Stages of mesothelioma (2024)

The stage of a cancer means how big the cancer is and whether it has spread. Knowing the stage helps your doctor decide which treatment you need. Most people with mesothelioma are diagnosed at an advanced stage of cancer.

Pleural mesothelioma starts in the layer of tissue that covers the lungs (the pleura). The information on this page is about how doctors stage pleural mesothelioma.

There isn’t a well used staging system for peritoneal mesothelioma. This is mesothelioma that starts in the tissue covering organs in your tummy (peritoneum). Sometimes the doctors may use the TNM (Tumour Node Metastasis) system used for pleural mesothelioma.

There are different systems for staging mesothelioma. In the UK, doctors tend to use the most recent American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) system. This includes the:

  • TNM (Tumour, Node, Metastasis) system
  • number system

Thetestsyou have to diagnose your mesothelioma help your doctor find out thestage.

TNM staging for mesothelioma

TNM stands for Tumour, Node, Metastasis.

Tumour (T)

Tumour describes the size of the tumour.

There are 4 T stages in mesothelioma – T1 to T4:

T1 means mesothelioma cells are in the pleura Stages of mesothelioma (1) lining the chest wall (parietal pleura) on one side of your chest. It might also be in other layers of the pleura lining your diaphragm Stages of mesothelioma (2) (diaphragmatic pleura), lung (visceral pleura) or mediastinum Stages of mesothelioma (3) (mediastinal pleura).

T2 means mesothelioma cells are in all layers of the pleura lining one side of your chest. It has started to spread into the diaphragm muscle or the lung tissue.

T3 means mesothelioma is in all layers of the pleura on one side of the body, and has started to spread into the:

  • chest wall
  • mediastinum
  • surface of the outer covering of your heart (pericardium)

Surgery to completely remove the mesothelioma might still be possible.

T4 mesothelioma means mesothelioma is in all layers of the pleura on one side of the body, and has grown into:

  • more than one place in the deep layers of your chest wall
  • the lining around your tummy (peritoneum)
  • organs in your chest such as the food pipe (oesophagus), wind pipe (trachea) or large blood vessels
  • the pleura on the other side of your chest
  • your spine
  • the inner layer of the pericardium which covers your heart

Surgery to completely remove the mesothelioma is not possible.

Node (N)

Node in TNM means your lymph nodes Stages of mesothelioma (4). These are a network of glands throughout the body,for examplein your armpits, neck and groin. They drain away waste fluid, waste products and damaged cells, and contain cells that fight infection.

Mesothelioma cells can enter the lymphatic system Stages of mesothelioma (5) and travel around the body.

There are 3 lymph node (N) stages in mesothelioma - N0 to N2:

N0means there are no mesothelioma cells in any lymph nodes

N1means there are mesothelioma cells in lymph nodes close to the lung, on the same side of your chest as the main mesothelioma.

N2means mesothelioma has spread to lymph nodes close to the lung, but on the other side of your chest to your mesothelioma. Or to lymph nodes above your collar bone on either side of your body.

Metastasis (M)

Metastasis Stages of mesothelioma (6)describes whether the mesothelioma has spread to a different part of the body.

There are 2 metastases (M) stages:

M0means your mesothelioma has not spread to other parts of the body

M1means your mesothelioma has spread to other parts of the body

Cancer that has spread to other areas of the body, such as the bones or liver, is calledadvanced or metastatic cancer.

Number stages

There is another staging system for mesothelioma. It has 4 main stages, numbered from stage 1 to stage 4. Stage 1 is the earliest cancer and stage 4 is the most advanced.

Stage 1

Mesothelioma cells are in the pleura Stages of mesothelioma (7)around the lung on one side of your chest. It is split into 2 stages, 1A and 1B.

Stage 1A means mesothelioma cells are in the pleura lining the chest wall (parietal pleura) on one side of your chest. It might also be in the pleura lining your diaphragm Stages of mesothelioma (8), lung or mediastinum Stages of mesothelioma (9).

It hasn’t spread to any lymph nodes or to distant parts of your body.

In TNM staging, stage 1A is T1, N0, M0.

Stage 1B means mesothelioma cells are in all layers of the pleura lining one side of your chest. The mesothelioma has also started to grow into at least one of the following:

  • the diaphragm muscle
  • lung tissue
  • the chest wall
  • the mediastinum
  • the surface of the outer covering layer of your heart (pericardium)

It has not spread to any lymph nodes or to distant body parts.

In TNM staging, stage 1B is:

  • T2, N0, M0
  • T3, N0, M0

Stage 2

Mesothelioma cells might be in all layers of the pleura lining one side of your chest. And it might have started to spread into the diaphragm muscle or lung tissue.

It has also spread to lymph nodes close to the lung, on the same side of your chest as the main cancer.

In TNM staging, stage 2 is:

  • T1, N1, M0
  • T2, N1, M0

Stage 3

It might still be possible for the surgeon to remove stage 3 mesothelioma. Stage 3 is split into 2 stages, stage 3A and 3B.

Stage 3A means mesothelioma cells are in all layers of the pleura lining one side of your chest and has started to spread into one of the following:

  • the chest wall
  • the mediastinum
  • the surface of the outer covering of your heart (pericardium)

There are mesothelioma cells in lymph nodes close to the lung on the same side of your chest as the main cancer.

In TNM staging, stage 3A is T3, N1, M0.

Stage 3B means mesothelioma cells might be in all layers of the pleura lining one side of your chest, and it might have started to grow into one of the following:

  • the diaphragm muscle
  • the lung tissue
  • the chest wall
  • the mediastinum
  • the surface of the outer covering of your heart (pericardium)

The mesothelioma has spread to lymph nodes close to the lung, on the other side of your chest to the mesothelioma. Or to lymph nodes above your collar bone on either side of your body.

