Master Link murmured against crimson feathers, “just a bit longer and then Zelda and I can both come home. Until then, look after Aoi and the others for us, okay?”

The bird crooned and emitted one last screech as Master Link disembarked and angled his body so that we were once more descending beneath the clouds.

“So, Fi,” Master Link called as we drew close to exiting the tunnel of clouds, “how do you think the old woman will help us find Zelda?”

“According to calculations,” I began to reply… when a sudden reaction from my dowsing ability alerted me to an unexpected development.

“Master Link, something is approaching from above at high speed!”


Cliffhanger!!!! *evil laugh*

So here was another chapter that pounced on me out of nowhere and ended up with what may be counted as headcanons/reminders of things I want to do in future games. Can anyone guess what they are? XD

Anyhoo, next time we'll be seeing how Fi deals with the unexpected torpedo and the appearance of a giant avocado with teeth and icky nubs! Yay!

Chapter 16: It Was Set Loose


After dealing with an unexpected flying object, Fi and Link return to the Sealed Temple to seek the advice of the Old One.
When the path to Zelda is revealed and an ancient enemy awakened, will hero and sword be able to survive?


Alternate Hyrule Warriors Fi reaction to unidentified projectile: *exits sword and strongly kicks it away*
Link: "Fi! I think that was one of my classmates!"
Fi: *after a quick scan* "You are correct, it was a Skyloftian."
Link: *staring at Fi in horror*
Fi: "There is a 10% chance the trees will be able to slow their momentum enough to prevent loss of life and a 5% chance they will avoid any major injuries...."
Meanwhile, Link's and another Loftwing are screaming at each other for this entire mess....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Master Link, you must employ evasive maneuvers!” I cried as a large mass hurtled straight towards us.

“From wh—?!” Master Link began to inquire when screaming suddenly filled the air, Master Link’s own cries being added as he made the mistake of turning to spot the projectile.

“GROOSE?!” he cried, thus wasting whatever time remained to avoid collision as the projectile wrapped around his foot.

“Link! HEEELP!” the projectile cried as it’s added weight increased our rate of descent.

“Master Link, you must quickly remove this individual from your person, as his added weight will increase the likelihood of injury upon landing!”

“I can’t just shake him off!” Master Link cried.

“WHAT?!” the projectile screamed as it managed to climb higher, thus gripping Master Link’s torso, “DON’T YOU DARE SHAKE ME OFF, YOU TWERP!!!!”

“Master you must deploy your Sailcloth immediately!”

Master Link’s only reply was a wordless scream as he fought to do as instructed, the Sailcloth only just catching enough wind to slow their descent enough to avoid major injury or loss of life.

The projectile, or rather, the human bearing significant signs of a severe lack of intelligence, was finally detached from Master Link upon landing, the larger male laying sprawled upon his back whilst Master Link lay upon his stomach.

The bigger male emitted a loud groan before uttering, “…Ugh, rough landing.”

“Master Link, it appears you have managed to avoid major injury,” I informed my master as he, too, emitted a groan, albeit a much quieter one, “however, there is significant bruising—”

“I think I mighta broke something,” the other male continued to groan. “Hey, Link, seriously… Didn’t anyone ever teach you how to land without crash—”

“Master Link, who is this individual?” I began to inquire before the individual in question emitted a cry of alarm.

“WHOA! B-birds? TINY birds?! Wh-what… ARE they?!”

“Heh, he had the same reaction as me,” Master Link chuckled, a bit of the ‘irritation’ fading as he finally began to rise.

“Your reaction was far less loud and more composed,” I corrected him.

“And what is that thing?!” the individual continued to scream.

“Oh, Gorko,” Master Link said, spotting the Goron from where he was walking by in the distance. “Good to see he made it back alright.”

“It would be best to inquire as to whether he has managed to glean any further knowledge from his time in Lanayru, as well as to—”

“But… how… Wh-why… Wha-what…” the other human continued to sputter, drawing Master Link’s attention back to him.

“Hey, Groose, are you—”

“Where am I?!” the individual, now identified as Groose, cried as his back arched and his hands came to his head.

“What’s going on here?” he then demanded of Master Link, moving far faster than I had thought possible for his size, grabbing hold of and shaking Master Link as he continued to speak. “Ever since Zelda vanished, you’ve been zipping in and out of town all in a hurry!”

“Master, shall I employ a discharge of energy in order to chase off this individual?”

“N-no, F-Fi, it’s okay,” Master Link replied, his thoughts unsteady as he was shaken.

“But Master, this person has not only endangered your life, he is also invading your personal space and has laid hands on you—”

“So I figured I’d tail you, and you might lead me to Zelda,” Groose was continuing to babble, finally ceasing in shaking Master Link.

“But this is… so wild. Seriously, what IS that thing over there?!”

“That’s Gor—” Master Link began to answer.

“And what’s with all these trees? There are so many!”

“I do not believe he is listening Master Link, perhaps we should move on—”

“Just give it to me straight!” Groose cried, once again grabbing hold of Master Link and shaking him. “I can take it. Where are we? Is Zelda here?”

“Master, I do believe it would be best to deploy defensive maneuvers—”

“What’s the deal with this place?! If there’s supposed to be nothin’ below the clouds, what’s all this?”

“Calm down Groose,” Master Link stated once the Groose individual had ceased shaking us once more. “Stop shaking me and I’ll explain everything….”

“Master, I do not see any point in explaining anything to this man,” I interjected, “he has placed you in danger and ignored many of your social customs in both his actions and his words—”

“I know, I know, Fi,” Master Link cut in gently, “but what’s done is done… and he only did all that because he was worried about Zelda. So, may as well fill him in since he’s already down here….”

“Hey! Why are you just staring off like that?!”

“Sorry, sorry Groose. Anyway, as I was saying, after Zelda got caught by that black tornado….”

After Master Link had finished explaining all that had transpired, the Groose individual fell to his knees, a dazed expression on his face.

For reasons I could not determine, a number of Chirris chose to roost upon his shoulders and the tip of his odd hairstyle at that precise moment, even as he began to speak once more.

“Uhhhh… Whoa… Your kind of imploding my mind right now… But I think I get what you’re saying.

“If I’ve got this right,” he continued, “Zelda is down here somewhere and she’s… OK?”

“That’s right,” Master Link replied with a nod.

“She’s… She’s OK,” Groose repeated, a rather unintelligent looking smile curling his lips. “Oh, wow! That’s so great! Duh huh huh…”

“Master, perhaps we should seek a physician for this individual?” I suggested. “His manner of speaking and current expression may indicate brain trauma—”

“No, this is pretty normal for him,” Master Link declared, “especially if Zelda is involved….”

“Hearing that is such a… huge weight off my mind.”

“Master, as there are tears coming from his eyes, you may want to reconsider the physician—”

“No, this is still pretty normal for him.”

“Should that… not be concerning?”

“You know, Link…” Groose suddenly stated, the crying from just seconds ago presumably forgotten. “It’s sort of all right down here.”

“Yeah, it is,” Master Link replied with a soft voice as they both gazed at the greenery around us.

“This place needs a name. Yeah… A name fitting for this rugged, adventurous wilderness.”

“Um, it already has a name, Groose—” Master Link began to inform him, but Groose ignored him as he continued his monologue.

“From now on, we’ll call it… Grooseland!”

“…what?!” Master Link cried.

“…Master, I suggest you avoid any further communication with this individual and proceed to the Sealed Temple—”

“So,” Groose suddenly stated as he finally climbed to his feet, “lemme see if I’ve got this right.”

He then pointed to the path before us, “the old lady living in the temple down the road from here knows where Zelda is?”

“Um… yeah.”

“Master, I do not believe the old woman would want you to relay that information to this—”

“I see… Right, Link. Thanks for getting me here. You’ve done a good job. You can head home.”

“Excuse me?!” Master Link exclaimed.

“Big Groose will handle the search for Zelda from here.”

“Groose this isn’t—”

“Yup, I’ll track her down, save her, and then give her a lift back to Skyloft…”

“There are numerous flaws in that plan,” I informed Master Link, “so many that it cannot be factually labelled a plan.”

“Then when we get back, I’ll ask her if she wants to make our whole going-out thing official, and then the two of us will get some quality time together.”

“She is not going-out with you,” Master Link stated quietly through clenched teeth as ‘annoyance’ flared against the bond.

“Anyway, the point is your work here is done. I got it covered from here!” Groose declared.

“Groose, you don’t understa—”

“Now, it’s off to find that old lady you were talking about,” Groose said before taking off in the direction of the temple.

“Catch you later, Link!” Master Link was unable to say anything further before the bigger male was running for the temple.

Master Link then emitted a very loud and long sigh, ‘annoyance’ throbbing against our bond.

“That idiot just never listens,” he groaned.

“I must concur that ‘idiot’ is an appropriate description for him,” I stated.

“Wow, Fi, I think that was your first official insult,” Master Link laughed in ‘surprise’.

“I have only stated the truth, Master Link,” I corrected him, “an ‘idiot’ is a person of low intelligence. The fact that he followed us through the opening in the clouds despite the fact he possessed no ability or item to slow or cushion his descent is a high indication that his intelligence is lacking.”

“Actually, he can be plenty smart,” Master Link sighed, “at least, when it comes to playing pranks and things like that. It’s just that when Zelda gets involved… well… his brain turns to mush.”

“I did not think that was physically possible?”

“That was an expression,” Master Link explained, before sighing once more, “anyway, let’s go make sure Groose isn’t pestering Grannie too much.”

“Huh? You gotta be kidding me Grannie!”

This was the first thing we heard when we entered the Sealed Temple, Groose’s angry voice echoing against the walls.

“I only speak the truth,” the Old One stated, as calm as ever before the agitated youth. “You are not the one who will save her. The spirit maiden, your Zelda, can only be saved by another.

“It has been his fate to do this thing,” she continued with a grave tone, “and in doing so save us. As it was decided long before you were brought crying into this world.”

“Shut it, Grannie!” Groose shouted, his voice once again echoing off the aged walls, causing bits of gravel to fall from above. “You obviously don’t know me well, ‘cause if you did, you’d know that if anyone’s gonna save Zelda, it’s Groose!

“How could it not be me?” he continued arrogantly. “Plus, if it ain’t me, why would I even be here? Pffft. If I’m not up to the job of being the hero, just who is?”

“The one who stands behind you,” the Old One stated bluntly.


“Groose, leave her alone,” Master Link called, “if Henya heard you speaking like that to an elder, she’d have your hide—”

“Just shut it pipsqueak!” Groose spat, before an ugly smile and strange expression contorted his face.

“Oh… now I getcha.

“Link, Grannie here has been trying to tell me you’re gonna be the big hero who rescues Zelda,” Groose stated, one hand resting on his hip while the other was brought up at a tilted angle, his head shaking back and forth.

“What a joke!” he cried. “Look, all I’ve heard so far is a bunch of babbling about destiny, but that’s a load of garbage.”

He then stomped up to us, shoving his face directly into Master Link’s, as he stated, “I know you, and you’re no hero, shrimp!”

Master Link’s teeth clicked together and one of his hands curled into a fist, but Groose had already run off before he could reply.

“There is no need to listen to such a pompous fool,” I told Master Link, “from what he has shown so far, he has no qualifications to determine whether someone is a hero or not.”

“Thanks Fi,” Master Link chuckled, the ‘agitation’ brought about by Groose easing greatly by the time the Old One called out to him.

“Greetings, Link. Were you able to catch up with Zelda?”

“No, not quite,” Master Link sighed, “Ghirahim showed up, so her Guardian was forced to destroy the Gate of Time, to ensure he couldn’t follow them.”

“Ah, I see,” the Old One hummed. “So the guardian was there as well, was she?”

“Do you know her?” Master Link inquired.

“The one you saw by Zelda’s side is known as Impa,” the Old One declared. “She is a being sent forth by the goddess to aid Zelda in her quest.”

The Old One’s gaze then drifted upward as she stated, “the two have traveled somewhere in order to accomplish the great task destiny has set before them.”

“Which no one has yet explained to me,” Master Link huffed, causing the Old One to laugh softly.

“Yes, I believe the hope was that Zelda would be able to inform you once you had met them at the Temple of Time,” she stated. “However, now that Impa has destroyed the gate that they used, there is only one way left to find them.”

“And that way is?”

“You must make use of the harp given to you by Zelda,” the Old One proclaimed, laughing once more as Master Link’s hand flew to his pack where the Goddess Harp had been safely stored.

“How did you know I have the harp?” he asked as he withdrew the instrument.

“Because I am old!” the Old One declared, laughing once more, “or perhaps because that is my role as another chosen by the Goddess.

“Now, tell me, Link,” the Old One hummed as she grew serious once more, “have you attempted to play the harp that you received?”

“A bit, yes,” Master Link replied with a nod, “the Goron who’s been exploring around here taught me a few of songs of his people….”

“Ah, dear Gorko,” the Old One chuckled, “yes, I have met with that one before. A very curious mind and a gentle heart….”

“Yes,” Master Link agreed, before his gaze drifted towards my sword, “and Fi helped me get the hang of the ‘Ballad of the Goddess’.”

“That saves us quite a bit of time, then,” the Old One stated, “for that is the song you must play now.”

A light appeared within the center of the coil of her braid, which then travelled downward to the dais that stood at the foot of the stairs.

“Stand there, then wait for my signal,” the Old One instructed, “you and I shall perform the Ballad of the Goddess and the path forward shall be revealed.”

“Alright,” Master Link replied with a nod before heading down, turning back to the old woman as he raised the harp.

The Old One’s voice was strong and firm despite her great age, the lyrics flowing effortlessly throughout the temple.

In turn, Master Link’s fingers flew effortlessly against the strings of the harp, the magic within finally coming to life, small pillars of light appearing around us until we were completely surrounded.

It was then gathered behind us, glowing brightly before scattering into individual strands that travelled upward.

They were quickly followed by a large mass, which revealed itself to be a large pillar made of assorted materials.

“The harp you hold is known as the Goddess’s Harp,” the Old One announced. “It is a divine instrument of the goddess who once watched over this land.”

“Really?” Master Link inquired, holding the harp up to his face, examining it, as the old woman continued.

“The melodies it brings to life have the power to produce a variety of strange and otherworldly effects.”

“Wait, so… I shouldn’t play it freely?” Master Link asked ‘nervously’.

“No, you may play it as you wish,” the Old One chuckled, “just as long as you do not damage the harp… and remain alert of any possible incidents of magic….”

“Why do I feel like you’re teasing me right now?”

“Oh, I do no such thing,” the Old One stated, though her tone had ‘disbelief’ hovering over the bond.

But then the Old One pointed past us as she began to speak once more, “the great slab standing before you is known as a Gate of Time.

“It is the last of its kind in existence… The only portal binding our world to the one where Zelda now resides,” she continued as Master Link turned to face the gate.

“If you manage to open the gate and pass through, you will likely end up in the same place as Zelda.”

‘Anticipation’ and warmth issued from the bond this time as Master Link turned to the Old One, a question just forming, but was silenced by her next words.

“But you will need to endure many hardships and put yourself in great danger to awaken the gate from its dormant state,” she declared.

Though her eyes were hidden, her gaze bore into Master Link, “though your journey will put you in harm’s way, Link…

“You must endure. It is your fate as the chosen hero of the godde—”

The remainder of her words were cut short as the ground suddenly shook beneath us, a mighty roar ripping through the air and causing a shudder of ‘recognition’ to course through Master Link’s body.

“This shaking…” the Old One murmured, “I fear the seal has been broken.”

“The seal?” Master Link repeated, “what seal?!”

“I believe she is referring to the spike that resided at the center of the Spiral,” I reported.

“I expected that it would react to your summoning the gate,” the Old One stated, “but I never imagined the seal would break so quickly.”

“What exactly is this seal?” Master Link asked, “and why is the ground shaking so much?! What’s going on?!”

“There will be time to explain later, Link,” the Old One declared. “Right now, you must hurry to the bottom of the pit outside.”

“I highly suggest we do as she says, Master Link,” I concurred, “readings show an alarming increase of evil energy. Whatever it is that is about to be set free will pose great danger to the surrounding area and residents.”

“…alright,” Master Link finally agreed, “but please explain everything to me afterward.”

“You have my word,” the Old One replied with a nod as we hurried towards the pit.

“Whoa! Wh-what’s with all the shaking?” Groose cried once we had exited the temple, having apparently only made it this far since he’d stormed out previously.

“The whole ground is heaving,” he squealed, his entire body quaking. “I thought it was supposed to be solid down here!”

“Go quickly, Link!” the Old One bade us before Master Link could respond to Groose. “Check on the sealing spike at the center of the pit.

“There is nothing natural about these tremors,” she added grimly, her wrinkled face scowling in the direction of the spike. “That monster could free itself at any moment. Approach the pit with caution!”

“Alright!” Master Link replied, before turning to Groose, “Groose, look after Grannie. Make sure she doesn’t get hurt!”

“B-but—” Groose began to protest, but Master Link was already sprinting forward, leaping from the platform, aimed straight for the center of the pit.

The Sailcloth was deployed just before we hit the ground, then Master Link was heading for the seal, which was emitting the evil aura in the form of black smoke once more.

The seal carved into the ground below glowed a blood red that was then consumed by shadow, flame like tendrils billowing upward… until a familiar figure shot up from the ground before us.

“Th-that’s,” Master Link stuttered, fear an oppressive weight against our bond as memories began to bubble up from Master Link’s past dreams.

“Indeed, it is the beast that has appeared in your visions,” I confirmed.

“I knew it. The seal has given way,” the Old One’s voice cried from above.

“What is this thing?!” Master Link called up to the Old One, drawing my sword and his shield as he backed away from the creature.

“I’ll explain later,” the Old One declared, “but now is the time for action. We must keep that beast from escaping that pit! It must not reach the temple!”

“I don’t suppose any of you has a plan on how to do that?” Master Link inquired as the beast took its first step forward.

“I am afraid there is not much information I can glean from this target Master Link,” I informed him as the creature took another step forward. “All I can tell you is that it is known as ‘The Imprisoned’ and that its enormous size and ominous aura cannot be compared with previously encountered monsters.”

“I’ll say,” Master Link stated grimly, “isn’t there anything you can tell me about him?”

I increased the output of my dowsing ability, the sealing spike soon located atop the monster’s head, as well as a significant weakness in the beast’s toes.

“I believe the best course of action would be to attack the beast’s feet,” I advised once I had relayed all the information to Master Link, “this should stop its movements and allow you to drive the stone pillar into the monster’s head.”

“Okay!” Master Link cried before rushing towards the beast.

He managed to destroy the first toe with ease, then was forced to retreat as evil energy pulsed outward, crackling with demonic electricity.

Master Link was quick to dive back in, however, taking out the remainder of the toes, followed by those on the second foot, thus causing the beast to fall with an anguished cry.

Once it was down, Master Link raced for its head, the clang of my blade hitting against the sealing spike ringing throughout the area.

Holy energy was gathered within the spike alongside each hit, the beast glowing white each time the spike sank deeper into its flesh.

Master Link cried out in victory as the spike sank into the creature’s head completely… then again in disbelief as the creature rose to its feet once again.

“Fi?!” Master Link called as the beast gathered its own magic, forcing the pillar back out, “wasn’t that supposed to stop this thing?!”

“Its magic was able to force the pillar back out,” I informed him, “we will have to drive it back into the beast until it is no longer able to resist the sealing magic.”

“Great,” Master Link groaned as he began to run after the beast once more.

“Master Link, it may be more effective to use the air vents to move ahead of the monster,” I advised after the second time the Imprisoned was brought down, the creature effectively ‘swimming’ up the path to the temple, increasing its speed, which led to Master Link running desperately to catch up. “Also, the bombs you received from the Mogmas can also be used to damage the monster’s feet, thus decreasing the risk of injury….”

“Okay, I’ll try that!” Master Link cried as he headed for the nearest air vent.

This did indeed prove effective, as it allowed us to cut off the Imprisoned instead of chasing after it.

The bombs, however, proved to be more complicated, for though they were effective, the act of throwing them in the proper area needed was hampered both by the limited space and the red aura causing them to explode dangerously close to Master Link.

Eventually, though, after driving the Sealing Spike into the Imprisoned’s head twice more, the monster’s magic waned while Lady Hylia’s magic flared to life, its holy light illuminating the creature within until it finally burst outward in a blinding flash.

When the light cleared, the black spikes of the creature were revealed, hovering in the air above momentarily, before being drawn back down to the center of the spiral, the sealing spike descending to hover over the patch of shadow.

“Now, Link!” the Old One cried, “Strike the sealing spike with a Skyward Strike, and restore the seal! Quickly!”

“Alright!” Master Link called back, withdrawing the Sailcloth once more as we dove back down to the spiral’s center as well.

He withdrew my sword the moment he landed, raising my blade high into the air the second he came within striking distance of the spike.

Once the sacred energy filled the spike, the symbols carved within glowed, Master Link raising my blade skyward once more as instructions whispered in our ears.

Master Link weaved an additional symbol in the air with my blade, the seal shining in acknowledgement.

When he thrust my blade downward, the spike followed suit, the symbol shining underneath us before fading, the seal now carved anew within the soil.

Yet, Master Link still remained tensed and ready for the beast to appear once more… until the Old One called out to him.

“Nice going, Link,” she said as she approached, her steps slow and careful in her advanced age.

“Though the Imprisoned had only just begun to awaken and break its bonds,” she stated as she came to a halt, “I’m impressed you were able to restore the seal keeping it captive.”

“I’m pretty surprised as well,” Master Link sighed as his adrenaline began to give way to fatigue. “But at least we don’t have to worry about that thing anymore.”

“Unfortunately, you have only succeeded in buying us a little more time in which to act,” the Old One informed Master Link, causing ‘dismay’ to bloom.

“What do you mean?!” he cried, “wh-what… what even is that thing? What does it want?!”

The Old One’s gaze drifted towards the Sealing Spike as she began to answer, “the behemoth you beat back into confinement is a horror of unspeakable power.”

Her gaze then travelled back towards Master Link, emitting a weary sigh as she continued.

“Judging by what I saw, I would not be surprised if the seal gave way again soon. So you are left with precious little time to complete the task with which you have been entrusted.”

“No way,” Master Link breathed, his stance becoming unsteady as a myriad of emotions began to surge against the bond.

“All is not lost, young hero,” the Old One proclaimed. “Return to the Sealed Temple, Link. There is much to discuss.”

With that, she began her careful walk back up the spiral, Master Link quickly stepping in line to offer his arm to her.

Neither seemed to pay much notice to the third figure who, after a moment of hesitation, moved to follow after us.

“…As you can see, the gate is nothing more than a slab of cold stone for now,” the Old One informed us once we had returned to the Sealed Temple and stood before the Gate of Time.

“It is sleeping,” she stated. “Rousing it from its slumber would require great power.

“Yes,” she hummed, her gaze travelling to the sword, “I believe a shot of holy light from your Skyward Strike might just do it…”

“Alright,” Master Link replied as he stepped forward, taking hold of the blade, “then let’s—”

“Ah, sorry to disappoint you, boy,” the Old One cut it, bring Master Link to a stop, “but for now your sword lacks the power necessary to awaken the gate.”

“Seriously?!” Master Link cried in ‘dismay’.

“Worry not,” the Old One hummed, “it is a simple matter to fix. First, you and your blade must grow together.”

Master Link gazed at the woman in confusion, to which she simply chuckled before her gaze drifted skyward.

“Faron Woods…” she intoned, “Eldin Volcano… and Lanayru Desert…

“A sacred flame is hidden somewhere in each of these lands. Seek them out, and purify your sword in their heat.”

“Purify… my sword,” Master Link repeated.

“Only after your blade has been tempered by these three fires will it be fully imbued with the great power for which you search,” the Old One stated.

She then turned to face us once more as she added, “clues to finding the sacred flames have been woven into the lyrics of a song precious to your people, the Ballad of the Goddess. These clues are your best hope of finding your way to the flames.”

The Old One then pointed in the direction the Bird Statue lay, “return to Skyloft. Somewhere on your island is one whose knowledge of this old song will point you in the right direction.”

“Who?” Master Link asked, “the only one I’ve ever heard sing the Ballad was Zelda.”

“Did she not learn it from someone else?” I inquired.

“The headmaster outta know,” another voice chimed in, causing Master Link and the Old One to turn their way.

There stood Groose, arms crossed with a stern expression on his face.

“The headmaster is the one charged with knowing the history of Skyloft, including the full version of the Ballad of the Goddess,” he said, his lips then curling into a sneer, “which you’d know, if you ever paid attention.”

Master Link flinched, his head lowering as unpleasant emotions began to buzz.

But then… the smirk turned into a far more respectful smile as Groose added, “still… you were pretty awesome, facing off with that giant monster.”

Master Link was rendered speechless as Groose then turned away from us and addressed the Old One.

“I hate even sayin’ this, but I guess you got it all figured out, Grannie. Me, well, there’s nothin’ I can do to help Zelda. I’m useless.”

“That’s not—” Master Link began to protest, his words fading as the Old One lifted her hand and began to speak instead.

“You sell yourself short, my friend. You’ll see in time that you have your own role to play in all this.”

Groose made no acknowledgement he had heard her words, merely continuing on his way until he had exited the temple completely.

The Old One then turned back to us as she said, “Link, go now.

“Trust in fate to guide your feet. Your mission depends on it… as does Zelda’s fate.”

“I understand,” Master Link replied with a respectful nod, “then, I’ll head back to Skyloft immediately….”

His voice trailed off as his gaze drifted back towards the doors Groose had just departed through, his emotions becoming ‘troubled’.

“Do not worry, I shall keep an eye on that young man,” the Old One was quick to reassure Master Link.

“Thank you,” Master Link said, “but, if he gives you any trouble—”

“Rest assured, this old woman is still perfectly capable of administering discipline, should it be needed,” the Old One chuckled. “Now, off you go.”

“Right,” Master Link nodded once more before addressing me, “ready, Fi? We’re heading back to Skyloft!”

“Understood, Master Link,” I replied immediately, “as always, I will be with you….”


And we have reached the end of the first arc! Wooo! Also, Fi dislikes Groose, she will not argue this point at this time... and it will take quite a feat to get Groose back in her good graces again XD

No idea when the next chapter will be up, unfortunately. My DEAR sister has run away from her dog again, so will have a busy weekend looking after him (to be clear, the dog's a sweetie, sis just seems to hate staying in 1 spot for long -_-')

Chapter 17: The Builders, the Robot and the Light Tower


Link returns to Skyloft and heads directly to Headmaster Gaepora to seek his aid in discovering the location of the sacred flames.
Will headmaster and student be able to solve the riddle left behind by the goddess?


Two sessions of weekend dog-sitting, one Sick Period, and a chapter added to a separate, adult-oriented SS fic and we finally have a new chapter here! Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Master Link is not at all surprised when, the moment we return above the cloud barrier and his Loftwing responds to his call, a squadron of unfamiliar Loftwings accompany the crimson bird.

“Link!” one of the riders' calls, the familiar form of Pipit coming to hover alongside us astride his own Loftwing. “There you are! Are you alright?!”

“I’m fine,” Master Link calls back, “I’m guessing this welcome party has something to do with Groose?”

“You’d guess right,” Pipit acknowledged, “that idiot was spotted tailing you to the green pillar and, before any of the patrolling knights could stop him, he was jumping after you! Even though he didn’t have a Sailcloth!”

“And he dropped too fast for any of you to catch him before he passed through the opening,” Master Link sighed tiredly, “he’s fine, by the way. Nearly killed the both of us by slamming into me, but fine.”

“That’s a relief to hear,” was Pipit’s answer, bearing a similar tone to my master’s. “And the fact that he didn’t come back up with you means he still has a small amount of his intelligence left.”

Master Link’s body stiffened as a new thought occurred to him, the question immediately being sent my way.

“Fi, IS there a way to get Groose back home?”

“I… cannot give an accurate assessment at this time Master Link,” I replied as I ran the calculations. “Currently, the only way to return from below would be the columns of air produced by the bird statues the goddess left for you. In the unlikely event he could trigger them himself, the Groose individual would still require a sailcloth in order to gain the needed altitude.”

“…and that’s not even counting what Henya’s going to do to him once he gets back,” Pipit’s voice faded back in, drawing Master Link’s attention towards him once more. “I tell you I haven’t seen her anywhere near as mad as she was when she heard this newest stunt Groose has pulled.”

“Oh boy,” Master Link sighed, before inquiring, “so, I’m guessing you’re here to escort me to the headmaster to give my report?”

“That, and to keep an eye on your Loftwing,” Pipit replied with a ‘weary’ sigh, “good grief, Henya’s one thing but that red menace of yours…. Seriously, it is a very good thing Groose didn’t come up with you, I don’t even want to imagine what your bird would’ve done to him….”

The noise that was emitted by the Crimson Loftwing at that exact moment did not bode well for the Groose individuals well-being in the near future.

True to his word, Pipit and his fellow knights stayed with us right up to the point where we entered the headmaster’s chambers.

At the elder’s dismissal the troop disbanded, and Master Link and I were left alone with the man we sought.

“First things first Link,” Headmaster Gaepora began to say, “are you alright? I heard the report of Groose following you through the opening in the cloud barrier.”

“It was certainly a surprise,” Master Link replied with an ‘exasperated’ chuckle, “but, as should be expected by something made by Zelda, the Sailcloth was able to support the added weight and we both landed safely… albeit roughly….”

“I should’ve had that boy under strict probation,” the headmaster grumbled, “let me guess, he had some fool idea that he was going to ‘save the day’, bring Zelda home and ‘sweep her off her feet’?”

“Something like that.”

“As if I’d ever let such a foolish brute date my sweet Zelda,” the headmaster continued to grumble. “I wonder if it even once crossed his mind how much danger that stunt could’ve been for the both of you, and right after that last incident with your Loftwing….”

“But everything turned out alright,” Master Link stated in an ‘appeasing’ manner, “really, neither of us were seriously hurt and… well, after what happened once we were on the Surface….”

“What does that mean?” Headmaster Gaepora asked. “Link, what has happened? Is Zelda alright?”

“Zelda is fine,” Master Link was quick to reassure the older man, “but… things may be more serious than we initially thought….”

“By the Goddess,” Headmaster Gaepora breathed unsteadily, once Master Link had reported all that had transpired during our excursion to the Sealed Temple, “to think the… ‘apocalypse’ mentioned in the legend would be a monster such as you’ve described… and you said you’ve been having dreams about it?”

“Yes sir,” Master Link replied, bowing his head as ‘regret’ sat heavy upon our bond, “and I’m sorry. Maybe… if I had told someone about them—”

“We would’ve been concerned,” the headmaster cut in, a hand coming to rest gently upon Master Link’s shoulder, “and tried to help you understand the dream’s meaning… but none of us could have predicted such a creature could actually exist.

“Now the question is… how are we to stop this… ‘Imprisoned’, did you call it?”

“The elder below only stated that I needed to open the Gate of Time,” Master Link replied, “and that Fi and I would need to ‘grow together’. This will also mean that I can finally catch up to Zelda.”

“That is a relief to hear,” Headmaster Gaepora sighed, “not that it wasn’t good to hear that she had a guardian already with her… but I would rest easier knowing you were with her as well, Link.”

‘Sadness’ and a myriad of other, unknown emotions begin to stir and cloud Master Link’s mind; thus, I exited my blade in order to further the discussion.

“The Old One also stated that we must find three sacred flames in order to purify the sword. She informed us that clues to their location existed within the Ballad of the Goddess.”

“You want to know more of the ballad?” the headmaster inquired.

“Correct,” I replied with an affirmative nod, “as stated by the Old One, it should contain clues to the location of the flames needed to purify the sword. However, the ballad as Master Link and I know it has no mention of anything that can be used as a landmark….”

“You do not know yourself?” the headmaster questioned as he gazed at me in confusion and… some other emotion I found… ‘annoying’. “Well, all I know is more of the ‘least reliable methods of information’….”

“Nobody can know everything, right?” Master Link quickly cut in, “but, I’m hoping you might have some idea of what or where we should go next?”

“Link, you’re not,” the headmaster began to ask with a grimace, “asking me to sing the Ballad of the Goddess… are you? Because you know, I’m not much of a singer….”

“N-no, there’s no need for you to sing!” Master Link replied quickly with a frantic waving of his hands. “We really just need the lyrics so, if you could just… recite them?”

“Oh, that’s a relief,” the headmaster replied with a hearty sigh, “you really put me on the spot there for a moment….”

“Is it truly such a burden for you to sing?” I inquired.

“Let’s just say it’s better for everyone to leave the singing to my daughter and leave it at that, please?”

“Very well, then.”

“Alright,” Headmaster Gaepora stated with a nod, “now, I believe the lyrics go something like this…”

The headmaster’s spine straightened, and his hands went behind his back as his gaze drifted upward, clearing his throat before beginning to speak.

“Oh youth, guided by the servant of the goddess… unite earth and sky, and bring light to the land.

“That’s the first part,” he stated, his gaze dropping back down towards us, “but as I recall, there’s a second verse to the song. This is probably what we are looking for.”

His gaze travelled upward once more and, after another round of throat clearing, “Oh youth, show the two whirling sails the way to the Light Tower… and before you a path shall open, and a heavenly song you shall hear.”

His gaze dropped once more as he declared, “I believe that’s the whole thing.”

“The Light Tower?” Master Link repeated, his brow furrowing, “why does that sound familiar…?”

“Because it’s a real place,” the headmaster informed my master with a chuckle. “Come now, you’ve probably passed by it more times than you can count whilst living in Skyloft! It’s the tower that sits in the plaza!”

“But there’s never been a light on that tower,” Master Link argued, ‘confusion’ and ‘embarrassment’ now jangling against the bond, “and what about the two whirling sails?”

“Now that… I’m not sure,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed as his right hand came up to stroke at his beard. “Though it sounds like the song is suggesting that if one shows these whirling sails the way to the tower, something will happen?”

“Okay, but how would we do that?” Master Link inquired, “and what exactly are these ‘whirling sails’?”

I quickly call upon the map of Skyloft stored in my memory banks and, after a quick examination, propose, “might it be the windmills that preside within Skyloft? Their blades bear a striking resemblance to whirling sails.”

“You think so, Fi?” Master Link asks.

“At the very least, they are located within the same area as the Light Tower,” I reply, “analysis indicates at least an 80% likelihood for them being the sails in question.”

“You’ve never led me wrong before, Fi,” Master Link stated with a smile and a nod, “so, if you say it’s them, then I say we go check them out!”

“I’d best come with you, as well,” the headmaster decreed, “the last thing we need is anyone accusing you of vandalism. Besides, you may have further need of my knowledge….”

“You sure you aren’t just trying to put off dealing with your paperwork?” Master Link asked in a ‘teasing’ manner.

“I am doing no such thing!” Headmaster Gaepora huffed, “now come on! Let’s hurry before Henya or one of the instructors comes along!”

Master Link merely laughed as I returned to my blade, and we set out for the first windmill.

“Oh? Well, now isn’t this an interesting sight?” an unknown male voice calls out as we arrive at the nearest of the windmills. “Now what would prompt the headmaster to play hooky alongside one of his precious students?”

“Calling it ‘playing hooky’ would be an exaggeration, Jakamar,” Headmaster Gaepora huffed, “not to mention an irony, if it is you stating such a thing….”

“Aw, come on, I was never that bad,” the new male, Jakamar, laughs, “and it’s not like I’ve done that with my work these days!”

“I do believe your wife would beg to differ.”

“My wife just doesn’t like to let me rest more than five seconds,” Jakamar sighs, before adding, “and you still haven’t answered my question. Were you looking for me?”

“Not this time, no,” Headmaster Gaepora replies, “we were actually hoping to take a look at the windmill.”

“You’re curious about the windmill?” Jakamar repeated, “that’s a surprise. Don’t tell me Link here’s calling it quits on the knight business and looking to join the building industry?”

“I’m afraid not, Mr. Jakamar,” Master Link chuckles.

“Ah, too bad, that woodcarving skill of yours has always been mighty fine,” Jakamar sighs.

He then inquires, “well, then what’s got you both so interested in the windmill all of a sudden?”

“It’s… connected to the Wing Ceremony,” Headmaster Gaepora finally states after a moment of silence. “I… was going over the old records and… well, I noticed that the windmills bore a striking resemblance to sails and thought I’d check them out….”

“And you thought it would be dangerous, so you brought a newly made senior along with you?”

“Er, well,” the headmaster stuttered, before Jakamar began speaking once more.

“Headmaster I say this with the utmost respect, but you are a truly terrible liar. And even though you and the knights have done your best to keep things as quiet and normal as possible, we all saw that tornado that appeared the day of the ceremony and have heard of Zelda’s disappearance.”

Both Master Link and the headmaster remain silent, so Jakamar continues to speak.

“Now I can understand you’re wanting to keep this as Academy business, but you both ought to know full well how our community is. If one of us is in trouble, we’re all going to pitch in to help if we can, just like we did when Link’s parents were taken too soon….”

A mixture of emotions brush against the bond, though they settle quickly into ‘endearment’ at the next words that are spoken.

“And, as a father to a young girl myself, I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be feeling with Zelda missing for so long. So, if there’s anything I can do to help, you just let me know. I’ll do whatever you need me to if it gets her home any quicker.”

“…thank you, Jakamar,” the headmaster said, his voice husky and quiet before he clears his throat, “well then, perhaps you can help with the windmills?”

“Ah, right,” Jakamar hums, “you said they were connected to the Wing Ceremony? What’s that got to do with finding Zelda?”

“I’ll explain that later, I promise,” the headmaster replied, “but first, what can you tell us about these structures?”

“Well for one, they’ve got a pretty smart design,” Jakamar declared. “See, you can turn the windmill so that it can always catch the wind no matter which way it’s blowing.”

“Can we turn them to face the Light Tower?” Master Link inquired eagerly.

“This one here, sure,” Jakamar replied, “but the other….”

“What about the other?” Master Link inquired ‘nervously’.

“Well, let’s get this one turned first, then I’ll show you the problem with the second….”

The first windmill is turned to its new position easily and the trip to the second windmill is short.

A quick scan reveals the problem to me even before Jakamar begins to describe it aloud.

“See, there used to be this little propeller attached to this windmill, too, so that you could turn it,” Jakamar states with a weary sigh.

“What happened to it?” Master Link asks with ‘dismay’.

“The thing flew off ages ago. It must have dropped down off the edge, beneath the clouds. The windmill’s been stuck in this position ever since.”

“Couldn’t you make a replacement?” Headmaster Gaepora inquired.

“I’ve been trying, but nothing’s worked so far,” Jakamar replied, “the thing’s old and stubborn. I can try a few other options… though, the best would be to try putting the original back on and… since rumors say those weird lights let you travel below the clouds….”

“…Fi, think you could dowse for the pinwheel?” Master Link inquires.

I exit my blade, ignoring the cry of surprise from Jakamar as I scan the windmill more thoroughly.

“After this latest scan, I can confirm that dowsing will be possible,” I informed Master Link. “However, it is apparent that the propeller in question is of the size and material of substantial weight. The likelihood of your transporting it safely via the use of the bird statues and Sailcloth is less than 10%... rounded up.”

“That’s not good,” Master Link stated as his brow furrowed, “and I really don’t want to try to bring Akai down then back up….”

“Actually,” Jakamar suddenly cut in, “there might be a solution for that. Let’s head over to Gondo’s shop….”

“Well, hey there you three!” another unknown male voice called out once we’d entered the noisy area identified as the Bazaar. “Don’t usually see you all hanging out together… and, hey, shouldn’t at least two of you be at the Academy right now?”

“Save questions like that for later, Gondo,” Jakamar cut in briskly, “we need to talk about that flying robot you told me about once….”

“The one you called a bunch of nonsense and useless junk?” the Gondo person inquired.

“Yeah, hey, sorry about all that, but it looks like I’ll be owing you some drinks from the Lumpy Pumpkin after all, because we’re going to be fixing that robot of yours!”

“Do you really have a robot?” Master Link inquired.

“What, Gondo never talked your ears off about that thing?” Jakamar laughed, “that’s surprising, considering I usually can’t get him to shut up about it!”

“It was one time!” Gondo cried, “yeesh, is it really that fun to tease the crazy junk guy for believing in his grandpa’s stupid stories?”

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” Jakamar quickly apologized, “and, while I don’t completely disagree on your having a few screws loose… it’s looking like your grandpa’s stories might not’ve been so far-fetched after all!”


“If you would be so kind as to let us into the back of your stall and close the curtain,” Headmaster Gaepora chimed in this time, “we’ll explain everything to you.”

“So, you’re saying there really is a land below the cloud barrier?!” Gondo cried once Headmaster Gaepora and Master Link had told their tale. “And not just some empty, barren land, but one teeming with all kinds of life, including more robots like Scrapper over there?!”

“Still weird that you named the thing.”

“One, that’s what my grandpa said its name was and two, I thought you weren’t going to make fun of me for that anymore.”

“Right, sorry, sorry.”

“In any event,” Headmaster Gaepora cut in, “it appears like that robot of yours will be essential to restoring the windmill and revealing the secret behind the sails and the Light Tower. How far are you in restoring it?”

“Well,” Gondo hummed, “see, that’s the thing. My grandpa and I, we’ve been tinkering with this guy for years on end, trying to get him to work again. And, honestly, everything looks like it should be in order, but there’s still one major component missing.”

“Which is?” Master Link inquired.

“The oil,” Gondo sighed. “I’ve tried all kinds of different blends from the plants found up here, but nothing will take. That’s why poor old Scrapper here’s just lying around like another busted ol’ hunk of junk….”

“Well, then we just gotta find some other kind of oil,” Jakamar supplied as the sound of flesh lightly hitting flesh was heard. “I’ll help you take a look at this robot of yours as well, maybe a fresh set of eyes will give us a new clue!”

“We’ll leave the both of you to it, then,” Headmaster Gaepora stated, “in the meantime, I’ll take a look through the old archives, see if I can’t glean any further information from them. As for you, Link, perhaps you should take another look around the Surface? See if you can’t find a potential solution down there….”

“I’ll head for the Lanayru Desert, then,” Master Link agreed, “see if one of the other robots can point me in the right direction….”

Master Link immediately headed for the Temple of Time, activating the Timeshift Stone to revive the robot that resided there.

“Sounds like your unit has run out of oil, bzzt,” the robot stated after Master Link had informed it of the situation. “You need to apply the extract of the Ancient Flowers in order to lubricate the joints and allow freedom of movement, zzzt.”

“Any idea where we can find these flowers?” Master Link inquired.

“Of course!” the LD unit chirped, “let’s see, I believe it was….”

“So this is an Ancient Flower?!” Gondo cried once we had returned to his shop in the bazaar. “That’s amazing, to think this delicate little thing is what was needed to finally get Scrapper up and running again!”

“Well, that’s good to hear!” Jakamar laughed. “Looks like you’ll finally be able to finish what your grandpa started, eh Gondo?”

“Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves,” Gondo responded in a far more serious tone, “first I need to gather the extract itself. Clearly the slick, oily stuff coming out of its stem is the key, so if I can just….”

Gondo’s voice quickly became quieter and quieter, indicating he had moved away from us, leading Jakamar to address Master Link once more.

“Looks like it’s going to be a few minutes while he analyzes and dissects that flower,” the handyman stated with ‘amusem*nt’. “Think I’ll take this time to get working on everything else we’ll need for fixing the windmill.”

“Alright,” Master Link replied, “I’ll go report to the headmaster, let him know what’s going on. Then I’ll hang out here to see if Gondo needs anymore help with the robot.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jakamar laughed, “and, hey, let me know if he spends too much time playing around with that flower, I’ll get him back on task for you!”

Master Link laughed in turn before bidding the Jakamar individual farewell, quickly departing for the academy himself soon after.

“Master, I believe I shall take this time to dowse for the location of the fallen propeller itself,” I informed him as he walked, “this way, we can direct the robot to its location as soon as it is operational.”

“Okay, sounds good,” Master Link replied, “I’ll leave you to it then, good luck Fi.”

“Luck is unnecessary, Master Link.”

“But it is helpful.”

I chose not to continue the discussion of luck and instead focused my attention and energy on expanding my dowsing ability.

I am uncertain how much time passed but, once I had determined the location of the item we sought, I exited my blade in order to inform Master Link.

“Master, my dowsing indicates the fallen propeller landed in the Eldin region below. What is the current status of the restoration of the Scrapper unit?”

“Who are you?! ZRRPT-FOOOSH!”

The mechanical tones accompanied by the odd whistle and exhalation alert me to the fact a robot of the ancient past is speaking long before I turn to face the creature, who hovers and spins in the air as its large hands wave briskly.

“It would appear you have restored it to full working order,” I observed, before engaging in the proper introductory procedures. “Greetings, my designation is Fi.”

“Your name is… Fi? Dzzt!” the robot, Scrapper, inquired. “Should I call you Mistress Fi? Are you looking for something, Mistress Fi?”

Mistress Fi? Why had he added that word to my name? I was not his mistress; I was a servant to Goddess Hylia and Master Link.

Perhaps… he identifies me as a servant of higher rank than him?

Choosing to accept that as the most plausible explanation, I then replied to the previous inquiry.

“In order to restore the windmill, we must retrieve the propeller that has fallen below the cloud barrier into the land of Eldin. Therefore, we require your assistance in retrieving the propeller and transporting it back to its proper place here in Skyloft.”

“I… I understand, vrrt!” Scrapper proclaimed. “At your request, I will carry anything, regardless of weight or destination… whizzt!”

The robot had grown still as I had explained the situation to him, then immediately returned to spinning and waving its hands.

…is it… malfunctioning? I wondered, quickly scanning the robot in order to detect any such malfunctions.

None were detected, however, and… for some reason… its behavior was bringing forth memories of that Groose individual….

“Master…” I began to say as I redirected my attention towards Master Link. “We now have the means to bring the propeller back to Skyloft. I would advise heading to Eldin at your earliest convenience.”

“Oh, okay,” Master Link began to reply as I quickly returned to my sword, ‘confusion’ jangling strongly against our bond.

“Master Shortpants! I offer assistance! I can now detect Mistress Fi’s thought waves, vrrt!”

“He can ‘detect your thought waves’? What does that mean?” Master Link inquired as ‘concern’ quickly replaced ‘confusion’ for some unknown reason.

“It means a channel of communication has been opened between the two of us,” I replied.

“Should you need me, ask Mistress Fi to call me, and I will arrive with haste, bzzat!” Scrapper informed Master Link at the same time.

“…Fi, does this mean he can read our thoughts and find us whenever he wants?”

“Incorrect. The link can only be established at my command and does not extend to you in any way, Master Link. Rest assured, the robot will not be able to receive or send any thoughts your way.”

“Okay,” Master Link replied ‘uneasily’, “but I really don’t think I’m going to like this guy… especially if he keeps hitting on you….”

“The robot has not engaged any physical contact—”

“No, just, n-never mind, Fi,” Master Link sighed as his emotions became much harder to discern.

“Err, sorry about his manners, Link,” Gondo suddenly chimed in, “grandpa definitely didn’t mention that in any of his stories….”

“It’s okay, nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” Master Link sighed aloud this time, “anyway, it’s looks like I’ll be heading out now.”

“Alright, good luck,” Gondo replied, “and if Scrapper gives you too much trouble, let me know. I’ll try to sort it out—”

“Excuse me, you have no authority to do such a thing, bzzt!”

“Why you little-, hey! Don’t just fly off! HEY!”

The sound of Scrapper’s propeller grew progressively fainter and, when it had disappeared completely, Gondo released a rather heavy sigh.

“So much for the ‘amazing’ robot who’d go anywhere and haul anything at your call,” he grumbled.

His tone then lightened as he added, “but still… he’s fully functional again. Gramps must be over the moon at that fact… I’m really glad to see him up and moving. Thanks, Link.”

“All I did was bring you a flower,” Master Link replied, “you were the one who actually got him to work. Let’s just, uh… hope Fi can charm him enough to help us out….”

“I do not understand your usage of the word ‘charm’ in that sentence, Master Link. Also, your blood pressure seems to have risen—”

“Never mind, Fi. Never mind….”

“To think it would land right next to the Earth Temple,” Master Link stated contemplatively as he stood before the propeller. “What are the odds of that?”

“If we were to study the wind speed of that day alongside the weight of the propeller and—”

“W-wait, Fi, I’m sorry, I-I wasn’t actually asking you to tell me the facts,” Master Link cut in hurriedly.

“There is no need to apologize, Master Link,” I replied as I exited my blade, examining the propeller.

“In any event, this is the Windmill Propeller we were searching for,” I informed Master Link. “It is now possible to retrieve this using the robot whose services we have enlisted. Would you like me to call the robot?”

“You’re sure we can’t transport it ourselves?” Master Link inquired.

“Despite its small size, the materials this propeller is made from are quite heavy. Lifting it yourself and attempting to return via the bird statue’s magic is likely to cause injury to yourself and possibly your Loftwing.”

“Okay,” Master Link sighed, fatigue beginning to surface for some unknown reason, “go ahead and call him.”

“Very well, then I will send word to the robot using telepathic transmission, Master,” I replied, before activating the transmission itself.

The reply was instant and soon, the figure of the robot was descending towards our location.

“Mistress Fi! I hope you weren’t waiting long, bzzzt!” Scrapper called as he came to hover before me.

“We have not, the time of your arrival after my call was an acceptable duration,” I informed it.

“I am so glad to hear that, bzzrt!” Scrapper chirped, before turning towards the propeller. “So, zrrrbt, you want me to carry this?!”

“Correct,” I replied, “please transport it to the windmill which resides at the coordinates I have already transmitted to you.”

“Understood!” Scrapper replied, bringing one of his hands up to his forehead for some reason, before turning to address Master Link.

“Hey! Master Shortpants! You’re in my way here, zrrpt! I said, get out of the way, vrrrrrt!” Scrapper suddenly declared as he waved his large hands in Master Link’s direction.

“I believe the space in which my master and the propeller reside is adequate for your maneuverability,” I corrected the robot. “Also, his designation is Master Link, not Master Shortpants.”

“Oh, uh, y-yes Mistress Fi, bzrrt!” Scrapper cried, quickly picking up the propeller. “M-my apologies for the delay! I’ll be waiting for you up in the sky, so please don’t take too long, vrrrt!”

With that, Scrapper was ascending into the sky, quickly disappearing from sight as he returned above the cloud barrier.

“Master, I suggest that we also return to the sky and collect the propeller as soon as possible,” I informed Master Link, once it was assured the robot had ascended safely.

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod as we headed to the bird statue.

We quickly flew back to where Jakamar was standing next to the windmill, the robot descending soon after Master Link had landed.

“Here’s that windmill propeller, zzzazt!” Scrapper proclaimed… before dropping the propeller onto the ground.

“Hey, watch it!” Jakamar cried, but the robot paid him no mind as it began to speak once more.

“If you need me… zzrboosh-CLANG… feel free to call! For Mistress Fi, I will travel to any destination, ker-dizzzt!”

With that, the robot flew off, leaving the three of us alone.

Master Link then sighed before inquiring, “are you alright, Mr. Jakamar? You didn’t get hurt when he dropped the propeller, did you?”

“Nah, I’m fine,” Jakamar replied, “guess that’s what I get for teasing Gondo so much about that story of his all these years….”

“I don’t think Scrapper would care about that,” Master Link stated with another sigh, “but never mind him. Can you fix the windmill now?”

“Just give me a minute,” Jakamar stated as he took hold of the propeller and headed towards the windmill.

“Now this goes in here,” he began to mumble. “And I just crank that a few clicks…”

This continued for a few minutes, coupled with the sounds of tools at work before the sound of the windmill beginning to move finally filled the air.

“There we go, old girl’s good as new!” Jakamar crowed. “Now, you said you needed this facing the Light Tower?”

“Yes, please!” Master Link called to which Jakamar emitted a noise of affirmation.

He then emitted a cry of surprise and alarm as the ground began to shake immediately after the windmill had bet set into place.

“What’s happening?!” he cried as Master Link grabbed hold of his arm to aid in keeping him steady.

Sounds of alarm also rose from the other citizens of Skyloft, their voices still murmuring with ‘unease’ even after the tremors had ceased.

“What the heck?” Jakamar murmured as he peered in the direction of the Light Tower. “Link, am I seeing things or did the Light Tower just get taller? And is something shining up there?”

“I’ll go check it out!” Master Link declared as he began to run in the direction of the tower. “Please let the headmaster know what happened!”

Jakamar called after Master Link, but he was ignored as Master Link continued to run, undeterred.

There was the sound of numerous voices on our way to the Light Tower, mostly questions directed Master Link’s way.

His response was to advise them to question Headmaster Gaepora, shouting the answer as he sped past, before jumping onto the ladder that would allow him to ascend the tower.

Once we'd reached the top, I exited my blade and examined the area alongside Master Link.

“A mirror?” he murmured as he gazed at the reflective surface in question, before directing his gaze downward, “and a design similar to the one in the Sealed Temple on the ground… and an opening above directing the sunlight….”

“Master,” I called from my place opposite him, “there is a stone tablet here.”

Master Link quickly came to stand beside me, reading the words carved into the stone aloud.

“Let sound the goddess’s song

Beneath the light’s radiance

Unto her chosen hero shall fall

A piercing ray of guidance”

His gaze turned my way as he inquired, “so, I should play the Ballad of the Goddess here, too?”

“I would agree with that assessment, Master Link,” I replied, moving to hover before him as he withdrew the Goddess Harp and ran his fingers gently against the strings.

This caused a light, similar to what had appeared in the Sealed Temple before, to materialize, pulsing in time with the music as Master Link began to play and I began to sing.

Familiar pillars of light surrounded us as we performed, the sky darkening, until the song reached its end and the pillars dispersed into the stone below, causing the entire enclosure to rotate as light began to return.

The rotation came to a stop once the mirror aligned with the ray of sunlight filtering in from above, the energy of the sun awakening the magic within the mirror and building before shooting forward.

The cries of surprise and alarm were ignored by Master Link as he ran to stand beside the mirror, watching in ‘awe’ as the beam of light collided with a mass of clouds that lay in the distance before us, creating an opening.

“Master, there is a high probability that this beam of light will lead us to clues as to the whereabouts of the three flames,” I informed Master Link. “I recommend that you investigate what lies at the end of this beam of light.”

"The thunderhead?” Master Link chuckled oddly. “Well now… of all the places to go, it’s one my instructors explicitly forbade us from going anywhere near….”

He did not elaborate further on that statement, merely shooting me a smile as he declared, “well, if it’s where the Goddess wants us to go, we can’t exactly say no, can we? Let’s go, Fi!”

And with that, we were leaping into the sky.


Fun fact: At least three Skyloftians notice and react to the light that shoots into the thunderhead. Everybody else: Nothing

Also, Link has conflicting emotions towards Scrapper, from concern for his (kind of) friend and sister Fi, and unpleasant flashbacks of Groose XD

Next time we enter the thunderhead! Hope to see you there!

Chapter 18: Isle of Songs Leads to Trials


After plunging into the thunderhead, Link and Fi reach the Isle of Songs where their next task is revealed.


*Laughing* I finally got back to writing this fic, alongside playing through SS, and immediately got pulled into side-questing via my walkthrough XDD (side note: *bleep* Kina and her *bleeping* pumpkin mini-game)

Oh well, we got back to the main story pretty quickly, so... have a new chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Crimson Loftwing responded instantly to our master’s call and then we were heading in the direction the beam from the Light Tower led.

Master Link began to murmur to his Loftwing as we came near the mass of clouds he had named the ‘thunderhead’, stroking it’s feathers in a comforting manner.

“Ready old friend?” he asked, to which the Loftwing had responded with a mighty cry before diving into the opening.

The sunlight was then instantly replaced by a stormy grayness, rain pouring down as lightning flashed in the distance.

“Well, this is pleasant,” Master Link grumbled, before emitting a curse and flattening his body against his bird’s back as a large insectoid monster swooped towards us.

The Loftwing screeched in challenge as it dodged the creature, a Skytail, and its accompanying group, lashing out with its beak and talons before beating its wings mightily to gain speed and altitude.

Soon the monsters were left behind and Master Link was quick to direct his Loftwing to the island where the guiding light had come to rest.

Upon our landing, information flowed once more… but this was far different from what I had experienced previously, thus I exited my blade in order to inform my master.

“Master Link, I have memories of this island.”

“Really?!” Master Link cried, a big smile coming to his face as he turned my way, “you’ve been to this place before, Fi?”

“It is known as the Isle of Songs,” I informed Master Link. “Signs indicate that it was left here for you by the goddess, Master.”

“So, do you know how to get in?” Master Link inquired, peering ‘worriedly’ at his Loftwing, “and is there somewhere we can put Akai? I want to get him out of this rain and make sure those Skytails didn’t hurt him….”

“I do, Master Link,” I replied, before moving towards the hidden mechanism, “please wait a moment as I open the way….”

Once we had entered the structure and Master Link had assessed the condition and safety of his Loftwing, I directed him to travel to the center of the chamber.

“Kind of… gloomy in here,” Master Link remarked, “looks like I should’ve brought a torch or something….”

“There is no need to worry, Master Link,” I reassured him, “my sensors have already completely mapped out the area around us. As long as you follow my direction, I shall guide you safely to your destination in the quickest way possible.”

“Right, of course,” Master Link chuckled.

Detecting the presence of a crest, I directed Master Link in sending a Skyward Strike its way.

Once the crest had absorbed and discharged the sacred energy into the temple, a spotlight appeared before us, and a heavenly voice began to sing.

Master Link gasped in ‘surprise’ and ‘wonder’ as a statue of the Goddess rose from below, her stone mouth opening and closing as the heavenly voice was emitted.

I then moved to hover next to the stone effigy of Her Grace, “Master Link, I have important information.”

Master Link’s gaze instantly turned to me, his eyes turning sharp as I began to relay the information.

“When you struck the crest with a Skyward Strike from your sword, a message from the goddess awakened deep within my memory.

“The goddess intended this message for you, Master. These are her words,” I continued, before moving into the first position.

“He who seeks the sacred flames,” I recited as I lifted my right leg behind me, my right wing extending towards Her Grace as my left extended towards Master Link, “listen well, for I guide you from my place at the edge of time.”

I spun to the left, my right leg bending as my left extended fully, lifted slightly as my wings spread outward.

“The sacred flames are three in number. To obtain them, you must also earn relics known as the three sacred gifts.

“For each trial you overcome, you shall be blessed with one of the gifts…”

I turned right, leapt, then began to spin.

“Make use of the power of these gifts, and you will find your way to the purifying sacred flames.

“Now, I bestow unto you a melody. It will serve as a key, opening the first trial that awaits you deep in the wilds of Faron Woods.”

A green light then encased me, prompting me to sing along with the voice of the Goddess as the song She’d been singing grew louder.

The magic and music directed me skyward, my heels tapping gently against the side of the wall as I began to spin once more.

It was not long before a harp joined in, the chords uncertain, but growing in confidence as the song continued.

I leapt free of the wall, flying past Her Grace once, twice, gaining altitude, flying higher and higher, until the green magic around my body flashed brightly.

The green light quickly engulfed the space, the whisper of Her Grace’s laughter heard just beneath the recorded tones and Master Link’s talented strumming.

The green turned to white and then… then we were in the sky, the Crimson Loftwing flying past Master Link, a bright green Loftwing flying behind him, with a pink Loftwing further back.

The spirit maiden’s, Zelda’s, Loftwing swooped up from below, its feathers just short of brushing against Master Link as it flew past him, causing the soft smile he wore to grow a bit wider.

The blue skies of Skyloft surrounded us, then faded to white, to green, scattering into tiny particles that then began to rain down upon Master Link and the Goddess Harp.

“That song is called Farore’s Courage. Its rousing melody will guide you.”

With that, the magic left me and I descended to hover before Master Link as the Goddess Statue returned from whence it came.

“Master, you must overcome the trials set before you and obtain the three gifts to reach the sacred flames.”

Master Link merely blinked at me, his gaze lowering to the harp, lifting to stare at me, then shifting to gaze about the room.

“I have committed Farore’s Courage to memory. Now we can use the dowsing ability to search for the gate leading to the first trial you must face. I suggest setting out for Faron Woods as soon as you are ready.”

Master Link was still gazing around us in ‘wonder’ and ‘confusion’; thus, I drew closer as I called out to him once more.

“Master, is there a problem?”

“I-, d-did you see-?” he began to stutter, a finger floating unsteadily before his hand returned to the Goddess Harp, which he raised to show me, “did you see all that? W-we were… we were in the sky with the Loftwings….”

“Indeed, I did witness that, Master Link,” I replied with a nod.

“B-but-,” he continued to stammer, “I-I, wh-what was that?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot give you an accurate answer to that question, Master Link. My best assumptions would be that it was a vision conjured by the song itself, a memory conjured by the song, or some other option.”

“Do you think it’ll show up again the next time I play the song?” Master Link inquired as he gazed at the harp quizzically.

“I do not believe so, Master Link,” I replied. “In any event, we should set out for Faron Woods as soon as you are ready.”

“Right, yeah, okay,” Master Link hummed as he put the harp away and went to check on the status of his Loftwing.

The Crimson Loftwing had grumbled and emitted various noises of displeasure, but ultimately deemed to set out quickly.

We had to contend with a group of Skytails once more, but Master Link and his Loftwing were better prepared this time and fought our aggressors off quickly and efficiently.

We were soon free of the thunderhead and quickly proceeded to head towards the green pillar that would lead us to Faron Woods.

“A report, Master Link,” I stated, once we had landed. “I have detected the aura of a Trial Gate nearby.”

“Where?” Master Link inquired.

“I am afraid the aura is weak; thus, our chances would be better if I remained in the sword while you dowse yourself. Once you find the origin of the aura, I conjecture the song you learned at the Isle of Songs, Farore’s Courage, will reveal the gate.”

“Alright,” Master Link agreed as I returned to my blade, and we set forth.

“So many Blessed Butterflies,” Master Link murmurs in ‘confusion’ and ‘awe’ once we find the source of the Trial Gate’s aura.

“It would appear they have been drawn instinctively towards the gate, Master Link,” I stated as I exited my blade and came to stand before a small cloud of magic. “I am detecting extremely strong goddess-aura readings here. There is a small possibility the butterflies were drawn to this same aura….”

“I see,” Master Link hummed, smiling gently at the delicate insects, who fluttered gently around him as he came to stand before the faint light, “so, what will happen if I….”

His voice trailed off as he ran his fingers gently through the strings of the harp, causing a symbol to appear on the ground, the magic of the goddess pulsating from the center.

“Ah, okay,” Master Link hummed once more, “guess I should start playing, then. ‘Farore’s Courage, right?”

“Correct,” I replied as I came to hover above the newly revealed symbol, “I shall sing along and aid you on the timing.”

“So, I get to hear you sing again, Fi?” Master Link chuckled as he smiled gently at me, “looks like I’m pretty lucky today… though, that will depend on if I manage to play well enough.”

“I am certain you will do fine, Master Link,” I replied, “now, shall we start?”

He nodded, the harp coming into position and his fingers beginning to dance as I sang the first note.

His smile grew bigger and his eyes half-closed as the song was performed, his head beginning to nod along with the tune.

At the same time, the goddess’ magic fully awakened, flower petals slowly forming until the full imprint of a mystical green flower lay below me.

“Something here is reacting to our performance of Farore’s Courage,” I informed Master Link once the song had concluded. “I have confirmed the appearance of a strange mark on the ground.”

“It’s pretty,” Master Link remarked as he examined the mark, “like a flower bloomed at your feet.”

“I calculate a 90% possibility that this mark is a Trial Gate, as mentioned by the goddess statue we heard from on the Isle of Songs.”

I gestured at the circle that lay below me, “thrust your sword into the center of the mark on the ground before you. From there, you will enter the Trial of the Goddess.”

“Right,” Master Link acknowledged, drawing the sword as he stepped forward, “let’s see what this trial has in store for us!”

With that Master Link thrust the sword deep into the center of the gate, activating it fully, causing his body to be encased in light, which drifted upward into the cheerful blue sky….


Oh Link... my sweet spring child... you have no idea the horror that awaits us....

*Stares dead-eyed as a certain something corners me and terrifying music plays*

...wish us luck in the comments...

Chapter 19: Watching Silently


Link enters the first of the Silent Realms, leaving Fi behind to watch over and protect his slumbering body....


Whoops, totally forgot Fi doesn't actually go into the Silent Realm with you... XD

Hm, but she speaks and makes remarks on the Realm, so she can at least see what's going on, so...

...also, why is Silent Realm not a tag? Too traumatizing a topic to write much about?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It is a relatively quiet and peaceful day.

The sky is a bright blue, the sun sitting high within it, in the position of 12 o’clock noon.

The sounds of the wildlife are far off, aside from a few birds that sing nearby.

They do not come close to me nor the figure who kneels before me… though the Blessed Butterflies have settled comfortably upon his still form.

“Master Link,” I call aloud, keeping my voice ‘gentle’ as I know Master Link would prefer I not disturb the delicate insects.

Only the slightest furrowing of his brow indicates that he has heard me, the rest of his body remains as still as it has been since he first thrust the sword into the center of the Trial Gate.

Inside the realm, however, Master Link’s head turns upward as he inquires where I am before he returns to gazing at his new surroundings and inquires where he is.

“As expected, I cannot follow you into this realm, for this trial calls out to your mind alone,” I inform him. “This is the nature of places known as Silent Realms. They are domains of the spirit, accessible only to the goddess’s chosen hero.”

He hums a reply before inquiring what it is that he is meant to do now.

That information is quickly relayed to me, which I in turn relay to him.

“This particular trial, Farore’s Silent Realm, tests the limits of your courage. Your spirit has temporarily separated from your physical body so that you may undertake this challenge.”

Master Link inquires if that is the reason he and everything else is glowing and I answer in the affirmative, before I continue relaying the goal he must accomplish.

“To reach the location of the flames that will enhance your sword, it is necessary for you to overcome this trial and undergo spiritual growth.”

