The Right Bus (2021) Movie Script (2024)

A poignant and soul-stirring romantic feature film based on the novel by Glenn Ward. Set in Oban, Western Scotland.

(dramatic music)

(bomb exploding)

(birds cawing)
(waves crashing)

- [David] No one in their right mind

would attempt to sail past Portland Bill

without checking the shipping news.

But, that's exactly what I'd done.

I'd plan my route westwards,

along the South coast
round Land's End to Wales

and then across the St.
George's Channel to Wexford.

You could mark the calendar
by the arrival of these birds.

It was my final summer of research.

Dublin was about halfway
to where I was going.

I'd spent many happy student days there,

and I was eager to see if it had changed.

(gentle violin music)

- [Announcer] The stock
exchange has had a shaky start

to the day, with shares
tumbling in early trading.

In Saudi Arabia, the American
Pipeline Company Transflow,

has announced the deaths
of three engineers

in an explosion during a
routine maintenance check

at a gas line pumping station.

- [Danny] Was it a very bad accident?

- Yes, everyone working
with daddy was killed.

He worked for an oil
company in Saudi Arabia.

- Is that a long way from here?

- Yes, darling.

A long, long way away.

- He could have caught a plane
back to see us, couldn't he?

- He was in the middle of the desert.

He was always at work.

- Can I go play now?

- Me too?

(suspenseful music)

- So, what are you gonna do now?

- Sell the house, take
the kids back to Boston.

- That's taking the bull
by the horns, isn't it?

You didn't love him, did you?

(sombre music)

(siren wailing)

- He was never here.

How often did you see him?

The kids never missed him.

I'm just numb.

I haven't even cried.

How fortunate I am I didn't
love that man anymore.

- Time to start a new life.

(gentle music)

(upbeat music)

- [David] I'd sailed into
Dublin the night before.

I'd made up my mind to spend
five days in my old haunts

and hunt down the only man
in Dublin worth knowing.

- [Eddie] Hello.

- Eddie.

These summers, they are
avoiding the tax inspector.

- Whoever you are, I'm
not giving you any money.

- It's David.

I'm in the Marina.

- David, my boy, you're here at last.

- 12 years, Eddie.

- We'll have a drink
for every one of them.

I've just got to finish some exam marking.

We'll meet in Davie burns.

You haven't forgotten it?

- Not a chance.

- Bring a toothbrush.

My spare hasn't any bristles.

I'm tearful.

You were my best student ever, ever.

And the funnest, if that's a word.

(chuckles) Oh, I've
really missed you, David.

Away with it and keep your
tears out of the stout.

It's watered down enough already.

- That could be five days of this.

- Don't forget the nights.

The nights, David.

(both laughing)

(gentle music)

(doorbell ringing)

I'll get some drinks on the table.

Here we are, my boy.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Elena giving your time off
for good behaviour, is she?

- You don't know?

She died two years ago.


Just was a week bit older than you are.

We had a grand 10 years of marriage.

Did I never tell you
about the time we met?

I'd just got on the right bus.

I've never learned to drive.

Every Saturday morning, I
would go to the local bus stop,

get on the first bus that came along

and pay to the end of the line.

Some were dreadful.

I got to know Dublin.

One of my mystery trips
took me to a teller

where I got hit on the head with a fish.

- Fish!

- A brook trout.

That's what she said.

Eleanor Fitzgerald.

The most extraordinary woman in the world.

- I'm not really following you, Eddie.

- She was fly fishing.

I was passing, and she hit
me on the head with a fish,

a brook trout.

But then, when she took her
hat off and introduced herself,

it was instant love.

Now, what would have happened

if I'd got on a different bus that day?

- You didn't.

- No, no.

It was the right bus.

- You only knew that after you
arrived at your destination.

- Yes.
Yes, yes.

But the point is, if
you don't get on the bus

in the first place,
how would you ever know

it's the right one?

Now, it may be luck, it may be chance,

but you have to be aware
that the right bus exists.

- Serendipity.

- The key, my boy, is recognising it.

(doorbell ringing)

- Good morning.

Constance Renton?

- Yes, that's my maiden name.

- Dougal Henderson, solicitor.

- Is this about my husband's death?

- No.

My condolences.

May I come in?

(police siren)

Ruth Haldane from Search called me.

She has verified that you are indeed

the Constance Renton I was looking for.

It has taken me some time.

- So how can I help you?

- I'm from Henderson and Henderson.

A wee legal practise in Oban, Argyll.

It was founded by my great-grandfather.

- Can you please put me out of my misery?

I'm expecting the worst.

- Oh no.

It's nothing to worry about.

But let me begin by asking
a straightforward question.

Have you ever been to Scotland?

- Mr. Henderson, I hardly know England.

I've spent most of my
adult life in America.

Apart from a visit to Oxford,

I've hardly stepped outside of London.

- So you knew nothing of your
Scottish family connection?

- I don't have one.

- You do.

But Scotland is an unknown entity to you.

Neither the high road, nor
the low road have you taken.

I will ask you to listen to the story

I'm about to tell you.

Family histories can be quite involved.

