The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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ft 5t a Grein and Provisions NEW YORK STOCK MARKET MONEY and BUSINESS BOSTON WOOL MABKET ago New York Curb Market High Low Industrials DRY GOODS 34 so 26 Auto IB Vi 13 of two cents a yard METALS it 1 do pref 13 10 47 Am Int Cor offering now being 2 Su Chief 86? 14954 111'4 Weekly Cotton Review tani 1 12 Un Pnf Sb 290 Allied 91 S7 Cluse Low no 1 150? 3 160 100 1 1 16 3 13 97 3 5a Ow 45 4b 91 05D0X INANCIAL IfARKET Sept 12 140 PAC DEV id 70 8i' bBid 42 Pacific Oil 50 4 BOSTON MABKET 4'4 Boston Stock Market 14 Stocks Last 8 47 Open Phill Pet 1 bS 71 3 American c3 4 14 14 ri4 is 1 0 1 1 lol uy 15 4 434 114 26 4 RIGHTS 07 Gold 02 31 02 Bought Sold and Quoted 7 6 0: 07 07 17 ss 10 13 163 41 4n 30 01 40 40 Ofl Koch Min 59? 23 GO 65 1 01 Div Duquesne Light Company 10O 76 103 Belmont 3 oreign Bonds 9 1G5 A Yield 245 1 160 12 io io 87 04 26 16 10 810 40 10 110 97 4 as 800 93 41 06 104 uo 10 Stock and by $18220000 Common Stock (paying 8 12 4'2 90 Price 982 yielding over 765 non Ex rights 9G7 Rends 3 HAWKINS WARD 19 Leather 28 S4 Springfield Mass 73 5: 103 80 36 3 Winch 96 50 AVer 8 50 Decrease llx Dlvidendq lncreasR 41 All Listed Stocks New York Bond Market DIVIDENDS DECLARED Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold Low Ilkh 16 1 or Cash or Margin 13 43 4 reg CATTLE HOGS AND SHEEP b5 4 HUNT ELLIS Victory 4 1 The National Banks COMPANY 1 qu July Stock and Bond Brokers REVIEW TRADE 82 7i Are rendering a service of 9ft 570 83 incalculable value to the 100 2376 59 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET conv 1826 try at large SPRINGIELDNATIONALBANK 220 109 179 5 75 70 79 Alton Chicago 4400 Springfield ire and Marine 1047 4'8 Holyoke National Bank Bldg 98 11)87 WOOL SALE AT 17 CENTS rln 1940 1057 1380 Worcester Jne Jne July Aug 4 4 Alas Alas Jun Allis Chai 27 45 Acme Aetna A turn Of60 0601 30 1 02 0 I Col Col Col 4 9 16 10 and The 4 04 S7 3 1 7 Giili Oil pr Good Hartman Cr Houston Oil Hupp Met lUl 3b 46 no 101 Norf do do Ilex Mid bt Oil do pref Mon Ward 2b 66 13 9 peso) 3150 99 85 43 52 Bulletin tomorrow quotations as fol Chi do do doio nooo ADAMS EX Ad Bum pr du pref Ch Tl 40 80 66 67 I Theaters Maine 1300 1302 27 2b Oats: Maj' July Lard: Corn: May 16 5 3 10 U7 U2 04 19(H) 1(H) TOO 4O do do Am Limned Am Locum Am Saf Bnz Am Ship Cm Det Edison Dome Mine 8 1 new Mo 68 91 Rumania Demand Jugoslavia X'mand Sil Zone 8 Am Sng Am Bb Mg Am Can 14 4 A3 Loft Candv Lorillard do pref Lou A Nash TEN CAO Texas Com do rts Va Car Ch do pref Vlvaudou Steel do pref Utah Cop 93 102 110 35 95 93 3 16 93 94 91 98 36 Pressed do pref Third A Oil Tnb Bred Tran Oil CO 4 20 42 do do Sun do pref nt Nickel 91 1G 31 60 1 49 90 46 97 97 South do pref Stand OU du nref Stan MH Studebaker Super Oil Subm Boat 84 98 67 10 71 Barnsdall Boston Elevated Bos 1st pr 110V6 36 96 16 Am Woolen pr Am Zinc 8m do preferred Aicndinn 13 60 67 MuNam Marsh Min Mot herby do new 91 98 Jne Jne Jne Jne Jne Jne Jne May 3 5 do Owens But do pre' Pierce Oil do pref Pitts Coal Pitts pr San Ce Sug Savage A Saxon Mut 158 102 99 13 60 07 4050 5000 97 96 85 97 Stock of Record 19 59 Pan Am do Penn Penn Stl Ppo Murquet 7 99 57c 18J2 106 96 48 31 UNION OIL Union Pac Unit ruit Un Ret Stor Trod Un Rv Tnv pr Ind Ale S1MI Rubber do 1 pr 28 to 91 make Oil Oil pref Oil Ref 39 do pref do pref A Am Stl dy Am Sugar do pr Am Su Tob do pref Am do rts Am Tobnc A Wtg 1 pr A 1 Pr Anaconda do 6 pref do 7 pref ChiH Con Chino Cop ('on Candy Coru Prod do pref Cosden 37 DU 8'2 SO 66 91 do pref Ted do pref Tishr Body isk Rubber RY STL Ray Con Reading du 1 pr do 2 pr Kepiogle Rem Type Rep I A Roy Dutch Pullman Pure Co 81 29 84 96 38 68 96 102 Gen Elec Gen Motur do 6 8750 8728 100 88 89 143 13 tap 48 2JL 51 150 3 US 39 75 1945 1945 41 1 18 02 17 986 100 34 78 1D0 95 6500 6550 1 70 103 26 43 29 GS 30 3603 3t05 96 98 This gave ratlier a to the later market remained comparatively 07 13 Low 55 21 14 49 17 7 1UO 105 105 6oe 97 10 A 28 58 47 13 39 96 19 25 120 110 78 71 98 85 1 01 V3 97 10 28 96 101 102t 88 47 03 1 5 1606 1 8 16 1 10 101 61 33 34 28 37 50 98 96 01 15 16 V050 874 1 300 5900 100 12O0 30 17 40 90 14 "0 43 45 19 fi 1 oi 96 19 19 100 96 Al Ch du pref 09 34 55 82 877 878 96 95 60 190 luo 110 96 Bklyn i Gas Brown Shoa Brunswick Bums Bros But Cop A Zc But Su Cop 88 69 101 33 50 1 21 1 Vk 26Vj 5G crown) 149 at 3 5 1606 1 3 16 110 95 Yt 95 95 35 48 Sl 6 04 15 16 8736 8714 9062 9050 8722 8716 0760 306 3OO 16900 300 2300 200 76 89 09 sn 67 68:54 200 1900 5809 1(H) 200 100 200 410o 2300 100 3900 JOO SOO 2o() 200 300 200 2700 2100 1(H 1200 3100 200 4600 1600 200 200 1300 100 279k)300 300 99 68 a Asked Vid Chesa Ohio Ch Hl Pt Ch Gt pf 102 8S 100 39 5U 9376 68 78 87 75 68 101 u3 57 63 12 du pref dn pref Illinois Pipe Line