Master Link’s chest begins to glow brighter, causing him to emit a cry of surprise as a new light forms and a glowing mass emerges.

The glowing mass soon becomes a large white flower with a long stem, numerous empty orbs residing beneath the flower.

“That is the Spirit Vessel, Master Link. This mysterious plant represents your spirit.”

The plant glows, then dissipates into a shapeless mass once more which is then drawn into Master Link’s left arm. After a second flash of light, the flower can now be seen upon Master Link’s sleeve, the vines curling gently.

“When this vessel is full, it will signify you have successfully completed the trial, allowing your spirit to grow,” I continued. “This, in turn, will allow the goddess to bless you with a new power.”

Master Link inquires what it is that he must fill the vessel with, to which I respond, “to fill the Spirit Vessel, you need to search for something known as a Tear of Farore. There are many of them spread across this strange world.”

I scan as much of the trial’s world as I can, before directing Master Link’s attention ahead of where he is standing.

“Master, do you see the glowing object just in front of you?”

When he answers in the affirmative, I continue, “that is a Tear of Farore. From the appearance of the Spirit Vessel, I calculate you will need to collect fifteen of them.

“However,” I quickly caution Master Link as he moves to head towards the tear, “this is not as simple a task as it would seem. Your work in this realm is referred to as a trial for good reason.

“If you take even a single step outside the protective circle you stand in, the Guardians of this realm will wake up and pursue you, Master."

“An example of a Guardian would be the figure that stands behind the Tear that rests before you,” I responded to his next question. “Be advised that if a Guardian manages to land even a single hit on you, your spirit will shatter and you will fail the trial.

“You must collect the tears scattered throughout this area and fill the Spirit Vessel without being hit by an attack.”

Master Link makes a remark about games called ‘tag’ and ‘scavenger hunt’, then thanks me before stepping to the edge of the protective circle.

“I will be eagerly awaiting your return in the outside world,” I informed Master Link. “May the goddess watch over you, Master.”

Master Link smiles his usual smile and thanks me before taking his first step out of the protective circle and rushes for the Tear before him as the area turns red and the Guardians come awake.

“Kwee-hee, now this is an unexpected sight,” a familiar voice hums, drawing my attention away from Master Link and back to the outside world.

The Kikwi elder stands just outside the barrier I and the goddess had created around Master Link’s body here in the ‘real world’, peering at me and Master Link in turn.

“It appears the young male from earlier has come to visit us once more,” the elder states before directing his gaze at me. “I assume the state he is in now is nothing so simple as a nap?”

“My master is currently engaged in the Trial of the Goddess,” I informed him as I angled my body between his large form and Master Link. “Be advised that, should you attempt to interfere in any way, I will use any means necessary to stop you.”

“Understood,” the elder replied with a short nod, “rest assured that I have no intention of disturbing your master.”

I was given no time to respond to his statement, as I noticed Master Link drawing close to a mass of Waking Water.

I quickly alerted him to the danger, giving him a full description of the water and the circ*mstances of coming into contact with it, only withdrawing once he had confirmed his understanding.

“Seems you will have your hands full for a while,” the Kikwi elder hummed when I pulled away from the spiritual world once more.

“I assure you I am fully capable of advising and protecting Master Link throughout the duration of the trial,” I informed the elder.

The elder, in turn, merely nodded and ‘kwee-heed’, before stating, “still, it is not as if I have any plans for the day. And perhaps you would like the company.”

“You may do as you wish,” I replied, “so long as you do not try to disturb the trial.”

The elder nodded his understanding, moving so that he was now standing just before Master Link.

I spent a few seconds more studying him, his posture indicating no signs whatsoever of malignant intentions, then directed half of my attention back to Master Link once more.

Master Link was making excellent progress in collecting the tears, having only four left, when the Kikwi Elder spoke once more.

“This child… is a human, correct?”

“He is,” I confirmed, “Master Link is an adolescent male of the human race.”

“I see,” the elder hummed, allowing another moment of silence before inquiring, “and could it be… that he is the hero chosen by the Goddess?”

“Correct,” I confirmed once more, “Master Link is indeed the Goddess Hylia’s Chosen Hero.”

“There can be no doubt then,” the Elder stated gravely, his gaze travelling to Master Link, then upward to the sky, “the time of prophecy is indeed upon us, just as the legends foretold….”

I was given no time to respond to that statement, as at that precise moment the magic of the gate pulsed, signifying that Master Link had completed the trial.

A green light appeared around his hand at the same time his eyes drifted open, blinking languidly before Master Link withdrew the sword from the soil and climbed to his feet.

“Congratulations, Master Link,” I stated as he sheathed the sword and turned my way, “you have passed this trial. You now have the power to proceed to the location of the first sacred flame that will enhance your sword.”

“That’s good to hear,” he replied with a sigh and a ‘tired’ smile before his brow furrowed in confusion as he caught sight of the Kikwi Elder. “Elder Bucha? When did you get here?”

“Oh, not that long ago,” the elder hummed, “but it appears you have been quite busy. I see you have the Water Dragon’s Scale there, kewwww.”

Master Link blinked in further confusion before turning his attention downward to where a new item had been tied around his wrist.

“This is… the thing the flower turned into, after I completed the trial,” Master Link stated once he’d drawn his wrist up to his eye level. “What did you say it was called?”

“That is the Water Dragon’s Scale, Master Link,” I informed him, “it is one of the goddess’s sacred gifts. Through it, the great spirit of the Water Dragon has provided you with the ability to breathe freely underwater.”

“Not only that,” Elder Bucha chimed in, “I heard that if you have one, kewww, you can swim through the water like a dragon soars through the sky!”

“Sounds cool,” Master Link hummed, before directing his attention back towards me, “but, how will this help us find the flame?”

“You’re looking for a flame, you say?” Elder Bucha inquired. “It wouldn’t happen to be the Sacred Flame that resides within these woods, would it?”

“You know of it?”

“Only snippets of old stories,” the Elder replied, before gesturing to the large tree that stood behind him, “but the one who can truly lead you to what you seek resides at the very top of that tree there.”

“Are you saying… that I need to climb that massive tree?” Master Link inquired ‘uneasily’.

“My sensors indicate there exists an opening within the tree below the water,” I quickly interjected. “There is a 90% chance our ascent would be much easier should we use the interior pathways….”

“Oh, and if it’s not too much trouble,” Elder Bucha began to state just as we were about to depart, “tell Yerbal I said, hello, would you? Hoo-hoo-hoo.”


And let's just give a big thank you to those amazing people who create walkthroughs, shall we? Because the NPC's can be WAY too vague sometimes and those Silent Realms are just... well, I don't think I need to say anything further, right? (I doubt they'll continue to be as smooth as this first one -_-)

Anyhoo, next time we'll be finding out who the Yerbal person is and telling him Bucha says hi!

Chapter 20: The Hermit's Secret to Everybody


Link and Fi enter and ascend the great tree to search for the individual who will lead them to the Sacred Flame


Why must there be a Moblin stationed on a super thin path? Not to mention a billion floating bomb fish all around the swing you need to push to get to the other side? *Sighs tiredly* At least the view from the top of the tree is nice...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After a swim through the underwater opening of the great tree, made possible due to the Water Dragon’s Scale, we finally made it to the interior.

“Trees on the Surface are amazing!” Master Link remarked as he peered around at the tree's interior, “to think they can get this big! It’s like we’re in a building!”

“I must correct you on that assumption, Master Link. Most trees do not get this big, even on the Surface, thus trees like this are exceptionally rare,” I stated.

Then, sensing a life form further above, I declared, “Master, there is a 95% probability that the individual we seek resides above.”

“Let’s get climbing, then,” Master Link replied as we set off down the path.

“What’s that noise?” Master Link inquired once we had reached the upper portion of the tree.

“Given our current location and the flora and fauna we have encountered so far, there is a 50% probability this noise could be a call from an unidentified animal. The other 50% probability would be that it is a call of an unidentified monster.”

“That’s a cheery thought.”

“Your tone and the sensations I feel through our bond suggest you do not truly find it ‘cheery’.”

“That will depend entirely on what we find,” Master Link replied as he assumed a more cautious way of walking as we continued upward.

Once we had reached the end of the path, I exited my blade.

“We have now reached the top of the tree,” I informed Master Link. “From this vantage point, we have a good view of the woods. Perhaps we will be able to identify an area yet to be explored in the event we cannot find the Yerbal that Elder Bucha spoke of.

“On that note, Master,” I added, before pointing to Master Link’s upper right, “Master, look up there…”

“Is that… a Kikwi?” Master Link inquired, once he had turned in the direction indicated.

“Correct,” I replied, “and, upon further analysis, I have confirmed that this is a new Kikwi, of which we have not met previously. Analysis also indicates a 90% chance that the sounds we have been hearing were the loud snores of this Kikwi.”

“He’s fast asleep, huh?” Master Link chuckled, “I can understand that, since he’s found a good spot in the sun for a nap. I’m almost jealous.”

“Analysis of your vitals signs do indicate a significant amount of fatigue,” I stated, “would you like to rest, Master Link?”

“Maybe after we’ve found the flame,” Master Link replied with an odd expression and another confusing jumble of emotions against our bond.

He then turned back towards the slumbering Kikwi and called out, “excuse me? Sorry to bother you but, are you Yerbal?”

The Kikwi made no reply, slumbering onward, even as Master Link continued to call to him.

“Man, he sleeps as heavily as I do,” Master Link grumbled, “guess now I know how Zelda feels whenever she’d wake me up.”

“Perhaps we should employ some of the spirit maiden’s techniques here, in our own efforts to awaken this Kikwi?” I suggested.

“Yeah, probably,” Master Link replied, a ‘mischievous' sensation surfacing once more as he withdrew the slingshot, “and that little snot bubble is a great place to start!”

Master Link then took careful aim before letting the seed fly, hitting the bubble straight in the center and causing it to pop loudly.

“Kikwiiiii!” the plant creature cried immediately after, its tiny limbs flailing wildly before its round body shook briskly left, then right.

“Whoozit?! I’m nappin’!” the Kikwi cried.

“I’m really sorry, sir,” Master Link called up to the Kikwi, “but there was something I was hoping to ask you!”

The Kikwi’s movements came to a halt before it angled it’s face downward, studying Master Link before stating, “oooh, look at that! A real live human! Haven’t seen one of you in a while, kwrrrrrk.”

“Yes, sir,” Master Link replied with a small laugh of ‘endearment’, “my name is Link. Would you happen to be Yerbal?”

“They used to call me that, yes,” the Kikwi, now properly identified as the Yerbal we’d been seeking, replied with a nod. “Now I’m just the old Kikwi hermit. I watch over this forest here… when I’m not nappin’.

“I don’t know how you wandered all the way up here,” Yerbal continued as he squinted down at us, “but let me ask you something… Can you really see me?”

“Huh? Um, yes?” Master Link replied with a ‘puzzled’ tone, “I can see you.”

“Is that so?” Yerbal laughed as he hit the base of his cane against the branch he resided on. “Well then, slap yourself on the back, kwwwrk! You know, some Kikwis can’t even see me these days.”

‘Confusion’ was joined by ‘concern’ on Master Link’s side of our bond, but before he could comment on that statement, Yerbal was speaking once more.

“…But forget all that nonsense and tell me, kwwwrk, what business does a real live human have in these woods?”

“Oh, right,” Master Link mumbled, before he straightened his back and declared clearly, “I’m looking for a great flame! I was told it would be able to enhance my sword.”

“Really now?” Yerbal stated slowly, his light tone from earlier growing more serious as he asked, “and what would you be wanting to do with an enhanced sword?”

“Only to find Zelda,” Master Link replied, “someone who is very important to me. Please, is there anything you can tell me about the flame?”

“Hmph… well, how about that…?” Yerbal chuckled. “A human who can see me and seeks a great flame, kwwwrk!”

There was a long moment of silence and Master Link was just opening his mouth to speak once more when Yerbal suddenly made a request.

“Listen, do you promise not to breathe a word of what I’m about to tell you to another soul? I’m serious, kwwwrk!”

Yerbal had grown quite agitated whilst stating that last sentence, thrusting his cane forward and pointing it directly at Master Link’s head.

“I promise!” Master Link declared with absolute ‘sincerity’.

“All right, I’ll tell you,” Yerbal replied with a laugh. “But remember- it’s a secret to everybody.”

“Yes, I understand,” Master Link stated with a solemn nod.

“Very good then,” Yerbal hummed, before directing his gaze fully upon us. “The flame that you seek… is most likely Farore’s Flame…”

Master Link tensed at the familiar name, ‘excitement’ building as the self-proclaimed hermit continued.

“Yes, yes… Farore’s Flame… That story begins very long ago, when the goddess was still with us, kwwwrk…”

The ancient Kikwi’s gaze wandered towards the distant forest as he continued.

“The goddess gave the flame to the Water Dragon, a great spirit that presides over Faron Woods.”

His gaze then wandered skyward, “the way I hear it is she left the flame in the care of the Water Dragon so that one day the mighty dragon could pass it on to the ‘one from the sky’…”

The old Kikwi’s face then became a mass of wrinkles as he smiled down at Master Link, “you see, kwwwwrk, I’ve got a hunch that the goddess was talking about you, lad.”

Master Link didn’t reply to that statement, merely smiling back as the Kikwi hermit laughed once more.

“Well, that settles that. You must seek out the mighty Water Dragon.

“Her lair is deep in a lake in the south of these woods, kwwwwwwrk,” Yerbal stated as he used his cane to point southward. “She watches over the flame there.

“There’s a problem though,” he continued, bringing his cane back to its usual resting spot as he stroked his beard. “The gate that leads to that lake is sealed shut to all those judged unworthy…

“But don’t you worry,” Yerbal chuckled, “I’ll let you in on the trick to opening the gate.

“That trick being!” he cried as he waved his cane vigorously, “you have to channel the power of the goddess into the symbol carved into its doors, kwwwrk!”

“Sounds simple enough,” Master Link stated, before leaning backward a bit as Yerbal jabbed his staff in our direction.

“You’re wrong there, sonny!” the Kikwi cried once more, “for you see, the symbol is incomplete. To unlock the gate, you must make the symbol whole.”

“And… what does the completed symbol look like?” Master Link inquired to which the Kikwi hermit merely laughed.

“Now, I can’t be giving you all the answers!” Yerbal declared. “I will, however, give you one last hint!”

Yerbal then pointed his cane outward towards the woods once again, before beginning to reveal the hint.

“Within these woods lies the same completed circle. And, as the gate is down in the south, it’s likely the matching symbol should be somewhere up north, don’t you think, kwwwrk?”

“Up north, huh?” Master Link murmured before turning to me, “how about it, Fi? Ideas on what he’s talking about?”

“I believe so, Master Link,” I replied after a quick scan of my memory, “there was a symbol etched into the paved area that lay before the entrance to the Deep Woods. There is an 80% probability that is the symbol we will need.”

“Hoo-hoo, quite confident in that, aren’t we?” Yerbal laughed from atop his perch, “well, you’ll just have to wait and see once you reach the gate. Safe travels, lad.”

“Thank you,” Master Link replied with a respectful bow, “I hope you’ll be able to go back to napping quickly."

“Oh, wait up!” Yerbal suddenly cried as I returned to my blade and Master Link had begun to walk away.

“Yes?” Master Link called back, “was there something else?”

“I almost forgot one of the most important things!” Yerbal declared. “Her Excellence, the Water Dragon, is VERY persnickety about manners… So watch yours!

“This is no joke, son!” he continued in an ‘agitated’ manner. “I’ve heard stories of folks who caught her in a fussy mood. They ended up as midmorning snacks, kwwwwrk!”

“Sounds like Henya,” Master Link mumbled quietly.

“I probably taste like old cave moss, but I’m not in a hurry to become a royal meal, kwwwrk!” Yerbal cried, “so don’t let her know I told you about Farore’s Flame, OK?”

“Yes, alright,” Master Link called back, before adding, “oh, and Elder Bucha sends his greetings!”

“Ha! So the old boy still remembers me!” Yerbal laughed, “that’s nice to hear. Good luck lad!

“And remember, when you’re in her hall, you’d better be on your best behavior and be a gracious guest. I’ll be here nappin’ if you ever need more of my elder wisdom. See you around! Kwwwwwwrk…”

Master Link bade the hermit Kikwi farewell and then we were setting off once more.

Once we had safely descended from the great tree, we immediately set our course northward, where we quickly tracked down the gate the hermit Kikwi had spoken of.

“So, we need to carve the correct symbol into the gate here?” Master Link inquired, “uh… does that mean I have to use the sword?”

“Not in the exact way you are thinking, Master Link,” I cut in quickly, “as stated by the Kikwi hermit, you must ‘channel the power of the goddess into the symbol’. There is a 95% probability this is alluding to the Skyward Strike.”

“You’re saying I need to attack the gate with the Skyward Strike?”

“That is not the only way to use the Skyward Strike, Master Link. Charge your blade while standing in front of the gate. Then, instead of swinging your sword and releasing the energy in a strike, use the energy to draw the missing portion of the symbol.”

“We can do that?”

“Would you not like to try it yourself instead of my simply answering you?”

“Fair point,” Master Link laughed before charging the sword and beginning to draw.

He then emitted a short cheer as the doors began to open.

“It worked!” he cried ‘happily’ as he jogged forward, “we’re another step closer to the flame, Fi!”

“Indeed, Master Link,” I replied, soon following with an inquiry as ‘confusion’ pulsed against our bond, “is something wrong?”

“Well… the path kind of ended.”

“There’s no further way forward?”

“Only a long drop into the water,” Master Link stated before sighing, “which is another reason why we need the scale… because of course it makes sense for the Water Dragon to live underwater.

“Hope you’re ready for a dive, Fi,” he added as he backed up a few steps, then began running forward into a powerful leap and calling, “look out below!”


Ah Yerbal... how DID that little guy get so far up the tree at his age? (And here's Link, showing once again that he has the patience of a saint XD)

Next time, we're off to see the Water Dragon! Here's hoping she'll be in a good mood! *Pauses at the distant laughter of SS players*

Chapter 21: The Water Dragon's Challenge


Fi and Link finally arrive at the domain of the Water Dragon, where they receive alarming news, followed by a challenge.
Will our duo be able to pass this new test?


I am on a roll, will I be able to get THREE chapters out today? We'll see!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

We drop a substantial distance before entering a vast pool of water.

The current grabs us immediately, driving us into a cavern before Master Link can even attempt to swim for shore.

‘Panic’ begins to build before the Water Dragon’s Scale flashes and its magic encases Master Link, who gasps in ‘relief’ as the pressure on his lungs dissipates.

He then emits a cry of alarm as we are swept down a small waterfall, landing in an ungainly splash into the water below.

“Well, that was quite a ride!” Master Link gasps, once he surfaces again, studying his surroundings, “where even are we?”

I am about to answer when an unknown voice calls out in alarm.

“Ack! Another human!”

Master Link startled at the unexpected yell, flailing in the water for a moment, before his gaze fell upon a creature my sensors immediately recognized as a Parella.

“St-stay back, y-you fiend!” the Parella declared in a shaking voice, “i-if y-you wish to get to H-Her Excellence the Water Dragon you shall have to go through me!”

“Easy there,” Master Link replied in the tone he adopted for the Kikwis and his Loftwing, “it’s true that I’m looking for the Water Dragon, but I assure you I mean no harm….”

“HAH!” the Parella scoffed, “don’t think you’ll fool me like that! You’re probably with that weirdo from earlier, just waiting for the right moment to call your monsters! But I swear on the name of my ancestors that I will defend Her Excellence to my last—!”

The Parella’s declaration was cut off as its gaze was caught by the glow of the magic emanating from the scale around Master Link’s wrist, it’s body suddenly swaying erratically as it gasped loudly.

“Th-that is a Water Dragon’s Scale!” the Parella exclaimed before turning its attention back to Master Link. “Does that make you the emissary of the goddess, like the Water Dragon said?”

“I am,” Master Link replied with a nod, “has something happened here? You mentioned something about ‘another human’?”

“Oh, yes, about that,” the Parella said, its tone growing grave, “it happened recently. This weirdo came in here with a gang of monsters and went right after Her Excellence.”

“A weirdo? Did he have white hair, a red cape, and have this really annoying way of speaking?” Master Link inquired.

“You’ve met that weirdo?”

“Unfortunately,” Master Link sighed, “and having crossed swords with him once, I know he’s not an easy opponent. Is the Water Dragon all right?”

“My lady the Water Dragon is a fierce fighter herself,” the Parella declared with a dramatic flaring of her fins, “and, boy, did she gobble up most of those monsters in the first few seconds.”

The Parella then curled in on itself, its tone growing grave, as it added, “thing is, there were just so many of them! While she was distracted, the weirdo leading all those creatures managed to wound her.”

“How badly?”

“Not enough to prevent her from giving the weirdo the beating he deserved!” the Parella declared with ‘pride’, before ‘worry’ returned. “She’s healing up now, but she says we don’t have enough special water for her to make a full recovery.”

“Special water?” Master Link repeated.

“Her Excellence will tell you more,” the Parella stated before bowing deeply, “if you truly are the emissary of the goddess then I beseech you, please help Her Excellence!”

“I’ll do what I can,” Master Link promised, “will you take me to her?”

“Of course,” the Parella replied ‘eagerly’, “please follow me, quickly!”

“Your Excellence!” the Parella cries, once it has led us to the center of the Water Dragon’s domain, “I have returned with aid!”

“Ah, Jellyf,” a regal voice hums from the raised dais before us, “you have returned. What is this aid you speak of?”

“He is an emissary from the goddess!” the Parella, now identified as Jellyf, announces as Master Link climbs out of the water, “surely he was sent to aid us in our time of need!”

“Truly?” the voice hums, bringing Master Link’s attention to the center of the dais, where a large basin sat.

Inside the basin was a being one could only assume to be Her Excellence, the Water Dragon, whom we had been seeking.

The only thing visible of her at this time, however, was her head, her large blue eyes narrowed in contemplation as she studied Master Link, who quickly bowed in her direction.

“Greetings, Your Eminence,” he declared whilst still in his respectful bow, “I am indeed an emissary from the goddess. It is an honor to meet you and, if it is within my capabilities, I offer my services in order to aid in your recovery.”

“Hmm… well, I suppose your manners aren’t atrocious,” Her Eminence sniffed before straightening as much as she could within her basin, “I am Faron, warden of the woods. I was appointed by the goddess herself.

“And, though my current stature is less than, well, intimidating, shall we say,” Lady Faron continued, wincing as she most likely irritated one of her wounds, “know that you stand in the presence of a loyal servant of the goddess!”

“Yes ma’am,” Master Link replied as he straightened.

He then winced at Lady Faron’s noise of disapproval, “the correct procedure is to wait until you are given permission to rise. Seems you still have quite a lot to learn in the way of manners….”

Master Link chose to remain silent as the Water Dragon studied him once more, her eyes coming to rest upon the scale that was secured to Master Link’s wrist.

“It would appear you possess one of my scales,” she remarked as her gaze lifted to Master Link’s own, “a sacred gift such as that could only be carried by the goddess’s chosen hero. But could you really be him?”

“I… cannot say that for certain ma’am,” Master Link replied for some unknown reason.

“Master, you ARE the goddess’s chosen hero. I informed you as much when I first initiated contact with you and have stated as such numerous times throughout our journey.”

“That is quite an interesting answer,” Faron responded at the same time, “what is it that makes you uncertain of your claim as the hero? Do you doubt the goddess?”

“No, it’s just,” Master Link said, far too many emotions swimming through the bond for me to identify, “I only started this journey to find and help my friend. I wasn’t trying to become a hero or anything I just… I just wanted to make sure Zelda was safe and to bring her back home. Would that… really qualify me as a hero?”

The Water Dragon hummed, the sound and vibrations easily echoing around the hall, before she stated, “to be honest, in my own opinion, a shrimpy boy like you hardly looks the part of the goddess’s chosen hero.”

Master Link flinched and muttered, “why does everyone have to call me a shrimp?”

“However,” she continued, either ignoring or unable to hear Master Link’s mumblings, “looks can always be deceiving. You may possess the appearance of a hatchling yet bear the fangs of a full dragon. Thus… yes, there’s no doubt about it, a test is in order.”

“A test?” Master Link repeated.

“You do not wish for an opportunity to prove you’re everything you say you are?” Lady Faron inquired, her head tilting as her mouth curled in a grin.

Master Link only hesitated for a moment before giving a firm nod as he declared, “very well, I will accept your test!”

“A decisive boy!” Lady Faron laughed, “good, very good. I have no patience for those who dawdle in indecision.

“Now, one question before we begin the test,” Her Eminence added, her tone becoming more ‘daunting’ now, causing Master Link to flinch, “even with that scale in your possession, finding my hall is no easy task… How did you find me?”

“Oh, w-well,” Master Link stuttered, ‘nervousness’ pressing heavily against the bond now, “u-uh, s-since the reward for finishing the Goddess’s Trial was one of your-, Your Excellency’s scales, w-we figured th-the Sacred Flame had to… had to reside somewhere in the waters here….”

“So, you dived into every stretch of water you could find within the woods before stumbling into my halls?” Lady Faron questioned, one of her antennae lifting high as she continued to peer down upon Master Link. “Hm, and here I thought you’d ascended the great tree in order to get a good lay of the land first….”

Master Link flinched and swallowed involuntarily at those words, his body tensing as Lady Faron continued to speak.

“And while you were assessing the lay of the land from atop that great tree… could it be that you stumbled upon a certain creature? One who has a tendency of speaking too freely, thus revealing the means to bypass gates constructed to prevent the entry of uninvited guests?”

At Master Link’s ‘nervous’ silence, Lady Faron emitted a loud sigh of ‘exasperation’.

“That cackling old hermit Kikwi,” she said with a rumbling tone to her voice, “honestly, I can’t remember how many times I’ve told that scruffy thing to keep his mouth shut. That’s the last straw. Next time I see him, he’s dinner!”

Waves crashed around us at that last declaration, Master Link coughing and spluttering as he became drenched by a particularly tall one that splashed against him, nearly dragging him back into the water.

They calmed quickly, however, as Lady Faron regained her composure, “oh, but I digress. We were discussing the requirements of your test.”

‘Unease’, ‘worry’, and ‘guilt’ were still hovering over our bond regarding the Kikwi hermit, but Master Link did not interrupt as the Water Dragon continued to speak.

“Now, as you no doubt heard from Jellyf, shortly before your arrival, I was attacked by a pompous creature calling himself Ghirahim.”

Master Link flinched and gasped at that name, memories of our encounters with the creature in question bubbling to the surface.

“I stood against this self-proclaimed Demon Lord, but I was wounded in the encounter,” Lady Faron informed us, her gaze drifting downward towards the basin she resided in.

“The wounds he’s given me are stubborn things. I have been forced to recuperate in this basin of sacred water….”

Master Link’s right arm drifted upward to wrap around his stomach at the mention of the Water Dragon’s words, though he managed to stay grounded in the present as he inhaled deeply.

“Are you alright, child?”

“Yes ma’am,” Master Link replied to Lady Faron’s inquiry, “my apologies. You were saying?”

Faron studied my master carefully before ultimately deciding to proceed, “unfortunately, the healing properties of the sacred water have diminished, and I am now in need of another dose to freshen up my healing bath.

“That, my little would-be hero,” she declared as she directed a smile towards Master Link, “is your test. Bring me the container of fresh sacred water that I require.

“Do me this favor, and I’ll gladly show you where to find the sacred flame you desire,” she concluded, her smile taking on a much kinder tilt at those words. “What say you?”

Master Link, ‘surprised’ by that last sentence, was rendered speechless a moment before ‘relief’ and ‘happiness’ bloomed as he bowed deeply, “understood ma’am. I will deliver the sacred water as soon as I am able!”

Faron nodded her approval, an antenna raising once more as I exited my blade in order to more accurately analyze her basin and the water within.

“I am analyzing the water remaining in this basin… Excellent. I can now help you dowse for the water type you are searching for,” I informed Master Link.

“Ah, the sword spirit,” Lady Faron hummed, drawing my attention to her, “long has it been since I last saw you. Have you retained any of your memories of me?”

I studied the form of the being before me, then quickly scanned through my memory bank before replying, “my apologies. I am afraid many of the memories pertaining to you or any time spent together are corroded or inaccessible at this time.”

“Hm, well I thought as much,” Lady Faron hummed once more, “it matters not. I’m certain the young whelp you have been saddled with has much to thank you for regarding his success so far.”

“Master Link has proven to be an excellent choice as the goddess’s chosen hero,” I informed Her Excellence, “there is a 95% probability that your assessment of him will improve once this task has been completed.”

Lady Faron merely smiled once more before turning towards the waters and calling for her attendants.

Jellyf quickly appeared with a group of Parella, the tiny creatures carefully supporting a container that had clearly been enchanted.

“Use this to transport the sacred water,” Lady Faron instructed, before carefully gesturing to a path that lay behind her. “If you continue down this way, you will find an exit back to the woods.

“Now run along,” she proclaimed, once we had accepted the container, “one does not keep a dragon waiting.”

Master Link nodded, then bowed one final time before heading down the path as directed.

Once we’d returned to the woods, the dowsing ability soon led us to the Skyview Temple, where my readings indicated the presence of sacred water deep inside.

“Guess it shouldn’t be too surprising that it would be here in the spring,” Master Link remarked as he waited for the container to fill, “except, I thought you said the water here couldn’t actually heal wounds?”

“You are correct Master Link,” I replied, causing the fairies of the spring, who had insisted on creating a flower crown and laying it upon my head, to emit noises of displeasure as I moved toward him, dislodging them and unsettling the crown, “the water in this spring can only purify a body.

“However,” I continued, as the fairies gathered around Master Link, who moved to readjust the crown upon my head, “as proven by the fairies who gather around it, the water that comes from this waterfall possesses separate qualities, which bear a 95% likeness of the water within the Water Dragon’s basin.”

I turned to gesture at the remainder of the spring, “the properties of this waterfall are then absorbed by the purifying properties, diluting the healing properties while enhancing the purifying. I apologize for not realizing this fact earlier, when last we were in this spring and you were in need of healing.”

“It’s alright,” Master Link was quick to reassure me, as he slowly extended his free hand, chuckling softly as a fairy landed upon it, “these guys were able to help me instead, so it doesn’t matter.”

His smile quickly fell, however, as his gaze drifted towards the exit, “Ghirahim… he was able to fight against, and wound someone like the Water Dragon… a literal dragon… how in world am I going to protect Zelda from him, when I only barely fought him off when he was ‘going easy’ on me…?”

“You have grown stronger since that time,” I reminded Master Link, “and our goal at this moment is to grow stronger still, through the trials and the flames we seek. Our chances of defeating Ghirahim will, in turn, increase with the growth needed to open the gate.”

“Right,” Master Link chuckled, “you always know what to say to make me feel better, Fi.”

I was given no chance to reply to that statement, as the fairies then dropped a second crown of flowers atop Master Link’s head, dislodging his hat and causing him to laugh as petals, water, and fairies flew all around him.


Man I really hope Faron wasn't serious about eating Yerbal, both because he seems like a nice old guy... and because he doesn't seem like the healthiest thing to eat...

...but, hey! We got our water queen Faron in the fic, woo! Am disappointed we never got to see her fight, because she'd probably shred through enemies as easily as the Hyrule Warriors gang! XD

Anyway, next time, we'll be delivering Faron her healing water and heading on to the flame! See you then!

Chapter 22: The Ancient Cistern


Fi and Link deliver the healing water to the Water Dragon, Faron, who then leads them to where the Sacred Flame can be located... as well as an old enemy....


Managed to get this written, but not posted, so I was close to the three chapters goal...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hmm… Yes!” Lady Faron exclaims when we return to her abode, “just look at that color. There’s no doubt this is the water I need. Quickly, boy, pour it into my basin!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Master Link replies before carefully maneuvering the container and pouring the healing water into the basin.

Lady Faron then disappears inside the basin which begins to shake, more and more vigorously, before coming to a standstill.

Seconds later, Lady Faron bursts skyward, emitting a loud cry as she and the water fly high into the air above us, to the cheers of the Parella.

“Mmmmm! Exquisite!” she declares as she descends once more, hovering before us with her tail tucked beneath her, hands still extended upward and her eyes closed, “I can feel its energy surging through me!”

She then folds her hands into the sleeves of her kimono as she directs her gaze upon Master Link and proclaims, “Behold the full majesty of Faron, Water Dragon and guardian of these lands! I stand tall-healed and whole once again!”

She settles into a slightly less formal position as she extends a hand towards Master Link, “human. You have done well to bring me the sacred water I asked you for.”

Lady Faron then smiles as she adds, “I see now it was no coincidence that you completed the goddess’s trial and obtained a Water Dragon’s Scale. May these words give you the confidence to declare yourself the goddess’s chosen hero, regardless of your reasoning….”

“Thank you, Lady Faron,” Master Link replies with a respectful bow.

“In addition,” Lady Faron continues, “I will grant you the favor you have asked of me and lead you to the sacred flame of my land. Come.”

With that, Lady Faron heads for the exit, Master Link quickly running after her.

Once we exit the cave, Lady Faron moves to hover before the great waterfall that resides at the end of the walkway.

She turns to face Master Link as she declares, “now… behold.”

She then faces the waterfall, breathing deeply as she begins to gather her magic within her hands which she then plunges into the raging waters.

Her magic pulses outward and the water is quick to respond, the current of the falls reversing, the water receding upwards until it vanishes completely, revealing the entrance of a structure that had been hidden behind the raging waters.

“Go,” Faron decreed, turning to face Master Link once more, “the sacred flame you seek lies within this place.

“Be advised, however,” she cautioned once Master Link had taken his first step forward, “while the waterfall has barred entrance to this place for many years, monsters have still found a way in… and inside they flourish.”

Master Link’s body tensed at those words, though it eased at the Water Dragon’s chuckle.

“Ah, but you are the goddess’s chosen hero,” she hummed. “Swatting a few monsters will be no trouble for you.”

This brought a smile to Master Link’s face, which remained as Lady Faron delivered her parting words.

“I imagine you and I will cross paths again. Until then, do not lower your guard. Farewell, boy.”

“Well, at least this is one of the more well-lit temples,” Master Link sighed, “it’s actually kind of pretty… even if it does have a lot of water….”

“Be advised, Master Link,” I stated as I exited my blade, “in this Ancient Cistern, purified water is released into the upper area of the facility, while the filtered impurities are processed in the lower area.”

“So, there will definitely be a lot more swimming in my future, right?”

“There is a high probability of that statement being true,” I replied, before my sensor caught onto something. “Master, I have taken the liberty to confirm that a door is located at the uppermost section of the statue before us. There is an 80% chance it will lead us to the flame we seek.”

“Alright, then,” Master Link replied as I returned to my blade and he stepped forward, “let’s get to that door.”

We had just entered an interior room within the temple when an unidentified voice called out.

“You will go no further…”

Master Link tensed at the unexpected voice, jumping out of the way as a heavy sword smashed into the ground, his own sword already in his hand as he turned to face our assailant.

“Target lock: Stalmaster,” I informed Master Link as the well-armored skeleton raised its blades once more. “This is an elite captain of the undead soldiers. When provoked, it has the ability to strike with all four of its sword wielding arms.”

“The Sacred Flame is now ours,” the Stalmaster declared, “intruders will be destroyed!”

“I recommend inflicting damage when the slight gap presents itself as it readies its swords to attack.”

“The only intruders here are you and the other monsters,” Master Link retorted as he readied himself for the moment to strike, “leave now, or face the consequences!”

“Impudent child!” the Stalmaster cried as it lunged into an attack.

Master Link waited patiently for the right moment, striking powerfully at the slight gap once it appeared, the sword smashing the Stalmaster's bones easily and sending the creature tumbling into a pile of dust.

“Phew, okay,” Master Link panted, “that wasn’t… too bad….”

“As stated previously, your skills have improved drastically throughout your journey,” I replied as I exited my blade, “this is a good example of that improvement.”

“Easy does it there, Fi,” Master Link chuckled, “you’re beginning to sound like Instructor Eagus.”

“I believe my vocal tones bear no similarities to the instructor’s.”

“It’s getting really hard to tell if you’re playing around with me these days….”

A sudden hit upon my dowsing ability draws my attention away from Master Link’s strange statement and he is quick to follow after me as I investigate.

“So, that guy was guarding a chest?” Master Link inquires once we come upon the chest in question, “what do you think is inside?”

“I believe the best way to answer that would be to open the chest in question, Master Link.”

“Right, right,” Master Link chuckled as he went about doing just that.

“It would appear you have now acquired a whip,” I informed Master Link, once he had pulled the object out of the chest.

Then, after a quick analysis, “be advised, Master Link. Attached to the end of this whip is a sphere of light capable of latching on to various things. If you see something you cannot reach, you may be able to snag it with this whip.”

“Sounds handy,” Master Link remarked as he wound the whip up before attaching it to his belt, “let’s see if we can find some things to practice on, shall we?”

Master Link does, indeed, find things to practice application of the whip upon as we progress through the cistern, and is not long before he achieves a sufficient mastery of the tool.

Eventually, I am able to detect the slightest trace of something akin to the Goddess’s aura, which I quickly lead Master Link towards.

Upon entering the room directly before the area the aura resides in, a familiar and unwelcome chuckle echoes around the room.

“You certainly are persistent,” Ghirahim states from where he sits upon the head of an inactive automaton.

Master Link immediately readies himself for battle as Ghirahim continues with his predictable monologue.

“I’m terribly busy trying to find the clues that will help me revive the demon king,” the demon lord declares, causing a spark of recognition to ignite within my synapses.

My attempt to analyze the unexpected spark, however, is deterred by the continuation of Ghirahim’s speech… as well as the gathering of his magic.

“Your incessant buzzing around my head like some irksome gadfly when I’m THIS busy is… Well, it’s making me very disagreeable.”

The demon lord then slowly raises his hand above his head, fingers pressed together before they snap, and he disappears in a flurry of diamonds.

“Do not let your guard down, Master Link!” I quickly alert my master as Ghirahim’s magic surges within the area.

Master Link jumps at a sudden thumping noise, eerily similar to his own heartbeat, which reverberates throughout the room, our attention quickly drawn towards the automaton.

We can then only watch as it is reanimated, the scattered pieces of its many arms levitating in the air before reattaching themselves to the body, blades appearing in at least two of its hands as it screams its challenge.

“Target lock: Koloktos. This ‘Ancient Automation’ defends the Ancient Cistern and eliminates intruders.”

“Why are we always the intruders while Ghirahim just waltzes around like he owns the place?” Master Link groans as he dodges the automaton’s first attack.

“The cursed energy supply Ghirahim provided to this contraption has given it power far beyond its conventional limits.”

Master Link is unable to reply this time as he dodges another strike from Koloktos, though I am well aware that he is listening intently to my words.

“The red, orb-shaped cores embedded in its torso and arms provide it limited stability and prevent it from falling to pieces. Thus, it is highly probable that if the red cores in its arms were to be ejected, the unit would lose integrity and the limbs would sever from the body.”

“Short version Fi, please and thank you!”

“Use the whip to grab hold of and detach the joints holding the arms together, then attack the core in its center!”

Master Link quickly rolls underneath the blades that are thrown his way, ‘baiting’ Koloktos, prompting the automaton to lash out at Master Link with one of its fists. which slams into the ground, my master rolling clear mere seconds before impact.

Upon regaining his footing, Mater Link immediately deploys the whip, latching onto the connecting mechanism and detaching the arm that had just begun to rise once more.

He quickly detaches nearly all the arms, pouncing on the core in our adversary’s chest whenever the opportunity is given.

When all but two of the arms are removed and a powerful thrust to the central core causes the automaton to fall backwards, feelings of ‘relief’ and ‘triumph’ begin to build against our bond.

They vanish quickly, however, as the evil magic surges once more, the arms reattaching, then pressing against the ground until legs manage to break themselves free of the floor below.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Master Link uttered as scimitars appeared in each one of the hands, swinging wildly as the automaton advanced towards us.

“Fi!” he calls once more as he rolls underneath the blades swung his way, “new plan?!”

Scenarios are run, then re-run, a strategy selected as Master Link dodges another attack, the weaknesses in the arms appearing once more as analyses of the scimitars and the chest covering are completed.

“Detach one of the arms, then take hold of the cutlass! Before Koloktos can strike or defend, use the scimitar to smash through its chest along with the core!”

Master Link does not question me, simply doing as I instructed, grunting in surprise only briefly at the unexpected lightness of the large scimitar before bringing the blade smashing into the chest cavity, obliterating the core within.

The automaton’s movements immediately cease, before it begins to writhe, the demonic energy bubbling within its joints as a child-like laugh fills the room.

The demonic energy finally explodes, Master Link finding cover behind one of the stone columns as metallic body parts fly through the air before landing heavily upon the ground.

“Well… that laughter at the end was a tad disturbing,” Master Link remarks as he cautiously moves towards the door, “let’s hurry and get to the flame before anything else happens…."

Immediately upon entering the room we find a crest, which Master Link quickly fills with the energy of a Skyward Strike.

This causes the symbol adorning the wall above to glow briefly before a brilliant green flame alights in the torch that resides atop the crest.

Knowledge flows into my mind once more, prompting me to leave my sword and hover before the newly awakened flame.

I extend my wings in offering as four balls of fire break off from the source and quickly engulf me.

“Fi!” I hear Master Link call as ‘alarm’ presses heavily against the bond.

It only grows, alongside ‘worry’, as the flames catapult upward into the ceiling, then into the leftmost wall, before finally slamming into the ground before Master Link.

“Raise your sword, Master,” I inform him as the green flames dance around me.

‘Alarm’, ‘concern’, and ‘worry’ are all jangling against the bond, yet Master Link does not ask any questions.

Though his arm shakes, he still does as I requested, raising the sword, and keeping tight hold of it, even as I and the flames surge continuously into the blade, both hands gripping it tightly to keep it in place.

He does this instinctively and is ‘surprised’ when the action produces no pain or damage to his hands.

Instinct then guides him once more, as the blade flickers with the flames of Farore, urging him to bring the sword skyward.

The flames are then absorbed completely by the sword, their magic transforming, improving it as it becomes longer and sharp enough to perform, by my estimation, twice as much damage as it was capable of before.

Master Link gazes upon the sword’s new form in ‘wonder’, before performing a few test swings, adjusting to the new weight and length, before returning the blade to its sheathe, which has also been transformed by the magic of the flames.

A question begins to form, directed at me, but is interrupted as my master's attention is captured by his sword hand.

A familiar, yet unfamiliar symbol appears on the back of his hand, a triangle made up of three separate triangles, the one on the lower right glowing brightly while the other two remain dim outlines.

The symbol quickly fades and, as nothing else occurs, I exit my blade in order to explain what has transpired.

“The sacred flame has purified you blade, enhancing and evolving it.”

“Okay, but what was with the part where you were engulfed by the flames, then tossed around like you’d been caught by a cyclone?!” Master Link cried as ‘concern’ surged against the bond anew. “Are you okay, are you hurt?!”

“I retained no damage, blade integrity and spiritual energy are at an all time high, thus there is no need to worry. As for my being ‘tossed around’, it was merely the nature of the flame.”

Master Link’s mouth opened, then closed, opened, closed, then emitted a long and loud exhalation as a hand came to rest upon his brow.

“Please tell me that’s not how it’s going to be with the rest of the flames,” he moaned.

“I regret to inform you that I can give no accurate predictions on that matter,” I replied, to which Master Link emitted another sigh.

“Now then,” I continued, in an attempt to proceed to the next task, “with your sword now enhanced, you are ready to learn a new melody. We should return to the Isle of Songs.”

“Time to get wet again… yay…” was Master Link’s subdued reply as we moved to exit the Ancient Cistern.


I think Indiana Jones would be quite proud of our performance throughout this temple XD

New question in response to this chapter: would the Water Dragon Scale keep Link dry, or just aid in the prevention of drowning?

Also, why does Nintendo have to violently fling characters around and into walls? (i.e. Fi and Midna in TP)

Next time we return to the Isle of Songs and head off to the next Silent Realm!

Chapter 23: Calls for Concern Before Nayru's Silent Realm


Fi and Link return to the Isle of Songs to receive the next song and destination.
After a 'quick' round of lectures regarding concerns of our young hero's safety, they immediately head for another trial in a very unsafe environment.


And here's another chapter for lunchtime-ish enjoyment!

...Well, as much enjoyment as one can get regarding Silent Realms... XD -_- O_0

Listening Recommendations: Isle of Songs theme, serious LoZ theme, the various renditions of Nayru's Wisdom, Nayru's Silent Realm Theme, preferred rendition of Ballad of the Goddess

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Crimson Loftwing seemed to share Master Link’s dislike of his soaked state, emitting noises of displeasure once our master had settled himself upon his back.

Master and Loftwing alike grew further displeased as we entered the thunderhead and the rain supplemented the moisture that was already clinging to them, ‘irritation’ throbbing as the Skytails surrounded us.

They were fought off once more and then we were landing, quickly taking shelter within the temple.

At the sharp decrease of Master Link’s body temperature, as well as the loud sneeze accompanied by a bout of shivering, I insisted he withdraw the wood we had collected from Faron Woods and create a fire, in order to warm and dry himself.

Master Link put up little resistance to this action and soon, he was sitting before the dancing flames, Akai curled around him, as he ate the last of his rations, offering a bit of dried fish to the Crimson Loftwing.

“So, Fi,” Master Link stated around the time his body temperature had risen by ten percent, “any idea of what we’ll be dealing with after this? I’m guessing Eldin will be our next stop?”

“I cannot say for certain, Master Link,” I replied, “that information will likely be transferred once we fill the crest anew with another Skyward Strike.”

“But we’ll at least get another song, right?” Master Link inquired, “and you’ll dance again?”

“I believe there is a 90% chance that will be the case, Master Link.”

“Great!” Master Link declared with a large smile, “I really love hearing you sing and watching you dance, Fi.”

“I am glad to be of service, Master Link,” I replied, to which he tilted his head in ‘puzzlement’, “have I said something wrong?”

“…no, it’s nothing,” Master Link replied with another smile, before turning his attention to drying out his uniform and equipment.

Once Master Link’s core temperature has risen, and he and his items have dried, to a satisfactory level, we proceed to where the crest lies.

Master Link quickly delivers a Skyward Strike and I move into position as another song begins to echo and a new statue of the goddess descends from above.

“Master Link, I have important information,” I notify him as the information flows into my mind.

“When you struck the crest with a Skyward Strike from your sword, a message from the goddess awakened deep within my memory.”

Master Link nods, the harp already in his hands, “the goddess intended this message for you, Master. These are her words.”

I once again move into the first position as I begin to recite the message:

“He who seeks the sacred flames, listen well, for I am the one guiding you from my place at the edge of time.”

I spin right this time, my left leg bending as my right extended fully, lifted slightly as my wings extended outward.

“Two sacred flames remain. Should you desire to possess them, you must obtain the other sacred gifts.

“For each trial you overcome, you shall be blessed with another gift.”

I turned left, leapt, then began to spin.

“Harness the power of these gifts, and let there be no doubt you shall find yourself standing before the majesty of the sacred flames.

“Now, I give you another melody. It will serve as a key to unlocking your next trial, which awaits you within the shifting sands of Lanayru Desert.”

Blue light encases me this time, prompting me to sing along to the melody once more.

I jump high into the air, blue light shimmering behind me as my heels tap against the wall, opposite to the one before, though I still spin further upward.

Master Link’s tentative strings join in as I jump free from the wall, swooping down, then upward, spiraling in two large circles before twirling upward into a bright blue flash.

The blue engulfs the room alongside the gentle hum of Her Grace, fading to white, before a vision forms once more.

This time, when the Crimson Loftwing flies past Master Link, its flight is far more relaxed, feathers brushing gently against his cheek, before the bird flies off into the sky.

Even more Loftwings fly around us than in the previous vision, pink, black, light green, blue, all drifting calmly through the bright blue sky that surrounds us.

Everything fades to white, then blue, particles raining down upon Master Link once more as his fingers leave the strings of the Goddess Harp.

“The song you just heard is called Nayru’s Wisdom. Use this song of knowledge to find the next trial,” I informed Master Link as I dropped back down to hover before him.

“I have memorized Nayru’s Wisdom for you. We can now use dowsing to locate the gate to the next trial.”

“Probably in Lanayru’s Desert, right?” Master Link inquired, adding after my acknowledgement, “all right. We should probably swing by Skyloft to resupply and give the headmaster a progress report.”

A screech from the other room caused Master Link to laugh and remark that Akai ‘was agreeing with him’ as we headed back to where the Loftwing resided.

The ‘quick pit stop’, as Master Link had referred to it, turned out to be far lengthier than anticipated, as Master Link received a reprimand for his ‘reckless behavior’ regarding the thunderhead.

“That is no place you should be going anywhere near at your age, regardless of your or your bird’s skills!” the instructor, Owlan, had cried. “I don’t care if you’re meant to be the hero, that was far too reckless!”

“What else was I supposed to do?!” Master Link had been quick to argue, “that was where the Light Tower led me, so I had to go! How else am I supposed to find Zelda?!”

“You don’t understand; that place has changed drastically in these recent years,” Instructor Owlan stated ‘gravely’. “The fact that Levias was last seen near there before his disappearance—”

“Levias has disappeared?!” Master Link cried in ‘surprise’. “What do you mean, what happened?!”

“Pardon the interruption,” I cut in as I exited my blade, “but may I inquire as to the identification of this ‘Levias’?”

“Ah, yes,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed, bringing attention his way, “Levias is the great sky spirit who has guarded our realm for ages. He is quite well-known and loved by the people of Skyloft….”

“He always shows up when it’s time for festivals and special occasions,” Master Link added with a fond smile, “he’s also scolded Akai and I a few times when we were younger and… a tad farther away from Skyloft than we probably should have been….”

“A tad is a bit of an understatement,” Instructor Owlan remarked with a raised brow as the headmaster sighed, before engaging the instructor.

“With all the commotion regarding Zelda’s disappearance, I completely forgot to consult you on that matter. Have you discovered anything, yet?”

“Only a few whispers that Levias had been seen near the thunderhead just before his disappearance,” Instructor Owlan replied, “but nothing beyond that.”

The instructor then turned to Master Link as he stated, “which is why you should not be entering that place so easily. If such a powerful spirit could become a victim of the storms that dwell within—"

“I think we get the point, Instructor,” the headmaster cut in once again, before adding, “but Link is right… if the information he needs resides within the heart of the thunderhead, then there is no choice but to allow him access.

“Not only to save Zelda,” he added ‘gravely’, “but to prevent the evils of the legends from wreaking havoc, either upon our neighbors below the clouds… or upon our own people… the fact that Zelda was dragged down alone is proof… that the cloud barrier cannot protect us forever….”

The room grows silent after the headmaster made this statement, until he breaks that silence himself as he turns to Link.

“However, Instructor Owlan also provides a valid point,” he then directs an ‘appeasing’ smile towards us as Master Link begins to form an objection, “humor these old warriors and worrywarts. When next you find you must enter the thunderhead, at least allow Instructor Owlan himself to accompany you.”

Master Link sighs before acquiescing, then begins to inform everyone of the task that yet lays before us.

“So that’s why your blade looks different,” Instructor Horwell hummed as Master Link held the sword before them for observation, “fascinating, and you said there were yet two more of these Sacred Flames to find?”

“Yes,” Master Link replied as he returned the sword to its sheathe, “the next stop is Lanayru, which lies below the yellow beam of light. I was hoping to resupply… and maybe get another lunch?”

“Oh, I’m sure Henya will be more than happy to help with that!” Headmaster Gaepora cried as the other instructors joined him in laughter.

Eventually, Master Link was once again fully supplied and, after a ‘grooming session’ with his Loftwing, we were headed for the Lanayru opening in the clouds. Once we had descended, I immediately activated my dowsing ability, which led us to the area that lay between the Lanayru Mining Facility and the Temple of Time.

“So, the Blessed Butterflies were drawn here, too,” Master Link remarked, ‘concern’ building as he gazed upon the insects, “is it alright for them to be here?”

“Though they may look delicate, the Blessed Butterfly is highly resilient, capable of withstanding both extremes of weather conditions,” I replied as one landed upon my head, causing Master Link to chuckle ‘fondly’, “now, shall we begin to play ‘Nayru’s Wisdom?’”

“Ready when you are,” Master Link declared as he gently strummed the Goddess Harp.

A ‘relaxed’ smile curled his lips this time as we performed, his fingers drifting easily against the strings until the flower symbolizing the gate bloomed fully and he stepped forward.

“Thrust your sword into the center of the mark and open the way to a new Silent Realm,” I instructed as Master Link readied the blade.

“Wish me luck, Fi,” Master Link declared with another smile before bringing the sword down into the center of the flower, causing his body to glow….

“Master Link,” I call, once his spirit has successfully transitioned, “as you know by now, I cannot follow you. The trial calls out to your mind alone, as it is in every Silent Realm.”

Master Link asserts his understanding and gives unnecessary reassurances.

“This is the second trial, known as Nayru’s Silent Realm. It will test your wisdom, Master.”

Master Link inquires if this means he will need to take a quiz, to which I inform him that will not be the case, ‘amusem*nt’ blooming across the bond.

“You must overcome this trial to find the flames that will enhance your sword,” I pause as a new spirit vessel is formed. “When your vessel is full, your spirit will grow and you will be entrusted with a new power by the goddess.

“Do you have any questions?” I inquire, to which he responds in the negative, “yes, Master.

“Master, I will await your return in the outside world,” I inform him, to which he replies with an assurance he will return soon, before stepping out of the protective circle.

Things had been going well so far.

Link had immediately headed for the tear that lay on the steps of the Mining Facility, then continued to collect the rest of the tears that lay scattered around the building.

He’d jumped at the sight of one of the Guardians that lay at the top of the facility, standing just before one of the tears.

But it remained sleeping peacefully as Link carefully reached for the tear, collecting it before slowly heading to stand behind the sleeping guard, using the high vantage point to look for more tears.

He shuddered at the sight of the numerous lights that marked the locations of the Watchers, remembering the close call he’d had in the last trial, thanks to those little creeps.

He quickly rallied, however, studying the terrain one last time, as well as the state of his… ‘flower guard’? …whatever you called the safe period where the Guardians were sleeping, before striking out once more.

It was when he only needed two tears left… that Link made his mistake.

Having first taken a wrong turn, costing him the time when the tears were lit up like beacons, he’d been scrounging for the fruits that would light up the tears once more….

And then his surroundings had lit up, his eyes meeting that of a Watcher, hanging high above his head, who giggled with glee before screeching out its alarm.

Everything went red, the Watchers disappearing as the Guardians awakened, and Link sprinted forward as those metallic footsteps rang throughout.

His heart was in his throat, eyes searching desperately for a Tear, finding one just before him, mercifully close, so close, his fingertips were almost touching—!

Pain wrenched through him, consuming his entire being, which then vanished entirely from existence.

But then… then he was back, the intricate designs of the flower that marks the protective circle he started from laying beneath his cheek.

Link blinks, then blinks again, mind still stuck in those last terrifying moments before… before, what? Did he die? It FELT like he’d died, like that time Ghirahim had slashed through his chainmail but so much WORSE…

“Master Link,” Fi’s voice calls out, breaking him out of the memory, “you failed to collect the tear.”

He’s shaking, he hadn’t realized he was shaking, it’s hard to maneuver into a sitting position when he’s shaking this badly.

“You have to collect all the tears before returning,” Fi states in her usual calm voice.

But Link isn’t calm, how can he be calm after THAT?! After what just happened?! H-he, he… he CEASED TO EXIST, didn’t he?

His eyes somehow find their way to his sleeve, where the flower that marks his progress with the Tears lays, a sob escaping his lips when he finds it completely empty again.

“F-Fi?” he calls, his voice breaking on another sob, “F-Fi, I… I-I need a break, I… can I come back, Fi? Please, I… I don’t want to be here anymore….”

“I am sorry, Master Link,” she replies (is that regret in her tone, or his own wishful thinking?) “You have to collect all the tears before returning.”

That’s when it hits him… the REAL danger of this place. The danger of being stuck here, forever, or… having his soul broken completely, unable to reform after one too many times of being shattered.

He… he can’t do this… he can’t do this… HE CAN’T DO THIS!!!

It was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe, Link curling into a ball, clutching his head as he sobs, tears streaming down his face, he just wanted to go HOME… when….

“En dashe bu

“Nobe shundu

"Tie shutwu

"Kewenu swa lei…”

Fi’s voice, soft yet strong and always so steady, singing the Ballad of the Goddess once more.

She sings and sings, Link finding it easier to breathe with each repetition, the melody soothing in this foreign space, the shine of the protective circle seeming to grow brighter as the lyrics swirl around him.

It’s only once his sobs and even his hiccupping gasps fade completely that Fi stops singing and addresses him once more.

“You were doing very well, Master Link,” she states, “you had gathered almost all of the Tears of Nayru. There is a 98% probability that you will be successful in this next run.”

Link’s breath stutters once more as he peers fearfully outside of the circle, his gaze locking, unwillingly, upon the Guardian that sleeps far too close for comfort now.

“I have taken the liberty of recording the locations of the tears you have gathered thus far,” Fi suddenly adds, a map somehow appearing before Link’s eyes, “thus I will be able to guide you to those tears along the route that will yield the fastest time.”

“That’s not… cheating?” Link questioned.

“The fact that I am able to do so indicates that it is perfectly valid,” Fi replies. “Remember that this is a test of knowledge, knowledge which can be gained by trial and error, and shared once obtained.”

“…okay,” Link replies with a shaky sigh as he climbs to his feet, allowing a moment for his legs to stop shaking before moving towards the edge of the protective circle.

He shudders one last time, before Fi’s soothing voice calls to him, and he steps into the heart of the trial once more.

The first few moments of Master Link’s second attempt at the trial are slow and ‘hesitant’.

Where before he’d moved ‘confidently’ and ‘decisively’, now he was waiting for my words of advice after he’d managed to grab hold of the newest tear.

This behavior, however, does not last long, his timidness fading back into ‘assurance’ as the familiarity of his lessons as a knight returns.

But he shows a new level of wisdom, as was highly likely the intended result of this trial, as he uses pebbles or remains of fruit to distract the Watchers before gathering the Tears of Nayru they guarded.

In short time, he has gathered the last of the tears and returned to the protective circle, thus allowing his spirit to leave the Silent Realm at last.

Master Link’s eyes slowly drift open, locking onto me, before filling with tears as he begins to shake.

“Congratulations, Master. You have completed the trial. You now have the power to proceed to the sacred flame that will be entrusted to your sword and your strong spirit.”

“Strong spirit?” Master Link repeated with an odd laugh, a tangled jumble of emotions jangling against our bond, “did you forget the part where I broke down and cried like a baby? Where I'm still crying?”

“Displaying a moment of weakness does not take away from your achievements, Master Link,” I informed him, extending a wing to wipe away the tears. “Anyone would be shaken had they experienced their spirit shattering. The fact that you were able to quickly regain your composure and resume the trial is proof that you do, indeed, possess a strong spirit.”

“The only reason I was able to do that was because of you, Fi,” Master Link replies, gently nuzzling against my wing, “you helped pull me out of my panicked spiraling… if it weren’t for you, I’d probably be stuck in that place, forever.”

“I… believe you are giving me too much credit, Master Link,” I informed him, quickly adding, “at any rate, your time within this realm was longer than the previous. Thus, night will fall in approximately ten minutes….”

Master Link’s response to this information is to direct his gaze skyward, frowning at the setting sun, before turning to me with a ‘wry’ smile.

“Looks like we’ll be camping in Lanayru again,” he stated, before beginning to walk, “come on Fi. Let’s go find our old campsite, then we can take a look at the new gift the Goddess gave me for this latest trial.”

“Understood, Master Link,” I replied as I returned to my blade.


My poor baby Link! At least Fi made it better! *hugs Link tightly, then gives Fi pat on head*

Oddly, my actual run of Nayru's Silent Realm was... still relatively calm and not too complicated... this is causing my pessimistic side to freak out a little over how the next realm will go -_-' XD

...another oddity I realized whilst writing this chapter: the Ballad of the Goddess rendition I prefer to listen to has a picture of Fi hovering over Link whilst he kneels in the Spirit Gate/Flower... thing XD

*After checking preferred walkthrough* Looks like we'll be heading into side-questing for a while now, so might be a bit before the next chapter comes up. See you then! =D

Chapter 24: Reassurances Under the Desert Stars


Link is still trying to process what happened during this latest Silent Realm and Fi uncovers forgotten memories....


Newest side quest run is done, now have a transitional chapter! With Fi almost snuggles! (We're so close to legitimate snuggles!)

Listening recommendation: Legendary Hero Theme or preferred LoZ solemn theme

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Master, it would appear you have acquired a set of Clawshots,” I informed Master Link, once his camp had been established and he’d withdrawn the newly acquired item for proper analysis.

“This is one of the goddess’s sacred gifts,” I continued to explain, “you can extend these claws attached to chains to pull yourself to targets and vines beyond your reach.”

“Right… okay,” Master Link replied, before emitting a long and loud yawn, exhaustion clearly evident in both his physical appearance and lying heavily upon our bond.

“Master, I believe it would be best for you to turn in early for the night,” I informed him, “you are displaying clear signs of fatigue, most likely due to the strain created during the trial of Nayru’s Silent Realm.”

Master Link flinched, then shuddered as ‘fear’ returned, clattering against our bond as Master Link embraced himself tightly.

“Yeah, um, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anytime soon, Fi,” he mumbled as his gaze dropped to focus on his shoes, “that last trial was… um… well, I don’t think I need to tell you….”

“I well recall the events which occurred during the trial,” I replied with a nod, “however, I would advise against avoiding sleep, as it will affect your health as well as your ability to function properly whilst we search for the flame—”

“Yeah, well, having nightmares the entire night won’t leave me any better rested,” Master Link snapped, before dropping his face into his hands.

He emitted a loud groan before rubbing his face, then his neck and apologizing to me.

“There is no need for apologies, Master Link,” I replied, adding before he could protest, “and though you raise a valid point regarding the possibility of nightmares, it does not negate the fact that you must rest eventually.”

Master Link sighed loudly before drawing his knees to his chest, folding his arms around them before resting his head atop them.

“I just… I still don’t understand,” he finally muttered, after taking a moment to stare into the flames, “why do I have to go through these trials? What’s the point of making me gather tears while being chased by those terrifying creatures who want to rip my soul to shreds?”

“The trials are meant to temper and strengthen your soul, just as the flames temper and strengthen the sword.”

“By trying to destroy me?!” Master Link cried, gaze returning to me, tears forming once more at the corners of his eyes, “by forcing me into a strange realm, completely defenseless, and hoping I can find those stupid tears before the so-called Guardians crush me to death or slice me to ribbons?!”

His voice broke on that last syllable, Master Link’s chest heaving as he began to shake once more, ‘desperation’ now shining in his eyes.

“Just… just tell me why,” he demanded faintly, rubbing at his nose and eyes, “why do I have to do all this? Why… why would the goddess be so cruel—”

“It was not her intention to be cruel.”

Master Link’s eyes widen, and I stiffen, both of us ‘surprised’ by my outburst, which had once again been completely unintentional.

But… but I know… I know… everything within her plan has a reason, a very good reason… and that reason was never to inflict cruelty.

“Master Link… this conversation… has caused a memory to surface… a memory of my time with the Goddess Hylia.”

“What is it about?” Master Link asks ‘cautiously’.

“Many of the details are still inaccessible,” I inform Master Link, “however… what I remember most was… was that she… was crying.”

I gaze directly into Master Link’s eyes as I inform him, “she was crying and begging… for your, the ‘hero’s’, forgiveness.”

“My forgiveness?” Master Link repeats in ‘disbelief’, “b-but… she’s the goddess! Sh-she-, I’m the one who should be begging for forgiveness, for my weakness a-and….”

His voice trails off as ‘bewilderment’ builds, his hands flapping erratically before he inquires, “why would the goddess need my forgiveness? This is Her plan, right? She… She wouldn’t make a plan like this… without a good reason, right?”

“My apologies, Master Link,” I reply, “I cannot give you an answer at this time.

“However,” I add, as another memory resurfaces, “I do know… that the goddess has faith in you… has always had faith in you. Thus, the likelihood of you succeeding in fulfilling your destiny has always been at 95%.”

“Will you ever give me a 100%, Fi?” Master Link asked with a laugh, cutting in before I can answer, “never mind, it was a rhetorical question.”

He then begins to prepare his bedroll, waiting until he has crawled inside and ‘tucked’ himself in to request, “can you sing for me again, Fi? Until I fall asleep?”

“Of course, Master Link,” I replied, maneuvering into a position that will not block the fire before beginning to sing the Ballad of the Goddess.

The rest of the night passes by relatively peacefully.

The stars shine brightly in the desert sky, clearly visible, the constellations easily identified through the knowledge stored within my memory banks.

A strange sensation builds in my chest as my gaze falls upon a constellation identified by Gorko, but it is quickly forgotten as Master Link emits a noise of distress.

Identifying the signs of a nightmare being experienced, I sang the Ballad of the Goddess once more, transitioning into some Goron lullabies the archaeologist had taught us during our time with him.

These finally ease Master Link back into a peaceful slumber; thus, I turn my attention to the fire, which has begun to grow low.

Once the flames have returned to a satisfactory level, I return to my place of vigil, ensuring no monsters or other possible wildlife will encroach upon our campsite.

The warmth of the flames against my skin brings forth memories of when I had been encased by the flames of Farore.

Master Link’s inquiry regarding the purpose of the Silent Realms and the flames immediately comes to mind, the Old One’s remark of the two of us growing together following soon after.

“The purpose for the trials,” I murmur, the search through my memory banks revealing no new information, “what was it? Why would this information be blocked or lost?”

The memory from earlier resurfaces, Lady Hylia’s face streaked with tears, yet blurred so that I could not completely register her features.