Your biological grandmother,
Lorraine McKechnie,

died tragically with
your grandfather, Harry,

in a car accident.

Your mother Helen was
given up for adoption.

- When she was two years old?

- Aye, to the Chambers.

- My grandparents, Albert and Lillian.

- Helen married William George.

- My father.

- Aye.

Now, let's shift the emphasis
back as to why I'm here.

The legal issue.

You have inherited your
great aunt's estate.

- What great aunt?

- Lorraine McKechnie had a
sister, also called Helen.

She was very clear.

She wanted everything left
to her biological niece.

- But my mother's passed.

- Aye, she has.

We discovered that.

So the inheritance passes
to you as her only child.

- I've inherited part of Scotland?

- Aye.

All of Helen's estate,
except for a Wee Cottage

left to a marine biologist.

1000 acres, two houses,

an island with a number of crofters,

cottages and farms, and a sum of money.

- I'm going back to
America with the children.

- Are you telling me you have no interest

in the inheritance?

- I don't know Scotland.

I've got to think about
my children's schooling,

the move back to Boston.

- I understand it must
be a trying time for you.

- What could I possibly do with an island,

1000 acres and crofters farms

and two houses in Scotland?

- You could choose to sell them,

but it passed my mind that

you might want to come to Scotland

and see them before making
any hasty decisions.

- I'm not one to make hasty
decisions, Mr. Henderson.

The family side of the
matter does chime with me,

and I will be forever grateful to you

for bringing me up to date
with my family history.

- It's been a pleasure, Mrs. Renton.

- Miss.

- However, I do have a few documents here

for your attention.

Details of the inheritance

and a wee map of the highlands,

so you can find the County of
Argyll and the town of Oban.

- Thank you, Mr. Henderson.

You've come a long way to
explain everything to me.

- I'll be in touch.

(gentle music)

- [David] It felt good to be
sailing North after Dublin.

The migratory sea birds I was studying

would be arriving on the Island of Kara

in the coming week.

I needed to find another
research post by autumn,

but that was down the line.

I was looking forward
to enjoying every moment

of my time back in Scotland.

(peaceful ocean waves)

Money would soon run out.

(gentle music)

- Back for the boats again, David?

- Aye, Billy!

- How are you doing, all right?

Great to see ya.
- Good man.

- All right.

I take it you'll be needing
a wee launch boat, right?

- Yeah.

- Well, listen.

Talk to Goater.

He's heading back to
Glasgow this afternoon.

He wanted me to take his Launch out

the water for the summer,

but I don't know maybe
if you're quick enough,

you could strike a deal.

- Where is he?

- He's in my office.

I saw you coming in, so I stalled him.

- You're a good harbormaster, Billy.

- Oh, I know.

No flies on me.

- Doddy, this is David.

David, Doddy.

- Great to meet you, Mr. David.

Take a seat.

- David is a marine biologist, Doddy.

or their boat to have
me save you a fortune

that you fell in fees and well,

maybe save up money in there too.

- That's right.

- I'll leave you guys to it.

- So let me explain basic
things on the board,

and after we can go over to the bank.

- Do you want to me to sign a contract?

- It's unnecessary.

Billy has introduced you.

You pay is good enough for me.

- Well, I want it for three months.

It's absolutely fine.

- Done.

(gentle music)

- Dougal?

- Are you on the Hey seas?

- No, I'm here.

I arrived this morning.

- Great!

Dinner, 7:30 at the bar.

- Perfect.

- So what are your plans
for your Scottish Empire?

- I'm going to sell.

Sell the house in London
get back to (indistinct).

- You should take a look
was super good, dude.

How much is it worth?

- I don't know.

- Are you interested?

- No, why should I be.

- I think you're being a bit rash.

- I'm not rash.

- Come on, Connie I know you.

Interested one minute rash.

Where is Argyle?

- North and West of Glasgow.

South of Fort William.

- See you are interested.

- All right, I looked into
the map that Dougal gave me.

- Dougal!

You should take a short holiday.

- And.

- And to find what you
know about your roots.

Find out who you are.

Any child's, you're parents are dead.

I'm curious about,

it's great honour to
know so much about you.

- Helen McKechnie.

- Very Scottish sounding name.

- Who is she again?

- My real grandmother's sister.

- Al right, take the kids out of school,

park their bags and go to Scotland.

(birds chirping)

(car hooting)

- David!

- Dougal, punctual as always.

- I cannot charge me clients the full rate

if I'm not on time.

- I'm a client now, am I?

- No, not at all.

A beneficiary dinner is on me.

- So Dougle I know how much you enjoy

the drama of storytelling.

What is he gonna tell me?

- Well, now.

Do you remember of the old craft

on the North side of Helens Island?

- Yeah, about Malick.

- But what I have to
tell you is that you have

become the inheritor of that property.

Helen left you Bill Malick

and the Waldorf land surrounding it.

The parcel of land that
goes down to the shore.

About 50 acres and all.

She really wanted you to have it.

- Did she tell you that?

- She said you considered it

the most peaceful place on earth.

She thought you deserved to own it.

- They arrive the same day every year.

Come back next year and it'll be the same.