Industrial Alsu Mackay Co do pref High 52 49 73' S4 101 2500 200 200 200 300 2600 200 HObt 90 60 S73O 9776 80 42 4 9: 8704 SG84 9060 8724 9754 80 78 94 80 13 60 67 8796 8704 8704 9S86 S728 105 9 16 12i 75 34 C3 13 20 14 Am do pref 73 70 20 42 8 64 4 43 52 1 7 16OS1 19 4 27 cs 136' 314 JOO 2 739 60 52 4 01 74 04 bs 6310 High 45 4854 ss' 19a 22 32 3S HI 17 7S 87 Utl S752 3 24 IkS Vi 7S sn 9752 bond Kelsey Wh Kenne Cop Keystone Kresge 8 LACK STL Laded Gas Lee Iehlgh Vai 61 60 86(H) 1400 300 100 3400 2100 8U0 9088 8752 9776 S0 14 3U 0 34 i 6 40 41 61 85 07 2 40000 13200 300 7906 100 400 G(0 300 100 loO 200 2o0 4U0 88 73 vy 101 100 84 GO 76 75 44 55 71 96 7 4 2 4 59 47 5 114 76 91 157 12 30 69 1O0100 luo Urph Cirut (Hi Elev 57 so 94 30 Island KAN SOU du pref 87 101 40 36 13 10 4' 89 37 8 10 19 20 1OO 86 Low 52 49 6S 78 87 165 1G6 28 Vi 6A 2 19 28 pref 12UO8700 300 51UO 3600 200 A BY) 3100 1 Erie do 1 07 13 45 91 50 39 4i Edison Ekctrlc Gray Davis Die hit Products Isb Roy ale1 Connor 7 101 64 46 36 76 44 do preferred Mayflower Old Col 73 88 3 6a 34 10 50 21 Swiss ri Brazil Sou Graph do pref Comp Tab Consul Cig Cons Dial Cons Gas 76 71 82 98 07 3 5 19891950 1959 Shares 615100 420100 706600 6x9227 1332700 71126900 110765486 100154411 110 36 Vs 23 scoie) 28c brats packing stock current 34 41 1 IS White Cap WdDert lukon committee of 01 503 1 5 16 06 1 3 16 4 73 01 59 Vi 36 7 81 76 3 81 6 3s 109 i 6 61 43 52 1 3C l5 95 Sales 100 1400 3100 100 100 100 106 300 3200 300 1100 100 600 38 45 67 60 35 10 150 108 103 17 0 1U 13 GO 1368 34 49 CADDO OIL Cal ('al Petrol ('al Ld Ze Cen eather do pref Cerro De Pas 43 45 27 35 58 61 REDERICK HILLMAN Counselor in Organization Manpvmcht and I'inanre President All Issues of oreign Govern ment Bonds Bought Sold and Quoted ipiidng North Star iphir Silver 49 55 inertly for aa 04 1 Yesterday Wednesday A week ago A year ago Two years ago rom January 1 A year ago iwo years 1300 7()0 200 GOU bOO 100 3 IK) 1500 900 2U0 7(M) 1900 5900 5U0 100 300 28 69 55S 1 18 Maracaibo Mex 1 ph' Mexico Oil Millwest Kef oble Third National Bank Building TeL River 4500 300 200 3900 (XX) 12700 2600 2700 1500 5900 1600 300 900 2900 3(A) 1600 200 900 100 1800 300 200 200 1800 400 145 74 96 30 bl 88 1 1U1 33 Eggs firmer gathered extra dic 1 13 Ahmeek Am Ag Chem do preferred Amoskeag Am Service du 2d pref Am SugKoHn pr Am Tel Tel vdo the 25th low record the 10 ycar report on for April 10 Sears Rovb Seneca Cup Shattuck Sh Tr Aj Sinclair Sh 8 23 69 56 72 34 Atchison dn pref At Atl cul 1030 Ycrk City 1017 47 7 1601 5 16 045910 53 16 12 160 102 100 of counterbalanced corn The Article Wheat: 4 80 02 i 395 102 75 the Southwest in particular ground notably Oklahoma and Missouri Dulls made 89 30 91 100 65 SO 105 fls 15712 3o 5 20 42 11 DECLINE QUOTED VALUES ON MARKET St do pref Liberty Loan 1917 do do do do do dolo do do do Quoted in dollars and cents per 5100 1 88 1 8 98 96 oreign Bonds 7 94 193 1 109 34 29 3 17 30 77 17 7 44 5ils cotton' but the' Mins Kir lr ohawk Nat leather Telcphdnn New Cornuliu NtpHsing North Buttn Old Colony Old Dominion Pacific Mills Pond Creek Coal Reece Buttonhole Reece olding Rutland pref Seneca Copper Simms Magneto Swift Co Swift Interna Trinity Cupper Co Tnahimne Tnlon Twist Drill Vnltecl rnis 1st pf Tnltril ruit United Shoe Mach do pref Sm Kef do prrf Utah Metal Ventura Oil Waldorf System Walworth Mfg Co Warren Bros West End St By Western Union Wolverine GA 78 S0 Calumet Arizona Calumet Hecla Carson Hill Mining Chesapeake Ohio Chi Stk 1 te pr Copper Range Davis Paly Eat Butte Eastern MfgCo 311 84 a 7 88 360 6 4 Lib 1947 4 1912 4 11'28 4th Success Mln Tone Tono Tonn Tone Tano Tuno Tono Tono 346 36 6 5 16 3 16 7 Sales 1 GUO J(X) 400 300 7u0 7(A) 400 1900 100 1900 (MX) 2 b00 300 100 400 300 300 1200 1 MH) 200 43(H) 200 1400 400 300 900 1000 ion 100 GoO 000 4(H) 6000 300 2 GOO 4435 11800 SOO loo 300 10(H) im Ref IOO Inspir Cop juu 500 1200 8(H) 10 49 IM 1 Gobi Gold Gold Great Bend Hecla Min Iron Blossom Jumbo Ex Knox Divide bl Net Close che 4 1 4j Boune Boston Ser (Teale Cushing Put 29 35 55 105 pr A West Maty du 2 pref West Pac do vref Union 5Vetjth Mfg Wh do pref White Mot White Oil Willys do pref 58 Mexican dollars 44 Ex chanRcs balances ''9 9b a b0 51 84 53 66 60 67 re 86 1591 1596 Victory 3 S' 8 10H 'aulu ex 1936 Leading Open 78 S4 536 60 67 KG Chicago May 20 Cattle receipts 4000 beef steers butcher she stock calves Stock ers and feeders steady top beef steers 930 bulk 84875 fat cows and heifers largely calves mostly S409 stockers and feeders largely G75S bulls weak to lower bulk 525(ri625 Hogs receipts 21000 generally 10c higher closing slow top 890: holdover moderate bulk pigs steady bulk desirable 8600875 Sheep receipts S000 nearly all packers di rect only few loads natives on sale: springs and best lambs steady: plher lambs 25 to 50c lower