Another, fragmented memory surfaces soon after, of the Goddess hunched in pain, torn and broken feathers filling my vision before the memory cuts off.

Realizing any further inspections would bear no further results, I turn to Master Link once more, before directing my attention skyward, to the stars shining above.

“All we can do is move forward,” I state, eyes trailing after a 'shooting star', “and obtain the remaining flames as quickly as possible. This is truly… the only option.”

Master Link emits a sound of slumber, but not distress, his mouth curled in a peaceful grin instead of the terrified grimace from his time within the trial.

I move forward to brush a fallen lock of hair out of his eyes, a familiar stirring occurring within my chest as he hums and nuzzles against my wing.

“…we will succeed,” I state softly, “you are stronger than you know, Master Link… and will only become stronger.”

The night passes without incident and soon, we depart for the next flame….


Legitimately asking now: why do SO many people vilify Hylia? Is it just because of the scene to come in this story and the other scene in BotW? Or is there some other reason?

On a happier note: next time, we'll be meeting new characters and we get to gush at Link's first time seeing a proper sea... kind of....

Chapter 25: Beauty of the Seas


Fi and Link set off in search of Nayru's Flame, whereby they run into some new friends...


And here we are with one of my favorite areas in the game!

And yes, I AM one of those minority weirdos that loves BOTH versions of the sea, the water AND the sand sea.
Sure the sand sea has less color and the like... but the image of the clouds drifting above and the subtle shifting between the two states... IDK, I just really like them BOTH (and, for all we know, there are BotW sand seals swimming beneath that yellow expanse, just waiting to be discovered...)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Our search for the flames eventually leads us to a set of targets, clearly intended for the use of the Clawshots, which in turn leads us to the Lanayru Caves.

“So, we’re back in the mines?” Master Link inquires as he stares at the stone walls around us.

“I do not believe this was an established part of the mines, Master Link,” I reply as I scan the new area, “however, there is indeed a tunnel further ahead that would take you to an area we visited previously within the mines.”

“Okay, but why does it sound like someone’s mining here?” is Master Link’s next inquiry before he finds the answer himself.

“Oh, hello there!” a Goron calls, once he catches sight of us. “I almost never get visitors! My name is Golo, and yours?”

“Nice to meet you,” Master Link stated with a nod, “my name is Link.”

“OH, so you are Link!” Golo suddenly exclaimed with a laugh, “I should have guessed from the green clothing. Dr. Gorko described you in great detail the last time I saw him!”

“You know Gorko?”

“I am his assistant,” Golo informed us, “though my own research focuses on the legend of the three dragons.”

“There are three dragons?” Master Link inquires, “not just Lady Faron?”

“Lady Faron?” Golo repeats, before growing ‘excited’, “hold on! Are you saying you’ve met one the dragons?!”

“Uh, yes?” Master Link replies, a bit ‘uneasily’.

“Great Goron! You are just as incredible as Dr. Gorko said you were!” Golo cried. “To think you were able to not only locate but speak to one of the great dragons and even return to tell the tale!”

“Lady Faron wasn’t… that bad,” Master Link states, “you’d just have to make sure you’re on your best behavior and… well, getting to her hall is kind of difficult….”

“That is to be expected,” Golo replied with a sage nod, “even the dragon who resides within our own home country, Eldin, is difficult to approach, simply due to the area he resides within.”

The Goron’s gaze then travels to the blocked entrance he had been digging at previously, “and even here, it is proving difficult to reach the dragon that is said to reside in this area….”

“Well, I’m not actually looking for a dragon,” Master Link admits, “any chance you’ve heard of something called ‘the sacred flame’?”

“You are looking for a sacred flame?” Golo repeated as a hand came to scratch at his beard. “That sounds like something I have heard of before, but maybe not… give me a moment….”

Golo then proceeded to close his eyes, humming in concentration for a few moments, before emitting an exclamation as his free hand waved energetically.

“Sweet goro, I remember now!” Golo cried, “I read something about it in ancient scrolls that spoke of the Lanayru Sand Sea.”

“Sand Sea?” Master Link repeated, “what is that?”

“Just what the name describes,” Golo replied with a smile, “a giant expanse of sand that swirls in the desert breeze, just like a sea of water.”

At Master Link’s continued difficulty in comprehending what was being described, I added, “there are likely similarities to how the cloud barrier appeared before we created the openings. Any further descriptions would be best left after you witness the sight for yourself.”

“Oh, okay,” Master Link replied, before inquiring aloud, “so, did the scrolls say where in the Sand Sea I can find the flame? Or even where the Sand Sea itself is?”

“Hm, I am afraid I cannot remember all the details described within the scroll,” Golo admitted, before pointing towards an opposite corner of the room, “but you can get to the Lanayru Sand Sea if you just go straight through there.”

“Okay, I’ll check that out, then,” Master Link replied, waving as he turned away, “good luck in your search for the dragon! Oh, and make sure to be polite!”

“Will do, bud!” Golo called after us with his own wave, “and good luck to you as well! I hope you find the flame you are looking for!”

“Whooooaaa,” Master Link gasped once we had exited the tunnel, “so that’s what a Sand Sea looks like….”

“Indeed, Master Link,” I replied as I exited my blade. “This is Lanayru Sand Sea. This whole area was once a vast ocean.”

“So, it looked more like Lake Floria?” Master Link inquired.

“Yes and no,” I replied, “Lake Floria consists of fresh water, whereas this ocean would have consisted of salt water. In addition, it’s size would have been vastly larger than that of Lake Floria.”

Master Link once again attempts to wrap his head around that concept, while I resume my description of the area.

“But the water has all evaporated, and now the area is a sea of sand.”

I then directed Master Link’s attention to the structure that lay just before us, “signs indicate that this place functioned as a port, linking the land to the sea.”

“What is a port?”

“A port is a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload their cargo,” I replied, adding, “unlike your home within the sky, they did not possess creatures such as Loftwings that were capable of transporting items through the air. Thus, vessels known as ships were created to do so instead.”

“I see,” Master Link hummed, squinting at the area that lay before us.

“This area operated on a new form of power. There is 90% probability that the sacred flame is located ahead,” I concluded, to which Master Link replied with a nod.

“Let’s get down there, then,” he stated as he deployed the Clawshots.

After descending to the port below us, it was not until Master Link had ventured to end of the pier that a Timeshift Crystal was finally located.

“So, is this one of those ‘ships’, you were talking about?” Master Link inquired as he studied the vessel, which had the timeshift crystal fastened securely within a small generator and a cannon positioned at its bow.

“That is correct, Master Link,” I replied, “this is one of the smaller variations of a ship. And, given its proximity to the ship, I believe that robot wearing the abnormal hat, is its operator. Our odds of finding the Sacred Flame will increase dramatically if we can persuade this robot to aid us in navigating the sea.”

“I actually kind of like his hat,” Master Link commented as he readied the sword, “now, let’s wake the little guy up!”

The stone was activated and time rewound, a large circle of water appearing around the newly refreshed wood of the dock and swaying boat.

The timeshift crystal was then lowered beneath the boat’s deck as the robot whirred to life.

“Hmm… what happened, zzzt?” it inquired, before turning to face Master Link and I as we came to stand before him. “And who are you, bzzt? Some human, vrrrm?”

“Hello sir,” Master Link was quick to greet the robot, “my name is Link. And you are…?"

“Who am I, brrzrrt…?” the robot repeats, before straightening and declaring loudly, “I, sir, am the proud skipper of the ship that protects Nayru’s Flame, phweep!”

“Nayru’s Flame?!” Master Link exclaims ‘excitedly’, “really?!”

“Indeed, phoo-weep!” the skipper declared ‘proudly’… before suddenly slumping and adding ‘dejectedly’, “or, at least, I was….”

“What happened?” Master Link asked, descending to one knee to peer at the robot’s lowered face. “Skipper?”

The skipper hesitated for a moment longer, before it’s gaze drifted outward, towards the distant sands.

“It was the day of the storm, phoo-weep,” he began to recall. “My crew and I were navigating the seas as usual, vrrm…

“And then those brutes, bzzt… the pirates, suddenly attacked us, brrzt.”

Master Link was becoming more ‘concerned’ as the tale continued and the skipper grew ‘agitated’.

“They were after Nayru’s Flame, zzpt. My crew was imprisoned… vrrrt… and I was thrown to sea!”

The skipper’s gaze then drifted towards the shore, “I drifted on the current to this port, vrrrm…”

The robot’s giant hand then gestured towards the boat before us, “after that, I took this boat and went searching for my ship and crew, but they were nowhere to be found, bzzt.”

The skipper then turned to face us directly, his appearance now ‘sad’ as he stated, “it haunts me, wondering where my ship could be, phweep…”

“You… don’t think it sank, do you?” Master Link inquired ‘uneasily’.

“No, lad,” the skipper replied ‘resolutely’, “I’d bet my hat they’ve turned the ship invisible and are hiding out somewhere, vrrm! You just can’t see it.”

“Turned the ship invisible?” Master Link repeated in ‘confusion’.

“In order to protect Nayru’s Flame,” the skipper began to explain, “the ship has a function that allows it to become invisible, vweep….”

“If that’s true, do you think you can help us find it?” Master Link quickly inquired.

“You say you’re searching for Nayru’s Flame, bzzt?” the skipper inquired in turn, its tone becoming ‘wary’. “Now, what would you be wanting with the Flame?”

“I need it,” Master Link replied with ‘sincerity’, “please… it’s the only way to find someone… someone very important to me.”

“I see,” the skipper replied with an odd inflection in its mechanical tone. “So you need Nayru’s Flame to find someone important to you, vrrrm…?”

The skipper’s gaze then travelled towards the Sand Sea once more, before returning to Master Link and I as the robot declared, “in that case, you should help me search for my ship and crew, phweep!”

“You’ll let us come with you?!” Master Link inquired ‘excitedly’.

“As long as you’re willing to help me reclaim my ship, vzzzt, then of course I’ll let you on my boat!”

“Of course!” Master Link declared, hopping onto the boat right behind the skipper, emitting a cry of surprise as the boat rocked beneath him.

“Easy there, you landlubber, phoo-weep!” the skipper cried, “are you trying to capsize us?!”

“S-sorry,” Master Link quickly apologized as he fought to keep his balance, “I’ve never been on a boat before.”

“I can see that, vrrm,” the skipper remarked, eyeing Master Link ‘warily’, before setting to work on the boat, “let’s hope you’re a fast learner.”

Master Link only laughed nervously as I came to hover by his side, carefully lowering himself into a seated position as the skipper began to steer the ship away from the shore.

“Now first things first!” the skipper declared, once we were at least three feet away from the harbor, the magic of the timeshift crystal spreading far enough to transform the sand before us into water that the boat could progress through easily, “if we’re going to navigate these treacherous waters, we’ll need a proper sea chart, doo-weep!”

“I assure you that I can handle any navigational needs we may require,” I began to inform the skipper, but he quickly interrupted me.

“No sirree missy, vrrm!” he stated as he jabbed one of his large fingers my way, “as I just said, these are treacherous waters. I don’t care what kind of fancy installments you may have; a proper sea chart is a necessity!”

“Where can we find one, then?” Master Link quickly interjected, turning the skipper’s attention towards him.

“We need to set a course for Skipper’s Retreat!” the skipper declared as he took hold of the boat’s steering mechanism, “there’s a sea chart in my shack, bzzzt. It will allow us to set a course in search of my ship!”

“Will his chart have survived this long?” Master Link inquired.

“We will not know until we examine the state of his ‘shack’,” I replied as the skipper coaxed the boat into a higher level of speed.

“My circuits spark to life in the salt air, vrrm!” the skipper declared ‘happily’. “It feels good to take to the seas again after so long, brrzrrt….”

He then addressed us, “what about you, landlubbers? Doing all right on these choppy seas?”

“We’re fine,” Master Link replied with a ‘fond’ smile, “it’s actually not that different from flying on my Loftwing….”

“Loftwing, eh?” the skipper hummed, “I see… so you’re one of the humans that made aboard the island sent into the sky?”

Master Link’s body stiffened, before he turned to face the skipper, who peered back with its own mechanical gaze.

“Oh ho, was that a shock, cabin boy?” the skipper laughed, “indeed, I am a veteran of the Great War. I saw Lady Hylia raise your home high into the clouds before aiding her in the fight against our great enemy….”

“That thing in the pit?” Master Link inquired, “do you know what that is? No, wait, first, do you… do you know that—?”

“That our home has become a desert?” the skipper finished with a loud hum of circuitry, “aye, that I do lad. I suspect it has something to do with my exposure to the mystical energies of, not just the timeshift stones, but Nayru’s Flame as well….

“Now, no need to make that expression, lad,” the skipper added as Master Link struggled to find his words, “it is a bit sad that this grand sea I’ve sailed for so long becomes a sea of sand instead… but even still, there is sure to be life within Lanayru… one just has to look for it. “

And no matter if it be made of sand or water… I’m sure this sea is still a spectacular thing to behold!”

“…you’re right about that,” Master Link replied, his eyes dancing from the waters to the sands, both shifting gently with the winds….


Ah, Skipper... just how much DID that robot know?

Next time, we'll be rifling through his stuff and giving Link an after adventure goal to strive for! See you then!

Chapter 26: A Skipper's Retreat and a Pirate's Stronghold


The search for sea charts leads to a heart-breaking discovery within Skipper's Retreat.
Then later, after following the pirate's trail to their hideout, Fi and Link will finally come face-to-face with their first pirate! Will they survive the fight?


Quick shout-out to Becausef*ckyouthat'swhy (sorry for the censorship but, story rating XD) for giving me the idea for the maneuver Link pulls in the big fight for this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“We’ve arrived, vweep!” the skipper declared as the boat pulled up to the new harbor and we disembarked, the skipper carefully staying close to the mystical space of the timeshift crystal.

The skipper then extended one of its large hands as it declared, “my shack is at the very top, vrrm! Do you see it?”

“I see it,” Master Link assured the unit, “that’s where the sea chart we need is?”

“That’s right, zrrt,” the skipper replied, “and, obviously, you’re the one who will have to go get it, bzzt!”

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod… before his expression became ‘saddened’ as he inquired, “um… are you sure there isn’t anything else you’d like from there?”

The skipper’s body leaned back a bit, before turning to gaze at its shack once more.

“…no, lad… there’s nothing more that needs to be retrieved from there, bzzt,” it replied. “However… if you happen to encounter any other robots in there… can you make sure they aren’t covered in dust or sand, bzzt?”

“…yes, alright,” Master Link replied softly, before setting off in the direction of the shack.

“It would appear time has not been any kinder to the skipper’s shack than it had been for the Lanayru Mining Facility,” I remark once we enter the skipper’s shack.

“Looks like it,” Master Link agrees as he works to prop open the door, “let’s get all this sand out with the Gust Bellows and see if we can’t find that sea chart of Skipper’s….”

The Gust Bellows are thus deployed, Master Link carefully blowing each grain of sand out through the door.

He pauses, gazing ‘sadly’ at the two broken down robots, then returns to clearing the room with renewed vigor.

When a few Aracha burst forth from the receding sands Master Link is quick to dispatch them, before turning his attention fully to the robots.

As he examines them, I leave my blade in order to examine the chest that has been revealed.

“This chest seems to have withstood the hands of time quite well,” I remark after a quick analysis, “Master Link, I believe it would be best to search for the sea charts in here.”

“Just a sec, Fi!” Master Link calls from where he has withdrawn a small cloth, which he uses to cleanse the robots a bit further.

“There, hope that feels a little better,” he says to the robots, “sorry I can’t do more….”

There is no reply to his words, of course, yet Master Link still pats each robot gently upon their heads before turning to the faded portraits on the wall.

“This kind of looks like the harbor,” Master Link murmurs, “and one of the robots with some barrels… what are these big things hanging from the walls?”

“They are called anchors, Master Link,” I reply as I come to hover beside him, “and though these are clearly meant for decoration, they are usually attached to ships via a rope or chain, to be used to moor a sea vessel to the sea bottom. This prevents the ship from moving along with the tide….”

“Oh, right, there was one on the boat, too,” Master Link hums, before his gaze travels to the next portrait, “do you think that’s the ship we’ll be looking for?”

“There is a 90% probability that you are correct,” I replied, before directing Master Link’s attention to the portrait directly to the right of the chest. “I believe this confirms this is indeed the ship containing Nayru’s Flame. There is a 90% chance that the synthetic life-forms assembled here are the crew.”

Upon further study of the portrait, I added, “this image would indicate that the ship’s captain spent many happy days among his crew members.”

“Yeah,” Master Link agreed, though his gaze was now focused on the portrait located to the upper right of the previous portrait, “but I think this one indicates… that he had a pretty good reason to come back here….”

I turn my attention to the portrait Master Link is indicating, noting the appearance of two additional robots, who also appear in the upper right corner of the portrait bearing the ship and crew.

A further analysis, which includes the broken-down robots that reside within the shack, reveals a 90% likeness, thus revealing the possible relationship the skipper may have with these units.

Master Link has grown ‘sad’, yet there is also ‘determination’ as he kneels beside the broken-down units once more.

“Just hang on a little longer, okay?” he requests as he gently rests his hands upon the robots, “once this is all over… I’ll find a way to reunite you with Skipper. Be patient, okay?”

For a short moment there is the faintest spark of energy detected from the units, but it disappears quickly, and Master Link finally turns his attention to the chest, taking the sea charts in hand, before leaving the shack behind.

“You got the sea charts, vrrm!” the skipper cries as Master Link hands over the charts. “Now we can finally navigate properly, zrrt!”

The skipper then grows ‘somber’ as its gaze travels towards where its shack resides and it asks, “how… was it, in there?”

“There was a bit of sand,” Master Link replies ‘carefully’, “and… a few pests… but its all been cleaned out now…”

“Ah… good… that’s good to hear,” the skipper hums, its gaze still centered on the shack.

It then turns to Master Link, “that house holds many dear memories… of my family, vrrm.”

Master Link’s body stiffens, but the robot merely turns to face the shack once more as it comments, “I wonder when I will be able to go home, zrrt. I… really want to see my family again, phweep….”

“You will!” Master Link declares, ‘determined’, “you’ll definitely… definitely see your family again! I’m sure of it!”

The skipper remains silent for a moment, then suddenly emits something akin to a laugh as it states, “well, if the Chosen Hero says I will, then I suppose I best believe it!

“For now, though,” it continued as the skipper hopped back into the boat, unfurling the sea chart as it did, “we must find my ship as soon as possible!”

The skipper then placed one large hand upon the boat’s wheel, turning back to Master Link as it inquired, “shall we set sail, vrrt?”

“You bet!” Master Link cried as he jumped aboard.

“Now then, let’s take a look at this sea chart,” the skipper stated once we had cast off from the retreat.

The skipper then proceeded to unfurl the newly refreshed sea chart atop a barrel, its large finger tracing against the paper carefully.

That finger then retracted into a pointed nub, which was revealed to be a writing utensil as the skipper began scribbling upon the sea chart.

“As I mentioned earlier, I had managed to traverse the sea with my boat for a bit before returning to the port for supplies,” the skipper stated as it continued to write upon the chart.

It then stepped back and waved its large hand at the chart as it stated, “these are all the places I searched, in the hopes the pirates had set anchor after they had taken my ship.”

The skipper drooped as it informed us ‘dejectedly’, “obviously this was not the case… which means there is only one place left… perhaps the very first place I should have looked….”

The skipper then pointed to the upper left corner of the map, where a vague drawing of an unknown symbol lay, which he then circled.

“It took a great many years but now… I’ve finally pinned down the location… of the Pirate’s Stronghold….”

Master Link’s posture became more rigid at those words, his gaze sharpening as he took in the location the skipper indicated.

“Brrzrrt. Be aware lad… this will be no pleasure cruise,” the Skipper declared ‘gravely’, “The pirate captain is a mechanical maniac, zrrt! He’s got no shortage of evil underlings too, vrrm!”

The skipper’s gaze travelled to settle upon the distant horizon, “I never wanted to lay eyes on him again, brrzrrt. But…”

Its gears whirred before it turned to face Master Link, one large hand curling into a fist as it declared, “if we want to take the ship back, then we have no choice, phoo-weep!

“Tighten up whatever you humans have instead of bolts,” it cried as it took hold of the wheel once more, “and let’s get going, phoo-weep!”

Approximately two hours after sailing through the time reversed waters at high speed, we reached an area that was decorated with numerous pillars that sported ‘eerie’ robotic faces and horns.

They completely encircled the pier, onto which we disembarked once the ship had been properly secured.

“Heh, all these years at sea and yet… this place still has me shaking to my last screw, vrrm…”

The skipper was quick to shake his body left to right after this statement, large hands waving erratically, “which is ridiculous since, if you think about it, they should all be dead, brrzrrt!

“Right, the only reason I’m up and about like this is because of that Timeshift Stone on the boat, phoo-weep!” the skipper continued as Master Link took a few steps away from the shifted time sphere, “so I have nothing to worry about, vrrm!”

“You’re right,” Master Link chuckled, before growing serious, “still, that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down completely. Take good care of the ship while I go check out the stronghold.”

“Hey now, cabin boy! Don’t forget who’s the skipper around here, bzzt!” the skipper cried as a large fist was shaken in Master Link’s direction, “I’m the one giving orders here!”

“Right, sorry,” Master Link chuckled once more before straightening and ‘saluting’ the skipper. “Permission to leave ship to search the stronghold for clues, skipper?”

“Permission granted, phoo-weep!” the skipper proclaimed with a ‘satisfied’ whistle, before it, too, grew ‘serious’, “and don’t forget to listen to your own advice. No telling what those scurvy dogs might have left in that place.”

Master Link nodded, then headed ‘cautiously’ into the stronghold.

“Master, please take a look,” I requested once we had entered the pirate stronghold and a familiar aura was detected by my dowsing ability.

“This device looks like it is meant to hold a Timeshift Stone, but there is not one currently installed,” I informed Master Link as I exited my blade in order to hover beside the device. “There is a 95% chance that it is the same type of device as the ones we encountered in Lanayru Mine.”

“Okay but… where’s the stone that should be powering it?” Master Link inquired as he peered around the area.

“My dowsing indicates that a similar aura resides further down this hallway, Master Link,” I quickly informed him, gesturing towards the hallway in question, “I would suggest heading that way, immediately.”

“Let’s go then,” Master Link replied as he did as suggested.

Only a short distance away lay the source of the aura, a Timeshift Orb, sitting within a device similar to the one seen previously.

“Why would they make it an orb?” Master Link inquired as he stared at the Timeshift Orb ‘quizzically’.

“I conjecture that, unlike the Timeshift Stones we’ve seen, this devise was designed to be carried around and installed in different locations.”

Master Link then grew ‘excited’ as he turned to me and exclaimed, “wait, that could be the answer! Fi, would this device still work, even if we take it to a different area?”

“There is a high probability that it would, Master Link,” I replied, before adding, “if I may ask… why is it you wish to know that information?”

“Because this way, we might be able to help Skipper and his family!” Master Link declared, his eyes seeming to shine as they fell upon the device once more, “we just need to take this orb back to Skipper’s Retreat—”

“I’m afraid I can’t be letting you do that, laddie, kxxxxttt….”

“Master, watch out!” I cried, quickly moving to intercept the unexpected attack, the magic of the orb aiding in the speed of creating the magical space needed to access my battle abilities.

Metal screeched against metal as my wing clashed with the unknown adversary’s sword, a quick application of sacred energy aiding in pushing the enemy back.

“Fi!” Master Link cried in ‘alarm’, his shield and sword now in his hands as he came to stand beside me.

“I am alright, Master Link,” I informed him before withdrawing into the sword, “it would appear one of the pirates has managed to remain functional….”

“Well, now, fsh-shunk” the mechanical pirate rasped, its sword scraping loudly against the floor before it was lifted to point in our direction, a large sneer adorning its metallic face as it analyzed Master Link, “aren’t you a wee laddie to be sneaking into our stronghold? What business does a tiny human have with us, shhrrtt?”

‘Annoyance’ flared against the bond but was quickly pushed aside as Master Link levelled his own sword at the pirate, “my business is with the ship you stole from Skipper. I’m here to get it back!”

The pirate threw its head back as it laughed, the metallic coils of its ‘hair’ swaying beneath its crown.

“So, you be workin’ for that weakling, eh?” the pirate inquired, it’s large hook coming to rest behind its head as it gazed into the distance, “to think that failure of a captain of ours is still managin’ to function after all these years, kxxt.”

“You… were a part of his crew?”

“Aye, that we were,” the pirate replied, before sneering once more as it bent forward, its hook now pointed towards us, “until we realized how truly weak and incompetent he was, sshrt! How our odds of survivin’ and fulfillin’ our goals were much higher if we sided with the forces against the goddess instead of those who stood with her, ffrrkk-krrt!

“My brother, Scervo and I, Dreadfuse,” the robot, now identified as Dreadfuse, continued, “were always the strongest of the crew! Therefore, it was only right that we be the ones in charge! But that fool Skipper and his merry band of weaklings refused to see that, sshhrt-KONG!”

Dreadfuse then swung its hook forcefully, before bringing it level with its face as it continued the tale, “through trickery, they managed to drive us off the ship with the flame, frrrkxxx… but after assembling our own crew, with the help of our new lord, we were able to hunt them down….”

Dreadfuse smirked once more, “I can’t tell ya how satisfyin’ it was ta drive that scurvy dog Skipper off the ship and sail away, shovin’ the rest of his spineless crew into the brig!”

‘Anger’ was beginning to simmer against the bond, but Master Link remained silent, his body shifting into a more defensive stance as Dreadfuse grew ‘agitated’.

“Course, then that fool brother o’ mine abandoned me here, settin’ sail with the flame and the crew still locked in the brig,” Dreadfuse grumbled, “darn fool must’a short-circuited or somethin’.”

“So the ship’s no longer here?” Master Link inquired.

“Nay, it departed for parts unknown,” the pirate replied with a shrug, “nary to be seen for a good century. And all I got ta’ show fer the whole endeavor are a few useless sails and a broken mast….”

“Well, I might be willing to take the sails off your hands, at least,” Master Link offered, causing the robot to tilt its head.

“Now what would ye be wantin’ with some torn sails, laddie?”

“Well, my friend, the one you just crossed blades with, has this ability to track people, you see,” Master Link explained, “if you let us have those sails… we can track down the ship they came from, and your brother.”

“Can ye, now, kzzt?” Dreadfuse hummed, “sounds intriguin’… but what would be in it fer me, laddie?”

“The satisfaction of the ship being stolen from your brother?” Master Link offered, “his humiliation of being beaten by Skipper in the end?”

“Hmm, a mite temptin’, kxxx,” the robot hummed once more… before sneering at us as its sword came up to point at Master Link once more, “but malfunctionin’ fool or no, he still be me brother… and there’s still the matter of yer theivin’ to be dealin’ with….”

“And here I thought we could avoid a fight,” Master Link sighed, before rolling under the sudden swing of the pirate’s sword, the electric buzz humming loudly as it passed.

Managing to stop his roll right between the robot’s legs, Master Link immediately deployed his sword, the strengthened blade smashing through the connecting joints, causing it to topple over in a heap.

“That was for calling me a wee laddie,” Master Link declared as he walked over to where Dreadfuse was struggling to get its arms underneath what was left of its body.

It froze immediately as the tip of my sword came to rest beneath its beard as Master Link inquired, “now, where did you say those sails were?”

Once we found the sails and the dowsing ability was locked onto the signal for the ship that held Nayru’s Flame, we headed back to the harbor, where we were greeted ‘enthusiastically’ by the skipper.

“Link, voo-weet! It’s about time!” the skipper cried as Master Link hopped aboard the boat, “what took you so long, zrrt? And what’s that you got in your hand there, vrrm?”

“It’s a Timeshift Orb!” Master Link exclaimed ‘excitedly’, “with this, you might not have to be stuck to the ship anymore!”

“Truly, vweep?!” the skipper cried as it accepted the orb, giving it a quick scan, “zrrt, you are right, Link! Of course, some modifications will have to be made, brzzt… but this certainly does open up a number of possibilities….

“Those can wait, however, zrrt,” the skipper declared as it turned towards us once more, “was there any sign of my ship, vrrm?”

“Only a few sails, I’m afraid,” Master Link informed the skipper, quickly adding, “but thanks to them, Fi can now dowse for your ship!”

“Zrrt? Vweeeeet? Dowsing, you say, vrrm?” the skipper repeated. Well, shiver me timbers, phoo-weep! Who would’ve thought the lassie possessed such an ability, vweep!”

“I believe I tried to inform you of my dowsing ability when first we met,” I reminded the skipper, who merely waved a giant hand towards me.

“Now no need to be getting your wires in a twist, zrrt,” the skipper stated. "Wasn’t like we had something from the ship before to create one of those dowsing targets of yours, right?”

I was given no time to respond, as the skipper was already moving towards the ship’s wheel as it declared, “this time we’ll definitely find my ship, voo-whooot! Anchors aweigh, zrrm!”


Mwahahaha! The powers that come from manipulating the story within fanfiction, cutting down on the time-consuming dead ends, bringing more 'real world-ish' sense to game mechanics and moving a boss from one area to another while also creating a bit more backstory for everyone XDD

Join us next time when we finally track down that Sandship!

Chapter 27: Duty and Pride of a Robot


The newly made trio arrives at the Sandship, where Skipper must once again confront his old foe.

Meanwhile, Fi and Link try to free the crew whilst a greater danger swims below....


Skipper: "Hurry up, me hearties! My ship and crew await!" *Speeds off ahead*

Link: *Running after him* "Skipper, wait!"

Author: *Curled around Link's shoulders* "Yeesh, give the old boy a portable Timeshift Orb and he goes all 'Retired and Extremely Dangerous' on you...."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It took approximately one hour for the dowsing to pick up the aura of the sand ship, the skipper ‘eagerly’ heading in the direction indicated with a loud ‘voo-weep!’

Once we had reached the area where the dowsing reaction was strongest the skipper informed us, “there is a high probability that the ship is currently hidden from our view, phoo-weep. But if we attack it, then we might catch a glimpse of it, zrrt!”

“You want us to attack your ship?!” Master Link exclaimed.

“No worries, lad!” the skipper ‘laughed’, “she’s a tough old girl, bzzt! Plus, the invisibility also acts as a shield. The main focus will be bringing that shield down long enough for us to sneak aboard, zrrt!”

“If you say so,” Master Link muttered as he loaded and aimed the cannon once more.

Two additional shots were needed before the ship was finally revealed, its progression forward coming to a halt as electric currents flew through the air.

“Voo-weep! You did it, lad!” the skipper cried, its large hands flapping in ‘excitement’, “now, all we need to do is climb aboard.”

“We?” Master Link repeated ‘uneasily’, “aren’t you staying here? There’s no Timeshift Crystal activated….”

“What exactly did you think I was working on before, lad, zrrt?” the skipper inquired as it patted the new installment on its back.

This installment consisted of a cage, the Timeshift Orb shining within, with connecting straps attached to the skipper’s midsection and shoulders.

“With this, I can move around freely, without worrying about exiting the time shift, bzzt,” the skipper declared ‘proudly’.

“But what if,” Master Link began to argue, but the skipper was quick to interrupt.

“This is MY ship lad, vrrrt. And it’s my crew that’s being held hostage, zrrm… I can’t just stay behind, zzzt….”

“…alright,” Master Link finally sighed, the skipper emitting a noise of ‘satisfaction’ as we began climbing towards the ship’s deck.

“Looks like the coast is clear so far, bzzt,” the skipper remarked once we had made it onto the main deck, “no sign of any pirates.”

“Not in the present, at least,” Master Link replied, peering around himself, “I’m surprised there isn’t a Timeshift Stone anywhere….”

“That’s because it was retracted after our attack, zzrt,” the skipper replied as it pointed upward, “it usually resides atop that mast there. We’ll have to deactivate the security features to bring it out again.

“But before that,” the skipper continued as it headed for a set of doors before us, “there’s something I have to give you lad, voo-weep!”

“Nayru’s flame wasn’t the only thing we were safe-guarding, vrrt,” the skipper confided to us, once we had managed to get into its old cabin.

The skipper headed immediately to a chest that lay in the far corner, popping the lid open to then scrounge inside.

When it turned back to us, it held a new weapon, one that was at odds with its large, mechanical hands.

“This is the Hero’s Bow,” the skipper stated ‘solemnly’ as it handed the bow to Master Link, “it was commissioned by the goddess for you, her Chosen Hero, long ago, zzzt. We were charged with its safe keeping, alongside Nayru’s Flame, vrrt.”

“This bow will be quite helpful in dealing with targets that are out of range, Master Link,” I added as I exited my blade. “In addition, arrows can inflict a far greater damage than the Deku Seeds used alongside the slingshot given to you by the Kikwi elder.”

“Thank you, I’ll take good care of it,” Master Link informed the skipper, who emitted a ‘cheerful’ noise as Master Link secured the bow and quiver.

“Good, and now that the first gift has been delivered, vrrt,” the skipper stated as it headed for the door, “let’s go find my crew and retake my ship!”

After leading us to a hidden room where the ship’s Timeshift Stone had been stowed and activating the timeshifting magic, we then headed for the area the skipper labelled ‘the brig’.

We were immediately confronted by two Technoblin guards, which Master Link quickly dispatched.

Once the last of them had vanished within the familiar purple/black smoke, the skipper rushed to the cell containing its crew, which began to emit a cacophony of sounds when they spotted their commanding officer.

“Phoo-weep! Skipper you’re alive! Phoo-weep, vrrm, zrrt!”

“We thought for sure you’d gone to LD-AVY J0-N3S’s scrap yard, zzzt!”

“And leave my best crew behind, vrrm?! Never, zrrt!” the skipper declared as it tugged at the door to the cell. “Link, those pests wouldn’t happen to have dropped a key—?”

“Looking for this, ye pathetic excuse for a captain, kxxxt?” an unknown voice rasped, causing Master Link to grip the sword tightly as we all turned towards its source.

There stood yet another robot, this one bearing numerous similarities to the robot identified as Dreadfuse, most notably its size and large hook.

This one, however, bore colors more similar to the desert environment of the Lanayru Desert’s present and its hat bore more resemblance to the skipper’s.

“So, ye truly did manage to survive our last tussle ye scurvy dog, kzzt,” the new robot, most likely the Scervo that had first initiated the mutiny against the skipper, remarked as it strolled towards us, a key hanging from the tip of its hook.

“Of course I did, zrrt!” the skipper declared as it came to stand beside Master Link, “as if I could allow myself to become a rusted bucket of bolts on the sea floor when my ship and crew remained in your traitorous hands!”

“Better mine than your weak mitts, krraxxxttt!” Scervo cried as it drew its sword, electricity coating it as it spun. “And ta think you were such a weakling that ya even had to rely on a pathetic, wee human in yer trying to retake the ship!”

“Stand down, Link,” the skipper ordered, placing a large hand in front of Master Link’s body to prevent him from stepping forward, “it was our task to guard this ship and the sacred flame, now allow me this chance to reclaim them. You focus on getting my crew out of there, without the key, if need be….”

“Big words,” Scervo laughed as it slammed its electric blade into the wooden floor, “but can you even back them up? Ye don’t even carry a sword, kraxxt!”

“Ah, that’s right,” the skipper hummed as its large fingers wrapped around the featherlike decoration in its hat, “since you and Dreadfuse were assigned to the fighting squad… you never had a chance to see my own skills, vrrt!”

The mechanical feather was withdrawn from the skipper’s hat and the sound of whirring grew louder as the structural makeup of that feather was transformed.

A scimitar quickly appeared within the skipper’s hand, the blade swinging in efficient and precise slashes before being pointed at the traitorous pirate.

“Be advised that I am LD-301N Skipper, vweep!” the little robot proclaimed, “I am the captain assigned to this ship by the goddess herself! And I swear upon her name and all the seas that yet rage that I shall defeat you, voo-WEEP!”

“Let’s see you try, fu-ruuukkkxxx!!!!” the Scervo unit bellowed as it launched itself at the skipper.

Displaying skills far more precise and deadly than his appearance would indicate, the skipper managed to deflect the attack, even maneuvering the Scervo unit into the opposite direction as their swords clashed.

Through careful and clever application of swordplay, the skipper was soon leading the Scervo unit away from our current location, disappearing further into the bowels of the ship as the rest of the crew called encouragements and curses at the fighters.

Master Link, meanwhile, was caught in a myriad of conflicting emotions, his gaze sweeping from the cage that still held the remainder of the crew, and the corridor the skipper and his adversary had disappeared into.

“Master Link, in this instance it would be best to adhere to the skipper’s orders,” I advised as I left my blade and examined the lock upon the prison door.

“But what if he needs help?!”

“Analysis of the skipper’s fighting style and movements indicated a 70% chance of victory against the Scervo opponent,” I informed Master Link as I turned to address him. “And, while the conclusion of their previous confrontation would seem to lower those odds, I believe the time needed to circumvent this lock would leave more than enough remaining time for the two of us to go to the skipper’s aid, should it be needed.”

“The lass is right, lad, phoo-weep!” one of the captured units chimed in, “Scervo and his gang only prevailed because they got the jump on us that last time, vrrrmm. But the skipper, he’s the type ta’ not lose to the same opponent twice, vzzzt! So, for now, help us be gettin’ out of the brig so we can be helpin’ take back our ship, VWEEP!”

Master Link was just opening his mouth to reply when the ship suddenly encountered a collision, the force strong enough to send him to his knees as the robots cried out.

“What was that?!” Master Link cried.

Another of the robots replied before I could, it’s answer causing ‘alarm’ to build against the bond, “according to my sensors, something of incredible girth just collided with the ship. And these coordinates… Lanayru’s mighty thunder, why in the name of Hylia would that fool Scervo sail us here, VOO-WEEP!!!!”

“Where is here?!” Master Link demanded to know, but another hit against the ship meant that his question was left unanswered.

“Master, I believe it is imperative we release the robotic crew from their prison as quickly as possible,” I informed Master Link as he managed to climb back onto his feet. “As the Scervo unit has made off with the key, that leaves us with no choice but to pick the lock.”

“You know how to pick locks?!”

“I know a great many things, Master Link,” I replied, “now, we will first need a long piece of wire, a sturdy piece of metal, something akin to pliers and…”

Skipper emitted a loud curse as he only just managed to dodge Scervo’s latest attack.

He rallied, regaining his ‘feet’ and raining a flurry of blows upon Scervo, his blade’s hidden features dispersing the electric currents of Scervo’s own, thus ensuring his circuits wouldn’t get fried.

“Well, looks like ye truly were holding out on us captain, kxxt,” Scervo laughed as he dodged and blocked the attacks, “makes me wonder just why it was ye allowed yerself ta’ become the Goddess’s pet!”

“Seems you really have knocked quite a few gears and screws loose in that head of yours!” Skipper called as he jumped back, grabbing hold of one of the rigging lines and using it to swing behind Scervo.

He only managed to land one hit to the mutinous pirate’s back before their blades were clashing once more, Scervo howling in anger now.

“I am a loyal servant to Her Grace, Lady Hylia, voo-weep!” the skipper declared as he parried and thrust, ducking below a swing from Scervo’s hook, “a survivor of the dark war, a proud witness to the sealing of that accursed Avatar of the Void, vrrrt!”

“You are a fool, kraaaxxtt!!!” Scervo bellowed, his attacks becoming more violent and erratic, “tethering yourself to a goddess who left us to rot! Who allowed the great waters of Lanayru to evaporate into a dead sea of sand and corpses!

“What point is there in fighting me, kzzt?” Scervo asked, following Skipper up onto the mast, his hook gesturing outward, “when you know full well that there is no future for us in the world?! That all that awaits us and that precious son of yours is to live in a perpetual state of semi-conscious, helpless to anything but await the day your rusted body crumbles into dust, ffffrrkkrrt?!”

Skipper flinched, memories of his son warping horrendously with the vague memories of his time frozen solid, helpless to do nothing but watch the sun rise and fall upon the sands his beloved sea had become.

But then… newer memories overtook the old, of the refreshing magic of a timeshift stone swirling through his circuitry, a young human boy, only a few years older than his own, smiling down at him, so eager to help, in any way he could….

“You’re right, zzttt,” Skipper replied, “without the timeshift stones, we robots are no more than broken relics of the past… but!”

His sword came up and was thrust forward, pointing directly at the mutinous pirate’s face, “even if that is the case it is still our duty, nay, our privilege, voo-weet! To defend this land and the flame left by the gods, for those who still yet live! To ensure the future they are owed will come to pass, even if the only role left to us is to be the sand they traverse as they search for new lands, adventures, and treasures beyond belief, vzzzt!

“You and your new master, who would cage this world in the past, leaving it stagnant, forever denied access to new waters… for as long as a single spark of energy remains within this metallic body of mine, I shall fight, to forever deny you that which you seek, VOO-WEEEEP!!!!”

“Stubborn old fool, KRAAAAAXXXXXRRRRTTTT!!!!!” Scervo bellowed as he launched himself at Skipper, his electric sword crackling mightily, the lightning and thunder suddenly appearing overhead seemingly increasing the power outlet of the weapon.

They clashed once more, Skipper’s blade managing to deflect most of the blows until Scervo managed to lock their blades together, Skipper’s circuits working overtime against the weight bearing down on him.

Belatedly, Skipper realized that he had been driven nearly to the edge of the wooden beam they’d been fighting on.

When Scervo’s large hook was then raised, the mechanical madman cackling in triumph, Skipper knew instantly that he was in a dire situation.

“Well now, doesn’t this ring a bell,” Scervo cackled, the tip of his hook hovering a mere inch from Skipper’s eye, “we were in a very similar position in the past, weren’t we, shhhrrt? ‘Course back then, ye didn’t put up this much of a fight….”

Skipper was unable to reply, steam whistling from his joints as the sword continued to apply pressure on him.

“Back then, I simply tossed ye into the sea for the fishes to make a home of yer rusted corpse, shhrrt,” Scervo chuckled as he began to pull his hook back, “but this time… I’ll leave ya as nothing more than tiny scraps to decorate the sea floor, KRAAAXXXTTTTT!!!!!”

Skipper braced for the impact, images from his memory banks flashing before his eyes as that large hook came swinging towards him, its wicked point shining in the flashing lightning….

Then it was suddenly being flung away, Scervo screaming in pain from the arrow that was now imbedded within his arm.

Skipper used this brief distraction to roll away from his adversary, using one of the ropes to swing behind his nemesis as another figure swung over to stand beside him.

“Excellent timing, cabin boy, voo-weep!”

After the successful circumventing of the lock, Master Link and the rest of the robotic crew were quick to head for the deck, the collisions from below occurring in irregular intervals as we navigated through the ship.

Once the skipper and his opponent had been spotted engaged in combat atop one of the wooden beams that supported the main sails. Master Link was quick to ascend, intent on aiding the skipper with the fight.

When it became clear the skipper had been pinned and was about to receive likely fatal damage, Master Link had deployed the bow he’d been gifted, the illumination provided by the lightning aiding in sending the arrow through the enemy robot’s raised arm.

“Excellent timing, cabin boy, voo-weep!” the skipper had declared, once Master Link had joined him, sword drawn as we analyzed our opponent.

“Ideas Skipper, Fi?” Master Link inquired.

“Given the narrow space provided for this battle, it would be more effective to use thrusts attacks with your sword than to try to swing your sword widely,” I advised.

“I concur with that assessment, zzzrrt,” the skipper stated, “you focus on driving him backward and defending against his hook. I’ll deal with his sword, vrrm….”

“So now ye be needin’ the human welp ta come ta yer rescue, kxxt?” the Scervo unit called, its sword buzzing and shooting off electrical sparks as lightning flashed above us, “and here I though ye were finally willin’ ta fight like a man!”

“As the skipper unit is a robot and not a man, I fail to see how such a comment is meant to be insulting?”

“You really are a young lass, aren’t you?” the skipper unit muttered for some unknown reason before he and Master Link were rushing forward to engage the enemy.

True to our strategy, Master Link became focused on using thrusting techniques to force the Scervo unit backward, using his shield and sword to deflect any clumsy attempts made to assault either him or the skipper unit by the Secervo unit.

The skipper unit, in turn, parried and deflected all attempts to land a blow upon Master Link via the electric blade, even landing a multitude of hits upon the Scervo unit’s legs.

Eventually, the Scervo unit was teetering on the edge of the wooden beam, its arms flailing as it attempted to keep hold of its balance.

“So, this be it then,” the Scervo unit laughed, ‘hatred’ seeming to spark in its metallic eyes, “will ye be tossin’ me overboard, then? Just as I did all those years ago, kxxt?”

“That, or you could surrender, and we lock you in the brig, vrrm,” the skipper replied, its blade nestled against my own, just beneath the Scervo unit’s chin.

“And spend the rest of whatever days I have left with the humiliation of being defeated by you pathetic little bots, kxxrt? Never, krrrt….”

The Scervo unit was in the process of raising its blade, a true feat considering the circuitry of his arm had been severed, readying itself to strike… when something suddenly rose from the sea behind it.

The Scervo unit then screamed as it was grabbed by a large tentacle, which proceeded to drag him off the ship, into the unseen depths.

“What in Lanayru’s blue seas, vweep?!” the skipper cried as the ship shuddered once more, the lightning from above revealing a large rippling of the waters that lay just below us.

“Master, I am detecting signs of the lifeform from earlier. It appears whatever has been colliding with the ship previously is about to surface.”

“Something’s coming!” Master Link cried aloud, just as the mysterious creature rose from the depths.

“By the goddess, voo-weep! Don’t tell me that fool Scervo sailed us into the territory of the Abyssal Titans, vweep!” the skipper cried in ‘mounting horror’.

“Territory of the what?” Master Link cried, before inquiring, “what the heck is that thing?!”

“Target lock: Tentalus,” I responded as the creature in question roared. “As you can likely gather from its other title, this ‘Abyssal Leviathan’ is said to have been a tyrant of the ancient seas.”

“Watch it lad, zzzt!” the skipper cried as a large tentacle swept towards us, the unit and Master Link quickly jumping off the beam they’d been standing on as a large tentacle came crashing down on it.

“Be advised that those enormous tentacles can be repelled, but they will regenerate after a short time,” I added as Master Link landed lightly on the deck, quickly swiping water away from his eyes.

“Yeah, okay,” Master Link panted, “so, plan to make this leviathan thing go away?”

“Man the cannons, voo-weep!” the skipper bellowed as the rest of the crew made their way onto the deck, “first mate, take the helm and try to steer us out of this blasted leviathan pit!”

“Analysis indicates a low probability of success in that endeavor until the creature before us is either driven off or defeated.”

“Blast that Scervo and his co*ckamamie navigatin’,” the skipper cursed before issuing further orders, “all hands, concentrate all firepower on the beast! Don’t let those tentacles grab hold of the ship lest it try to capsize us!”

“Master, I would also advise it the usage of strategically placed Skyward Strikes. They may hinder the creature’s ability to regenerate the tentacles for a short time.”

“And I’m guessing that giant of eye of his would be the best way to destroy him?”

“There is a high probability for of your assumption being correct, Master Link, though the same cannot be said in your assumption of its gender.”

“Skipper! Have some of your guys aim for the eye! That should take this guy down!” Master Link called.

“Voo-weep! You heard him, men! Artillery squad, divide your focus between the tentacles and the eye! Show this bilge-sucking squid who’s boss!”

“Aye-aye, Skipper!” the other robots called as they quickly moved to follow orders.

The roar of cannons soon joined the rumble of thunder and the bellows of Tentalus, the creature growing further enraged as cannonballs continuously bombarded its body.

Robots screamed in alarm as tentacles slammed down upon the deck, Master Link and the skipper lashing out with their blades at any that tried to grab hold of either the ship or crew.

Master Link then cried out in alarm as one of the tentacles managed to grab hold of his waist, lifting us high into the air before the skipper could come to our aid.

“LAD, PHOO-WEEEEEEP!!!!” the skipper cried.

“Fi, idea?!” Master Link called.

Noticing the creature was drawing us closer to its face, I replied, “quickly deploy an arrow into the leviathan’s eye using your bow!”

Cannon fire continued to ring out around us as Master Link scrambled for his bow, the creature’s large yellow and red eye growing ever closer alongside its even larger mouth.

Finally, just inches away, Master Link finally managed to take hold of his bow, quickly loading an arrow, and drawing the string back before letting the projectile fly directly into the eye of Tentalus.

The monster bellowed and Master Link cried out in alarm as he was flung skyward, his body tumbling due to the momentum.

“Vweep! I’ve got you lad!” a mechanical voice called before large mechanical hands closed around Master Link, bringing his tumbling fall to an end.

“Thanks,” Master Link gasped, before pointing back towards Tentalus, “quick, see if you can get me over the monster’s head!”

“I’ll do my best!” the robot cried as it began doing as Master Link had bidden, swerving around lightning and flailing tentacles.

Once over the leviathan’s head, Master Link ordered the robot to drop him, causing the robot to cry out in ‘alarm’.

“Are you crazy, vreeet?! You’ll be killed, voo-weep!”

“Just trust me!” Master Link cried.

The robot emitted a string of curses but inevitably did as requested, Master Link drawing the sword once more, pointed downward as his body curled around it.

The leviathan’s hair-like appendages, once the creature had spotted us, rose to meet us, fanged mouths appearing at their tips before striking out towards us.

I quickly gathered, then dispersed about 50% of my spiritual energy, the holy attack vaporizing the appendages, causing the leviathan to bellow in pain once more.

A great flash of lightning crashed down, it’s energy seemingly drawn into my blade mere seconds before it made contact with the leviathan’s eye, Tentalus screaming in ‘agony’ as Master Link’s weight drove it downward.

The leviathan then erupted into the familiar purple and black smoke, the robot from earlier swooping in to catch Master Link’s free arm just as we began to fall once more.

“You did it, lad, phoo-weep!” the skipper proclaimed once we had been brought safely back to the deck, “you defeated the leviathan!”

“Only thanks to all of you,” Master Link chuckled as he and the skipper ‘shook hands’, “this was a team effort.”

“Indeed, vrrr,” the skipper ‘chuckled’, before growing ‘serious’, “and now only one task remains, zrrt… follow me, Chosen Hero of the Goddess….”

We were thus led to a hidden room within the ship, the symbol of the goddess rising from below in response to Master Link’s presence.

Without a word, Master Link drew the sword and lifted it skyward, sending the subsequent Skyward Strike towards the symbol once it was fully charged.

The symbol then absorbs the sacred energy, shining before sending the energy downward.

A blue flame then erupts from the pedestal, the robots standing a respectful distance behind us gasping in ‘awe’ at its appearance.

I pay them no mind as I exit my blade, hovering before the flame and extending my wings as four balls of blue fire converge upon me.

Now wrapped entirely by blue flame, I feel myself being sent far into the sky (with curiously no feeling of impact from going through the ship’s wooden frame).

I continue to climb a great distance, before finally plummeting downward, Master Link crying out in alarm just before I register an impact.

I look up, peering beyond the dancing blue flames to where he stands, instruction proven unnecessary as he raises his sword.

He then grunts in exertion as I and the flames enter the sword, his other hand coming up to steady the blade once more against the repeated impacts.

Then, once the last ember of holy flame enters the sword, coating it anew with sacred fire, he raises it skyward, completing the ritual.

The magic settles and my blade transforms, my own powers expanding and strengthening as Master Link takes a few practice swings with the new blade.

It is then returned to its sheathe, before Master Link emits a sound of confusion.

Extending my senses reveals his hand extended, the back glowing with the symbol from before, except now the bottom left triangle is glowing as brightly as the bottom right.

New information flows within my mind, and I exit my blade to inform Master Link.

“With your sword enhanced, you can learn a new melody. I recommend we return to the Isle of Songs.”

“So, we’re not going to talk about you flying high enough to reach Skyloft then bashing into the ground or the weird symbol that showed up on the back of my hand again?” Master Link inquired.

“My sensors indicated I was far short of reaching Skyloft’s altitude.”

“…and the symbol on my hand?” Master Link repeated.

“That is information the goddess will reveal to you when the time is right,” the skipper answered in my stead as it came to stand next us.

Its eyes then closed, and its hands waved energetically as it stated, “thank you once again for your aid in recovering my ship, vrrm. The old girl may have some new battle scars on her, but we’ll get her back into peak condition in no time, vrrt.”

“That’s good to hear,” Master Link stated, before growing ‘worried’, “and… what about your family? Will you see what happens with the portable Timeshift Orb or….”

“I might, bzzt,” the skipper hummed as it gazed off into the distance, “it… would be wonderful to see those two again, vrrm… however, as there still exists those who would seek the flame to hamper the Goddess Hylia’s plan… it may yet be too dangerous to go to them, zzrt…

“And on that note,” the skipper quickly added with a more ‘cheerful’ note to its tone, “I wish you the best of luck in finding whomever it is you’re looking for, phweep!”

“Skipper,” Master Link murmured.

But the skipper merely continued to smile as it stated, “come visit again. You’re welcome anytime, vweep!”


Feels like this became one of the longer chapters again... worth it, though.

Hopefully I managed to do this area of the game justice or made it a bit more enjoyable for some of you *peers at comment made in chapter 22 concerning the area's final boss*

Comments are super appreciated (especially after the extra battle waged with laptop's fritzing mousepad almost destroying this latest chapter *insert cursing here*) as well as kudos!

See you in the next chapter... once I finish crying over Skipper and his fam *grabs fluffiest stuffed animal*

Chapter 28: The Trial of Din


Fi and Link return to the Isle of Songs once more to receive the final song that will lead to the third trial....


My pessimistic side was correct *insert sounds of panicking here* this last Silent Realm was NOT good for my nerves (a thousand curses on the Waking Water)

Enjoy my and Link's suffering...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once back in the sky, Master Link was eager to set off for the Isle of Songs immediately.

“Did you not make an agreement to first return to Skyloft and enlist the accompaniment of your Instructor, Owlan?”

Master Link flinched, then sighed, “right… forgot about that… and I should probably grab a few more potions and… switch out my shields again….”

“As the only area left for the next trial gate to reside in, and the fiery nature of Eldin, I agree that replacing your current shield with a metallic one would be in your best interest. I also agree that the proper number of potions is vital to ensure your physical wellbeing.”

“Alright, alright….”

The Crimson Loftwing, having apparently already decided that Skyloft was in fact the final destination instead of the Isle of Songs, arrived a mere few minutes after Master Link’s acquiescence.

He then flew directly over the Academy, giving a piercing cry behind us as we descended, before flying off, the Academy doors opening soon after Master Link landed.

“Ah, I thought that was your Loftwing’s call,” Instructor Owlan, the subject of our previous discussion, hummed as he took in Master Link’s appearance. “Come in, the headmaster will want a report….”

Thus, we found ourselves back in the headmaster’s office, giving him and the other instructors a summary of what had occurred within the Lanayru Desert.

“So now only one flame remains,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed, “and then you’ll finally be able to reunite with Zelda….”

‘Excitement’ and ‘relief’ bubbled against the bond at those words, though they transform into ‘seriousness’ as Instructor Owlan speaks up.

“First, though, you’ll have to finish that last test of the Goddess, the ‘Silent Realms’ you called them?”

“Uh… yeah,” Master Link hummed, causing all three instructors to gaze at him, brows furrowed, before he hurriedly added, “b-by the way, any progress on finding Lord Levias?”

“No,” Instructor Owlan sighed, “no one has seen or heard a single thing from him… and the only place left to look is the thunderhead, where he was last seen.”

He then directed his gaze upon Master Link, a white brow raising ‘pointedly’ as he added, “how fortuitous that you also have need to visit the thunderhead at the same time. This way we can go together, you and I….”

“Yes sir,” Master Link replies with an odd inflection to his tone, which causes the headmaster to laugh as Instructor Owlan delivers a soft blow to Master Link’s head.

The subsequent trip to the thunderhead results in the instructor’s words proving quite accurate, the number of Skytails descending upon us a far greater number than ever before.

The addition of the more experienced warriors, man and bird alike, prove highly advantageous in driving the monsters back, both Loftwings diving into the temple quickly as the entrance slams shut upon our pursuers.

“Okay,” Master Link gasps as his adrenaline begins to fade once he registers we have finally reached safety, “you were right about this place being… challenging…”

The instructor emits a huff of a noise which bore numerous similarities to a laugh at Master Link’s words but chooses not to comment further on the statement, his attention quickly stolen by the temple we stand in.

“Unbelievable,” he breathes as he gazes first at the temple walls, then floor, moving forward to inspect the area further in, “this place was always locked tight, inaccessible to all. To think I would one day stand within these sacred walls….”

Master Link chuckles as he watches the instructor’s actions before stepping forward himself, the sword sliding easily from its scabbard as he comes to stand before the crest.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” he informs the instructor as he readies a Skyward Strike and sends it forward.

The instructor emits an exclamation of amazement at the sight, gaze fixed upon the spinning seal before emitting a cry of alarm alongside Master Link as the ground beneath them begins to rise.

“The last statue was below us?!” Master Link cries, the echo bouncing alongside the goddess’ singing as new information flows into my mind.

“Master Link, I have important information,” I inform him as I exit my blade, hovering before Master Link as a spotlight appears from above.

“When you struck the crest with a Skyward Strike from your sword,” I continued as both males train their eyes on me, “a message from the goddess awakened deep within my memory.”

“Is this what usually happens?” I hear the instructor inquire quietly.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Master Link replies as he withdraws the Goddess Harp.

“The goddess intended this message for you, Master. These are her words.”

With that, I move into the first position, turning right and taking a step forward as I lift my wings, my right leg extending behind me as I lean forward, my right wing lifting as my left lowers.

“He who seeks the sacred flames, listen well, for I am the one guiding you from my place at the edge of time.”

I spin right, bending my left leg as the right extends, my wings flared outward.

“The last of the sacred flames still eludes you. To obtain it, you must claim another sacred gift.

“For each trial you overcome, you shall be blessed with another gift.”

I turn left and leap forward before beginning to spin.

“Make use of the power of these gifts, and you will most certainly find the path to the sacred flames.

“Now, I bestow unto you another melody. Let it serve as a key to unlocking your final trial. It awaits you upon Eldin Volcano.”

I come to a stop, facing Master Link, my left leg extended behind me, my right wing lowered while my other is raised skyward as Master Link prepares the Goddess Harp.

Red light encases me this time, as I bend low, gathering strength in my legs before leaping forward, feet tapping against the opposite wall for only a second before I leap once more.

My right leg bends as my left extends behind me, my wings extended for balance before I straiten, hopping forward into a series of twirls as I progress upward.

The strings of the harp join in as I move away from the wall, my feet now pointed skyward as I continue to twirl, speed increasing and wings extending outward before I am compelled to bring them close to my sides as I gather power in my legs once more.

Red light trails behind me as I fly in a loop once, bank hard into a sharp turn and circle in a different direction before shooting skyward, spinning as the red light gains strength and engulfs the room.

The Goddess screams in challenge as red fades to white before the Loftwings appear once more, the instructor’s voice calling out as the guardian birds fly around him and Master Link, who continues to play the song with steady fingers.

Everything fades to red, then white one final time, Instructor Owlan gazing upward, arms extended and palms facing the same direction, as the red particles rain down from above.

“According to my records, that song you just heard is called ‘Din’s Power’. Use this song of might to locate the last trial,” I inform Master Link as the dais he and the instructor stand upon begins to lower.

I descend as well, coming to hover by the crest as I add, “I have committed Din’s Power to my memory. Now you have the ability to use dowsing to locate the gate to the final trial.”

“Remarkable,” Instructor Owlan mutters, the man’s gaze roaming about the room slowly before coming to rest upon Master Link, “has something like that happened every time you visited this place?”

“More or less,” Master Link replies as he stores the Goddess Harp, “though of course, there were other songs played… and different statues for each song….”

“Fascinating… utterly fascinating,” the Instructor remarks, his right hand rising to cup his chin as he begins to pace, “to think statues which appear to be made entirely of stone were engineered not only to reveal themselves in such a fashion but to sing, their mouths even moving in time with the melody….”

“Master, I suggest you travel to Eldin Volcano at your earliest convenience,” I stated as the instructor continued to mumble and pace, “with your current equipment and items, you would be well prepared for the fiery terrain….”

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod, before turning to address the instructor, “what do you think Instructor Owlan? Should we hang out here a while longer or…?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, my apologies,” the instructor replied as he turned his attention our way, “let’s check the condition of our birds. Assuming they are ready to venture back into the thunderhead once more, I’ll escort you out, then return here, to see if I can gather any further information regarding either your quest or what might have happened to Lord Levias….”

“Sounds good,” Master Link replied with a nod as we made our way over to where the Loftwings were resting.

The newest Trial Gate is found near the mouth of the gate where we first encountered the Servant of the Goddess, Impa, the Blessed Butterflies flying energetically around the area of the goddess aura which marks the location of the Trial Gate.

Master Link gazes up at the physical gate, before his eyes trail down to gaze upon the area the goddess aura emanates from, heavy emotions falling upon the bond once more, most notably ‘anxiety’.

“Master Link,” I call softly as I exit my blade, “as you have already conquered two previous silent realms, the probability of your successfully completing this one is at 95%. And should you encounter trouble, know that I will be watching over you, and will assist as much as I am able….”

“…I know, Fi,” Master Link replies just as softly, his eyes closing and head tilting as he smiles at me before he pulls out the Goddess Harp and steps forward.

The symbol of the gate appears, and I move to hover over it, performing Din’s Power alongside Master Link as the goddess aura responds to the magic of the harp and the song.

“Thrust your sword into the center of the mark and open the way to a new Silent Realm,” I instruct Master Link, who nods before moving to do just that.

He spares one last glance in my direction, ‘apprehension’ trembling within the blue spheres, before he inhales sharply and brings the blade down into the center of the gate, his body glowing as the trial calls to his spirit once more….

“Master Link,” I call as the Blessed Butterflies come to rest upon his still form, a few even landing upon my head and shoulders.

“You stand within Din’s Silent Realm, the third trial,” I inform him as he gazes upward. “It will test the limits of your power.”

Master Link nods along as I continue, “to locate the last flame that will enhance your sword, you must first complete this final challenge and achieve spiritual growth once again.”

Master Link grimaces as the Spirit Vessel appears once more, his eyes squeezing shut as I add, “when your vessel is full, your spirit will grow and you will be entrusted with a new power by the goddess.”

Master Link inhales deeply, a shudder coursing through his body as he catches sight of a Guardian directly to his right, a tear sitting before it.

“Know that I will be keeping a close record of your progression through the trial, Master Link,” I reminded him as he hesitated at the edge of the flower, “though I am still unable to join you within the trial itself, I will aid you to the best of my abilities.”

This brings a smile to Master Link’s face once more before he slaps his hands against his cheeks and takes his first step outside the protective circle.

The collection of the first tear, which had been spotted just before Master Link departed from the protective circle, nearly proves disastrous as the Flying Guardian displays its speed once again.

Master Link manages to roll underneath the swinging scythes and lunges for the tear, sneaking carefully past the Guardian who had come to rest in its previous position.

The sharp incline then proves to be a challenge, a Watcher spotting Master Link and awakening the Guardians, who catch him just as he reaches the top.

He gasps and shudders once he is returned to the protective circle, and I call out when he curls in on himself.

He takes a few more deep breaths, then climbs to his feet, the second attempt to ascend that area far more successful as he manages to grab hold of the Stamina Fruit that sits there, eating half before throwing the rest to distract the Watchers.

He then performs a risky maneuver to grab a second tear that lies upon that slope, sliding down into the light of a Watchers lantern, whose scream awakens the Guardian who stands directly to the right of the next tear.

Master Link is able to angle the slide of his body and speed, slipping by the Guardian just as it raises its weapon to grab the tear, sending it back to sleep once more.

Master Link wastes a few precious seconds gasping and trembling after that, before setting out again, collecting the tear that lay closest to his protective circle before venturing out once more.

There is a close call as a bridge Master Link uses to cross the lava begins to sink under his weight, his cry of alarm alerting a Watcher, who heads his way.

He is able to avoid it, however, grabbing the next tear with a sigh of relief as he moves on.

Master Link proceeds to clear that section of tears, but ‘panic’ begins to build as he is unable to find anymore, a near slip on another of the sinking bridges leading to the last petals of the flower that marks his safe period to fall.

Red fills the area as the Guardian awaken anew, Master Link’s breathing in the real world speeding up as ‘fear’ and ‘panic’ burn against the bond.

He manages to spot a tear to his left and sprints toward it, another of the flying Guardians hot on his tail, its scythes swinging dangerously close.

Master Link makes a desperate dive, his fingers scrambling for the tear, collapsing to the ground as the peaceful state from earlier returns.

He sobs and trembles, curling in on himself as his breathing continues its uneven rate, ‘relief’ mixing oddly with ‘terror’ against the bond.

When two precious petals fall from the flower and Master Link has yet to move, I call out, then begin to sing the Ballad of the Goddess.

This, as hoped, finally eases the frantic beating of Master Link’s heart and the emotions clamoring against the bond take on a far calmer aspect as he finally manages to make it into a sitting position.

His hands come up to wipe at the wetness on his cheeks, a few additional tears eking out as he hiccups a quiet “thanks Fi.”

“It is my pleasure, Master Link,” I reply, “be advised that, by my estimate, only three tears remain. There is a 95% probability that, if you maintain a calm mindset, you will be able to locate the remaining Tears and be able to return to this world safely.”

He murmurs another word of gratitude, wiping his face with his sleeve before finally climbing to his feet and setting off once more.

There is a moment of hesitation when he enters an unknown location, the area clearly made of molten rock, with lava shining through multiple cracks.

There is no heat source to endanger him, though, since the realm he resides in, and his current form, is not affected by such things. Still, ‘relief’ blooms when he clears that area of the Tears it hides, and he is able to move on.

‘Tension’ then grates against the bond as he is faced with yet another incline, this one dotted with pools of Waking Water.