- It must be a wonderful feeling.

Coming back to the same safe place.

- That's perfectly safe with me.

It's a protected site.

It's supposed to be a four to five years.

And so they were last here
to (indistinct) birds.

What brings you here?

- Same thing.

I'm doing follow-up research
with electronic tags.

- Aye, well you may have
permission from the coconut butter

but you still need mine.

It's my land.

- I wanna put these on them.

Like send out a GPS signal every 48 hours.

I can track them on my computer.

- Well, you must promise me

that you will not mistreat them.

Is that your tent?

That's an awful silly place to put it.

I can recommend somewhere over here.

Now I'm Helen McKechnie.

Come over here.

- You are now a Scottish landowner

how about that then.

- Dougal I'm a nomad.

I can't imagine any house.

- You can try living in one.

- Impractical.

I need to work for a living.
I'm here to the end of August

and I've applied for
jobs all over the world.

- Just relish your good fortune

at being given the most
peaceful land that exists.

I think it's time if we drum by the fire.

(gentle violin music)

- Here's the car.

- Mum, can we (indistinct) this monster?

- I can't guarantee that.

- Mom from the plane,

I saw loads of beaches, can we go?

- Sure, darling.

- And the mountains.

- You bet Ben Nevis the Atlantic ocean.

(birds chirping)
(gentle waves)

- I had slept on Google's
news and realised

that Helen had quite
deliberately thought of me

and remembered how much
biomedic had touched me.

We became lasting friends.

She insisted I stay with her.

And so I did for three summers.

(sneaking suspicious music)

The whole Island had seeped
into my heart's core.

(elegant music)

And there it was.

Almost, as I remember it
the first time I saw it.

An ordinary Highland
affair of the location.

Something to die for.

(gentle music)

I liked the simplicity of the place.

The emptiness gave it a sense of space.

I still could not come to terms

with the fact that this was now all mine.

I have my research to finish.

It will be life after
this London probably.

I'm a rolling stone.

There's no way I can
settle it Bill Malick.

How ever much I want.

My last summer here.

(gentle music)

- That bridge is a whooper
I saw it from the plane.

America is 3000 miles of
the border of the Atlantic.

- Are we going back to American mom?

- Yes, honey.

- It seems lonely to have to go.

(gentle music)

- Mom, mom, mom come and
throw stones with us.

- This is terrific look.

The mountain is massive.

- You love it (indistinct) London do you?

- No, this is great.

(Eagles screeching)

- The rest and be thankful.

- That's a pretty name.

- It's about horses Lou.

When you pull a cart
at the top of the hill,

you'll be thankful for arrest.

- Not bad Danny.

Good to see your brain's still working

when you're not at school.

I didn't know your brain.

- This is better than the smell in London.

- I agree.

I can't remember the last time

I saw fish and chips in London.

(gentle music)

Let's go Louisa.

(gentle music)

It's very quaint in there.

- Where's Danny?

- This is really great.

- Yeah it is.

- Can we go look around?

Come on Lou let's race to the tree.

(gentle music)

(birds chirping)

- Hello, darling.

- I can't believe it Amanda.

12 hours ago we were in London.

- So how is it?

It's taken me unawares.

It's so different.

I came here on a straightforward mission

but now I'm not so sure why I'm here.

- So it's beyond your
furthest imagination.

- Yes it is.

It's like a new beginning.

- Wow!

I won't say I told you
so, but early days aye.

- Yes, early days.

- All right, darling.

Speak soon.

(birds chirping)

- So this is Oban.

- This is the best place I've ever been.

- I want to go to school here.

- Sorry, but I don't think you'll catch

many fish lying about like that.

- The fish are perfectly safe around me.

So, you're not a fisherman.

- No.

I'm happy for other
folks to do that for me.

There's enough plundering going on

without me adding it.

- Plundering you're talking about piracy?

- It's a euphemism.

You know we take more out.

We put back in.

Look Anyway, you don't want me

to ruin a perfectly lovely day like this.

Talking about fish preservation.

- No, not at all.

I agree.

I'd hate to think that I couldn't eat fish

because some thought the
school had caught the last one.

- I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have voiced my
opinions so in sociably.

to a complete stranger.

I'm David.

Do you wanna come on board
and have a glass or something?

- Go mum.
- We can't be too long.

We have a walk planned.

- Great, well, let me help you board.

(gentle music)

- So, this is my son, Danny, who is 11.

- And a half.

- Louisa is,

well absolutely discrete
to give away a lady's age.

- But come on, mom.

I'm 10.

- Well, there's no secrets around us then.

- I've got a selection of drinks

still and fizzy soft drinks.

- Orange juice please.

- I'll have a co*ke.

- What are you going to have?

- Maybe a beer.

- Okay, sounds good.

- Well, cheers everyone.

Sorry about the bottle.

- Not a problem.

- So, Louisa could you do me the honour

and pleasure of introducing
me to your mother.

- This is Constance Renton.

- Connie.

(boat engine roaring)

Well, this is lovely.

We really must get going.

- We've planned a walk haven't we kids

and we're going to go
across to the island.

- But I'll take you.

It'll only take a few minutes.