In TNM staging, stage 3B is:

  • T1, N2, M0
  • T2, N2, M0
  • T3, N2, M0

Stage 4

Mesothelioma has spread to different parts of the chest wall, or it has grown:

  • through the diaphragm into the lining around your tummy (peritoneum)
  • into organs in your chest such as the food pipe (oesophagus) or wind pipe (trachea
  • to the pleura on the other side of your chest
  • to your spine
  • into your heart

It may or may not have spread to your lymph nodes.

Or, stage 4 means mesothelioma has spread to other distant parts of your body.

In TNM staging, stage 4 is either:

  • T4, any N, M0
  • any T, any N, M1


The stage of your cancer helps your doctor to decide which treatment you need. Treatment also depends on:

  • your type of mesothelioma (the type of cells the cancer started in)

  • how the cancer is likely to behave (the grade)

  • other health conditions that you have

  • Find out about your treatment options for mesothelioma
Stages of mesothelioma (2024)


How do you know what stage of mesothelioma you have? ›

How Do Mesothelioma Staging Systems Determine Pleural Mesothelioma Stages? Doctors primarily use biopsy procedures and imaging tests, such as CT scans or X-rays, to stage malignant pleural mesothelioma.

How fast does mesothelioma progress? ›

Mesothelioma can progress relatively quickly over several months or years, depending on factors like the type and stage of the cancer, overall patient health, and the effectiveness of treatment.

What is the life expectancy of a person with stage 3 mesothelioma? ›

Median survival for stage 3 mesothelioma patients ranges from about 16 to 56 months, but some patients have lived over a decade after diagnosis. Researchers continue to explore new options to improve stage 3 mesothelioma life expectancy.

What is the progression of mesothelioma cancer? ›

The most common staging system for pleural mesothelioma is the TNM system. For this type of cancer, there are 4 stages. Often the stages 1 to 4 are written as the Roman numerals I, II, III and IV. Generally, the higher the stage number, the more the cancer has spread.

How long does end stage mesothelioma last? ›

Stage 4 mesothelioma is an advanced-stage asbestos cancer that has spread to distant body parts. Patients live about 12 – 26 months with treatment. Immunotherapy and surgery-based treatment have improved patient survival for some stage 4 patients. Palliative care can also help improve quality of life.

What are the symptoms of stage 2 mesothelioma? ›

Patients may experience the following stage 2 pleural mesothelioma symptoms: Dry, persistent cough. Mild chest pain. Shortness of breath.

What is death from mesothelioma like? ›

Is Mesothelioma Death Painful? In the final days and hours of life, many patients stop eating or drinking. They often become withdrawn and unresponsive. They may be sleeping most of the time, finding it difficult to stay awake.

What are the odds of beating mesothelioma? ›

The current five-year survival rate for the disease is just 10 percent. It's important to note that this number is higher than it was 10 years ago and much higher than it was 20 to 30 years ago. As mesothelioma is better understood diagnosis and treatment improves.

What are the symptoms of advanced mesothelioma? ›

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma
  • chest pain.
  • shortness of breath.
  • tiredness (fatigue)
  • sweating and high temperatures.
  • a persistent cough.
  • losing weight when not dieting.
  • loss of appetite.
  • difficulty swallowing.

Can mesothelioma go into remission? ›

Mesothelioma patients can reach remission, but it is extremely rare. By receiving proper treatment, some mesothelioma patients can reach complete or partial remission. Even after remission, patients should receive follow-up care to ensure cancer does not enter recurrence.

Is there any hope for mesothelioma? ›

There is no proven cure for mesothelioma, but some patients achieve long-term remission. Combining surgery with another treatment achieves remission more often than solo therapies.

Has anyone ever recovered from mesothelioma? ›

Yes. Some patients have survived mesothelioma, living beyond their life expectancies. Patients typically live 12-21 months with treatment. But long-term survivors, including Tamron Little and Kim Mardil, have lived several years after their diagnoses.

Is mesothelioma cancer painful? ›

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma vary depending on where the cancer occurs. Pleural mesothelioma, which affects the tissue that surrounds the lungs, causes signs and symptoms that may include: Chest pain. Painful coughing.

How do they stage mesothelioma? ›

The stages of mesothelioma range from I (1) through IV (4). As a rule, the lower the number, the less the cancer has spread. A higher number, such as stage IV, means cancer has spread more. And within a stage, an earlier letter (after the number) means a lower stage.

Is mesothelioma an aggressive cancer? ›

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that can involve the lining of the lungs or the abdomen,” explains Raffit Hassan, M.D., a Senior Investigator in the Thoracic and GI Malignancies Branch.

What are the symptoms of stage 1 mesothelioma? ›

Patients with stage 1 mesothelioma do not show any major symptoms, and it is often accidentally detected. Early symptoms may include pain, difficulty breathing or a chronic cough. Learn more about mesothelioma, asbestos and the steps you can take to fight this disease.

What is the staging system for mesothelioma? ›

The TNM staging system is the most widely used system for pleural mesothelioma. The abbreviation TNM signifies three different parts of a mesothelioma diagnosis. Doctors add a number after each letter to describe how far cancer has advanced.

What are the grades of mesothelioma? ›

Low-grade epithelioid mesothelioma consists of all nuclear grade 1 cases and nuclear grade 2 cases without necrosis. High-grade epithelioid mesothelioma consists of nuclear grade 2 cases with necrosis and all nuclear grade 3 cases.


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