His ‘tension’ is proven to be well founded, as one single slip has him sliding past the tear and directly into the water, the area turning red once more as the Guardians come to life.

He dodges one, then another, racing desperately for the air current that will return him to the top.

The cave from earlier is traversed once more and he finds himself upon the slope again.

This time, he manages to grab hold of the Tear, the final one, collapsing onto his hands and knees when he manages to return to solid ground without hitting any further pools of Waking Water.

He shudders and gasps for a moment but assures me that he ‘is fine’ when I call out to him once more.

“You still need to return to the entrance of the trial in order to prove you have indeed passed and can receive the proof of your spiritual growth,” I remind him.

He nods, then climbs to his feet, his gait unsteady alongside his breathing outside of the trial.

Master Link manages to return to the entrance without incident, however, and ‘relief’ and ‘joy’ flutter in a similar fashion to the Blessed Butterflies as he enters the circle that marks the gate and the end of the trial.

“Welcome back Master,” I greet him as his eyes drift open and he sighs in ‘relief’ once more.

I then direct his attention to his hand, which grips something alongside the sword, tucked safely in his palm, “I conjecture your newly acquired Fireshield Earrings will allow you to safely travel in extremely hot areas.”

Master Link gazes down at the earrings, the bond strangely ‘numb’, before he suddenly sits down, rather heavily.

“Master?” I call, beginning to perform a scan of his vitals, but he simply waves his hand in an up and down motion.

“I… I’m okay, I, I just… need a minute….”

“Understood, Master Link,” I reply, extending a wing which he quickly takes hold of with his free hand, his face snuggling against it, “I would also recommend taking this time to ingest some fluids, as your vitals signs indicate slight dehydration.”

“Mm-hm,” Master Link hums, carefully placing the Fireshield Earrings atop his folded leg before moving his pack so that he can search for the water.

His hands shake a bit as he takes hold of the canteen, and he takes a moment to breathe deeply before unscrewing the cap and beginning to drink.

“Fi… can you sing again, please?” he requests, peering up at me, his face still streaked with tear marks.

“Of course, Master Link,” I reply with a nod, “then, I shall begin with the Ballad of the Goddess…?”

Master Link nods and I begin to sing, half of the Blessed Butterflies flying in a similar fashion to the songs tempo while the other half converge upon Master Link, settling upon his head and shoulders, delicate wings brushing gently against his cheeks as if to wipe any further tears away….


I also needed a minute after that *insert half-crazed, hysterical laughter here* (again, curse the Waking Water and the sliding areas too!!!)

A special thanks to the saviors of YouTube who create walkthroughs of these awful realms, legitimate lifesavers....

Next chapter will be up once the jitters go away... and hopefully before they start digging around in my neighborhood (I have been warned there's a chance our internet and the like might be knocked out in the process -_-)

Chapter 29: New Area with an Old Friend


After recovering from the last Silent Realm, Link and Fi set out to find the next flame. Along the way they reunite with a friend before coming upon an obstacle that will need the assistance of someone not-so-friendly to overcome....


And we are back with another chapter! Woo! And the game presented another opportunity to add a friend to the party again!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Eventually, Master Link’s physical and emotional states regain their balance and we set off to search for the flame once more.

Having already found a new area that he wished to explore during his time in the Silent Realm, Master Link is quick to head for the cavern of molten rock, hesitating at the very edge of the safe area as he fiddles with the Fireshield Earrings that now adorn his earlobes.

“So, you’re sure these earrings will prevent me from bursting into flames when I walk in here and all those other things you warned me about?” he asks.

“I am, Master Link. The magic contained within these earrings is strong. It is unlikely you will even feel discomfort from the heat within this chamber, let alone suffer any damage.”

“Okay,” Master Link replies, though ‘apprehension’ still wavers against the bond as he takes his first hesitant steps into the new area.

The magic of the earrings activates instantly, creating a barrier around his body thus protecting him from the heat emanating all around us.

“Master Link,” I call as he stands stiffly within the entrance, “as expected, the Fireshield Earrings have been activated and are currently engaged in protecting you from the volcano’s fiery interior. In addition, your internal temperature has actually lessened by about five degrees….”

“Okay… okay,” Master Link breathes in ‘relief’, “right, should’ve known better than to doubt you, Fi. Okay… let’s see what we can find in here, then....”

“If I may, Master Link, I would suggest taking the path directly in front of you….”

“I have a status report for you, Master,” I inform Master Link once new information is revealed to me as we enter another previously unknown area. “We are now near the crater at the peak of Eldin Volcano.”

Master Link peers around at our surroundings with a mixture of ‘curiosity’ and ‘wariness’ as I continue my report.

“I am detecting extremely high temperatures in this area. However, your Fireshield Earrings will allow for extended periods of exploration.”

“But we still shouldn’t linger too long, right?” Master Link inquires to which I respond in the affirmative.

“I calculate the probability of finding the final sacred flame here at 90%. I recommend searching for flames.”

“Red flames,” Master Link adds as he holds up one of his fingers, “since that was the color of the sparkles at the end of your dance and the other two flames matched the colors of the sparkles at the end of their dances too.”

“An excellent observation, Master Link,” I replied with a nod, “very well, I shall add the color red to my dowsing targets as well.”

I withdraw into my blade once more as Master Link chuckles before heading forward….

The next few minutes spent in exploration does not yield the location of the Sacred Flame, though we do happen upon a spring of water, which I advise Master Link to use to refill his empty canteen, once my analysis reveals it is safe for him to drink.

He has only just finished this endeavor and applied some of the water to his face and the back of his neck when a familiar aura appears on my radar.

“Master Link, it would appear that Gorko is heading directly for us," I inform Master Link who blinks before a large smile appears upon his face.

“Gorko is here?!” he cries as his head whips around ‘excitedly’, “where?!”

Given the current position of Gorko’s aura, I simply point in the direction and Master Link calls out in greeting as our associate appears from cavern entrance.

“Oh, hey!” Gorko calls back with a similar level of exuberance to Master Link. “You’re here! How have you been, bud?!”

“I’ve been fine,” Master Link chuckles as we all gathered together, “what are you doing here? I thought you were still hanging out in Faron Woods?”

“I was,” Gorko replies with a nod, before growing ‘serious’, “and while I was there… I got to talking with the elder who resides in the Sealed Temple….”

“You spoke to her?” Master Link repeated, before growing ‘uneasy’, “um… did you run into another human there, too? He’s a lot taller than me, with red hair….”

“Are you talking about Groose?” Gorko inquired, “yes, I met him. A tad on the rude side, but not too bad. I was actually helpin’ him out with some research on bomb flowers….”

“Bomb flowers?” Master Link repeated with ‘dread’ building against the bond, “what… why would he be researching them? How’d he even find out about them?!”

“Apparently the elder told him about them,” Gorko replied with a shrug, “in fact, it was the elder who started the whole conversation, before directing me here, so I could help you.”

“Help me?”

“You’re looking for the sacred flame that resides within Eldin, right?” Gorko inquired. “Well, it just so happens that the sacred flames were also a part of my research. I had only just finished combing through the archives back at the Goron Academy of History before coming here….”

“That’s pretty good timing, then,” Master Link laughed, “Fi and I are looking for it now, too! I don’t suppose you’d be willing to team up again?”

“Took the words right out of my mouth!” Gorko replied with his own chuckle, a big hand rubbing gently atop Master Link’s head, before we headed back into the maze of caverns within Eldin Volcano….

“Well now… talk about intriguing!” Gorko hums when, after emerging from the caverns, we find ourselves in a paved area.

Directly in front of us, easily drawing our attention its way, is a large statue of a frog with glowing red eyes and a gaping mouth, pink tongue hanging outward. And, below the frog, lays an entrance, though it is completely blocked by columns of flame.

“That has got to be the biggest frogs I have ever seen!” Gorko declares, hands resting on his hips as he gazes up at the statue.

“That thing is a… frog?” Master Link inquires with ‘curiosity’.

“A frog is a type of fauna that resides here upon the Surface, Master Link,” I begin to explain, “it is a tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping.”

“They’re usually found within areas like Faron and maybe the Lanayru Region before it became a desert,” Gorko adds, before stroking his beard as he hums, “strange, though. Why would there be a statue of one of these creatures here?”

“Is it really that strange?” Master Link inquires.

“Yep, it is, bud,” Gorko replies with a hum, “from what I’ve learned during my time in Faron, this would be the worst kind of place for a frog. Even if it managed to survive the heat, the poor thing would die of thirst pretty quickly….”

“…it does look kind of thirsty,” Master Link hums in turn as he studies the statue. “Maybe, if we give it some water, it will get rid of the fire beneath?”

“Hmm… it’s a good a theory as any,” Gorko replied as he scratched the back of his head, "but that is a seriously big frog. I doubt the amount we have in our canteens would be enough to quench it….”

“Well, that spring from earlier isn’t too far away. We could fill whatever containers we have and just… set up a relay?” Master Link suggests to which I quickly interject.

“Unfortunately, Master Link, as this mechanism appears to be formed by magic, the probability of that plan succeeding would be less than 15%, as the magic would absorb the water far too quickly to be used to extinguish the flames.”

“Seriously?” Master Link groaned as his shoulders slumped. “Too bad we didn’t run into these things back in Faron, those falls would’ve given us plenty of water….”

His eyes then opened wide and ‘excitement’ suddenly began dancing against the bond, Gorko dancing himself as he cried aloud at the exact moment as Master Link.

“The Water Dragon!”

“She had that big basin she was using to soak in with the sacred water!” Master Link cried.

“Plus, she is the Water Dragon!” Gorko added. “If all else fails, perhaps you could simply ask her to use her powers on the flames instead.”

“I would advise against using that plan, as the previous encounters with the Water Dragon would indicate a very low probability of success,” I chimed in, before turning to Master Link. “Additionally, from the proportions of the basin recorded previously, there is an 85% probability that filling it alone should provide enough water to extinguish the flame.”

“Which means we just have to hope she’ll let us borrow it,” Master Link replied with a nod.

“Won’t that be a bit heavy for you though?” Gorko inquired. “Not to doubt your strength or skills bud, but….”

“We’ll… figure that out when we get there,” Master Link decided before addressing me once more, “let’s head over and talk to Lady Faron, first.”

“I see,” Lady Faron hummed, once we had reached her domain and explained the situation to her, “so in order to extinguish the flames that block your path to the Sacred Flame, you wish to borrow my water basin as well as some water from here?”

“Yes ma’am,” Master Link replied with a nod, “if only for a short amount of time. I promise we’ll do our best to return it quickly and undamaged….”

“You needn’t worry so,” Lady Faron replied with a flick of her hand, “as I have recovered, I have no intention of having to soak in that basin again soon! Begone with it. It’s yours to use as you please.”

“Huh? Oh, uh, I-I mean, th-thank you, ma’am!” Master Link replied hurriedly as he bowed, “u-um, we’ll take very good care of it!”

The Water Dragon merely waved her hand once more before heading off further into her hall, the Parella quickly following behind her, leaving Master Link and I alone with the basin.

Upon exiting my blade, I quickly informed Master Link, “due to its large size, in order to transport the Water Dragon’s basin to the volcano, you will need to enlist the service of that transport robot. Shall I send word to him?”

“Guess we don’t really have a choice,” Master Link sighs.

He then inhales deeply and moves into a more defensive stance for reasons I do not comprehend as he says, “okay, go ahead and call him….”

“Understood, Master. I will call him at once,” I replied as I opened the channel of communication.

The sound of a propeller could be heard within seconds, the voice of the robot calling out as it descended, “Mistress Fi, bzzzt! My deep apologies for keeping you waiting!”

“You needn’t worry, the time between my call and your answer was of a suitable length,” I reply, which causes the robot to begin to spin and wave its hands once more.

“I am so very glad to hear that Mistress Fi, voo-weep! To receive praise from you has my gears singing, vrrrm!!!”

“I did not think gears were capable of such a thing,” I remarked, but the robot merely emitted an odd mixture of mechanical noises, calling me a ‘kidder’, before finally turning its attention to the basin.

“Let’s see here… This cargo looks very heavy, but it’s well within my payload tolerances, bzzrrt!”

The robot then turned to address Master Link as it stated, “Master Shortpants! Watch carefully while I demonstrate what a real hero looks like, bzzzzat!”

“Yes, yes, I look forward to it,” Master Link sighed, ‘fatigue’ melding strangely with ‘nostalgia’ and ‘amusem*nt’ as the robot finally began to lift the basin.

“As usual, vrrt, I shall await you in the skies above,” the robot announced as it turned to face us one more, activating its propeller, before finally heading skyward.

Master Link and I watched its ascent for a moment, before I drew his attention my way as I informed him, “Master, your task here is complete for the moment. We should return to the sky so that we can set a course for the volcano.”

“Okay,” Master Link replied with a nod, before setting off for the nearest bird statue.

Thus, we returned to the sky, the Crimson Loftwing making noises of displeasure as it caught sight of the robot flying next to him, but Master Link managed to soothe the bird as we headed towards the red pillar once more.

We had just reached the opening within the clouds, Master Link readying himself to jump free, when the robot suddenly emitted an exclamation.

“Zrrrt! This is the entrance to the volcano! I better get there before Master Shortpants!”


Master Link only just managed to emit this utterance when something swept by us, striking the Loftwing who cried out, Master Link’s own cry of ‘surprise’, ‘concern’ and ‘panic’ following immediately after as he was knocked loose of the guardian bird....


The more I write/replay through any scenes with him, the more similarities I see between Scrapper and pre-Surface Groose... And now we'll get to see how well Fi will channel an angry Zelda!

...well, once I get back from dog-sitting one more time -_-' XD (this sister of mine *sighs*)

See you then!

Chapter 30: The Escort Mission


Scrapper's impulsive actions land the group in the wrong area of the volcano and causes Link to be injured. How will Fi react?


Hm, I'm... not super happy how this chapter turned out... but it's either post it now or spend another week trying to tweak it, and still not be happy with it.... -_-'

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

We were falling, not in the usual, controlled descent, but a wild tumbling through the air.

“Master Link, you must right yourself quickly!”

“I-I’m… trying,” Master Link uttered as we continued to tumble end over end, hampering attempts to twist into the proper diving position.

We were growing dangerously close to the ground when Master Link finally managed to right himself and, with a loud cry of pain alongside a loud popping, deployed the sailcloth, rolling as we landed hard upon the ground until he came to a stop with a groan.

I quickly exited from my blade, sensors already activated and scanning Master Link, as the robot came to a stop to my right and began to speak.

“What’s going on, brzzt? I almost blew a rotor trying to slow myself during that descent, zrbt…”

“Master, it would appear your shoulder has become dislocated, likely due to the previous maneuver used when trying to deploy the sailcloth….”

“Yeah… kinda figured… man that hurts,” Master Link grunted as he slowly rose into a sitting position, holding his damaged shoulder as he grimaced.

“Anyway,” the Scrapper unit was continuing to say, apparently oblivious to the harm it has caused, “this is where you wanted the water, right?”

“No, actually, we needed it at the summit of the volcano,” Master Link corrected the robot with a ‘weary’ sigh, which transformed into a pained hiss as he flinched due to the Scrapper unit emitting a loud screech.

“WHAT?! THE SUMMIT? Why didn’t you say so from the start, bzzrt? I don’t want to carry this thing back to the sky. IT’S HEAVY, BRZZZT!”


The Scrapper unit froze instantly at my voice, beginning to shake as I came to hover at its eye level, my scanners now inspecting it as I continued to speak.

“How dare you take such a tone while addressing my master? My master who has been harmed due to your irrational actions’ mere seconds ago, in a nonsensical attempt to arrive before him?”

“Bzzzrt… zrrbt… tzzptrr.”

“It would appear that, regardless of no damage or mistakes being found within your circuitry or wiring… you still retain a severe malfunction within your intellectual functions. Not only do you frequently present insubordinate behavior towards others, even those you were built and programmed to serve, you also exhibit clear lack of planning or foresight in consequences that may come to pass as a result of your actions.”

“I-I was just—”

“You were not given permission to speak.”

The Scrapper unit gulped, and its body drooped as I thus continued my reprimand.

“From your previous words and actions, it would appear you are highly interested in my approval. If that is indeed the case, I can assure you, your recent actions have lowered my approval rating significantly.

“Should you wish to raise it once more, you will refrain from such actions in the future, you will deliver the water within the Water Dragon’s basin to its proper destination and you will show Master Link the respect he is owed as my master, the Goddess Hylia’s chosen hero, starting with an apology.”

“I-I, zrrt, zzizat!” the Scrapper unit began to reply, before turning to Master Link and delivering a short bow, “I… sincerely apologize Master Shor-, I-I mean, bzzrt! M-Master L-Link!”

“…I’ll accept your apology, for now,” Master Link replied, before directing an unusual smile in the Scrapper unit’s direction, “however… should we return to the sky and find that your little stunt hurt my Loftwing in any way… well, Gondo is going to have quite the time fixing you once I’m through….”

There is the sound of the basin rattling as the robot vibrates in response to Master Link’s words and the odd smile that is still directed towards it.

A careful application of gentle maneuvering to realign his shoulder coupled with the healing magics of fairies found in the area has Master Link’s arm returning to full functionality.

This proves to be extremely helpful, as it soon becomes obvious that the path back to the summit will prove quite… challenging….

“This place is, zrrt, swarming with monsters. Vrrrrrrm…” the robot remarks as our sensors pick up various auras of monsters.

“Too many to sneak around?” Master Link inquires.

“That is likely to prove nearly impossible due to having the transport robot and the basin of water with us,” I inform him. “Should we lose the basin and the water within, the time taken to recover and bring the water here will have been proven to be a waste….”

“I’d bust up these enemies like a junkyard wrecker, zzizat, if I didn’t have my mitts full with this basin, bzzz…”

“Did you say something?”

“N-no, my apologies Mistress Fi, bzzrt!”

“Looks like we’ll have to escort this guy up the volcano,” Master Link sighed, “and take care of any enemies that might be waiting along the way.”

“In order to most effectively to protect the robot and the basin, I would recommend you make use of your bow, Master Link,” I advised after another sweep of the area. “There are a great number of archers within the vicinity. I would advise dealing with them with your own bow before they are able to attack the robot.”

“Right, maybe advancing ahead a few paces, taking them out before Scrapper even gets close,” Master Link agreed, before ‘mischief’ flared as he flashed an odd smile at the robot once more, “or maybe I can just use you as bait and pick them off from the shadows….”

“Zzzrt, please have mercy, Master Link,” the robot stated as its head drooped forwards.

“Aw, I was just kidding, Scrapper,” Master Link informed the robot, his tone not at all reflecting his words as he continued to grin oddly at the Scrapper unit.

But then his face grew serious as he withdrew the bow, nocking an arrow as he began to advance carefully, “now, where would be our first target?”

Thus began our ascension up the volcano, Master Link’s skill with the bow proving quite adept as he required little to no correction whilst sniping enemy archers.

“Bzzrrt, I hate to admit it but, you’re pretty good at using that thing,” the Scrapper unit muttered after three enemy archers were dealt with in swift succession.

“Wow, my very first compliment from Scrapper,” Master Link remarked, even as his eyes continued to rove for enemy movement, “better not let it happen again, I might start thinking that you’re starting to warm up to me.”

“In your dreams, Master Shortpants, vzzzrrrt!”

Master Link only emitted a quiet laugh before advancing once more, disposing of the last Bokoblin archer with an arrow lodging itself directly into the monster’s skull mere seconds after it had popped out of its hiding place.

“That the last one, Fi?” he called, prompting me to perform one last scan of the area.

“I can no longer detect any monster auras in our vicinity, Master Link,” I replied, “we should be able to reach the area where the gate and Gorko reside without further issue.”

“Good,” Master Link replied as he returned the bow to storage and began walking forward, “let’s get that frog it’s drink.”

“Oh, there you are, bud!” Gorko called, once he had caught sight of us, “what took you so long? I was beginning to worry!”

“Ran into a… complication,” Master Link called back as the robot flew into the courtyard and directed its gaze towards the frog statue.

“You want me to pour the water on this?” the Scrapper unit inquired, to which Master Link and I answered in the affirmative, “got it, zzzbrt!”

The robot quickly ascended until the basin was level with the frog, then quickly tossed the water at the frog, dousing the statue and causing its eyes to turn blue as the tongue withdrew into the mouth, which closed immediately after.

The statue croaked and its belly jiggled, the flames extinguishing immediately after as Gorko cheered.

I exited my blade as the robot then descended, coming to hover next to me.

“U-um… how was that Mistress Fi? D-did I… have I redeemed myself now, vrrrm?”

“Your performance was acceptable; thus, my approval rating has risen, somewhat,” I replied, “return the basin safely to the Water Dragon’s domain and it may raise higher.”

“Of course, right away Mistress Fi!” the robot chirped as it bounced in the air. “And, if there’s anything else I can do to be of assistance, zzzzrp, just call me! Anytime, zzzrbtzz!”

The robot bowed one last time, then began heading back into the sky, quickly vanishing from sight.

I then directed my gaze towards Master Link as I stated, “the flames blocking your path have been fully extinguished. I recommend proceeding ahead.”

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod before turning to address Gorko, “still willing to come along?”

“Lead the way bud!” Gorko replied with a laugh, following behind Master Link as we descended into the unknown….


Man, Scrapper just got Fi all riled up this chapter, didn't he? XD

Meanwhile, Link's just silently plotting all the ways he can smash Scrapper into teeny-tiny pieces in the event he finds his Loftwing injured in any way.

See you all in the Fire Sanctuary!

Chapter 31: Mogma Hide and Seek in the Fire Sanctuary


Link and Gorko make their way inside the Fire Sanctuary where they immediately run into an old friend of Gorko's in need of aid...


Man, this section is just fighting me in the adaptation department XD -_-'

Hopefully this doesn't feel too weird or awkward....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Phew! Looks like they don’t call this place the Fire Sanctuary for nothing!” Gorko exclaimed once we had descended into the new area, “even for me this place is boiling….”

“Maybe it would be better for you to stay behind, then,” Master Link began to say, but Gorko was quick to interject.

“No, no bud, no need to worry!” Gorko chuckled as he patted Master Link’s head, “remember what I told you? We Gorons were made for temperatures like this! I’ll be just fine as long as I don’t take a dip in the lava! Not exactly the kind of hot spring you want to take a soak in!”

“Yeah, no doubt,” Master Link chuckled in turn, before inquiring, “by the way, what’s up with these hanging plants? And these statues that look like birds?”

“Hm, owls, to be more precise, bud,” Gorko corrected as he peered at the statues in question, “as to why they would be within a temple in Eldin? Well, that’s a mystery even to me… could it be that they were a native breed of the area that went extinct…?”

“And the plants?” Master Link inquired once more, drawing Gorko out of his musings.

“Oh, right, those are Water Plants, bud,” the Goron replied. “As the name implies, they’re plants filled with water, just give ‘em a good whack and they’ll drop a nice big ball of the stuff.”

“That’ll be handy if we run out of water,” Master Link remarked, before inquiring, “so, either of you have an idea of where we should head now?”

“Hmmm, if I am remembering the old maps within the Academy archives correctly,” Gorko hummed as he peered around before pointing ahead, “I believe the best place to start looking for the flame would be down that way.”

“I concur with Gorko’s assessment, Master Link.”

“Okay, lead the way you two!” Master Link replied as we set forth once more.

We had advanced a good distance into the Fire Sanctuary when the ground before Master Link’s feet suddenly split open and an elderly Mogma, sporting long gray hair that covered most of its face alongside a matching beard, appeared before us.

“Ho ho ho… Ahhh! The exit at last,” the unknown Mogma chuckled as he stretched his arms above his head.

“Old Man Guld?” Gorko called out, “what are you doing here? And this isn’t the exit….”

“…Whoa!” the Mogma, identified by Gorko as Old Man Guld, exclaimed once he had noticed our presence.

“Don’t scare me like that!” he cried, “I thought you were one of those monster creeps!”

“Oh, sorry about that,” Gorko quickly apologized, “but I gotta say, I’m surprised to find you of all people here, Old Man Guld.”

“Well, if it isn’t the archaeologist!” the Old Man Guld exclaimed as he laughed and gave a light slap to the ground, “fancy seeing you here! Thought you were having the boys scoping out places like this fer your researchin' purposes!”

“I was, but some urgent business brought me here with a friend,” Gorko replied as he gestured towards Master Link, “Guld, this is Link. Link, this is Guld. He’s the big boss of the Mogmas.”

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Master Link greeted the Mogma boss with a ‘respectful’ tone.

“Well, so I finally meet the famous Link!” Guld chuckled as he studied Master Link’s appearance. “Gotta say boy, you left quite an impression on Ledd’s group! He and Cobal are still singin’ yer praises and telling anyone within a mile about their big adventure with you!”

“Glad to hear they’re doing well,” Master Link chuckled before repeating Gorko’s earlier inquiry. “So, um, what are you doing here Mr. Guld?”

“Hm? Oh, well, all that talk about adventurin’ and treasure huntin’ got me aching for the good ol’ days. So, I gathered a couple of my boys and headed here in search of the huge treasure that’s supposed to be hidden in these here ruins…”

“Treasure?” Master Link repeats, before inquiring ‘eagerly’, “wait, do you mean the Sacred Flame?!”

“Sacred Flame? No, I don’t think that was ever mentioned in the old tale,” Guld hummed, stroking his beard as his head tilted upward.

“As I remember it, the tale only every mentioned ‘the king’s treasure’… nothing about any flames, sacred or otherwise….”

“The king’s treasure,” Master Link hummed ‘contemplatively’ before he turned to address Gorko, “what do you think? Could it be referring to the flame?”

“I cannot say bud,” Gorko replied, “this is the first time I am hearing of such a thing, so I’m guessing it must be a part of the Mogma’s oral tradition.”

“It is indeed,” Guld chimed in with a laugh, “and there’s quite a few Mogma who believe it’s nothing more than some frilly old story for baby Mogmas.”

“But you don’t?” Master Link inquired, which caused the elder Mogma to laugh, then sigh.

“Well, I wasn’t sure,” Guld admitted, “but, when one of my boys found a way inside the sanctuary after all these years, I just couldn’t resist the chance to look around alongside them… and now….”

“Did something happen?” Gorko inquired with a ‘gentle’ tone, setting one large hand on the elder Mogma’s shoulder, “something to do with the monsters?”

“Oh, I should’ve heeded the old warnings just as much as the tales of treasure!” Guld exclaimed as a fist pounded against the floor. “Especially since so many of them warned those that had ever managed to even catch a glimpse of the treasure has never come back to tell the tale!”

The old Mogma huffed and wheezed for a moment, clearly agitated, before he regained his composure and resumed his story.

“I came with three of the young’uns, all eager to be looking for treasures of old. We made it in here just fine but soon after wanderin’ away from the entrance, we were ambushed by the monsters.”

Guld’s gaze drifted off into the distance as he concluded his tale.

“I yelled at the boys to scatter and dove into the ground, headin’ fer the exit, just as we’d planned when we first ventured in here. And that’s when I happened to run into you guys.”

The old Mogma then directed his shaggy head in our direction as he inquired, “I don’t suppose… you ran into any of my boys when you got here… did you?”

“We didn’t,” Gorko informed the elder Mogma, “but, it could just be that they got turned around like you did! I’m sure they’re doing just fine!”

“…yes, I’m sure you’re right,” Guld replied with a sigh, though the tone of his voice indicated a very low level of certainty.

The elder Mogma then shook himself vigorously before declaring, “still! They’re far too young and inexperienced to be left to their own devices in a place like this! As leader, it falls upon my shoulders to ensure their safety!

“And on that note,” Guld continued as he suddenly pointed in our direction, “as the two of you are clearly newbies in this kind of treasure huntin’ as well, it’s only right that I take you with me to ensure your safety!”

There was a short moment of silence after that declaration, which the elder Mogma chose to ignore as he climbed out of his hole and turned to the leftmost path.

“Now, follow me boys!” Guld cried before setting off, Master Link and Gorko merely staring after him as he slowly advanced.

“Uh… is that his way of asking us for help?” Master Link inquired quietly.

“That’d be my best guess, bud,” Gorko replied with a nod, followed by a shrug, “not that I can blame him. Maybe Fi can dowse for the missing Mogmas while we keep this guy out of trouble?”

“That may indeed be possible,” I replied as I activated my dowsing ability, the new power granted by Nayru’s flame extending my capabilities like never before, the auras of monsters and Mogmas registering near instantly.

“Master Link, the nearest aura of an unidentified Mogma does indeed reside in the direction Guld has set upon….”

Our newly expanded group continues further into the sanctuary, my sensors still focused upon the missing Mogma treasure hunters.

The one that lies closest to us suddenly begins to move in an erratic manner and I quickly alert Master Link as the aura of a monster appears, rapidly closing in upon the aura of the Mogma.

“Be on your guard, Master Link! One of the missing Mogma’s has attracted the attention of a Moldorm, both of whom are heading directly for us!”

“Where?!” Master Link asks as he comes to a halt, one hand coming to rest on the sword’s hilt while the other gestures at our companions to stay where they are.

“Given the current trajectory of their digging, the Mogma and Moldorm will surface directly beneath where you currently stand. I would suggest taking a large step backward and preparing a Skyward Strike to be used against the Moldorm at the exact moment they breach….”

Master Link quickly moves into position, sacred energy flowing into the sword, heightening my senses even further as I initiate the countdown.

“In 5… 4… 3… 2… 1….”

The ground bursts with a loud scream of ‘terror’ from the Mogma I had been tracking, its voice quickly drowned out by the Moldorm as it surges upward, maw gaping wide as it attempts to devour the Mogma.

It then squeals in agony before exploding into dark purple smoke, the Skyward Strike easily obliterating its weak spot and the sword returned to its sheathe in time for Master Link to catch the Mogma as it falls back down.

“Gyaaaa!!!! Now it’s a green monster!!!! Don’t eat me!!!!!!!” the Mogma screams as it writhes in Master Link’s arms.

Its screams then come to an abrupt halt as a gnarled fist delivers a sharp blow to its head.

“Quit yer screamin’ ya fool! This young lad just saved yer hide, show some respect!” the elder Mogma scolded, waving his fist in the younger Mogma’s direction.

“Wha-, huh?! G-guld?!” the younger Mogma babbled as it clutched its head, tears in its eyes which blinked in confusion at the elder Mogma, “is, is that really you, old man?!”

“Who else would it be?” Guld laughed as his hands came to rest on his hips, “seems like you got yourself into quite a bit of trouble there, eh, Plats?”

The younger Mogma, now identified as Plats, quickly burst into tears as he flung himself at the elder Mogma, who patted his head as the younger wrapped his arms around the elder’s waist.

“Oh, Guld it was AWFUL! There were monsters EVERYWHERE and then I got lost in the tunnels and that freaky giant insect was chasing me and that’s not even mentioning what happened to Silva and Bronzi—"

“Silva and Bronzi? What about ‘em?” Guld interrupted, grabbing hold of Plats’ shoulders as he made his inquiry.

“W-we… we’d managed to regroup after we first split off from ya’ and spotted a group of monsters looking for something. We decided to tail ‘em, see if they’d lead us to the treasure, but then a horn sounded, and we were surrounded again….”

Plats’ body then drooped as he sniffled, “I managed to slip through their fingers but Silva and Bronzi weren’t so lucky. Last I saw they were being dragged off to who knows where….”

“We’d better go after them,” Master Link declared before addressing me once more, “Fi, can you still sense the other Mogmas?”

“Indeed, Master Link,” I replied as my dowsing homed in on the targets once more, “they reside further in the sanctuary. Be advised that, true to Plats statement, they are surrounded by a great number of monster auras.”

“Looks like we’ll have a bit of a fight then,” Master Link stated ‘grimly’, before addressing Gorko and the Mogmas, “I’ll try to draw the monsters’ attention my way. Then you guys grab the others and make your way to safety.”

“We can’t just leave you alone, boy!” Guld cried, but Gorko interjected.

“Link is right, Guld. Out of all of us, Link is the best fighter, we’re far more likely to get in his way if we tried to help him.

“Besides,” Gorko continued as he directed a big smile in Master Link’s direction, “you won’t be entirely alone, right?”

“Right,” Master Link replied with a nod as a hand patted the pommel of the sword, “I’ll still have Fi with me. A few monsters won’t be a problem for us!”

The elder Mogma still grumbled complaints but made no further argument as we headed towards the remaining Mogma auras once more.


...oh, yeah, sure... we're just going to find a couple random monsters no big deal...

*Scurries out of earshot from Link and the others to address the audience* We all know full well there's no way it's just going to be some easy random monsters. Let's hope Link and the others can rescue the two remaining Mogmas safely before heading to the flame!

Wish them luck in the comments!

Chapter 32: Dance with the Demon Lord


Fi and Link meet an old enemy once more who is determined to extract certain information from our hero... and will not hesitate to use violence to obtain it....


It's here! The boss fight of the Fire Sanctuary! Cue the castanets! XD

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

We were only five feet away from the location of the Mogma auras when the monster auras that had surrounded them… suddenly disappeared… and another, far more powerful and familiar aura, replaced them.

“Master Link, Ghirahim has appeared.”

Master Link came to an immediate halt at those words, a cacophony of emotions surging against the bond before growing silent as Master Link took a deep, steadying breath, centering himself.


“In the same area the aura of the remaining Mogmas reside. It would appear he dismissed the monsters, as their auras disappeared just before I detected his. Be advised there is a 90% probability that he is allowing me to sense his aura and that we are highly likely to be walking into a trap.”

“Link? Something wrong?” Gorko inquired.

“Slight change of plans,” Master Link replied, “apparently, the monster’s boss has come for a visit….”

“The monster’s boss?” Gorko repeated, before exclaiming, “wait, you don’t mean that Ghira-fellow?! The creep that we saw at the Gate of Time, who went after the spirit maiden?!”

“Yeah,” Master Link acknowledged ‘grimly’, “which means things just became a whole lot more complicated… although, given his personality, I can probably still lead him away from you guys so that you can rescue Silva and Bronzi….”

“But will you be alright, Link?” Gorko cut in, large hands coming to rest on Master Link’s shoulders as the Goron’s voice became more emotional, “even with my inexperience in fighting I could tell that guy was no joke. Are you sure you’ll be able to face him?”

“I don’t have a choice, even if there wasn’t the Mogmas to worry about,” Master Link replied, “he’s the one who started all this, remember? The one who’s been after Zelda from the start, who’s still determined to kidnap her for his master… I was going to have to face him again eventually….”

“Well, then, we’ll need to come up with a new plan, see if we can help you—”

“No Gorko,” Master Link cut in ‘firmly’. “You saw what happened at the Gate of Time, he isn’t an opponent we can take any chances with. I know you want to help but….”

“But the best way to do that would be to stay out of the way,” Gorko sighed, “and stick to the original plan of grabbing the boys and making a run for it.”

“I’ll be okay Gorko, really,” Master Link stated with a ‘reassuring’ tone, “don’t worry. I’ve learned a lot since the last time I crossed blades with him. As long as I’m careful and listen to Fi’s advice, we’re sure to succeed.”

“Right,” Gorko finally acknowledged as a large hand rubbed Master Link’s head, “you show that creep just how strong the Chosen Hero of the Goddess and the Spirit of the Sword have become!”

“That stuff looks HOT!” an unknown male voice screamed the moment we had entered the area the auras were originating from. “I wouldn’t mind a little hot bath for my sore shoulders, but this is too much!”

“C-come on, mister!” another male called out, “w-we can come to an agreement, split the treasure fifty-fifty, how does that sound?! Sixty-forty?!”

“Silva, Bronzi!” Guld called out as he rushed forward a few steps, “why you rotten claim-jumper! Let those boys go!”

There was the sound of a loud snap followed by a wave of demonic magic as blades crashed down before the elder Mogma, causing him to cry out as he jumped back, falling upon his rear end as Master Link and the others gathered around him.

“…Oh, hello there, Link,” the demon lord then drawled, completely ignoring all but my master as he turned to face us. “I see you’re still among the living. Fancy meeting you here.”

He then turned to the left, bringing the fingers of his left hand to his lips, before extending them outward, “we seem to bump into each other time and time again. Oh, it’s no coincidence, though, is it? You and I, we’re bound by a thread of fate.”

“Fate, huh?” Master Link replied as his hand came to rest lightly on the handle of the sword, “and does that fate also include those Mogmas you have there?”

“Hm? Oh, these little rats my minions caught?” Ghirahim hummed, “no, no, they were merely meant as some light entertainment while I waited for you. Oh, but you were so very quick this time I barely got to even begin the fun!”

“Well, since that seems to be the case,” Master Link said as he took a few cautious steps forward, “why not let them go and you and I can get down to business?”

“Yes, very well,” Ghirahim replied surprisingly quickly, a snap and demonic energy filling the room once more before Ghirahim appeared directly behind Master Link, hands taking hold of his shoulders as he leaned in close to loudly whisper into my master’s ear.

“I actually discovered something quite amazing in a room not too far from here that I was dying to show you!” the demon lord giggled as Master Link tensed under his touch. “We can just leave the rest of your cute little entourage here; they can deal with the rats whilst we discuss important matters!”

Master Link was given no chance to reply as another snap sounded and diamonds surrounded us.

When the diamonds disappeared my sensors quickly picked up the aura of a sacred flame, but I refrained from revealing this to Master Link as Ghirahim, now standing before my master instead of directly behind, began speaking once more.

“Look at these drawings!” the demon lord exclaimed with a flick of his hair before gesturing grandly at a set of engravings that lay on the wall above his head.

A quick scan revealed a symbol that was clearly meant to resemble the Goddess Hylia, two golden gear-like structures sitting on either side of her.

‘Dread’ began to build against the bond as Ghirahim continued his speech, Master Link quickly realizing what it was we were looking at, without need for explanation.

“Until I found these, I was… upset about that little stunt the goddess’s guard dog pulled at the Gate of Time. What was that twig’s name again? Impa?”

Master Link made no attempt to reply and Ghirahim apparently hadn’t expected an answer to begin with as he quickly continued speaking.

“Well, never mind that, because these drawings suggest the existence of a second Gate of Time. This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!”

Ghirahim turned to face the mosaic, one arm still raised, “I’ve been a busy boy, searching here and there and everywhere for another Gate of Time.”

He then vanished in a flurry of diamonds, causing Master Link to draw the sword and ready his shield as his gaze searched for a glimpse of Ghirahim.

“And yet,” Ghirahim sighed to our left, now kneeling upon one knee, arms raised skyward, then lowering, “I couldn’t even find a single clue. Since I know I can be honest with you, I’ll admit I got a little sulky. It was frowns all around.”

The demon lord disappeared once more, a moan drawing Master Link’s gaze back towards the mosaic, where Ghirahim knelt before it.

His hands slowly extended upward alongside his upper body as he wailed, “the thought of never getting my hands on that darling young girl again was… well, more than I could bear.”

Master Link’s grip upon the sword tightened and there was the smallest sound of his teeth clicking together as he fought to keep his emotions under control as the demon lord curled into himself while facing towards the left side of the mosaic.

“But then,” Ghirahim cried, his lips curling into a smile as he sprang upward, his cloak billowing outward as his arms extended to either side of his body.

He then dove forward, Master Link flinching as he landed just before us, slipping behind my master and grabbing his shoulders once more to give him a small shake, “then I found this place! The prospect of a second Gate of Time has made me positively giggly!”

Master Link shuddered then growled as he brought the sword up and swung towards the demon lord, who merely disappeared into a flurry of diamonds and giggles.

He then dropped before the mosaic once more, thrusting his arms upward to encompass it as he continued his every present monologue.

“That girl… Your adorable friend… She will be instrumental in bringing about the revival of my master.

“And though I feared she was now quite beyond my reach, I despair no longer!”

“You are never going to touch her!” Master Link cried as he swung the sword in Ghirahim’s direction, “I’m not going to let you anywhere near her!”

The demon lord merely smirked before closing his eyes and turning his head to the right as his arm lifted and extended outward, continuing as if Master Link hadn’t spoken at all.

“…But before we talk any further on that subject, there’s still the outstanding matter of your punishment, Link.”

Master Link slowly moved into a defensive position as the demon lord continued his prattling.

“Do you remember when I told you that the next time we met, I’d make your ears bleed from the sound of your own screams?”

“Vaguely,” Master Link replied with ‘fake sweetness’, “I mostly remember you ru—”

“Well, I’ve been thinking,” Ghirahim cut in, daring to speak over my master as he inspected his nails. “Perhaps corporal punishment is a touch harsh. I might be willing to forgive and forget if you’ll strike a deal.”

He then turned to face Master Link directly, hand extended, “…all I ask is that you tell me where I can find the other Gate of Time.

“That’s not too much to ask, is it?” the demon lord queried as Master Link ground his teeth together. “Oh, and don’t play coy with me, I know that you know, so why not let me in on the fun?”

“Not in a million years you demented clown,” Master Link growled as he readied sword and shield to strike.

“Such behavior,” Ghirahim sighed as he turned away once more, gazing off into the distance as his gathering magic caused his cape and hair to blow in a phantom wind. “A mischievous boy like you needs to be dealt with firmly. I must warn you, I won’t go easy on you this time.”

“Calm yourself, Master Link,” I cautioned at the same time, “allowing your emotions to cloud your judgement will only aid your opponent. From his latest statement there is a 95% chance he will be displaying a greater level of strength than in the previous battle. You can prevail over him once more but only if you can keep your emotions in check.”

Master Link did his best to heed my advice, inhaling slowly even as Ghirahim began his odd moaning once more as he lifted his arms above his head, his magic swirling around them as his cape dissolved into diamonds.

The demon lord then emitted a sharp cry as he flicked his hands, the white gloves and skin that had been covering them scattering into even more diamonds to reveal obsidian counterparts.

“Lovely, aren’t they?” Ghirahim sighed as my sensors analyzed this new form of his arms. “You’ll find the supple skin of my arms tougher than any armor. Doesn’t their shape just leave you… breathless?”

Master Link was given no time to respond as the pompous lord swept a hand through his hair, humming as he began to strike pose after pose.

“Behold!” he cried, one hand flung outward as the other held back his bangs, revealing a black pattern similar to cracks within the earth or perhaps lightning snaking down from the top of his head to his chest.

“Such beauty!” he laughed as he thrust his chest outward.

“Such a pure form!” he cried as he angled himself so that his extended arm was in full view.

“Such an exquisite physique!” he exclaimed as he performed a small kick, revealing more of the black marks through the openings in his leggings.

“Such stunning features!” he gushed as he thrust his chest forward once more.

“Yes, I’ve pretty much got it all,” he chuckled as he rolled his head to the right, smirking as his eyes closed. “Though there is one teensy, tiny thing I lack…”

“Namely mercy,” he cackled as he leaned forward, leering as his tongue swirled around his lips as he rolled his head once more.

“Come to me, Link,” the demon lord purred as my master’s grip tightened around the sword’s hilt. “You and I, we’re bound by that thread of fate. Destined to fight.

“So come close, Link!” he cackled as my master shuddered. “Meet me in battle, and the thread of fate that binds us will be soaked crimson with your blood!”

“Do not let him rattle you master,” I cautioned as another tremor passed through Master Link’s body. “You are stronger than you were in the Skyview Temple, stronger than you were at the Earth Temple, the Temple of Time, than any previous encounter we have had with this individual. Trust in what you have learned and believe in our capabilities. Rest assured I will lead you to victory.”

‘Amusem*nt’, ‘fondness’, and ‘faith’ flowed through the bond before Master Link steeled himself once more and then the fight was initiated.

Thus began a dance of dangerous beauty, steel flashing and ringing through the air.

Daggers flew only to be parried, the metallic arms clanging against the sword as fingers coated in demonic magic sought to grab hold of the holy blade.

Shield and sword clashed with double sabers, Master Link’s footwork put to the test as he sidestepped and jumped away from the Demon Lord’s flashing blades, his own striking immediately at the openings created.

Any observations or suggestions I make are acknowledged and applied instantaneously, doubts and fears silenced as our steps grow ever more synchronized and bear down upon our opponent.

The durability of the shield becomes a concern as the attacks begin to wear upon the metal, the enhancements and strengthening applied by the skilled human hands quickly losing ground against the demonic strength and magic.

Still, it prevails, protecting its bearer as the dance begins to take its toll upon the lord as well, his steps becoming less smooth and more primal, thus easier to predict, deflect, and break through.

Finally, with one last powerful thrust deflected by the shield, the faithful metal bending and squealing but still holding strong as it bats the blades to the side, the way for my sword is made clear to strike an equally powerful blow to the demon lord.

Ghirahim is thus forced to stumble backwards, the sword in his right hand sent flying as he goes.

His free hand then comes up to clutch at the area around the eye not covered by his hair, the demon lord breathing as heavily as my master as he growls.

“…Enough of this foolishness…” Ghirahim hisses, his remaining sword shaking. “I am Ghirahim, Demon Lord!”

His hand then points towards Master Link, his visible eye red and fury pouring forth as he spits out his next words.

“It shouldn’t matter how powerful your sword is, you are still nothing… Not just a human… A human child! And yet you prevail!”

“Heh… guess I’m just stubborn like that,” Master Link pants out a laugh, a very small ounce of ‘regret’ tickling against the bond as Ghirahim growls even more viciously.

“You filthy scamp! You have awakened a wrath that will burn for eons! I swear to you, whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment!”

With that last threat delivered, the demon lord manages to straighten fully, magic surging and trailing behind his sword as it swirls into a circle before he disappears into the familiar shower of diamonds.

Master Link then sighs in exhaustion, the sword and what remains of his shield nearly hitting the ground as they sag in relief.

“Gotta thank… Instructor Horwell… and Gondo… for the shield… hope they… won’t be too… upset….”

“Given that the shield served its purpose of protecting you and reducing a significant amount of damage to your body, I believe they will be far more relieved than upset, Master Link,” I replied as I exited my sword. “Still, you have sustained a significant amount of damage. I would advise ingesting a bit of the healing potions that reside within your pouch….”

“Yes, okay,” Master Link chuckles as he begins to search for the bottle that holds the potion in question.

“Still,” I add as Master Link takes his first sip, “your performance in that fight was exemplary Master Link. You have indeed improved greatly from that first confrontation with Ghirahim. I believe your instructors and the goddess herself would be pleased at your progress.”

“Does that include you as well, Fi?” Master Link laughed ‘teasingly’, “after all, you’re not only one of my instructors now, but my partner. Are you pleased with my progress?”

“Indeed, Master Link. Your development is completely satisfactory.”

The bottle that had just been lifted back towards Master Link’s mouth comes to an abrupt halt, then lowers as he turns to face me, eyes big as they blink at me, his mouth still hanging open.

“Is something wrong Master Link? Are you experiencing an unknown side effect of Ghirahim’s magic or—”

“N-no, no, I-I’m fine!” Master Link is quick to reassure me, before directing a rather large smile at me, his eyes closing as he laughs and thanks me.

Once again, we stand before the crest of the goddess and Master Link inhales deeply as he pulls the sword from its sheathe and readies a Skyward Strike.

“This is the last one,” he murmurs as he brings the Goddess White Sword, shining with holy energy, before his face. “The last flame… the last upgrade to the sword… which will let us wake up the Gate of Time… and lead us to Zelda.”

“Indeed, Master Link,” I reply from my place within the sword, the holy energy pulsing through my body, “with this, we will finally gain the power we need. Now, you must send the Skyward Strike into the crest to reveal the flame.”

Master Link nods, inhales deeply, then finally brings the sword swinging forward, the holy energy surging into the crest.

The separate crest above the pedestal shines immediately after, and a powerful red flame surges to life, prompting me to exit my blade.

“Are you ready, Master Link?” I inquire as I peer over my shoulder to where my master stands, braced against the powerful heat of the massive flame before us.

His earrings are shining as he nods and shifts into a more solid stance, extending the sword towards me.

I thus direct my attention fully to the flame, extending my wings as four smaller flames break free of the larger and engulf me.

I feel myself flying upward, then left in a downward angle, before descending once more directly before Master Link, who emits a small grunt.

His face is calm and stoic, however, far different from the first flame as he extends the sword towards me once more.

He grunts once more as I and flames surge into the blade, his hands trembling and his body sliding back slightly against the onslaught.

But then it comes to an end, and he lifts the sword skyward, the magic of the flames infusing with my own and that of the previous flames, before settling as the blade takes on its new form.

The experimental swings that follow last for a longer period of time than the previous forms, the reasoning revealed quickly as Master Link laughs.

“It’s perfect!” he cries in ‘bewilderment’ and ‘gleeful excitement’. “The weight, the length, the handle even feels like it was molded exactly for my hand!”

He is still chuckling, and the emotions are buzzing against our bond as the sword is finally returned to the final form of its sheathe.

He quickly falls quiet, however, as his hand shines and trembles as the final, topmost triangle glows brightly, completing the larger triangle.

The symbol quickly faded, and I exited my blade, “Master, the flames of Din have imbued your blade with a sacred white light that demons revile.”

“Meaning Ghirahim won’t be able to touch and steal it anymore?” Master Link inquires.

“Indeed,” I replied with a nod, “additionally, now that it has been tempered by the last of the sacred flames, your blade has finally revealed its true form. You now hold the Master Sword.”

“The Master Sword…” he repeated quietly, glancing backwards towards the hilt of the blade as he did.

“With this sword’s great power, you can awaken the Gate of Time within the Sealed Temple. I recommend you make your way to this location.”

“Finally,” Master Link breathed as ‘excitement’ began to build against the bond, “with this, I’ll finally be able to see Zelda again and… and maybe, finally get some answers to… all this.”

“There is a high probability that your statement is correct,” I agreed as I returned to the blade, “I would recommend returning to the Sealed Temple as soon as you are ready.”

“Let’s get going then!” Master Link exclaims as he runs to the exit of the sanctuary.


And so, the last of the Flames has been obtained and the Master Sword has been forged.

What will await our hero and sword spirit at the other end of the the gate and will there be a return of the giant avocado? We'll find out~

Comments and kudos please~ =D

Chapter 33: The Imprisoned vs. the Groosenator


Having finally passed the Trials of the Goddess and obtained the flames needed to create the Master Sword, Fi and Link are fully prepared to awaken the Gate of Time.

But when the Imprisoned One appears to thwart their plans, will Groose's new 'superweapon' be help or hindrance?


*Rings the wrestling bell and adopts announcer voice* In this corner, we have the gigantic, rather terrifying Giant Avocado with teeth and newly grown arms, the Imprisoned! *Pauses for the boos, curses and screams*

*Points to the opposite corner* And in this corner, we have the newly created 'superweapon' the long-awaited Groosenator!!!! *Pauses for the cheers, smiling amusedly at the puffed up Groose*

Let's get ready to rumbbbbllllllleeeeeee!!!!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

‘Anticipation’ and ‘excitement’ reverberate strongly against the bond, the Crimson Loftwing emitting noises that seem to emulate these emotions when we return to the sky.

“We’re almost there!” Master Link laughs as he ruffles brilliant red feathers, “we just need to get to the Sealed Temple and wake up the gate and then I’ll finally get to see Zelda!”

The Loftwing calls out and performs a few rolls and exuberant dives, causing Master Link to laugh even harder before he grows ‘somber’ and buries his face in the feathered back.

“…still… that probably won’t be the end of our journey… will it, Fi?”

“Given the actions and words of Ghirahim and Zelda herself, as well as the presence of the being we encountered during our last visit to the Sealed Temple, your statement holds a 90% probability of being correct.”

“Right,” Master Link replied, his emotions lightening as the Loftwing calls out, though ‘worry’ is still prevalent.

“Well… only thing to do is move forward… let’s go! Zelda’s waiting!”

The Crimson Loftwing’s cry then rang through the sky as we dove for the green pillar.

“You’ve returned at last,” the Old One’s voice calls out the second Master Link enters the Sealed Temple.

“About time, Link!” the idiot Groose calls out next, who strolls towards Master Link, with the surprising addition of Gorko at his side. “Man, I thought I was going to die of old age before you showed up again!”

“What I think Groose means to say is, it’s good to see you made it back safely,” Gorko cuts in, emitting a small laugh as Groose huffs and mutters.

“You too!” Master Link replies as he gives the Goron a hug, Gorko’s large hand looping gently around his smaller frame. “I’m sorry, I should’ve checked in with you. How were the Mogmas?”

“Everyone was fine, no need to worry,” Gorko replied. “A tad disappointed about the treasure being a flame instead of a large gem or the like, but at least the boys weren’t hurt.”

“That’s good,” Master Link sighs in ‘relief’, before the Old One directs the conversation back towards our main objective.

“Ah… your sword!” she hummed. “There can be no doubt. The sacred flames have purified this blade….”

“Hey, yeah, it looks way cooler now,” Groose remarks, “makes me wonder why you’ve paired it with such a junk shield….”

‘Irritation’ stirs but the Old One speaks out before Master Link, redirecting everyone’s focus once more.

“That sword holds tremendous power,” she declares. “That power is a sacred force.”

Her gaze then shifts skyward, towards the blue that’s peeks through one of the cracks that has opened the temple to the elements, “it is a divine power left to us by the gods of old. The same power that is spoken of in the Ballad of the Goddess.”

“You mean, by Hylia, right?” Groose inquires, to which the Old One slowly shakes her head.

“These beings existed long before Hylia… and may have possessed powers far greater than her own,” she states, the eyes of the males growing large as ‘bewilderment’ and ‘disbelief’ dance against the bond.

“To look upon you is to see that same great power, now flowing through you and the sword you carry,” the Old One continues, pointedly ignoring the reactions of her audience as she gestures towards the great slab.

“Come, Link. You must now open the Gate of Time,” she declares. “Now that the sacred force dwells within your blade, strike the Gate of Time with a Skyward Strike and it will surely awaken.”

“Right!” Master Link replies, ‘excitement’ building once more as he climbs the pedestal that rests before the slab and withdraws the sword.

It is immediately thrust skyward, the energy gathered far greater and faster than before and Master Link readies himself to send it into the gate—

Master Link then emits a cry of alarm as the ground shudders violently, as if something had just struck against it.

“WHOA-HO!” Groose yells as the ground shakes again and again, the larger human flailing his arms to keep his balance as Gorko wraps an arm around the Old One to steady her.

“No,” the Old One breathes as her gaze flies to the door leading to the Spiral. “I fear the seal has given way once again. That terrible beast is awakening even as we speak.”

“You mean the Imprisoned thing?” Master Link inquires.

“Indeed,” the Old One replies with a nod. “It is likely that the monster reacted to the sacred power given off by your sword.” Her gaze is then directed towards the stone slab, “I wish it had not happened, but there was no other way to open the gate. So it goes…”

“Link,” she calls as she turns to face my master, “you must imprison the beast once again.”

“All right! Bring it on!” Groose suddenly calls out with a laugh.

“This is what I’ve been waiting for,” he declares as he withdraws a comb and runs it through his hair. “It’s time to break out my new toy! Trust me, that flabby bag of teeth doesn’t stand a chance.

“Well? What are we waiting for? I’m heading out there!” he adds as he dashes for the door. “Come on Gorko!”

“Groose, wait!” Master Link cries as ‘alarm’ and ‘worry’ shiver across the bond, but Gorko’s gentle hand on his shoulder brings him to a halt.

“Now don’t you worry,” the Goron states as he carefully pats Master Link’s shoulder. “The three of us have all been preparing for this to happen and Groose has managed to cook up something that’ll help us defend this place!”

‘Uncertainty’ wavers as Master Link’s gaze flits towards the door, only easing fractionally as the Old One adds, “remember what I said the last time you were here? That young man has his own role to play in this destiny. Have faith that the Goddess aligned his path with yours for a reason.”

“Additionally. If his toy proves to be ineffective in the coming battle, he may still be of use as live bait,” I add.

“That’s not funny, Fi.”

“There is a 95% probability that you did indeed find that mildly humorous.”

Master Link emitted a small huff before we all headed for the Spiral together.

“What the-?! What is all this?!” Master Link cries upon exiting the temple, gaze fixed upon the new contraption that has been erected.

“Told ya we’ve been preparing, bud!” Gorko laughs as he runs off to the right, the figure of Groose just barely seen atop the wooden construction that stands before the temple.

“Hey! Link!” Groose then calls once he catches sight of us.

“Duh huh huh! Try not to drool on your shirt as you stare at this amazing superweapon I’ve been working on!” he exclaims.

He then throws his arms widely into the air to gesture at the supposed ‘superweapon’, “I call it… the Groosenator!”

“He seems to have a penchant for naming things after himself,” I observed.

“Yup, looks like his self-confidence hasn’t suffered too much from his time down here,” Master Link laughs, ‘relief’ settling upon the bond for an odd reason.

“Leaves you speechless, doesn’t it? That’s only natural. You wouldn’t believe how much time I put into building this beauty. Here- check it out!”

Master Link glances towards the edge of the spiral, but ‘curiosity’ is buzzing, so he jogs over to where the other male stands, studying the new apparatus.

“First, I got all the fences cluttering the area out of the way,” Groose begins to explain, even as he tinkers with what appears to be the controls of the Groosenator. “Then I laid down rails for her to run on. All by myself, of course.”

Master Link glances over towards where Gorko has appeared, a bomb flower larger than any we had ever seen before nestled in his arms which he carefully maneuvered into the bucket-like attachment of the Groosenators.

“It’s true bud,” the Goron replied to the silent question, “the only part I helped with was the bomb flowers. The rest was all him.”

“I don’t know what came over me!” Groose laughed; arms crossed over his chest as he gazed upon his invention. “I had no clue I had the talent to make something like this, you know?”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Master Link replied, causing the larger male’s eyes to widen, “come on. You’ve been concocting elaborate plans to prank me and Fledge for years and more than a few included things like this… though, thankfully nothing this big….”

“Oh, well,” Groose stammered before he gave his head a solid shake and turned back towards his invention. “A-anyhow, me and the Groosenator will provide cover fire for you. I’ll give the ‘Incoming Projectile’ signal before launching, so be sure to be ready!”

The bigger male then laughed as he shot a glance towards the bottom of the Spiral, “I don’t care how beefy you are- you’re bound to stumble for a few moments after taking one of our big bombs to the body! Right Gorko?”

“You bet bud!” Gorko called from where he stood next to more of the large bombs, “the big guy will be seeing nothing but stars!”

‘Amusem*nt’ begins to build alongside ‘confidence’ through the bond as Master Link watches this exchange before a large tremor draws his attention back towards the bottom of the Spiral.

The evil aura and black smoke were gathering rapidly, writhing underneath the spike as the seal pulsed with a red light… then became completely covered by the black smoke as the familiar figure of the Imprisoned One emerged.”

“Look at that,” Groose remarked with a whistle. “Seems like our ugly friend grew itself a pair of hands.”

“It also appears to have developed a tail,” I added upon detecting the extra appendage. “That may prove problematic.”

“Great timing!” Groose suddenly laughs as he began to fiddle with the Groosenator’s controls once more. “I hope it knows how to catch, because my machine has a mean right arm!”

He then turned to direct us as he gestured first at the Groosenator, then at the Imprisoned One, “there’s still a few final adjustments I gotta make before she can move on the rails I’ve put down. I’ll sound the whistle when she’s ready for action, so try to hold big ugly off till then!”

“Right!” Master Link replied before running to the edge, “let’s go, Fi!”

With that, we were in the air, expertly angled over one of the air currents which Master Link used to maneuver himself until he is able to drop down upon the Imprisoned One, right next to the Sealing Spike.

Deploying the Sailcloth at the very last second, Master Link was then quick to pounce upon the Sealing Spike, driving it back down into the monstrosity.

Having apparently learned from the first fight, however, the Imprisoned One begins to thrash about, knocking Master Link loose from its head before the spike descends completely.

My master is quick to recover and deploy the Sailcloth once more, though he cries out in alarm as the creature then uses its new arms to grab hold of the upper pathway.

A sharp series of whistles pierce through the air, prompting Master Link to fold in the Sailcloth which causes us to plummet a safe distance as something large suddenly flies in the direction of the Imprisoned One’s head.

The beast roars as a large explosion sounds, causing its grip upon the wall to loosen as it stumbles back.

Master Link is quick to take advantage of this distraction, the sword slicing easily through the bulbous toes until the creature finally falls to the ground.

The Sealing Spike is attacked once more, plunging into the beast’s head until it roars, forcing Master Link back with red and black aura as it climbs to its feet, forcing the spike back out.

Master Link utters a string of curses, his stress level rising as the monster sets forth once more, though it eases quickly as another of the big bombs slams into the Imprisoned One’s head once more.

A pattern is quick to develop, the Groosenator (contrary to my previous misgivings) providing excellently timed and aimed cover fire, which Master Link is quick to use to cripple our adversary time and again.

The newly developed tail manages to produce delays in bringing the Imprisoned One down for easy access to the spike, it and the increased evil power eventually destroys what remains of Master Link’s shield.

My master is quick to recover, however, as he descends upon the Imprisoned One with renewed vigor as the Groosenator rains down cover fire, the explosions battering against our adversary’s large body.

Finally, the Sealing Spike is driven in for the last time, the beast howling as the white light pulses and consumes its prisoner, the Sealing Spike descending to hover over the center of the spiral once more.

“Now, Link!” the Old One cries.

“Strike the sealing spike with a Skyward Strike,” she orders, even as Master Link hurries towards the spike, “and restore the seal! Quickly!”

The sword is drawn from its sheathe and the sacred energy is summoned, the Skyward Strike sailing into the spike which glows briefly before revealing the new seal that must be carved.

The sword quickly weaves the new pattern and Master Link emits a cry of exertion as he brings the blade down, the spike slamming into place alongside as the seal gleams and finally settles.

“Nice work there, Link!” Groose’s voice yells from the top of the spiral. “Course, you couldn’t’ve done it without me, but no need to thank Groose. I know I saved your tail.”

Master Link only laughs as Gorko’s voice also rings out, cheering and congratulating my master and Groose.

“Goddess, his head’s probably going to inflate to the size of the Imprisoned after this,” Master Link chuckles, “especially since he’s completely right.”

“While I am unsure as to the accuracy of your statement regarding the inflation of his head, I must concur that, despite prior misgivings, Groose and his apparatus were indeed instrumental in prevailing over the Imprisoned One this time. I thus retract my prior conclusion which named him as an idiot.”

“Now let’s get that Gate of Time thing up and running,” Groose calls down to us, his thumb then thrust in the direction of the temple, “I’ll go on ahead!”

“Okay! I’ll be right there!” Master Link calls back, which leads to Groose extending his arm, his hand curled in a fist with his thumb extended skyward before setting off for the temple.

Master Link then hesitates, casting a quick glance towards the sealing spike, before directing his attention towards the temple.

“Almost there,” he murmurs, his hand resting lightly atop the handle of the sword, “hold on Zelda… I’m coming.”


Actually had to redo this once, dang that avocado moves fast in this round! X( Poor Granny, but got it the second time round!

Now, a question for you readers/gamers... Hylian shield or Goddess shield? Which one makes the most sense for a replacement shield story-wise? up... is THAT scene... *exchanges knowing glances with those in the know* Have your fuzzy blankets and plushies ready....

Chapter 34: Plans of the Goddess


Link finally reunites with Zelda but must face unsettling truths

Will Fi be able to aid her master in overcoming this new conflict?


Guys... its here...

*Curls up in softest cushion with box of tissues*

Brace yourselves...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It seems you were successful in imprisoning the monster again,” the Old One remarks as we return to the temple.

“You have my thanks, Link,” she adds with a respectful nod of her head, before turning and nodding once more in Groose’s direction, “as do you, Groose.

“I do not wish to dwell on what may have happened if you two hadn’t been here,” she finishes solemnly as her head bows forward.

“Duh huh, aww,” Groose chuckles as he waves his arms before crossing them over his chest, “you give me too much credit, Grannie.”

He then smiles rather fondly at the Old One, “you were the one who got me to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my energy into doing what I could to help.”

The Old One then chuckles herself, “I did what was necessary to get you to realize your full potential.”

They both then turn to face Master Link as the Old One addressed him once more, “Link, you must wonder just what it is you’ve been fighting out there in the great pit.”

“I have been, yes,” Master Link acknowledges, Groose nodding along emphatically, “especially since Fi wasn’t able to glean much information about it, not even after the Sacred Flames enhanced her abilities… but I’m guessing it’s related to Ghirahim and his ‘master’, right?”

The Old One sighed as her braid swung in its usual tempo, left and right, before she began to speak once more.

“There is much I could tell you, but suffice to say it is the root of the evil we face. When you pass through the Gate of Time, you shall learn more.”

Master Link’s emotions lightened with the prospect of passing through the gate but quickly grew heavy again with the Old One’s next words.

“We may seal it and reseal it into its prison a thousand times, but it will always shatter the bonds that confine it. Such is its awesome power.”

“That’s nuts!” Groose exclaimed, nearly echoing my master’s sentiments, “then, what are we supposed to do?!”

“We must destroy it at its source or suffer this fate again and again,” the Old One proclaimed. She then turned to point at the stone slab, “there is no time to lose. Hit the gate with a Skyward Strike.”

“Yeah, come on already!” Groose cried as he suddenly came around and began shoving Master Link forward. “Charge that sword of yours with that sacred force stuff Grannie was talkin’ about, and zap the Gate of Tim-YEOW!”


“While he may not be a complete idiot, he still needs to learn not to touch my master so easily.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like Akai,” Master Link chuckled before addressing Groose, “sorry about that, Groose. Fi’s just, uh… a little on the protective side….”

“Fi?” Groose repeated, flapping his hand in the air before blowing on it, “oh, the spirit sword thingy? Yeah, Grannie told me about her. Guess she likes me as much as your Loftwing….”

Master Link only emitted a strained chuckle at that before stepping forward, only coming to a stop once he stood before the stone slab.

He then raised the sword skyward, the holy energy gathering once more, this time with no interruptions as Master Link sent it forward into the slumbering gate.

The symbol of the Goddess instantly absorbed the sacred power, flashing precisely three times before the entirety of the area around it lit up.