sheep 50c to $1 lower best native shorn lambs here $11 springs up to $1375 few choice light ewes early 650 bulk 525 New York May 20 Cotton goods and yams were Quieter today when advances were checked inarkpts were steady with a scattering business Small fall orders were received for silk fabrics with changeable taf fetas In good demand Denim prices were re vised to a basis of 15 cents for a re duction Sept Ribs: 8sS00 Ebp Ariz El Salvador Emma Silver Eur (Toes ur Holly ons 1944 146 r2 101 106 105 60e 98 10 i 28 Miss Riv Power do do do do do 5'ictory 5Vest receipts 33034 firsts 2324c 73 89 68 101 S4 i4 Atl ruit Atl 1 All st 1 ch BAlP IMCOlo pref Halt Oh itntop Min Both Sil do 7 Pr 571J so' 30 60 51 61 74 61 68 88 63 PS HOU 1 101 du General Eire dob do 1949 GeoriHa Carolina Goodyear Tire Ac Erniwl 'Trunk Gerat Northern 1st A do 7's 1036 1 Pnrifie It 193(1 Hudson A Man 1st inc 5 1957 du funding 1957 11 60 54 83 61 66 67 73 76 8U 100 86 67 1 6SK 62 Ppnt 78 10 dn rhlnment white 50c Lard easy Middle Weat $960 OGO Cottonseed oil ateady prime crude $535 prime summer yollv spot 710 July7 33 September 7 GO December 778 all bld Other art ides unchanged The raw sugar market was steady and un changed at 502 for centrifugal There were sales estimated at 25000 bags of Porto Ricos to local refiners at 502 for centrifugal No sales of Cuba a were reported nor any an nouncement made by the committee Raw sugar futures were steadier early on covering and trade buying but after advancing som 2 to 11 points prices reacted under renewed liquidation owing to reports of increased of ferings in the snot market with final prices three to four points net lower May closed at 353 July at 359 September at 365 and December Rt 335 all bid In refined there wrs a reduction 10 points in soft grades by one of the local refiners but otherwise no changes occurred with fine granulated still Gs 1029 New York May 20 Butter easier receipts laiid creamery juyuer iuau extras uc extras tuu score) 24(27 1 53 120 140 13 60 A HUBBARD Mgr 289 Main St Opp Established 1901 43 1 no 59 94 47 98 98 75 1 53 120 71 43 4700 4750 pr rupee) 2551 101 105 105 iuic 9b Yokohama I lemanil Cables Hunekonir mar 593: Demand 4050 Cables 5050 Shanghai (par 8238 cents per tael) Demand (2500 Cables (550 Mexican dollars (at Shanghai) Demand 4700 Cables 4750 Calcutta (1913 average 3244 cents Demand Cables 290 75 29J Tovn much too gossip that Russia had been buying wheat at Liverpool and was in the market for more Inas much as under normal conditions Great Britain would be obtaining sup plies from Russia instead of shipping to that country the inference was that continued export demand for United States wheat would remain an import ant factor With such an outlook the market developed strength up to the last closing at practically the topmost level of the day that corn receipts here would show a decided increase next week tended to weaken the corn market On the other hand reiorts indicated that the condition of oats is below the average for this time of the year In the provision market the effect higher quotations on nogs Mas by the weakness or Ohio railway Linseed common July 1 July 1 July 1 Julv 1 $8 fa Jne 30 qu Jne 15 101 39 75QS5 A best ch rd 1:1 wo i 105 104 Ji 6 10 100 Ac holy Hub HHO 101 or 90 whole was regarded as strengthening the nrosnect addition about 3000000 balsa tiie end season carry over Eurepaanr nort stocks of American showed a decrease for the week there was a slight increase in stock at Liverpool London money 47 Beers 10 silver 33 1 per cent bills bill 300 10100 3600 29Hj 2300 100 200 21 mi 19(M 5900 Allied Ain A 8t Lou San ran adj do inc 6 WOO do prior hen ter A 1050 do per 1950 St Lou cons 1932 do uni 1952 St Paul 1933 San An de Aransas Pass 4 43 Seaboard Air Line fund 1959 dn adj 5a 1949 do Ser A (945 Sinclair Oil 11'25 Southern Pac 1949 do conv 1929 do do do 96 99 98 95 96 47 98 99 75 99 6 8 84 Convertible at the option of the bolder at par for par from July 1923 to July 1931 inclusive into the Cumulative qco slock Debentures will be the direct obligations of the Duquesne Chesapeake a a nltnffAther fArMluutowed hv merit of the Hooking Valley railway dividend Rails as group lost 1 to 3 points find oils of the better class yielded as much with more severe losses in obscure issues and steels equip ments motors and utilities were low er by 1 to 4 points with a varied assortment of miscellaneous stocks minimum prices being registered in the active dealings of the last hour Sales amounted to 050000 shares Brokers reporuu moie usual demand for call i nn the exchange but in market this quotation was per cent Long time paper held at per cent save the prime wnmaa 11114 rnnv 26 deb 4'8 1031 fund Stl 35 in 58 Moody Bros Co Third National Bank Bldg Tel River 770 nn54 H942 SO eq 4 Vs 5s l3 4 Wy Syn ctfn do r's ctfs I'r do