- No, we're determined
to walk to the ferry,

aren't we?

- On your way back, you can call me.

I'll come and pick you
up from the ferry point.

Yeah, I'll give you my number.

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

- What happened to me there?

Two great kids and a good looking mother.

Why is it that really good
women are always married

particularly the ones in my (indistinct).

(gentle music)

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪

(dog barking)

(gentle music)

- Oban is beyond the castle.

You keep on going the track
ends in McKechnie house.

- Helen McKechnie.

- She died this year.

She's still half this Island.

I have no idea what the crafters
are going to do now though.

We'll have to wait and see.

- Thank you.

(gentle music)

Darling what did you mean about wanting

to go to school in Oban?

- Well I love it here mum.

It's so much better than London.

I can't even remember America.

Why do we have to go.

- Craters, mountains, boats.

It's wild.

Come on I'll race you.

- Watch out I'm catching up with you.

(gentle music)

- Is that it?

- I think so.

- I wonder how she lived there 80 years.

Your great grandmother
Lorraine was born there.

(gentle music)

- What's up mum?

- Just thinking about everything.

- It's all right (indistinct).

- We haven't really
talked about that have we?

- No need.

- What about Lou?

- She cried a little.

She is fine now.

- Come here.

- I wish I had been born here.

(birds chirping)

- Me too.

- Danny come play.

(gently laughs)

(lighthearted music)

Mum we've missed the last ferry.

- Why don't we call David.

- I don't like to take advantage of him.

- Well he offered.

- All right then.


- [David] Hi, Connie.

You missed the last ferry didn't you?

You over (indistinct) way.

- Yes.

- [David] No problem.

(gentle music)

(boat engine roaring)

(gentle music)

- Well, welcome aboard.



So where are you guys staying at?

At the Region Hotel.

- Okay, Louisa take the wheel.

(gentle music)

Sorry, there was no time for you, Connie.

It's like a next time.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Thank you, David.

- Glad to help.

- Look why don't I take
you three out for dinner.

I got a favourite restaurant in town.

- No, you've been more than helpful.

- Louisa, Danny.

- I would really like that.

- I'm starving.

I'm glad.

- Looks like we've been outvoted.

- But should we go back and get changed?

- Totally unnecessary.

I know the owner.

Come on follow me.

(birds chirping)

- Are we getting fish and chips?

- We are.

- We love fish and chips.

(gentle music)

(birds chirping)

- Kids, we're going to
say goodbye to David.

We've had such a wonderful day.

- I'll be in touch tomorrow.

(gentle music)

- Thank you, David.

You have no idea the
effect today's happiness.

Off you go.

Good night.

(gentle music)

- [David] Life throws things at us

when you least expect it.

Something had happened to me

but I was too confused
to work out what it was.

- It's incredible here Amanda.

I keep going over my head
what's happening here.

I've never seen the kids so happy.

- Well, what about you?

- I'm exhausted.

Going through every
emotional roller coaster ride

you can imagine.

So meeting David is just-

- You met someone?

- No.


No, I don't know.

- Who's David?

- I don't want to say anymore.

Forget it, it's nothing.

I saw the island house today.

- Oh, is it ruin?

- No, it's quite lovely.

It's got its own beach in
such a stunning location.

- Oh, so you are enjoying yourself?

- Yes I am.

It's a proper holiday.

- Oh, I'm so pleased.

It sounds like you're in
no hurry to come back.

- Not tonight.

I'm sure it will wear off.

(birds chirping)

- Where we going mum?

- To see Dougal the solicitor?

- Why?

- He's going to show us
great auntie Helen's house.

- Another house.

- Are you getting wet?.

- We don't care.

The rain makes us better
and the sun dries us.

(gentle music)

- This is a very big house.

- It is a fine residence.

Six bedrooms, over three floors.

Helen rented out the top floor.

She made this front room

into her bedroom and this was her lounge.

The kids like the house.

- They love everything here.

Even the weather makes it very difficult

for me to be rational about anything.

- Are you having second
thoughts about selling?

- Yes.

The island house.

How can I sell it

when it's been in the family for so long?

- At least five generations.

- That's the point Dougal.

- Let's take a wee look upstairs.

- Just look at the size of this room.

- This can be off you're up here.

- Yeah, you can live in
the island house Lou.

We'll bring you food once a week.

- Ever since we touched down in Glasgow

some sort of transformation has happened.

My children have started having opinions,

making observations.

I keep telling myself
I'm here on a mission

to deal with my inheritance
and move on to a new life.

But this for the past two days

I'm like head and heart have been at war.

- I hear what you're saying, Constance

but you're not making sense.

- I need help Dougal.

Maybe you could help me
make sense of all this.

- Try to refocus and find the real thing

that is troubling you.

Take a deep breath.

(heavily breathing)

- When you first came to see me in London

I was adamant that my new
life would be in the States.

I don't feel like that anymore.

- What do you feel now?

- I'm going to start my new life here.

- Very well.

Do you want me to stand
down the estate agent?

- Yes.

Yes, please.

And thank you Dougal
you've been wonderful.

- Not at all coincidence.

Not at all.