The sacred energy then travelled to the top of the pillar, the structure flashing brightly before revealing further ancient symbols.

Those symbols then blended together, before splitting into separate parts of the pillar, which broke apart with another brilliant flash of light.

This caused Master Link to gasp in ‘surprise’ and ‘wonder’, Groose yelping behind us as the pieces of the now awakening gate floated and twirled in the air around us.

Slowly the pieces were rotated and turned, the magic guiding them into their new positions, clicking together as layers formed.

These layers were then brought together, another flash of light smoothing them into one structure, a large gear, two additional gears materializing above the first and lowering before locking into place.

New symbols appeared against the surface of the main gear, the three now familiar symbols that had been found alongside the flames appearing in the middle of the mystical surface, swirling in time with everything else.

They were then brought to a standstill with a final flash of light and magic, the three sacred symbols surrounding a fourth, the one that had appeared upon the back of Master Link’s hand once the Master Sword had been forged.

“What… in the world?” Master Link breathed as the gears began to rotate, slowly returning the sword to its sheathe as he took a step back from the newly revealed gate.

“Do not fear it,” the Old One’s voice rang out, Master Link turning her way as a result.

“This is what we have waited for,” she stated, taking a few careful steps forward as Groose climbed back to his feet from where he had fallen behind her. “At long last, the gate has been reactivated.”

“That’s the gate you’ve been talking about, Grannie?” Groose inquired, his voice shaky as he peered at the structure, “man… it sure knows how to make an entrance….”

“Standing before you is a path that transcends the flow of time,” the Old One began to explain. “It is a portal to the past… to the very place where Zelda now waits.”

Master Link gulped as ‘excitement’ and ‘longing’ throbbed against the bond as the Old One continued.

“Go bravely, Link. If everything is as I suspect, the reunion with Zelda you’ve fought so hard for lies beyond this gate.

” “Right,” Master Link replied, his fists trembling as he turned towards the gate, taking a step forward… before he hesitated and turned back.

“Groose,” he called, causing the bigger male to blink, his eyes widening, “what are you waiting for? You’re coming too, right?”

“Are you certain that is wise, Master Link?” I inquired.

“The whole reason he came down here was because he was worried about Zelda,” Master Link reasoned, tilting his head as Groose just stood where he was, blinking. “It wouldn’t be right to go see her without—”

“Nah, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna hang back here, Link,” Groose suddenly declared, ‘surprise’ surging against the bond.

This caused the bigger male to emit a laugh as one arm came up to gesture towards the door that led to the spiral.

“That stupid monster doesn’t know when to quit,” he stated, “and Grannie here keeps yapping on and on about how we never know when it might bust free again.”

The Old One emitted a small huff at that but didn’t say anything as Groose brought up one of his arms and lightly slapped the top of it.

“Someone’s gotta stick around to guard the place,” he laughed lightly. “Might as well be me.

“Besides, if I’m not here, who’s gonna look out for the old girl?” he laughed once more. “And you know what….”

His voice suddenly trailed off, the large smile that had adorned his face so far slipping into something more sober before reappearing as he scratched the back of his head and turned around.

“Groose?” Master Link called out, ‘worry’ beginning to build as he stared after the larger male.

But then the red pompadour lifted, his hand flicking outwards as he said, “naw, forget about it…”

“Hold on, Groose!” Master Link called as the larger male began walking away, but then didn’t say anything further, ‘confusion’ pulsing as Groose came to a stop at the doors.

“When you see Zelda,” the larger male then called over his shoulder, “tell her I said ‘What’s up?’”

And with that, he was gone, the door closing behind him.

“But…” Master Link began to say, taking one step towards where Groose had departed from, but the Old One stopped him.

“He has said what he wanted,” she stated in a gentle tone, “and has made his choice. Go on now… I am certain your Zelda is just as eager to see you as you are to see her.”

Master Link hesitated for a long moment, gaze swinging from the door to the gate and back again… until finally turning completely towards the gate.

“Here we go, Fi,” he murmured as he extended his hand towards the gate, causing the surface to ripple as his fingers brushed lightly against its surface.

That surface immediately darkened before smaller gears appeared, a tunnel forming within, twisting off into the distance.

“Fi?” Master Link inquired.

“The Gate of Time has now opened completely for you, Master Link,” I informed him as a long dormant signal registered through my dowsing ability, “Zelda’s aura can be detected at the other end of this gate.”

‘Excitement’ and ‘joy’ and a jumble of emotions I could not decipher surged against the bond as Master Link gazed into the bowels of the mystical gate.

Then he was sprinting forward, leaping into the gate without pause as magic swirled around us.

Upon our arrival at the other side of the gate, Master Link emitted a small sound of ‘confusion’ as he gazed upon what appeared to be the exact same place we had just departed from.

‘Confusion’ turns to ‘alarm’ as a voice calls out to him but fades quickly as the figure of the woman the Old One had identified as ‘Impa’, Zelda’s guardian, steps forward.

“…At last. I’ve been expecting you, Link,” she says as Master Link descends from the Gate of Time.

“You’re here!” Master Link exclaims, “but… where is here? Is this still the Sealed Temple? Are you okay? Where’s Zelda, is she—?”

“You are doubtless overwhelmed,” Impa cuts in, though her voice is not as sharp as when we first met her, “so I will explain things as simply as I can.”

“Simple would be nice at this point,” Master Link sighs ‘wearily.’

Impa gives a short nod, before using her right hand to gesture at the structure around us.

“This is the Temple of Hylia, though it will come to be known as the Sealed Temple sometime in the future,” she stated, causing Master Link to gaze about himself in ‘wonder’.

“You stand in the past, ages before your own time. Here the goddess, Hylia, has only just sealed away Demise…”

Her gaze drifts towards the door that usually leads to the spiral, causing realizations and suspicions to form from Master Link’s side of the bond… and memories beginning to unlock within my own mind.

“And little time has passed since the goddess sent the outcropping of rock into the sky that would one day become Skyloft,” Impa continued, causing Master Link’s focus to shift skyward instinctively.

Their attention then shifts back towards the gate as she declares, “it is true to its name. You have passed through the Gate of Time to an era in the distant past.”

Impa then points past Master Link’s shoulder, “you will have many questions. But for now, you must proceed back through the great doors behind you.”

“Those doors?” Master Link inquires as his gaze travels up the stairs to where the Old One is usually sitting, “I… didn’t think there was anything back there.”

“Ah, but there is,” Impa states, a smile nearly curling her lips. “It is there that the person you’ve risked life and blood to defend waits for you.”

“Zelda is there?!” Master Link exclaims, ‘disbelief’ and ‘hope’ pressing hard against the bond, “really?”

“She speaks the truth, Master Link. I can sense Zelda’s aura emanating from behind that door,” I chime in.

That is all the encouragement needed for my master to rush up the stairs, nearly flinging the doors open.

And there she stands, her form glowing nearly as greatly as the goddess, Master Link’s emotions soaring against the bond as she turns to face him.

The expression on her own face, however, brings him pause, causing him to step forward cautiously as she begins to speak.

“You’ve come so far, Link… I’m glad you made it.”

“Of course I made it,” Master Link chuckles, though there is a strain on his voice, “I’d go anywhere for you, Zelda.”

This causes her smile to become even more complicated until she shakes her head, clearing her throat before she begins to speak.

“I imagine Impa filled you in on everything. We’ve travelled very far from home… to the distant past.”

“Yeah, hard to believe,” Master Link states, a hand rising to rub the back of his head, “though it does explain why all the holes are gone.”

The spirit maiden chuckles softly at those words, but her smile quickly falls once more as her gaze becomes more distant… more familiar, to me.

“In this era, the wounds inflicted on the land during the battle between the goddess and the demon king known as Demise have not yet healed,” she informs us.

The grief in her voice recalls nights spent singing, the Ballad of the Hero, as She had always called it, sung over and over to bring even a sliver of relief, of comfort….

“All the fairy tales about that war we heard growing up in Skyloft… Incredible as it may seem, they appear to be all too real."

Her scars run deep, physically, and emotionally, her wings only allow the shortest of flights now, despite the hours soaking in healing waters and the magics of the fairies.

“I think it’s time you learned the whole story. Let me try to explain…”

Zelda’s sad gaze then drifts skyward, up into the ray of yellow light that has shined upon her since we first entered this room, Master Link unable to find his voice due to the vision she creates… and the ‘fear’ and ‘worry’ that are beginning to build.

“The old gods created a supreme power that gave anyone who possessed it the ability to shape reality and fulfill any desire. They called it the Triforce.

“In his thirst to make the world his own, Demise readied a massive army of monsters for war. He sought to take the Triforce for himself by force.”

Master Link flinches at those words, no doubt reminded of the legends Gorko spoke of; the answer to the archaeologist’s questions now being laid bare before us.

“The goddess feared for her people. She used her power to send both them and the Triforce into the sky on a slice of earth she cut away from the land.

“This floating rock became the new home of our people. In time, it came to be known as Skyloft.”

Zelda’s figure stands tall and regal, so like Hers, it aids the memories in flowing, another version of this tale having been relayed to me long ago.

“After a long and fierce battle, the goddess, Hylia, succeeded in sealing away Demise.

“However,” Zelda adds, her hands curling into fists, shaking, “soon after the demon king was imprisoned, it became clear that the seal would not hold long against his fearsome power.

“Hylia had suffered grave injuries in her battle with the demon king. She knew that if he broke free again, there would be no stopping him.”

Zelda’s head then lowers, her voice shaking alongside her fists now, “and if the demon king were to free himself, it would mean the end of the world for all beings of this land.”

“But She’s the goddess!” Master Link suddenly exclaims. “S-she, She’s the one who protects us, who answers our prayers, who created Skyloft! H-how… how could some demon king be able to beat Her?!”

She flinches at those words, the unknown barbs digging in as old cries and self-deprecating words echo from the depths of my memory, of wings desperate to return to the skies….

“In order to put an end to the demon king,” she continues to speak, Master Link growing further agitated as she still refuses to look at him (is unable to look at him), “Hylia devised two separate plans and set them both into motion.”

Master Link is growing more and more agitated, ‘indecision’ scraping the bond raw as ‘unwillingness’ and ‘denial’ fight to keep the suspicions that are beginning to form at bay.

“First, she created Fi,” Zelda reveals, finally turning back towards Master Link, though her gaze is still downcast, unable to meet his own. “She made the spirit that resides in your sword to serve a single purpose: to assist her chosen hero on his mission.”

“There is no need to worry, Your Grace. With the knowledge you have gifted me, there is a 90% chance that I will be able to lead the Hero in successfully accomplishing his destiny.”

“Her second plan…” Zelda stated softly, as she descended from the dais, to stand before Master Link, her head still bowed, still unable to meet the Hero’s gaze, “was to abandon her divine form and transfer her soul to the body of a mortal.”

“That is far too dangerous, Your Grace! There MUST be another way!”

“What other way could there possibly be?!” the Goddess cries, “what else can this broken goddess do against that demon when it took everything I had just to SEAL him?!”

“But there’s no guarantee the Triforce would even grant such a thing, and what of the repercussions if…."

Zelda paused, her breath shaky as she inhales and continues the tale… the confession….

“…She made this sacrifice, as you have likely guessed, so that the supreme power created by the old gods could one day be used.

“For while the supreme power of the Triforce was created by gods, all of its power can never be wielded by one.”

The magic that seeped into Master Link’s hand pulses, causing him to form a fist, his teeth gritting as he fights the urge to cover his ears….

“Knowing this power was her last and only hope, the goddess gave up her divine powers and her immortal form….”

Zelda’s voice drifts off as her gaze finally lifts, her expression a mirror image of Her, during the bad days, when She screamed and cried and cursed Her own weakness before begging for the future Hero’s forgiveness.

“You’ve probably figured it out by now, haven’t you, Link?” Zelda inquires, whereby Master Link shudders as his gaze now drops to the floor.

“No!” he manages to squeeze out, tears beginning to form as he shakes his head vehemently, stubbornly clinging to ‘denial’. “I haven’t figured out anything I… I don’t want to figure out anything, I don’t need to figure out anything, let’s just—!”

“You are the chosen hero,” Zelda continues, her gaze growing even sadder when Master Link flinches, “and I, Zelda….”

“Are Zelda!” Master Link cries, reaching out towards her, desperate to stop her from speaking any further, from making it ‘real’….

But she steps away from him, head lowering once more as she speaks the words aloud, regardless.

“I am the goddess reborn as a mortal.”

Master Link’s emotions are a mess against the bond, and it is the first time I truly wish it did not exist, that there was a way to separate from it as those emotions are just… just….

“The day of the ceremony, Ghirahim’s tornado tossed me out of the sky and down to the world below.”

Master Link’s teeth grind together once more, as Zelda picks up the tale again, his gaze fixed pointedly on the ground now, even as she dares to draw closer to him.

“I was nearly captured by the demonic forces, but I was rescued at the last moment by the old woman who lives in the Sealed Grounds.”

A small hand extends towards Master Link, but hesitates just short of touching him, before slowly withdrawing.

“I had no memory at all of my existence as Hylia, but she explained it to me. She helped me to remember who I was… and what I had to do.”

“To,” Master Link begins to inquire, ‘hope’ trying so hard to smother the other emotions, “to come with me now, right? To go and find this Triforce thing with me a-and… wish Demise away or… or whatever, right?”

“…partly,” is Zelda’s only answer, her gaze falling as Master Link’s rises, “I set out to pray at the goddess statues located in each temple across the land.”

Her gaze then locks onto the Gate of Time, which still turns placidly in the background.

“Each statue stirred up memories within me. After I visited them all, Impa, an agent of the goddess, led me here… to the past.”

“And blew up the gate behind her,” Master Link mumbles with a watery laugh. “Not that she had a choice, with that jerk, Ghirahim crashing the party….”

“You were really cool then, jumping to our rescue the way you did,” Zelda laughs as well, “a true hero. Impa apologized profusely after that, for doubting my choice….”

Her smile disappears as quickly as it appeared as she took a small step closer towards Master Link, her gaze flitting to his, before lowering once more.

“…All of this is part of the same great effort to prevent the revival of Demise.”

Master Link reaches out for her once more, fingers brushing against hers, gripping them loosely when she doesn’t pull away, squeezing as her gaze lifts to meet his at last.

“Stripped of his true physical form by the seal that binds him, he takes the shape of an abomination.”

“The thing in the pit, right?” Master Link inquires, “the Imprisoned One, Fi called it. The thing… the thing that’s been haunting my dreams….”

Zelda’s expression becomes complicated once more, prompting her to squeeze Master Link’s fingers this time; before she continues with a warning.

“But even in his hideous state, he’s more than capable of devouring this land if we allow him to do what he desires.”

At this, her gaze shifts away from Master Link’s once more, her hands slipping away from his as she clasps them together.

“We must stop him from freeing himself from the seal that imprisons him. At any cost…”

She bites her lip as her hands squeeze together tightly, a ragged sigh escaping before she speaks again.

“That is why I intend to remain here in this time and place… To sustain the seal as best as I can.”

“What?!” Master Link cries in ‘alarm’ and ‘disbelief’, “Zelda you—”

“As long as I continue this vigil,” she cuts in, her voice rising as her eyes squeeze shut, “we may be able to prevent the demon king from fully reviving himself in our own time.”

“B-but,” Master Link stutters, “why? You can just-, just come back with me! We’ve been able to force Demise back into the seal twice already and Groose just… just created this weapon, the Groosenator can you believe he called it that? B-but it worked a-and if you come back and we put our heads together, m-maybe throw in your… y-your Goddess powers or wh-whatever, th-then—”

“Link,” Zelda cuts in softly, gaze still fixed downwards as she releases a watery sigh, “that won’t work. If something isn’t done now in this period of time… Demise will break free long before any of us are even born.”

She inhales deeply, “I must maintain the seal that Hylia- rather, that I- created so long ago and keep it strong for as long as I am able.

“With the memories of my former life returning to me, I can see now that this is my purpose.”

Master Link inhales sharply but cannot form any words as Zelda raises her head, a soft smile managing to lift her lips.

“Link, the goddess created Fi and the great blade she’s a part of for very specific reasons.”

Master Link’s hand gently brushes against my blade at this statement, and I press lightly against the bond, just barely humming a few notes of the ballad as Her Grace continues to reveal all.

“For the task of standing against Demise in the monstrous form he now assumes rests solely on your shoulders.”

Her smile grows just a bit bigger, her face just a bit more relaxed, now, “like you said… back in our time, you’ve already driven him back into his prison twice now. I can’t thank you enough for that, Link.”

“Hey, even without the ‘hero’ thing, I’m still a knight,” Master Link laughs, “or, well, almost, anyway….”

“The uniform really does look good on you,” Zelda giggles, causing Master Link’s temperature to rise, “and the green color fits you so well….”

Her smile quickly dims, however, as she adds, “though of course… this isn’t at all the kind of classes or tests you should have to go through, as a new senior…

“During your long journey, you’ve grown so much,” she sighs. “You learned wisdom from solving devious puzzles and traps. You gained power by honing and tempering both yourself and your sword.

“And by overcoming the trials set before you by the goddess, you’ve found true courage.”

Her hands now rise to her chest, clasping together as she bows her head towards Master Link.

“Now that those qualities reside in you, you are worthy of wielding the power the old gods left behind for our kind. You can claim the Triforce.”

“Me?!” Master Link exclaims, “b-but th-that’s crazy I-I—”

“Link,” Zelda cuts in, gentle but firm, as she extends her hand towards Master Link, palm facing upward.

“Remember the Wing Ceremony?” she inquires when Master Link only blinks at her hand in ‘confusion’, “place your hand in mine… so that I may bestow my own gift and power unto you.”


“Link… please?” she inquires once more, "let me lend you my power… even if only a little, let me help and protect you.”

Master Link wavers but finally places his hand within her own, kneeling before her as she straightens and inhales deeply.

Power I have known since my very first moments in existence then fills the area around us as Zelda’s voice mixes and overlaps with Hylia’s.

“Valiant hero, you have endured many hardships and journeyed far in your quest to reach this place.

“Along your travels you have found wisdom, power, and courage, and for this I shall bless your sword with the goddess’s power.

“May it give you and your sword the strength to drive back the abomination that threatens this land!”

With those final words the mark upon Master Link’s hand awakens and glows brightly, the troubled smile returning to Zelda’s face as it does.

“The mark you see upon the back of your hand is proof that you are the hero of legend and that within you dwells sacred power.

“It is the mark of the Triforce.”

Master Link does not reply or even move a muscle until She bids him to do so.

“Stand now, Link. Draw your sword.”

Her hand withdraws and Master Link’s immediately moves to grasp the sword, pulling it from its scabbard as he rises to his feet.

Hylia’s blessing swirls around us before filling the sword, her magic eagerly embraced by the magic of the flames, swirling together as a new strength flows through me.

The wings on the hilt of the sword extend as Her Grace’s magic pulses outward from the gem, a holy light encasing it as the mark of the Triforce is branded upon the blade.

I know instinctively that the Master Sword has at last achieved its ultimate form. That it is now imbued with the mythical power to drive back demons… and that, forevermore, Master Link is the only one who may wield it.

Zelda… Hylia… smiles at the sight, that familiar glint of ‘pride’ surfacing, the one that always appeared when I would learn something new.

But it falls quickly, and she turns away, Master Link quickly lowering my blade as he calls out to her.

“Link, before I say another word, I feel like I owe you an apology.”

“You don’t have to apologize for anything,” he quickly argues but this only causes her to shake her head vigorously.

“You see,” she begins again, her voice shaking before she clears her throat, “the mark of the Triforce on your hand is a symbol of the greatest power in this world.”

Her head lowers and her voice grows softer… sadder, “if you can obtain the actual Triforce, we will have the power to vanquish Demise once and for all.”

“That’s… that’s good, right?” Master Link inquires.

“The problem is, among the countless souls in this world, only a select few- those with an unbreakable spirit- can wield its might.”

She then begins to walk forward, “it’s impossible to know the true reason why the old gods created the Triforce. But I have a theory of my own.”

She comes to a stop once she reaches the stairs, “the gods created the Triforce, yet they specifically designed it so that their own kind could never use its power.”

Her head then lifts, gazing skyward, “somehow, I think that may have been their way of giving hope to all the mortal beings of the land.

“…Which brings us back to,” she sighs as her head lowers once more, “you.”

“…What about me?” Master Link asks hesitantly.

“To face Demise and give the land hope, the goddess, Hylia, needed someone with an unbreakable spirit. That someone is you, Link.”

Master Link’s body stiffens, his grip on the sword tightening, but he is unable to find any words, leaving Zelda free to speak her own.

“But spirit alone wasn’t enough. You had to overcome many trials and awaken the hero within yourself so that you could wield that supreme power.

“And so Hylia… I mean, and so I…”

Her voice breaks on that last word, her breathing and shoulders shaking as she hunches forward.

“I knew that if it meant saving Zelda, you would throw yourself headfirst into any danger, without even a moment’s doubt…”

Master Link is beginning to shake himself now, his emotions a veritable storm, ‘indecision’ the strongest as his arm reaches out towards Zelda, before withdrawing back to his body, but quickly reaching out again.

“I… I used you.”

Master Link inhales sharply and shudders at those words, an unidentifiable ‘ache’ forming against the bond at the same time a muffled sob can be heard from the form standing before us.

“I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for pulling you into all of this, Link,” she says, as she begins to climb the stairs, Master Link taking one small step after her as his arm extends once more.

“But you have to understand this is a war,” Zelda continues, her voice growing colder, more strained, “and the fate of the land hangs in the balance. I need your strength to tip the scales in our favor…”

“That’s fine,” Master Link replies, his own voice straining as emotions rage, “it’s fine. I’m a knight, or, well… training to be one but… it might not have been to this scale but, this is what we train for, right? And… and you’ve would’ve done the same for me… right?”

“All that may be well intentioned and true,” Zelda replies, “but it doesn’t mean it’s right… and it doesn’t excuse my actions.”

She then inhales deeply as her head lifts to gaze skyward, “but I’m prepared to pay the price for what I’ve done.”

“What does that mean?” Master Link inquires as ‘fear’ takes center stage.

“To ensure that the seal holds,” Zelda begins to explain, “I will remain here in this time… deep in sleep for thousands of years.”

“Wait… what?” Master Link stammers, even as She finally turns to face us, revealing that sad smile once more.

“Link… I can’t say it enough,” She states as she clasps her hands at her waist, “I’m so sorry for the way I had to involve you in this.

“But,” she says, voice wavering anew, “until my memory of things before our lifetime returned to me, I had no idea we were fated to carry such a heavy destiny.”

Her eyes close as she lifts her head, and her smile manages to grow just a fraction bigger. “Before all this, I was happy just spending my days hanging around with you in Skyloft. I wanted that feeling to last forever.”

The light that had been shining down on her suddenly intensifies at those words and Master Link’s body stiffens in ‘shock’, ‘disbelief’, and a myriad of other emotions before my sword is clanging as it hits the ground, and he sprints forward.

“Zelda, WAIT!” Master Link cries, the light solidifying as I exit my blade, just in time to see him slamming into the newly formed barrier, which he immediately begins to hit with his fist.

“Stop!” he pleads, still pounding against the newly formed barrier, “don’t do this! Fi, make her stop! How do I make this stop?!”

I am given no chance to reply as Her Grace calls out to Master Link, bringing his attention back to her.

“While it’s true that I am Hylia reborn, I’m still my father’s daughter and your friend…”

Her hand then rises to press against the amber, her face leaning closer, that same smile still on her lips as she declares, “I’m still your Zelda.”

Master Link chokes back a sob, though tears stream freely down his cheeks as he brings his hand to rest atop the area where her own sits.

He then nods emphatically as he croaks, “of course you are.”

Her eyes close as her smile widens just a fraction more, tears falling down her own cheeks as Master Link emits a sob.

“When Demise is finally gone, there will be no more need for the seal that binds him, and then I’ll be able to wake up.”

Her head then tilts a little as she emits a watery giggle, “so I’m going to ask you a favor, sleepyhead. Ever since we were kids, I’d always be the one to wake you up when you slept in.

“But this time,” she continues, gazing down fondly at my master, who is crying openly now, “when all of this is over, will you come to wake me up?”

“…I promise,” Master Link sobs, “I definitely will… definitely….”

Two more tears slide down her cheeks before she emits one last, fond laugh and the light begins to shine even more brightly.

Master Link gasps and cries Her Grace’s mortal name one last time before the brightness becomes too much and he is forced to turn away.

When it fades it reveals the seal is now complete, the amber a solid barrier, encasing Lady Zelda’s body, the girl herself appearing to be sleeping peacefully within.

“Zel?” Master Link sobs, knocking against the amber, “Zelda?”

There is no answer, of course, and soon Master Link’s head lowers as he sobs openly.

When a good amount of time has passed and he has simply remained in that position, crying without restraint, I move forward.


“Did you know?” he inquires, his voice low and shaky as ‘anger’ suddenly appears.

“To what do you—”

“DID YOU KNOW?!” he screams as he whirls around to face me, “did you know about this?! That Zelda was Hylia, that she was going to-, to encase herself in this thing?

Godd-, Hy-, did you know she was here the whole time?!”

His breathing is erratic and his face growing red as tears still stream down his cheeks, his eyes bright with unshed tears and emotion.

“I… when we encountered her within the Earth Spring, I did momentarily experience a strong impression of the goddess—”

“Then why didn’t you tell me?!” Master Link continues to scream, even as his chest shudders with sobs, “isn’t that your job?! You’re always spouting information on everything, so where was that knowledge when it came to Zelda?!”

“I sincerely apologize, Master Link,” I answered as I bowed deeply, “you are correct, a significant part of my job is to provide you with information. I will accept any punishment you see fit for this failure.”

Master Link’s breath stutters and his lips tremble as he gazes at me with those wide, bright eyes, tears falling downward as he blinks.

His face then collapses and ‘sadness’ floods the bond completely as he falls to the ground.

“No,” he hiccups, “y-you d-don’t n-n-need to apologize, hic… I shouldn’t have, sniff… shouldn’t have said that… shouldn’t have yelled… m’sorry.”

He then wraps his arms around his knees, which become drawn to his chest as he drops his head, sobbing into the white fabric.

“I can’t do this,” he wails, “why? Why did this have to happen? I didn’t want any of this! I just… I just want to go home!

I want this to all be a bad dream that Z-Zelda wakes me up from and… hic, and we’re all s-still up in Skyloft a-and there’s n-no Demise or destiny or any of this!”

His words lose all coherency after this and he simply sits there, sobbing and shaking, looking small and fragile, completely unlike the hero that had stood against Ghirahim and the Imprisoned, who’d shone so brilliantly only moments before.

And I… I don’t what to do.

I haven’t a clue what I should do in this situation, there is no knowledge within my memory banks that can possibly bring about a solution, a technique to be used to halt my master’s tears and ease this all-encompassing ‘sorrow’ that spills through the bond.

…or is there?

Slowly, tentatively, I extend my wings, moving to hover before Master Link… before descending and wrapping my wings about his form.

This causes Master Link to stiffen, ‘confusion’ rattling against ‘sadness’ as his head rises from its previous position.

“Fi?” he begins to inquire with a sniffle and hiccup, “what… what are you doing?”

“I am giving you a ‘hug’, Master Link,” I informed him, “I apologize if I am performing this action incorrectly.”

“N-no, i-it’s not that,” he stammers as ‘confusion’ continues to grow, “b-but, I-I th-thought… thought you didn’t like hugs.”

“Our previous discussion upon the topic seemed to indicate that you were familiar and comfortable with receiving hugs,” I began to explain, “and there was a strong indication that you found comfort in them. Thus, in this situation, where you are greatly distressed, a ‘hug’ seemed like the most appropriate action to employ to ease your distress.

“…was I mistaken, Master Link?”

“…no,” Master Link replies with a sniffling noise as he burrows his face into my shoulder, “I… I appreciate this, Fi. Just… promise to let me know when you’ve had enough… you don’t have to push yourself….”

“I assure you I am doing no such thing, Master Link,” I replied, before inquiring, “would you also like for me to sing the ballad for you?”

“…if you don’t mind…”

“I shall start now then.”

Thus, the Ballad of the Goddess soon fills the temple, the magic of Lady Hylia/Zelda humming and pulsing alongside the melody as her magic strokes softly against my head and through Master Link’s hair, an echo of her voice singing along quietly….


Inner Editor: Did... did we actually make this sadder?

Imagination: *blowing nose* Don't be silly, this is just how good the LoZ writers were with this game

Inner Editor: If you say so... still wonder if this counts towards that Whumptober thing, though...

Chapter 35: A New Resolve


Link returns to the present, still rattled by what he learned in the past. Meanwhile, Groose has some news of his own to share.


Let's have a nice, lighter chapter this time round, to help recover from the Whumptober chapter from last time, shall we?

Thanks to Valonstar and CuteButAlsoStabby for their help with the shield debate! =D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At the sound of the doors opening and closing behind us, Impa turns to face Master Link, who merely gives a short nod.

‘Fatigue’ is prevalent in both his vital signs and the bond, ‘sorrow’ still throbbing underneath.

The last hour had been spent crying, pressing his face tightly against my wing as I had continued to hold him and sing the Ballad of the Goddess until his emotional state had stabilized.

“I see you’ve said good-bye,” Impa murmurs softly, arms crossing over her chest as Master Link descends the stairs.

“Not good-bye, just good night,” Master Link snapped as ‘anger’ flares.

It’s quickly snuffed out, however, and ‘fatigue’ throbs as he sighs and rubs his face.

“…yes, that’s right… my apologies,” is Impa’s reply as she briefly bows her head.

“Now,” she quickly adds, “you must keep the promise you made to her. You must find the Triforce.

“But before that,” she states as she eyes Master Link critically, “it appears you are in need of a shield.”

“Oh… yeah,” Master Link mumbles, having only just remembered the lost piece of his arsenal, “don’t worry about that, there’s more in the armory back in Skyloft—”

“Ah, but would there be one that would truly suit the sword you now wield?” Impa inquires with a smirk. “Fret not. When the Goddess first decreed that a hero would descend, my people set to work crafting a shield that would truly suit Her hero.”

The Sheikah warrior then summons her magic, which in turn causes a bright light to appear around her hands.

When it clears, she is holding a shield with purple coloring, the image of the Goddess carefully engraved on the top.

Magic hums from it, so strongly that even Master Link is able to feel it, causing him to handle it cautiously as Impa hands it to him.

“This shield is imbued with sacred power, giving it the ability to repair itself,” she informs Master Link. “This should make it far more durable than any shield you have wielded previously.”

“It matches Fi,” Master Link chuckles, his spirits lifting minutely, as he bows to Impa, “thank you, I appreciate it.”

“You are welcome,” Impa replies with a bow of her own, “now, you must return to your time. There is work to be done there.”

“Right,” Master Link responds as he equips the new shield turning towards the Gate of Time… before his gaze shifts back towards the doors that to Zelda’s crystallized form.

“Do not fear for Zelda,” Impa interjects, easily reading my master’s thoughts. “I will watch over her here. Go now and fulfill your destiny.”

Master Link hesitates a moment longer, before finally bowing towards the Sheikah as he murmurs, “please take care of her.”

He heads through the Gate of Time as Impa murmurs reassurance and his emotions swirl against the bond.

Master Link’s steps are heavy, and fatigue is prevalent once more as we emerge from the gate once more, his reaction to the Old One’s call slow and muted.

“So you’ve returned.”

“Granny,” he murmurs, beginning to turn his gaze back towards the area in the temple where we last saw Zelda… before forcing himself to stop.

His steps are stiff and his body rigid as he moves to stand before the Old One instead, who hums as she studies his appearance.

“You spoke to Zelda, I assume?”

“I did,” Master Link replies, his voice hoarse from the crying done previously.

“Then you know everything,” the Old One sighs.

Her gaze then travels towards the doors she has always sat before, the light of the setting sun streaming down before them.

“On the other side of that gate, Zelda waits, suspended in a sleep without end. But do not despair, for she is still alive and well.”

“That’s good,” Master Link sighs.

He takes one step towards them, but then freezes, inhaling deeply as he closes his eyes and clenches his fists.

“She and Impa… they said I needed to find the ‘Triforce’,” Master Link states instead as he turns back to the Old One. “Do you know anything about that?”

“True to legend, the Triforce is the one thing with the power to vanquish Demise,” is the Old One’s reply. “It is thought to have been hidden within Skyloft by the goddess.”

‘Surprise’ surfaces at that statement and Master Link is quick to request further information, but the Old One merely sighs once more as she shakes her head.

“Sadly, that is all we know of where it rests. All other clues to its whereabouts have been lost to the ages.”

“Of course they were,” Master Link groans as ‘fatigue’ grows even heavier, “I don’t suppose you have any clues in your newly recovered memories, Fi?”

“My apologies, Master Link, there is not,” I reply as I exit my blade. “In fact, I believe the Triforce was not moved to its current hiding place until after I had entered my long sleep to await your arrival into this world.”

“Perhaps, if no clues can be found upon the Surface,” the Old One suddenly chimes in, an open palm used to gesture upward, “then the Sky may provide the answer. Surely… the key to finding the Triforce must be in Skyloft.”

“Its as good a place to start as any,” Master Link agrees with a nod before turning towards me, “alright. Let’s get going then, Fi. If we leave right now, we might be able to beat the Loftwing curfew—"

“Whoa! Whoa there! Hold up!” a familiar, still rather annoying voice calls out from behind the Old One.

“Link, you’re not seriously gonna head back without talkin’ to me, are you?!” Groose calls, waving his hand frantically.

Master Link flinches, one arm curling around himself as he shoots another glance towards the doors that hide Zelda.

“Come on, Link! There’s something I gotta tell you!” Groose continues to call, causing ‘indecision’ to hover against the bond.

This prompts the Old One to gently place her hand upon my master’s arm, bringing his attention back to her, whereupon she smiles and pats his arm.

“It is getting late, and you have gone through a great deal,” she says before lightly pushing my master in Groose’s direction, “better to stay here for the night. I have already sent Gorko out for ingredients for our supper, so why not give Groose a bit of your time, hm?”

“I believe that ought to depend on whether he is inclined to spend that time wasting it with additional bragging,” I interjected, causing Master Link to chuckle as he tugged gently upon my wing.

“Give the guy a little slack at least, Fi.”

“I am unfamiliar with that term, Master Link.”

“Hey! Link, you hear me?” Groose calls once more.

“Coming, coming,” Master Link replies as he begins heading in the direction of the redhead.

I thus elect to return to my blade, though I keep a careful record of the conversation that follows, gathering my energy should the bigger male need to be reprimanded once more.

“So, Zelda,” Groose begins hesitantly (and predictably). “How’s she holding up? Was she OK when you saw her?”

Master Link flinches, an array of ‘confusion’ and ‘disbelief’ swirling in response to the inquiry.

“Granny… she didn’t tell you?” Master Link finally stutters.

“Tell me what?”

“Groose… come with me,” Master Link sighs once more, before leading the bigger male in the direction of Zelda’s crystallized form.

Surprisingly, Groose takes the information better than Master Link had.

There are outbursts and a period of yelling and crying, but they do not last for long.

This does lead to a rather ‘somber’ affair once dinner preparations are initiated, the two males following along dutifully but silently to the Old One’s instructions, Gorko also aiding as much as he is able.

The Goron archaeologist is unable to provide any additional information on the Triforce either, though that fact is not very surprising.

“I still can’t believe it, though,” Groose sighs glumly, once the food had been eaten and everyone was sitting at the entrance to the temple, where a fire had been constructed. “To think Zelda had been right here, under our noses, this entire time….”

“Such a fascinating conundrum,” Gorko hummed in turn as he scribbled in his notebook, “to think time could be twisted and construed in such a way that the spirit maiden, rather, that Hylia’s mortal form could exist in two plains of reality, slumbering within the seal whilst also arriving upon the Surface and interacting with us….”

“Gorko, please, no complicated stuff right after dinner and mind-blowing revelations….”

“Sorry, bud.” Groose sighs once more, before directing his gaze towards Master Link, who has been silent since first revealing the truth to his fellow Skyloftian moments before.

All attention is quickly directed back to Groose, however, when he emits a loud cry of defiance as he springs to his feet, arms thrusting into the sky as he does.

“What the heck are we getting all mopey for, huh?!” he bellows, “dang it, don’t mess with me!!!!”

He then whips towards Master Link, a finger being thrust perilously close to his face, causing my Master to flinch back and blink a few times in ‘surprise’ as Groose addresses him directly.

“And you! Don’t you dare get all depressed and indecisive now! Because, when it comes down to it, there isn’t that much that’s changed has there? So what if Zelda’s actually Hylia, we already had an inkling of that given how pretty she is! Doesn’t change the fact that she’s Zelda and she needs our help, right?!”

“Well—,” Master Link begins to reply, but Groose is quick to cut him off.

“Well nothing! This has gotta be so hard for poor Zelda! But you’re going to do something about this mess, right? After all, you’re the hero that Zelda chose, and Zelda’s never wrong about nothin’! Right?!”

Master Link is slow to respond but the heavy cloud that had descended upon the bond since we had travelled through the Gate of Time now lightens considerably as the unbreakable spirit Lady Zelda had found finally began to shine once more.

“Right,” Master Link stated firmly, raising his fist alongside Groose as the two males grinned at each other, “doesn’t matter who or what it is I have to face, I will find the Triforce, defeat Demise, and then all of us can go home! You, me and Zelda!”

“Well… about that,” Groose chuckles with an odd inflection as he folds his arms across his chest. “Link… I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going back.”


“I’m staying right here with Grannie,” Groose states, gesturing towards the older woman, who merely busies herself with gathering the empty plates, Gorko quickly joining her.

“But… what about Skyloft? Cawlin and Stritch, don’t you miss everyone?”

“Aww, don’t look so bummed out,” Groose chuckles once more. “Do I look sad? Nah, I’m doing what I want to do!

“I don’t know how to explain it. I got this feeling in my belly that there’s work to do here,” he continues as he gazes around us.

He then gestures in the direction of the Spiral, “plus, someone’s gotta watch that big, ugly monster, and someone’s gotta make sure Grannie’s doing all right.”

“…are you really sure?” Master Link inquires, which produces a smile I had never before witnessed upon the bigger male’s face.

“Yeah… I’m sure,” he murmurs. “It ain’t as action packed as what you’re doing, but maybe this is my destiny. Know what I mean?”

“Fighting the giant, imprisoned form of a demon king strong enough to nearly beat Hylia isn’t action packed to you?”

“What? That flabby bag of teeth? Pfft, if he even tries poking his head in the direction of the temple, he’s gonna find those teeth getting smashed by my big bombs!”

This statement causes both males to laugh for a moment before Groose’s gaze travels outward once more.

“Besides, it’s not so bad here. Living up in the sky was OK, I guess, but don’t you just love the way it smells down here?”

Master Link’s expression twists at that statement, causing the bigger male’s mouth to curl downward a bit as he exclaims, “What? That’s not weird to say!”

Master Link immediately bursts into laughter once more, Groose quick to join him, before he offers his hand to Master Link.

“Come on, I wanna show you something!” he states as he pulls Master Link to his feet and leads him back towards the temple.

Once inside, he heads towards a part of the temple where a tree root had broken through the roof, greenery growing upon the walls and a patch of earth had broken through the stone floor.

“Check it out,” Groose states as he gestures towards green and brown area before him, “Zelda and Grannie have brought life back to the land here. He then gestures towards the patch of dirt where it appears some digging had been done previously, “I bet even the weakest sapling could grow into one beast of a tree in soil like this. It’d brighten this place up a little too.”

“Yeah… maybe,” Master Link replies, “though, that would probably take quite a while.”

“Well, yeah, sure, it’d take a few years for it to grow,” Groose agrees with a laugh, “but as far as I’m concerned, I got nothing but time.”

His gaze then travels skyward as he states, “it’s weird to say out loud, but that’s just how I feel right now.

“So… yeah,” he says as he turns to face Master Link once more, “you know. When you get back to Skyloft, do me a favor and let people know I’m doing OK down here.”

“Yeah,” Master Link replies with a nod, “I’ll be sure to let them know.”

Groose emits another short laugh, “Cawlin and Stritch might get a little emotional since they look up to me, but you tell them I’m happy, OK?”

“Will do,” Master Link hums.

“Oh and be sure to tell them how heroic I’ve been down here, helpin’ you protect Zelda and the world from Big Blobby, or, whatever you said his name was!”

This causes Master Link to laugh once more, a ‘light-hearted’ argument initiating as they grab their bedrolls and set up camp next to the still burning fire, falling asleep to the sounds of the distant woods.


Well, good thing Groose adapted so well/quickly to the Surface, since there doesn't ACTUALLY seem to be a way to get him back to Skyloft, game-wise XD -_-'

Good job with the pep talk big guy, now get a good rest for the next round with the Imprisoned! You and the Groosenator are gonna be essential at that part! X<

But first, we'll be heading back to Skyloft to see if anyone knows anything about the Triforce and/or actually cares that Groose still hasn't come home! (well, in their defense, the new development in the skies IS pretty distracting...)

Chapter 36: Disturbing News


Link and Fi return to the Sky and head directly for the Academy to ask the Instructor for information about the Triforce. However, they first learn of something far more worrying....


Sorry for the delay, got stuck on the mini-game for the Spiral Charge and needed to take a breather... which turned out to be a separate BotW Halloween fic I'd promised to add a few more chapters to last year... which ended up taking precedence, because it's a mature fic... which is easier to work on when the fam's not home, since uh... certain scenes are easier to write with auditory sources running in the background.

'Why don't you just wear headphones, then?' I hear many of you ask. Because Night Remlit... you can't have one of your senses compromised when you live with a Night Remlit... there will be blood.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I rouse Master Link at the time requested the previous night, Groose bumbling awake alongside, blinking with wide eyes and an odd expression on his face as Master Link quickly dons his equipment.

The Old One manages to persuade my master to stay for a ‘quick’ breakfast, then everyone gathers around the bird statue that will return us to the skies.

They bid us farewell and good luck, Groose adding a request to ‘be on the lookout for good tree seedlings’ while we’re gone.

This leaves Master Link in a relatively good mood… which plummets the minute we return to the Academy.

“Link! There you are, thank Hylia!” Karane cries once we’ve landed, “where have you been?!”

“O-out looking for Zelda,” Master Link replies, ‘worry’ rising quickly due to his classmate’s agitated state, “why? Did something happen?!”

“Did something happen, he asks!” Karane laughs as she grabs Master Link’s hand and starts dragging him to the academy building. “To answer your question, yes something major has happened since the last time you were here! Now hurry up, the headmaster told us to bring you to him the second you returned!”

Master Link makes no further comments, ‘worry’ only building, as Karane continues to pull him along.

“Link! Thank the goddess you are unharmed!” Headmaster Gaepora exclaims, echoing the previous greeting of Karane once we entered his office.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Master Link replies as he comes to stand before the headmaster’s desk, “what’s going on? Why is everyone so on edge?!”

“A lot has happened since you left,” the elder sighs as he rubs the bridge of his nose. “First things first though… I see your sword has transformed once more… and you’ve even acquired a new shield.”

“Oh, yes,” Master Link mumbles, fingers drifting lightly against the sword’s hilt, “uh my previous shield was… well, it kind of got destroyed….”

“Are you alright?”

“Nothing a few potions couldn’t take care of,” Master Link was quick to reassure the man. He then hesitated before adding, “and… I met Zelda….”

“How was she?!” Headmaster Gaepora is quick to inquire, “was she alright? She wasn’t frightened, was she? Oh, what am I saying, I’m sure she was quite excited to be exploring the Surface….”

Master Link lapsed into silence during the headmaster’s rambling, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the instructor, who quickly grew agitated once more.

“Link… did something happen?”

Master Link flinched and began to stammer nonsensically, ‘panic’ growing rapidly.

This prompted me into action, withdrawing from my blade, thus bringing both males’ attention my way.

“Lady Zelda has suffered no ill effects from her time upon the Surface,” I stated, resulting in the headmaster releasing a small sigh. “However, due to certain circ*mstances, one of which being her method of descent, similar to that of Groose, she is unable to return to the skies at this time.

“Furthermore,” I added, “Lady Zelda was able to impart information she had acquired regarding the Imprisoned One we spoke of previously….”

I thus quickly relay a summarized version of our latest excursion to the Surface, opting to omit anything pertaining to the revelation of Zelda being the human incarnation of Hylia or her current state of magical stasis.

“Hmm… I see,” Headmaster Gaepora hums, once I reach the end of the report, “from what you’ve just said… it appears the two of you have been through a great deal.”

His eyes drift closed, and he inhales deeply before opening them once more.

“Link, I’ve been doing some thinking since we last spoke,” he declares, his eyes and mouth tilting downward.

“You have had this destiny thrust upon you without warning… or choice, for that matter. But I wish to help you as best I can.”

“You already have,” Master Link is quick to reassure him, “you and everyone else, even if you can’t follow me down to the Surface. You’ve done your best to supply me with everything I might need while I’m down there, helped me unravel the puzzles to the Songs, patched me up when I was injured… you’ve already done a lot, really.”

The headmaster still appeared to be unconvinced, but eventually nodded his head in acknowledgement, the corners of his mouth lifting into a small smile.

“Well, I might be nothing more than an old man who’s unable to wield a sword like he used to… but I still have quite a bit of knowledge I can share with you! Should you find yourself with any further questions about Skyloftian history or legends I will be more than happy to share my knowledge!”

“That’s why I’m here, actually,” Master Link responds ‘eagerly’ as he leans a bit closer towards the headmaster, his voice lowering, “by any chance… have you heard of something called ‘the Triforce’?”

The headmaster’s smile immediately drops at that question, his face becoming quite a few shades paler as his eyes widen.

“Link, where did you hear that word?” he inquires, his voice lowering sharply as he shoots a furtive glance towards the door, “only those entrusted to guard the sword have ever been allowed to learn of that word….”

“I heard it from Zelda,” Master Link replies, causing the headmaster’s eyes to widen even further, “she told me to find it, that it was the only thing that could defeat Demise, once and for all!”

The headmaster’s brow rises high at that statement, before lowering once more as he sighs deeply.

“That may be a problem, then,” he mutters as he rubs at his face, “it’s true that the ancient texts make several mentions of the Triforce within their pages.

“However,” he adds, causing Master Link’s rising ‘hopes’ to lower once more, “the actual location of the Triforce isn’t illuminated in any of those tomes. Its whereabouts were lost to our history, and the only one who may have a clue….”

“What?” Master Link inquires ‘impatiently’ as the headmaster’s voice trails off, “who else would know? What aren’t you telling me?!”

“Calm yourself, Master Link,” I interject, studying the headmaster’s current expression and body language accordingly. “I believe there is an 80% probability that the individual in question may have something to do with the reasoning used when you directed the other students to lead us here upon arrival?”

“…yes, that’s right,” the headmaster finally admits with a heavy sigh, folding his hands together before resting his brow upon them.

“You see, it’s about the thunderhead,” he continued, eyes opening and head lifting until his chin now rested upon his hands, “something happened after you and Instructor Owlan split up… something very disturbing.”

“What?” was Master Link’s immediate response, growing ‘agitated’ as the headmaster gazed solemnly at his desk. “Did something happen to Instructor Owlan?!”

“…-you stubborn Remlit, you’re still injured!” the voice of Instructor Horwell exclaims as we enter the Academy infirmary.

“Ah, Headmaster, thank the Goddess!” Instructor Horwell cries as he spies his superior, “will you please talk some sense back into my fool of a colleague here?!”

“I am not a fool and I do not need any sense talked into me,” the other instructor snaps, though the tension in his body eases just slightly once he catches sight of my master.

‘Shock’ and ‘guilt’ quickly drop onto the bond as he takes in the instructor’s appearance.

A great many bandages have been wrapped around his chest and right shoulder and there are a number of burns scattered across the remainder of his naked torso.

“Don’t give me that look, Link,” the man quickly sighs as he dons a tunic that had been lying on the bed next to him, “it’s not as bad as it appears—”

“No, it’s worse,” Instructor Horwell is quick to cut in, prompting Instructor Owlan to glare at him before the headmaster loudly clears his throat.

“Gentlemen, now is not the time for bickering, especially in front of a student,” he states firmly, before directing a glare towards Instructor Owlan, “and you, sit back down, you are in no shape to be moving yet!”

The instructor looks as if he will argue against that command but then appears to reconsider as he glances in Master Link’s direction.

“Did this… did this happen after I left?” Master Link inquires softly, ‘guilt’ sinking heavily upon the bond. “I… I’m so sorry, I never should’ve—”

“It’s highly unlikely your presence at that time would’ve had too much of an effect,” the instructor quickly interjects as he seats himself upon the infirmary bed. “More importantly, you’d already received your task from the Goddess and delaying would’ve been highly ill advised.”

Master Link opens his mouth to argue that point, but the headmaster’s gentle hand resting softly atop his head stops him.

“He is right, Link. It would have been truly catastrophic if you had suffered the same fate as Instructor Owlan and thus, were unable to continue with your quest….”

“But what happened?!” Master Link cried, his gaze shifting from instructor to instructor. “How did you get injured like that?!”

Instructor Owlan sighs, his hand unconsciously rising to rest atop his shoulder as he begins his tale.

“I had just returned to the thunderhead and was making my way back to the Isle of Songs… when I spotted the familiar form of Lord Levias out of the corner of my eye.”

“So, he really was in the thunderhead?” Master Link inquires.

“Yes,” the instructor replies with a nod, before his expression twists, “except… that wasn’t the Levias that we all know.”

This causes the body language of the other males in the room to shift into more defensive positions, Master Link’s emotions quaking against the bond as Instructor Owlan resumes his tale.

“The moment I approached him, he came rushing at me,” Instructor Owlan stated, bringing his hands together under his chin. “And his eyes… they held not a shred of recognition… they were full of malice… almost as if something foul had possessed him.”

Master Link stiffens, before directing a question towards me, “Fi, could this be like what happened to Koloktos in the Ancient Cistern?”

“I am afraid I cannot say for certain, Master Link,” I reply as I exit my blade, drawing nearer to Instructor Owlan as I activate my sensors, “however, given the faint traces of demonic magic that still reside upon the instructor’s body, I estimate a 70% probability that your assumption may prove correct.”

“That’s not good,” Master Link hummed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “If he really is like Koloktos and all the rest, then we won’t be able to talk to him and find out where the Triforce is.”

“It may not be too late just yet,” Instructor Owlan cut in, “while it is true that he came rushing at me, he veered just enough at the last second for my bird and I to avoid a direct hit.

“As he passed us by, I could see what appeared to be tentacles sprouting out of his body,” the instructor informed us, his eyes narrowing, “in fact, it was one of those tentacles that actually attacked us. Thankfully, my Loftwing was only grazed—”

“While you almost had your shoulder smashed completely,” Instructor Horwell cuts in.

“Well, considering my bird was the one who was actually going to get us out of there alive, I’d say that was the best scenario,” is Instructor Owlan’s retort, before he directs a query towards me, “either way, it appeared that Levias was still trying to fight against the tentacle monster. Do you think this means our chances of saving Levias are high?”

“There are still various factors that may hinder such an outcome,” I replied as I ran the calculations once more. “However, if Levias was still exhibiting signs of awareness and actively trying to avoid causing you damage, then indeed, that raises the probability of restoring the spirit to his original state.”

“Which means we’ll have to find him sooner rather than later,” Master Link states.

“Not by yourself, you’re not,” Instructor Owlan retorts as he rises to his feet once more, “you’re going to need some back up on this.”

“Owlan don’t be stupid,” Instructor Horwell begins to protest once more but his fellow instructor is quick to cut him off.

“We all know full well that my Loftwing is the only one capable of keeping up with Link’s, not to mention I am the best at mid-air combat.”

This causes Instructor Horwell’s mouth to click shut, though he is scowling even as Instructor Owlan continues his argument.

“Additionally, I’ve had more than enough time to come up with a strategy that should bring Levias directly to us. This way, we should have more of an advantage.”

‘Uncertainty’ and ‘worry’ still tremble against the bond, but Master Link inevitably sighs before inquiring, “what’s your plan then?”

“There’s two parts to it,” Owlan replied, a faint smile lifting his lips, “the first will involve a trip to the Lumpy Pumpkin. The second… will involve a crash course learning a very powerful bird-riding technique… which only senior Knight Academy students who have mastered high-level flight skills are allowed to perform….”

At those words Master Link grows very ‘excited’ while the other males emit groans and sighs.

After that, Instructor Owlan is quick to don a uniform similar to Master Link’s, albeit in a red color, alongside a sword, shield and adventure pouch of his own, fully stocked with potions.

Instructor Horwell and the headmaster impart warnings and well wishes and then we are in the sky, Akai emitting a number of screeches and mutterings that Master Link describes as ‘worrying’, over the elder bird and rider.

Perhaps this is why the flight is a full two seconds longer than usual, the two Loftwings landing upon the island that housed our destination instead of hovering in the usual fashion.

This allows the instructor to dismount carefully instead of jumping, to which he emits a short laugh as he mutters about ‘worrywarts’.

“They’re Loftwings and you’re injured,” Master Link states as the birds’ fuss at the instructor.

“Yes, yes, but we don’t have the time and the potions have done excellent work,” the instructor retorts, before heading towards the oddly shaped building before us, “now, follow me.”

“Welcome! This is the Lumpy Pumpkin, home of the finest pumpkin soup in the big, wide sky!” a young woman’s voice calls cheerfully once we enter the building.

“Oh my! If it isn’t Instructor Owlan!” the young woman exclaims. “Goodness, we haven’t seen you in ages! And who’s this handsome fellow with you?”

“This is one of our newest seniors, Link,” Instructor Owlan replies. “Link, this is Kina. She’s the daughter of this tavern’s owner and the head waitress.”

“Nice to meet you, cutie!” the young woman, Kina, giggles before she adopts a more professional tone, “so, shall I find you two a table or would you like seats at the bar—”

“We’re actually here to speak to your father,” Instructor Owlan quickly cuts, before lowering his voice as he leans closer to Kina. “We need to speak to him about Levias.”

Kina’s eyes widen but she asks no further questions as she nods and directs us further into the tavern.

“Well, if it isn’t Owlan!” a man, who is most likely the person the instructor seeks, calls as he waves a rag in the air cheerfully.

“What brings you here at this hour?” the man inquires once we are standing at the bar. “It’s a bit early for the Academy’s lessons to be finished… and you look like you’ve got something mighty serious on your mind.”

“You could say that Pumm,” Instructor Owlan replies, leaning closer as he lowers his voice. “It’s about Levias….”

“Levias… What about him?” the man, now identified as Pumm, inquires. “Did you… were you able to find out anything about him?”

“That’s a bit of a long story,” Instructor Owlan sighs before peering around the area. “We… may want to move somewhere a bit more private….”

“Goddess have mercy,” Pumm murmured in a shaky voice, once he had been informed of the circ*mstances. “To think something like this would happen to Levias, of all people….”

“There is still hope,” Instructor Owlan was quick to state, “according to the servant of the Goddess, there may still be time to save Levias. But in order to do that, we’ll need your help. Have you already started preparations for the offering?”

“Well of course, you know I always offer him an entire basin full of my pumpkin soup this time of the year!” Pumm replies, a hand rubbing at his hair. “Why? What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking… that we use your soup to lure Levias into a trap,” Owlan replied as he pulled out a roll of paper.

The paper is instantly revealed as a map of the sky, Instructor Owlan tapping a certain spot as he directs a query towards Pumm.

“You usually deliver the soup to this island, right?” At Pumm’s confirmation, Owlan continues. “Then that’s where we’ll strike. We’ll use the soup to lure him to us, then attack once he’s distracted. How soon can you make the soup?”

“Won’t that be too dangerous?!” Pumm cries as he peers at both the instructor and my master, “and just the two of you?! What will you do if you’re attacked again?!”

“Having more knights may prove more hindrance than help,” Owlan argues before directing a smirk in Master Link’s direction, “and, assuming Link and his Crimson Terror can master the move I’m planning to teach them, I’m certain the two of us will be able to free Levias.”

“Okay, but, delivering the soup with only two Loftwings might be a tad tricky….”

“We have a solution for that as well,” Master Link replied this time, “you just worry about making the soup and we’ll take care of the rest!”

The tavern owner hesitated a moment longer, gaze shifting from instructor to student, before emitting a sigh.

“Looks like I’m not going to be able to talk you out of it,” he stated before his sizable moustache lifted into a determined grin as he proclaimed, “if that’s the case, I’m going to do everything I can to make the best batch of soup ever!

“Just you wait, Levias will come running the second he catches a whiff of the stuff!” he exclaims as he raises, then quickly lowers a fist, “I’ll fire up some soup like I’ve never souped before!”

“We’ll be counting on you,” Owlan replies with a soft laugh before addressing Master Link. “And while he’s doing that, you and I will be working on those techniques I promised. We’ll start with the Spiral Charge…."

The next few hours are spent in the skies around the Lumpy Pumpkin, the techniques shown and then copied until the instructor deems them acceptable.

It is only once the voice of Kina calls out to us that we return to the tavern, where we are met with a large, pumpkin shaped bowl, which Pumm gestures to grandly with an equally large smile.

“Voila! Here it is!”

His arms then lower so that his fists rest upon his hips as he laughs grandly, “I’ve been cooking this stuff for well over 10 years, and I have to say this is the best batch of pumpkin soup I have ever created! If this doesn’t lure Levias out of hiding, I don’t know what will!”

“Given that intoxicating aroma, I’d have to agree,” Instructor Owlan laughs in turn, Master Link nodding along emphatically, “we’ll have to be careful not to dip into it ourselves before he shows up!”

“Well, if you manage to save Levias and return back here in one piece, I’ll make an entirely new batch just for the two of you!” Pumm laughs in turn, “heck, I’ll even throw in something for your Loftwings, all free of charge!”

“You’re too kind,” Instructor Owlan replies with a smile before his expression grows serious as he turns to face Master Link.

“Now, you were saying something about transporting this thing?”

Master Link sighs before he calls to me, “Fi? Ready to call Scrapper over?”

“I am, Master Link,” I reply as I exit my blade, “shall I do so now?”

“Yes, please.”

“Then I will signal for the robot,” I state before accessing the telepathic channel.

“Miss Fi! I’m heeeeere, bzzzrt!”

There is a sudden yelp from the front of the establishment, before the robot appears, quickly heading for the bowl of soup.

Having already been given the details of his current assignment, he quickly takes hold of the bowl and lifts it carefully.

“Oh, this is another heavy load… But don’t worry! I can carry anything!”

“Please ensure that this time you do not cause any incidents involving either my master or the Loftwings he and his instructor will be riding upon,” I remind the robot, which flinches slightly.

“Y-yes, understood Mistress Fi, vzzt,” the robot replied with a small nod. “Um, I’ll be waiting outside. I can take you wherever you need to go as soon as you’re ready, zizzat!”

“What was that all about?” Instructor Owlan inquired as the robot began to head for the door, peering at Master Link, who sighed as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Let’s just say that guy shares a lot of personality traits with Groose,” Master Link sighed, “though, actually, Groose has gotten a lot better ever since he went to the Surface.”

“You’ll have to fill me in on that later,” the instructor stated as he moved to follow the robot. “Right now, we need to be ready… and focused entirely on freeing Lord Levias.”

“…Right!” Master Link replied, adrenaline beginning to form as we followed after the instructor.


And we have acquired the giant bowl of pumpkin soup!

Next time we'll be using that giant bowl of soup to lure in the possessed Levias! How appropriate for the Halloween season! XD

Will Instructor Owlan and his Loftwing be able to make it through the fight relatively unscathed?! We'll have to wait and see!

See you then!

Chapter 37: Battle in the Sky


Fi and the others finally confront Levias.

Will they be able to save the Sky Spirit?


Alrighty now, let's see how well I can translate this battle with two fighters! Enjoy and wish Instructor Owlan and his Loftwing the best of luck!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, where exactly are we headed?” Master Link calls to Instructor Owlan once we have mounted the Loftwings and taken flight once more.

“There’s an island within the thunderhead that has an everlasting rainbow positioned above it,” Instructor Owlan replies. “That is where Pumm usually offers the soup and where we shall lie in wait for Levias.”

“Okay,” my master calls back, before ‘worry’ begins to gnaw upon the bond once more. “But are you sure you’ll be alright?”

“Come now, just because I have white hair does not mean I am an old man just yet!” the instructor laughs.

There is the brush of ‘irritation’ against the bond and Master Link is about to call out to the instructor once more, but the appearance of the thunderhead cuts his words short.

Soon we are slipping through the opening, rain pouring down on us as Skytails fly in the distance.

Fortunately, the island with the rainbow is positioned quite close to the entrance, thus we are able to land quickly before the Skytails can even attempt to come close.

It is a bit crowded when the Loftwings land, but there is still plenty of room for the robot’s load, despite its grumbling as it readies for the landing.

“I can just set this cargo of pumpkin soup here, right?” it inquires, immediately lowering the bowl onto the island at Instructor Owlan’s confirmation.

“You’ve picked an odd place for soup delivery,” the robot remarks as it moves to hover before my master and his instructor. "Feels dangerous. Something could jump out at us at any moment, hungry for soup… or robot.”

No sooner is that statement made a loud bellow fills the air, causing the island to shake and the Loftwings to screech as a rippling effect appears in the clouds before us.

A large reading of demonic energy mixed confusedly with sacred energy immediately assaults my sensors as a sky whale appears and heads straight for us.

“It’s Levias!” Instructor Owlan cries.

“Voo-weep! I’m out of here!” the robot screams immediately afterward as it flies for the opening we’d just come through. “You’d better not let that thing hurt Mistress Fi, Master Shortpants or you’ll answer to me, zzzzrt!”

“What? Not gonna help us?” Master Link mutters before he and the others are forced to duck as Levias flies overhead.

“There, you see them?!” Instructor Owlan calls as he points towards Levias, “those are the tentacles I was talking about!”

“I see them!” Master Link calls back as Levias tilts his body, angling himself to head towards us once more. “Fi, you got anything?!”

“Analysis reveals a parasitical monster on the great spirit has caused him to go mad,” I quickly inform Master Link. “Furthermore, it would appear the parasite inhabiting Levias has relatively poor offensive capabilities.”

“Then we should have no problem with driving the creature out,” Instructor Owlan states once Master Link relays the information. “Link, I’ll take the right side while you take the left. The Spiral Charge should be able to destroy those things, but make sure to have your sword at the ready!”

“Right!” Master Link replies as both men mount their birds once more, “be careful!”

“That’s my line young man!” the instructor laughs as his Loftwing ascends, “remember your training! And even if you are the Goddess’ Chosen, don’t you dare act like a hero, you got me?”

“Same goes to you sir!” Master Link calls as the Loftwings take flight and scream in challenge as Levias dives towards us once more.

Levias bellows loudly, the bulbous eyes of the tentacles gazing balefully as we dive for them.

We are intercepted by a gathering of Skytails, but they are quickly dispatched by the birds and their knights.

Any openings that reveal the tentacles are used, the Spiral Charge slicing through them easily, Master Link calling out encouragement with each one that is destroyed.

Once the last one on our side is destroyed a set of whistles are sounded, prompting Master Link and the Crimson Loftwing to ascend above Levias.

There, we reconvene with Instructor Owlan, who points back towards Levias as a large blue eye opens deep within the sky whale’s blow hole.

“Do you think that’s the main body of the creature?” he calls as a frilled head pokes out from its hiding place.

“Fi says yes!” Master Link calls back once I confirm the instructor’s suspicions. “Should we try the Spiral Charge on it as well?”

“On my signal!” the instructor commands, both Loftwings diving in perfect synchronization towards the main blight.

Unfortunately, the head proves to possess far more intelligence and maneuverability as it dives back into the body of Levias, leaving us no choice but to sweep past.

“Looks like we’ll have to engage the creature ourselves,” Instructor Owlan observes as the Loftwings circle back towards our target. “Make sure to land on the far side of the plate, I don’t like the idea of trying to follow it into Levias’ body….”

“Yeah, let’s leave that as the last resort,” Master Link calls back before both males jump free of their birds.

Careful maneuvering is needed to keep Levias in position, the Sailcloths deployed only at the very last second, weapons drawn once we touch down.

“Target lock: Bilocyte,” I quickly inform Master Link as our adversary reveals itself at last. “This species of parasite is currently attached to Levias. It is known for its enormous optical structure.”

“Watch out!” Instructor Owlan calls as the creature sends a projectile our way, which is quickly dodged as further information is recorded.

“Based on the creature’s anatomy, it is probable that this monster’s weakness is its central eye. However, I can confirm that while the fins on the sides of its head are extended, any attack on the eye will be quite ineffective.”

“Meaning I can’t just shoot this thing with an arrow?” Master Link calls as another projectile is dodged, Instructor Owlan cursing as part of his shield melts when it makes contact with the substance.

“You will have to destroy the fins first, in order to leave the eye free for your attacks. After analyzing the chemical properties of the projectiles Bilocyte has been firing upon us, there is a 90% probability that our best course of action will be to use the sword to deflect those projectiles into the fins, before quickly launching a full assault upon the eye itself.”

Master Link quickly moves to defend the instructor when the latest projectile sends his shield flying, relaying my recommended course of action even as he deflects the next projectile.

When it manages to wing Bilocyte’s left fin and causes the creature’s eye to close as it screams in pain, Master Link quickly transfers his bow and arrows to the instructor, who in turn sheathes his sword before equipping the proffered weaponry.

The two then move into position, my master taking the front whilst the instructor falls back, bow nocked and body tensed to wait for the opportune moment.

Projectiles are sent flying our way once more and Master Link swings, again and again, until he finds the proper angle and force needed to send them upon the proper course.

The fins fall and the creature screams, eye opening wide a moment later alongside its jaws as Bilocyte lunges forward.

Master Link immediately drops into a crouch and an arrow flies only a second later, driving deep into the monster’s eye, causing it to bellow in pain once more.