If do 20 vtnr 5'j's Tl ot Brazil 11'42 of Mexico 10o4 do 5's i into community in which they are located and to the conn 109 IP 54 'is ar Eastern Rutef (par 498 cents per yen) 4J)UU 4825 cents per dollar) (' 34 5 16 1 i 01 0151 45 19 10 1 0702 fresh firsts 21 slate Pennsylvania and nearbv western hennery whites firsts to extras 28fcg33c brown extras 29(30c lurwn gild mixed colors firsts to extras storage packed extra firsts 2526r firsts Potatoes steady southern bbl $33 Cabbages quiet prices unchanged lour firm: spring patents S609 spring clears suit winter straights 725: hard winter straights 85o(g9 Wheat strong No 2 rod $177 No 2 hard $180 aid No 2 mixed durum 168 1 track Vork to arrive and No 1 Manitoba 192 track last half May shipment Corn easy No 2 yellow and No 2 white and No 2 mixed 78 I New York f'pot RtPRuy An utures at Chicago High 7S 98 79 92 listed at 630 to 660 and a little better in quiry noted Refined futures were easy and closing prices 5 to 10 points net lower al though the volume of business was small con sisting of only one lot of September at 633 Closing bids: July August and September 630 and October 625 There was sme switching from May to later months in the market for coffee futures today but otherwise no trading features de veloped beyond a httle scattering liquida tion This was probably promoted by rather disappointing Brasilian cables and after opening at a decline of one to two points the market closed net unchanged to four points lower July sold at 590 May 571 July 589 September 628 October G43: December 675 January (585 March 705 Spot coffee dull Rio Ge Chesapeake Ohio lay 20 Consols for Grand Trunk De Rand mines bar net ounce: money Discount rates short cent three months per cent Mergenthaler Linotype Go A Brooklyn May 17 1921 DIVIDEND JO2 A regular quarterly dividend of per cont on the capital stock of Mergenthaler Linotype Company will be paid on June 3d 1921 to the stockholders of record as theynnear at the close of business on June 4 921 The Transfer Books will not be closed JOS MACKEY Treasurer same discouraging factors served as restraining influ Elk do rights Enuri'h Oil Eug etroi ederal Oil Glenrock Oil Guffey Gil Hudson Oil 13 5 16 80 Powr 1943 Tex jars cons of increased offerings and prices laid or scattered selling oi improving weather condi tions in the belt July sold off from J30S at the high point of Wednesday to 3252 during early trad ing but the bidding around the ring showed the presence of a trade de mand at the level presumably io fix prices steadier tone but trading i quiet with much of it attributed to evening up of acounts pending fur ther crop developments or the out come of British labor troubles ing partly to Whitsuntide holidays the Liverrool market has shown no special animation or feature during the week and comparatively few rders have been received here from that source Advices from London indicate better prospects for a settle ment of the coal strike next week but there Is a threat of labor troubles in Lancashire over the proposed re duction of 30 per cent in wages Operative spinners aro said to have voted against acceptance of the cut and card room workers are expected to take similar action Meanwhile reports from the domestic goeds trade have shown an increased volume of business with all River sales of print cloths for the week estimated at ISO 000 pieces and scattering re OH A Co 7 41 1 2 1 do Omar l'rol Red oil Simms lft Skelly oil Tex fe Uh Royalty Tn Tex Oil Vic Oil new Oil Gulf Oi! Humble OH Keiu ot an Ami Srs Roe do Anae 1 A A Oii Armour is'th Chi Con do Cons Cons 16 01 5 16 01 Chi Chili st Tonls 1929 Col Southern 1935 niiol (r conv 7 Cubnn Am Sugar R'e 1931 Cuba Cane Sng deb 1930 Cuba 1st mtg gon 5's Dcla Hudson fund 4'8 1913 Under the Supervision of the Government Tifft Brothers Members of New York Slock Exchange Third National Bank Building Springfield Mass 101 bl 34 1 25C2 Other Argentina (par 4245 cent per paper Spot 3125 Brazil (cents per mllrela) Demand 1387 Uruguay (par 10342 per peao) 1 temand 6900 6 York Railwaytf 1942 Telephone 4 1939 5 1919 Bns 46 6 West div 1 cv 1929 erii Pacific iln Ci 1997 do ref and imp 2047 wool marketing arowan (Utah) growers today an nounced the sale of more than 50000 ileeces approximately 500000 pounds of wool to a Philadelphia company at 17 cents a pound The same buyers are reported to have bought the wool last year for 63 cents Argentine 5s 1915 Kingdom of Belgium 1911 Republic of Chili 8s 1911 Danish Municipal 8s 1916 800 Republic of rance 8s 19 la United Kingdom SlAs 1929 700 Dominion of Canada Sljs 1926 700 TIipca Light Company and will be followed by its $5763300 7 Pre ferred Stock and by $18226000 Common Stock (paying 8 dividends) We recommend these debentures for investment ss i 47 1 7i 13 Cti Am Su Cub Cane Su do pref DAVIDSON n4 A Hud 9V0 Den