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

- I said I'd call.

- Where are you?

- I'm on the island.

It's gonna continue flying tomorrow,

but she'll be fine and
sunny the following day.

We'll give you up for a trip then.

- Of course.

- You sound happy.

I'll type at the same place.

Come down for 10 o'clock.

- Wonderful.

- I have so much to tell you.

- Danny he said he wanted to see Nessie.

Why don't you drive up
to Loch Ness tomorrow?

We start off early like a good day then.

- Thank you, David.

I look forward to seeing you.

- Me to Connie.

- Okay.


(upbeat music)

- Look mum that's the (indistinct).

- That's Ben Nevis.

(gentle violin music)

United we conquer.

In memory of the officers

and men of the commandos who died

in the Second World War 1939 to 1945.

This country was their training ground.

(gentle violin music)

- Commandos are awesome.

- Your great grandfather was a commando.

- Really?

- Dougal told me.

His name was Harry,

and he married you a great
grandmother Lorraine.

- Is that great grandfather, Harry?

- No, that was put there
to remember the soldiers

that trained here in the Second World War.

- That's a long, long time ago.

- Yes it is darling.

- Can we go skiing mum?

- Oh, we'll come back and
go skiing in the winter.

Come on then let's go.

- Mom?

- What is it son?

- Why is this place called
fort this and fort that?

We're not in the wild West are we?

- It looks pretty wild to me.

- We can do a history project
together and find out.

- Mum when are we going back to London?

We're enjoying ourselves, right?

We could stay as long as we like.

David's taking us out
on his boat tomorrow.

- I wanna stay here forever.

- And I've got to go up to
Ben Nevis to learn how to ski.

- Me to.

- We're coming up to Loch Ness.

(gentle violin music)

- They really get on.

- They're always having
a go at each other.

I suppose, I'm lucky to have them.

- I'll say so.

- Let's go up to the house.

I can see them from there.

- Kids you can stay here.

David and I are just
going up to the house.

(birds chirping)

What's the matter?

- I spent some time in this house.

- Helen McCartney's house.

- Do you know Helen?

- Come with me.

- Helen was my great aunt.

- I didn't think she had
any living relatives.

She mentioned something
about a sister once.

- My grandmother.

- I stayed three summers here.

I loved her.

Do you know she owns all
the land around here?

- She's left it to me.

- So that was why you
were here the other day.

- Yes, I forgot to ask Dougle for the key.

So I haven't been inside.

- Dougle!

If ever a man can keep a secret.

- Dougle has been wonderful.

- Roscoe.

You wait till I get him for
not telling me about you.

- Open the gate.

(birds chirping)

What are you doing?

- The key to your new house.

Helen must have kept spare under the rock.

- Are you the Marine biologist,

who was given the house on
the North side of the island?

- Well, Malik yeah.

- Yeah, Dougal pointed
out to me on the map.

So we are now neighbours.

- I suppose we are.

If we ever decided to live in the houses.

- Do you intend to live in Burma?

- I don't know.

Do you intend to live here?

- I'll go in and find out.

(gentle music)

This is all my home.

- It is.

- Which was your room?

- This one.

- Do you miss it?

- Every day.

This is my favourite
place in the whole world.

- The children.

- Why don't you get a feel for the house.

I can get onto the boat

and maybe we can have
some lunch on the beach.

(lighthearted piano music)

- How did you manage this?

- The weather was bad yesterday.

So I took the whole day off,

while you were up at (indistinct)

- You're really quite the man.

Isn't he kids?

- Yeah.

And he was a great friend of aunt Helen.

Proves about how lovely she was.

- Really lucky.

(boat engine roaring)

(birds chirping)

- Take a seat Constance.

Have you finally settled
on what you want to do?

- Yes.

I want to start my new life here.

- Are you sure you don't want

to take a week just to think about it?

- No, I'm quite clear about everything.

I want to appoint you as my solicitor.

I want the tenancies of the crofters

to be looked after by someone,

my great aunt trusted.

- It will be a pleasure.

I want things to stay just as they are.

David said, that they
are all lovely people.

- Who, you've met David?

- Yes.

As a family, we've taken to him immensely.

- Good, I'm pleased.

I'm sold on the idea of
living in the townhouse.

My London house is already on the market.

- What a transformation Constance.

Has David had anything
to do with your decision?

I'm sorry.

- It was all great aunt Helen's Derek.

Oh, do you think this
could be Helen Lorraine?

- That's them all right.

I think you don't see Helen's eyes.

And the other woman on the right

isn't it your grand mother.

- This is a very special

- I just can't concentrate.

It's like being in unchartered waters.

How would it work?

She's going back to America.

I'm expecting a new research job.

Am I thinking anyway.

(birds chirping)

Where do you want to seat?

It's done.

I am totally disarmed.

You look wonderful.

- You look pretty good yourself.

- 40 tomorrow.

You look 25.

- Not quite that far along yet.

I've decided to live in Oban.

Don't you think it's a good idea?

- It's fantastic.

- What do the children think?

- They're as thrilled as I am.

They have fallen in love with the place.

- Very courageous move.

- No, not courageous.