The head lowers into striking distance and Master Link is quick to pounce, my sword raised and filled with holy energy before striking deep into the eye alongside the arrow.

Sacred power flows from my blade straight to the monster’s core which in turn causes the Bilocyte to glow brightly before exploding into tiny particles.

Master Link then emits a cry of alarm as Levias begins to thrash, Instructor Owlan quick to pull us towards him as he covers my master’s body with his own as the ‘ground’ beneath us bucks and shakes.

There is the scream of Akai and the instructor’s Loftwing as the birds dive towards us and then there is nothing but dark clouds as we begin to fall….

But then the clouds lighten and the surface beneath us straightens before beginning a careful ascent, Instructor Owlan only pulling away once a deep voice calls out to us as we are returned to the open sky.

“Oh? If it isn’t Owlan and the adventurous boy with the Crimson Loftwing. Were you the ones who brought me this delectable cauldron of pumpkin soup?”

“Lord Levias!” Instructor Owlan calls with a relieved sigh, “I am glad to see you have returned to your senses!”

“Indeed,” the great spirit hums as he drifts back towards the island where the soup still sits, “and I must apologize for my earlier behavior. A most peculiar and irksome pest possessed me. I was not myself.”

“No apologies are needed my lord,” Instructor Owlan replies quickly, “it was obvious something was amiss. I am glad to see there are no lasting effects from the ordeal.”

“As am I!” Levias laughs, “and the delicious aroma of this soup certainly aided in restoring my senses as well!”

“Pumm will be glad to hear that!” the instructor laughed, before growing serious once more. “However, my lord, before you partake of this year’s offering… there is something we would like to ask of you….”

“That something wouldn’t happen to involve that parasite that managed to break through the cloud barrier?” Lord Levias inquires before his large eyes turn in Master Link’s direction. “Or perhaps it’s to do with this young man and the spirit guide?”

At this subtle prompting I exit my blade, ensuring I am within the spirit’s eyeline as I bow respectfully.

“Greetings. My designation is Fi, and I am the servant of the Goddess who was appointed to guide her hero upon his journey.”

“My greetings to you as well, Spirit of the Sword,” Levias replies. “I am the great spirit they call Levias. Before she passed from this world so long ago, the goddess, Hylia, appointed me as warden of the skies.

“Given the fact that you now accompany this boy… and the silent power I can sense dwelling somewhere in that little frame,” the warden hummed as his gaze shifted towards my master, “I assume you are the goddess’s chosen hero?”

“Um, yes, that’s right,” Master Link responds with a nod.

“How interesting… and thus, I assume you’ve come to hear what I know of the Triforce,” Levias stated, to which my master responded in the affirmative once more.

“As I suspected… Listen closely, and I will tell you,” Levias declared before beginning his tale.

“As you likely know, long ago, an evil force attempted to take the Triforce for his own.”

“Demise, right?” Master Link inquired.

“Correct,” Levias hummed. “The goddess did everything in her power to prevent it from falling into his hands.

“For the safety of all things, she hid the Triforce somewhere within the rock you call Skyloft. However, its location has been kept secret. Even I do not know where it rests now.”

‘Disbelief’ and ‘despair’ are just beginning to form against the bond, but they ease as Levias speaks once more.

“Oh, but the goddess did entrust me with a hint as to the Triforce’s location.”

“A hint?” Master Link and Instructor Owlan repeat in tandem, causing the sky spirit to chuckle.

“The clue is a song, meant to be played on the harp you hold. It is known as the Song of the Hero.

“The song is the key to revealing the secret location of the Triforce,” Levias continues, as we draw near the island with the rainbow and soup once more.

“I don’t suppose you could teach me this song right away?” Master Link inquires, though he is not surprised when the sky spirit responds in the negative this time.

“The goddess split this song into four parts,” Levias informed us as he comes to a halt before the island. “She entrusted one part to me and the other three to the dragons of the land.”

“Dragons?” Instrutor Owlan repeats with widened eyes, “you’re saying those mythical creatures exist down below?”

“Yeah, I’ve met one of them already,” Master Link replies with an ‘uneasy’ laugh. “She’s… quite a character.”

“You must gather each of the parts of the Song of the Hero,” Levias states solemnly. “Seek out the dragons, and convince them to teach you their parts.

“When they’ve taught you what they know, come to me and I will complete the song with my own voice!”

“Okay,” Master Link replies as he and the instructor disembark onto the island, “I’ll probably head to Faron Woods first then, since I already know where Lady Faron is. And Gorko and Golo should be able to help us find the others, don’t you think Fi?”

“Golo did state that he was researching the legend of the dragons in question,” I replied as I exited my blade. “Therefore, there is a 90% probability that he, at least, will be able to shed further light upon the subject.”

“It sounds like your course is set then,” Levias laughed, the sound resulting in small tremors. “Very good. Return here once you have learned all three songs, then, for I shall be waiting.

“Now then, if you will excuse me,” the spirit then hums as he turns his attention to the bowl that still sits upon the island. “I do hope Pumm’s soup is still warm! Oh how I have been waiting for this day!”

“I suppose that is our cue, then,” Instructor Owlan observes as Levias descends upon the bowl. “Let’s head back to Skyloft then… I must say, all this excitement has left me quite exhausted.”

“Careful there Instructor,” Master Link states in a sudden ‘teasing’ tone, “too much of that kind of talk and people really will be calling you an old man!”

“You’d better watch your tone there, little hero, or this old man will be giving you extra homework for when your quest is completed.”

This only causes Master Link to laugh, the instructor soon to follow, even Levias joining in alongside the calls of the Loftwings as they come in for a landing.


Hmm, I don't think the soup would still be warm after all that, but hopefully Levias still enjoyed himself!

Up next, we'll be heading back to Faron... but not exactly to the place Link will be expecting.

See you then!

Chapter 38: He Can Fly!


The Imprisoned escapes its prison for the third time and while Fi and the others are quick to engage it in battle... the monster proves to still possess a few tricks up its sleeve....


Role call now, who thought this was the hardest and who thought this was the easiest fight against this cursed avocado?

Myself, it's a toss up....

...By the way, anyone notice the (bad) pun in the chapter title? *Cackles before humming a certain Disney song*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the sun was in the process of setting by the time we had exited the thunderhead, Instructor Owlan insisted that we delay our departure for Faron until the morning after.

Master Link was reluctant, but ultimately conceded the point, following along behind the instructor as we headed for the Nest and aided in putting the Loftwings away for the night.

After a trip to the infirmary where both student and instructor were fussed over and scolded, we were then ushered to dinner, shower, and finally to bed.

Master Link emitted a loud groan as ‘fatigue’ crashed down upon the bond at the same time his body sank into the mattress, whereupon he quickly fell into a deep slumber.

The night progressed without issue, and we were entering the early hours of the morning… when an unmistakable presence could be felt stirring, even at this altitude, here in the clouds.

I had only just exited my blade when Master Link emitted a noise of distress, flinging his body into an upright position with a loud gasp as ‘panic’ slammed against the bond.

Unfocused eyes scrabbled alongside groping hands for a weapon to wield against an unseen foe, but clear quickly as I call out, bringing their attention my way.

“Readings indicate a sudden increase in evil energy,” I reported, Master Link inhaling sharply as his body shakes. “This aura bears a 100% match to that felt previously and the fact that it is originating in the direction of the green pillar clearly indicates—”

“The Imprisoned,” Master Link cuts in with an unsteady voice, “Demise… he’s trying to break free again….”

“Master, given his aura is now powerful enough to be felt above the cloud barrier and the shortened amount of time from the previous sealing, I would suggest heading for the Sealed Grounds as quickly as possible.”

Master Link’s only reply is to fling the covers of his bed to the side as he launches himself towards his clothing and equipment.

His hands manage to steady themselves as he dresses and equips himself but there is still the tang of ‘worry’, ‘tension’, and ‘fear’ when we finally exit his room and sprint in the direction of the nest….

Akai makes a series of disgruntled noises when we rouse him from his slumber and urge him out of the nest.

But upon realizing Master Link’s emotional state, the Loftwing does not fight against him as he urges the bird to fly as fast as he can towards the green pillar, though he does emit a loud cry as we dive through the opening in the cloud barrier.

Master Link only spares it a single second before bringing his focus completely downward, the Sailcloth deployed early, so that he has time to survey the ground below from a higher vantage point.

Black smoke is already flowing thickly from below the sealing spike and a redheaded figure is rushing out from the direction of the temple.

Master Link releases a short series of whistles before furling the Sailcloth to drop a few feet, deploying it once more to land safely as Groose comes to a stop before us.

“Link, bad news!” he cries between heaving breathes. “That beast looks like it’s about to break free again!”

“I know,” Master Link replies ‘grimly’. “Is the Groosenator still operational?!”

“I just gotta get into position!” Groose states, Master Link quick to follow after him as he rushes back towards the weapon.

They stumble as the ground quakes beneath us, Groose nearly losing his balance completely as he climbs aboard his Groosenator.

“Whoa!” the bigger male cries, only just managing to avoid falling. “Feels like the seal is going to give way any second.

“Uh… but no need to panic!” he is quick to add, his ‘co*cky’ attitude quickly returning as he places one hand on his hip while the other gestures grandly towards his invention.

“You know what the Groosenator can do, am I right?” he cries, smacking his fist against his chest as he laughs. “As long as I’m at the controls of this bombshell beauty, I don’t even know the meaning of the word ‘defeat’!”

His expression morphs into one more ‘serious’, however, as he turns back towards us.

“Flinging bombs on this monster’s face, defending the land… It’s my purpose, I think. It’s why I’m here.”

“Yeah,” Master Link is quick to agree, ‘fondness’ and ‘gratitude’ glowing against the bond. “I couldn’t have gotten this far without you, Groose. Thank you.”

These words cause the bigger male’s cheeks to turn pink, but he is quick to turn away from us waving his hand in our direction as he moves towards the Groosenator’s controls.

“Anyway, Link, I’ve got work to do. Try not to get in the way of my shots, OK?”

“Will do,” Master Link chuckles, though his humor disappears quickly as a particularly strong quake shakes beneath his feet.

He dives off the edge of the spiral just as the seal glows red and the black smoke consumes the pillar once more, landing at the bottom just as the Imprisoned rises and roars.

“A reminder, Master Link,” I call as he readies his sword and shield. “What we now face is the demonic vessel of Demise. Please note the taillike appendage and the aura that is emitted whenever the creature takes a step forward. Both shall make destroying the toelike appendages far more difficult.”

“Well, look who’s finally back,” Groose calls down from above with another co*cky laugh. “Good thing too, ‘cause I was getting tired of waiting to put a hurting on his ugly mug!”

The Imprisoned roars once more, black and red electricity sparking as he takes a step forward, but Groose simply calls out again, his voice ringing clearly throughout the area.

“Link! Let’s do this! Our game plan is the same as last time. You know what to do!”

A series of whistles are quick to follow that statement and Master Link immediately raises his shield, dashing forward as a bomb slams into the Imprisoned.

Master Link is quick to take advantage of this, the sword easily destroying the monster’s toes and sending it plummeting to the ground.

The pillar is forced back into its head and Master Link retreats to a safe distance as the Imprisoned One climbs back onto its feet.

But then he emits a cry of alarm and disbelief as a large black and red ring forms above the Imprisoned One’s head… and the monster begins to rise.

“It can fly?!” Master Link cries.

“WHOA! Since when did it learn how to fly?!” Groose cries at the near exact time.

“It would appear the monster has evolved to an immensely powerful state,” I informed Master Link, who grew more ‘frantic’ the higher the Imprisoned One rose. “Also, given the rapid ascent, I calculate your odds of defeating it by sword alone at approximately 0%.”

“NOT ON MY WATCH BIG BLOBBY!” Groose suddenly bellowed as the Groosenator flew over its tracks. “There’s no way I’m letting you anywhere near the temple! Big ugly’s going down burning!”

A bomb was immediately flung skyward at that declaration, flying in a high arc and hitting the Imprisoned one directly between its legs.

The monster bellowed as the circle wavered, then disappeared, the Imprisoned One plummeting to the ground immediately after.

“Is that it?” I heard Groose exclaim as Master Link raced for the sealing spike. “Man, I thought it was going to put up more of a fight. Somebody should really thank the genius who made this machine!”

Those words caused an odd tickling to develop in my chest, but it was quickly forgotten as we set upon the pillar.

Thankfully, only three strikes were needed, as Master Link’s first few hits were panicked and sloppy.

I managed to calm him, and the pillar was sent back into the monster’s skull, Master Link emitting a curse as it rose once more but staying relatively calm even as the circle reappeared.

But, when the Imprisoned One had risen a good distance and a bomb had yet to fly, ‘worry’ and ‘panic’ began to flutter against the bond… increasing as a panicked cry could be heard from above.


Master Link was quick to follow Groose’s instructions, sprinting for the air currents and then the Groosenator, where its namesake was working frantically at the controls.

“Link, we’re in trouble!” he exclaimed. “The road crumbled, and I can’t get to my stash of bombs!”

“What?!” Master Link cried, ‘panic’ rising once more as his gaze swiveled from Groose to the rising Imprisoned One. “B-but, no! H-how—?!”

“Link!” Groose cut in, a firm hand resting solidly on my master’s shoulder. “We’ve got no choice! You’ve got to get up onto that ugly thing’s head! Quick now!”


“I concur with his reasoning, Master Link!” I quickly added, the calculations proving accurate. “Without further access to the big bombs there will be no other way to halt the Imprisoned One’s ascension. You must immediately board the Groosenator’s launching mechanism and allow Groose to map your trajectory!”

Master Link’s emotions swirled into an incomprehensible mess, but then quickly stilled as he sheathed the sword and did as instructed, bracing himself as Groose sent his weapon flying into position.

“Locked and loaded!” Groose cried as we came to a stop, gears cranking as he made final adjustments and calculations, “now bring this creep DOWN!!!!”

That last bit was bellowed just as the Groosenator was deployed, Master Link and I sent flying forward and upward.

Master Link emitted a sharp cry of pain as we slammed into black scales but was quick to scramble up to the top of the monster's head, sword drawn as he raced for the spike.

The temple was just coming into view as the first strike was delivered to the sealing spike, the Old One standing tall even as the Imprisoned One bellowed and surged forward.

Groose came running as the second strike was delivered, covering the Old One’s body with his own as the beast’s jaws scraped against the aged roof.

Master Link bellowed alongside the Imprisoned One now as a Sacred Strike was gathered and then brought down mightily upon the seal.

The strike is absorbed by the sealing spike, glowing brightly as it sinks fully into the black mass, the Imprisoned One now screaming and flailing in pain as white light shines from within.

Master Link yelps as he is tossed free of the monster, flailing himself, before he manages to deploy the Sailcloth, floating gently through the air as it becomes filled with the individual scales.

“Now, Link!” The Old One calls as Master Link angles himself down to the center of the spiral, following the sealing spike as it descends. “Strike the sealing spike with a Skyward Strike once more, and restore the seal! Quickly!”

Master Link is quick to do just that, the sacred energy called and deployed once more as he comes to stand before the seal.

A new symbol is subsequently carved and the spike driven downward, the new seal shining brightly upon the ground around us.

‘Satisfaction’ blooms but it is quickly overshadowed by ‘worry’, which lingers even as Groose’s laughing voice calls down to us.

“Whew… I gotta say, Link, I thought we were goners this time. Sorta glad I was wrong about that.”

Master Link does not respond, but he does make for the nearest air vent and quickly follows Groose and the Old One into the Sealed Temple, ‘worry’ still throbbing heavily.

“The beast has been sealed into its prison for a third time,” the Old One hums as she aids in tending to Master Link’s wounds.

“Link, Groose,” she calls, both males directing their gazes her way as a result. “You have both done well.

“But I fear we can’t dwell on your success. The strength of the seal seems to wane with each escape,” she sighs, her hands folding atop her lap as her head lowers.

“I noticed that,” Master Link states, his emotions swirling, ‘worry’ the most prevalent as his gaze shifts to the doors that conceal Her Grace.

He quickly turns back towards the Old One, ‘worry’ growing stronger, as he inquired, “what does that mean, exactly… when it comes to Zelda?”

The Old One gazes at Master Link for a moment but says nothing until ‘impatience’ leads him to call out to me and repeat the question.

“That is not something you truly wish to know,” she states, Master Link’s attention snapping back towards her, ‘anger’ building as he opens his mouth.

But Groose’s hand, resting firm but gentle on his shoulder, brings him to a halt, the tension collapsing as drooping gold eyes meet my master’s own.

“At the very least, time is growing ever shorter,” the Old One sighs once more. “Link, tell us… are you close to discovering the Triforce?”

“Yes and no,” Master Link replies with a sigh before beginning to relay what had occurred during our time above the clouds.

“…I see,” the Old One hums once the tale is finished. “You must seek out the three dragons and complete the Song of the Hero to find the Triforce.”

“Right,” Master Link replies with a nod, “and since I’ve already met Lady Faron, I thought it best to start with her… and I was hoping Gorko might have some ideas on where I can find the others?”

“That might take a while,” Groose hummed this time as he scratches his head. “He said he needed to check in with his school, so it might take some time before he comes back.”

“There is another problem as well,” the Old One adds with a sigh. “Unfortunately, there has been an unusual turn of events in the woods…”

“Oh, hey, yeah!” Groose exclaims as he forms a fist and taps it lightly against the open palm of his other hand. “With all the excitement over Big Blobby, I totally forgot about that!”

“Forgot about what?” Master Link inquires.

“I am unsure of what happened,” the Old One began to explain, “but a short while ago, I noticed the path to the woods was completely flooded.”

“What?!” Master Link cried in ‘alarm’, that emotion only growing as he exclaimed, “oh no… don’t tell me Lady Faron was serious when she threatened to go after Elder Yerbal?!”

“I cannot say,” the Old One stated, still maintaining her calm even as Master Link grew further agitated. “But, to protect the land here, I closed the gate leading to the woods and drove back the water with a simple seal.”

“You can do that?!”

“Yeah, Grannie can do a bunch of things!” Groose cut in with a loud laugh and a big grin. “She’s totally awesome, bet if she were just a few years younger she’d be kicking the Imprisoned’s butt all on her own!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” the Old One chuckled, “and the seal will only hold as long as the gate remains closed. This means you will not be able to open it without flooding these lands.”

“That’s a real problem then,” Master Link sighs as he crosses his arms and tilts backwards, “and I’m guessing I can’t just head back to the sky and then try to jump back down into the woods themselves….”

“Heh! Why go to all that trouble?” Groose suddenly chuckles, an odd gleam in his eye as he taps a fist against his chest. “Consider the problem solved!”

“How so?” Master Link inquired ‘warily’, ‘apprehension’ growing as Groose’s smile widens.

“See, that last battle with big ugly got me thinking about other ways to use the Groosenator,” the bigger male begins to explain.

“Oh no,” Master Link groans before addressing me, “Fi, any chance you have any other way to get to the woods?”

“None that would be as quick as the correct application of the Groosenator, Master Link.”

My answer causes Master Link to groan once more, which Groose seems to take as a personal victory as he laughs loudly before climbing to his feet and heading to the door.

“Just climb up into that bad boy, and I’ll give you a ‘lift’ over to the woods, all right?” the larger male chuckles. “I’ll run ahead and get her prepped for you! Come see me when you’re ready to take a little flight.”

“Oh my,” the Old One chuckles now, once Groose has run off. “The boy has made himself very useful, but he does have a tendency to cause trouble for those he ‘helps’…”

“Well, looks like that part of his personality hasn’t changed then,” Master Link sighs.

“Please be at ease, Master Link,” I chimed in as my master emitted his third groan. “I will take careful account of his measurements and correct any mistakes before the subsequent launch."

“Safe journey,” the Old One says as Master Link climbs to his feet. “I wish you a soft landing, Link.”

‘Trepidation’ and ‘worry’ buzz against the bond at those words, only growing once we are stationed within the launching mechanism of the Groosenator once more.

“With my machine the woods are just a fling away!” Groose laughs loudly once more as we move into position.

“Are you sure this is going to work?!” Master Link calls when we come to a stop and Groose begins preparing to launch us.

“Aren’t you supposed to be the brave hero?” Groose shoots back as he takes hold of the lever. “It’ll be fine, my baby already got you on top of Big Blobby didn’t it? This should be a piece of cake!”

“The current trajectory, wind speed and direction, as well as the current condition of the machine indicate an 85% chance of a successful launch into the woods,” I add. “As long as the Old One was not mistaken about the volume of water that currently resides within the woods and you maintain a proper diving form, you should receive no physical injuries.”

“You’re all so very reassure-iiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!” Master Link states just as Groose releases the mechanism that launches us towards the woods.


And we have made it through the last of the Giant Avocado battles! (In the story, Lanayru's little battle royale is probably not going to make it in here).

Oh my gosh, there's only about 10/11 vids left in the walkthrough I follow along with for this game... which means this part of the story is almost over! *Conflicted Emotions*

But! It's not over yet! First we have to make it through... THAT part of the story! (At least we get to see the Kikwis again? Yerbal! You still alive?!) Comments and Kudos are always super appreciated! *Pulls out Trick-or-Treat bag*

Chapter 39: One Last Test


Link and Fi return to Faron Woods once more, only to find a... rather dramatic change to the environment.
What trials await our heroes in this newly submerged land?


Back in an earlier chapter, someone wondered in the comments why a baby (our cinnamon roll, Link) was fighting demons. And this led to my wacky brain to latch onto this as an explanation for why Faron makes us go through another test to 'prove we're truly a hero' or whatnot.

...either way, this chapter was hard (and not least because of actually playing this part of the game and struggling with Motion Controls -_-')

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

True to my suggestion, Master Link manages to maneuver himself into a proper diving position, easily slipping into the water that does indeed await us.

“Good show, young man, kewwwwww,” a familiar voice calls out once we breach the water’s surface. “An exceptional dive, if I do say so myself.”

“Thank you, Elder Bucha,” Master Link chuckles before making his way over to the large lily pad the equally large Kikwi resides upon.

“Not at all, lad,” Elder Bucha hums, before inquiring, “what brings you here this time? Have you further questions for Yerbal? Or is there something I can assist you with?”

“Well, first,” Master Link begins as he climbs upon the lily pad himself, “what happened here? Why is there so much water?”

“Kewwww, yes, things look a bit different here, don’t they?” Elder Bucha replied, his rather small hands clasping at his head briefly as he gazed at our surroundings.

“The water came gushing out of the base of the tree behind me and flooded the entire woods.”

“Out of the tree?” Master Link repeats as ‘unease’ grows, “wasn’t… Yerbal hanging out at the top of the tree? Do you think the Water Dragon did this?”

“I don’t know for sure,” is the large Kikwis reply as he shurgs, “but I suppose it will clear out the monster infestation, kewww, so you won’t hear me complaining!”

“But what about Yerbal?”

“Perhaps we can determine his status ourselves,” I suggest, “seeing as we have need to visit the tree ourselves. Having scanned the area, I can indeed detect the aura of the Water Dragon from within the tree indicated by Elder Bucha.”

“Okay, well,” Master Link states aloud as he directs his attention back towards the Kikwi elder, “I guess I’ll go take a look inside the tree again… see if I can’t get the waters to… go back where they belong?”

“That would be nice, kew kew,” Elder Bucha replied with a nod, “but there’s no rush. On the off chance the Water Dragon is indeed behind all this, I would rather wait it all out than risk incurring her wrath….”

“I’ll… keep that in mind,” Master Link states as ‘unease’ builds once more before he dives back into the waters.

Entering inside the tree reveals it, too, has been flooded, much of the pathways traversed before now submerged.

Eventually, though, we reach the surface once more, Master Link quick to head towards a remaining branch that lays atop the water level.

He has only just begun to trek down this path when my sensors alight, the form of the Water Dragon jumping over us, causing Master Link to emit a cry of surprise as her form arcs above his head.

She reenters the water and Master Link peers at the bubbling mass cautiously, just about to call out, when Her Excellence surges upward once more, causing him to jump back.

“Who dares to dip even a toe in my waters without my leave?” the Water Dragon cries, her arms extended to either side and her head thrown back as her antennae wave emphatically.

Master Link elects not to speak just yet as she draws near, her face mere inches from his own as she peers at him.

“Oh, I remember you,” the Water Dragon then hums as a large, clawed hand comes up to hover just beneath my master’s chin. “You’re the young human who helped me recover from my injuries some time ago. Ah… Link, was it?”

“Y-yes, ma’am,” Master Link replies with a small nod, still mindful of the long nails that hover beneath his chin. “I’m… glad to see you’re doing well.”

“I am, thank you,” she replies, before extending herself to the left as she peers intently upon Master Link’s form.

“Let’s have a look at you… Yes, you seem a good deal stronger than the last time we met,” she hums with a slight smile curving her lips.

“And look at that sword… You’re the real thing, boy. It’s clear you have the spirit of a hero of the goddess.”

‘Pride’ and ‘embarrassment’ flare at her words, though Master Link strives to keep his face ‘stoic’ as the Water Dragon straightens and speaks once more.

“Let me guess… You swam all the way here to try to get me to teach you the part of the Song of the Hero the goddess entrusted to me.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Master Link replies, though ‘unease’ is beginning to stir.

“That’s all well and good,” Her Excellence hums, “but I can’t go around giving away something that precious to every hero who flounders into my waters.

“No,” she continues with an odd smile, “I think a final test is in order to ensure you are in fact the one meant to hear this melody of mine.”

“What did you have in mind?” Master Link inquires ‘hesitantly’.

That inquiry prompts the Water Dragon to gesture outwards with her right hand, “this may be news to you, but some very irksome monsters have been overrunning my woods of late.”

“The Bokoblins and Moblins, right?”

“Correct,” Lady Faron replies with a nod, “and I decided that I’d had enough! The easiest way to deal with the awful things was to flood the whole woods.”

“Well that’s… one way to do it,” Master Link notes silently.

“Indeed, and a rather efficient method as well,” I chime in, “though it will have the unintended side effect of driving off the natural fauna of the woods as well.”

“As it happens,” Lady Faron continues, “almost every inch of greenery in the area is submerged. So it’s here, in this flooded land, that I will test you.”

Her head then tilts, one antenna raising, “if you’re up to completing the task I ask of you, I see no reason why I shouldn’t reward you with the melody you seek.”

“Alright then,” Master Link replies ‘resolutely’, “what is it you would have me do, Your Excellence?”

The Water Dragon smiles once more, before folding her hands into her sleeves and closing her eyes.

She hums as a blue light gathers before her, rising until it is level with her brow, her eyes drifting open just before it shoots skyward.

“Quickly now, outside,” she commands, prompting Master Link forward as she, too, sets into motion.

Upon reaching the outer branches of the tree, I register that the light is now hovering directly above the tree.

I notify Master Link of this fact and his gaze lifts just in time to witness the light bursting into smaller streams of light, which streak across the sky.

They fall and sink into the depths of the water, Master Link watching in ‘confusion’ before the Water Dragon brings our attention back in her direction.

“As you just saw, I have split the melody you seek among my many Tadtones and I have hidden them around the forest.

“If you haven’t already guessed, Link,” she states as light gathers before her once more, a musical score suddenly appearing in midair, “here’s your task: take this score and collect all my little musical friends out there.”

“Collect them?” Master Link repeats with a furrowed brow.

“Draw close enough to them and the score will absorb them,” Lady Faron explains further. “That score will also aid you in figuring out how many Tadtones are in each group. Find them, collect them, and bring them back to me.”

“Am I allowed to use Fi’s dowsing ability?”

“If she is able to do so, then by all means,” Lady Faron replies. “If you succeed, then I’ll just have to see you as someone worthy of learning the Song of the Hero.”

“Understood,” Master Link states with a respectful bow, “I’ll be sure to succeed and earn your approval.”

“See that you do,” the Water Dragon chuckles as Master Link dives into the water below.

“What’s this? The Water Dragon indeed caused this flood?” Elder Bucha exclaimed, once Master Link had climbed atop his lily pad once again, to allow for time to scan and analyze the new presence within the area.

“Well now,” the large Kikwi hums, “so the old girl finally grew angry with all the monsters running about the forest, kewwww?”

“Sounds like it,” Master Link replied, to which the Kikwi elder sighed deeply.

“…The woods won’t be getting drier anytime soon, kewwww…” he stated, his entire body drooping.

“I thought you weren’t going to complain if it meant the monsters got cleared out?” Master Link inquired ‘teasingly’.

“Well, yes… I did say that,” the Kikwi elder huffed, “but, considering I just saw a large, squishy looking monster with a gaping maw roaming around in the waters, it looks like some of them actually enjoy the waters!”

Master Link only emits a small laugh at that, “well, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised by that. Tell you what, I’ll try to pick off a few more while I’m looking for the Tadtones. Maybe after that and I finish the task itself, Lady Faron will be willing to turn the woods back to normal.”

“I certainly hope so,” Elder Bucha sighed once more, before declaring, “in that case, we Kikwis will help you! We might not be able to swim alongside you, but we can certainly keep our eyes peeled for these Tadtones you seek!”

“We’ll help as well!” the voice of Jellyf cries as she and a group of her fellow Parella surface to our right. “Mind you we won’t be collecting the Tadtones ourselves, but Her Ladyship did not forbid us from sharing our tips with you!”

“Are you sure?” Master Link inquires, “I don’t want to get you guys in trouble….”

“No need to worry about that,” Jellyf chuckles as she draws nearer, Master Link kneeling as she begins to whisper, “don’t let the Kikwis or Her Grace’s words fool you. She’s actually a very caring person, I’m certain she only gave you this task because she wished to aid in your growth as a hero….”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Master Link murmurs before I draw his attention my way, as I am finally able to register the Tadtones as a dowsing target.

Things progress smoothly from that point forward.

With the tips from the Parella and a few calls from the Kikwis above, we manage to find a fourth of the score when Elder Bucha suddenly calls out in alarm.

“Hey, Link! Some nasty fish seem to have swam their way into the flooded woods. I’d hate to bump into those things underwater, kewww! Watch your toes!”

“Nasty fish?”

“A moment, Master Link, I am scanning the area anew,” I reply as I cast my sensors outward once more.

“Cranioc,” I identify once the target is located, “this fishlike monster is said to settle disputes with another of its species purely by the magnificence of its bulbous crowns.”

“I’m guessing they won’t use the same method with us if we run into them?”

“There is a 100% probability you are correct, Master Link. Be aware, when this creature chooses its prey, it will turn red with excitement and charge head-on. Stopping such an assault could prove difficult.”

“The ferocious fish are baaaaack!” one of the Parellas scream as three Craniocs appear before us. “SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!”

“Everyone dive quickly!” Jellyf’s voice calls out from further away, “they can’t follow you if you dive deep!”

Her fellow Parellas scramble to follow her orders, but many of them become panicked and merely swim in circles as the Cranioc draw ever closer.

This, of course, prompts Master Link to action, his movements slowed by the water, but he still manages to draw his sword and ‘dash’ forward.

As our adversaries draw ever closer, the Water Dragon’s Scale begins to shine, magic and information flowing as I coach Master Link into a spin.

The magic propulsion aids in slicing through the tough exterior of the Craniocs, two falling quickly before Master Link pulls out of the spin.

He flounders as he searches for the remaining Cranioc and thus, is unable to move into the aquatic spin attack before the monster is bearing down on us.

Master Link struggles to draw his shield, desperate to get it into position before impact, bracing for the expected pain as I gather sacred energy to attempt to redirect the blow, even if only slightly….

But then a blast of water hurls into the Cranioc, crushing it against the stone wall opposite us mere seconds before contact is made.

“Hmph, so there were still some pests remaining,” Lady Faron huffs from above, the shadow of her tail quickly vanishing from view.

She then adds, “seems you still have a bit of work to do in water combat, little hero! Take this opportunity to learn how to use that scale of mine properly whilst searching for the rest of the Tadtones… and make yourself useful by aiding in clearing out any further filth!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Master Link calls back as adrenaline eases away slowly… and ‘fondness’ suddenly glows against the bond.

“Oh, Link!” Elder Bucha calls, once the last of the Tadtones has been uncovered and the creatures have sung their mysterious tune. “You’ve gathered all the Tadtones, haven’t you? That’s no small feat! Or should I say no small beat, kewwwww!”

“He sounds even happier than I feel,” Master Link chuckles silently as the dim figure of the large Kikwi shakes and wiggles above us.

“Ahem,” the Kikwi elder then clears his throat before speaking once more. “Anyway, hurry and return to the Water Dragon!”

“Indeed! You mustn’t keep Lady Faron waiting!” Jellyf chimes in as she and the other Parella gather around us.

“Right,” Master Link replies, waving at both the Kikwis and Parella, “thank you, everyone! I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Cheering and calls of good luck thus trail behind us as we head for the entrance to the Great Tree once again.

“Ah, you’ve brought back all my colorful little Tadtones,” the Water Dragon states, as we stand before her once more.

“You are indeed worthy of being called a hero,” she declares with a respectful nod. “This much is clear. I’m good for my word, so I will teach you my part of the song you seek.”

‘Relief’ and ‘excitement’ vibrate against the bond and Master Link quickly pulls out his harp as Lady Faron begins to sing.

She shows a surprising amount of patience as she repeats the song until my master is able to play it perfectly upon the Goddess Harp, nodding in satisfaction once this is achieved.

Her gaze then drifts outward as she states, “originally, I had planned to keep these woods underwater so that those awful monsters could never return.”

Master Link fights to keep his expression and posture neutral, but his heartbeat increases as ‘worry’ for the Kikwis and the other residents of the woods pound against the bond.

“But your task is far from over,” the Water Dragon continues, “and you’re not exactly at home in the water. I suppose I’ll return the woods to their natural state.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency,” Master Link replies with a deep bow, ‘relief’ washing over the bond as the ground begins to shake and the water recede.

“All this excitement has been rather draining,” the Water Dragon then declares with a yawn. “I believe I’ll retire to my hall. You’d best be on your way as well.”

Master Link bows once more and then the Water Dragon is gone, leaving us free to head for the nearest bird statue and return to the skies.


Still not super happy with this chapter, but better to post it and move on instead of spending the rest of the year tweaking, am I right?

Oh well, hopefully the next dragon quest won't be as bad *author says as rumbling can be heard in the distance*

P.S. For those of you wondering, Yerbal was fine. Disappeared when Lady Faron was inside the Great Tree but reappeared once she went back home (and scolded Link for being unable to keep secrets XD)

Chapter 40: Separated in Eldin


Link and Fi make their way to Eldin to look for the second dragon and their part of the Song. However, an unexpected occurrence awaits our heroes, as the truly dangerous aspect of the fiery region is revealed....


Realization made as I return to this fic and re-read the last line of the previous chapter: I was following too closely with my walkthrough guy and didn't check back in with Groose and Grannie! How's Link supposed to know where to go?! XDD

Oh well, c'est la vie, enjoy the next chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Forgive me for asking this Master Link but, would it not have been better to check in with the Old One and Groose to see if Gorko had returned before returning to the skies?”

Master Link stiffens from where he sits upon Akai’s back, before performing the odd action of smacking his forehead with the flat of his palm as he groaned.

“Oh man, you’re right Fi!” he exclaims. “I was so focused on moving forward that I didn’t even think of that!”

“Does that mean you wish to return to the green pillar?”

“…no, let’s take a look around the Eldin region first,” Master Link decides after a moment of contemplation. “We might be able to find our way to the Eldin dragon ourselves, or even Gorko’s university, didn’t he say it was around that area?”

“He did, but it would be at least a two-day trek from where the bird statue lies.”

“Which would be way too long,” Master Link stated. “That leaves poking around the area ourselves then. Let’s give it about two hours, if we don’t find any leads by then, we’ll head back to the Sealed Temple and see if Gorko made it back."

“Understood Master Link, I shall be sure to keep a close eye on our time once we land.”

Master Link chuckled before addressing Akai, “hear that bud? We’re heading for the red pillar. If you want to hang around the area once I descend that’s fine, but be sure to head back if I don’t return after the two-hour mark, okay?”

Akai emitted a loud screech, another sounding right after Master Link had jumped free of his back and we were passing beneath the clouds once again.

It is only once we have descended two feet that my sensors are triggered, an extreme alteration in the atmospheric pressure and compositions of the gasses that dwell within the air indicating a very dire situation was about to occur.

“Master Link, something is wrong! I would suggest deploying your sailcloth immediately and maneuvering us away from the volcano!”

Master Link is quick to follow my suggestion, only beginning to form his question after the sailcloth is secure in his hands.

Before he can even utter a word, however, a great rumbling can be heard, followed almost immediately by a large blast.

An equally large plume of lava can be seen shooting from the Eldin Volcano, all of which announced that the volcano was erupting.

The volcano is erupting, and we are in the air, far too close and helpless to do anything as the wind and shockwave sweep over us.

Master Link, understandably, begins to scream, ‘fear’ all-consuming, though thankfully aiding in tightening his grip upon the Sailcloth instead of loosening.

But it does not prevent us from tumbling in the air, no calculations or strategies can be formed to prevent this, all I can do is call for Master Link to hold on, to not lose his grip….

And then… irony of ironies… my blade slips from its sheathe.

Somehow, just the right amount of force is applied, and the wrong angle is shifted into and the next thing I know, the magic that binds me to the blade is pulling me away from Master Link, forcing me downward as he is swept further afield.

I can hear him screaming for a time and then… then there is only the rumbling of the volcano and the rushing of the air around my sword as I travel down, down, down, everything is tumbling, and my sensors are scrambling…

And then my blade slams into the ground, the force strong enough to force the blade into the solid rock.

Thankfully, the damage to blade integrity is only ten percent and easily fixed with application of spiritual energy.

Once that has been dealt with, I immediately turn my senses outward, activating my dowsing ability and selecting Master Link’s aura as the target.

Unfortunately, though predictably, I am unable to detect my master’s aura, that and the inability to contact him proves that the explosion has forced him far away from my current position.

Memories of the heavy winds and concussive force of the explosion rise unbidden alongside the screams of Master Link as he’d tumbled through the air.

A strange weight appears in my chest, prompting me to exit my blade and head in the direction that bears a 90% probability of leading to Master Link’s probable landing site.

But I do not even make it a foot away from my blade before I am forced to stop, the magic binding me to it too strong to venture any further.

Thusly am I reminded of one of the few drawbacks in the forging of my bond with Master Link: once the bond is officially created, my ability to venture away from the sword is nigh inexistent.

That strange weight in my chest suddenly grows wings and batters against the walls of the confinement, my physical body following suit as I fly around and around my grounded blade.

It is the screeching of monsters in the distance that brings this nonsense to a stop, the instinctive noting of their position halting that odd fluttering and allowing my reason to return.

“That was foolish,” I say aloud (for what reason I do not know). “The fact that I cannot move away from the sword is proof enough that the bond still exists, thus Master Link still lives.

“The only course of action that can be enacted at this point of time,” I continue as I move closer to my blade, “is to recover as much sacred energy as possible and wait for Master Link to draw close enough to reestablish telepathic communications. Failing that, an experiment will have to be made to determine whether the robot can retrieve the sword instead—”

I stop that line of thought as a different feeling stirs within my chest, though I quickly force it away.

“…I shall reschedule the allotted time Master Link stated in searching for the dragon of Eldin to an exact twenty-four hours,” I resolved after running calculations. “Should that amount of time pass, I will call upon the robot and, should it prove capable of transporting my blade, request that it deliver the sword and myself to Master Link. From there, medical….”

All calculations grind to a halt once more as a list of probable injuries Master Link may have sustained come to the forefront.

They are pushed aside as I return to my blade at last and focus all attention and energy into my dowsing ability… while also ensuring the timer is in place….

Further analysis of my current position reveals that my blade now resides within the Volcano Summit.

This is as expected, given the position Master Link and I had resided within the sky at the time of the explosion.

The auras nearest to my location are identified as Fire Keese, with Bokoblins further afield… though I sincerely doubt they will draw anywhere near me, given the strong source of power emanating from the area on the far right.

Nevertheless, I cannot help but keep a diligent record of each individual monster’s movements as the timer continues its countdown, this mapping of the adversaries’ movements aiding in keeping my attention focused and that odd fluttering nonexistent….

…and then… that aura I had been awaiting all this time finally ventures into the periphery of my dowsing area.

“Master Link!”

“Fi!” Master Link calls back, the soothing waves of ‘relief’ flooding from his side of our newly reconnected telepathic link. “Are you okay?! Where are you?!”

“Structural damage was minimal and easily repaired through application of spiritual energy, which has already been fully restored,” I replied. “As to my current location, I appear to have fallen directly into the Volcano Summit. Be advised that a number of Fire Keese can be detected in the immediate area, and Bokoblins can be faintly detected due east.”

“Okay, hang tight, I’ll be there soon!” Master Link declares ‘resolutely’, an odd jittery sensation appearing seconds later.

It is disconcerting to realize I cannot ascertain from which side of the bond that feeling is originating from.

A few corrections are needed as Master Link makes his way to my location, but then his aura enters the area within which my blade resides, and ‘joy’ and ‘relief’ encompass the bond.

Soon those familiar hands have wrapped around the hilt of the sword and are pulling it free of the ground.

I exit the blade soon after, quickly thanking him for pulling the sword free of its unexpected prison.

“Please excuse me for leaving your side during this brief trouble with the volcanic eruption,” I begin to say, but Master Link is quick to stop me.

“We had no way of knowing the volcano would erupt right as we were descending,” he argues as he leans his head against my wing. “So there’s no need to apologize. I’m just glad I found you and that you aren’t hurt.”

“I am not, however, it appears you have acquired a substantial number of injuries,” I reply as I scan Master Link’s vitals. “And despite the magic of the Fireshield Earrings, your vital signs indicate slight dehydration. I would advise ingesting a potion.”

“Ah, I… kind of lost those,” Master Link chuckles ‘nervously’, “and my food and… pretty much everything in my adventure pouch.”

“Were they knocked loose due to the eruption?”

“Er… no… I think the Bokoblins ran off with them, after they… uh… captured me?”

“…the Bokoblins captured you?”

“Ah, but e-everything’s fine! I mean, yeah, they kind of had me in a cell and my other weapons were stolen but we got most of them back!” Master Link adds quickly as he waves his hands ‘frantically’.

“We?” I inquire.

Master Link quickly informs me of how he’d been found and abducted by the Bokoblins after the crash landing caused by the erupting volcano. After awakening within a cell, he’d been quickly joined by Plats and his brothers, who aided not only in his escape, but also in the reclaiming of a number of his additional weapons, such as the Clawshots and the Sacred Bow.

“They were hoping to explore a bit further, but it got too hot for them once we’d reached this area,” Master Link finished, now with a ‘fond’ smile. “They weren’t too keen on my going alone, but since that was when I finally heard your voice, I was able to convince them to let me go on by myself.”

“I see,” I replied with a quick nod, “I shall have to relay my thanks to the brothers the next time we meet, for their aid in your escape and our subsequent reunion.”

“Yeah, they’re good guys,” Master Link chuckles, before growing serious, “and I asked them about the dragon, too. They didn’t know too much, but they had heard a rumor that ‘a big dragon-god lives in this mountain.’”

“They are correct,” I reply, before turning and indicating with my wing, “in fact, while I was here, I detected a strong source of power emanating from the area on the far right.”

“The dragon?”

“Signs do indeed indicate a 60% chance that the dragon who knows a verse from the Song of the Hero dwells there.”

“That’s good,” Master Link sighs in ‘relief’, “at least this trip won’t have been a total waste, then.”

“I would highly suggest reacquiring the rest of your gear before continuing the search for the dragon,” I add, as Master Link discards a Bokoblin sword he’d apparently acquired and replaces the Master Sword within its scabbard.

“Yeah, especially that Goddess Shield,” Master Link states, shuddering as he adds, “man, I’d hate to see Impa’s reaction if she learned I lost that thing.”

“Then we had best retrieve it immediately,” I reply, before engaging my dowsing ability once more. “It would appear the shield and remaining items all reside within one place. I shall guide you there using the quickest route possible….”

Three Bokoblins are the only things that stand between us and Master Link’s belongings, the monsters easily vanquished with minimal effort.

His equipment is then quickly returned to their proper placements, the Goddess Shield resting atop the sword’s scabbard upon Master Link's back.

Now properly equipped once more, we set out in the direction of the strong power source, Master Link remarking that he is eager to finally finish this part of our quest.

The detected power source leads us directly into the heart of the Volcano Summit, Master Link’s Fireshield Earrings shining brightly as we pass over a drawbridge with lava flowing freely beneath.

Across the bridge lies a cavern of stone, ornately carved with a familiar mark etched into the ceiling above. The path ends in a set of stairs and then an open area, an identical mark etched into the tiles below.

Master Link’s footsteps echo upon the pavement as he moves forward, the lava bubbling softly below as he gazes about.

He comes to a stop and is about to call out, when something large passes through the lava, causing Master Link to tense.

He turns to look just as a large figure bursts out of the lava directly ahead of us, drawing his attention upwards as they emit an… oddly quiet roar.

“Ho!” the newly revealed dragon chuckles, lounging in a relaxed posture in the air as he drifts past us. “A man of flesh and blood has walked his way to the heart of my burning hall! Now this is something.”

The dragon then straightens into a ‘sitting’ position, arms crossing over his chest, though one of them waves as he begins to speak once more.

“If I have the right of it, the mark you bear upon your hand is not just a fashionable decoration.”

Master Link’s attention is brought downward as the mark of the Triforce alights, as if in reaction to the dragon’s words.

He instinctively cradles that hand in the other, gaze still focused upon the mark, even as the dragon continues to speak.

“There can be no doubt about it, then. The goddess has chosen you to hear the melody I have guarded for her all these years.”

‘Apprehension’ and ‘worry’ begin to flutter against the bond but are quickly replaced with surprise as the dragon straightens and declares, “listen well, human child. I will sing you my part of the Song of the Hero.”

Master Link blinks in 'surprise', then scrambles for the Goddess Harp as the dragon begins to sing.

The Fire Dragon proves to be more energetic than the Water Dragon, as he waves his arms whilst singing, his eyes closing as he smiles widely and his moustache sways to the tune.

Like the Water Dragon, however, he proves quite patient as Master Link plays back the tune upon the Goddess Harp, nodding with another wide grin once the new part is learned.

He then draws back, and his expression becomes more complicated as a talon scratches his cheek.

“I’m afraid that eruption was caused by an explosion of my power. It looks like you were caught up in it. My apologies.”

This admission causes a strange roiling sensation within my chest, though Master Link only rushes to reassure the dragon.

“It’s not like you knew I was in the skies when it happened,” he reasons, “and it turned out fine in the end, so there is no need to worry about it.”

“Still, it was foolish of me not check for innocent bystanders whilst trying to clear out the monsters,” Eldin argues as he bows his head. “As compensation, allow me to lead you to a healing hot spring that resides nearby.”

“You really don’t have to—”

“I insist,” the Fire Dragon states firmly. “Especially since it will still take some time for the skies above this land to clear. I will not be able to face Lady Hylia if I do not properly atone for my error.”

“I would advise taking him up on his offer, Master Link,” I chime in, “you have sustained prominent injuries and the volcanic climate has severely affected your potions. Therefore, it would best to take advantage of this healing spring.”

Master Link frowns, then flinches as pain throbs, leading to his acceptance of Eldin’s offer.

He then emits a large sigh of ‘relief’ and ‘contentment’ as his body is immersed within the healing waters, fairies giggling around us, as the Fire Dragon recites a tale of old.


At least Eldin apologizes for causing complications.

Question that formed playing the game part of this... my walkthrough guy walked past an odd looking Sheikah Statue/Gossip Stone and there was a Sheikah mark on his map... but he never explained what it was. Don't suppose anyone can fill me in? (Curiosity has been activated)

Anyway, I need to work on my Halloween fic, so the next chapter might be a while. See you then! (P.S. if you would like a mini Link chapter for what he got up to whilst Fi was stuck, be sure to leave a comment! =D)

Chapter 41: An Unexpected Problem


For the third part of the Song of the Hero, Fi and Link head for the Lanayru Desert to locate the final dragon... only to find one of the worst possibilities....


Here he comes! Everyone's favorite dragon! ...kind of... *peers nervously around the area as a tumbleweed blows past*

Now I just need to flesh out the fetch quest....

Fun fact I read whilst debating if I wanted to name Groose's Loftwing this chapter: Someone said Groose's Loftwing was Revali 0_o. This ended up derailing the naming process XDDD

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I see,” the Old One hums, once Master Link and I have finished our report concerning what had transpired since last we’d visited. “It sounds like you’ve been through quite an ordeal obtaining the songs from the dragons.”

“Man, those guys sound like major pains in the neck,” Groose remarks as he doles out the lunch he’d prepared, “one forcing you to look for weird magic creatures while the other forces you into a crash landing and gets you captured and robbed.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Master Link is quick to argue, “they were both trying to deal with the monsters that were roaming around, I just happened to have really bad timing….”

There is a slight pang felt against the bond and the whisperings of Impa’s words from when we’d first met, but Master Link is quick to push them away.

“And at least there’s only one left,” he adds, before turning towards the Old One once more, “you said they were in Lanayru, right?”

“Indeed,” she replies with a solemn nod, “though I am afraid that is the extent of my knowledge. Perhaps you have found something that can aid in this area, Gorko?”

“Not much I am afraid,” the Goron replies as he sets aside his bowl of rock soup and pulls out a sheaf of papers. “Most of what I found in the academy archives dealt with Lord Eldin which… is rather a moot point now.”

“Sorry about that,” Master Link says with a ‘troubled’ laugh, “looks like I really should have swung back here before heading to the Eldin region….”

“No worries, bud,” Gorko says with a much lighter laugh, eyes crinkling as a large hand gently pats my master’s head. “What’s important is that you’re okay and you managed to meet Lord Eldin and learn the next part of the song.

“And as for the third dragon,” Gorko adds, “well, obviously it can only be the one who resides within the Lanayru Desert. You remember my assistant, Golo, right?”

“Yeah,” Master Link replies with a nod, “the guy who was digging in the tunnels. Has he made any progress with that blocked one?”

“Quite a bit, actually,” Gorko replies with a smile, “in fact, I had received a message about just that not too long ago. I made sure to inform him about your quest and how crucial it was that you be led to the dragon, so Golo will be ready and waiting once you return to the Lanyru region.”

“Will you be coming with us?” Master Link inquired, to which Gorko gave a negative response.

“Not this time, bud. Groose asked me to pick the minds of my more architectural minded brethren for ideas on how to improve the Groosenator,” Gorko states. “So, for now, I will be hanging around here, helping with that.

“But,” he adds as he pulls out another cluster of documents, “I did find a few additional texts regarding the last dragon, Lord Lanayru. I figured you and Golo might want to take a look at them, see if they can’t help the two of you in locating him faster.”

“Thank you, Gorko,” Master Link replies as he carefully receives the aging parchment. “I’ll be sure to take good care of them.”

“Be aware, Link,” the Old One chimes in, as her gaze drifts in the direction of the spiral, “as it stands, time is not our side. Be that as it may, you must also ensure such incidents as that which befell you within Eldin’s domain does not occur a second time.”

She levels her hidden gaze upon my master, her voice growing softer, but no less firm, “you are the Goddess’s Chosen Hero. The unbreakable spirit Her Grace has placed all hopes upon. As such… you must take care of yourself. Were we to lose you, I fear the world would not survive long enough for another hero to be born and forged anew.”

“I understand,” Master Link replied, a warm feeling resonating against the bond as he takes her hand within his and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be more careful from now on, I promise.”

Master Link’s rations are once again restored, this time with potions concocted by the Old One and meals created from the foods that grow within the Faron Woods.

Groose follows along as we make our way for the Bird Statue, the two males creating strategies to deal with the possibility of the Imprisoned One breaking free in the time we traverse the Lanayru region, before shifting the topic to ‘something more pleasant’.

“Oh, and hey, you haven’t forgotten to look for good tree seedlings while you’re out and about, right?” Groose inquires as Master Link brings out his Sailcloth.

“I know it might seem kind of trivial, given everything that’s going on,” he adds as he runs a hand through his pompadour, “but, that’s also a great reason to plant one, y’know? Keep spirits up and whatnot….”

“You don’t need to explain, Groose, I’m happy to look for one,” Master Link replies, patting Groose’s right shoulder. “Although, given that my next stop is a desert, that might be a tall order….”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Groose chuckles, his left hand rubbing the back of his head. “Okay, we’ll put that on hold then and instead, maybe you could check on my Loftwing while you’re in the sky? Don’t want the poor thing ripping feathers out or something….”

“Will do,” Master Link replies, adding that he will also provide a treat or two as the magic blows us skyward.

“Hey, over there! Is that you, Link?” a familiar voice calls out once we return to the Lanayru cave system.

“It is!” Master Link responds with a laugh and a wave towards Golo, who waves back. “How have you been?”

“I have been amazing!” Golo declares with a hearty laugh, “and you have nice timing! I have been meaning to look for you!”

“Were you able to break through?” Master Link inquires as he jogs over to stand beside Golo.

“Not quite yet,” Golo admits, though does not lose his large smile as he adds, “but I have made great progress! A few more swings with the ol’ pickaxe and a careful application of bombs and the path should be clear!

“Oh, but, now that I think about it,” the Goron hums as he studies Master Link’s profile, “you ever find that sacred flame you were looking for?”

“I did, thanks to your help,” Master Link replies with a ‘grateful’ nod, causing Golo to laugh once more and scratch the back of his head.

“Aw, I didn’t do all that much,” he states, before gesturing to a makeshift rest area, complete with a small table. “To be honest, I was pretty curious about the whole thing, even more so once Dr. Gorko’s last few letters arrived, so… if it’s not too much trouble….”

Master Link laughs now, patting the Goron researcher upon the arm as they both settle down around the table and Master Link begins his tale.

“…I see,” Golo hums once the tale has reached its end, “it would appear you’ve done quite a bit of adventuring. Which I suppose is to be expected for the Goddess’s Chosen Hero….”

“Gorko told you that too, eh?” Master Link chuckled as an odd swirl of emotions centering around ‘embarrassment’ tapped against the bond.

“He did indeed,” Golo laughed, before he grew more serious as he added, “the doctor also informed me of the situation… regarding Demise and his fight against the Goddess….”

Master Link grows ‘somber’ at this reminder, his hands clasping and squeezing together as he inhales deeply.

“That’s right,” he finally states, “the seal… is growing weaker by the day, while the Imprisoned grows ever stronger. So… I need your help, Golo. I have to reach the last of the dragons as soon as possible!”

Golo hums as he strokes his beard, before reaching for the newest batch of documents Gorko had tasked us with delivering to his assistant.

“Thankfully, Dr. Gorko was able to locate the documents I had need of, which correspond with the engravings I uncovered whilst digging around in this cavern,” Golo states as he lays the documents upon the table, tapping at a certain section.

“Essentially, I have found out that there is indeed a hidden area beyond here!” Golo exclaims with a large grin. “And this old document adds further validity to my theory that it probably links to the home of the Thunder Dragon, one of the three dragons in the legend.”

“Are you sure?!” Master Link inquires ‘excitedly’.

“As sure as one can be whilst dealing with ancient history,” Golo replies, “which means I had best get a move on in clearing this obstruction!”

“If I may,” I quickly interject, exiting my blade as the Goron grabs hold of his pickaxe and makes to move towards the blocked tunnel once more, “I believe I may have a suggestion that will increase your efficiency and expedite the process of reaching the Thunder Dragon.”

“Sweet Goron!” Golo cries upon my appearance, “s-so this is the Spirit of the Sword Dr. Gorko was speaking of?!”

“Her name is Fi,” Master Link quickly introduces me, “she’s really smart, so, think you’d be up for trying her suggestion?”

“No objections here!” the Goron is equally quick to reply as he nods his head vigorously, “just tell me what I need to do!”

“Eldin’s Fiery Moustache!” Golo exclaims, once my plan comes to fruition and we make our way through the new tunnel and enter the area beyond, “so this is where the Thunder Dragon is said to reside….”

“This is Lanayru Gorge,” I inform my travelling companions, as the information on the new area is registered. “Legend tells of a dragon loyal to the goddess living in this area.”

“Right, that matches up with the documents I found,” Golo agrees with a nod. “Is there anything else you can tell us, perhaps about the robots that resided alongside the dragon?”

“Signs indicate that an ancient civilization established a quarry here to mine the deposit of high-quality Timeshift Stones.”

I then use my wing to direct attention further afield, “consequently, the terrain is intricately subdivided with the remnants of long-abandoned mining equipment, such as minecarts and their tracks.”

“That’s all very interesting guys,” Master Link suddenly chimes in as ‘alarm’ and ‘dread’ fall heavily against the bond. “But, uh… what exactly is that, lying just ahead of us?”

I quickly direct my sensors in the direction Master Link is indicating and immediately realize the cause of his rising ‘distress’ as all three of us move forwards at a rapid pace.

“No, no, no,” Master Link is mumbling, ‘despair’ thrashing against the bond as we come to stand before a large fossil.

Signs indicate that this fossil had been in this location for a great many years and the faint traces of a familiar magic immediately aid in identifying who the bones belong to… alongside its distinctive shape….

“Th-this cannot be!” Golo stammers from his place beside us, “th-there must be some mistake. Th-the Thunder Dragon… how could he possibly be… be….”

“A Timeshift Stone,” Master Link cuts in as ‘desperation’ surges against the bond, “we need to find a Timeshift Stone! There’s gotta be a way to fix this!”

“Dowsing indicates a large, unrefined crystal lies within a minecart a short distance from here,” I report, using my wing to mark the direction. “Given the large apparatus that stands in the center of this area, our best course of action would be to transport the stone here and activate it.”

“Right,” Master Link replies. He then turns to address Golo, “Fi and I will go get the Timeshift Stone, so you wait here, okay?”

“Alright,” Golo replied with a nod, “I shall take this time to collect a few samples from the area. Be careful out there.”

The trek back with the Timeshift Stone proves much more arduous than the initial route used to reach the stone, not least of which due to the number of resurrected monsters and odd arrangement of pathways.

Master Link perseveres, however, and soon we return to the area where Golo and the fossil remain.

The Goron waves once he catches sight of us, then emits a cry as the cart carrying the Timeshift Stone comes to a stop atop the generator, which in turn absorbs the time shifting energy and expands the magical field outward.

Desert is replaced by greenery, the rusted remains of additional LD-301 units returning to prime functionality… and the fossil restored to a flesh-and-blood dragon.

It is then immediately made apparent that the Thunder Dragon is suffering from a severe ailment, not least of which due to his lackluster reclining upon the rock nearest him.

Upon opening bloodshot eyes, nearly hidden by fluffy white brows which, alongside his beard, resemble the appearance of clouds, Lord Lanayru emits a raucous cough that causes the ground beneath us to shudder.

“Must’ve dozed off,” the Thunder Dragon wheezes before coughing once more. Bleary eyes then blink in our direction, his brows furrowing as he finally catches sight of Master Link.

“Oh, hello,” the dragon wheezes, “I haven’t had a visitor like you here in… quite a while.”

He pauses to cough once more, inhaling loudly and with obvious difficulty, before inquiring, “you’re a human, aren’t you? You must have some reason for coming this far. What is it?”

“Um, hello, sir,” Master Link begins hesitantly, ‘worry’ vibrating against the bond as he peers up at the dragon before us. “My name is Link and, yes, I’m one of the humans that was raised in the sky….”

“I see,” the Thunder Dragon rasps. “So you’re Link from the sky… Cough… That’s not much of a name, is it?”

Master Link frowns at that statement, ‘worry’ altering in an odd way against the bond upon the dragon’s next suggestion.

“How about I add a model number to your name like my friends have got? Maybe LD-Link-16…?”

“Er, well….”

“Oh, I can tell you don’t like the sound of that,” Lord Lanayru laughs weakly before dissolving into coughs once again. “That’s a shame… Cough… cough… So, what can I do for you?”

“W-well, you see,” Master Link begins uncertainly, “I’ve been gathering the Song of the Hero, per the orders of the Goddess and… well, I was told you knew the third part….”

“Ohh… You say you need me to teach you a song?” Lord Lanayru repeats with another series of coughs.

His brow then furrows once more, and he leans perilously closer in our direction as those bleary eyes study my master’s appearance.

“Hold on, now. Didn’t you just say you came from the sky, Link? So then you’re the hero chosen by the goddess, aren’t you?

“I see,” the Thunder Dragon hums upon confirmation. “Well, that is something…”

The dragon’s speech is interrupted by a bout of raucous coughing once more, his body jerking and tail thumping with the force, the ground shaking alongside.

“Although I must apologize,” Lord Lanayru wheezes once the coughing spell eases once more. “You see, I can’t really help you.”

He clears his throat, but it only aids to regain about ten percent of volume and his voice retains a rough element as he adds, “I may have enough strength for a brief chat like this, but… Well, as you can see, I am quite ill. Cough…”

The dragon pauses as he gasps for air, then mutters as he shrugs weakly, “I’m in no shape to sing.”

“That’s alright,” Master Link is quick to reassure, tentatively placing a small hand upon the dragon’s listless counterpart which still rests upon the rock he lounges against. “But I really do need that last part soon, the seal upon Demise has grown incredibly weak. Maybe you could try speaking it or—”

“Now see here, human, voo-weeep!” a mechanical voice suddenly cries as an LD unit zooms in, forcing itself between my master and Lord Lanayru.

Its large hands then wave 'angrily' as it inquires, “did you not hear Master Thunder Dragon, vrrt? He is very ill right now, brrzrrt! He needs to rest, not be bothered by some pestering hero, vrrm!”

‘Guilt’ throbs against the bond once more as Master Link’s head lowers, but a large finger comes to rest upon it gently before the Thunder Dragon speaks again.

“Now, now, it is not the lad’s fault,” he states, wheezing and coughing before emitting a large sigh.

“Ah, but to think it was the goddess herself who entrusted me with this important duty… I feel the deepest shame… Cough…”

“Enough with that talk, my lord, voo-weep!” the little robot cried, buzzing loudly. “You are the Great Thunder Dragon, Lord Lanayru, vzzzt! You have no need for shame, minor malfunctions happen all the time, vrrrm!”

“That’s right!” another LD unit chimes in, a crowd now gathering around us as the robots all begin calling out encouragements.

“You have ruled this area with 100% efficiency, voo-weep!”

“This is only a minor setback, zzzttt!”

“We merely need to find a solution, vrzzt!”

The robots continue in this manner, even as Master Link carefully extricates himself from the throng, moving to stand beside Golo, who is scribbling furiously upon a new piece of parchment.

“…to think the great dragon is also capable of illness,” he is muttering, before he realizes Master Link is now standing next to him.

He then directs his next question to us as he inquires, “do you think the other dragons are capable of falling ill as well?”

“It is not impossible, as they are still creatures of flesh and blood,” I reply, Master Link quietly relaying my words to the researcher. “Just as Ghirahim was proven capable of inflicting grievous injury upon the Water Dragon and the Bilocyte capable of possessing Levias… so, too, does it appear illness can inflict dire consequences upon these agents of the Goddess….”

“Isn’t this really bad for you then, Link?” Golo inquires, his gaze shifting from the Thunder Dragon, to Master Link, then back again. “You said that song was the only thing that could help you find the key to defeating the Demise creature once and for all, didn’t you?”

“It is,” Master Link replies as ‘panic’ slowly begins to build alongside ‘worry’. “And we know that waiting around won’t help, since in the present he’s already… well, you know….”

Master Link then groans as his right hand rubs roughly at his head, “but there’s gotta be something we can do! I’m tempted to just run back to Skyloft and get Henya to make some of her own soup, that always helped when I was sick—”

“Hey, you!” a buzzing voice suddenly calls, the robot who’d intervened between Master Link and Lord Lanayru moments before suddenly coming to a stop beside him.

It glances back in the direction of its fellow robots and the Thunder Dragon, before lowering the volume of its voice as it inquires, “by that last statement of yours, vzzzttt… can I take it to mean you’re willing to help Lord Thunder Dragon?”

“Of course!” Master Link is quick to respond, Golo nodding along, “even without the song, I wouldn’t just stand by when someone’s sick like that!”

“Especially when I already know it ends up killing him,” Master Link adds silently, ‘sadness’ hovering over the bond as he glances towards where the Thunder Dragon is smiling ‘fondly’ upon the robots who still chatter and buzz around him.

“Great, then you can get to work immediately, Mr. Hero!” the unit beside us declares with a whistle.

“What do you need me to do?”

The robot ushers us over to the edge of the time-shifted space, Master Link nearly lunging forwards as it points one of its fingers, almost dipping into the present.

“On the other side of that bridge there,” it states, the remains of such a structure just barely hanging in that direction, “we planted a seedling from the Tree of Life, which is said to bear fruit that can cure any illness, vrrm.”

“Such a thing exists?!” Golo exclaims, echoing Master Link’s thoughts, the Goron researcher scribbling upon his parchment once more.

“The problem is,” the robot continued, its expression growing ‘sad’, as Master Link perceived it, “trees don’t grow so well around here, vweep… so, I was hoping… maybe you could deliver some fertilizer here, to help the tree grow?”

Master Link frowns as ‘unease’ builds, his gaze drifting towards the direction the robot had indicated before fixing upon the distant shape of a tree.

Rather… the withered husk of what was once a tree, it’s gnarled branches bare, the brown wood blending in well with the waterfalls of sand that fall behind it.

“Worry not, Master Link. I can sense a Timeshift Stone in the same area as the tree there. We need only activate it to revert time and revive the tree.”

“But will it have the fruit we need to help the Thunder Dragon?” Master Link inquired. “And even if it does, will the fruit survive being transported from one timeshift space to another?”

“I apologize, Master Link, I cannot give you accurate assessments without proper experimentation….”

Master Link thanks me for the information provided, before addressing the robot in front of us.

“By any chance… would it be alright if we moved the tree somewhere else?” he inquired, quick to elaborate as the robot begins to whirr and gyrate. “You said yourself that trees don’t grow well here... and it just so happens that a… a friend of mine, was looking for a tree to care for….”