A pt 56 400 1st 1947 2d 1942 3d 1928 3 5 2(1 143 In Encouraging the Practice of Thrift through their Sav ings Department 2HK 2W rG 7314 3 3 interl oroiigli Met ro 19511 nterborongh fund 191 Mcr 1941 Kmisns City Southern 1030 7's 7 Boston 20 The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: demand for ool has been within restricted compass during the past week but sufficient business has been doneto keep prices fairly steady manufacturers taking wool with mod eration having fair stocks on hand are becoming more gen eral in the West buying to a moderate extent having been done in Texas this week at 16 to 20 cents which means clean landed costs Boston of 50 to 60 cents depending upon th wool government has cut the offer ing of low wools to be sold here the oth in halt the 3000000 pounds The Commercial will publish wool iotvs: Ohio nnd Penusylvnnln fleeces Petains un wasnea au(n4ie line blood comb'ng 31432 A il I rrn nnd X'zats unwashed 3G3Sc fine unwashed 3031 blood unwashed 30031 blood unwanbM 2728 blood unwashed 27423 Wisconsin Missouri and average New Eng land bl nod blood 25(328 Lined 237'25 Kentucky West Virginia and unwashed 2930c unwashed 28 29 Scoured basis: Texas ine 12 month! 65 Ci 75c fine eight months 5055 California Northern 70tfi75c middle county GSfoGb svurhern Oregon Eastern No 1 eta pie 897S5c east ern clothing G3(it63f valley 1 654(70 Territory staple choice blood cnmblng 7075c hlood romblnr 83 55 blood combine 4245 fine sna fine nioflinm clothing 63(5JS' Pulled Delaine ojtfJOOc A A sutlers 70 Mohairs Rest combing 27(g3Gc conv 5's 1934 funding 1955 4'8 1956 1004 Stand Oil of deb 7's Third Avenue 4's 1960 do adj 1960 do 0'8 1937 Tidewater Oil 68' 1031 Union 4's 1947 do conv 4's 1927 do funding do lU yenr G's 1928 ri rr i 1 111 Oil LHUK I Hi 4 UMU Vnit ot (i ctf 1027 Rubber 1947 do 1 notes 1923 do 1930 Steel refund 1963 Utah Bower 1911 Virg1nia Chem 193 Virginia Railway J0G2 Western Maryland 1952 West Pac series A 1946 West Shore 2361 rbtinghouse 7 1 1931 Wilson 1st 1941 oreign Bonds 1 A3 1 15 15 4 itj 10 10 65 unwashed 30 32 hj bloou combing 28 York fleeces Delaine Reactions Majority of the Popular Is sues Money Rates Tight New York May DeTWWWtton quoted values in the stock market made further substantial progress to day Reactions encompassed a ma jority of the popular issues the only exceptions being a few specialties protected uy uun puihb Tne wh ences in the preceding days of the nrn I Mr CTfl 1 Tl werft UC1U upciunru eAfej among these were the continued tightness of money rates and addi tional dividend suspensions In the class were included Chesapeake American first named incident seemed to oc casion much surprise the stock mak ing an extreme decline of six points on heavy offerings Among observers of transportation conditions however the action of the directors was reguvucu logical having been aeier 101i 1930 04 40 1 59 '35 102 SU 100 30i Midway Min Mix Mun Re Conti United Ett S(W) 1990 1200 1200 2200 3 IKK) GOO 300 5100 241(H) 2(H) ItM) 5100 200 6(M) 1(H) 100 113(H) 300 400 3600 xn 500 Coca Cola 100 Col A Ir 3(H) 100 41HK) 7(H) 2(H) 1(H) 2(H) 10(H) IHlO 500 2(H) 1(H) 9 non L0O0 Urax Carp 34 RK) CrucStl 4 I 1 900 700 European Rates Yesterday Thursday Sterling (par $486 per sov Dt mund Cables? Bankers 60 days do 90 days Commercial 00 days du 90 days rance (par 193 cent per Demand Cables Italy (par 193 cents per I Demand ('nhlos Belgium (par 193 cents per franc) Demand 873 Cables 87 1 Switzerland (par 193 cents per franc) Demand 18 Ou Cables 1802 Holland (par 402 cents per florin) Demand 35 9h Cnblen 3600 Germany (par 238 cents per mark) Demand lt6 Cables 167 Austria (par 203 cents per crown) Demand 26 Cables 27 Greece (par 193 cents per diachma) Demand 556 Sweden (par 268 cents per krone) leniand 2360 Cables 2365 Norway (par 268 cents per krone Demand 1595 Cables 1600 Denmark (par 268 cents per krone' Demand 1815 Cables 18 20 Spain (par 193 cents per peseta) Demand 1350 Cables 1352 Hungary (par 203 centa upf crown) Demand 5G Slovakia (par 203 cents per Demand 1 50 Poland (par 238 cents per mark) Demand 12 it land (par 2383 cents per mark) Zlb (par 193 cents per leu) 170 (par 203 cents per crown) Salt Lako City Utah May The the Net Clow 55 21 140 10 4ft 53 26 New Ycrk May 20 Early week advances in the cotton market were checked by reports southern i eacted under realizing 61 61 1931 68 xno I'XDI JOIIN 50) Erie 100 do 1st pref 100 do 2d pref 1953 195: 67 67 01 61 93 99 101 fund 1934 66 5t I 1930 S3 ('upper 15 yr 1932 76 1923 95 89 74 1925 101 101 84 G9 76 3700 1'AM TLAY r(M 100 )00 8)O 7(10 1200 Tx 100 27600 Gen Asphalt 1200 9600 roo 1IM) 2H) 14(H) 7(H) 500 do 1300 Gulf St Stl 800 HAS 100 1600 2 DUO JOO Telephone and Telegraph Co Chicago May 20 Soaring priceg to day for wheat resulted largely from bullish crop conditions both West