Sunkira16's regretevator oneshots - Chapter 34 - sunkira16 (2024)

Chapter Text

Bright coloured lights shone on every surface, the silver disco ball hung on the ceiling in the middle of the room spinning wildly. Each and every room was so tightly packed with people that even the mysterious hallway had a few people lingering inside.

Mark and Wallter had taken a day off work to come to the party, and even Unpleasant was invited to come. Though that was mostly due to Jeremy's threats. Despite his reluctancy, Pest had came too.

Poob tooted excitedly, greeting each and every guest who came in with a bottle of blogsy, with the front door opened so far that the hinges squeaked each time someone pushed against the door.

"I5NT TH1S JUS7 TH3 GRE4T3ST P4RTY EV3R?!?" Infected shouted over the music, slurping on his blogsy noisily. "What?! I can't hear you!" Lampert shouted back, not able to hear what the skater said although they were sitting right next to each other. "WH4T D1D Y0U S4Y?!??"

Lampert sighed, "We're never gonna be able to hear each other with this volume of music." He passed his own bottle of blogsy to Infected after he finished his, not willing to indulge in the hallucination inducing drink.

"Hey kiddo, hows the party goin' for ye?" Mark asked, hopping towards him. "First of all, don't call me 'kiddo', Mark. I'm nearly the same age as you. Second of all.." Lampert glanced towards his boyfriend, and looked back at the mannequin.

"Harhar! Ya and the others will always be my kiddos! Well, maybe except that.. gradient. But still! Anyway, it seems yer lil skatin' boyfriend here is uh.. Having some fun." Lampert rolled his eyes, "You think? He's kind of like Wallter, but with Blogsy sometimes."

Mark stared at Infected, an unknown look in his wooden eyes. "..Y-Yeah.. Harhar.. Oh look here, I have some fruit punch to attend to. See ye later, Lamps." Lampert watched his figure disappear into the crowd. Mark went to the direction of the bathrooms instead of the drinks table.

"uH.. B4be.." Infected tugged on his turtleneck, sniffling a bit. "You need a tissue? I think I have some in my bag." As he stood up to get his bag, Infected pulled him back down on the couch. "N0 N0, th4ts n0t wh4t I m34nt.. I h4ve a sm4ll pr0bl3m.."

Lampert blinked at him, looking him up and down. He looked the same as usual, albeit a bit high from the two blogsys he drank. He looked down, noticing his legs were rubbing together a lot and a very.. noticeable bulge.

"Oh sh*t." He whispered. "Y3ah.." Lampert sighed for the second time. "Cmon, lets go find a room and I'll help you out with this." "Sw33t." Before Lampert could walk away to search for a room, Infected pulled him down on his lap. "What are you doing?" He hissed, a bit flustered at his current predicament.

"W4tch th1s." Infected whistled for Poob, the party hat wearing noob immediately rushing over. "Hai guys!! R yu enjoying de parti??" "I7s t0t3s r4d br0. I ju5T h4V3 a qu1Ck qu3st1on." Lampert hid his face in Infected's neck, feeling his bottom getting wet.

"Wat is it??" "D0 y0u hav3 4 pr1v4te r00m w3 c0uld b0rr0w r3aL qu1ck??" Poob looked around for a bit. "Hmm, I think so!! Come, lemme see!!" They sprinted off to a different area, opening and closing different doors until they found a somewhat empty room. "L3ts g0 b4be." Infected whistled, carrying Lampert and hurrying over to follow Poob.

"This is so embarrassing.." He looked up a bit to see Pest watching them closely. f*ck, he hoped that arrogant beetle didn't piece together and realize what was about to happen. But judging from his disgusted glare, he is pretty sure he understood.

"Heres ur room!! I couldnt find a fully empty room but dis people said yu guyz can use their bathroom!! Hav fun!!" "Th4nks m4n. W3 4re g0nna h4Ve s000 mUch fuN." Poob skipped away to go do god knows what and Infected closed and locked the bathroom door.

Infected sat on the closed toilet lid, letting Lampert stand up. He zipped open his pants, his already hard co*ck slipping out. "I keep forgetting how big you are sometimes." Lampert kneeled down and wrapped both hands around his length, slowly stroking it.

Infected pouted at him. "Don't give me that look Mister. I'm not putting your gargantuan co*ck in my mouth." He visibly deflated, pouting even harder. Not able to resist his puppy eyes, Lampert broke. "..Fine. Ill do it just this once, you big idiot." Infected quietly fist pumped. "But make sure to hold in your moans. We don't want the people outside hearing."

Lampert cautiously licked a stripe across his whole length, his nose scrunching a bit as he sniffed it. "WHy 4R3 Y0u Sn1FF1Ng 1T.." Infected asked, embarrassed. "Checking something, thats all." Lampert kissed the tip before pushing the head into his mouth, suckling gently, his electric plug tail wagging behind him.

Infected covered his mouth and tried to hold his moans in as he slowly engulfed his co*ck. When Lampert licked a particularly sensitive vein, Infected accidentally thrusted his hips up, forcing his co*ck deeper into his throat. Lampert choked a bit, his eyes snapping open as Infected pulled his head up and pushed it back down, using his mouth like a fleshlight.