“That would work, wouldn’t it Fi?”

“If I am reading your thought process correctly, Master Link, and you are thinking of transporting the seedling to the Sealed Temple,” I begin to reply, as I run calculations, “the likelihood of such an endeavor would prove highly probable. However, this will all stem upon the condition of the seedling in the past….”

“Alright then,” the LD unit replies aloud, “you are granted permission to transport the seedling to this friend. Let us just hope the seedling can grow to maturity in its new home quickly enough to save Lord Thunder Dragon, bzzt…”

Master Link thanks the robot, then turns to Golo to make further plans.

The archaeologist agrees to stay within the area for now, keeping an eye on the Timeshift Stone as well the Thunder Dragon and the robots.

“He may not be in any shape to answer questions,” Golo had remarked, “but I can at least have a chat or two with the little guys around here. Who knows, might even cheer the big guy up….”

This manages to lift the ‘worry’ and ‘sadness’ that had been hovering over the bond and Master Link is sure to thank the Goron before setting off for the distant tree.

Another Timeshift stone is found and activated, the large corpse of a tree transforming instantly into a tiny seedling, which Master Link carefully digs up, with the help of another LD unit (after convincing that unit to allow such an act).

He then wraps and stores the seedling with the same amount of care, bidding everyone goodbye before activating the Bird Statue.

Once in the sky, he advises Akai to fly carefully, the Seedling cradled in his hands all the way to the green pillar.

“Hey, that was fast!” Groose exclaims once we’ve entered the Sealed Temple. “Guess that last dragon turned out to be the easiest, then!”

“Not exactly,” Master Link replies ‘grimly’, before relaying the events that had transpired within the Lanayru Desert.

“I see… so that is what happened to the Thunder Dragon,” the Old One hums, before directing her gaze upon the Life Tree Seedling, which was again cradled within Master Link’s hands. “I had always wondered how that region had ended up the way it had… I suppose this was a contributing factor, at least.”

“Yeah, and the tree itself wasn’t in good shape, not in the present anyway,” Master Link sighed, before his gaze drifted over towards Groose. “That’s when I remembered you talking about trees and how good the soil was here.”

“So you’re thinking of planting it here?” Groose inquired, forefinger and thumb resting on his chin as he eyes the Seedling. “I mean, yeah, I’d be willing to look after it but, Zelda….”

“That’s why I’m not thinking of planting it here now,” Master Link declared with a smile, before pointing towards the Gate of Time, “but then.”

“Huh?” is Groose’s ‘eloquent’ response, while the Old One emits a chuckle as she nods.

“An excellent idea,” she hums, “indeed, using that method may be the only viable option… and I’m sure the Guardian wouldn’t disagree.”

“Disagree to what?” Groose inquires, his large gold eyes blinking in obvious confusion.

“Never you mind, dear,” the Old One replies, patting Groose’s hand gently, before using her other hand to gesture towards the gate. “Well, what are you waiting for, then? Go on through the gate young hero and put your theory to the test.”

Master Link smiles and nods before doing just that, being sure to declare we will return soon before stepping foot into the gate.

“So, you’re saying that the Thunder Dragon will fall gravely ill,” Impa summarizes, once Master Link has relayed the current events to her, “and that the only way to save him is to bring him a fruit of the Life Tree?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Master Link replies with a nod. “And since the tree couldn’t grow fast enough in the Lanayru De-, er, his domain, we thought it better to plant it here.”

“Underneath that sunny patch of earth over there?” Impa inquires, pointing to the spot in question, to which Master Link nods in answer. “Interesting… I had been thinking it might be nice to plant a tree of some sort there.”

Her gaze then shifts towards the hidden room where the crystallized form of Zelda resides, the guardian’s gaze softening, “I imagine it would please Zelda greatly to see a great tree welcoming her back when she wakes from her slumber.”

She then chuckles as she turns back towards us, “it seems that even with a few unexpected turns, the goddess still has plans in place… seeing as one of the few, rare trees that grows strong for thousands of years on end… is the very tree you need to save Lord Lanayru.”

“So, then—”

“Leave it to me,” Impa replies with a nod and smile, “I shall nurture the tree to adulthood and ensure it is able to bear the fruit you need.”

“I’ll be counting on you, then,” Master Link stated with a small chuckle… before ‘concern’ blossoms alongside a new thought. “But the robots said it could take a really long time… how are you going to…?”

“Let me worry about that,” Impa cut in, a hand raised, “all you need do is ensure the fruit makes it to the Thunder Dragon once you return to your own time.

“Now,” she adds as she takes the seedling carefully into her own hands, “will you help plant this seedling… or will I be doing all the work myself?”

This causes Master Link to sputter ‘indignantly’ for a moment, causing Impa to laugh in turn, before he jogs after her, the two setting to work in planting the seedling into its new residence.

As they do, a suspicion forms, as certain patterns and similar mannerisms are recorded.

I am debating as to whether I should share this new suspicion with Master Link… when a familiar magic whispers to me.

Thanks to that, it is decided to leave this new observation be, instead I only give the statistics of the tree’s growth, upon my master’s questioning once the seedling is secured.

After that, Master Link is quick to climb the stairs to the Gate of Time once more, turning back one last time to direct a smile in Impa’s direction.

“Just a bit more,” he states ‘excitedly’, “if this works, then I’ll have almost all of the song, and this will all be over!”

“Yes,” Impa replied with a respectful nod, “fulfill your destiny hero. Find the Triforce, defeat Demise, and free Zelda from her slumber.”

With that, we enter the gate….

“Whoa!” Master Link exclaims, once we have returned to the present and he beholds what has become of the Life Tree Sapling he had planted only seconds before… at least, as far as we were concerned.

“Hey, welcome back, Link!” Groose calls from where he stands next to the newly grown tree, a large fruit hanging just above his head. “I know, right? Now this is a tree I could look at all day! It’s like a symbol for this temple… or something!”

He then chuckles, adding as my master slowly descends the stairs, “every time I stare at it, my jaw starts hanging open and I get this weird, happy feeling. Maybe it has something to do with it being called the Life Tree—?”

Groose’s musings are cut off with a yelp as Master Link begins laughing loudly, hugging Groose and making numerous, positive remarks about his intelligence, as ‘relief’ and ‘hope’ bounce against the bond.

It takes a few moments to get Link to calm down from his giddy celebration, Groose confused but happy nonetheless as the smaller male had continuously sung his praises.

Eventually, though, a ladder is found, and the fruit picked from the tree’s branches, carefully stored within the boy’s magically enhanced pouch.

Through it all, the newly named ‘Grannie’ watches the two boys with amusem*nt, glad that the sword spirit seems to have kept any revelations to herself, given the young hero’s demeanor towards her has not changed a bit.

All shall be revealed when the time is right, the Old One hummed silently, waving goodbye alongside Groose as Link departed once more.

Her gaze then travelled towards a certain, hidden compartment, new memories revealing a special gift that still needed to be delivered.

Hmm, but not quite yet, I think, she decided with a nod, he still needs to trigger the events that will create this gift, after all….

“Hey, Link!” Gorko calls out once we have landed in the Lanayru Gorge once more. “You’re back, how did it go?!”

“See for yourself!” Master Link calls back as he carefully extracts the fruit from his pouch, needing both hands to hold it over his head.

“Brrm-ZORT! Is that what I think it is?!” one of the LD units exclaims.

“Kerr-CHUNK! Where did you get that fruit?!” another inquires.

“Never mind all that, voo-weep!” yet another cries as it wheels rapidly towards us. “Give it to Master Thunder Dragon quickly, vweep-vweep!”

“Hmm?” the dragon himself hums, having apparently finally been awoken by the noise around him. “What’s that? What’s going on?”

“Master Thunder Dragon, vrrm!” an LD unit calls, the others quickly parting to form a clear path to their ailing master. “The hero has returned!”

“Oh,” is the dragon’s only reply, emitting a trio of coughs, followed by a wheeze, before he can even attempt proper greetings, “Link. Hello there. Is there something you need?”

“Actually,” Master Link begins to state, ensuring his grip upon the Life Tree Fruit is secure as he steps forward, “I have something you need.”

The dragon blinks in incomprehension before bloodshot eyes widen and a shaking hand lifts as he exclaims, “oh! OH! Is that what I think it is? You brought that here for me, didn’t you?”

“Yep!” Master Link replies with another laugh, doing his best to lift the fruit even higher, “the robots helped, alongside a few friends in the Sealed Grounds. Go on, eat up!”

The dragon extends his hand, but upon realizing it is still shaking, both males quickly conclude this method would be ineffective.

Instead, Master Link spins his body, launching the fruit into the air with a great cry, the robots and Golo emitting cries of their own at the sight.

“Whoa-ho,” the Thunder Dragon mumbles, quickly maneuvering himself into position underneath the fruit’s arch. “Down the hatch!”

“Would it not have been far more practical and less risky to have had one of the robots lift the fruit to the Thunder Dragon instead of throwing it, Master Link?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, probably,” Master Link admits ‘sheepishly’, “but, hey, he caught it, didn’t he?”

Indeed, he had, the sound of the Thunder Dragon munching upon the fruit clearly heard throughout the area.

The celestial being then emitted a small exclamation of, “hm?”, before his eyes opened wide, a blinding golden light immediately bursting from his body right after as he bellowed, “ZINGA-DINGDING!”

Master Link emitted a cry of surprise as his arm instinctively shielded his eyes, another exclamation following soon after as the dragon’s large form suddenly surged past us.

“Oh, you’ve done it, boy,” Lord Lanayru laughs as he begins flying in quick circles in the blue sky above, to the cheers of the robots around us. “I can feel the fruit’s effect surging through me! It’s exhilarating! I feel like a proper dragon again!”

“Indeed, vweep!” one of the LD units chirped, large hands swinging up and down as its eyes closed, brows tilted upward, and its body spun. “Thank you, Lord Hero, vrrt! I shudder to think what might have happened if you had not come to help us!”

“That still leaves a few questions, however,” Golo chimed in, as he peered up at the dragon still flying energetically through the sky, then back down to the robots. “Weren’t the dragons blessed with eternal life? I am just wondering… how it is that this situation came into being in the first place…?”

“Just because I have eternal life doesn’t mean I can’t get mighty sick!” the Thunder Dragon himself replies as he comes to hover in front of us, tail curled underneath with his hands resting upon it. “Thanks to you, boy, this old dragon will keep on charging awhile yet!”

“That’s good to hear,” Master Link laughs alongside the others.

“I owe you a big thank-you,” the Thunder Dragon continues, “so allow me to perform a moving rendition of my part of the Song of the Hero!”

“That would be great,” is Master Link’s reply as he quickly retrieves the Goddess Harp and prepares himself to play, “ready when you are!”

“I should warn you, before we begin,” Lanayru suddenly declares with a gleam in his eye. “I’ve got a mean set of pipes and I know how to use them! This’ll clean out those ears, boy, so brace yourself!”

Master Link blinks in ‘surprise’ and thus is late in bracing himself as advised, causing him to flinch as the Thunder Dragon’s deep baritone rumbles throughout the area.

The dragon’s arms sway and his body spins as he sings, the robot’s cheering seeming to encourage him further as the new melody is sung repeatedly.

Robotic voices eventually join in alongside the strings of the harp, the little creatures copying their Lord Thunder Dragon down to the smallest detail in both singing and dancing.

Even Golo joins in on the activity, which continues for a few extra moments, even after Master Link is able to perform the song flawlessly upon the harp

. But eventually the Thunder Dragons ends his singing with a hearty laugh as he swoops down, tail curling underneath his body again as he hovers at the edge of the gorge.

“Link!” he then exclaims ‘boisterously’, “I owe you my life! You have to let me repay you.”

“Oh, no, you’ve already done more than enough,” Master Link is quick to protest, hands waving frantically. “Truly, I was glad to help and… now that I have your part, I can return to Lord Levias and receive the final piece of the song… and then I can end all this….”

“Ah, yes… the battle with Demise still rages on, unseen. Even so, I would think that would be even more reason to bestow an additional gift….”

“Really, it’s fine!” Master Link continues to protest, before his gaze drifts towards Golo, who he then gestures to. “Although, if you insist upon a reward, then perhaps you can help my friend with his research.”

“Oho! A Goron!” the Thunder Dragon exclaims, Golo bowing respectfully at the same time, “I haven’t seen one of your kind for quite some time! What is it that I can help you with?”

“O-oh, well, if it is alright, Lord Thunder Dragon, I would deeply appreciate if you could answer some questions….”

Once he ascertains that the Thunder Dragon has been successfully distracted by the historian’s questions, Master Link carefully makes his way back towards the Bird Statue.

“I assume you plan to meet with the great sky spirit, Levias, to complete the song, once we’ve returned to the sky?” I inquire as the statue’s magic is activated.

“Yeah,” Master Link replies, though ‘worry’ and ‘reluctance’ make him pause as his gaze flickers towards the dragon and his associates, before wandering away to the desert that surrounds them.

“I am sorry, Master Link, there is nothing more we can do to aid this region.”

“But… we saved the Thunder Dragon, right? Shouldn’t that have done SOMETHING?”

“My apologies, Master Link, I am afraid this is a matter in which we can provide no further aid….”

My answer causes ‘sadness’ to blanket the bond as Master Link casts one last look in the direction of the Thunder Dragon and his robotic companions, huddled within their time shifted oasis.

The Thunder Dragon’s gaze happens to capture his, the latter’s eyes crinkling as he smiles and waves, having ascertained our intentions.

Master Link bites his lip before forcing himself to smile and wave back, stepping foot into the column of air immediately after, Sailcloth unfurling as we are pushed upwards.

“Ah, Master Thunder Dragon, the hero is leaving, bzzrt!”

“Yes, I saw him departing old friend,” Lanayru replied, smiling fondly upon the little robot who had taken charge of his care. “Quite alright, as the Chosen Hero of the Goddess, he has quite a lot to do and not much time to spare.”

“But did you not wish to reward him, voo-weep?”

“Not to worry,” the Thunder Dragon replied with a laugh, “now that I am all healed up, there is plenty of time to work out a surprise gift of congratulations.”

“You still intend to give him a gift?” the Goron researcher who had accompanied Link inquired from where he sat next to Lanayru, his expression now concerned as his eyes drifted to the left.

“Indeed, it is only right,” the dragon hummed, one hand stroking his beard as ideas began to form. “From what I’d seen... the boy’s shield… an incredible feat of Sheikah engineering, but quite a fragile thing… could prove dangerous in the long run….”

A memory sparked, prompting him to address the robot once more, “what of that metal you found before I fell ill? Were you able to find more of it?”

“We did, yes!” the robot chirped, before growing troubled, “however, it is quite tough, so mining may take some time….”

“That’s quite alright,” Lanayru declared as he straightened and stretched, “given the state of the Timeshift Stone currently activated, I’d say we have more than enough time to mine the materials and craft the item—”

“W-wait, you, y-you know?!” Golo suddenly cried, his hands flying to cover his mouth before peeking up at the Thunder Dragon worriedly.

“Indeed, I knew and know,” Lanayru laughed, though he quickly grew somber, his saddened gaze lowering as the green of his present overlapped with the browned future.

“No need to worry, though!” he quickly added as the Goron grew even more nervous, “at least some things can be changed on my end and as for yours… well, time grows short. Did you have any further questions?”

Golo hesitates, but quickly pulls himself together, knowing the dragon is showing him a great kindness and that he mustn’t squander his time.

He asks as many questions as he can think of, doing his best not to envision a clock ticking down, even as the sun travels through the sky above.

It is exactly when the darkness is gathering that the Timeshift stone begins to lose power and Golo feels his anxiety mounting as the greenery around him begins to shrink.

“Now, now, no need for that face,” Lanayru laughs, even as the robots begin to vanish and stone shifts ever closer. “Some things may not be able to be prevented or changed… but that does not mean your and Link’s efforts were for naught.”

Golo is just opening his mouth to respond when the magic finally gives out and the dragon before him disappears, the Goron instinctively squeezing his eyes shut, tears gathering as dread creeps into his heart.

But curiosity is quick to push that emotion aside, his academic brain needing to know, forcing his eyes open slowly… before they fly wide open as he gapes in disbelief.

The fossil of the great dragon is gone and not even one rusted and broken robot can be seen within the area where he now stands.

Instead, there is a new plaque, carved within the cliff face, its message bringing tears of joy and a laugh bubbling out as a large figure flies above.


It is my fanfic, so I say Grandpa Lanayru lived to the present (I choose to believe the song cutscene validates that statement) and he moved his little group of robots somewhere they wouldn't rust!

Also, I actually checked fruit gathering methods and it turns out you can knock the fruit loose with the Beetle, instead of rolling into the tree with Link =D

Next time, we'll be heading back up to the sky... and working on the last batch of side quests~ (so, the next chapter will probably be a while yet *laughs*)

Chapter 42: Song of the Hero and Trial of the Goddess


Fi and Link return to Levias to learn the final part of the Song of the Hero, which in turn leads them to the final Silent Realm. Will Link be able to succeed?


Super pretty music, singing and fun cutscenes followed by rage and screaming... such joy for the first part of working on this fic during NanoWriMo... *insert unhinged laughter here*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It is of no real surprise that, immediately upon returning to the sky and reuniting with Akai, Master Link directs our flight straight to the thunderhead.

No longer blanketed in dark storm clouds and with the number of Skytails drastically decreased, it takes mere seconds to locate Lord Levias, who calls out a greeting as the Loftwing pulls up alongside.

“Oh? Back already?” the great sky spirit hums, before he straightens his large body and bids Master Link to ‘hop aboard’.

Only once Master Link lands atop the plate on Lord Levias’ head and stands where the spirit can see him, does my master report our progress regarding the song.

“Bahah! So you’ve learned all three parts of the song from the dragons, eh? You have done well, young one!”

There is a slight warming detected upon my master’s face, ‘embarrassment’ mixing oddly with ‘pride’, ‘satisfaction’ and ‘eagerness’ at the spirit’s words as his hand scratches the back of his head.

He quickly grows ‘serious’, dropping to one knee and focusing intently upon his hearing in reaction to Lord Levias’ next statement.

“True to my word, I will perform the last part of the song for you. Ahem…”

Once his throat has been cleared, the deep bass of his vocals rumbles across the clouds.

Master Link’s attempts to listen to and memorize the song is interrupted as the great spirit’s enthusiasm leads to his body tilting in a way that unseats my master, who has to quickly lunge forwards to grab hold of the ledge of the plate he resides upon.

He is fast to find a more suitable position, however, and closes his eyes, head bobbing along to the tune until Lord Levias falls silent.

Carefully climbing to his feet, Master Link has only just pulled out the Goddess Harp and performed a tentative rendition of the new part of the song… when three familiar auras are registered through my dowsing ability.

I am given no time to inform my master of their arrival before they are swooping by us, the Fire, Thunder, and Water Dragons, all together, who call out before beginning to sing their parts of the song alongside Lord Levias.

What happens next, even I am uncertain as to whether it is illusion or reality.

All I know is the dragons flying around us, their voices joining in perfect harmony as they glide around my master’s form.

The Goddess Harp floats above his head and as Master Link reaches for it, I find myself swooping down from above, my face mere inches from his own.

He startles, then laughs, though I do not pay that much mind as I draw away from him, flipping around so that I now face the same direction as he does.

The song prompts me to jump and twirl, flying through the blue sky that surrounds us, yet always in an orbit around Master Link.

He is smiling and gasps in ‘wonder’ as sparkles of light, of magic, appear and gather around me as I spin, faster and faster, the light travelling up my body, lifting alongside my wings until bursting upward and outwards like a fountain.

Everything is shrouded in white and then the Goddess Harp floats down from above, spinning as I was, particles of light trailing behind it as it comes to rest in Master Link’s hands once more.

“Now that you know the song,” Lord Levias states, bringing Master Link’s attention back in his direction, “I trust you know what to do with it. That old song opens a door to a great trial.”

“A trial,” Master Link repeats, blinking and shaking his head as he is still a bit ‘dazed’, before ‘dread’ drops upon the bond. “Do you mean… another trial in the Silent Realm?”

“That is likely,” Levias replies. “And should you succeed in conquering the challenge awaiting you there, I’m certain the path to the Triforce will be revealed to you.”

Master Link hesitates, a shudder coursing through his body as memories of previous trials within the Silent Realm flit through his mind.

He quickly shakes them away, however, as ‘resolve’ grows firm, memories of Zelda purposefully taking their place as he calls out to me.

“Fi, any idea of where the new trial gate might be?”

“Readings show that a Trial Gate has now appeared somewhere among these floating islands, Master Link,” I reply as I exit my blade and hover before him. “Given the words of the Old One stored within my memory banks, I believe it would be best to begin our search upon Skyloft proper.”

“Best of luck, young hero!” Lord Levias calls as we board the Crimson Loftwing once more and make our way to the city in the sky.

The search for the Trial Gate proves to be quite short indeed, as the dowsing reacts strongly the moment we fly above the plaza that holds the Light Tower.

Touching down, we find a number of Skyloftians gathered around a cluster of Blessed Butterflies, who flutter about the newly revealed goddess aura.

“Did someone spill some juice or something?” someone inquires, “why in the world are these butterflies hanging around this spot?”

“Maybe there’s a ghost?”

“Don’t joke like that!”

“Mama, I wanna catch one of them!”

“Don’t be foolish, dear, you might be punished….”

Master Link stands and watches the crowd for a moment before turning away and beginning to walk towards the distant shape of the Academy.

“Are we not going to activate the Gate, Master Link?” I inquire.

“Not right now, not with everyone watching,” he replies, stopping and casting a glance back towards the crowd as ‘fondness’ mixes oddly with ‘worry’ and ‘anxiousness’. “If I do, they’ll not only think I’m weird… but they’ll get really worried once I’m in the Silent Realm especially if… uh, Fi? Did I… did I ever scream or cry out here while I was in the Silent Realm?”

“Your body did indeed exhibit signs of distress, including letting voice such sounds as screams and sobs.”

“Which only validates my point,” Master Link sighed as he resumed his trek, “and I’ll just have to hope none of the night owls or patrolling knights happen upon me while the trial is going.”

“Would it not be simpler to inform the headmaster of the trial before you attempt it?”

Master Link’s answer is provided for him as a fellow student from the academy recognizes him and we are soon led directly to the headmaster after all.

“So you’re saying one of the trials resides here upon Skyloft?” the headmaster inquires, once he has been informed of all that has transpired. “The same trials that aided you in strengthening your sword?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Master Link replies with a nod before grimacing, a hand rubbing the back of his head before he continues. “And I found out that it’s… in the plaza, right next to the Light Tower….”

“Where the Blessed Butterflies have suddenly gathered, in that large group?”

“They’re drawn to the gates, which also helps in finding them,” Master Link states, “they’ll hang out until the trial is over, then go back to how they normally are.”

“And… when are you thinking of attempting this… trial?”

Master Link fights to remain calm with his exterior but his emotions are swirling against the bond as he replies, “I… thought it would be best to attempt it tonight… after everyone goes to bed.”

“That would be easier than trying to clear out the Plaza during the day,” Headmaster Gaepora hummed as he stroked his beard.

His gaze then focused completely upon Master Link, his body leaning forward as he inquired, “and what is it exactly that you will need to do to complete this trial? Is there anything we can do to help?”

“I…” Master Link begins to respond, though his voice grows hesitant, “there’s… there’s not much you can do… it’s usually a… a trial for my soul, so, you wouldn’t be able to go with me… even Fi can’t go with me, although she can see what’s happening….”

The headmaster’s frown deepens, and his prodigious brow lowers as Master Link falls silent and tugs 'nervously' upon his gloves.

“I… it’s just,” my master murmurs, obviously struggling with how it is he wishes to proceed, what he wishes to share and keep secret. “The trials can be… intense… and, um… I-I might… apparently, my body will still… um… react, I guess, to… what’s going on inside the Trial….”

“And you don’t want any well-intentioned individual disturbing you while the trial is ongoing?”

Master Link’s gaze darts upward towards the headmaster, then drops as he nods, fingers still tugging upon his gloves… until the headmaster’s bigger hands cover them.

“You know Link,” he hums softly as he pats my master’s hands gently, “lately you’ve grown so much that I feel as though I am looking at a different person each time we meet.”

A smile lifts the corners of the older male’s lips as Master Link’s gaze rises once more, “many troubles still await you, no doubt, but I’m confident you shall overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. May the goddess protect you!”

Master Link’s eye widen at that last statement, then soften as memories of Zelda come to mind once more, blanketing the bond in warmth at the same time the power of Lady Hylia that has been fused into my blade hums.

The words spoken just before she’d added that power to my blade whisper within Master Link’s memory and the breeze that blows in from the window seems to carry Her presence, embracing Master Link, as he is being ushered to his room to rest.

Night has well and truly fallen by the time our group heads for the plaza and the gate that will lead to the next Trial of the Goddess.

With us are the headmaster and Instructor Owlan, both armed with light weaponry in the event there are any Keese or Chus to be driven away.

When we finally reach the area where the gate resides, marked by the Blessed Butterflies, Master Link takes a deep breath as he readies the Goddess Harp.

“This is the first time we’ll be performing for a crowd, huh, Fi?” he chuckles ‘nervously’.

“There is no need to worry, Master Link,” I reply as I move to hover above the mark of the gate, “I have memorized the melody needed as well. Should you lose focus or forget the next notes, I will correct you.”

“And don’t mind us, Link,” Instructor Owlan chimes in, “this is no different than performing a new move with your Loftwing or sword. We are here to provide aid and guidance, not judgement.”

“Not to mention I am not someone who should be making any sort of judgements when it comes to music,” Headmaster Gaepora adds with a hearty laugh.

“Indeed, though that does not stop you if enough pumpkin ale is provided.”

A small smile lifts the corners of my master’s lips as the instructors continue their bantering, which only quiets once his fingers dance against the strings of the Goddess Harp.

The Song of the Hero rings throughout the area, my own voice replacing that of the Dragons as the petals of the flower bloom beneath my feet.

The Blessed Butterflies dance in time with the tune and the distant auras of monsters draw even further away as the melody plays on.

We are rewarded with applause as the song comes to an end, the instructors laughing and calling for encores, to Master Link’s embarrassment.

“I must say, you might just give Zelda a run for her rupees with that playing, Link,” Headmaster Gaepora laughs. “We'll have to get you and Zelda to play in the upcoming festival, even have Miss Fi and Zelda sing a duet, if you’d be willing.”

“I shall do as my master commands,” I answer shortly, before addressing Master Link himself. “As before, thrust your sword into the center of the mark and open the way to the final Silent Realm.”

“Right,” Master Link replies in turn, unsheathing the sword before turning to deliver a small smile in the direction of his instructors, “wish me luck.”

“You will do fine, Link,” the headmaster states immediately, Instructor Owlan nodding alongside.

This causes my master’s unsteady smile to grow a bit larger, before he inhales deeply and plunges the sword into the ground.

The two older males gasp as his body is enveloped in light, then immediately direct their gazes in my direction as the light fades.

“Master Link,” I call once my master’s spirit has materialized within the realm. “You have entered the last of the trials, the Goddess’s Silent Realm.”

Inside the realm Master Link nods ‘grimly’, while outside, the instructors exchange a look amongst themselves, which I ignore as the Spirit Vessel appears for what should be the final time.

“When you have filled the Spirit Vessel once more, you shall finally be recognized as the true hero of legend.”

Master Link inhales and exhales deeply at those words, his spirit form carefully walking around the protective circle to map out the area he now resides within.

“Only then will you be shown the door that will lead you to the Triforce,” I continued. “Master, I wish you success in this trial.

“Do you have any questions before you face the task ahead of you?” I inquire, adding once he has responded in the negative, “understood, Master.

“Master, I await your return in the outside world,” I conclude before carefully withdrawing half of my consciousness to focus outward, where the instructors are still gazing meaningfully in my direction.

“As Master Link is not currently in need of my assistance,” I say to them, maneuvering myself so that I now hover upon the boundary line between them and the gate Master Link resides in, “I am now able to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability….”

The next few moments are filled with tension.

This is shown prevalently within the postures and facial features of the instructors whenever Master Link displays signs of distress.

Their training as warriors is sound, however, as they adhere to my previous warnings and do not attempt to enter the protective circle.

Instead, they endeavor to murmur words of comfort and support, which I relay in those moments of safety, aiding Master Link’s racing heart and shaking limbs to calm.

The fact that this newest trial takes place in his home which he has lived upon all his life also proves a significant advantage, for he is able to make use of hidden paths and shelters that allow a full display of his wisdom as they are used to maneuver around his adversaries time and again.

Perhaps that is why he is smiling at the end of this final trial, ‘relief’ and ‘gratitude’ flooding through as he stands, shakily, sheathing the sword before accepting the warm embrace of the headmaster.

“That… was so much worse than those times I ever snuck out of the academy at night,” he states in a wavering voice as trembling arms work to reciprocate the headmaster’s hug.

“Oh, even that time when you were chased by both feral Night Remlits and an enraged Henya?” Instructor Owlan inquires, even as he gently strokes Master Link’s head.

“Much worse,” Master Link sighs with evident exhaustion, “I’d take her and the Remlits any day over those Watchers and Guardians….”

The instructors exchange a glance over Master Link’s head at that statement, but I speak before either of them even think to do the same.

“Congratulations, Master. You have passed all of the trials.”

I then gesture towards his right hand, which unknowingly is still wrapped tightly around the latest gift bestowed to him upon completion of the last trial.

“You have received the Stone of Trials,” I inform him as he lifts the stone in question so that he and his instructors can examine it. “That stone is actually one of a pair, Master.”

“One of a pair?” Master Link repeats back, to which I nod in response.

“Another similar object with a mark just like the one you hold exists somewhere on this island. Combining the two should open the way to the Triforce. I suggest that you search for that matching stone.”

“Not right now, you won’t,” Headmaster Gaepora cuts in firmly, the hands resting upon my master’s shoulders squeezing gently, “it’s late and you’ve gone through what was obviously a great ordeal. Go rest up and we’ll search for the stone’s pair tomorrow.”

Master Link proves too fatigued to argue against the headmaster’s words and easily allows his instructors to lead him back to his room within the academy.

Having followed alongside them, I am about to withdraw back into the sword when Master Link calls out.

“Can you sing for a while Fi?” he requests from where he lies in his bed, “otherwise I think I’m going to be running from Guardians again straight away.”

“I shall sing for as long as you need, Master Link,” I reply, before proceeding to do just that.


*Bleep* the Watchers, *Bleep* the Watchers, WHY WERE THERE SO MANY WATCHERS?!?!?!?! *brief screaming/crying*

But it's done, we've succeeded, and next time we'll be finding the Triforce!

See you then! =D

Chapter 43: Obtaining the Triforce


With the help of their friends Fi and Link track down the location of the Triforce. Will they be able to obtain the ultimate power and will it finally mean the end of their great enemy?


Now, then... how will the NPCs react to what's about to happen in this chapter? XD

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next day finds Master Link sleeping soundly until such time a knocking can be heard from his door, the voice of Instructor Owlan calling immediately after.

“I think I found where that stone you received from the trial is meant to go,” he states the moment Master Link opens his door, the man’s excitement quickly igniting a similar reaction from my master.

Without any further urging, he rushes to don his uniform and gear, a muffin shoved into his and the instructor’s hands as they pass by Miss Henya and eaten quickly as they head out the door and begin a trek through the island.

“It’s over here, facing the Goddess Statue,” the instructor explains as he and Master Link carefully cross the lake that resides in this area. “The headmaster and I both felt that we’d seen something similar to that gem you received last night and, during a morning flight with my Loftwing, I noticed this.”

The instructor then uses his arm to indicate a stone effigy bearing many similarities to a Loftwing. Withdrawing from my blade, I quickly fly about the statue, analyzing it, before relaying my findings to my master and Instructor Owlan.

“This statue appears to have stood here for a very long time and bears a stone eye that is an exact match to the stone of trials you received upon completion of the last trial.”

“Which means you were right, Instructor Owlan!” Master Link cries ‘excitedly’ as he withdraws the stone of trials, “so, I just have to put this in the statue and we’ll find the Triforce, right?”

“I believe it will be far more accurate to state this statue will lead us to the area the Triforce resides, rather than revealing the Triforce itself,” I reply as Master Link steps forward.

“We’ll find out once the stone is in place,” Instructor Owlan states, as Master Link proceeds to do just that.

Mere seconds after the stone is set within the statue, both ‘eyes’ gleam brightly and then, in a sublime mixture of magic and ancient technology, the statue begins to spin.

It comes to a stop with the statue now facing in the direction of the cliff face that resides beneath the Goddess Statue and, to the gasps of ‘amazement’ from the two males, its beak clicks open, and a metallic ball is shot outwards.

It flies at a moderate speed through the air, then hits a certain spot upon the rock wall facing opposite, managing to stay nestled within the stone for two full seconds, before gravity pulls it downward.

Master Link and Instructor Owlan stare at the spot the metal ball had been shot into, blinking twice, before directing their gazes to the bird statue, then peering back towards the cliff face in rising confusion.

“Was… that it?” Master Link inquires.

“Perhaps… this means we should investigate the cliff?” Instructor Owlan begins to suggest, “we could call our Loftwings—”

His words are cut off as a large source of magic suddenly awakens from deep within the cliff face before us.

I am given no chance to alert my companions to this fact as a bright light bursts outwards, large cracks developing upon the rocky underbelly of the floating isle and travelling upward.

Master Link and Instructor Owlan both release cries of ‘surprise’ and ‘alarm’ as the island they stand upon, alongside the island before us and all the surrounding islands as well are rocked with tremors.

Distant screams can be heard, but the males pay them little mind as they gaze in ‘disbelief’ at the crumbling stone before them, the bottommost layers breaking away seamlessly.

The tremors continue as a spiraling protrusion breaks through the underside of the island, white and golden stone marked with intricate designs replacing the far more natural stone of its former visage.

The ‘eyes’ of the bird statue flash once more and then the hidden cannon is shooting multiple projectiles into the air.

These projectiles quickly reveal themselves to be targets upon which the clawshots can be deployed upon, the intricate magic sealed within the targets positioning them perfectly in the sky, where they hover easily.

“A report, Master Link,” I state once the rumbling has subsided and the islands have grown peaceful once more, save the alarmed screams of the Skyloftians in the distance. “My calculations indicate an 85% chance that the structure you uncovered houses the Triforce.

“Given this development,” I continue as my master and his instructor climb slowly to their feet, their heads swiveling about, “I project that the moment for Zelda to fulfill her destiny and bring an end to Demise is close at hand.”

Master Link’s eyes are wide and blinking rapidly, his mouth hanging in a similar widened state as ‘confusion’ rattles against the bond, with ‘concern’ rising quickly as the people of Skyloft continue to shout in the distance.

“W-what, F-Fi, what, what just—”

“As I have just stated, a structure has been uncovered, within which my calculations indicate an 85% chance the Triforce resides,” I repeat.

Master Link merely continues to stare and blink at me before finally giving his head a quick shake and turning to Instructor Owlan.

“Instructor can you—?”

“I’ll head over and inform the headmaster about what has occurred,” the Instructor cuts in quickly as he finally regains his composure. “We’ll evacuate the area around the Goddess Statue and work to calm the rest of the village.”

He then places his hands upon Master Link’s shoulders, levelling his gaze with my master’s as he states, “be careful, Link… make sure you come back to us safely.”

“I will,” Master Link replies with a firm nod.

Instructor Owlan gives a nod as well before turning and heading back towards the Academy at a brisk jog, Master Link watching after him until he fades into the distance.

He then pulls out his Clawshots and moves to stand at the very edge of the island, where he inhales deeply.

“Here we go, Fi.”

“As always, I will be right by your side, Master Link,” I reply as I return to the sword and Master Link makes his way into the newly revealed area.

“Master, I have information to report,” I state upon our entrance into what I now know to be the Sky Keep. “I’ve detected three sources of sacred power within this building. This power clearly radiates from the Triforce.”

“So it really is here, then,” Master Link murmurs softly as a mixture of ‘anxiety’ and ‘excitement’ swirl against the bond. “The Triforce… we obtain that… and we can defeat Demise… Zelda will wake up… and all of this… all of this will finally be over….”

“That is correct, Master Link,” I reply with a nod, “however, I can sense a high number of traps and magical obstacles scattered throughout the keep. These are no doubt meant to act as the last defense against any who may be unworthy of obtaining the power we seek.”

“Meaning we have one last, final exam?” Master Link inquires with a ‘fond’ laugh, “typical Zelda… she’s never liked making things easy for me.”

His gaze grows distant and his emotions swirl but are quickly brought back under control as he closes his eyes and breathes deeply.

‘Resolve’ shines as brightly as the mark upon my master’s hand as his eyes open wide, ‘determination’ burning as he faces me once more.

“All right, Fi… let’s see what the Goddess has in store for us, shall we?”

“I have already triangulated the three sources of power. Rest assured that I shall guide you upon the most efficient path for their retrieval, Master Link,” I state, before returning to my blade to give further direction.

As was expected, immediately upon entering the inner area of the temple, we were faced with trials that tested Master Link’s power, courage, and wisdom accordingly.

Upon his success, we were then transported to a room which bore the mark of the Goddesses, with the symbol of the Triforce glowing within the middle.

“Master Link, I detect the sacred power of the Triforce radiating from this mark before us. I believe you are meant to offer your sword to it.”

“So I just… thrust my sword in like before?” Master Link asks, ‘dread’ settling upon our bond as he gazes upon the mark. “I’m… not going to have to do another trial in the silent realm… am I?”

“The probability of that being the case is at 2%, rounded up,” I reply, causing ‘relief’ to wash over the bond as Master Link’s tensed muscles ease significantly. “It is far more likely you will simply be shown the way to the Triforce.”

Master Link responds with a firm nod and deep inhalation of breath before readying and plunging the sword deep within the mark before us.

The familiar light and magic of the silent realms immediately encases my master’s body before being absorbed into the symbol he now kneels upon.

His eyes slide shut and his breathing slows as his soul is called to the realm into which I cannot follow.

Unlike before, I am not even able to catch a glimpse of the space that has pulled my master away from his body… though I am not given long to register this fact before the mark upon Master Link’s hand glows brightly.

Master Link emits a sharp gasp as ‘surprise’ jabs sharply upon the bond, and then I find myself being pulled back into the sword as golden light floods the room.

When it clears, we find ourselves standing upon the clasped, stone hands of the large statue of the Goddess Hylia, Master Link gazing upon her face in wonder… before another, bright burst of golden light erupts from his body.

The three pieces of the Triforce appear, floating before him, before rising skyward, instantly growing in size, twirling through the air, before coming to rest just above Master Link’s head.

“Master,” I call as I exit my blade, “I believe at this juncture that a prayer is required. The ultimate goal we have traveled so far for is now within reach.”

Master Link emits a small exclamation at those words, his emotions trembling confusingly upon the bond, but I endeavor to ignore them as I remind him of what needs to be done.

“Focus now, and wish with all your might for the destruction of Demise.”

“…Right,” Master Link finally replies, eyes growing ‘determined’ as he nods in my direction before turning to face the Triforce directly.

His eyes slowly drift closed and his face rises further, the light of the sun and Triforce shining brilliantly upon it.

The Triforce itself continues to spin until the three triangles, most likely in response to the wish that is now being presented to them, gather together into one full triangle, hovering at the statue’s neck.

They shine and pulse with a gentle light before a far stronger one blasts outward, magic unlike any I had felt before flowing outward in the same instance.

Master Link yelps, alerting me to the fact the ground beneath him has begun to tremble, the distant sound of wood breaking soon joining the even more distant screams of the denizens of Skyloft.

Master Link cries out once more as he falls to his hands and knees in response to the momentum caused by the massive statue of Lady Hylia and the land mass she stands upon breaking free from the other floating islands of Skyloft and beginning to fall.

It is only as we plummet through the clouds that the true complexity and care that was prepared, regarding the plan Lady Hylia had constructed in her last, desperate action against Demise.

The aura of the Imprisoned One himself briefly appears upon my radar; his roars still clearly heard despite the winds that scream around us.

However, the only action our enemy has at its disposal is to roar, the power of the Triforce proving far superior, shredding through the magic of the fallen Demon King with ease as we draw ever closer to the land of the Surface.

There is one last howl emitted from the beast before it is consumed by the rumble of earth meeting earth… and then… all is quiet… before the aura of our great foe flows skyward in the form of thick, black smoke.

Master Link emits cries of exertion and alarm as the magic of Demise fights desperately against the force that tries to bring about his own destruction, the aura becoming a thick blanket mimicking flame, desperate to devour both Goddess and Hero.

But the Triforce shines ever more brightly and, within seconds, the black aura is dispersing and the gray clouds covering the land are broken by the rays of the sun, which blend seamlessly with the shine of the Triforce.

“Master Link, I have news,” I report as Master Link climbs to his feet at last and takes in the sight of our new surroundings. “I have confirmed that the Isle of the Goddess, which was formerly a part of Skyloft, has returned to the surface.

“Furthermore,” I add as I find my own gaze lifting skyward, “I have detected the successful eradication of Demise. Your prayers to the Triforce have been heard.

“In light of these factors,” I continue as my gaze drifts towards Master Link, who gazes at me with ‘hope’ growing ever stronger against our bond, “the seal Zelda maintained through her agelong sleep is no longer necessary. My projections indicate she will wake momentarily.

My master’s eyes widen alongside his mouth and then he emits a breathless laugh as ‘relief’ and ‘excitement’ begin to surge against the bond alongside a great deal of one, incredibly powerful emotion.

I suppose that is why I can feel the corners of my own lips lifting as I conclude, “I advise you to make your way to the Sealed Temple as soon as possible.”

He nods and laughs as I withdraw into my blade and then he emits a loud cry of ‘triumph’ and ‘exhilaration’ as he dives off the Goddess statue, our next destination clear in his mind.


We're entering the endgame now, people!

...Look at these happy children... so unaware...

Chapter 44: Victory Interrupted


Fi and Link return to the Sealed Temple just in time to see Zelda break free from her crystalline confinement.

Relief and triumph are running high as everyone celebrates the eradication of Hylia's mortal enemy, but there is someone lurking in the shadows who is intent on achieving his goals....


There are only three videos left in my preferred walkthrough!!!! *Screams of confliction at near completion of this fic!!!!*

Really need to finish before Thanksgiving though, since we'll be staying with the in-laws then, so, let's go!!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Master Link is running the second his feet touch the ground.

His emotions are bubbling and bouncing against the bond, driving him to move ever faster, nearly causing him to slam into the doors of the Sealed Temple.

He is unbothered by this fact, however, his thoughts filled with only one thing, one person, he barely even registers the fact that his breathing has grown labored as he steps into the temple at last.

Groose and the Old One are the first thing we see, standing before the Gate of Time, smiles curling their lips.

They both nod at Master Link’s silent question and then everyone directs their attention to the stone doors, the aura of Her Grace growing increasingly more powerful, a golden light shining through the cracks as proof.

Upon Master Link drawing near the doors begin to slide open, the crystal housing Zelda becoming fully revealed.

Since last we’d seen of her self-imposed prison, large vines have looped around the upper and lowermost parts of the crystal and various other plant life now decorates the room.

Master Link pays no attention to any of that, his eyes focused solely upon the figure of the human goddess, which pulses steadily with a golden light… before a large crack appears upon the surface of the crystal.

Master Link’s breathing stutters to a halt and his heart rate quickens as even more cracks appear within the crystalline surface, the golden light growing brighter alongside until it completely envelops the room followed by the sound of the crystal shattering.

Her Grace then floats gently to the ground, the only sound to be heard the gentle clack of her sandals landing upon the floor.

Master Link is still holding his breath, eyes fixed upon Zelda and his entire body is tight with tension… until the moment her head lifts and her eyes drift open, her smile growing wide as she takes in the sight of Master Link.

My master, in turn, finally releases his held breath and his own lips are lifting into a smile once more as ‘relief’ floods through the bond.

There is a brief flash of ‘alarm’ and ‘worry’ when, upon descending the stairs that led to the dais her crystal had rested upon, Zelda falters and begins to fall.

But Master Link is quick to run forward, wrapping his arms around the spirit maiden securely before gently lowering her to the ground, hugging her tightly as his emotions swirl.

“…good morning… sleepyhead,” Master Link murmurs, his voice shaking with a mixture of laughter and tears as he buries his face into Zelda’s shoulder, his embrace growing even tighter as Zelda shakily returns it.

“Good morning… Link…” she laughs back softly, her voice much weaker but sharing a similar tone as tears gather in her own eyes before her face burrows into Master Link’s shoulder.

Upon Groose’s call from the other side of the room, the two emit a laugh before Master Link aids Zelda in climbing back into a standing position.

‘Worry’ buzzes against the bond, but the spirit maiden merely laughs and delivers a light flick to Master Link’s forehead before taking his hand into her own and walking forward.

Groose emits noises of disbelief and joy as his arms lift as if to embrace my master and the spirit maiden… before suddenly beginning to sob loudly as he exclaims how relieved he is that Zelda is alright.

For whatever reason this causes Master Link and Zelda to burst into laughter, Zelda’s only increasing as Groose begins shaking my master as his own ‘giddy’ laughter joins in.

Master Link does not seem to mind this action… and I… I do not find myself troubled by this display, not as I had been when the larger male had performed this act before, upon his arrival here on the Surface.

Everything… is warm and soft and there is… so much ‘relief’ and… and ‘cheer’… so much so, that even I can feel myself becoming affected by it all.

…perhaps this is why… I do not register the danger until it is far… far too late.

The demonic magic flares to life, the familiar aura and knowledge of what is about to occur obliterating the warmth of mere seconds ago instantly as I scream my master’s name.

The warning comes far too late, however, as the magic slams down between Master Link and Lady Zelda, who scream as they are forced apart and knocked to the ground.

“Master Link, Ghirahim has appeared!” I call, though I already know the odds of his processing my words are low, as his biological signs show he is suffering from the concussive force of the magic.

It is rendered a moot point, regardless, as that familiar cackle fills the air at the same time the white-clad Demon Lord steps out from behind the pillars upon our left side.

“This is all very touching, really, but I’m afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short,” Ghirahim chuckles with a smirk before disappearing in a flurry of diamonds.

He instantly reappears next to the fallen figure of Zelda, arms raised and that hideous smile on full display as he announces, “it’s best for everyone if you forget about your friend. The little goddess is mine now!”

Master Link, despite suffering obvious signs of vertigo and various other ailments from the concussive force of the previous blast, has already managed to rise into a low crouch, though his breathing is heavy and strained.

“My master may have perished in this age,” Ghirahim declares as his magic lifts Zelda into the air, “but in the past he lives yet! I’m taking the girl back through that gate to help me revive the demon king!”

Upon Zelda’s body being draped over his shoulder, the demon lord then directs an unamused glare in our direction, “you’ve been so adorably dogged in your quest to get in my way, and as much as it has delighted me, I can no longer tolerate you nipping at my heels.”

‘Rage’ blazes hotly against the bond at those words and manages to push past the vertigo and pain that radiates through my master’s body upon the soft call of his name from the near comatose lips of Zelda.

Master Link screams his rage as he forces himself to his feet, sword and shield sliding into his hands as he rushes the Demon Lord.

Ghirahim, in turn, snarls and cries out in a sudden fit of rage himself as a black hand lashes out in our direction.

Master Link is quick to raise his shield only for the sacred metal to shatter upon contact with the blackened fist, new readings from the ‘Demon Lord’ registering even as Master Link is forced backward, the remains of his shield quickly tossed aside.

His balance, however, is further compromised by this latest development, and his teeth grind together as Ghirahim scoffs.

“…You know, boy, you’ve really pushed me too far. The moment I sweated and bled for is at hand.

“I don’t even have the time to grind my heel into a worm like you,” he snarled with a brief flash of fangs. “Not now.”

He disappeared in a flash of diamonds, everyone crying out at the sudden disappearance of our foe… only to cry out once more as he materialized directly in front of the Old One and Groose.

“Master Link, you are in no condition to confront Ghirahim in your current condition!” I caution, even as my master moves to follow after the demon lord. “At the very least you should drink a potion!”

Master Link falls to his knees as Ghirahim makes a move towards the Gate of Time, Zelda’s unconscious form still draped over his shoulder.

The Old One stands firm and though his entire body is trembling, Groose also moves to stand before both the Old One and the Gate of Time, blocking Ghirahim’s way forward.

The thirst for blood that is radiating from the crimson cloaked individual rises at this display and his voice is deadly quiet as he speaks.

“…Stand down. You’re in my way, and the sight of your appalling hair makes my gorge rise.”

“Hey-!” Groose begins to protest, but his words are cut short as he and the Old One are viciously kicked aside.

“You guys!” Master Link cries as he once again struggles to rise, his numbed hands scrabbling at his belt for the potion I recommended as our colleagues fall to the ground in a heap.

We are all, thus, completely helpless to do naught but watch as Ghirahim activates the Gate of Time, his laugh ringing against the stone walls of the temple as he turns to face us one last time.

“You’ve done a fine job of spoiling my plans to revive the demon king in this age, so I see no point in dawdling here.

“But the past,” he continues as he half-turns towards the gate, “oh, the past… So full of possibilities. I shall resurrect him there with the divine soul of this golden-haired girl!”

“Don’t you dare!!!!!” Master Link screams as he lurches forwards, but we are ultimately helpless to nothing but watch as Ghirahim and Zelda disappear within the spinning gate.

Upon my master’s continued attempts to chase after him, despite still being unable to climb back to his feet, I finally withdraw from my blade and place a restraining heel upon his shoulder.

“Master! I agree we must chase after Ghirahim quickly, but you will be of no help to Zelda in your current condition!”

‘Anger’ contorts Master Link’s facial features, but they clear rapidly as pain aids wisdom in restoring clarity.

Finally drinking from his supply of restorative potions, Master Link then moves to check on the condition of our comrades, who are also slowly rising to their feet.

“Are you two alright?!” Master Link calls as Groose offers a steadying hand to the Old One.

“Definitely have a bruise, maybe a broken rib,” Groose grumbled as he rubbed his injured side with a wince, “but don’t worry about that, now! You gotta chase after that creep, Link!”

“For Zelda to be taken from us at a time like this,” the Old One murmurs as she gazes in the direction of the Gate of Time, “it is unthinkable!

“Link,” she adds as a shaking, gnarled hand extends in our direction, “listen to me! You must do whatever it takes to prevent the resurrection of Demise in the past!”

“Of course!” Master Link cries immediately, ‘anger’ mixing with ‘resolve’, “don’t worry, I will rescue Zelda! There’s no way I’m going to let Ghirahim have his way!”

With that, Master Link makes to head for the Gate, but the Old One’s grip upon his hand brings him to a halt, ‘confusion’ overtaking all other emotions as she draws us away from the Gate of Time.

“Before you go, we must replace the shield that Ghirahim destroyed,” she stated as her braid twinkled and a piece of the floor before us disappeared. “This is a gift of which I was entrusted many years ago, and I believe now is the time to give it to you.”

The Old One thus reveals a chest within which rests a new shield, its structural integrity of a far higher grade than that of the Goddess Shield and upon which just the slightest trace of familiar magic can be felt.

“This shield was created and left to me by Lanayru, the Thunder Dragon,” the Old One explains as Master Link takes the shield into his arms. “He said it was a gift for the future hero, as additional thanks for aiding in his recovery.”

“He made this for me?” Master Link asked, eyes trailing over the intricate designs, lingering upon the mark of the Triforce and the red crest that lays below it, “I… he didn’t have to do that….”

“It is good that he did, given what has just occurred,” the Old One states as her gaze drifts back to the Gate of Time. “Ghirahim is sure to throw everything he has at you, thus you will certainly need this ‘Absurdly Sturdy Shield’, as Lanayru called it.”

“What? No, okay, that name’s gotta change—”

“Later Groose,” Master Link cuts in as he slips the shield into place and heads towards the Gate of Time, “thank you for the shield, Granny! You two hold down the fort here until we get back!”

Any response that might have been made are swallowed by the magic of the Gate of Time and Master Link’s swirling emotions, ‘worry’ reigniting and fueling ‘anger’ as he runs with all his might.


Author: *Currently gnawing on Ghirahim's arm in kitty form*

Ghirahim: "Get lost you disgusting furball!" *Flings Author into the air*

Author: *Yowling as I fly into the distance* "I'll get you in the next chapter!!!!!!!!" (Or maybe the chapter after that, we'll see)

Chapter 45: Race Against Time


Link and Fi follow Ghirahim into the past, desperate to prevent the Demon Lord from reviving his Master, thus undoing everything they and their friends had fought for.

But what will happen if they are too late?


Laundry day, usual distractions of the weekend (one unusual distraction of Little Sister's concert) and a futile attempt at making some Nanowrimo buddies and we finally have this chapter ready for lunchtime-ish reading!

I will also blame part of the delay on Ghirahim himself, he was so picky on having his part as MAH-velous as possible XD

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The sight of the fallen Impa immediately brings Master Link to a halt, his body sliding into a crouch as he gathers the fallen warrior into his arms and strives to reawaken her.

“Urgh… Link…?” she mumbles upon regaining consciousness before she jerks upward while calling the name of the Spirit Maiden.

“Easy there!” Master Link cries as the woman almost immediately falls back once more, her consciousness wavering, “you’re hurt! What happened?!”

“Ghirahim,” Impa manages to bite out, her face contorting as a fist slaps feebly against the stone floor. “He appeared out of thin air and got the drop on me.”

“Yeah, he did something similar to us,” Master Link declares ‘grimly’ before reaching for his pack, “hang on, I still have some potions—”

“No!” Impa cuts in sharply as she pushes my master away from her, “don’t worry about me… You must chase after him!”

She then extends a shaking arm and states, “he ran through the great doors at the front of the temple. You may yet catch him before it’s too late. Hurry!”

Master Link hesitates for only two seconds more before giving the guardian a firm nod, rising to his feet and racing for the doors.

A familiar snap can be heard immediately upon our exiting the temple, a magical barrier slamming into place right before our eyes.

This barrier cuts off the easy jump to the bottom of the spiral where Ghirahim begins to dance in an incredibly odd fashion around the unconscious form of Zelda.

Demonic magic swirls all around and Ghirahim shoots a disgusting smirk in our direction before raising his arms and beginning his spell at last, the golden life force of the spirit maiden alighting in response.

“Hear me, my hordes!” Ghirahim calls as Zelda’s body begins to levitate, his black arms hovering and waving above her body as his magic coils around her. “The spell is nearly complete! The demon king returns! Until then, you WILL keep that whelp from interfering with my ritual.”

At those words a multitude of monsters begin to materialize around him, their numbers growing substantial enough to warrant the term horde as they begin to ascend the spiral, heading directly towards us.

“I don’t care if the whole lot of you get lodged on the end of his blade,” Ghirahim continued as Master Link’s alarmed gaze swiveled from the Demon Lord’s distant form to the horde that was drawing ever closer. “You will buy me the time I need! Do not fear him… Fear my wrath if you fail me!”

The thunder of the horde’s footsteps joined together with an echoing rumble from above as the sky grew dark, Master Link’s gaze flitting briefly upward before facing the barrier once more.

“Fi, can we break through with a Skyward Strike?!”

“Highly unlikely, given the strength of the magic emanating from this barrier and the time frame given by the approaching enemies. Our only choice is to make our way down the path on foot, past the horde that is now bent on delaying our descent.”

Master Link growled upon the conclusion of my report, his hand gripping the hilt of the sword tightly as he spun to face the horde, ‘anger’ flaring brightly, fueled by ‘worry’ and ‘fear’ for Zelda’s wellbeing.

“GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!!” Master Link howled as the sword was pulled free of its sheath and we dove headfirst into the fray.

From there, everything seems to slow to a crawl while at the same time blur at high speed.

This is, no doubt, due to the bond I share with Master Link, this sensation a result of his adrenaline and heightened senses, both physical and emotional.

The horde is surging and writhing all around us, desperate to obey the orders given by their lord, thus doing all they can to impede and halt our movement.

Master Link does his best to swerve around and dive through any openings within the writhing mass to inch ever closer to where Ghirahim and Zelda reside but more often than not, we are forced to engage with the monsters that surround us.

‘Anger’ is thereby channeled into power as the Master Sword cuts down enemy after enemy, wisdom surfacing after a time as openings are used and enemies are manipulated into slaying members of their own ranks, courage never wavering as the endless horde continues to swarm around us.

Finally, we manage to reach the bottom of the spiral and the last few monsters standing guard for the Demon Lord are brought to a swift end, Master Link’s anger simmering as he steps forwards to confront Ghirahim at last.

“You’re far too quick, boy!” Ghirahim snaps, hands and magic still swaying and swirling as Zelda writhes and emits noises of distress from where she hovers before him.

“Let her go!” Master Link demands, the Master Sword flashing as it is swept through the air and pointed in Ghirahim’s direction.

“I realize a simple child like you knows nothing of magic,” Ghirahim growls, “but spells like this take time and a steady hand! Can’t you wait quietly like a good boy? HMM?”

He then emits a howl of rage as his clawed hands come to hover, quaking, before his face, “you petulant brat… You’ve pushed me too far. I’ve waited my whole existence for this! This is my moment!

“You know what? Fine!” Ghirahim bellows suddenly as his arm is thrust backward then swung upwards, Zelda crying out in pain as she is flung skyward before coming to a jolting stop further up in the air. “If you’re so intent on hurrying to your grave, I’ll be happy to show you the way!”

‘Worry’ and ‘concern’ spike as Master Link’s gaze travels skyward alongside Zelda’s writhing form, anger gaining strength once more as Ghirahim continues his usual monologue.

“This time there will be no heroic escape. I was a fool to toy with you and let you walk away with your life before, but I won’t make that mistake again.”

“Master, there is no time to worry for Zelda’s welfare, as Ghirahim is gathering a far higher amount of demonic energy than any of our previous encounters,” I caution as a ring of yellow, orange, and red diamonds float skywards around the crouching form of the demon lord, whose cape and hair flutter alongside in response to the gathering magic.

Eventually the cape dissipates and the ‘flames’ turn as black as his bared arms, which then thrust skyward themselves as he screams, “that, I promise!”

With that declaration Ghirahim’s form is consumed by the black mass, which writhes and swirls around him, my sensors alighting and absorbing the new information provided as our enemy’s true form is revealed at last.

So… it truly is as I suspected, I concluded as the magic expanded even further, a platform forming and raising us into the air even as the black mass continued to swirl around Ghirahim, stripping away all traces of his ‘human’ façade.

Master Link cannot prevent himself from taking two small, faltering steps backward as his gaze darts back and forth before his resolve asserts itself once more and he shifts into a defensive stance to prepare for what emerges from the receding black curtain of magic.

“If only I’d put you in your place from the very beginning,” Ghirahim lamented, voice now as metallic as his footsteps as his obsidian form stepped forwards. "Show a human a little mercy and next thing you know, he thinks himself your equal!”

Ghirahim’s hands clutched at his metallic face, pure white eyes contorted with his rage as he shook from left to right, bending at the waist, “given my station, I had to maintain some semblance of dignity, so I let you run with your life… Twice, even. Such a guilty pleasure…

"But instead of scurrying away like any creature with a basic instinct to survive,” the metallic creature continued as it shuffled forward, “you just kept coming back. Again… and again… and again.”

“Y-you, you look like Fi!” Master Link stammers, ‘confusion’ swirling as Ghirahim straightens, head tilting skyward as his arms come up, crossing his chest as his hands clutched at his shoulders.

“I’ve let a mere boy make a fool of me for the last time,” he declared, ignoring my master’s words. “You stand before a demon… or should I say, a weapon without mercy!”

Amidst that last declaration our ever-present enemy’s form wavered, the image of a sword nearly identical to my own, barring its pitch-black coloring, jagged edges, and red jewel embedded within the hilt as opposed to my gold, appearing in his place.

“Fi, what does this mean?” Master Link inquires to which I can only give one answer.

“It means that he is the same as I, Master Link,” I reply, as Ghirahim’s form returns to its previous state, “he is a sword spirit….”

“For you, boy, I’ve prepared a most appropriate and humiliating death. I even have a pet name for it- I call it the endless plunge!” Ghirahim declares as his head lowers and pure white eyes lock on to my master’s form.

“First, I will take my time bludgeoning you, and when I grow bored of it, I will drive you to the edge and deliver a last strike to send you falling to your doom!” Ghirahim’s grimace slowly creeps back up into a grotesque smirk, a small cackle escaping his lips as his arms are extended outward, palms facing our direction as he begins to slowly stroll towards us.

“I’ll delight in casting your body into this pit and snuffing out the flame of your life! Your broken body will serve as fine sustenance for the demon king!”

“Guess again, you creep,” Master Link states quietly as he shifts into a more offensive stance, “you’re not the only one who’s run out of patience… you’ve been hunting Zelda and hurting innocents… all so you can revive a monster that would destroy not only this peaceful land, but Skyloft as well!”

Master Link thrusts his sword outward, straight at Ghirahim, the mark of the Triforce shining in response to his passion as he declares, “you’re right that you made a mistake in underestimating me, both from when we first met right up to now! Because I’m not that weak little slacker from the Knight’s Academy of before!

“I am the Goddess Hylia’s Chosen Hero!” Master Link proclaims, “and with this sword, The Sword that Seals the Darkness, I will bring the plans of you and your master to an end once and for all!!!”

“Big words, boy,” Ghirahim snarls as the dark aura emanating from his body burns hotly, “but let’s see how well you can follow through!”

With that, he is lunging towards us, magic gathering and pulsing from his hands as Master Link also lunges forward, sword coming up to engage this enemy that has been a constant throughout our entire quest.

“Be cautious, Master,” I call as Master Link feigns left before quickly striking at Ghirahim’s right. “This opponent is extremely dangerous and likely to fell you with a single blow.

“He is now revealing his true power,” I continue as Master Link rolls under Ghirahim’s swiping arm. “I am detecting a significant increase in muscular strength.”

“Meaning?” Master Link inquires briefly, emitting a curse as a blocked punch with his shield still sends Master Link skidding dangerously close to the edge of the platform he stood upon.

“Unfortunately, I must conclude that none of your weapons will be effective against him. However….”

Ghirahim emits an outraged cry as my blade slashes perilously close to the gem that sits in the center of his chest, the holy magic hissing against his more demonic energy as the gem briefly glows with a red light.

“Analysis indicates that attacks from your sword may drive Ghirahim back, if ever so slightly, Master. And, as I have noted that Ghirahim has a tendency to stand near the center of the platform…”

“Our best bet is to use his own strategy against him!” Master Link finishes even as he maneuvers his body to enact this new plan.

Deploying a myriad of techniques he has learned throughout the entirety of our quest, Master Link doggedly pushes back against Ghirahim, my blade howling against his steel body, the force of the blows and the holy magic infused within the sword forcing him closer and closer to the edge.

Our adversary strives to fight against the barrage of strikes Master Link delivers, even manages to deliver his own blows, most of which are deflected by the shield.

A last-ditch effort is made to reverse their positions, but due to my master’s smaller stature it is with the utmost ease that he slides beneath Ghirahim’s swing, immediately pouncing upon the unsteady demon sword and finally toppling him from the platform we stand upon.

Ghirahim is quick to form another platform beneath him but is still left stunned upon landing.

Master Link is quick to take advantage of this opening, diving from our own platform, body wrapping around the sword, his weight aiding to slam the blade deeply into the demon blade’s chest.

Ghirahim screams as sacred energy is forced into the gem that sits in the center of his torso and he continues to bellow even as he manages to unseat my master, forcing him to jump back.

The platform is lowered back to the ground, where Ghirahim struggles to regain his footing, a hand hovering protectively above his gem as he gasps in apparent distress.

“As expected, that gem is Ghirahim’s core and thus his weak spot,” I inform Master Link as our opponent summons a blade, similar to those he has wielded against us in the past, “that weak spot should continue to be an effective target. However, there is a 100% probability that Ghirahim will block all attacks targeting this area while he is in his standard state.”

“Parries, then?” Master Link inquires as the two fighters circle each other.

“That would lead to the highest probability of success,” I acknowledge, prompting Master Link to engage in the offensive, “stay alert and take advantage of opportunities to attack our adversary’s weak spot!”

As always, Master Link is quick to act upon my advice, though he falters briefly as Ghirahim suddenly lifts his own sword skyward, evil energy filling the blade before hurtling towards us in a familiar blast of energy.

“How do you like my Skyward Strike, sky child?!” the villain laughs as Master Link dives out of range of the attack.

“Quickly summon your own to counter!” I call as Master Link scrambles to regain his footing even as Ghirahim raises his sword once more.

Dodging the first blast, Master Link is raising his sword at the same time as Ghirahim and the opposing forces clash, sending a shock wave throughout the area as they cancel each other out.

Master Link immediately rushes forward, shield clanging against demon sword, disrupting the next skyward strike and knocking it aside as my own blade thrusts sharply towards Ghirahim’s weak spot.

He emits a cry of pain, sword vanishing in a cloud of diamonds as he curls around his gem before the demon sword vanishes in a cloud of diamonds himself.

He reappears within the center of the seal that still lies imprinted into the ground, his ragged gasps audible now as he clutches at his chest.

“You wretched brat!” Ghirahim howls as a snap of his fingers summons a new blade, this one a large claymore-type rather than the usual saber from the previous battles.

“I’ll cleave you in two!” he bellows as he lunges at Master Link, who responds by rolling beneath the swing, new readings revealing themselves to me as his own attack is blocked by the larger blade.

“Results from my latest analysis of Ghirahim confirm that this newest sword Ghirahim wields can be broken by your sword, Master Link...”

This fact is confirmed when, upon locking blades with each other, Ghirahim’s immediately cracks and splinters, shards dissipating as they fall.

Ghirahim pays this fact no mind, however, as he continues to strike out at Master Link, much of his coordination and skill of fights past now lost as he succumbs to his rage.