- For once, I've let my
heart over rule my head.

Can I be honest?

You've contributed to my decision.

- How?

- Your love for this place.

Your love for the children.

Your kindness to me.

- You are a very special person.

- It's the wine.

I mean everything I said.

- I know you do.

Connie, I haven't been
close to anyone for years.

I feel like I can tell you anything.


- Yes.

Can I do the same?

- Do you think we'll have
anything to talk about?

(gently laughs)

- Good night, David.

- Good night.

(gentle music)

- Amanda you won't believe this.

I'm so excited (gently laughs).

(gentle music)

- Hello, how are you doing?

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday dear David ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Thank you very much.

I definitely feel a year older now.

Danny you're are on the wheel.

- What happened to the Launch?

- Well, I wanted to show
you where I really live.

The Launch are just used
for short trips around.

- I didn't know you were a sailor.

You really do live here.

- My office and my lab.

- This is a real boat.

- Are you the captain?

- Captain and the owner.

- So thumbs up and is it.

- Do you think the cloud nine Connie?

- I love her.

It's like being in a dream.

- But for me to and my
three very special friends.

- You're so sweet David.

- Well, we'll take a
short trip up the coast,

what do you say?

- [Both] Yeah.

- Yeah.

- That sounds good, doesn't it?

- Excellent, right Lou on the wheel.

Let's cast off.

(gentle music)

It's your island out there Connie?

- It's not my island David.

- It's yours mum.

Dougal should read the papers.

- David's right mum.

- Have I been outvoted again.

- I feel like I've known
you three all my life.

- Same for us, isn't it?

- Bitter sweet side.

I'm gonna be here for another few weeks.

But I wanna spend as much of that time

as I can with all of you.

- So you're not going to live with us.

- Louisa!

- I can help you with
the house you know settle

but I need to take the
first job I can get.

That's always been the plan.

- You didn't have David to
ourselves for much longer.

So let's make the most of him.

- Connie?

- There is no need to say anything David.

- You make me happy.

- I didn't want to change you.

- But you have.

- And it's a two-way process
without you being here, right?

I would have been lost.

- Should we get some
strawberries and cream?

- Yeah, strawberries and cream.

You little strawberry, you monsters, okay.

- Me and Lou have come to a conclusion

we've decided that you should
never, ever sell cloud nine.

- David, I think it's very rude of them

to tell you what you can and can't do.

But I totally agree.

- So that means I've been outvoted.

- Happy birthday.

- Lou thank you.

Let's see what this is then.

Lou these are wonderful,
thank you so much.

Absolutely perfect.

- You can strap it back,

so they don't fall into water.

- I'll be ultra careful
not to leave these.

- Happy birthday.

- Thank you.

That is a very special piece of head gear.

And everything about it is
quite so fine in my life.

- Captain.

- How right you are, aye.

Thanks guys.

Thank you so much.

- Well, I bought you something
I couldn't buy or wrap.

(gentle ocean waves)

- David.

(David gently knocks)

- Come in David.

Have a seat.

Good news.

Can you help noise to
university crest, an envelope?

Something you wanna talk about.

- I've been offered a job
interview next week in London.

- London aye.

When do they want to stay there.

- Needs must.

I need to follow the work.

- Even soon and then.

And you're so happy with
the lay of the valence.

(gentle laughs)

You going to square it up.

- I don't know.

Can you take me to Glasgow next week?

You're the only person who will.

- Aye I suppose.

You got a phone.

(gentle music)

- You're very quiet.

I got a letter yesterday from
university college of London.

It's just an interview.

- When are you flying?

- I haven't said yet, they
want to see me on Tuesday.

- You'll be back.

- Yeah.

- I got a flight and hotel.

I'll probably be away for a few days.

- Is it for something in Scotland?

- That would be great.

- And if it's Australia?

- Just Australia or
Scotland, just have to wait

and see what they have to offer.

- But if it's good, you'll take it.

- Connie I made this
application over a year ago

and I've got to develop in my career.

- That's what (indistinct)
used to say to me.

I saw him two weeks, every six months.

I wouldn't want to think of you being

at the other side of the world.

That you will take something eventually.

- I suppose aye.

So Connie, I've been clear with you

since we first met about
my work and my plans.

- And do what you feel you must do.

- Connie.

- No, David.

I didn't want to lose you.

But I'm not going to fight
you to keep you from going.

- Sometimes a man has to
do what a man has to do.

Yes, but my God, it's hard

when all your life you've been encouraged

to achieve rather than to
let love get in the way.

- Sir you must be crazy

to leave a beautiful woman
like that for London.

- Lets drive.

- Al right.

- I'd forgotten how lonely a
man can feel in big cities.

What am I doing here?

I'm not gonna be on cloud nine.

(car hooting)

- Dr. Gregson?

- Yes.

- Follow me please.

Dr. Gregson.

- Thank you, Ms. Small.

Jocelyn Napier.

This is Professor Royston.

- How do you do?

- Alan Trent foreign office.

- How do you do.

- And Mr. Manuel French embassy.

(speaks in foreign language)


Well, you come highly
recommended by Professor Royston.

He's been following your progress

with your bird tracking system.