Lampert lightly smacked his leg, trying to catch his breath as Infected f*cked his mouth. "Mmhf– Infec– You–" He choked out, shoving Infected hard and pulled off, using his hands to finish him off. Infected came, his dick limp as he ejacul*ted all over the floor. Lampert coughed, scrunching up his nose as he examined the floor. "Disgusting."

"S0rrY b4B3, I g0T t00 1Nt0 tH3 M00d." Infected sheepishly said, beginning to tuck his dick back in when Lampert stopped him. "Don't you dare leave me hanging, arsehole. You have two messes to clean up." "W-Wh4t? Wh0a–" Lampert pulled down his shorts and boxers, folding it neatly to one side.

Infected stared as his exposed c*nt hovered above his hardening co*ck. "I didn't know you were such a pervert, Infected." Lampert smirked, grabbing and guiding his hand to his cl*t. "Be a good boy and help me out." "0-Ok4y.." Infected rubbed his cl*t in small circular motions.

Lampert sighed, grinding his hips against his fingers in sync. "Good boy, faster." Infected pinched and rubbed his cl*t faster, slowing down a bit once he org*smed, cum gushing out of his hole. He nudged his nose against his, Infected gently biting Infected's lip as they kissed.

They pulled away to catch their breaths. "You feeling better now?" Infected nodded and paused, "..I th1nk I m1ghT n33d y0ur h3Lp aga1n.." He mumbled. "You've gotta be kidding me." Infected whined as Lampert smacked his hard dick, "You stay in here. I'll go get the condoms from my bag."

Infected lazily jerked his dick, waiting for Lampert to come back. He peeked out from behind the door, noticing that the previous occupants were gone.

A piece of note laid on the bed, with two condoms laying beside it. 'Might want to keep your noise down dudes. Heres a pack incase you didnt bring any lmao.' Lampert blushed and crumpled up the note. Were they that loud? He walked back to the bathroom and pulled the door open. "Infected, you can come out. The others left, so we can use the bed."

Lampert laid on the bed and watched as Infected pulled his pants off and climbed between his legs. "Hurry up, I don't have all day." He complained. "0k4y 0k4y, Ill hUrry uP, sh33sh.." Infected grumbled, rolling the condom on and spread his legs open. "f*ck me like you hate me." Lampert commanded. "1f Th4ts wH4t y0u w1sh, pr1Nc3ss."

Infected slid his dick in one go, groaning as his warm walls hugged his co*ck tight. "WHy 4r3 y0u st1ll s0 t1Ght.." "Harder, you're so weak." Lampert yawned, pretending to look bored. "How are you going to pleasure me if these are your thrusts?" Infected cracked, Lampert stretching and looking around the room as if he was unaffected.

He pulled his entire length out and Lampert looked at him confused. "What are you–" He lined himself up and shoved his dick back in, thrusting at an abnormally fast pace. "1s th1s wh4T y0u W4nt hUh?" Infected gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into Lampert's thighs. Lampert could practically feel his head slam into his womb from how much force he was f*cking into him.

"Y0u f*ck1Ng slu*t, iF 1 d1dNt kn0w b3tt3r, I w0uLdv3 th0ugHt y0u w3r3 be1ng g3nu1nE." Infected grunted. "S-So what? It riled you up and.. Oh.. Did the job." Lampert smugly shot back. "0h y0ur3 g0nNa r3gr3t th1s.."

Before Lampert could talk back, Infected flipped him over and shoved his head into the pillow, muffling his voice. He slammed his co*ck in and out, plowing Lampert's puss* hard. "I-I really got y-you huh?" He taunted, struggling to breathe as Infected's powerful thrusts pushed his face into the pillow.

Infected said nothing, lifting a hand up and smacked his ass over and over, spanking him. Lampert squealed and mewed, his tail forming a heart as his puss* got absolutely destroyed. "T3ll m3 h0w muCh 0f 4 g00d b0Y i 4m..pl3ase.." Infected reached down and pulled on his tail. "G-Good boy! So– G-Good! f*ck me harder, f*ck me like I'm y-your– Ooh~ enemy!"

Lampert sobbed as Infected plunged in and out, sticking to the same pace even as he came, his puss* spazzing out on his co*ck and leaking cum everywhere. "I-1M g0nna cUM.." "Cum for me, big boy.." Lampert egged him on as he f*cked his puss* a few more times, cumming into the condom.

Infected slipped his co*ck out and rolled to the side, chest heaving. He turned his head to the side to see Lampert passed out and his breath uneven. He rested for a few minutes and sat up, rolled off and tied up the condom and threw it into the bin. He kept the other condom in his pocket.

He slipped out of the bed and zipped up his pants, covering Lampert's half naked body with a blanket before running out of the bedroom to quickly grab Lampert's bag and locked the bedroom door. He took out some tissues and tried to wipe Lampert as best as he could. Infected retrieved his shorts and boxers from the bathroom and placed it next to his bag.

Infected climbed in and snuggled next to Lampert, his back resting against the headboard. He pulled his phone out to play a video game on low volume to pass the time as he waited for his boyfriend to wake up. A few times he looked next to him to admire Lampert's sleeping form, his body nuzzled in the giant blanket as his tail swished contentedly behind him.

Sunkira16's regretevator oneshots - Chapter 34 - sunkira16 (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.