“I have detected identical responses from the center of Ghirahim’s sword and Ghirahim’s chest...”

Master Link’s newest strike breaks off a significant portion of the blade’s steel, the Master Sword glowing fiercely alongside the mark of the Triforce on his hand as he engages in a flurry of swift attacks upon the disintegrating weapon of our enemy.

“By destroying the sword’s core there is a 100% probability that the sword itself will be destroyed.”

Master Link spins, gathering his strength for a final thrust attack, screaming his challenge as the tip of the Master Sword smashes through the cores of both the sword straight through Ghirahim’s own, the Demon Lord howling in pain and disbelief as he is flung back.

Now brought to his knees and gasping for breath, the area around his core is a bright patch of cracks with a demonic red light shining from within.

His brow furrows, and his anger is completely overshadowed by disbelief.

“This… this is preposterous. Driven to my knees by a simple child of man. Laughable!

“No matter how many times we clash, I can’t prevail! You think I can’t defeat you? You think I can’t win??”

Master Link is now walking forward, still on alert though he does cast a quick glance in Zelda’s direction before he comes to a stop before Ghirahim’s kneeling form.

At that same time, Ghirahim puts forth his final inquiry.

“Boy… what are you?”

“What I’ve always been,” Master Link replies as he positions his sword so that it is carefully angled towards Ghirahim’s gem, muscles tensed to strike. “A human, the hero chosen by the Goddess and Zelda’s closest friend. I don’t care who or what it is… if it means she will be safe, in the end, I will face anything and everything.

“So,” Master Link continues as my blade presses every so slightly against Ghirahim’s gem, causing the demon lord to hiss in pain, “give up. Release Zelda from your spell and never bother us again. Do that, and you can go on with your life—”

Master Link’s words are cut off as Zelda suddenly emits a piercing scream and the ground beneath his feet begins to shake as the seal pulses with a bloodred light.

Master Link then finds himself being flung backwards, the sword thrusting into the ground to aid in keeping him upright as a familiar aura alights upon my dowsing ability and Ghirahim begins cackling maniacally.

“Too bad, sky child!” Ghirahim laughs, “it would appear victory is still mine to savor. While we fought, the ritual I started continued….”

‘Fear’ and ‘worry’ bloom anew from Master Link’s side of the bond as the shaking within the earth intensified and the spiral became completely bathed in the bloodred light.

“At last, it’s complete! The demon king shall devour the soul of the goddess and resurrect in his full glory!” Ghirahim continued to cackle as red slowly gave way to the familiar black portal, slowing opening behind him, the demon lord disappearing as the evil aura encompassed the area, Master Link helpless to do naught but brace himself behind his shield as the malevolent winds swept past.

He then gasped in ‘horror’, ‘dread’ building as the form of the Imprisoned One stepped forward, the abomination positioning itself directly beneath the writhing form of Zelda before opening its massive jaws.

Zelda’s screams quickly turned to howls of pain as the golden light that had surrounded her body, the physical manifestation of the soul of the Goddess Hylia, was ripped away from her body, hurtling downwards towards the waiting jaws of her mortal enemy.

“NOOO!!!!” Master Link screamed in turn as he rushed at the abomination, sword coming up, intent on falling upon the beast and bringing it down as before… only to be flung backward by the demonic aura that began to swirl around the creature.

“Don’t you see?” Ghirahim’s crazed voice continued to cackle amidst the maelstrom of magic. “It’s all over! You and your kind have lost! This world and everything in it now belong to darkness! They belong to my master!”

“ZELDAAAAA!!!!” Master Link howled, yet there was nothing to be done but shelter behind his shield as the magic coalesced, the light inevitably consumed by darkness.

The massive form of the Imprisoned One coalesced into a much smaller figure, though the power that emanated from this new form was far more powerful than any of its previous forms.

The black scales now covered his muscular arms and sides, the rest of his ‘skin’ the color of ash aside from the white scar tissue that adorned his brow, what remained of the wound given by the Goddess via the Sealing Spike used to vanquish him previously.

Black hair became a blazing fire upon his head, equally flaming eyes drifting open before falling upon his clawed hand as it was raised.

Ghirahim, materializing to his left a foot away, brought his own hand to his chest before dipping into a respectful bow as he proclaimed, “welcome back to us, Master.”

Demise seemed to pay Ghirahim’s words no mind, attention still fixed upon his newly regained hands which were flexing into fists… before suddenly emitting a cry as he flung his hand in the direction of the sword spirit.

Demonic magic pulsed and Ghirahim gasped upon contact, body stiffening before falling backwards… and then rising slowly, arms outstretched and head hanging limply as a bloodred aura surrounded him.

Master Link gasped sharply and his grip upon my sword tightened as the bloodred light coalesced around Ghirahim’s core, the magic then forcefully calling to what lay within the crystal, demanding it reveal itself.

My master’s emotions grew more erratic at the sight of Ghirahim’s blade inching its way, slowly, out of the sword spirit’s core, ‘unease’ gaining strength as the madman cackled before choking as the rest of his blade was ripped free of his body.

The blade immediately flew into the expectant hand of its master, a small shockwave materializing as the blade was swung experimentally, the light that then emitted from the blade encasing Ghirahim before forcefully pulling him inside.

‘Morbid curiosity’ and ‘concern’ briefly brushed against the bond but were quickly pushed away as the demon king slowly examined his blade anew… before directing his attention in our direction.

Master Link was quick to assume a defensive stance, ‘determination’ rising swiftly, though ‘anger’ simmered as the demon king’s lips raised into a grotesque smile.

“…So you are the chosen knight of the goddess,” Demise hummed as he studied my master’s form.

“Intriguing,” he stated as his gaze lifted skyward, to where Zelda still hung, her body now completely limp. “The goddess lowered herself to mortal existence to keep me imprisoned.

“How pathetic,” the demon king laughed, ‘anger’ now alighting brightly against the bond as Master Link’s body tensed. “This bag of flesh pales in comparison to the magnificence of her previous form.”

Master Link was given no time to respond to the insult directed at Zelda, as Demise suddenly readied his sword, the expected attack not aimed at us as predicted… but instead creating a tornado that swept Zelda’s body further into the sky before being flung in the direction of the stone walls of the Spiral.

“NO!!!!” Master Link screamed, his body instinctively breaking into a sprint, ‘desperation’ jangling, the grip on his weapons almost falling in his futile attempt to catch the limp form of the mortal goddess.

A familiar bellow brings him to a halt as the form of Groose sprints down the spiral.

“Don’t worry, Link!” he cries as he speeds towards the falling form of Zelda, “Groose has got this!”

He emits one last cry of ‘Hyaaah!’ as he jumps forward and a large cloud of dust forms alongside the sound of impact.

“Zelda! Groose!” Master Link cries, his heartrate higher than it has ever been and his emotions a cyclonic swirl as he gazes at the clearing dust.

“Calm yourself, Master Link,” I call, my sensors already revealing that Groose was successful in his attempt to save the mortal form of the Goddess, “thanks to Groose’s intervention, Zelda’s body has received no serious injury.”

“Link, I,” Groose calls out breathlessly two seconds later, “I caught her! She’s OK!”

“Thank Hylia,” Master Link sighs as ‘relief’ floods the bond… before ‘resolve’ shines once more as he turns to face Demise anew.

“Hmm… So you and that other human would stand before obliteration to aid the goddess, would you?” Demise laughs.

“Of course!” Master Link snaps as he readies sword and shield, “as if we’d just stand by and do nothing when you’re threatening Zelda… when you’re threatening the world!”

“…How curious,” Demise hums. “The humans I’ve known were weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at a mere glimpse of me.

“When last I walked this world,” he continued as his head inclined lazily to the left, “they did little more than scream and cling to their goddess, mewling and praying… Counting on her to protect them.”

He then emitted a laugh that shook the earth beneath my master’s feet, “how amusing to think those cowards begot someone like you.”

“Humans have come a long way since then,” Master Link replies as he shifts into an defensive position, ready to strike at a moment’s notice, “underestimate us and you’ll end up just like Ghirahim.”

“You grow more fascinating by the second, human,” Demise cackled. “I never imagined I’d meet one of your kind who wished to stand against me in battle.”

“She was my friend,” Master Link growled as ‘anger’ burned, “Zelda is the most important person to me in this entire world. I don’t care that you’re the demon king that even Hylia couldn’t beat… I will make you pay for what you did to her!”

“Very well, then,” Demise chuckled. “I shall prepare a place for us where we will not be bothered by distractions. If you still have the courage to face me, seek me there.”

Master Link nodded, briefly lowering his guard and weapons as he stepped forward, only pausing as Groose calls out to him.

“Link, it’s all on you! Oh, and listen up! Grannie had some info for you! The old girl says it’ll take time for that grease wad to absorb Zelda’s soul completely!”

‘Hope’ begins to surge at those words, growing even stronger as my own analysis of Demise reveals the statement to be true.

“If you can take him down before her soul gets all sucked up into that… thing, you might still have a chance!” Groose continues, his voice cracking as he adds, “I… I know you can do it!”

It quickly regains its strength, however, as he adds, “so… yeah! You’ve gotta do this! You’re all Zelda’s got! You’ve got to make this happen!”

‘Resolve’ grows ever stronger as Groose continues to speak, the ‘courage’ that revealed his unbreakable spirit shining brightly even as Demise summons his magic, dark winds howling around his demonic form.

“If you fear for your life, you should run, now,” the demon king states as he gazes upon my master. “You can spend what little time your world has left cowering and crying, as befits your kind.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Master Link snaps as he comes to stand directly before the demon king, standing tall, the mark of the Triforce blazing upon his hand even as the dark winds buffet his clothing. “My world will live on, free of even a trace of your shadow. Both the Surface and Skyloft… no one will have to cower from you ever again!”

“Very well then,” Demise chuckled once more, eyes narrowing as his grin grew ever wider, “if you truly desire to raise your blade against the world I would build, then come!

“I’ve waited eons to return,” he continued as the shadow beneath his and Master Link’s feet grew ever darker, “I can spare a few more moments to play with you, boy.”

“Be advised Master Link,” I call as a portal begins to form beneath the feet of Demise, “once you enter that portal, my analysis indicates a 0% chance that you will be able to return, unless you are able to vanquish your foe.”

“Yeah, I figured,” Master Link replies, even as he steps forward, “but I HAVE to do this. You’re not having second thoughts, are you Fi?”

“Of course not, Master Link," I reply in turn. "As stated from the moment we first met, it is my duty to aid you in fulfilling your destiny, now revealed to be the vanquishment of Demise. Know that even in the place that lies beyond this portal, I will be with you…”

“…Thank you, Fi,” Master Link replies with ‘fondness’ and ‘relief’ as he steps into the portal and we are shrouded in darkness.


And we're back to hanging from the cliff (this is Not my fault, this completely the game's fault)

Next time, we'll be facing the Big Bad himself, Demise! *Mrowls in alarm at a stray bolt of lightning crashing uncomfortably close* Cheer our heroes on in the comments and toss over a Kudos potion, please and thank you!

Chapter 46: Final Battle: Demise the Demon King


It all comes down to this.

Will Fi and Link be able to defeat the enemy that brought even Hylia to her knees? And what will become of Zelda?



Author: "Uh, Link, hon, I'm gonna need you to be a bit more articulate than that for your dialogue in this chapter...."

Fi: "It would appear my master's emotions are running too high to form a proper dialogue. You will have to do your best to translate his battle cries"

Author: *Sighs wearily as I pull out Zelda manga for reference*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When the darkness fades ‘confusion’ can be felt clearly from Master Link as he takes in our new surroundings.

Black has been replaced with the familiar blue of the skies, clouds floating past us, the sun shining brightly as water splashes beneath my master's feet.

His study of our new surroundings are brought short, however, as his gaze falls upon our enemy, Demise facing outward towards the sun, only turning once Master Link draws near.

“To think you would choose to meet your end in battle,” Demise states as his upper body turns in our direction. “It pleases me greatly to see such misplaced valor, human.”

The demon king then extends his arm, using it to indicate the space around us, “take a moment to appreciate your surroundings, for where we stand shall serve as your tomb for eternity.”

Master Link opts not to respond to that declaration, instead tightening his grip upon the Master Sword as Demise begins to stroll to the right.

“The hate for the gods that has boiled in my veins…” Demise comes to a stop, his demonic magic building, “you will taste all of it in the bite of my blade.

“The only question left,” Demise adds as he turns to face Master Link fully, “is how long you will manage to remain standing before I take your life. Try to keep it interesting for me, would you?”

The demon king then extends a clawed hand as he states, “and when you do fall, know that your world and everything in it is mine to dominate… Mine to subjugate… Mine to rule!

“When I finish with you,” Demise continues as, with a wave of his hand, the blue sky is instantly devoured by dark clouds, “you can take solace in knowing your friends and kin will soon follow, as I wipe all who oppose me from the face of this world!”

“…all this… the pain of my ancestors as they were forced to flee their home on the Surface… the suffering Zelda and Hylia herself had to endure… the sacrifices that were made to stand against you and the monsters you sent to invade the lands… all so you could satisfy your own, selfish desires….”

Master Link’s grip upon the sword grows even tighter as he murmurs these words, his head lowered at the same time sword and shield rise as he shifts into a stance of battle.

“Zelda sealed herself away for thousands of years to protect this world… this beautiful world that holds so much life… life that you would snuff out…

“Never!” Master Link cries as the Master Sword is levelled at Demise, “your ambition ends, here and now! Even if it truly does cost me my life… I swear I will defeat you!”

“You are welcome to try,” Demise replies as his own sword is lifted, “but it won’t be long now. At last, the almighty power I’ve sought for millennia… I will take the Triforce for my own…

“And the world shall be under my foot for eternity!” Demise roars, Master Link forced to raise his shield as a shockwave resounds throughout.

My master is quick to recover, however, and rushes to meet Demise, swords clashing as demonic and holy magic scream in challenge.

“Be advised Master Link,” I call as we disengage and circle alongside our opponent. “This eternal being has conquered time itself. It is the source of all monsters.

“According to tales passed down through generations, it appears differently in each epoch and to each person who lays eyes on it.”

An alarming fact is revealed when next we cross swords and new strategies are being processed as I inform Master Link.

“Be aware that Skyward Strikes cannot be called down to your sword because this place is under the magical influence of Demise. Attacks using Skyward Strike energy will not be possible here.”

Master Link quickly raises his shield as Demise rushes towards him, the attack parried but causing him to lose ground as my master stumbles.

“Come now, boy!” Demise calls, extending his arms to the side as he laughs, “how can you expect to beat me if a small attack like that sends you flying?”

‘Anger’ flares as Master Link regains his footing and quickly mounts an attack of his own, a flurry of strikes raining down upon Demise, most of which are deflected by his blade.

“The probability that a single, standard attack of yours will injure Demise, Master, is exactly 0%. A series of attacks that can overwhelm Demise’s guard is required, such as repeated slashing from various angles.”

Master Link quickly adjusts to add different patterns to his strikes, randomizing them as best as he can.

Demise’s expression soon changes from one of amusem*nt to annoyance as Master Link scores increasingly frequent blows against him, the demon king’s own deflected by the shield time and again.

“Results from my analysis confirm that the time to strike Demise is when he holds his sword aloft. However, vigilance is required. Any attack falling near Demise’s sword has a 100% chance of being blocked.”

The moment Demise lifts his sword accordingly, Master Link strikes, showing the true might of his speed and accuracy, eventually knocking the demon king back, claws and sword screaming against the watery ‘ground’ as he fights to catch himself.

“Enough of this!” Demise declared as, with a roar, he thrust his sword skyward, lightning crashing down in response to the burst of magic cast as pouring rain followed suit.

The Demon Sword is then struck by lightning, absorbing the electrical energy, which crackles around the blade as Demise lowers it and begins to advance towards us.

“Master, should your sword come into contact with Demise’s sword once it has electrified, you will receive a painful shock. It is essential that you time your attacks carefully. Very carefully.”

“What’s wrong, boy?” Demise cackles as Master Link strives to avoid his electrified sword, “where did all that bravado from earlier go?”

Master Link cries in pain as an attack highly similar to a Skyward Strike is sent our way, the shield unable to deflect it.

Master Link is sent sprawling, his body spasming as the electricity surges through, my own magic diverted to direct the deadly energy away from vital organs.

“Come now, don’t tell me that is all it takes to fell the Chosen Hero of the Goddess!” Demise calls as he begins to stroll towards us once more, sword raising to be filled with lightning anew.

“The lightning… Master, you must quickly rise and ready your sword for a Skyward Strike. While we may no longer be able to call upon sacred energy, it is highly likely you can make use of the lightning strikes the same way Demise does!”

The moment Master Link is able to regain use of his motor skills he climbs to his feet, forced to jump to the side as Demise sends another electrical strike his way as he shakily raises the Master Sword.

Lightning is quickly drawn to the metal of the sword, crashing down into the blade, my calculations proven correct as the energy pools within, magic flaring as it is cleansed and reinforced with my own sacred energy.

“What?!” Demise cries as Master Link screams in challenge, the Master Sword brought down and directing the improvised Skyward Strike towards the demon king.

Unable to call his own in time, Demise seizes up as the lightning courses through his own body, Master Link quick to take advantage of the opening to deliver another series of blows upon our adversary.

When Demise is sent sprawling to the ground Master Link leaps into the air, lightning called into the blade as we dive into a Fatal Blow.

Demise, however, manages to avoid the attack at the very last second, his own ‘Skyward Strike’ hitting Master Link before he can pull the sword free of the ground.

The seizing of Master Link’s muscles ends up being an advantage, in a matter of speaking, as it aids in preventing the loss of his sword as his body is sent flying.

Unfortunately, the attack leaves significant injury to Master Link’s body, fabric and chainmail ripped asunder as red liquid joins the water beneath him when he lands.

“Master Link, you mustn’t linger, GET UP!” I call as Demise jumps forward, roaring in rage as his sword rises and falls.

Master Link just barely manages to roll out of the way and climb to his feet, sword arm struggling to rise as lightning continues to fly and crash all around us.

“Give up, boy!” the demon king snarls, “I have lived for eons, conquered entire worlds alongside time itself! A child such as you has no hope of defeating me!”

“Do not listen to him, Master Link—”

“What point is there in fighting any longer?” Demise inquires. “What do you possibly gain from fighting for a goddess who could not protect this world herself?”

“…it… was never about gain,” Master Link gasps, glaring at our adversary as his grip upon sword and shield tighten. “The reason… I took up the sword… and made it this far… it was all… for Zelda….

“Someone like you,” he continues as the sword is lifted by a shaking hand to point at Demise, “who only… cares about power… about himself… would never understand.”

Master Link wheezes and stumbles before catching himself, the mark of the Triforce shining as strongly as his spirit as he cries, “Zelda is the most important person in the world to me! It doesn’t matter where I have to go, what I have to do or who I have to face! I will protect her! I WILL SAVE HER!!!!”

The strongest bolt of lightning yet crashes down upon the blade, Master Link roaring as he sends the resulting strike hurtling towards Demise.

Immediately after the strike leaves the blade, Master Link is rushing forwards, pouncing upon the demon king mere seconds after the electrified strike smashes through his guard.

Everything is poured into these last strikes, Master Links emotions screaming against the bond as loudly as his physical voice as the attacks rain down upon our adversary.

And this time when Demise falls and we jump into the Final Blow, the Master Sword shining and sparking with purified lightning, the demon king can do naught but bellow in rage and pain as the blade slams into his chest.

The behemoth stills and Master Link only just begins to relax his muscles when the body beneath us surges upward, throwing my master backward, the lesson learned from fights with Ghirahim the only thing that keeps the Master Sword clenched tightly in his hands.

He is unable to catch himself this time and Master Link’s body slams heavily upon the watery ground, his breath hitching and wheezing from the blows inflicted upon him.

Still, he struggles to rise, ‘desperation’ raging at the sight of our adversary who has already begun climbing to his feet once more.

But this time… this time, it is Demise who is stumbling, whose body sways and is slow in reaction.

When his sword rises skyward in order to call for lightning, I reach for strategies in combatting the inevitable attack, even contemplating leaving the sword to act as a diversion so that my master may recover….

All prove unnecessary as Demise falters, blade slamming into the ground to catch him as he slumps downward… and then the blade, as well as the aura of Ghirahim, disintegrates.

“Wh-what?” Master Link wheezes.

“Ghirahim is no more… and Demise’s aura is fading…” I quickly inform Master Link. “We… you have prevailed, Master Link….”

“Ex… extraordinary,” Demise gasps at the same time. “You stand as a paragon of your kind, human.”

Black patterns swirl against pale skin with each labored breath of the demon king as he continues, “you fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end.”

‘Alarm’ flares at those words and Master Link begins struggling anew to rise as the demonic aura of Demise surges, demonic magic gathering.

“My hate… never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end!”

“A curse… Master Link, Demise is using the last of his energy to evoke a curse!”

“I will rise again!” Demise vows, an arm lifting to point in Master Link’s direction, even as Master Link slams the Master Sword into the ground, desperate to rise.

“Those like you… Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero… They are eternally bound to this curse!”

“NO!!!!” Master Link cries, forcing his injured body to stand and rushing the demon king, sword rising to strike…

But the blade slides harmlessly through the form of our enemy, his form flickering in the fashion of a spirit that has passed beyond the physical realm, even the magic bestowed by the sacred flames unable to inflict any further damage to this foe.

Demise sneers at the futile attempt, before finishing his vengeful hex, “an incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!”

“Shut UP!!!!” Master Link screams as the sword swings through where the demon king’s neck should be, stumbling as it once again phases through, his emotions raging against the bond as the demon king laughs before finally bursting into tiny particles of aura.

Master Link is thus left, alone, in that space, as stormy gray makes way for blue skies and waters once more.

The small cloud of Demise’s aura still lingers, however, and a new plan is formed as I call out to Master Link.

“Master, you must raise the Master Sword skyward once more to bring an end to this.”

‘Fatigue’ is building quickly alongside ‘shock’ and ‘dread’, but my words manage to push them aside as Master Link strives to do as I request.

The magic of the sword is activated and soon, the dark cloud is being absorbed, my own magic joining in to weave an intricate cage.

“I have confirmed the eradication of the demon king,” I inform Master Link. “His residual consciousness has been absorbed into the Master Sword… and is now sealed away.”

Master Link opens his mouth to respond but is quickly cut off as golden light shines and consumes us.


And. It's. Done! FINALLY!!!!!!

Now I just need to sort out how I feel about that as I write the wrap up chapter and finish the bonus. With luck, those will be posted later today/night/the next day!

As always please leave a Kudos or comment kudos if you like and I will see you later!

Side note: Nanowrimo update, the last chapter actually pushed me over the 50,000 word mark! Woo hoo! ...well, assuming the math was right...

Chapter 47: Goodbye... and Thank You


And so the adventure... comes to an end....


Who's ready to cry again? Be sure to help yourselves to the tissues I've gathered here, settle in to your comfiest chair with your snuggly-est cuddle buddies and softest blankets as you listen to the final songs of the Skyward Sword soundtrack....

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When the golden light fades, it is revealed that we have been returned to the interior of the Temple of Hylia.

We are only given enough time to register this fact before a familiar voice calls out my master’s name and then Zelda is rushing forward.

Master Link cries out her name in response and both cling tightly to each other as laughter and tears follow soon after.

“Link… you did it!” Zelda exclaims, her tearstained face smiling up at Master Link, a watery laugh escaping as she adds, “thank you. I think it’s over… Finally… it’s all over.”

“Indeed,” Impa’s voice calls from the direction of the Gate of Time, “you have done well, Link.”

“Yeah,” Groose chimes in as he passes by, “nice going, you two. You guys were totally amazing in this little adventure I like to call the Legend of Groose.

“…That’s a little joke,” he adds as giggles and groans are emitted.

“Joke or not,” Impa chuckles, “your contributions to our efforts were heroic. You have my thanks.”

“Aww, well, you know,” is Groose’s stuttering answer. “Just glad I could make myself useful. I’m happy things turned out OK.”

He then quickly adds, “hey, so things look pretty sewn up here. What do you say, guys? Ready to head back to our own time?”

Groose gestures first at Master Link and Zelda, then the Gate of Time, “Grannie was really worried about you two. We don’t want to keep the old girl in suspense too long.”

“Right,” Master Link chuckles, “and I could definitely use… about a decades long nap. What do you say, Fi? Ready to head home?”

I do not reply, finding myself… hesitant… to reveal the newest information I have gleaned… at disturbing this moment of peace.

But Master Link has already grown ‘worried’ at my delayed response, and so I withdraw from the blade.

I… still… do not want to say what needs to be said, not yet… so, instead, I address Her Grace first, as that is also proper procedure.

“Hylia, Your Grace… Or perhaps you prefer ‘Zelda’. It pleases me to know you are safe.”

Zelda’s eyes widen and then she smiles, a smile that mirrors the one gifted to me upon the very first day of my creation.

“It’s good to meet, and see, you again, Fi,” she says as new tears gather at the corners of her eyes. “I need to thank you, as well. Thank you, truly, for everything….”

“It was my duty and pleasure, Your Grace,” I reply with a bow. “As promised, I have led the Hero to achieving his destiny and the eradication of Demise….”

Her brow furrows at those last words, but I have no time to analyze this, for I know… there can be no further delay in what must be done.

“…Master, I must speak with you,” I state as I direct my attention in his direction.

His own brow furrows, ‘concern’ pressing gently against the bond, but he does not voice any questions, simply follows me as I lead him to a certain spot within the temple.

“Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend.”

‘Confusion’ is slowly losing ground to ‘worry’ and growing ‘alarm’ as Master Link gazes down at what lays before him.

He opens his mouth to speak, but my own words cut him off.

“My purpose here is complete. Therefore, I ask you to dissolve our arrangement as master and servant.”

“What?!” Master Link exclaims, gaze flying from me to the object that lies at his feet. “Fi, what are you talking about?! What do you mean ‘dissolve our arrangement’, I—”

“What you must do is simple,” I cut in, my right wing extending to indicate the object before him. “Drive the sword into the pedestal before you, and I will return to the sword to enter a sleep without end.”

“Wait, what?!”

“Master,” I quickly press on, “you have achieved the purpose you were chosen to fulfill. Please, set the sword in the pedestal and bring the goddess’s mission to an end.

“Now, Master. It is time to conclude our necessary companionship,” I conclude before returning to the sword, despite Master Link’s protests.

“Fi, hold on a second!” Master Link cries as ‘confusion’, ‘disbelief’ and ‘anger’ swirl into a maelstrom. “You can’t just—, you don’t really expect me to do that, do you?!

“Th-that—, no!” he continues when I fail to respond. “After what happened with Zelda, how can you ask me to do that?! I won’t do that, why do you have to do that?!

“Answer me!” he screams, ‘sadness’ now joining the maelstrom, causing my resolve to crack, “Fi! I order you—!”

“Link,” Zelda calls, her voice calm as her presence draws near.

No further words are spoken, but the maelstrom dies down and finally, my sword is being drawn then driven into the pedestal, as requested, with a verbal exclamation that is half yell, half wail.

And just like that… our bond is severed, Master Link’s emotions disappearing instantly leaving me oddly… oddly….

I… don’t really know how to describe it.

We had been connected for so long and I… had become so accustomed to his emotions brushing against my mind… having them depart is….

But… this is how it must be. With this, the consciousness of Demise will be sealed even further, the power bestowed by the goddess setting upon what remains, until nothing is left.

This was my role, the entire reason I was created and, though it was not what was initially planned, it is still a successful completion and… and I am content.

At least… until I hear the distant sound of a suppressed sob… and I am unable to ignore that.

“Link,” I call out, before my master… my former master… moves too far from where I now rest.

“Link, hear me,” I call once more as he turns, calling my name as his gaze wanders about the room. “My purpose was to obey the command of the goddess and lead you, the chosen hero of this land, on your quest.

“When I first awoke and began this task, I perceived it as merely serving my function as a servant to Her Grace.

“However,” I add, as memories of our time together flow through my memory, “I have come to consider the information corresponding to our time together among the most precious data I have on record.”

As Link draws near, a projection of my physical form comes to hover before him as I admit, “I do not have the capability to fully understand the human spirit, Link…

“But now, at the end of my journey with you, as I prepare to sleep within the Master Sword forever, I experience a feeling I am unable to identify.”

No… rather… this is a feeling I had experienced from the very moment I had set eyes upon him, that strange feeling that had always caused an equally strange stirring within my chest… that warm and gentle feeling….

“I lack sufficient data to be sure of my conclusion,” I state, “but I believe this feeling correlates closest to what your people call… happiness.”

Link’s eyes widen in response to this statement, a smile following an exact two seconds later, which is in turn followed by a watery laugh.

“Our partnership is at an end,” I continue, a wing extending to wipe away the tears that fall down Link's cheeks, “and even as we speak, I feel my consciousness fading away.

“Before I enter the sleep that calls me to the sword,” I add, as Link’s tremulous smile begins to drop, “I wish to relay to you words that I recorded many times over the course of our journey.

“Many have said them to you this far,” I remind Link, whose head tilts as his brow furrows in confusion, “but I now wish to say them for myself…

“Thank you, Master Link. May we meet again in another life…”

“Y-yeah,” Master Link says, voice trembling and tears falling, even as he strives to maintain a smile. “I-… I hope we meet again, too. G-… good night, Fi.”

I am unable to reply to those last words, Master Link’s image evaporating like smoke as I finally succumb to the sleep that pulls at me.

I am able to sustain enough consciousness to feel the magic of the Gate of Time activating, no doubt sending Master Link, Zelda and Groose back to their own time.

Consciousness then slips, but rights itself as the trio emerge back within their own time, the magic of the Gate of Time disappearing seconds later.

I hear Master Link and Groose chattering excitedly, Zelda’s aura joining a moment later, and the Old One… Impa… chuckling as she says, “…See? I told you we’d meet again.”

There are exclamations of surprise alongside a laugh so similar to that of my creator’s… though it quickly comes to an abrupt halt as the wizened guardian finally reaches her limit, her aura dissipating to the cries of those assembled.

I, too, feel myself reaching my limit, sleep having nearly consumed my consciousness completely now.

And then… a familiar hand comes to rest lightly upon the hilt of my blade… and his voice rings out, the voice of the Goddess joining in, as the Ballad is sung, gently… softly.

I find myself humming along, ‘happiness’ a warm blanket surrounding me, as sleep fully claims me at last.


*Hics as I try not to sob too loudly* "Night-night Fi. Sweet dreams!" *Curls into furry ball within the patch of sunlight next to her blade* "Give me a minute to recover before I post the bonus chapter, which will hopefully help everybody else recover from this chapter...."

Chapter 48: Bonus Chapter: Monster of Skyloft


A search for a missing child leads to an unexpected discovery and an... interesting new task....


Guess who's finally getting his time to shine in the story~

But good grief, this would have been SO much easier if I could've done this in manga montage *tired laugh*

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Kukiel! Kukiel! Oh, where could that child have gone?!”

The cries of an unknown woman bring Master Link to a halt, his own voice quickly calling out in ‘concern’.

“Ms. Wryna? Is something wrong?”

“Oh! Link! What perfect timing! You haven’t seen my Kukiel, have you?” the voice Master Link identified as Ms. Wryna inquires, her tone quite frantic.

“I haven’t, no,” Master Link replied, “has something happened?”

“She’s gone missing! I’ve been looking everywhere, but I just can’t find her!”

“Have you checked with Gully?”

“I did, though he and Kukiel have drifted apart recently, due to his growing fascination with bugs… although….”

“Although?” Master Link repeated.

Ms. Wryna sighs then says, “well… he mentioned spotting Kukiel with some unknown person with a scary face… though, for the life of me, I can’t think of anyone he might be talking about, this is Skyloft after all….”


Master Link jumps at the sudden shout, his hand gripping the hilt of the sword as his body begins to shift into a defensive position.

“What are you talking about Rusta?!” Ms Wryna cries, anger, and a growing amount of alarm creeping into her tone.

“It’s the fiendish demon that lives in Skyloft!” the newcomer, Rusta, declares. “I’m tellin’ ya. I came this close to getting eaten by that evil beast!”

“Wh-what?! What are you saying?! Are you seriously saying some evil creature appeared and it has my baby?!”

“Wouldn’t surprise me none, demons crave the taste of innocent young girls. I bet little Kukiel would taste almost as good as me!”

“By the Goddess!!!” Ms. Wryna practically screeches. “Kukiel, my Kukiel… she’s so cute and friendly… She’d be the perfect snack for such a beast! Link, please! You have to find her! Save my baby! My poor, sweet child, crying in terror as she waits for the monster to devour her!”

“It’d probably use her as an ingredient for a monstrous soup!” Rusta cried.

“Oh, my sweet Kukiel… If something happened… I just… I don’t know what I would do!”

“Um… we’re not even sure if there really is a monster,” Master Link protested weakly.

“I’m telling you I saw that ugly, terrifying beast with my own two eyes! It’s not just a monster, it’s a demon! Not that anyone can say fer sure because no one’s seen it and lived to tell the tale!”

“If that statement is true, then how is it this man is here now?” I asked, “I believe there is an inconsistency here.”

“Yeah, well, Rusta’s gotten a little… um… ‘confused’… these days,” Master Link began to explain.

He was quickly interrupted by Ms. Wryna grabbing hold of his arms tightly, her voice becoming ‘crazed’.

“Link don’t just stand there! You’re a knight, a senior at the academy now, it’s your job to protect Skyloft! You have to hunt down this demon and save my sweet Kukiel right away!”

“P-please calm down Ms. Wryna! I-I’ll find Kukiel, don’t worry, I’m sure she’s—”

“Deep within the demon’s demonic lair, she is!” Rusta cried, “and I know just where it is! I saw it enter that dark abode just days before!”

“Well don’t just stand there then! Take us to this lair right away!” Ms. Wryna cried.

“Eh?! W-well I’d like to but, my knees, they’ve been killing me since my daring escape from the creature….”

“Then just spit it out already!!!!!!”

“Ms. Wryna, please calm down!” Master Link cried.

“It’s this tree right here,” Rusta declared, after Master Link had managed to calm Ms. Wryna and convince the old man to lead us to the scene of his ‘demon sighting’.

“Hylia’s Golden Tresses, to think that monster dragged my precious girl to the cemetery!” Ms. Wryna blubbered, “though, I suppose it makes sense a demon would have a home near here….”

“That’s right, it’s just like a demon to drag its victims to this place, makes it easier to hide its kills,” Rusta stated.

“Now then,” he added after a brief scuffle with the frantic Wryna, “the beast hit the gravestone that’s right next to this here tree and the gravestone lit up! It then pushed the gravestone and that door to the storage shed over there opened up all by itself!”

“I thought Jakamar said the whole shed was old and that the door was stuck as a result?” Master Link inquired.

“If that’s the case, then why hasn’t he just torn down the whole thing?” Ms. Wryna huffed, “what if it collapses onto someone? Ooh, that husband of mine is going to get an earful if Kukiel gets so much as a splinter from this horrid old thing—”

“Never mind all that, ya fool young’uns!” Rusta snapped, “with the sun beginning to set like it is, the evil magic on the door will be activated and open the way to the demon’s lair! Once you hit that gravestone over there, you’ll be able to go right in!”

“…so, you’re saying this demon… hits a gravestone and it opens the door?”

“That is exactly what it did! The demon pushed the gravestone, and the door to the storage shed opened up all by itself… The monster then went into the shed, and then… it closed the door behind itself, which was unexpectedly polite for a demon…”

“We’re wasting time!” Ms. Wryna cried, “Link, just hurry up and hit the tombstone already!”

“Alright, alright, I’m going,” Master Link replied in a placating tone.

Then, to me as he drew my sword from its scabbard, “how about it, Fi? Do you sense Kukiel or anything… ‘demonic’?”

“I shall check now, Master Link,” I replied, immediately activating my dowsing ability.

…only to find it blocked.

“…Master Link, it would appear that I am unable to dowse in this area.”

“What?! How is that possible?!” he cried, ‘confusion’ and ‘alarm’ jangling against our bond.

“I am… uncertain how it is possible,” was my only answer, “the most likely conclusion I can give you… is that a being with high magical abilities is blocking my own.”

“…maybe old man Rusta isn’t so crazy after all,” Master Link surmised. “Okay, I’m going to hit the gravestone now, Fi. Brace yourself.”

“As I have stated numerous times now, I am not affected when you hit the sword against something, unless the blade itself is damaged.”

“Yeah, well, it makes me feel better giving you a warning, alright?”

“Very well then, Master Link, I am braced for impact.”

My blade swung through the air, then connected with stone, a ring sounding at the same time my sensors came alive with the feel of evil energy.

A loud creak followed, causing Ms. Wryna and Rusta to cry out in alarm.

“It really did open!”

“Y’see, I told ya! Now be hurrying up and go after that demon, young knight!”

“Wha-, y-you’re not going to go with him?!” Ms. Wryna cried.

“And do what? Act as bait fer the demon?” Rusta countered. “He’s a knight in his prime, he can beat a demon easy. So, get to it young hero!”

“Right,” Master Link replied, his tone far more serious than it had been previously. “You two head back home. Ms. Wryna if I’m not back by at least tomorrow morning, go and let the academy know what’s happened here.”

“Y-yes, I understand,” Ms. Wryna replied. “Be careful, Link! And please, please bring my little girl home safely!”

“I will,” Master Link replied as we set off.

“Anything yet, Fi?”

“I am afraid not Master Link,” I replied as he moved forward slowly, “I am still unable to track either this Kukiel or detect any evil energy, aside from that of the Keese and Chus that are beginning to stir as the sun sets.”

“Then, what’s your take on all this? Do you really think there’s some kind of horrible, yet polite demon hiding here? Is there even such a thing as a ‘polite’ demon?”

“One could argue that Ghirahim possessed varying levels of politeness. However, I am still uncertain as to how a demon of Rusta’s description, as well as possessing a high enough level of magic to negate my dowsing, would have been able to create a home for itself in this haven the Goddess created for her humans…”

My musings were interrupted as a scream rent through the air, Master Link immediately drawing my sword as he rammed his way through the door before us.

There was a loud roar and Master Link immediately swung my blade towards the source, large yellow and blue wings tipped with sharp needles swirling as the creature turned to face us—

“Stop! Please! I beg of you… don’t hurt me!”

“Wha-, huh?!” Master Link cried; my blade quickly swung backward as he teetered to a stop.

“Oh goodness. I know how bad this must look to you right now, but I assure you I mean no harm! We were just playing the scream-as-loud-as-you-can game!”

“The wha-, huh?!” Master Link repeated, adrenaline and confusion possibly affecting his ability to process.

“Link? What are you doing here?” a young female’s voice asked, bringing Master Link’s attention to a small girl who was standing next to the… demon….

“Kukiel!” Master Link cried, “you-, are you okay?! I heard you screaming!”

“Yeah, that’s how you play the scream-as-loud-as-you-can game!” Kukiel replied, “like Uncle Bats just told you! He’s really good at it too!”

“Oh, dear… Perhaps an explanation is in order!” the demon, ‘Uncle Bats’ as Kukiel had identified him, chimed in worriedly when Master Link merely continued to gape at them both in ‘confusion’.

“My name is Batreaux,” he stated with a small bow, carefully maneuvering himself so that his large horns wouldn’t hit anything with his movement. “I am a monster who resides here in this humble dwelling below Skyloft.

“But please allow me to correct one popular misconception,” Batreaux was quick to add, “while I’m certainly a monster, I wouldn’t dream of terrorizing the people of this town!”

“Yeah, Uncle Bats is really nice!” Kukiel chimed in, grabbing hold of Batreaux’s hand, and swinging it energetically. “We met when he saved me from almost falling over the edge!”

“Oh, yes, that was quite the terrifying experience!” Batreaux exclaimed, his demonic face twisting with, I assume, remembered worries and fears before melting into a charmed smile.

“Despite that, I am glad I was able to meet this adorable little girl, who is the only one who didn’t let loose a bloodcurdling scream at the sight of me!” he continued, gently waving their joined hands back and forth.

“Why would I do that? You’re not that scary looking!” Kukiel laughed, “plus you’re really nice Uncle Bats! You bake yummy cookies and let me come here and scream as loud as I want!”

“Yes, I’m quite happy to do so,” Batreaux chuckled, “in fact I’ve felt positively jubilant since you began to visit me here… although, the fact that this strapping young warrior has appeared seems to indicate that your parents… um….”

“Are worried,” Master Link finished with a sigh as he finally returned the sword to its scabbard, “I’m here because your mom’s been looking everywhere for you Kukiel. Do you even know what time it is?”

“Oh dear, it really has gotten quite late,” Batreaux gasped, once his eyes drifted towards a monstrous clock, “seems we lost track of time with this latest game of ours. It’s almost sundown….”

“Then, come to my house Uncle Bats!” Kukiel declared as she began to pull on Batreaux’s hand. “You can stay for supper! Mom is a really good cook and she said I can invite friends over!”

“Uh, that might not be the best idea, Kukiel,” Master Link cut in uneasily.

“He’s right, dear,” Batreaux quickly added on, carefully extricating his large hand and claws from the girl’s tiny grip.

“But why not?” Kukiel huffed as she planted her hands on her hips, “didn’t you say, ‘your heart’s only wish is to become friends with the lovely people of Skyloft’? That’s what you said!”

“Yes, indeed I did,” Batreaux chuckled softly as he gently patted the young girl’s head. “And I would love to meet your parents my dear… but it might be a tad difficult due to my… well, many people seem to find me a tad… scary….”

“But you’re not scary at all!” the little girl argued, “I don’t think you’re scary and Link doesn’t think you’re scary either, right?!”

“Um, well,” Master Link began to say, one of his hands coming up to scratch his head, “now that I’ve gotten to know him, no but uh… he does kind of resemble a Night Remlit, so….”

“Yes, I’m afraid most people are struck with paralyzing fear at the mere sight of me,” Batreaux sighed, “not that I can blame them though….”

“Well, what if we found those grabitude crackles you were talking about?” Kukiel queried.

“Grabitude crackles?” Master Link repeated.

“Ah, Gratitude Crystals, my dear,” Batreaux gently corrected the girl before returning his attention back towards Master Link. “They’re part of an old tale among my monstrous kin.”

“What kind of tale?”

“It claims that when humans make other humans happy, the happy humans produce a substance known as a Gratitude Crystal. According to my kin, these Gratitude Crystals are quite amazing! Just looking at them and knowing there was such gratitude in the world could turn monsters like us into humans!”

“Really?” Master Link asked, his interest now fully peaked.

“Well… that’s how the legend goes,” Batreaux replied, his tone now far less certain.

He them emitted a long sigh, “oh goodness, nothing would delight me more than to become a human!”

“…we can help Uncle Bats find his grab… er, his crystal thingies… can’t we Link?” Kukiel queried, peering at Master Link intently.

“…what do you think, Fi?” Master Link asked me, in turn, “do you think you can dowse for these things?”

“As I am still uncertain what these ‘Gratitude Crystals’ are, the likelihood of detecting them through dowsing seems unrealistic,” I replied as I exited my blade.

“By my ancestors’ hideous visage!” Batreaux cried upon my appearance, “y-you, a-an emissary of the Goddess?!”

The demon’s wings then curled tightly against his back as he dropped to his knees and prostrated himself, “my deepest apologies, sacred one! This loathsome demon meant no disrespect by appearing before you! I beg for your mercy!”

“As I do not possess emotions, I am incapable of mercy,” I replied, causing the demon to begin quivering.

“Fi! That’s not helping!” Master Link exclaimed, his fist tapping softly against my head, “you’re scaring the poor guy!”

“My intention was not to cause fear,” I said, unable to comprehend exactly what was going on at this point. “I simply wished to inquire for more information on this substance known as ‘Gratitude Crystals’.”

“I know, I know Fi,” Master Link sighed, now rubbing my head in a similar fashion to how Batreaux had stroked Kukiel previously, “just, maybe don’t say the phrase ‘I am incapable of mercy’, unless you’re taunting an enemy….”

“I do not taunt enemies master, I eliminate them.”

“Good to know,” Master Link replied with another sigh, patting my head once more, “but this guy is not an enemy, right?”

“As I sense no hostility from him, despite his demonic energy, I concur that this being does not seem to be an enemy,” I answered with an affirmative nod.

“There, see?” Master Link stated, his tone much softer now as he crouched next to the still prostrate Batreaux, “Fi’s not going to hurt you, and neither am I. So, why don’t you tell us more about these Gratitude Crystals you’re looking for?”

One glowing yellow eye peeked up at Master Link cautiously before a large hand tipped with wickedly long and sharp red nails gently took hold of my master’s offered hand.

The two then rose back to their feet, Batreaux’s wings unfolding, the demon clearing his throat before beginning to speak again.

“W-well, the legend says that you can obtain pure Gratitude Crystals by helping people solve their troubles. A-and… they could also be merely lying about here in Skyloft or elsewhere among the clouds… anywhere you find people!”

“Do you perhaps possess a sample of the crystals that, as you state, ‘can be found lying about’?” I inquired.

“W-well, yes,” Batreaux replied with a nod, his hand slowly extending forward, “I-I found one just the other day, whilst taking an evening stroll in the Waterfall Cave.”

Demonic magic flared and then a small yellow-orange crystal with numerous rounded spikes appeared, floating gently above his hand.

This crystal emitted a different energy than that of Batreaux, a warm and gentle presence, similar and yet different to Hylia’s.

I extended my dowsing magic towards the crystal, analyzing and committing the substance to memory, before returning to Master Link’s side.

“I have now registered ‘Gratitude Crystal’ as a dowsing subject,” I reported, “though I cannot guarantee complete accuracy in locating these crystals, due to a number of strange elements within their chemical makeup.”

“I’m sure we’ll do fine,” Master Link replied with a smile, before turning his attention back to Batreaux. “Do you know any other ways to find Gratitude Crystals?”

“Only that the purest of crystals can be obtained by helping people solve their troubles,” Batreaux replied, his hands lifting into the air alongside his shoulders as he shook his head.

“Well, that shouldn’t be too hard,” Master Link declared, “after all, that’s what knights are meant to do anyway!”

“A knight, hm?” Batreaux hummed, “oh, I think you’re much more than that my friend. From the moment I laid my regrettably demonic eyes on you, I could tell you had a gentle and generous heart.”

“You’re giving me too much credit!” Master Link laughed, before turning his attention to Kukiel, “anyway, how about the two of us head back home now, okay?”

“But I wanna help find grabitude crackles, too!” the little girl protested.

“Well, we might find some at your house,” Master Link countered, “because I’m sure your mom and dad will be really, really happy to see you.”

“…okay,” Kukiel finally relented, “if it means finding grabitude crackles for Uncle Bats.”

Master Link smiled before picking the little girl up, accepting a small package of sweets from Batreaux and joining in the exchange of farewells before embarking upon the route to Kukiel’s abode.

Batreaux’s theory of the creation of Gratitude Crystals proved to be correct as a large crystal was formed by the reunion of Kukiel and her rather distraught mother.

A night of searching through Skyloft procured a good deal more, and, as if Hylia were providing divine aid, we later encountered numerous occasions of individuals in need of assistance.

From finding and aiding in the safe return of a lost sister, to assisting a fellow student in not only procuring a Stamina Potion but creating a proficient workout routine to aid in the strengthening of his body.

We were ‘roped in’ to aiding another student’s parental figure cleaning their exceptionally filthy abode, which resulted in the acquisition of two gratitude crystals after Master Link returned the monetary reward to the Pipit individual.

We would then receive one more crystal from Pipit after engaging in an activity Master Link called ‘playing lovebird’.

This activity was commenced after receiving a ‘mission’ of delivering a ‘love letter’ from a far less pleasant Academy student named Cawlin to an upperclassman named Karane.

Karane had immediately expressed her disinterest in engaging in courting rituals with the Cawlin individual which, coupled with her inquiry as to how the Pipit individual would respond to learning of the event, prompted Master Link to reveal such information to him.

After an interesting twisting of facts by Master Link, the Pipit individual was encouraged to speak to Ms. Karane, finding her just as she was in the midst of initiating contact with the Cawlin individual.

The subsequent confrontation resulted in Pipit revealing he also wished to engage in courtship with Karane, who happily accepted Pipit’s proposal, much to Master Link’s delight and the creation of the aforementioned Gratitude Crystal.

A second crystal was acquired later that night when Master Link displayed a rare moment of ‘mischievousness’.

Having heard rumors of a woman sobbing in one of the dormitory restrooms late at night from an assortment of individuals, including Ms. Henya, and finding the voice in question calling for ‘paper’, Master Link had decided the best course of action was to offer the now defunct love letter of Cawlin’s.

This would result in our discovery of a ghostly hand that resided within the restroom, who in turn was the source of the voice calling for paper.

It happily accepted the letter, and we received more crystals, Master Link happy to accept the additional bundle… albeit also rather ‘curious’ and ‘creeped out’ by the hand itself (these feelings intensified when I informed him I could gather no data on the hand whatsoever).

The next bundle was received after aiding in the retrieval of a ‘party wheel’ for the highly unusual man on ‘Fun Fun Island’, Master Link declining the offer of playing his odd game (which included the activity of being shot out of a cannon) for free.

From there, we travelled to the area known as the Bazaar, Master Link quickly drawn to the stall selling an assortment of potions, where a baby was crying quite loudly.

My dowsing skills were then employed to find the rattle that had been stolen by a bird, the Crimson Loftwing aiding in ascending to the bird’s nest and subsequently driving the bird itself off, while Master Link retrieved the rattle.

We were thus rewarded not only with a bundle of Gratitude Crystals, but also a week’s supply of free potions, as well as the ‘deluxe upgrades’.

The next crystal to be obtained included… an odd set of circ*mstances.

It occurred whilst Master Link was engaged in conversation with one of the other keepers of a Bazaar stall, a young woman named Peatrice.

This conversation was suddenly interrupted by another individual, identified as Peater, the father of Peatrice, who displayed obvious signs of aggression.

This aggression was directed towards Master Link, for reasons neither of us could comprehend, any attempts to ascertain the reason thwarted as father and daughter engaged in a heated argument.

Eventually, Pipit and Karane entered into the dispute and, after a long moment of talking, managed to calm the two individuals down.

Apologies and, for undetermined reasons, thanks were directed Master Link’s way, a bundle of Gratitude Crystals forming soon after, as father and daughter departed for a further period of discussion.

Master Link was unable to shed any further light upon what had transpired, and thusly decided to ‘shrug it off’ before moving on to the next task.

The following person in need was yet another stall keeper, this one a fortune teller, whose crystal ball had received irreparable damage.

Questions were raised pertaining to the supposed mystic’s powers when the ‘crystal balls’ were revealed to be ornamental orbs that decorated the Earth Temple but were subsequently dismissed upon the acquisition of the newest batch of Gratitude Crystals.

After that, we were drawn towards the Academy where, after the day’s classes had reached their end, Master Link became engaged in a conversation with Instructor Owlan.

That conversation inevitably turns to our trips to the Surface and, to paraphrase, a request to deliver an ‘exotic’ plant species, that would ‘turn a few heads.’

The subsequent ‘plant’ that is then delivered reveals itself in the form of Oolo, the most easily flustered of the herbivorous Kikwi race, who exhibits high stress levels as well as paranoia.

Upon expressing his desire to live somewhere truly peaceful where he would no longer have a need to hide, he is thus quick to accept Master Link’s offer of transitioning his residence to Skyloft.

In turn, the instructor grows quite excited upon meeting the Kikwi, his thus far waning interest for flora now reigniting his drive for knowledge, which produces an additional bundle of Gratitude Crystals.

The final batch of crystals that are then found in the area around Skyloft are given by the strange merchant who insists upon keeping his shop in the air, through the use of an odd contraption he powers through his own physical labor.

Upon news of his missing, ‘precious’ Horned Colossus Beetle, Master Link is quick to offer his assistance in locating the missing insect.

We are almost immediately directed to a fellow classmate of my master by the name of Stritch, another individual who shows great interest in insects.

Master Link shows a bit of ‘wariness’ in his interactions with this Stritch individual, but through a bout of conversation and engaging in a round of bug collecting both around the realm of Skyloft and the Surface, Stritch finally agrees to return the Horned Colossus Beetle to his rightful owner.

We retrieve the Gratitude Crystals once Beedle receives the container holding his precious insect and leave the two bug enthusiasts to discuss plans for an ‘insect haven’ to be established upon a newly discovered island by the Stritch individual.

From there, we found ourselves happening upon the owner of the Lumpy Pumpkin, lamenting the loss of his worker due to unforeseen circ*mstances.

Realizing the man was in a bind, Master Link quickly volunteered his services, which the owner, Pumm, accepted ‘gratefully’.

Our first task was to deliver pumpkin soup to Knight Commander Eagus, who reacted with surprise upon our arrival, which then became praise for ‘aiding one in need’.

The next favor was assisting in harvesting the tavern’s pumpkins, which led to many thanks being given by Kina, Pumm’s daughter, who worked as the head waiter at the restaurant.

A stray comment made by Kina regarding the difficulty of plowing the pumpkin patch and her wish for aid from an individual highly skilled at such an activity would eventually lead to the transitioning of the Mogma, Guld, from the Surface into the Sky, after he’d made a comment about wishing to change careers and transitioning to a cooler climate.

The subsequent meeting of human and Mogma had the Mogma charmed by the young woman, who was delighted by the proficient digger.

The final task and thus, the final Gratitude Crystal earned at the Lumpy Pumpkin Location, was another unexpected request, made just as we were readying ourselves to head back to Skyloft for the night.

Having apparently engaged in a highly upsetting quarrel with her musical accompaniment for nightly performances, Kina and her father thus requested Master Link’s aid, once they had realized the appearance of the Goddess Harp upon his person.

“Please, Link, it’s just a quick duet!” Kina had pleaded, hands clasped and eyes blinking oddly, “just for tonight! We can’t let the customers down!

” “But I’m really not that good!” Master Link had protested, to which I could not help but contradict.

“Given your innate talent of perfect pitch and the subsequent practice made whilst playing the songs to unlock the Silent Realms your skill level with the harp is actually quite high, Master Link.”

“But that was just the two of us, not in front of a bunch of people!”

“It’ll be fine if you mess up a little, I can cover you!” Kina had argued back (though it was unclear if she fully understood what was occurring amidst Master Link’s vocal outburst).

“That’s right, plus it’ll be in the middle of happy hour!” Pumm had chimed in as well. “You just gotta be good enough to make it through one, maybe two songs! And Kina is a fine teacher, if you spend the time ‘til the evening shift practicing you should at least be acceptable!”

Master Link’s will was wavering and then finally his denial was broken as he made… an unexpected request.

“Fine but… could we have a friend of mine performing with us as well?”

“A friend?” the tavern owners repeated.

“To whom are you referring to, Master Link?” I inquired in turn.

“You, Fi, I am referring to you”, Master Link replied with a silent laugh, before quickly adding, “unless you don’t want to, we could see about having someone else helping Kina instead of us—”

I have no objections Master Link, if you are ordering me to do so.” Master Link suddenly stiffens upon my answer, a strange cloud of ‘irritation’ forming against the bond before he emits a long sigh.

“Um, Link, are you alright?” Kina asks to which Master Link answers in the affirmative before bidding me to exit my blade.

“This is the friend I was talking about,” he states once I am hovering next to him. “Her name is Fi….”

“Oh, I see!” Pumms states with a nod of his head, before inquiring, “so, you’re saying she can sing?”

Master Link nods and Kina laughs whilst clapping her hands, taking hold of one of my wings and Master Link’s hands, pulling us to the side as she states ‘how fun it will be to have a singing partner’.

I… I am uncertain if it was truly a performance to be defined as ‘fun’… however, I did feel a warm sensation accompanied by a strange tickling in my chest, one that… I could not entirely place the origin completely upon my bond with Master Link.

But both he and Miss Kina were smiling as they performed, as were the audience who watched us, those smiles growing even bigger as I begin to dance, even without prompting from Master Link, as I sing along with Kina and Master Link’s playing.

The end result is raucous applause and cheers, Master Link and Kina both taking hold of my wings as they bow and curtsy respectively before waving to the patrons of the tavern.

“That was absolutely fantastic!” Kina cries as she, too, claps and smiles broadly, “in fact, that might have been our best performance yet! The two of you have to perform with me again some time!”

“We’ll see,” Master Link replies with a laugh, ‘satisfaction’ growing stronger from his side of the bond as another bundle of Gratitude Crystals is collected.

“I shall only do as Master Link commands,” is my own short reply as I return to my blade, running a quick analysis upon myself as a strange heat can be felt upon my face which cannot be explained.

The last bundle of crystals is found during a brief stay at the Academy, one where Master Link had been excused from classes due to lingering fatigue from our journey.

Finding himself unable to sleep, my master had been wandering the halls when he came upon the housemother, Henya, who was carrying an assortment of cleaning supplies.

“Link! What are you doing up young man, you’re supposed to be resting!” she quickly scolds upon spotting my master, who chuckles ‘uneasily’, rubbing the back of his head, before sighing deeply.

“I can’t sleep,” he admits, causing the older woman’s brow to wrinkle as her mouth turns downward, “and I was hoping a quick stroll might help… or I could help you out for a bit?”

The old woman’s left eyebrow raises in response to my master’s offer, and she stares at him silently for approximately two minutes before emitting a small sigh herself and gesturing to Master Link to follow.

They thus engage in cleaning various parts of the Academy, Master Link aiding in reaching taller areas but being strictly prohibited from engaging in anything ‘too strenuous’.

Eventually, we come to a stop before a certain door, located upon the upper floor of the academy, one which causes ‘sadness’ and a myriad of other heavy emotions to drape atop the bond.

“I thought it best to keep it clean and aired out,” Henya explains as she pulls out a set of keys, peering up at Master Link with a complicated expression upon her face. “I… can take care of this myself, if it’s too much—”

“N-no, it’s fine,” Master Link is quick to reply, ‘desperation’ suddenly swirling, “a-and you’re right, she’d definitely prefer to have it nice and clean for when she comes back… so….”

Henya continues to study my master’s face, but eventually sighs once more before her expression grows stern, a warning issued against ‘poking around’ as she finally unlocks and opens the door.

The aura of the spirit maiden, of Zelda, is prevalent in this room, even after all this time, and the slightest tremble can be felt from Master Link’s body as his emotions swirl confusingly against the bond.

A hit upon my dowsing ability aids in pulling me away from that confusion, a Gratitude Crystal quickly spotted upon the dresser that sits to the left of the large portrait of Lady Zelda and her father.

“…and I know it’s got to be hard, with her missing for such a long time, now but that doesn’t mean you should be running yourself ragged!” Henya’s voice filters back in once I have collected the stray crystal and placed it alongside the others.

“I know, Henya,” Master Link sighs in response as he dusts around the area where I had just collected the Gratitude Crystal, carefully maneuvering around a strange green doll which brings a smile to his lips.

“Perhaps you should take that little guy with you, see if he can’t help you get to sleep,” Henya states, causing Master Link to laugh aloud as he finishes dusting his area.

“I think I’ll ask Fi for a lullaby before stealing one of Zelda’s little knitting projects,” he chuckles as he returns said knitting project to its rightful place, “but thank you for the suggestion.”

“And thank you for the help with cleaning,” Henya responds in turn, a Gratitude Crystal forming alongside her words, which is quickly collected as she pushes Master Link back in the direction of his own room, “now get some sleep!”

It is only after Master Link awakens from the nap his instructors had insisted upon that I inform him about reaching what I believe to be a sufficient number of crystals for Batreaux’s alleged transformation purposes.

In response, Master Link is quick to head for the demon’s abode, where we are greeted with a great deal of warmth and enthusiasm.

“What a magnificent amount of Gratitude Crystals you’ve gathered!” Batreaux exclaims once the crystals have been presented. “Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if these were all the Gratitude Crystals that exist in the whole wonderful world!”

The demon’s wings flap energetically as his hands clap together, swinging even more as he bows a number of times in Master Link’s direction.

“Thank you! Thank you ever so much!” he cries with a laugh, wings still flapping, a few cobwebs and small pieces of furniture blowing past in their enthusiasm, “truly, I cannot thank you enough!”

“You really don’t have to go that far with the thanks,” Master Link laughs, to which Batreaux is quick to negate.

“Please do not jest, it will surely take the rest of eternity to truly express my own gratitude for your efforts!” the demon exclaims as he cradles the bag containing the Gratitude Crystals to his chest.

He then sighs ‘dreamily’ as he gazes upon those same crystals once more, “with this many Gratitude Crystals, surely it will be enough to fulfill the requirement needed to become human!”

Batreaux’s gaze then lifts towards Master Link again as he adds, “I wonder if I’ll really be able to make the transformation… My heart is aflutter! It’s—”

Whatever else he was about to say is cut off abruptly as he emits a loud cry, Master Link growing ‘alarmed’ and ‘concerned’ as the demon shudders and howls, the Gratitude Crystals shining brightly before a large cloud of strange smoke erupts from Batreaux’s body.

“Batreaux!” Master Link calls, even as he braces himself against the magic winds that blow from where the demon had stood, his fate unknown until such time as the wind ceases and the smoke dissipates.

Once it does, the reading of demonic energy that had always resided within the room disappears, making it apparent that his wish has been fulfilled as the aura of the individual who is revealed at last has truly become a human’s.

…even if his outward appearance… does not bear much difference from his previous state.

“…Well?” the newly transformed Batreaux inquires. “How do I look, my dear friend Link?”

“…uh… well,” is the only thing Master Link can state at that point in time as ‘confusion’ rings loudly against the bond.

“…Oh, you needn’t even say it,” Batreaux finally begins to say, after Master Link lapses into silence. “I can tell from the look of sheer astonishment on your face.”

He then claps his hands and emits a ‘giddy’ laugh, “my appearance has changed so dramatically you’ve been struck speechless, haven’t you?”

“H-has it really?”

“Indeed, Master Link,” I reply, “there has in fact been a great many changes in his appearance, from the loss of his horns and long, sharp red claws to the wings that once adorned his back and the fangs within his teeth have been blunted. His skin has also been transformed from an ashen gray to a far more human ruddiness and his gen—”

“O-okay, okay Fi, I get it, I can see it now, thank you!” Master Link quickly interjects at the same time Batreaux begins speaking once more.

“Allow me to tell you this… there’s simply no word in your language to describe how grateful I am for your help. I am deeply touched!”

He then clasps his hands together and lifts them to hover over his chest as his mouth curls into a large smile, his one orange brow lifting alongside.

“From now on, I plan to live happily with everyone else. Not as a monster… but as any other person.”

‘Confusion’ and ‘worry’ are still prevalent against the bond but are eventually pushed aside as Master Link emits a small chuckle.

“I’m happy for you, Batreaux,” he states aloud, “and I’m sure everyone will be glad to meet you, too.”

As long as I… give them a head’s up first, he adds silently.

“You think they will still react negatively to Batreaux’s new appearance?” I inquire.

“I mean, I hope not but… well, there’s definitely going to be a lot of questions,” Master Link replies with a small chuckle.

“I see,” I reply in turn as we depart from the demon's abode, “in any event, this has been quite an intriguing experience, as well as informative.”

“Has it?” Master Link inquires with yet another chuckle.

“Indeed, for not only has it revealed both a previously unknown substance alongside the rare phenomenon of a benign individual of the demonic race… it has also provided further insight into your own species, Master Link.

“Oh? Like what?”

“For one… humans are far more complex than originally believed… and as for you, specifically, Master Link….”

Master Link comes to a halt, ‘curiosity’ and ‘apprehension’ rising as I exit my blade and circle around him.

“As for me what, Fi?”

“You are,” I reply as I find my head tilting to the side, “exceptionally kind, Master Link… perhaps a bit too kind, in fact. There is a 30% chance you may exhibit traits of a pushover.”

“Hey!” Master Link cries ‘indignantly’, though he also emits a laugh as, for reasons I cannot identify, I take off with Master Link chasing behind me.

Upon reaching the nearest flight deck, I jump back into my blade at the precise time Master Link jumps forwards.

Unperturbed, he immediately calls for his Loftwing and so, we are off, headed for our next destination in our journey.


Had a debate about how philosophical I wanted to go with Fi and the 'gratitude', 'happiness' analysis, but finally decided not to link (haha, 'link' XD) it too much with the end of the main fic.

And then she surprised me with that last line and impromptu game of tag XD Our sword girl learned how to tease! When did that happen?!

In any event, this brings this fic to an end... and yet, it is only the beginning.

Fi will return in the next Legend of Zelda game: Ocarina of Time! But uh, first... can somebody help with title ideas? (Totally drawing a blank.)

Thank you so much to those who have stayed with this fic from the very beginning, especially those that left comments and kudos and extra comment kudos! See you later!

Chapter 49: Stolen Work


I have just been informed this story has been stolen

This issue has now been resolved!


I have not given anyone permission to post and/or sell this story upon Amazon or any other book selling source

Chapter Text

I have just been informed by a fellow AO3 user, 'thegreatpumpkin' that this story has been stolen and posted upon Amazon for sale.

This was done WITHOUT my approval by Plush Books and, per the instructions of the helpful Twitter thread by Kokom, also provided by the wonderful 'thegreatpumpkin', I am posting this chapter to affirm that I WAS NOT INFORMED, DID NOT GIVE PERMISSION, AND AM NOT BEING COMPENSATED by these people.

This story was written for fun, for practice in achieving my dream to become an official author from my own, original stories, and to maybe make some friends upon this site. There was absolutely no intention of selling this story in order to make money.

I am someone who has always struggled with computers and technological things, so I ask for everyone's support in reclaiming my work and helping to prevent things like this from happening again!

Update: This issue has now been resolved!

Chapter 50: Resolved!


Stolen Work no longer on Amazon!

Chapter Text

Thanks again to 'thegreatpumpkin' and Kokom!

As of this moment, Amazon has removed my story from its page, thus the Plush Books creeps can no longer profit from it!

Eternal Companion - MistressofInsanity19 - The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.