Very impressive.

- I'm leading a UK French operation

to monitor the turtles in
the Western Indian ocean.

- This emanates from the
United nations directive

to prevent natural
resources being depleted.

- I will be in contact with Paris

to select your French counterparts.

- Well, that's about it in a nutshell.

I propose a coffee break

so we can get to know each other better.

Miss Small.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Would you be able to fly out with me

in two weeks to Mauritius?

You're a single man.

- Yeah, but I've got a boat in storage

but I should be able to
sort that out in good time.

- Excellent, I just need
you to sign this letter

of agreement and I can
draw up your contract.

Wonderful. Dr. Gregson.

You are now a UN ambassador

under the auspices of
the University of London.


Gentlemen, I suggest we
discuss details over dinner.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you professor.

(speaks in foreign language)

Thank you.
Thank you.

Ms. Small I have a list
here of my travel expenses.

- You have no receipts.

- I appreciate your point

but I still have costs to incur.

- Just pay the man.

Minor details you're not
living in the stone age.

- So I was told I'd be paid
three days for the expenses.

(birds chirping)

- I hope you don't mind.

- Dougal.

- The door was open.

I wanted to show you this.

This is my mother and my father taking

some time after the war.

But this photo is a view
of your grandfather Harry.

A fellow by the name of John Martin

and my own father Donald.

- John and Harry are
wearing American uniforms.

- They were American Rangers on leave.

It was taken the night,

Harry and John met Lorine and Helen

at the dance in Bella coolish.

- Why is it hidden in the back like that?

- My father had been
courting Helen for two years.

Then she met your mother.

My father he loved my mother, I suppose,

but never quite got over Helen.

Helen never got over John.

- John killed in the war.

- Helen believed he died
on D-Day through this.

He married someone else.

- How do you know this?

John came to Ormond about four years ago,

he turned up at my
office looking for Helen.

I told him she was still alive,

but I'd never met him.

- How did that affect him?

- The life went out of him.

He sat outside her house in may car.

When he saw him, he broke down.

He wished himself dead.

- Did he speak with her?

- No, he went back to America,

but one or two months
later I received a letter

from his son saying he had
died soon after returning.

- How sad.

- So my grandfather, Harry was American.

- Yeah, he was.

- Highland girls have a notion

that America can give them a better life.

- Dougal with David away,

I've been thinking about everything.

- No Constance, not today please.

- But you don't know
what I'm going to say.

- I couldn't face all
those tenants on the island

if you changed your mind again.

- What if I end up up like Helen?

- You have more Highland in
you than you'll ever know.

(gentle music)

- Look David.

(gentle music)

You smell like London.

I've been taking pictures.

- Yeah.

(gentle music)


- How was your trip?

They want me to be part of
a UN team tagging turtles.

- Same thing as you're
doing with the toads.

- It's more geopolitical.

- You have to spell out
to me what that means.

- It's an international
effort run by politicians.

- Where?

- Mauritius and Seychelles.

- Have you accepted?

- They're drawing up a contract.

Are you going to sign it?

- Connie, this is all I
could have dreamed of.

Going from here to working
with the United nations.

It's a quantum leap.

- I'm afraid you won't come back.

- I'll come back as
often as I can, 23 years.

- I can't wait that long.

- Connie.

- No, David.

You've always been honest with me.

I have no right to expect you to stay.

- Let's get out of this room.

Let's go back to Oban.

This place is casting a spell on us.

- Baby I like it.

- I like being here with you.

It's your favourite
place in the whole world.

You told me so.

- I can't.

I've got to go.

(gentle music)

We'd fallen for each other,

and now I was running out
on her and the children

but they'd made me lose my way.

- So we're going back to London

but David was such a great guy.

- We understand mum.

- Do you, you don't mind?

- We're going to do the
things that David taught us.

Grownups can be cool.

I wonder if when we get back to America?

Can I get a boat just like his?

- Perhaps.

- So it's Monday you'll be leaving.

- What's the plan here?

What are you going to
do about Bill Malich?

- Can you rent it?

- I suppose we can and your boat.

- Billy's gonna take her out of the water.

- So everything will be
put on hold, so to speak.

- Connie won't return my calls.

I don't think I can help you with that.

- You think I let her
too far into my life?

- What about her?

Did she let you to fall into her life?

- Maybe.

- If you have doubts,
you have to think hard

about the consequences
and how you handle them.

- Is that why she wouldn't call me?

- She's gone off for a few
days with the children.

- I need to see her before I go.

- David, whatever you decide

make sure you do it for
the best of reasons.

- He will disappear gain.
- I just want you to think

about what life was like during the war.

- The Second World War.

- Yes.

I didn't know that your great granddad

had taken part in D-Day.

- What's that?

- The day the allies landed
a million men in Europe.

- Is that the day the wounds (indistinct)?

- No.

- Maybe it was Danny.

The day that everyone knew
that things would change.

- Was great granddad killed?

- Yeah and lots of others were.

That's why this monument
acts as a reminder.

It's beautiful in its own way.

- I miss David.

- He would have known
everything about commandos.

- Where is David?