and Southwest The market closed strong at 3 to net higher with May lr9i to 159 and July 123 to 121 Corn finished unchanged to 7sC lower oats gained fac to and provisions lost 2c to 5c rom the outset bulls had the ad vantage in the wheat market It ap peared to be generally admitted that the winter crop had suiTered material injury joint 1921 995 jojnt ret? 994C HI div 1949 80 Mil St 1989 59 A Tub coup Light Ch 111 i do pre Chi Nipple rtH Bmp ood Alden 1 Garland Inter Rubber Perfee Tire Radio ref do pl rts Hout I) CAI Sweets Co I enn do pr rs 79 29 27 1 3s Cep I I Belgium gold notes U's 1925 do external 1945 do external IlrnrH Suu external 8's 1941 Chinese rets 1951 Danish 8 ext A 1946 do 8 8 ext 1946 Denmark 1915 Denmark Copenhagen 5 44 Duinlnhin of Canada 1921 do 5'8 1926 do 10 yr notes 1929 do 5's 1931 rance Lyons 1934 rance Paris 1921 rench Government 191) Japan 1931 do 1st 4s IV mb inn? Norway Norway Bergen 194) 6 Norway Chrtinnlu IWi isSweden U'110 A Swiizerlaixl 8's I'l Ml Switzerland Bente JIR 1b Uli 13 1G New York May 20 tomor row will say: With no general departure from the policy ot restricted buying a full rclleetion of the factors making for better business is still larking Con fidence in the future although in creasing not lead to vigorous action the main attitude continuing one of hesitation while unseasonably tool weather has tended to impede progress other conditions are even more influential most interests await ing an extension of the industrial re adjustments and a further lessening of price uncertainties The move ment toward settled markets is well defined in some channels where more than a year of deflation as brought relatively low prices but stability is yet to be attained in vari ous quarters and Important commit ments are being deferred wherever possible Despite the various unsat isfactory features however there is more basis for encouragcm nt in the general outlook The easing of the monetary tension as disclosed by the reduction of discount at sev niarks a con 120 nn 60 1 150 1 14 14 foil il 57 11 3 53 1 34 1 ilo 195 Kansan City Term 1st I960 Kelly Springflbld Tire 1931 Tivkawanna Steel 5'8 1950 Ijike Hhure 1928 Iggett Myers 1951 du 1914 Leng Island 1935 Iorillnrd Company 1951 Mex Pet of Dfl conv 1036 Midvale Stl Ord cv 5's 1936 Minn St 1 A 8te 48 1938 Tdissouri Kan A Tex Missouri Pac 1975 Montana New New do do do do do New 10 14 1 08 0919 2 9 1604 15 1661or 160 56 10 38 lour To ship from the mills Bos ton common rate points in sacks new spring patenls apccinl 8in25ll25 spring patents iuudard $8751025 hard winter patents $850(010 winter patents $bo(t492 soft winter straights 7((77u soft wiutet clears $6 257 rye flour white patents $bo Ship al1 rail No 2 yellow 82(283c No 3 velluw bubble cake and rai No 2 yel low 81feS2c No 3 yellow 8Ufe81c Carlots spot vr nearby none offered transit and prompt delivery fancy 40 53fe54c new fancy 38 to 40 lbs 53fe54c regular 38 lbs 52 53c 34 to 36 lbs 51fe5c cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated $2 bolt ed $195 feeding $165 cracked corn $lGu cream of maize $4 oatmeal roneu 8 vur and ground S3 80 No 1 timothy J32JZ34 2 timothy S2tfe30: No 1 eastern No 2 eastern S2li(fi27: No 3 hay J2520 clover mixed (si2U fine hay rye straw 26 oat straw $17 Millfeed Spring bran ater bran $27(1129 middling 12450630 mixed feed S2b red dog J31 gluten feed $3o hoininy feed $3125 stork feed $31: oat hulls $lo cottonseed meal White The American Sugar Reflniug coinpanr quotes MtiOe for refined sugar witn its usual 2 per cent in seven days Peans New York and Michigan peas 5W 551 white California $5 50(t575 green peas S45O(t 5 Japanese peas 1505 dried hma $750618 yellow eyes $950feil0 red kidnejs Table 2C02Tc fancy 25126c pastry cake making and bread making nut margarine 23fe24c Pork provisions Backs nnd short 'Ots heavy $275 backs and short cuts medium S2G754J 2873 long cuts $3025 lean cuts $3125 lean pork $2325U22: loose salt pork fresh ribs shoulders corned ISUc shoulders smoked 150 shoulders fresh '4c hams skinned 234 33c regular cooked 40 4Uc bacon brisket bologna 16c frankfurts 1149 22c fresh snusnge 18k44J30c sausage meat bags 22c pressed cooked meat pork trimmings 14c raw leaf lard 1314c rendered lenf 1314c pure lard 111' country dressed hogs llU12e small little pigs 3 al Northern and eastern dry packed fowls choice large 40c: fowls medium Jjlii 3hc broilers 50c pigeons native per dos $3504 squabs western boxes 38W 39c fowls 414 lbs and up 3sc 4 lbs up 88c under 4 lbs 3235c: western frozen roastens 5 lbs up 40U42C lbs up 4 Ills up 37g33c chickens 3 up to 3j4 broilers 3034c fowls 5 lbs up B8c 4 lbs 3536c 4 lbs 33ii3'c 3 to 3 lbs 29a 31c native ducklings 2S(g30c Live Eowl liGue broilers 0c ancy northern creumery tubs 8iti ff13c fancy northern creamery boxes 3 'a 33c fancy northern creamery prints 3 Slode fancy western creamery tubs 31fe32c western creamery good to choice 30fe31c western fair to gnod 2b6i29c ancy hennery 44fel5c choice ern fresh western prime firsts 31fe! 32c fresh western firsts 8fe3oe New York twins fancy 2S30c New York twins fair to good 2527c new IS fe2oc Youdk America new IftJOc Beef aides 1516c hinds fores lOfellc cows 13(il4c lambs 3 2hc vearilncs 18(Jj20c mutton 157 Inc 10620c: genuine spring lambs $10'al4 earn Apples $175fe350 bu $1 to $8 (some $9) bbl western box $25067 350 some $4 bananas 76jSc ll lemons $350 Rnges California navel $4'2650 lorida $50 7 ert grapefruit $767 8 ert strawberries 2ofe 30c qt box pineapples $4fe6 ert Vegetables Asparagus native $60950 1xx (3 doz) Jersey $450fe5 doz beans green and Wax $8fer4IU PSKt carrots carrots 0l75Ca celery cumbers (ti 550 50fe75c lxx greens Un Ret Gn 7 Standard Oil Stocks Ohio Oil 290 Onf Ind 75 Vacuum Oil 295 Independent Oil Stocks nil 07 hi 53 1 45 1 65 58 Gold 1 Domestic Bonds 40 7 95 dt pref Int liar 1(H) In Mut Trk l()i do 1 pr IS 6(H) Int Puper 6(H) Ju Mei Mar 7U0 GOO 1100 4600 2400 400 4200 Kel Spring 1931 102 47i 32 78 I i 94 83 75 9S 100 (PITTSBURGH) if(een Year 7 Convertible Gold Debentures Due July 1 1936 Interest payable January 1 and July 1 in New "lork Call able in blocks of not less than $500000 at 107 and interest to and including July 1 1922 thereafter at a premium becoming of 1 less for each year of expired life Coupon Debentures of $1000 and $500 denominations registerable as to principal The Chase National Bank of the City of New York Trustee THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY MAY 21 1921 Cities Service Co Bankers Shares Net 11 At Today's Market All older promptly executed Oregon Railway 6's 1916 Oregon Hash icy Packard Mctor Penn ctf do 1936 do 7's HB0 Gas 5s 1947 Pcori i AEastern 1st Pen Marquette 1956 Philadelphia Co conv Providence Securities Rending 4s 1997 ilo Ipc On rol 48 1951 Republic iron Steel 1940 Rio Grande West col tr 49 Rock Island Ark 4s 34 St Lou A Iron Moy 190 do So A 1933 dn 1931 St Peoria A 48 86 6800 Clilli (par 3654) cents per 'paper peeo) Demand 1225 1212 Canada (cents per Canadian dollar) Demand 8955 cut ports have reached the trade of in creased mill activity The enect or these advices however has been off set by the British labor situation and more latterly by the improvement in southern growing conditions The weekly report of the weather bureau was less unfavorable than anticipated and with a continuation of good weather traders anticipate some change of sentiment as to the prob able showing of the first government crop report for the season This is to be published on June 2 and will give the condition as or compared with 624 the of last year and i average The census sunnly and distribution showed a smaller domestic consump tion than anticipated but on the than the money all vzhfch was placed at 7 per cent me open shaded to loans and GM to 7 collateral Uvohnnfre on London Paris and other important centers eased slightly from recent high levels Junior bonds of the various rail roads suffered a setback with Chesa peake A Ohio convertible 5s and trac tions also Jost ground Liberty issues closed at normal gains but most or the foreign war flotations showed further irregularity Total sales (par value) aggregated $10400000 inal prices of Liberty bonds were: S3 12 first 8720 bld second 8712: first 8744: second 8720 third 9072: fourth 8730 Victory 9790 Vic tory 0772 Prime mercantile paper 6 (7 i ex change heavy Sterling fiO day bills and commercial GO day bills on banks 395 commercial GO day bills 394 demand 309 cables 40014 rancs demand 873 cables 885 Belgian francs demand 872 cables S74 Guilders demand 35 S3 cables 3505 Lire demand 550 cables 553 Marks demand 106 cables 1G7 Greece de mand 540 Argentine demand 3150 Prazillsn demand 13S7 Montreal 10 Per cent discount Time loans steady GO days 90 days six months GVj per cent Call money firm 7 per cent Bank acceptances 5 Bar silver domestic 90 for CorporatA Honda Adams Express 1 92 Albany Sui que Us American Oil 5 1931 47i Ab Smelt A Re or A 76 Am Tul A Tel con 1936 71 Vj do 1946 2 do conv 192u AA Atchison adjust bla 199u do general 1995 7 Atlantic Oast Line 1952 76 1930 Atlantic ruit cv 1934 Atlantic A Refin Baltimore Ohio do du do A Holl Bethlehem Steel tin) inndinir renters structive development and a mndlfl raiinn of the depression in foreign vxchunge rates is also helpful do 1030 Den A Rio Grande 4 du fund 1955 Detroit United Diamond Match a liimiipRiift Iizht 1949 de i umi convertibles A 1953 convertibles 1953 1953 general 4s 1959 1951 Gas El lu i'' 1942 trolytic spot and nearby 13 futures 13 1394 Tin firm spot and nearby 3350 futures rr riminnl N'n 9 Mmithorn 2l6r22 Jeatt HU'ilUV nuv sjMiv Auov Louis delivery tpot 485(490 Antimony spot Insurance Company Cash Capital $250000000 This Local Institution Is The Largest ire Insurance Company Chartered by the State of Massachusetts SPRINGIELD AGENTS OPPENHEIMER IELD Worthington BuUding Opposite Post office Mining Stocks Alas rr Col 7 16 Atlanta 01 Big Ledge Booth Bus Mon Gated Min Cul A Jerome Candeiaria Cortez Silver Cresson Gold orlor Bundle beets old $l25fel75 bn (a 250 box bunch new 6600c 50 box punch new bgiw lorida $250 do? bunches cu $15O6i 050 box eggplant $450 cae (lorida) greens dandelions bninach nssr neec Sl502: lettuce hothouse box California $475(ffi550 ert: mush rooms $150fe2 box onions yellow valley $125 bag Texas $150185 ert peppers $4 5061 650 ert (lorida) potatoes old Slfa 125 bag (100 lbs) new lorida $450850 bbl bweet S2756J3 bkt parsnips $225 6t350 radishes box rhu barbA nativo 25 box squash summer $3fe ert or bskt (southern)): tomatoes hot house 25fe35c lb bouthrm $2 15O ert re packs generally $1 more turnips yellow $250 fe3 bu box: green peas $5550 bskt Georgia peaches $2fe4 bskt carrier water melons 50fe75c each 1 1997 1098 1942 193 4 1935 Company Rate Payable Am Linseed pr li qu Assoc Drv Good) 1 tu Amr do 1st pr 1 qu hept 1 do 2d pr 14 qu Sept 1 CflwsebrcHiffh Mfg $350 qu Jne 30 do pref $loqnJne Mob Hir it ji sa ities service ai7o do stock 1 in 71 89 3 41 f4 Tel of Penn 1945 103 1 U3b i 'j fundincr 1942 S3 Brooklyn Raid Trau 5 1945 2G dn ci 11(21 43 Rush Terminal bldg 1060 Can Northern Ry 19 10 101 Central of Georgia 1929 $8 Central Leather 1125 89 Central 1 NEW ENGLAND AUDIT CO Springfield New York Boston York May 20 Copper firm elec spnt and nearby 13 futures 13 Iron nominal No 2 southern snot inc nuier raBi ni Encompassed In HlHii I I I III i II lii I I I rP I I I CORNER MAIN AND BRIDGE 0 Low La tos 1 1 "i 1 1 bi) bO JM a 41 41 13' 33 'A ilu G't Sil 30 H'4 3 1 li 81L li's 3l 4 3u li I'i ii im 100 MANATI SU 68 18 68 200 Marl Oil 21 21 21 300 43U 43 43 Vi 200 Mar St By IT4 314 3 00 do 3 pr 7 7 7 100 Max Motor 54 6V 100 do 1 pr 6 14 6M loo do Ct I 14 114 loo da 1 pr 644 rV6 100 MaxOhal 14 14 14 I 300 nat uisn iioK i 115 W10 Nat 0 4 2 14 0400 Nat I 54 SO 51 3 30 It 2 pr 5'i 5 5 Nev 124 32 12 'i 600 I' Air 70 llb 69 lToo Nl'Cent 70 tn dsoo NY Hock 3 314 35 2600 NY Nil I'Hj 1S I' i 300 isu 13 IL 1100 West flS4 1 100 do prof 65U 65i 300 North Ain i0 CO liO 1290) North Pae 72 70 2 3co No Sco su 35 S1L 3144 14 59 00 4 57'4 5854 034 61 622 63 4:1 37b 37' 4 36 3G 4b 3S4 39 38 38 075 077 065 065 1010 1010 11051) 0 75 077 975 9901) 1005 1011 1951) 1030 1033 1020 1027 354 361 6 vl ir 1 2 1 30 4 5 21 21 13 13 9 9 12 12 39 3ft bO KO 60 60 4 4 27 27 C5 65 7 is 102 103 15 a 154 4 I "4 104 10 G5 G5 165 165 13 15 13 13 3 3 19 19 17 17 7 7 97 25 25 1 55c 57c 18 lh 43 4 rereign) 390 400 4(M) 401 39511 395 304 391 394 394 303 393 franc) b74 877 873 878 lira) 556 557 557 557.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

In 1777, Springfield's location at numerous crossroads led George Washington and Henry Knox to establish the United States' National Armory at Springfield, which produced the first American musket in 1794, and later the famous Springfield rifle.

What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Is Springfield Massachusetts a good place to live? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What is the ethnic breakdown of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2021, there were 1.2 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (45k people) in Springfield, MA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 37.4k White (Hispanic) and 28.3k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

With a crime rate of 33 per one thousand residents, Springfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 31.

Is Springfield Massachusetts a small town? ›

Springfield is the third largest city in Massachusetts after Boston and Worcester and has the plusses and minuses you'd expect in a city.

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Why is Springfield MA called the city of Homes? ›

“Springfield is known as the 'City of Homes,' with its big grand Victorians, hence the name. This is my community, I fell in love with it. I live in McKnight, which is one of the oldest planned residential neighborhoods in the country.”

Why is Springfield Massachusetts important? ›

The city of Springfield, Massachusetts has a history of contributing to America's military efforts, including World War II. Designated by George Washington, the Springfield Armory is the United States's first national armory. It produced several models of rifles during World War II.

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

Scranton-based Times-Shamrock Communications, which bought the Republican Herald in 2003, sold its newspapers to Colorado-based MediaNews Group in August.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.