- He had to go back to London.

- Is that why he is not with us.

He would have been (indistinct) here.

- Yes.

- I certainly hope so.

I didn't want him to turn up like daddy.

We never saw daddy.

- I was told, I would find you here.

- By who?

- Half the tone,

I've been on here for two
days and she travels fast.

Here that's for you.

Are you gonna open up?

- I know what it says.

I'm off to the Indian ocean.

- So that's what you
get here to celebrate.

- No, Billy.

I came in here for a quick call.

- Well, we had an awful
slow mover then David boy.

- Will you take a whiskey with me?

- Al right as long as
it's an open mountain.

- It's my round.

- We'll have a larger
mega for starters aye.

- (indistinct) opens around.

- What's the matter with you David?

- I'm leaving the most beautiful woman

in the world in the most beautiful place.

- I know you're still here, so.

- My head is swimming with turtles.

- Al right.

I now know you are a dumb fool.

Why don't you just get the turtles

in your head and tell her you love her.

Come on, man.

Have you ever told her that you love her?

What sort of a man are you.

I tell you need a very
good talking to David.

- Are you the one to do it aye.

- This is going to be a long night aye.

- I'm gonna beat you.

You cheated.

- Good evening David Gregson
has been trying to contact you.

I've had my phone is off.

- He said he was leaving
for London tomorrow.

- Connie.

- Amanda, I'm so pleased you picked up.

- You sound stressed.

- We've broken up.

- Already.

- He keeps calling me.

He's bought me flowers.

- Well, call him back.

- I can't.

- Why not?

- It's a long story.

- Okay, well in that case,

do you promise not to cry?

- Good morning mate.

You must have phone called
her 50 times last night, man.

- Dougal.

- Constance.

- I was just coming to see you.

- Let's go take a coffee.

- I've decided to go back to America.

- Well, yeah.

So to speak back to square one.

- Let me explain.

- Please do.

- David Gregson has left to
pursue his precious career.

- David came to see me
about the same matter.

- What did you say to him?

- Whatever his decision it should be

for the best of reasons.

- That was it.

- It was.

- I can't take any more

of this stupid, stiff, upper lip stuff.

When you next speak to David Gregson,

tell him that I'm not hanging about

for him to make up his mind.

(birds chirping)

- Why do you spend all
your time looking at birds?

Is there not a woman in your life?

- I can never seem to get over them.

- You just want to ring
them and keep track of them.

What's really with you.

Don't you know what love is?

- What is love Helen?

- Love is when you care so much

you never want to lose them.

Never let them go.

Always be with never loose them.

- What's the matter with you mate?

- It was just a bad dream.

- I'm assuming you've
got conscious after all.

I can always turn around.

- And do what.

- Go back to Oban.

- This is your last chance David boy.

Just keep driving to Glasgow okay.

- You know you are a fool al right.

Thank you what I (indistinct) we are.

(indistinct)but you're not.

You're just another man in a treadmill.

To make it one way logical.

I'm taking your partners.

You are awful.

You are a nag head.

Get out of my motor.

Get out of my car.

- What has gotten into you Billy?

- About decency in common sense.

Close my door.

(car engine roaring)

(gentle music)

- I was convinced Billy had deliberately

made me miss my plane.

- So are you going to the airport?

- Yeah.

- Me to.

- Where are you flying to?

- London and you?

- London and then France.

And I've actually just been to Norway.

- Where are you from?

- Missouri, it's in the middle of America.

- I'm Scottish.

- So what were you doing to Norway?

- I was visiting my mom's relatives.

- So what'd you think after London,

maybe we can go to France?

- Go travel around Europe.

- Yeah, I'm cool with it.

- Let's see where to go then.

- Eddie McBride, you genius.

This is metaphorical.

This is happening on a real place.

I can't get that Oban girl out of my head.

They took an instant liking to each other.

Two kids falling in love
right before my eyes.

(gentle music)

If Eddie McBride hadn't told me his story

I wouldn't have noticed a thing.

Billy's right.

I'm not a fool.

I'm an idiot.

Danny, Danny.

- David, are you coming
to say good bye to us.

- What do you mean goodbye
and where are you going?

- London and America.

- Why are you going back
to America Danny come on?

- David has come to say goodbye.

- I have not.

I can never say goodbye to you any of you.

I was so stupid.

Reckless in seeing what you mean to me..

I had no idea you're gonna leave.

Believe me.

I was on my way back to Oban

and then I saw Danny.

Come back to Oban with me?

I will never leave you again.

- Why don't we go vote on it.

If you would like to go back

to Oban raise your hand in the air.

- Come on, mum.

- You've been outvoted mum.

- Time to start a new life.

- Have you ever been to Scotland.

- I want to go to school here.

- I'm David.

- Connie. I want to
start my new life here.

We are your neighbours.

Thank you David.

I'm so excited.

No I haven't.

- Eddie McBride was right.

You had to get on the bus to
know if it was the right bus.

(gentle music)

Getting on the right bus
is a tall order for anyone.

It's only when you get off it

that you realise you've taken
the best journey of your life.

(gentle music)

The Right Bus (2021) Movie Script (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.